destroyers captains game (sfbol) archive campaign/destroy… · destroyers captains game (sfbol)...

Destroyers Captains Game (SFBOL) Archive By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Sunday, November 08, 2009 - 05:30 am: Edit The Master's grow weary and Lord Arioch thirsts for more blood. To satisfy them, a tournament of destroyers will be held... 1. The Format: This will be a "round-robin" tournament similar to that used in past "Flying Deuces" tourneys. There will be five rounds. All players will play in every round (no one is eliminated). So all players will play at least 5 games. First round pairings will be random. In subsequent rounds, opponents with similar records will be matched against each other. Civil Wars will be avoided if at all possible, and every effort will be made to insure that each player faces a variety of opposing ships. Each round will last approximately one month. Start dates for each round will be announced here. If for some reason a Captain is unable to continue playing in the tournament, it is considered to be very good form to let SWO_Daddy (a.k.a. Jeremy Gray) and your opponent know rather than just disappearing. Players should make a good faith effort to schedule games by e-mail and cc the Tournament coordinator. In the event of a no show, the non-communicating player will be awarded a loss and will be dropped from the tournament. The Masters will be most displeased. 2. The Rules: Full COMMANDER'S LEVEL RULES (A3.15) will be in play. No OPTIONAL RULES will be used. 3. The Ships: Each player will select 1 size class 4 ship with a move cost of 0.5 or less and with a BPV of 110 points or less. Commander's Options, Drone Speed upgrades and special warheads, XP refits, etc are included in the BPV. Fighters, Interceptors, and PFs may be purchased along with a ship capable of carrying them, but the total force BPV must not exceed 110. Only one ship of any particular type will be allowed (the Master's love variety). Ship selection will be announced publically, but commander's options will be selected secretly before each scenario (they may be changed between scenarios). If a particular ship type has already been taken, pick something else! Ships may come from any published SFB module and must be available of SFBOL. Captain's Log, Starletter, Star Fleet Times, or Unofficial ships are prohibited. 4. The Scenario: NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 INITIAL SET UP: Ship A: Setup in 1701, heading D, speed max, WS-II. Ship A: Setup in 2530, heading A, speed max, WS-II. YEAR: Y200 LENGTH OF SCENARIO: The scenario continues until all forces belonging to one side have been destroyed or captured.

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Destroyers Captains Game (SFBOL) Archive

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Sunday, November 08, 2009 - 05:30 am: Edit

The Master's grow weary and Lord Arioch thirsts for more blood. To satisfy them, a tournament of destroyers will be held...

1. The Format: This will be a "round-robin" tournament similar to that used in past "Flying Deuces" tourneys. There will be five rounds. All players will play in every round (no one is eliminated). So all players will play at least 5 games. First round pairings will be random. In subsequent rounds, opponents with similar records will be matched against each other. Civil Wars will be avoided if at all possible, and every effort will be made to insure that each player faces a variety of opposing ships. Each round will last approximately one month. Start dates for each round will be announced here.

If for some reason a Captain is unable to continue playing in the tournament, it is considered to be very good form to let SWO_Daddy (a.k.a. Jeremy Gray) and your opponent know rather than just disappearing. Players should make a good faith effort to schedule games by e-mail and cc the Tournament coordinator. In the event of a no show, the non-communicating player will be awarded a loss and will be dropped from the tournament. The Masters will be most displeased.

2. The Rules: Full COMMANDER'S LEVEL RULES (A3.15) will be in play. No OPTIONAL RULES will be used.

3. The Ships: Each player will select 1 size class 4 ship with a move cost of 0.5 or less and with a BPV of 110 points or less. Commander's Options, Drone Speed upgrades and special warheads, XP refits, etc are included in the BPV. Fighters, Interceptors, and PFs may be purchased along with a ship capable of carrying them, but the total force BPV must not exceed 110. Only one ship of any particular type will be allowed (the Master's love variety). Ship selection will be announced publically, but commander's options will be selected secretly before each scenario (they may be changed between scenarios). If a particular ship type has already been taken, pick something else!

Ships may come from any published SFB module and must be available of SFBOL. Captain's Log, Starletter, Star Fleet Times, or Unofficial ships are prohibited.

4. The Scenario: NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 INITIAL SET UP: Ship A: Setup in 1701, heading D, speed max, WS-II. Ship A: Setup in 2530, heading A, speed max, WS-II. YEAR: Y200 LENGTH OF SCENARIO: The scenario continues until all forces belonging to one side have been destroyed or captured.

MAP: The map is fixed. It does not float, and is surrounded by a tournament barrier (P17.0). Disengagement is not possible by any means. Fight to the death.

5. Sign-ups: Sign up by posting here with the following information:

A. SFBOL Callsign B. Empire C. Ship selection (BPV) - include any refits, weapons in option mounts, fighters, interceptors, or PFs purchased. D. Points remaining for Commander's Options, Drone Speed Upgrades, or Special Warheads. E. Any pre-tourney trash talk...Lord Arioch loves antagonism!

6. Sign-up are due not later than 24 Nov 09. The First Round will begin on 30 Nov 09.

By Carl-Magnus Carlsson (Hardcore) on Sunday, November 08, 2009 - 12:18 pm: Edit

You say nothing about X-ships? I am thinking of picking the SEX.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Sunday, November 08, 2009 - 12:20 pm: Edit

X-ships are fair game, assuming they meet the other requirements. Not many come in under 110 BPV, but they are out there.

By Carl-Magnus Carlsson (Hardcore) on Sunday, November 08, 2009 - 01:23 pm: Edit

K, in that case a SEX with sabots for me please. Should be 105 plus 2 pts IIRC. the rest will be extra BPs.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, November 08, 2009 - 01:47 pm: Edit


All X-ships include Sabots in their BPV.

You should probably sign up using the format Jeremy asked for also. Also, COI points need not be allocated until you get your matchup. ;)

I'm in, but need to pick a ship.

By Carl-Magnus Carlsson (Hardcore) on Sunday, November 08, 2009 - 03:47 pm: Edit

Hardcore Romulan SEX 105 pts 5pts leftover Trashtalk? I lost to Kzindog today. Maybe I should change name to Roadkill...

By Ken Burnside (Ken_Burnside) on Sunday, November 08, 2009 - 04:10 pm: Edit


Federation DER 96 BPV XP Refits for Phaser 1s - 4 BPV XP Refits for Battery - 4 BPV

6 BPV remaining for purchase of drones.

Smack Talk: "Behold, the power of CHEEEEESE!"

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Sunday, November 08, 2009 - 10:22 pm: Edit

Two picks, two players.

An SEX and a DER.

Once again, we have proven why ADB published S8.0. And why players in this game continually try to twist and break it.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Monday, November 09, 2009 - 12:29 am: Edit

Rich, two players, two picks, within the rules I gave them.

At 110 BPV, Y200, XP refits on the table, there are a lot of ships superior to both. The DER and SEX are not weak picks, but I can think of several others that, in my opinion, are far more potent at that BPV.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Monday, November 09, 2009 - 01:23 am: Edit

Forget Better, I want to have FUN.

Now I'm torn between the Iridani Caravel w/Weapon's Module, the Frax Submarine Destroyer or one of the Magellenic Destroyers.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, November 09, 2009 - 02:04 am: Edit

Purple_Drazi Romulan BHR 88 BPV XP refit 2xPL-G to 2xPL-S (6) XP Sabot refit (4) XP fire control (2) XP refit for 2xBTTY (4) XP refit for 4xPh-1 (4) XP shields (2) 110 on the nose.

Fresh from "Pimp My Ride" and ready to rock.

By Carl-Magnus Carlsson (Hardcore) on Monday, November 09, 2009 - 02:31 am: Edit

sick. good thing civil wars will be avoided.

By Ken Burnside (Ken_Burnside) on Monday, November 09, 2009 - 01:51 pm: Edit

Wow. Upgrading a Drone G to a drone Gx is 10 BPV per rack. Upgrading a Plasma G to a plasma S is only 3 per tube...

By John Trauger (Vorlonagent) on Monday, November 09, 2009 - 01:59 pm: Edit

Remember what kind of drones are assumed to be in the Gx Rack...VIs.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, November 09, 2009 - 02:11 pm: Edit

3 points per tube, plus 2 more for the Sabot, plus 2 points to have X-seeker control for the entire ship, yep.

By Carl-Magnus Carlsson (Hardcore) on Monday, November 09, 2009 - 06:02 pm: Edit

do you need that fire control? Or more precisely; is it required?

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, November 09, 2009 - 06:17 pm: Edit

It's required to launch or guide any X-seeking weapons, which includes the S-torps on a SC 4 hull.

By Andrew Harding (Warlock) on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 - 02:56 am: Edit

Ten points for the Gx upgrade doesn't seem too farfetched to me. It's clearly better than a B rack with fast ATG type-I's which costs nine. Three for G to S is good value though, those cost 5 in cruiser refits.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 - 03:43 pm: Edit

So, did Dale scare everybody off with the BHx, is everyone in shock, or am I going to see more sign-ups?

I'd really like to do this, but it will be kind of a drag with less than about 16 players and pretty much pointless with less than 8. So sign up! Dang it!

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 - 04:53 pm: Edit

I'm still pondering my options.

Seriously tempted to try and field something more into the 'whacky' than the powerful, and trying to make up my mind. I scrapped the Iridani when I realized that it only had 14 warp(Speed 29 max), and the lack of X-tech weapons would hamper me given the current opposition.

Although if there was a FRAX SDX, I would take that in a heartbeat. But I will sign up, that's for sure.

By Fred J. Kreller (Kreller1) on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 - 08:06 pm: Edit

Am pondering very ponderously which ship I should take for this...

By Fred J. Kreller (Kreller1) on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 - 09:43 pm: Edit


Federation DDL 94 BPV Plus refit +6 Sabot +2 Phaser Drogue +7 Total 109 BPV

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 01:09 am: Edit

I knew it wouldn't be long before we saw a Fed DDL!

By Fred J. Kreller (Kreller1) on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 01:26 am: Edit

I heard its siren call :-)

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 04:18 am: Edit

Ugh. Missed the limit by one point! Now I'll have to do some thinking.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 02:33 pm: Edit

*submission withdrawn due to small misunderstanding of the rules*

By Roger Rardain (Sky_Captain) on Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 03:19 pm: Edit

I'm thinking about it...

This should be different and fun.

By Roger Rardain (Sky_Captain) on Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 05:02 pm: Edit

What the heck:

Sky_Captain ISC DW 93 BPV XP fire control (2) XP refit 4xPL-F to 4xPL-L (8) XP Sabot refit (4) Replace 1xAPR with 2xXPR (2)

Total 109 BPV

I like the fact the Plas-Ls can use carronades per (XR4.25).

By Carl-Magnus Carlsson (Hardcore) on Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 05:45 pm: Edit

I wonder if there is a Seahawk Leader X? Is it possible to use the partial x-tech for the basic SEL? Looking at other peoples ideas here made me start thinking.

By John Trauger (Vorlonagent) on Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 05:54 pm: Edit

Good luck powering everything.

By Peter Thoenen (Eol) on Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 07:27 pm: Edit

LOL plasma, which normally sucks, seems popular

By Fred J. Kreller (Kreller1) on Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 08:09 pm: Edit

Peter, how dare you insult plasma like that? Plasma torps have feelings too! :-)

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 10:53 pm: Edit

Plasma don't stay mad too long. They get hot under the collar, but a quick run

around the block, they cool off right away.

By Mike Strain (Evilmike) on Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 11:49 pm: Edit

I so need to get SFBOL, if only so I could take a Fed DD+ with the l33t XP 'refits'......

'PhearZ0r my fast-load torps, yo.'

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, November 13, 2009 - 12:22 am: Edit

Mike: You couldn't afford to XP the photons on a DD+, but I did consider taking a

DD+ with XP refits to 2x BTTY, 2x AWR, and 2x Ph-1.

By Carl-Magnus Carlsson (Hardcore) on Friday, November 13, 2009 - 09:28 pm: Edit

What "fun" can be done with an SEL? I do not own the XR rules so this is just based on what people allready has posted here:

XP refit 1xPL-G to 1xPL-S (3) XP refit 2xPL-F to 2xPL-L (4) XP Sabot refit (4) XP fire control (2) Replace 3xAPR with 6xXPR (6)


Problems is I do not know if leaders can be upgraded like this. The SEL and SKL were both "overgunned" after all.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 01:02 am: Edit

I'm not sure about the rest, but I do know SC 4 ships can only "juice" two APRs with XP refits.

Besides, you already signed up for the SEX, didn't ya?

By Carl-Magnus Carlsson (Hardcore) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 02:53 am: Edit

Yeah, but it feel a bit undergunned compared to the Rom BHx and ISC DWx >fear<

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 03:12 am: Edit

How about a LDR DW with phaser and power pack for 100. No X refits at all, just a good old school ship!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 03:37 am: Edit

Is that a sign up, Kerry?

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 03:54 am: Edit

Couple of rules/caveats for clarity...

1. Once you pick a ship, you can't change. It's not me trying to be mean, its just part of the pre-campaign dynamic. Advantage of picking early: you get your pick of the entire field. Advantage of picking late: You can try to find a solid opponent for ships already picked. Is it "fair"? Maybe not, depending on your perspective.

But the Master's are a cruel bunch.

Carl, I wouln't worry too much. The SEX has got some tricks up its sleeve that few of these ships can replicate.

2. Orion Option Mounts. If you select an Orion, please select a cartel and obey the percentage limits on option mount selections. One of your option mounts can come from "anywhere" (likely a Gat in most cases), but the others will be dependent on the cartel you pick. And as for the "only one of each ship rule", if, say a DW from Pharoah is taken, a second DW cannot be taken from a different cartel. Only one DW please.

By Carl-Magnus Carlsson (Hardcore) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 04:25 am: Edit

Kerry, yeah, i recall thinking something like that too

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 04:32 am: Edit

Sorry I was a little unlcear- of course that's a sign up.

After all the Xtech it was between LDR or a DBR, but the 5 option mounts started wearing on me so I settled for the ESG ram ship.

Normaly in battles ESG rams are OK but hard to arrange in DD battles with 1 or 2 shuts they are a little more effective on 20 point shields!

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 04:36 am: Edit

Ships suggestions from Lord Arioch...

Fed FFB Klingon F5L, E6 Kzinti DD Gorn DDL, BDL Tholian DD, DDP, TK5, PCX, NDD Orion DW, DBR, LX Hydran ERL, DWH Andro TER Lyran DW, DND WYN LDD, KFF, ACX, OLX, DD, FF ISC DDL LDR MPX Selt DD Jindo DD Vudar DWL Frax DWL, DWD, SDD Sharkhunter DW

Some of these are pretty potent as is, while others are less expensive but can be made quite fearsome with the application of XP refits, fast drones, and other goodies. This is not all inclusive, and there are no doubt good ships in Omega and elsewhere. Also, remember it is possible to take a very inexpensive ship, buy mechlinks, and add PFs/INTs. Lots of options.

Lord Arioch would be quite pleased to see any of these!

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 05:30 am: Edit

Website available at: Destroyer Captain's Tournament

By Roger Rardain (Sky_Captain) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 08:26 am: Edit

I very nearly took the TK5 or the Tolian DD.

By Kenneth Jones (Kludge) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 10:14 am: Edit

I MIGHT enter. Not sure if I'll have the time.

Here is my reserved ship if I do enter.

Kludge Orion LX (110BPV)

(Cartel mounts TBD)

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 10:19 am: Edit

Kludge, you need to sign up, and the ship is yours, or not sign up, and the ship is fair game. Sorry, the Master's will not allow the happy middle ground. I hope you can and will play, but if somebody else wants the LX, and you haven't commited yet, the ship is available.

By Carl-Magnus Carlsson (Hardcore) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 11:47 am: Edit

THE TK5 with partial x-tech would be weird!

By Jean Sexton (Jsexton) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 03:40 pm: Edit

Jeremy, your message is up. And only one SFB scenario to proofread, one table of contents page to check and one awards page to get and CL #40 will be put to bed for me!

Guys, you are going to love it. The cover art is brilliant (I am asking SVC if it can be turned into a background for my computer). Randy's story is great. Scott's story moved me.

And Olivette Roche returns . . . you'll never guess what she found out!

What can I say? It is a fun issue.

Jean WebMom

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 04:16 pm: Edit

Thanks Jean.

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 05:12 pm: Edit

Uh, the LDR DW is 102 by itself, according to SFBOL. With power pack it's 111. That's the one I was saying was one point over the limit.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 05:32 pm: Edit

According to the SSD, it is 99, +2 for the "Plus" refit, +9 for the Power Pack, for 110.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 05:33 pm: Edit

G3 also lists it as 99 points. So offhand I'd say SFBOL is wrong.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 05:44 pm: Edit

John: sent ya an email with another suggestion. ;)

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 06:10 pm: Edit

Well, crud. That's annoying.

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 06:16 pm: Edit

Can anyone tell me how much the 'Zin DDV and AS are?

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 07:20 pm: Edit

G3 lists the DDV at 80 (may not include all refits); the AS is listed as 5 (the AAS is listed as 6). Keep in mind that's not including drone speed upgrades. IIRC, the AS can't guide its own drones, either.

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 08:00 pm: Edit

Right, AAS, not AS. SOrry. Isn't the combat BPV lower than 80, tho?

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 08:07 pm: Edit

Yeah it is. Are we buying with Combat BPV? Anyway, the Combat BPV is 65.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Sunday, November 15, 2009 - 02:24 am: Edit

Yes, purchase at combat BPV. Use the costs in Module G3.

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Sunday, November 15, 2009 - 04:18 am: Edit

Unfortunately, everything but my MRB is in storage, so my G3 is unavailable.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, November 15, 2009 - 02:44 pm: Edit

John, I've got it, and so do many folks - ask yer questions here, or email me! ;)

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Wednesday, November 18, 2009 - 05:01 am: Edit

7 Sign-Ups so far. If you are sitting on the fence, get in here! I plan to close sign-ups on the 24th, and I'd rather have about 16 folks.

Remember, this is an opportunity to play with all kinds of modern toys on small ships. No elimation. Plenty of time to complete games, with room for other stuff (RATs, campaigns, etc).

Get in the game!

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Wednesday, November 18, 2009 - 08:23 am: Edit

I may sign up. Can't find a ship i particularly want to fly, is the problem. Maybe the balduvai dw

By Terry Smith (Kzindog117) on Wednesday, November 18, 2009 - 01:02 pm: Edit

I am also considering it, but i lack the X-ship rules at the moment, so I dont really have a ship in mind yet ether.

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Wednesday, November 18, 2009 - 10:40 pm: Edit

I'm considering it as well. I, on the other hand, am having some availability issues I'm trying to fix. As to the type of ship, I'm flexible and will choose whatever is left, tweak it, and

have fun with that.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, November 19, 2009 - 01:35 am: Edit

Perhaps this will give folks some ideas. These ships were all on my list.

Hydran Earl DDL (96; XP refit for 2x BTTY (4), XP refit for 2x APR (4), Remainder for COI (6) = 110 total.)

Lyran DND (90; XP refit for 2x BTTY (4), XP refit for 2x APR (4), XP refit for 6x Ph-1 (6), 4x Ph-3 converted to 2x Ph-1X (2), Remainder for COI (4) = 110 total.)

Gorn DDL (105; XP refit 1x PL-G to 1x PL-S (3), XP fire control (2) = 110 total.)

Fed DD+ (100; XP refit for 2x BTTY (4), XP refit for 2x APR (4), XP refit for 2x Ph-1 (2) = 110 total.)

Tholian DDP+ (86; XP refit for 2x BTTY (4), XP refit for 4xPh-1 (4), XP refit for 2xPHOT (12), Remainder for COI (4) = 110 total.)

Jindarian DW (100; XP refit for 2x BTTY (4), XP refit for 2x APR (4), XP refit for 2x Ph-1 (2) = 110 total.)

Vudar DWL (110 total.)

By Ed Crutchfield (Librarian101) on Thursday, November 19, 2009 - 03:09 pm: Edit

Here is one to think about Wyn LDD 89: Shield refit (2)2, XP 4P2 to P1(4), Year 175 refit(3), Drones 1IVF, 1IF, IECMF(4), 2APR to XPR(4), 2 Batt to X-Batt(4) Total 110.

I will not be playing but this might not be a bad choice.

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Friday, November 20, 2009 - 03:41 am: Edit

Can someone check on how much the WYN DE and ZDW costs? And the ZDF, while I'm at it. I don't have my G3 available, and since SFBOL lied to me once already...

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Friday, November 20, 2009 - 03:39 pm: Edit

Ed, I agree with the WYN LDD (I'm thinking of joining and that SSD is on my list amongst several others).

John: DE is 110, LDD is detailed above.

By Christopher Smith (Casmith518) on Friday, November 20, 2009 - 05:29 pm: Edit

Are the seperated saucer sections available on SFBOL? I think I'd take the Improved DN saucer section with 8 ph1's and 6 photons. Lots of padding. Or the

Space Battle control ship. Those all move at .5 and are around the BPV limit. Actually the CVA with Ph G's looks good too. I'll have to check the client too see if they are available.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Friday, November 20, 2009 - 05:50 pm: Edit

Chris, I've been pretty liberal with allowing all kinds of stuff for this tourney, but I think a separated section is a bit too far. Sorry, but no.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, November 20, 2009 - 08:32 pm: Edit

John Smith: The ZDW weighs in at 105. The ZDF comes in at 92. That's not including refits (if any) and drone speed upgrades.

By Christopher Smith (Casmith518) on Saturday, November 21, 2009 - 12:31 am: Edit

Okay, but I'm in.

casmith518 Federation Fed DD+ (100; XP refit for 2x BTTY (4), XP refit for 2x APR (4), XP refit for 2x Ph-1 (2) = 110 total.)

I name this ship Violator, because it's going to violate all the other ships most violently!!!

Thanks Jeremy for the help!

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Saturday, November 21, 2009 - 07:38 am: Edit

Website updated. Where up to 8 players. Would ideally like to get to 16. 5 days left! Sign up!

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 - 12:01 am: Edit

If I'm not too late, I'll take the Eneen DW w/all but the fighter refit.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Friday, November 27, 2009 - 02:19 am: Edit

So far, sign-ups have been a little bit of a disappointment. I'm going to leave sign-ups open for another two days - through 29 Nov - in the hope that a few more people will sign up.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Friday, November 27, 2009 - 02:21 am: Edit

John, can you do me a favor and post your sign-up in the format at the top of the page. I don't pretend to be an expert on the Eneen (not even sure where the SSD book is at the moment). And also, I need your SFBOL callsign.

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Friday, November 27, 2009 - 04:59 am: Edit

JohnSmith Eneen

DW w/all refits except fighter refit (106) 4 points for COs

I did just realize that I don't have access to my C5 (or anything but the MRB). That may be a problem, as I don't remember exactly how the funky LMC shields and laser banks work. Can someone refresh me on them? Plasma is 2+3 arming cycle, and the neutron beam costs 5, and requires a cool down. That much I remember. Can they be held? If so, for how much?

Many thanks to whomever can answer these for me!

By Christopher Smith (Casmith518) on Friday, November 27, 2009 - 10:08 am: Edit

HA! Sign ups declined when it was realized that the Violator would be in this tournament. Lord Arioch should love the stunning display of fireworks which will be produced from my photon torpedo launchers at the victory ceremony.

By Jim Davies (Mudfoot) on Friday, November 27, 2009 - 07:11 pm: Edit

Good thing you'll be aiming at empty space. Anything else, you'd miss.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 28, 2009 - 07:18 am: Edit

Come on guys, let's see some more sign-ups!

Now or never!

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Saturday, November 28, 2009 - 11:11 am: Edit

Sentinal Vudar DWL (110) CO's = 0 (Didn't need it anyways)

Talkin' the Talk: You can hold onto your fancy X-tech for now, when I beat all of you old-school style, I'll just pick up the juicy bits from all the debris you leave behind.

Side note: I may still have availability issuses to deal with, but I'll give it a shot

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Saturday, November 28, 2009 - 12:11 pm: Edit

Thanks for the sign up George! Who needs X-tech with 4 ICs and an IPG!

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Saturday, November 28, 2009 - 01:00 pm: Edit

I thought of being cruel by adding x-tech to both the ICs and the IPG, but I couldn't be sure as to what the cost is to upgrade.

(According to F2's annex #8B the cost is 0 for both)

Standard tech will do the job nicely, their X-tech will break just as quickly

By Christopher Smith (Casmith518) on Saturday, November 28, 2009 - 05:44 pm: Edit

Dude, that things got no hull, where do they all sleep? After the Viloator destroys the Vudar, my crew will enjoy and afternoon of bowling and iced coffee drinks in our spacious and roomy hull.

By Ken Burnside (Ken_Burnside) on Sunday, November 29, 2009 - 04:38 am: Edit

LMC shields:

1 to power inner, 1 to power outer Outer has a volley reduction factor equal to half the strength of the shield (including reinforcement) rounded down. This VRF blocks every odd numbered damage point in a volley until overwhelmed. Inner shield has no VRF. Outer shield can be reinforced at 2 points per 1 box. Inner shield cannot be reinforced. Outer shield repairs at 2:1 (like normal SFB shields) Inner shield repairs at 1:1 (like X-tech shields) You may power repairs for both types of shields at the same time.


High Powered Reactors work like APR, but generate 2 power each. They will chain react if hit while on reduced output, damaging additional HPRs in that group of boxes, plus one additional internal per reactor blown up. BANKS are your laser capacitors. They hold four power each, and are hit on best phaser. You cannot fire more lasers in an impulse than you have points in BANKs.


Plasma E is 2+3 arming, holds for free, swivel with Y175 refit.

Neutron Beam is 5 to arm, cannot be held, fire and cool arming cycle.

Medium lasers are 1 power from BANK to fire. Light lasers are 0.5 power from BANK to fire. You cannot downfire a medium laser as a light laser. Lasers damage plasma torpedoes at 3:1 not 2:1.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Monday, November 30, 2009 - 01:23 pm: Edit

Round 1 Tournament Matchups Posted

Round 1 will conclude on 8 Jan, or sooner if all games are played. Please cc me on any coordinating e-mails. Reminder: see the webpage for setup specifics. Post results here or e-mail me.

Good Luck! And have fun! Lord Arioch awaits!

By Fred J. Kreller (Kreller1) on Monday, November 30, 2009 - 01:37 pm: Edit

Ohhhh, Hardcore! You sir, are going to be in a world of hurt! :-)

By Carl-Magnus Carlsson (Hardcore) on Monday, November 30, 2009 - 07:15 pm: Edit

Well, since I have little idea what garbage can you fly...You could be right;)

By Fred J. Kreller (Kreller1) on Monday, November 30, 2009 - 07:29 pm: Edit


By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, November 30, 2009 - 08:30 pm: Edit

OK, got it. Roger, we should start trying to line up some times to fly.

To clarify, the rear F-torps (upgraded to L-torps) are still under the ISC rear-firing restrictions? And, can the L-torps on an XP ship carronade? Things I'll want to be aware of before we start.

By Christopher Smith (Casmith518) on Monday, November 30, 2009 - 09:45 pm: Edit

Ah! I see I have drawn the short straw to fight the Vudar.... Fine!! Sentinal I await your communique. Perhaps you wish to surrender now, and join me in the art gallery of the Violator. We have many replicas of fine earth paintings.

By Roger Rardain (Sky_Captain) on Monday, November 30, 2009 - 10:02 pm: Edit


I'll check on the rear-firing L-torps, but I believe they are under restriction.

And L-torps can carronade, it is in the XR rules. I'll cite the rule later.

Let me get back to you tomorrow to set up some times.

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Monday, November 30, 2009 - 11:51 pm: Edit

To my "esteemed" opponent,

Your comments have amused me... slightly. To think, I would consider surrendering to a half-ship. Captained by someone that is one small genetic mis-step from a species that dwells in trees. Apparently you may not be aware of this, but you only have one warp engine. Tactical doctrine dictates that, in battle, such ships tend to lose their living quarters more rapidly in combat as opposed to proper warships with multiple warp engines

It seems that all those frivolous amenities you've spent on your living quarters, such as the sauna, the bowling alley, the swimming pool... and all those ridiculous paint splatterings by monkeys you call an art gallery, could have been spent on

something more useful... like a second warp engine perhaps?

Alas, it is now apparent that these Masters have chosen me to divest you of your silly notions of "creature comforts" and to show you how true beings fight for their freedom, just as we Vudar had done before against our former Klingon masters.

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Tuesday, December 01, 2009 - 12:12 am: Edit


Is it me, or is it by some weird sense of Master's irony that Carlsson's ship (and only someone that goes by the handle "Hardcore" would choose such a ship) be surrounded by three Fed destroyers....

(I so wanted to say more on this... but a whole fleet of remote-controlled, heat-seeking #8 Griswolds would hunt me down and hit me so many times that I would actually believe I was in space from all the stars I would be seeing afterwards)

[Edit: It could have been worse, instead of Feds it could have been Seltorians... ]

By Fred J. Kreller (Kreller1) on Tuesday, December 01, 2009 - 02:25 am: Edit

I hope I can give Carl a good whanging with the Fed #8.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Tuesday, December 01, 2009 - 11:45 am: Edit

Roger: Thanks, let me know when's good.

By Michael C. Grafton (Mike_Grafton) on Tuesday, December 01, 2009 - 07:46 pm: Edit

How could no one have chosen a GW era Paravian?

I have to get back and check them out with a partial X refit...

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Tuesday, December 01, 2009 - 09:09 pm: Edit

Because Jeremy's rules basically excluded them. That being, no "Stellar Shadows" or "Captain's Log" ships.

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Thursday, December 03, 2009 - 12:23 am: Edit

JohnSmith vs. Ken B set for 12/5, 1800 pst.

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Thursday, December 03, 2009 - 07:22 pm: Edit

Sentinal vs. Spaceball set for Sun. 12/7 2000 (PST)

[More waste verbalage for Lord Arioch]

Even back at the beginning of the 21st century, Earth has recognized the superiority of the Vudar over the Human. As was shown in a series of audio and visual transmissions back then called "commercials".

In these commercials, an insurance company known as "Geico" clearly show the superior intellect of the Vudar ancestors (the Gecko) as they teach 21st century humans on how to develop better marketing strategies. One of these strategies, was to show that even human ancestors "the 'Neandertal' caveman" could learn how to easily order coverage with the simple touch of a few buttons. These transmissions ran for decades, proving the slow-wittedness of humans when it was clearly shown an "good idea"

In the 23rd century, the #1 insurance carrier for all of Humanity is still this company. One that first was started up by Vudar ancestry.

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Thursday, December 03, 2009 - 11:19 pm: Edit

Sunday is the 6th, not the 7th. Or did you mean monday?

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Friday, December 04, 2009 - 01:21 am: Edit

Oops... Sunday the 6th, time: 2000 hrs. (PST)

By Christopher Smith (Casmith518) on Friday, December 04, 2009 - 01:24 am: Edit

To: Captain Sentinal From: Captain Spaceball Location: Violator, Hair Salon

I see you have decided to reject my offer of peacefull surrender. I hope then you have purchased insurance on that trash can you call a ship. We may even capture your ship, keep one of you iguanas as a pet on the ships zoo, and give the rest of you back to the Klingons. Our Gorn allies may see fit to laugh at what they have overcome. See you Sunday, and it won't be on paper-view.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Friday, December 04, 2009 - 03:04 am: Edit

Why do I think this Vudar vs Fed battle is going to end in an expanding ball of

burning gas?

By Fred J. Kreller (Kreller1) on Friday, December 04, 2009 - 10:07 am: Edit

If they do it right, there will be *two* such burning gas balls. Wouldn't that be entertaining? :-)

By Ed Crutchfield (Librarian101) on Friday, December 04, 2009 - 11:14 pm: Edit

Sounds like a Christmas sale, 2 for the price of one.

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Saturday, December 05, 2009 - 01:49 am: Edit

I'm sure Kreller's game with (*** remainder deleted due to avoidance of remote-flying, heat-seeking #8 Griswold***) will have plenty enough of

"expanding balls of burning gas", that my trouncing of his fellow monkey-boy will

probably not even a register on his comical little mind

With regards to my game, I'm still willing to give my opponenet a chance to surrender honorably before the game starts... It's never fun to prove to an

opponenet just how inferior his ship can be.

[OCC: I think I'm ebnjoying being an antagonist a bit too much here ]

By Carl-Magnus Carlsson (Hardcore) on Saturday, December 05, 2009 - 02:52 am: Edit

Good thing I can delay the inevitable by polite e-mails...

By Christopher Smith (Casmith518) on Saturday, December 05, 2009 - 01:54 pm: Edit

Ha! Again my Vudar opponent is wrong. The character portraying the Vudar in ancient earth TV was known as "Oscar the Grouch". This "puppet" was in fact an unrecognized Vudar alien, who remained in his trash ca..I mean ship during his stay on earth. The Vudar still fly the same garbage cans around space now. They simply shave their bodies to give them that classic "sheen" they are so proud of. The Fed DD may not be able to walk and chew gum at the same time admittedly, but thats fine, I spit my gum at the Vudar! See you Sunday, and you'd better bring Big Bird, you're gonna need him!

Sunday 8:00 pacific Spaceball

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Saturday, December 05, 2009 - 02:51 pm: Edit

Beware monkey-boy, your insults have very little accuracy. Perhaps you should take after your genetic cousins, the chimpanzee, and learn to hurl waste as they do. It would improve your accuracy immensely. (You'll need every advantage you

can get )

I thought to paint my ship to resemble that of one of your Earth-style barns, but decided not to because it would be unsportting of me to make myself invunerable to your skill of marksmanship.

Since I have already beaten you in this battle of wits (As could easily be fortold since only one us was armed). We will now see if the same can be said in combat.

[OOC: I think the trash-talking has been amusing enough that there should be a large turnout of players tuning into this game. With that in mind I want to wish

Chris the best of luck in tomorrow's game and am pleased to have him as an

opponent... However the outcome, this is going to be fun ]

Sunday, 8:00 p.m. (PST)

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Saturday, December 05, 2009 - 03:04 pm: Edit

Arioch grows weary. Iguana...Monkey Boy...just shoot each other will yeah!

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Saturday, December 05, 2009 - 03:18 pm: Edit

Other than Jon Smith (Eneen) vs. Ken Burnside (Fed-DER) and myself (Vudar) vs, Chris (Fed-DD+)


By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Saturday, December 05, 2009 - 03:24 pm: Edit

I'm amazed to think Lord Arioch (who loves antagonism) could be so easily...


By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Saturday, December 05, 2009 - 07:36 pm: Edit

Ken, I might be a bit late, I have to drive my girlfriend to pick her car up at the mechanic at 530.

By Ken Burnside (Ken_Burnside) on Sunday, December 06, 2009 - 01:58 am: Edit

Mangler of Reason (Fed DER with XP refits) versus Whisperings of Non-Euclidean Dreams (Eneen DW).

Turn 1: I started the game with full phaser capacitors, full batteries, and photons on the second turn of arming (with up to 2 points per tube in OL energy from the prior turn).

My drone loadout gives me 25% Restricted payload spaces (so 4 total, out of 8) of which 0.8, or one complete drone, minimum can be Limited. My payload choices are 1 for an ECM drone, and 1.5 payload spaces for armor modules. I use my Limited slot to make the ECM drone III-XX-F.

My reloads are proportional; for the sake of argument I make the identical.

I make all drones other than the III-XX-F IV-Fs to save on drone speed upgrades which costs 1 BPV each (4 total). This makes all my reloads IV-F. Swapping out the ECM module for an explosive warhead costs 0, swapping out armor for explosive warhead costs 0. The III-XX-F frame costs 1 for the guidance, and we already paid for the speed earlier. This costs 5 of my 6 discretionary BPV. I use

the remaining one to buy a Commando.

I specify that one of the drone racks is half empty (a cheesy trick to load the second ECM drone in in one turn, rather than a turn spent unloading and a turn spent reloading).

I am loading 3 armored reload drones into the second shuttle for launch after impulse 16 of turn 2.

I launch ECM drone, and plot speed 14 with a late boost up to 20. I simply want to get to the middle of the map. I put 1 ECM up to give me a +2 shift.

Eneen fires at range 12, and then range 8, with 2 NBs and 3 of 4 medium lasers. We end the turn at range 7, with 3 SP drones leading me by a hex, Eneen having fired both NBs on turn 1 and launching a Pl-E. I used 4 points of reserve power on 2 different impulses. Eneen is in the top 3rd of the map, pointed in F, and launches an E torp on 1.32. My forward shield is down to 12 boxes. (Eneen doesn't like firing through +2 shift).

Turn 2, I plot speed 28 until impulse 20, then speed 14 to the end of the turn, burning batteries in EA. I lab the E-torp at range 2, discover it's going after an SP drone and more or less ignore it. I turn to a parallel course with the Eneen, figuring that if I keep it up, I can herd him into the wall, or run him over if he slows down - he's got one E torp to threaten me and his rear lasers. He launches an E torp around 2.15 that's targeted on my ship - I allocate gatling #4 to it and eat it on my #3.

He's been trying to slip across my bow (hoping I'd slow down) for the second quarter of the turn. It's gotten me range 3.

On impulse 17, he slows down to speed 21. That more or less seals his fate. On impulse 18, I get range 3. On impulse 20, I slow down to 14, and on 21, 14 moves and 21 does not.

I launch 2 drones from the racks on 2.18, I launch the second SP on 2.17. He lasers down the first two SP drones at range 2. He now has no rear firing lasers in arc, they've all been fired.

He turns towards the wall, I turn into him - and on impulse 2.21, have two rack launched drones at range 1 from him, and my ship at range 2. I fire the wad, holding back two phaser 1s for mizia damage. I miss with one range 2 photon, but still doing 63 damage.

This kills his HPRs, which chain react and do a bit more damage to him. He concedes when he realizes that I'll be phasering into his down shield next impulse, and two impulses later, he takes 2 18 point drones through the down

shield - with an SP ready to launch 3 more from a range of 4 on impulse 26, which is enough to guarantee they'll hit what's left of his ship on 3.1.


In character battle report:

"Deploy ECM drone." "ECM drone deployed sir." "Start arming the second scatter pack, and load the spare ECM drone into launcher 2." "Aye Sir." "Stay on target." "Sir, forward shield at 60%" "Stay on target." "Sir, small plasma type weapon about to hit the starboard flank." "Fire gatling phaser at it, stay on target." "Aye sir. Flank shield down to 50%" "Sir, target is slowing down." "Stay on target." "Sir, optimum firing solution presented." "Alright, Guns. Fire at will." "Firing." [Insert Special Effects Here.]

Eneen Perspective:

"Fire at long range." "Still coming, sir." "Launch plasma to deter them." "Still coming, sir." "Launch other plasma to deter them." "Still coming, sir." "Full speed ahead, let's see if we can outrun them." "Still coming, sir." "Keep running." "Where, sir?" "Very well. In unison...scream for mother." "MOMMMYYYYYYY!"

[Insert Special Effects Here.]

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, December 06, 2009 - 03:38 am: Edit

Still waiting to hear from Roger as to his availability.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Sunday, December 06, 2009 - 04:27 am: Edit

Ken, while I don't think it would have made a difference in your battle, you should not have started with any overload energy in the Photons at WSII.

From the Basic Set, "(S4.32) OVERLOAD: Prior turns arming allowed by Weapons Status II or Weapons Status III cannot include overload energy. Exception: Ships armed with photon torpedoes have two points of free overload energy per tube from prior turns when at WS-III. This energy may be allocated between the various photon tubes at the option of the owning player, but all must be used for overloads; none can be used for arming."

Doesn't really change much from my perspective, and I'll record it as a win for the DE, unless you guys tell me you want to do something different.


Everybody, please be mindful of the starting conditions. Many of us (myself included) often play games starting at WSIII. In this tournament, we are using WSII. In addition to the lack of overload energy mentioned above, the other key restrictions are:

Phasers may be energized and the capacitors fully charged. • Prior turns arming (but not the last turn) for multi-turn arming weapons may be assumed to have been completed on turns prior to the start of the scenario. • Energy may be stored in systems designed to hold it for several turns, e.g., ESG capacitors, displacement devices. (Batteries are charged under WS-0.) • One shuttle may be prepared for a special role (SP, SS, WW).

I only mention this because we have a bunch of photon armed ships in the tourney. Not as much of a factor on a DE which only has two photons, but if on a ship with 4 photons, it can be difference of as much as 16 damage. Now, back to shooting each other!

By Roger Rardain (Sky_Captain) on Sunday, December 06, 2009 - 08:06 am: Edit

Dale McKee,

Check yer email.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Sunday, December 06, 2009 - 02:36 pm: Edit


First off, to borrow a mantra from another campaign on this board: "no do overs."

Since Jeremy pointed out the photon thing, I'll also point out that you didn't do your drone loads correctly:

1. You ultimately took 1 space of limited drones (but see #2, below), and 1.5 spaces of restricted drones. This combined total of 2.5 spaces (but actually 3.5 spaces - again, see #2, below) violates your maximum combined limit of 2 total spaces of special drones (you also mis-typed this as 4 spaces, which would have been 50%, not 25%). Once you purchased a type IIIXXF-ECM drone, you only had 1 space left. Also remember that when it comes to calculating available special warhead spaces, there is no such thing as 1/2 spaces [FD10.641].

2. Type III drones are already considered to have more than the "basic" extended range (25 turns endurance), but only last 6 turns because of the ECM module [FD9.121]. Adding the XX frame modification to a type III frame increases the DRONE'S endurance to 100 turns, but doesn't increase the operating life of the ECM module. More importantly, adding the -XX frame modification to a type III frame turns it into a 2-space drone with only a 1 space module [FD10.24]. This means that, as a 2-space type IIIFXX-ECM drone (which applies to the whole drone), it would have required a total of TWO spaces of limited availability (type III and IIIXX drones are both limited availability for the Federation. Now if you were a Klingon...). You only had one available, even if you had taken no armor modules (or half modules, which still count as a whole module for purposes of availability) at all.

3. There is no enabling rule that allows you to start the game with your drone racks partially unloaded , with the normally loaded drones beginning the game in your reload storage area and/or cargo boxes (EXCEPTION: type-D racks, see [FD3.45]).

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, December 06, 2009 - 07:06 pm: Edit

Roger, email received, and replied to. Looks like our times don't match up well, but I'll do the best I can.

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Monday, December 07, 2009 - 02:11 am: Edit

Spaceball (Fed DD+) beats Sentinal (Vudar) in 3.4 turns

Yes folks it's over, the world is comming to an end, the fat lady has sung, the last train just got out of Dodge.

Monkey-boy in his flying "Griswald" has beaten your ever-loving Gecko upside his head with an resounding ***DONG***

[OOC: This was a good game for Chris, in the sense he didn't play blink when, in turn #2, I collapsed his #6 shield with 2x OL ion cannons and did 7 internals... (of course every internal turned out to be "C hull"). He held his fire for a point blank alpha that gutted the Vudar in one fell swoop on the next turn. Chris will give out the play by play tomorrow (and I'll embelish where I can afterwards


Apparently, monkeys can hit the broadside of a barn if they get close enough.

Fear not, this is only a minor setback and not the end of "Captain Os'kar and the 'Perfect Storm'" There are more captains out there that are in desparate need of antagonizing. I shall endeavor to complete that task.

For now, it appears monkey-boy can fry his bananas in peace. Though he did save his bowling alley and "art" gallery, suffice it to say his swimming pool has sprung a major leak into the sauna room.

By Christopher Smith (Casmith518) on Monday, December 07, 2009 - 04:11 am: Edit

Location: Violator Latrine

(Ship Rocks), "Bridge, this is Captain Spaceball, what was that?!" "Wer'e under attack sir" "From who?", "The Vudar sir!", "I thought they gave up and were coming over for dinner!!"

"No sir, prox ion cannons to the #6 shield, minimal damage." "He fired first, they always fire first, we did not start this battle, but WE will end it, Increase speed I'll be up in a second, well a minute."

Bridge USS Violator: "Sir, he has closed range to 8000 km, he is firing...(Ship rocks) 2 heavy ion cannons, number 6 shield is down!! We have taken minor damage sir. Reports in now, mostly crew area, including your quarters sir."

Captain Spaceballs blood raged. "My cat was in there!", Increase speed, close with him!"

The Violator closed to point blank range: "Maximum ECCM, fire everything!" Spittle flew from his mouth. The Violator lurched as her wrath spilled into the Vudar ship. All 4 heavy torpedos hit, and phasers ripped the ship apart. The Vudar responded with a few phaser shots, doing minimal damage. But she was clearly beaten "Signal to those cretans that we will beam over there wounded. Even in this strange land we are still part of the Federation."

And that is the end of the Iguana. Wait...what is that you see, it is the huge volley of fireworks being shot from the Violator's photon launchers. I hope Lord Arioch approves.

OOC: George gave me a big scare as I have never played the Vudar. He came at me as I turned into my C corner. He closed to about 20 and fired two prox ion cannons, one missed, the other did 3 dam to the #6. T2:He then closed to range 8 facing C, I had turned to A and was heading up the board. He fired 2 OL Ion cannon taking out the #6 and most of my hull. I had started at spd16, plotted to spd 30. So after he shot the OL's I turned into him and chased him down eventually ending at the bottom of the map r3. T3: He is facing B, I am facing D. Impulse 2 we move into R1. Unfortunately, George wrote for ECCM instead of ECM on his Ion Generator. Either way I rolled 2,1,2,2 on the photon lotto, and okay phasers for 82 damage to his #5. This ended the game but we decided to play it out. He shot 2 ph1 down the downed #6 doing 7 internals. Then called it as he had no ship left. Thanks to everyone putting up with the banter. Thanks George for a great game. If anything looks funky its after 1 in the morning. George will update the rest. Goodnight folks.


By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Monday, December 07, 2009 - 04:57 am: Edit

Chris, thanks for the great write up.

Note to you guys on the IPG - it cannot generate ECCM.

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Tuesday, December 08, 2009 - 07:56 am: Edit

I'm fine with no do-overs. Go ahead an record a win for Ken.

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Tuesday, December 08, 2009 - 05:33 pm: Edit

Vuda DWL vs. Fed DD+ (turn-by-turn recap)

T1 - Vudar from the top facing D and going speed 17 all Turn. Fed facinga A going speed 16. Near midway into turn, Fed turnns B and heads for the side barrier, Vudar chases couple of impulses later. Fed turns back to A when 4 hexes from barrier edge. 1.32 - Vudar fires 2x prox. ion cannons(FA) at Feds #6 shield, only one strikes and does 1 damage after reinforcement.

T2 - Vudar plots 17/21/26 speed, Fed does a 24/30? (not sure on his plot). Both ships continue on previous direction until 13 hexes away from each other, Vudar turns D and increases to 21, Fed turns to F and is still at 24 for now. Around 2.14?, Fed is 8 hexes off Vudar's #5 shield line. Vudar fires and hits with both OL ion cannons(FX), no battery reinforcement, collapses #6 shield and does 7 internals (all of it was 'C Hull'... sheesh). The rest of the turn has the Vudar heading to the bottom of the board with the Fed gaining ground. 2.30 - When Fed reaches range 4 off my #5, Vudar burns 2 points of IPG in Jamming mode to give a 6 ECM boost ending on 3.01.

T3 - I plotted 16/8/4 while Chris did a 26/?. 3.02 - both ships move, I facing B and he facing A both are now 1 hex from each othe and he opens up 4x phot. and 4x Ph-1s he negates the jamming and rolls well for the photons(2, 1, 2, 2) and average for the phasers( 2, 3, 4, 6) 82 tyoal damage with 60 internals. 3.03 - he move forward one and I fire both (RA) Ph-1s into his downed #6 (1, 6) for twelve damage. he fires a single Ph-3 and hits both phasers, scanner and sensor. (second time on both) 3.04 - We both move, since he moves after me, I realize regardless how I move he will be able to turn the down shield awy from me and all hopes of tying it up would be gone... as I had NO power left after this turn to rearm weapons. I conceded from here.

[In T3, I screwed up totally here... in EA I forgot that I could reload the IPG to full capacity and activate it on jamming mode again on 3.01; instead I decided that I use the remaining 2 points to extend the 6 ECM bonus another 4 impulses starting on 3.02. From there, my second mistake (which didn't matter afterwards, because of the good rolls with the photons) was to add 4 points of ECCM instaed of ECM. (This is what Chris was reffering to, instead of the ion generator as was mentioned)

In hindsight, this was a last second change because I wanted to negate the IPG jamming when I fired. But with the ion cannons firing table, I should have accepted the '+2' shift because it still would have been an '8' or less to hit, while giving Chris either a '+3' or even possibly even a '+4' shift to hit me, even at range 1.]

Instead of trying to maneuver to get onto his #6 I should have just dropped movement, put power into TAC, HET, shield reinforcement on my #1 and half-a-dozen points into TRAC to hold him in place.]

Chris played a great game, he didn't alter from the gameplan. I however, saw a chance of ending it early and instead of running for the far corner, I thought I could go head-to-head and come out on top.

Congrats Chris and best of luck in the match.

(I'm just going to have to be more devious in my next matches, and prove that

even monkeys can get lucky... once )

By Ed Crutchfield (Librarian101) on Wednesday, December 09, 2009 - 02:42 pm: Edit

I am assuming the Photons were overloads, but I dont see a mention of feedback damage to the Fed. Not sure if it was critical or not at this point. Just if the shield

he was firing out of may have take some feedback

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Wednesday, December 09, 2009 - 06:19 pm: Edit

D'OH... I guess in the heat of battle we forgot to allocate the feedback damage.

Irregardless, his #1 was at full strenght at the time and would have absorbed the full 16 feedback damage (plus any reinforcement, if he had allocated any). The outcome would remain unchanged.

He still maintains second movement his spoeed 26 to my speed 16), and still would have been able to keep both shields away from any retalitory fire later in the turn. The end result would remain the same.

By Christopher Smith (Casmith518) on Wednesday, December 09, 2009 - 08:23 pm: Edit

Good point Ed. I would have hade a 4 pt shield left, but would have used 2 reinforcement for 6. Would not have changed the game any. I think though had it been any different we would have remembered to allocated the damage.

BTW George, nice write up.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Sunday, December 13, 2009 - 04:35 am: Edit

Website updated with the results of the two completed battles. 3 Battles to go in round 1.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, December 13, 2009 - 03:54 pm: Edit

Still having a hard time matching Roger's schedule. We're trying for Monday night, but as he's 3 hours ahead of me, it won't be a long session.

By Roger Rardain (Sky_Captain) on Sunday, December 13, 2009 - 10:49 pm: Edit

Dale Monday night is OK, 7pm EST. We should be able to get in 2 or 3 hours of play.

By Carl-Magnus Carlsson (Hardcore) on Monday, December 14, 2009 - 12:01 pm: Edit

I don't think I can play until january.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, December 14, 2009 - 06:00 pm: Edit

I'll be there Roger!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, December 14, 2009 - 07:26 pm: Edit

Well Roger and I at least got online and started EA. We're hoping to actually play later this week.

By Roger Rardain (Sky_Captain) on Monday, December 14, 2009 - 07:35 pm: Edit

Due to being extremely tired, Dale and I have delayed to later this week.

Jeremy Gray,

A rules statement:

XR4.25 (Module X1) states the plasma-Ls can use the carronade. This is the general rule. However, (FP14.14) states the ISC never gained access to the carronade technology. This is a specific rule.

Therefore, my ISC DW cannot carronade the plasma-Ls. Does Lord Arioch concur?

(This makes life easier for my opponents.)

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Monday, December 14, 2009 - 07:56 pm: Edit

Roger, I suggest kicking that question up to the Rules Q&A thread. Module R10 pre-dates Module X1R, and at the time Romulans and ISC didn't have access to the carronade. But X1R seems to indicate that all plasma races got access to it with X-tech. My assumption has been that you had access to it.

If you would, please ask the question over in the Rules Q&A thread for a definative answer. As far as Lord Arioch is concerned, he assumes any X-PL-F or PL-L can carronade, but Lord Arioch has been know to err on the side of nasty. Better that we find out the straight scoop from the powers that be.

I'd ask myself, but its 2am here and I should be in bed. If need be, I'll post the question tomorrow.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, December 14, 2009 - 08:10 pm: Edit

Roger, I'm certainly willing to hold off a bit to give you the chance to get your question answered on the rules thread. We were looking at either W/Th/F night in any event.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, December 14, 2009 - 08:27 pm: Edit

Heck, I'll post the question myself.

By Terence Sean Terry O'Carroll (Terryoc) on Monday, December 14, 2009 - 11:38 pm: Edit

IIRC this question has already come up. The answer was "ISC never gets carronades" is the general rule, but "X-ships get carronades" is the specific rule. Thus, ISC X-ships get carronades, but no other ISC ship may use a carronade.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - 01:03 am: Edit

I'm happy to face Roger with his carronades; I only asked the question in the rules thread 'cuz he brought it up. ;)

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - 03:16 am: Edit

Who are the powers-that-be, if not Lord Arioch? Is there anyone higher than the

Lords of Chaos? The Balance? Kwll and Rhyn, perhaps?

By Roger Rardain (Sky_Captain) on Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - 06:10 am: Edit

Yes, there is someone higher than the Lords of Choas.

He is usually referred to as "SPP".

By Fred J. Kreller (Kreller1) on Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - 10:20 am: Edit

So I guess Carl and I can't kill each other until some time in January. :-(

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, December 20, 2009 - 08:57 pm: Edit

Roger and I made time in our busy schedules to fly 3 turns tonight. I'm pretty drunk tired so I'll let Roger fill in any blanks and/or correct any mistakes I make here:

T1: BHxp comes out of the gate at 9, finishing arming on its heavy torps. ISC goes 24. Late in T1 BHxp launches 2x PL-S-Sabot (psuedo). ISC launches 1x PL-L-Sabot.

T2: Roms slide out and take the L on the #3, firing 2x Ph-3 into it. It proves to be real. 10 done after Reinforcement. ISC dump 4 ph-1s into the pseudos. BHxp guns it up to 18, and HETs to avoid another incoming L. It launches 2 more fake S-sabots and keeps the ISC running at high speed in the lower portion of the map. It runs out the PL-L and takes a hit for nothing as the plasma turns out to be fake.

T3: BHxp slows down to 9. ISC goes 22. A mid-turn speed change drops the BHxp down to 4 just in time to launch a WW to shed two L-torps, both real. I take 5 on the #5 in collatoral after reinforcement. No plasma launch by BHxp. Roms go back to 9 in the late turn. Ships inbound at about r19.

We might continue Mon/Tues, or after Christmas, depending. But at least we got it going.

Roger, thanks for a fun game!

By Christopher Smith (Casmith518) on Tuesday, December 22, 2009 - 06:28 pm: Edit

Hey Guys I have 2 questions:

Just recieved Module X. I don't see where you came up with the point values for the upgrades I have on this ship, I suspect they are in X2, but...anyways, my question: Does my 4 pt upgrade to X Phaser 1's let me fire them overloaded (XE2.42), is it just for the capacitor,(XH6.1), or both? Next, I have X batteries. I'm under the impression that both batteries hold 3 pts. of power and that each battery can be used once per impulse. (XH5.1) states: "This energy can be used 1 point (or a fraction of a point)at a time,or all at once.

So do I have 6 pts. of battery available at one time?


By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Wednesday, December 23, 2009 - 02:32 am: Edit

Chris, the XP refits your DD is equipped with are covered in Module X1R.

Disclaimer on Module X1: There was a significant revision to the Module X1 rules published in CL23 back in 2001. That article is also available here: These rules changes were also incorperated into X1R.

XP refits are covered exclusively by Module X1R. On your specific questions:

The XP refitted Ph-1s gain the larger capacitor, but overloads were eliminated in the revision of Module X1. You can also fire them in rapid pulse mode as 2 Ph-3s at eligible small targets, but obviously, the overloaded option discussed in X1 is no longer available.

XP-batteries hold the same amount of power as X-batteries, but the expenditure of that power is limited to one point per box on any given impulse. This limitation applies to XP refits only - there are no such limits on a "true" X-ship. In your case, you have 6 points of battery power, but you can only use two points on any impulse.

I'm working from memory here at work...if I'm off here, somebody please correct me.

By Christopher Smith (Casmith518) on Wednesday, December 23, 2009 - 10:52 am: Edit

Wow, read that article, big changes. Okay, that's where my questions came in. If you order X1, ADB sends the original material in your order, and makes no reference to the revision in CL 23 (at least in the one I just recieved). So as I was reading it, I see all these things in there, hence the questions.

Thanks Jeremy

By Ken Burnside (Ken_Burnside) on Wednesday, December 23, 2009 - 11:07 am: Edit

That's because they have enough copies of the rulebook for X1 to last until 2273, more or less.

By Carl-Magnus Carlsson (Hardcore) on Wednesday, December 23, 2009 - 04:29 pm: Edit

Yes, perhaps a reflection of the success of the X concept.

By Terence Sean Terry O'Carroll (Terryoc) on Wednesday, December 23, 2009 - 05:59 pm: Edit

Everyone's had an X that just won't stop hanging around...

By Fred J. Kreller (Kreller1) on Wednesday, December 23, 2009 - 06:10 pm: Edit

Carl, Feel free to not use the "X" benefits of your ship when we duel :-P

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Monday, December 28, 2009 - 11:17 pm: Edit

MY Battle(LDR DW) against Paul S XLR

T1 he doubled and loaded photons keeping outside of R15 I fired disr on 31 and turned off. T2 we both ran for the turn..or I ran he chased me into the upper corner.

T3 He's down to 32 power on a .33 mover. I go spd 19 with erratic and 5 ecm to ensure a shift. He also goes a small amount of ECM so I have a +2 shift. He then overruns at Spd 31 hitting with only 3 photons.

My counter phase strike(p1+2 gatt) roll poorly on GATTS so after feed back he takes 13 ints(photon, 3 phasers 3 warp) I take 46 gutting my ship pretty good.

As I was in he corner I could most likely ensure to hit him with the rest of my phasers so after movemen next imp stopp erratics and tractor him, eventually hittin him with my phaser hose. At EOT I hve 5 power 3 p1 2 gatt and we are R2.

He has 11 power 1 empty batt and 3 charging photons(down #1,6 thuogh). On imp 1 with a 2 shift I can't even breach the shield(it goes down to 2 pts). As he's gonna come back and be able to hitme at R4 with 3 OLs next turn(or most likely the one afer that) I conceeded at that point(he auto hits at R2 and can arrange to shoot outa my arc a he moves last with ease).

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Tuesday, December 29, 2009 - 04:47 am: Edit

Thanks Kerry. I'll get the website updated this evening - about to head out to the mountains for a few days with the family.

All, just a reminder - we're aiming for 8 January to complete this round. Of the two battles remaining, I know one has started. If everyone finishes up early, I'll get the next round announced ahead of schedule.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Tuesday, December 29, 2009 - 05:36 am: Edit

Webpage updated.

By Christopher Smith (Casmith518) on Wednesday, January 06, 2010 - 01:20 pm: Edit

Has there been anymore progress from anyone? The eighth is just 2 days away.


By Carl-Magnus Carlsson (Hardcore) on Wednesday, January 06, 2010 - 01:41 pm: Edit

I have got back from xmas horror and could play a game this weekend perhaps.

By Fred J. Kreller (Kreller1) on Wednesday, January 06, 2010 - 04:06 pm: Edit

Carl, I will keep my eyes peeled for you during the evenings this week. I'm usually available after 7:00 Mountain time during the week.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Wednesday, January 06, 2010 - 04:14 pm: Edit

Chris, no updates since I last posted. I need to here back from folks in the last two games on their status.

Edit: Posted before I saw the posts from Carl or Fred. I know Dale and Roger are underway already.

Please get these games wrapped up gents.

By Roger Rardain (Sky_Captain) on Wednesday, January 06, 2010 - 05:20 pm: Edit

Dale and I paused through the Christmas holiday. I took the week after Christmas off from work and pretty much vegetated the whole week.

Needless to say, I did not even think about this tournament. Dale, check your email!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, January 06, 2010 - 09:43 pm: Edit

Doing the best I can with the scheduling... I'll let you know!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, January 11, 2010 - 08:48 pm: Edit

Roger, sorry I missed you tonight, I'd forgotten about a prior commitment. Online now, but will try to reschedule with you at your convenience. Sorry man!

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Sunday, January 17, 2010 - 04:42 am: Edit

Gents, not a lot of progress reported. I know Dale and Roger have made an unsuccessful attempt to get together this weekend, and no word on the other outstanding battle.

I'd like to be able to advance to the next round in a week or so. I'd prefer not to do something draconian, but if we don't get moving again, interest will simply dry up.

So please, if at all possible, try to get these battles knocked out by the end of next weekend.

By Carl-Magnus Carlsson (Hardcore) on Sunday, January 17, 2010 - 05:12 am: Edit

I haven't got a reply to my last mail to Fred yet.

By Fred J. Kreller (Kreller1) on Sunday, January 17, 2010 - 02:43 pm: Edit

Carl and I will start at 10pm (MDT) Monday night. Be there to cheer us on and watch the sparks fly! (And the plasma!)

By Fred J. Kreller (Kreller1) on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 - 02:27 am: Edit

Turn 1 summary for Hardcore vs Krellex. We started out at spd 27 and 26, ECM for him as 7, and 3 for me. After some slipping we were pretty close to centerline. I launch a plas-f (which turned out to be fake), and a couple impulses later, I launch a real one from the other launcher. Carl launched one as well. I turned to direction F not wanting to take his torp on my #1, and Carl burns an HET to direction F as well, and a few impulses later he shoots another torp at me. His first torp hit, it was real, and roughed up my #3 shield pretty good, but it has a few boxes left. I turn back to A, thinking that his second torp is a fake, but I phasered it down a few points before it hit to make sure I had SOME #1 left if it was real. Turns out, it was real, ouch. I have 6 boxes left on it after using my batteries. Since I am still headed towards Carl, he drops a shield and puts out a nice little t-bomb for me to contend with. So I moved around it to the right a bit. He phasers down the real torp, so it hits for 1 dmg on his #4. We ended the turn at about range 8, off each others port side. I had to call it at this point since work is starting soon and I need sleep :-) We plan to continue tomorrow night at the same time.

On another note, freaking sabot plasmas are FAST!

By Fred J. Kreller (Kreller1) on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 - 02:27 am: Edit

Hardcore kills Krellex in Turn 4!

Turn 2 I get within range 8 and 0 shift, and I hit with 2 photons. Due to a bad gamble, I didn't overload any of them. His #5 was left with 6 boxes. I held phasers back for the plasma I was sure was coming. That and the non overloaded photons really hurt me. I get nailed with a plasma and take some ints, a photon and a phaser, plus some other fluff on my #1 shield. Turn three, we both hit the gas and opened up the range a bit to recharge. Next turn I turned in and had a 15 point OL photon ready plus 2 sabot f's. Range 7, we are centerlined, I miss with the photon, and release the plasma. Carl nails me with 7 phasers through my weak #1. However, with all the internals, the dice gods smile upon me and I lose ALL FLUFF and one ph 3. WHEW. I thought I had him with my plasma, but he turns north and sc to 30 and runs out the plasma, which hits for 10 dmg. His plasma nails me, and I lose a bunch of power. At this point I concede, since I have lost my 1, 3 and 5 shield, am down power although I did have 2 plas and a phot left (Totally dry however), both batts gone, etc. He will also be able to overrun me next turn, which would pretty much be the end for me as I can't maneuver an intact shield toward him. (Turn mode *A*!!) Anyways, this was a fun fight, but the X-tech really told the tale, plus my power hungry and slow to arm weapons didn't help me much either. Thanks, Carl!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 - 08:38 pm: Edit

Roger and I played through another two turns tonight, concluding T6. The outcome is still in doubt, but we're running out of time. We hope to continue on Friday night, but if not, I'll concede this one to Roger - he's flown a better game

than I have, mostly due to me fixating on new shinies (sabot, XP refits) instead of just focusing on flying the ship.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, January 23, 2010 - 01:00 am: Edit

Hopped on a couple times tonight but couldn't find Roger. So, with the deadline looming, I'll concede this one to Roger. The truth is the battle could go on a while, but I feel he's played a better game, and have no interest in holding up the works.

Roger, you were a great opponent. My only regret is that our schedules are so incompatible, which made finishing this one difficult.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Saturday, January 23, 2010 - 02:49 pm: Edit


Get after it gents... Arioch thirsts!

By Fred J. Kreller (Kreller1) on Saturday, January 23, 2010 - 03:24 pm: Edit

Ooohhhhhh, Sentinel you are mine! :-)

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, January 23, 2010 - 03:43 pm: Edit

Oh cool, I get to fight someone on my same coast!

Now to look up WTF an "Eneen" does...

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 12:35 am: Edit

(Sigh) Great... another monkey-boy flying a lollipop, with a couple of cotton candy chuckers and half the all-or-nothing photos.

Can lightning strike twice? .... HA (I think not)


The Masters grow weary and Lord Arioch thirsts for more blood. To satisfy them, a tournament of destroyers will be held...

1. The Format: This will be a "round-robin" tournament similar to that used in past "Flying Deuces" tourneys. There will be five rounds. All players will play in every round (no one is eliminated), so all players will play at least five games. First round pairings will be random. In subsequent rounds, opponents with similar records will be matched against each other. Civil wars will be avoided if at all possible, and every effort will be made to insure that each player faces a variety of opposing ships. Each round will last approximately one month. Start dates for each round will be announced here.

If for some reason a Captain is unable to continue playing in the tournament, it is considered to be very good form to let SWO_Daddy (a.k.a. Jeremy Gray) and your opponent know rather than just disappearing. Players should make a good faith effort to schedule games by e-mail and cc the Tournament Coordinator. In the event of a no show, the non-communicating player will be awarded a loss and will be dropped from the tournament. The Masters will be most displeased.

2. The Rules: Full COMMANDER'S LEVEL RULES (A3.15) will be in play. No OPTIONAL RULES will be used.

3. The Ships: Each player will select one size-class-4 ship with a move cost of 0.5 or less and with a BPV of 110 points or less. Commander's Options, drone speed upgrades and special warheads, XP refits, etc. are included in the BPV. Fighters, interceptors, and PFs may be purchased along with a ship capable of carrying them, but the total force BPV must not exceed 110.

Only one ship of any particular type will be allowed (the Masters love variety). Ship selection will be announced publicly, but Commander's Options will be selected secretly before each scenario (they may be changed between scenarios). If a particular ship type has already been taken, pick something else! Once a player announces a ship selection, it cannot be changed. Choose wisely!

Ships may come from any published SFB module and must be available on SFBOL. Captain's Log, Starletter, Star Fleet Times, or unofficial ships are prohibited. If in doubt, ask!

If an Orion ship is selected, the player must designate a cartel, which will govern availability of option mounts. One option mount can be any legal weapon. Once a particular Orion hull is selected, it may not be selected a second time, even if used by a different cartel.

4. The Scenario: NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 INITIAL SETUP: Ship A: Set up in 1701, heading D, speed max, WS-II. Ship A: Set up in 2530, heading A, speed max, WS-II. YEAR: Y200 LENGTH OF SCENARIO: The scenario continues until all forces belonging to one side have been destroyed or captured. MAP: The map is fixed. It does not float, and is surrounded by a tournament barrier (P17.0). Disengagement is not possible by any means. Fight to the death.

5. Sign-ups: Sign up by posting here with the following information:

A. SFBOL Callsign. B. Empire (and faction/cartel if appropriate). C. Ship selection (BPV) - include any refits, weapons in option mounts, fighters,

interceptors, or PFs purchased. D. Points remaining for Commander's Options, drone speed upgrades, or special warheads. E. Any pre-tourney trash talk...Lord Arioch loves antagonism!

6. Sign-ups are due not later than 24 Nov 09. The First Round will begin on 30 Nov 09.

Website available at: Destroyer Captain's Tournament

By Christopher Smith (Casmith518) on Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 07:32 pm: Edit

Don't worry George, lightning never strikes twice, because Chuck Norris is there waiting for it...

Jeremy: Negotiations for the Violators next victory have begun. Will probably/hopefully happen sometime this week.

By Christopher Smith (Casmith518) on Wednesday, February 03, 2010 - 06:01 pm: Edit

Spaceball vs. Nomad 8:00pacific, Thursday Feb 4th.

The Violator strikes again!

By Fred J. Kreller (Kreller1) on Saturday, February 06, 2010 - 02:39 am: Edit

Sentinal: check your email that's listed in your profile. We need to kill each other here soon. :-)

By Christopher Smith (Casmith518) on Sunday, February 07, 2010 - 11:37 pm: Edit

Update of Spaceball vs. Nomad

We had to save before the end of this one. This won't be terribly accurate but will suffice to get everyone up too speed. Sorry if the numbers are not perfect.

T1: Fed speed 6, LDR speed 20ish. Fed ducks for the corner direction B, LDR fires disruptors around R13(?)Does 6 to the #6. End turn Fed facing A, LDR facinc C about 10ish away.

T2: Fed picks up to speed 16 turns into the LDR. About R5 to 2 ESG's come up Radius 3. I don't remember the strengths I think nearly max on both. We exchanged strikes at R4. Three fully OL photons hit and 4 ph1's for 55+ damage. He has 6 ecm to my 5 eccm. Either way his does maybe 30. Next impulse the remainng ESG hits for around 20. I turn to F and hit with the 2 other unfire phaser 1's. The end result of all this is he has 4 phaser G's left and 3 disruptors, no phasers and 5 power, I have 4 phaser 1's, 4 photons, and 13 power.

T3: Lyran goes Speed 0 and Tacs. Fed at 13, keeps about R5 Plinks away with

Phaser 1's Launches remaining shuttle which manuvers for a R4 Phaser shot down the LDR down shield rolls a 1 and takes out a gat!

T4: Lyran does some slow speed stuff, Fed stays at 13, hits with 4 phaser 1's and a photon torpedo. Lyran kills the shuttle and repairs an APR.

T5: Fed moves 13, lyran 10/4 or something like that. Another 2 phaser 1 plinks.

And that leaves us ready for turn 6. The Fed is maintaining range around 5 avoiding the gats like the plague and plinking with the 4 phaser 1's. We will hopefully get this one finished this week.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Monday, February 08, 2010 - 08:46 am: Edit

a few notes to update Spaceballs post.

T1 we close and I get a few points from long range disr.

T2 I come in at spd 30(I am 30 til 11/26 til 26/19 til 32) he's at spd 14 all turn. With a one shift we fire at R4. He hits with 3 and hulls me leaving one ESG.

Next imp he doesn't move but HETs into me(with a 3-6 rating) and successfully makes the HET. This allows me to hit his #2 with the ESG and him to hit 6 more power with 2 p1. As well at R3 I fired 2 Gats as I thuoght they might be lost to damage, but his ints hit 1 phaser and 6 power instead.

We then went to R1 and zero for the follow up RS gats getting 29 more ints. This leaves LDR with 5 power and 4 GATs, Fed with 13 power 4 photons and 4 p1,s.

T3+ I reload while Feddie circles at R5 firing 4 p1's a turn on off shields. each strike puts the shield to under half so in the next couple turns internals will be rollin in.

Overall my dice have been a bit high while his have been great(well especially the all important HET roll and hitting with 3 at 1-3's). Looks like a FED win at this point but I'll play the last 2-3 turns out to see if I can make up any ground.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Friday, February 12, 2010 - 08:55 am: Edit

Spaceball(Fed DD+) over nomad(LDR DW)

With 4 p1s still the Fed comes into R4 and hits one of the many hurt shields I had. rolling well he does 16 and the 7 internals kills both facing gats and 4 power.

With one gat remaining I conceed it. Good game overall for Spaceball!

By Christopher Smith (Casmith518) on Friday, February 12, 2010 - 04:30 pm: Edit

Kerry thank you for a fun game and staying up later than me to do it, hope we

can do it again some time.

Another glorious display of photon torpedo fireworks shall be presented for Lord Arioch.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, February 13, 2010 - 03:53 pm: Edit

John Smith and I are set to fly Monday, 15:00 PST.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Monday, February 15, 2010 - 04:39 pm: Edit

Yeah I think I have to get it through my head that Destroyer hulls just don't do well after taking 3 photons.

Maybe I'll do better against some spd 40 plasmas.

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 - 01:20 pm: Edit

As I learned yesterday, spd 40 plasmas are nasty. I had a midturn speed change probably about perfectly planned in the first turn, for a spd 32 plasma. The extra movement caused me to catch it at 11 hexes, just barely out of range. The I didn't learn and did it again on turn 3! Le sigh.

In any case, Dale and I will have to finish up another time, we didn't have time last night.

By Carl-Magnus Carlsson (Hardcore) on Thursday, February 18, 2010 - 12:06 pm: Edit

I leave walk over to Paul Scott in our game. There is nothing I can do to prevent being overrun T:2, or 3, and playing is just a waste of time for me given the added problem of different timezones (better to try schedule my RAT game).

By Fred J. Kreller (Kreller1) on Sunday, February 21, 2010 - 04:52 pm: Edit

Sentinal!! We must fight each other or Arioch will punish us! Email is in my profile, not sure if the ones I have sent you are getting through. Krellex

By Ken Burnside (Ken_Burnside) on Sunday, February 21, 2010 - 05:22 pm: Edit

Sky_Captain: Your lack of response will not save you from your eminent destruction!

The Cheese Weasel Awaits! And Grows Hungry!

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - 12:37 am: Edit

Is the round ending tomorrow still? Dale and I have not completed our game, but given how it's going I don't really feel there's much doubt that he's going to win eventually. Consequently I have no problem conceding the round to him if we're at the deadline.

That being said, I'm having a great time flying against him. I wouldn't mind

spending more time getting ground into dust by damnable spd 40 plasma if the round is going to be extended.

By Fred J. Kreller (Kreller1) on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - 01:22 am: Edit

Spd 40 plasma is great, until it's chasing you.

Not sure what's going on with Sentinal, I have not heard from him, so if Arioch could give us a couple more days, I can promise much carnage.

By Ken Burnside (Ken_Burnside) on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - 04:07 pm: Edit

I have not heard from Roger Rardain at all.

By Christopher Smith (Casmith518) on Tuesday, March 16, 2010 - 08:36 pm: Edit

Well guy's, where are we at?

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Sunday, April 04, 2010 - 01:22 am: Edit

Gents, looks like this campaign died a slow painful death. I haven't heard from a number of the captains since round 1.

Sorry to abort this thing on you all...I hope you all have had fun with the game that did get played. I may look to start a similar tourney in the fall with an earlier YIS date (I got tons of complaints about the use of late-war and X-tech), but due to Real LifeTM commitments, I'm not going to restart this immediately.