desulphiting dried apricots by exposure to hot air flow


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Page 1: Desulphiting dried apricots by exposure to hot air flow

Desulphiting dried apricots by exposure to hotair flowMehmet Ozkan and Bekir Cemeroglu*Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Ankara University, Dıskapı 06110, Ankara, Turkey

Abstract: Sulphited dried apricots were exposed to hot air flows at 40, 50 and 60°C and the removal of

SO2 was investigated as their moisture content fell from an initial value of 193.2g kg�1 to a final value of

80–90g kg�1. A first-order kinetic model was found for the removal of SO2 between 40 and 60°C.

Temperature quotients (Q10) for the removal of SO2 were 2.84 between 40 and 50°C and 4.93 between 50

and 60°C; the activation energy (Ea) was 114.40kJmol�1 between 40 and 60°C. Analysis of the kinetic

data also suggested a first-order reaction for non-enzymatic browning, withQ10 values of 2.34 between

40 and 50°C and 5.36 between 50 and 60°C and an Ea value of 109.36kJmol�1 between 40 and 60°C.

Exposure of dried apricots to a 60°C air flow resulted in a rate constant for brown pigment formation

that was 12 and 5 times higher than those at 40 and 50°C respectively.

# 2002 Society of Chemical Industry

Keywords: desulphiting; non-enzymatic browning; surface colour; dried apricots; reaction kinetics

INTRODUCTIONSulphites are the most widely used chemicals in the

production of dried apricots, mainly to preserve the

characteristic golden yellow colour during storage.

This preservative effect is due to the ability of sulphites

to reduce the extent of complex non-enzymatic

browning reactions during drying and storage.1–3

Traditionally, apricots in Turkey are treated with

fumes of burning sulphur in an enclosed room before

sun drying, mostly by the apricot producers them-


The maximum legal limit of 2000mg kg�1 SO2 in

dried apricots is accepted by most countries, including

Turkey.4 Traditionally sulphited apricots can have

SO2 contents ranging from less than 1000 to over

6000mg kg�1.5 This is because many factors affect the

absorption and retention of SO2 by fresh apricots,

including variety, maturity, form of apricot (whole,

pitted or cut), concentration of SO2 in the sulphur

house and exposure time.6,7 Because of the complexity

of the sulphiting process, dried apricots may some-

times contain SO2 levels much higher than the legal

limit. Therefore it becomes necessary to decrease the

final SO2 level to prevent loss of marketability.

The safety of sulphites has been questioned on the

grounds of their alleged role in initiating asthmatic

reactions in some sensitive individuals.8 Concerns over

safety resulted in the revocation of the GRAS

(generally recognised as safe) status of sulphites for

use in fresh fruits and vegetables by the FDA in 1986.9

As a result of continuous pressure from consumers and

the medical community, the legal limits for sulphited

foods, including dried apricots, are expected to be


Desulphiting various fruit products preserved with

sulphites has long been practised.1 For example,

Maraschino cherries are commonly preserved with

sulphites, which are removed by a combination of

leaching with water and boiling. Fruits for jam making

used to be preserved with sulphites, which were

removed by heating during jam making. Similarly,

the removal of SO2 from sulphited fruit juices and

purees used to be carried out by heating under

vacuum.10 The effect of heating on the removal of

sulphites has been attributed to decomposition of the

sulphites bound to food constituents and removal of

the resulting free SO2 by volatilisation.1 Aside from

physical methods, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has been

recommended for desulphiting fruit juices and dried

fruits.1 Detailed experimental data were given on the

possible use of H2O2 for desulphiting pickling cucum-

bers preserved in sulphite brine.11 Moreover, observa-

tions on excessively sulphited dried apricots showed

that H2O2 could successfully be used for desulphit-


No experimental data have been found on desulfit-

ing dried apricots by hot air flow. Only a few studies

have appeared in the literature on the loss of SO2 from

dried apricots during storage.3,13 Therefore this study

was undertaken to provide experimental data on

desulphiting dried apricots exposed to hot air flow.

Specific objectives were to determine the kinetics of

(Received 14 February 2002; revised version received 5 June 2002; accepted 12 August 2002)

* Correspondence to: Bekir Cemeroglu, Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Ankara University, Diskapi 06110, Ankara,TurkeyE-mail: [email protected]/grant sponsor: Research Foundation of Ankara University, Turkey; contract/grant number:

# 2002 Society of Chemical Industry. J Sci Food Agric 0022–5142/2002/$30.00 1823

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture J Sci Food Agric 82:1823–1828 (online: 2002)DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.1266

Page 2: Desulphiting dried apricots by exposure to hot air flow

the removal of sulphites from dried apricots and to

assess the effects of hot air on the colour of dried


MATERIALS AND METHODSMaterialsCommercially sun-dried and excessively sulphited

(between 4000 and 4800mg kg�1 dry weight) apricots

(Prunus armenica L) were provided by the Apricot

Research Center, Malatya, Turkey. The apricots were

mixed thoroughly to minimise variations in the bulk

sample and left in an enclosed container at room

temperature for 2 weeks to equilibrate for moisture. At

the end of this period the apricots were placed into

polyethylene freezer bags and stored in a freezer at

�35°C until used for analysis.

Exposure of apricots to hot airApricots prepared as above were exposed to hot air

flows at 40, 50 and 60°C for 308.5, 144 and 100.5h

respectively. This study was carried out in a forced air

oven (Memmert ULM 500, Schwabach, Germany)

consisting of a fan and a drying chamber equipped

with an electronic temperature controller (�1°C).

The air exchange rate was approximately 75 times the

total oven volume (108 l) per hour. Approximately

1kg of dried apricots were spread uniformly on a

stainless steel tray in a single layer, placed in the oven

and exposed to hot air flow at a given temperature.

Samples of 100g were removed from the oven at

various intervals during drying, placed in hermetically

sealed jars and stored in a freezer at �35°C until used

for analysis. In these samples, SO2, surface colour and

non-enzymatic browning were determined.

Moisture analysisThe initial moisture content of dried apricots was

determined in quadruplicate under vacuum using

AOAC method 934.06.14 For this purpose, 400g of

apricots were taken from the bulk sample equilibrated

for moisture and ground through a plate with 4mm

orifices. This was repeated four times to obtain a

homogenised mixture. Drying was carried out first on

a boiling water bath and then in a vacuum oven at

70�1°C for 7 and 3h periods respectively.

A separate experiment was carried out to determine

the moisture content of apricot samples removed from

the oven at various intervals. For this purpose, eight

dried apricots were weighed and placed in the oven.

The weight loss due to drying was determined for each

time interval until the end of the drying period.

Weighing was carried out using an electronic balance

(Scaltech SBA 51, Heiligenstadt, Germany) with a

sensitivity of �0.01g. The moisture content of

samples was calculated from the weight loss.

Sulphur dioxide analysisSulphur dioxide was determined in duplicate by the

modified Monier Williams distillation method.15 The

homogenised sample prepared for moisture analysis

was used. The SO2 content of dried apricots was

expressed as mg kg�1 dry weight.

Non-enyzmatic browning measurementsNon-enzymatic browning was determined in duplicate

according to the method described previously.16

Extraction of the water-soluble brown pigment was

carried out with 20g l�1 acetic acid containing 10g l�1

formaldehyde. Interfering carotenoid pigments were

removed by the use of lead acetate and ethanol.

Formaldehyde was used to remove the interfering

SO2. A sample of 5g was taken from the sample

prepared for moisture analysis and rehydrated in 65ml

of 20g l�1 acetic acid containing 10g l�1 formaldehyde

at 4°C overnight prior to extraction. This mixture was

then homogenised in a Waring (New Hartford, CT,

USA) blender for 3min. The resulting cloudy extract

was centrifuged (Hettich EBA 12, Tuttlingen, Ger-

many) at 4020�g for 10min. The supernatant was

first clarified by adding 5ml of 100g l�1 lead acetate.

The resulting extract was stirred vigorously with a glass

rod and made up to volume with 20g l�1 acetic acid

containing 10g l�1 formaldehyde. After centrifugation

at 4020�g for 10min the supernatant was then

clarified by adding an equal volume of ethanol and

the mixture was centrifuged again as described above.

Absorbances were recorded at 420 and 600nm. The

browning was calculated by subtracting the absor-

bance at 600nm (for turbidity) from that at 420nm.

Surface colour measurementsThe surface colour of dried apricots was measured

with a Minolta CR-300 Reflektans colorimeter

equipped with DP-300 data processor (Minolta,

Osaka, Japan). The colorimeter had an 8mm diameter

viewing area and was calibrated with a white tile

(L*=97.26, a*=þ0.13, b*=þ1.71). Measurements

were recorded in L* (lightness), þa* (redness), þb*(yellowness) CIE (Commission Internationale de

I’Eclairage) colour co-ordinates. Chroma (C*) and

hue (h*) values were calculated from a* and b* values

using the equations

C* ¼ ða�2 þ b�2Þ1=2 ð1Þ

h* ¼ tan�1ðb*=a*Þ ð2Þ

Colour measurements were performed on both

ground and whole apricots immediately after drying

and rehydration.

Statistical analysisColour values were analysed using a paired t-test.

Minitab for Windows (v 12, 1998) and MSTAT

(v 3.00, 1985) software packages were used to analyse

the results.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe initial moisture and SO2 contents of dried apricots

1824 J Sci Food Agric 82:1823–1828 (online: 2002)

M Ozkan, B Cemeroglu

Page 3: Desulphiting dried apricots by exposure to hot air flow

were 193.2g kg�1 and between 3967 and

4880mg kg�1 dry weight respectively. CIE colour

values of dried apricots were initially in the following

ranges: L*=32.62–44.28, a*=2.22–9.07, b*=16.28–

32.56, C*=16.76–33.44 and h*=69.44–84.65.

Effect of hot air on SO2 contentThe removal of SO2 was studied in dried apricots

exposed to hot air flows at 40, 50 and 60°C. Table 1

shows that exposure to hot air flow was effective in

reducing the SO2 content. For example, the SO2

content decreased from 4577 to 3019mg kg�1 dry

weight after 144h of drying at 50°C, a reduction of

34%. In Fig 1 the SO2 contents of dried apricots

exposed to various air temperatures are plotted as a

function of time. The linear relation indicates that the

removal of SO2 followed first-order kinetics. Reaction

rate constants (k) were calculated at a given tempera-

ture using the equation

ln ðCt=C0Þ ¼ �kt ð3Þ

where C0 is the initial SO2 concentration and Ct is the

SO2 concentration after tmin of exposure to hot air at a

given temperature.

As expected, more SO2 was removed at higher air

temperatures. For example, the SO2 content of dried

apricots after 96h of drying declined by 19.6% at

40°C, 27.6% at 50°C and 64.2% at 60°C. At 40 and

50°C, biphasic first-order plots were obtained (Fig 1).

The SO2 content declined rapidly at 40 and 50°C for

the first 40 and 25h of drying respectively. In contrast,

the removal of SO2 at 60°C followed a monophasic

pattern throughout the drying period. The biphasic

pattern may have occurred as a consequence of the

easy removal of SO2 initially from surface tissues at the

comparatively low temperatures of 40 and 50°C. The

transportation of SO2 from the centre of the fruit to the

surface may have been the rate–limiting factor at 40

and 50°C after this initial period, as it appears to have

been throughout at 60°C.

The temperature dependence of SO2 removal by hot

air flow was determined by calculating the activation

energy (Ea) and temperature quotients (Q10) between

40 and 60°C from the equations

k ¼ k0e�Ea=RT ð4Þ

Q10 ¼ ðk2=k1Þ10=ðT2�T1Þ ð5Þ

Ea is a measure of the temperature sensitivity of a

process. High-Ea processes are highly sensitive to

temperature changes. The Q10 value reflects the

change in the rate of a process for a 10°C rise in

temperature. For quality-deteriorative processes the

Q10 value is generally assumed to be equal to 2, ie the

rate of reaction doubles for each 10°C rise in


The k values were calculated only from the second

part of the biphasic curves at 40 and 50°C. The Ea and

Q10 values are presented in Table 2. Between 40 and

60°C the Ea value was 114.40kJmol�1; the Q10 values

Table 1. SO2 contents of dried apricots treated with hot air at varioustemperatures




SO2 content

(mg kg�1 dry wt)

Decrease in

SO2 content


40 0 4836�63 0

40 4114�289 14.9

88.5 3904�64 19.3

137.5 3680�23 23.9

185 3599�37 25.6

237 3508�91 27.5

280.5 3375�39 30.2

308.5 3242�28 33.0

50 0 4577�28 0

24 3965�200 13.4

48 3619�28 20.9

72 3530�23 22.9

96 3364�30 26.5

120 3036�80 33.7

144 3019�38 34.0

60 0 4005�54 0

15.5 3501�168 12.6

24.5 3360�48 16.1

38.5 2908�9 27.4

63.5 2270�130 43.3

72.5 1784�62 55.5

100.5 1298�58 67.6

Figure 1. Effect of various air temperatures on SO2 content of driedapricots.

Table 2. Effect of temperature on removal of SO2 from dried apricots







40–50°C 50–60°C

40 0.81 (0.978)a

50 2.30 (0.959) 114.40 2.84 4.93

60 11.35 (0.978)

a Numbers in parentheses are coefficients of determination.

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were 2.84 between 40 and 50°C and 4.93 between 50

and 60°C. Comparing the Q10 values, the temperature

quotient for the rate of SO2 removal between 50 and

60°C was almost twice as high as that between 40 and


Non-enzymatic browningA linear relation was found between the logarithms of

absorbance values measured at 420nm for extracts of

apricot tissues and time, representing first-order

reaction kinetics (Fig 2). The rate of browning was

increased greatly by raising the air temperature.

Similarly, a considerable increase in browning of dried

apricots stored at room temperature for 6 months was

previously observed.17 In the same study, apricot

samples stored at 4 and 11°C for the same time period

did not suffer much colour loss.

The limit for acceptability of colour of dried apricots

was defined as an absorbance value of 0.3 at 440nm.3

Similarly, the storage life of dried apricots was defined

as the time at which they had lost 65% of their initial

SO2 content.13 In our study, absorbance values for

browning measurements at 420nm never reached 0.3

at 40 and 50°C, but this limit was reached in apricot

samples exposed to a 60°C air flow for 64, 73 and

100h, with values of 0.46, 0.70 and 1.24 respectively.

The removal of SO2 was 33% at 40°C for 309h and

34% at 50°C for 144h (Table 1). In contrast, the

decrease in SO2 content was 50, 61 and 72% for 64, 73

and 101h of drying respectively at 60°C. Based on

these results, the colour of dried apricots exposed to a

60°C air flow for over 64h cannot be accepted.

The Q10 values for browning of apricots were 2.24

between 40 and 50°C and 5.36 between 50 and 60°Cand the Ea value was 109.36kJmol�1 between 40 and

60°C. (Table 3). Similar Ea values were found in the

literature. For example, the browning of apricots

stored at 22.2–49°C followed first-order kinetics, with

a Q10 value of 3.9 and an Ea value of 108.86kJmol�1.13

A typical Ea value for non-enzymatic browning in

foods is said to be 125kJmol�1.18 In contrast, the

browning of apricots containing 800mg kg�1 SO2 and

dried at 50, 65 and 80°C followed zero-order kinetics,

with an Ea value of 41.87kJmol�1.19 This value is

typical of physical processes, and the authors sug-

gested that the rate of browning was controlled by

water diffusion.

Since dried apricots contain approximately

800g kg�1 dry matter, the Ea values for browning of

dried apricots can also be compared with the Ea values

for browning of fruit juice concentrates. For example,

Ea values for non-enzymatic browning were

127.33kJmol�1 in grapefruit juice concentrates of

62°Bx,20 126.53kJmol�1 in apple juice concentrates

of 70°Bx21 and 97.14kJmol�1 in pear juice concen-

trates of 72.5°Bx.22 Based on these comparisons, our

Ea result correlates well with those for non-enzymatic

browning of juice concentrates exposed to various


Surface colour measurementsThe change in colour of dried apricots exposed to hot

air to reduce the SO2 level was observed by measuring

the colour of both ground and whole apricots. The

colour of ground and whole apricots immediately after

drying could not be measured properly, because the

formation of a hard crust during drying resulted in an

uneven surface, which caused the reflection of light.

Covering the surface of ground apricots with poly-

ethylene film did not help to correct this. Because of

the difficulties in measuring the surface colour of dried

apricots with moisture contents as low as 90g kg�1, the

apricots exposed to hot air flow were rehydrated to

their initial moisture contents, thus allowing the colour

to be measured properly.

The change in colour of the apricots was expressed

by subtracting the CIE colour values of hot air-

exposed samples from those of control samples (Table

4). L*, b*, C* and h* values increased in apricot

samples exposed to hot air at 40 and 50°C and

subsequently rehydrated. The L* values increased by

3–4 units in apricots dried at 40 and 50°C and

subsequently rehydrated to their initial moisture

levels. Only the a* values decreased at 40 and 50°C.

At 60°C, all colour values decreased, except the a*value. The adverse effect of heat on colour was

especially apparent in apricots exposed to a 60°C air

flow for over 64h. Experiments carried out on dried

apricots containing 300mg kg�1 SO2 and stored at

room temperature for 6 months showed a decrease inFigure 2. Effect of various air temperatures on non-enzymatic browning ofdried apricots.

Table 3. Effect of temperature on non-enzymatic browning of dried apricots







40–50°C 50–60°C

40 1.77 (0.813)a

50 3.96 (0.996) 109.36 2.24 5.36

60 21.23 (0.975)

a Numbers in parentheses are coefficients of determination.

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Hunter L*, a* and b* values: L* from 39.7 to 26.4, a*from 25.7 to 10.8 and b* from 36.1 to 14.3.17

Hot air was effective in reducing the SO2 content of

oversulphited dried apricots. Although the SO2 con-

tents were decreased substantially by hot air flow, the

levels were still above the legal limit of 2000mg kg�1

(dry weight). Therefore this method is particularly

recommended for dried apricots with SO2 contents

between 2000 and 3000mg kg�1 (dry weight) at the

applied air temperatures and exposure times. In

particular, air temperatures of 40–50°C are strongly

recommended. At these temperatures the surface

colour parameters L* and b* increased in dried

apricots after rehydration to their initial moisture

levels in comparison with the L* and b* values of dried

apricots prior to hot air exposure. Also, brown pigment

formation was below the recommended limits at 40

and 50°C.

CONCLUSIONThe results from this study suggest that the SO2

content of dried apricots sulphited a little over the

legal limit can be reduced by exposure to hot air flow.

The storage life was also increased owing to the

substantial decrease in moisture content. Bin dryers,

commonly used in food dehydration, can easily be

used for desulphiting dried apricots. This study also

showed that surface colour measurements should be

carried out after rehydrating the dried apricots to their

initial moisture contents. To avoid the need for the

removal of sulphites from oversulphited dried apricots,

we recommend either that traditional sulphiting

practice be optimised or that new methods of

sulphiting be established.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis study forms part of M Ozkan’s PhD thesis and

was funded by the Research Foundation of Ankara

University, Turkey under grant The

authors thank the Apricot Research Center, Malatya,

Turkey for providing the dried apricots.

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Table 4. Comparison of mean (40 measurements) colour values of rehydrated desulphited dried apricots with reference to their initial values





(g kg�1) L* a* b* C* h*

40 0 193.2 38.57 4.93 22.13 22.73 77.36

308.5 195.0a 43.22 4.26 25.00 25.41 80.21

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50 0 193.2 39.26 5.42 24.18 24.81 77.44

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Difference of means 2.797** �0.304 1.326 1.240 1.231

60 0 193.2 38.16 5.35 22.19 22.87 76.49

100.5 187.5a 36.49 6.39 17.86 19.03 69.75

Difference of means �1.668** 1.038** �4.330** �3.841** �6.739**

a Moisture content of dried apricots after drying and subsequent rehydration.

** P<0.01.

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