detox plans

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  • 8/11/2019 Detox Plans


    You may have been tempted to try the detox dietafter several actresses highlighted over the TV how

    it has helped them to lose weight. Yes, it is possible to lose weight using the detox program and you

    too can do it successfully as long as you keep in mind some basic things.

    Before starting on the diet, consult your doctor on whether it is safe for you. Pregnant and nursing

    women must not undertake this diet, nor should people with diabetes, heart ailments or other chronic


    Before you actually start dieting, you need to prepare your body for it. top taking nicotine,

    caffeine, alcohol, sugar and certain food at least a week before going on the diet. !rink lots of water

    and have enough rest.

    "xercise for at least #$ to %$ minutes a day before undertaking the diet. This prepares your body

    physically for what is to come. "xercise even during and after the diet is over, to boost your energy


    Buy plenty of fruits before embarking on the diet. Preferably organic ones. &owever if you can't get

    them, even normal ones will do, provided you peel off the skin and wash the fruits well before

    consuming. (ll detox diets do not re)uire you to have raw food. There are certain diets in which you

    need to eat cooked vegetables partially* say +- cooked and - raw.

    o that you are not bored of eating the same food again and again, you may introduce variations by

    mixing a couple of couple of them together. But for that, you need to know which ones of them gotogether. Try mixing tomatoes or carrots with celery, spinach or cucumber, or if it is fruits you are

    experimenting with, use apple, cranberry or pineapple together, but don't use oranges as they are

    extremely acidic.

    /uices are helpful too, but if you can't get them, a regular blended is fine. &ave at least 01 ounces of

    fruits and vegetables, and 0* glasses of water everyday for the duration of the diet.

    2f you couldn't finish the drink the day you made it, don't fret. 3ruit 4uices stay well for % days, while

    vegetable ones will last for days.

    2f the detox programlasts longer, say for % days or more, eat some solid food in the succeeding

    days. 2f you feel nauseous, or di55y, or have the tendency to throw up anytime during the program,

    it's best to stop the diet, consult the doctor, and resume the program only if the doctor approves of it.

    6nce you are over with the diet, switch back to solid food.Detox diets are good only for shortterm, and prolonging them may result in bad health.2f you are happy with the results of the

    diet, you can take up the diet again, but don't do it more fre)uently, than once or twice a year.

    (part from cleaning up your system, detox diet has the added effect of helping you lose weight. But

    don't be fooled, as what you have lost is only water, which you'll regain very soon when you take up

    the normal diet.

    There are plenty of detox dietsyou can choose from. 7ead about each one to know about them. 2f

    you don't like to drink it, you also have the choice to eat it.

    Master Cleanse Diet And How It Can Help You Lose Weight

    Master Cleanse, compared to other lose weight methods that includes exercising and healthy foods,

    is not very popular but it can be effective in weight loss. (lthough people have the desire to slim

    down, the body has other priorities that can hinder their )uest for weight loss. 2n fact, the body must

    be rid of toxins before it will be able to help in the lose weight process.

    The 8aster 9leanse detox diet was established in +:1+; since that time, the food industry has

    strategically motivated the consuming public to eat more salt, sugar and fat in various processed foods

    and sodas. (ll too often people eat

  • 8/11/2019 Detox Plans


    to the sharp increase of the number of people who are overweight or obese. Thus, a 8aster 9leanse is


    Recipe For One To ose !eight and "tay #ealthy

    Master Cleanse is not a true fast>what some might say is water fast?. ( true fast diet is

    particularly dangerous because people only take in fluids without any real regards to the nutrition or

    calories their body needs. 2f you want to lose weight while still keeping your health in mind, here is a

    recipe that=s sure to help.

    * # Tablespoons organic lemon 4uice

    * # Tablespoons organic grade B maple syrup

    * +

  • 8/11/2019 Detox Plans


    The Basic )dea

    The lemon detox diet contains ingredients that are ingested together for a week to ten days. (fter

    scientific studies were performed, this has been called the best diet ever formulated as it works very

    well and very )uickly. The toxicity will be cleared from your system as you lose weight.

    The diet consists of organic palm and maple extracts, lime 4uice, as well as pepper. The high sugar

    content produces energy and helps to curb your hunger. ( E$ calorie glass of blended ingredients

    provides what your body needs for energy, as well as to provide the proper levels of 5inc and calciumfor the detoxification of your system.

    Benefits of the emon Detox Diet

    2f you are looking for a holistic diet that provides you with needed vitamins and nutrients while

    cleansing your body of toxins, this may be the right one for you. You will notice weight loss and

    cleansing at the same time, improving your overall well being, strength, and motivation. 9leansing

    your system has the added benefit of better health and you will become acutely aware of your organs

    and their functioning. The lemon detox diet also aids in the body=s recovery from the cleansing

    process. The essential nutrients provided by this diet make the process successful. Taking a pollen

    supplement during the cleansing process is also helpful.

    *ossible "ide +ffects

    (s with any dramatic change in diet, you may experience a few unusual symptoms when you begin

    the lemon detox diet. ince you will be ingesting only the ingredients of the specific mixture, you mayhave slight di55iness, which is common when cleansing your system. The expelling of toxins can cause

    you to feel their effects as they move through your system and out. 2f you are on medication or under

    a doctor=s care, be sure to seek his or her counsel before embarking on the lemon detox diet.

    Chen beginning this detox diet, give your body a brief time to become accustomed to it. ( gradual

    transition is preferred, ingesting only fruit 4uice and light meals before you begin. Chen you are

    finished with the diet, don=t ingest a large meal. Fradually introduce solid foods back to your system.

    This is an easy diet to mix up and follow, but it should not be done without consultation of your doctor.

    Cith the aid of your health care expert, you can achieve both weight loss and cleansing of your

    system for optimum health.

    The ideal way to start a detox programme is to begin with a 24-hour fast, if you feel up to it and are

    not on any medications. Seek your doctors or nutritionists adice if you are unsure.

    !any experts beliee that excessie toxicity of the body creates a whole range of serious illnesses,

    from osteoarthritis "where toxins settle in the #oints$, to heart disease, canceranddiabetes. To

    preent such illness you need to be in tune with your body, aware of its condition and its needs, and

    be committed to giing yourself a good, thorough internal spring-clean at least once a year. %t that

    time, also, implement the good eating and exercise habits that will help preent the build-up of a

    toxic state again. % spring-clean for the body is an essential part of any preentatie system of health


    The ideal way to detox your body is to begin with a 24-hour fast, if you feel up to it and are not on

    any medications. Seek your doctors or nutritionists adice if you are unsure. &hoose a day when it is

    not necessary to be ery actie ' preferably a day when you are not physically challenged. (ou also

    need to drink lots of fluid during a fast, as dehydration must neer be allowed, but drink only water

    or hot water and fresh lemon #uice. To aid inner cleansing, a ery good health habit is to both begin
  • 8/11/2019 Detox Plans


    and end the day with a drink of hot water and fresh lemon #uice. This has a cleansing effect on the

    lier and kidneys, as well as the rest of the digestie system.

    %fter the first stage in your detox programme, your 24-hour fast, the idea is to eat as much raw food

    as possible for the rest of the week. )aw fruit and egetables are not only the easiest food for thebody to digest, and the means of getting the most nutrition from food, but they also hae a brilliant

    cleansing effect on the body. &ooked food is more complicated for the digestie system* uncooked

    food enhances the metaboblism and strengthens the immune system. +nstead of a slow sluggish

    constitution, the body finds its best leel for peak performance.

    The high fiber content of fruits and egetables is excellent for flushing toxic residues out of the body.

    +f you try this approach, you will see an improement in your oerall health, with many minor

    niggling symptoms disappearing altogether. hether you suffer from skin rashes, headaches or heart

    disease, you owe it to yourself to build your body with the right materials.

    Try to buy produce that is as fresh as you can get it and buy organic fruit and eg where possible, as

    they obiously hae fewer toxins. % good greengrocer will usually hae much fresher fruits and

    egetables than the large supermarket chains. The fresher the good, the higher the nutritional alue.

    resh herbs are also full of healthful properties, so use them liberally. The ideal, of course, is to grow

    your own herbs and egetables, but this is not possible for most of us.

    hen you do cook your egetables, remember that many itamins and minerals are destroyed by the

    heat in cooking. hen we boil egetables, the nutrients are leached out into the water and pouredaway down the drain. So, wheneer possible, gently steam or stir-fry egetables for #ust a few

    minutes instead, until they are tender ' but only #ust ' to presere their nutritious goodness. %lso

    aim to eat a ariety of fruits, salad and other egetables eery day.

    Detox action plan

    egin your detox at the weekend or during a time when you dont hae too much going on.

    alkfor at least /0 minutes eery day.

    1rink at least 2 liters of water a day ' purified, distilled, filtered or bottled. (ou can also drink

    dandelion coffee or herb teas. ae 3 liter of fruit or egetable #uice ' either carrot and apple #uice "you can buy these two

    separately and combine with one-third water$ with grated ginger, or fresh watermelon #uice ' a day.

    The flesh of the watermelon is high in beta-carotene and itamin &. The seeds are high in itamin ,

    as well as the antioxidant minerals 5inc and selenium. (ou can make a great antioxidant cocktail by

    blending fresh fruit and seeds in a blender into a greast-tasting drink.
  • 8/11/2019 Detox Plans


    Eat in abundance6 ruit ' the most beneficial fruits with the highest deter potential include

    fresh apricots, all berries, cantaloupe melons, citrus fruits, kiwis, papayas, peaches, mangoes,

    melons, red grapes. 7egetables ' especially good are artichokes, peppers, beetroot, russels sprouts,

    broccoli, red cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, kale, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potato,

    tomatoes, watercress and bean sprouts. Eat in moderation6 8rain ' brown rice, corn, millet, and 9uinoa ' not more than two portions

    per day. ish ' salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna ' not more than once a day. :ils ' use extra-

    irgin olie oil for cooking and in place of butter, and cold-pressed seed oils for dressings. ;uts and

    seeds ' a handful a day of raw, unsalted nuts and seeds should be included. &hoose from almonds,

    ra5il nuts, ha5elnuts, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and flax seeds


    Avoid6 %ll wheat products, all meat and dairy produce "including eggs$, salt and any food

    containing it, hydrogenated "trans$ fats, artificial sweeteners, food addities and preseraties, fried

    foods, spices, dried fruit. >> mg

    itamin & capsules and antioxidant complex.

    Majority of people are finding ways that will help them todetoxifytheir body. Detoxifying is the process

    of eliminating wastes and toxins from the body and enhancing the process of absorption of water and

    minerals from the food.

    If your body is cleansed your overall health improves and all your organs function properly.

    Difficulty Level

    Easy but you need to follow these steps sincerely if you want to cleanse your body as many people take it

    seriously for the first day but then fail to stay adhered to it. ere are some steps which when followed

    daily can really help you todetoxify your body


    1. !tay away from "un# food$!he re"uirement for detoxificationof the body heavily depends

    particularly on the type of food you eat. If your regular diet contains processed foods# fried foods# caffeine#

    sugar# and fat# you might ha%e faced the problem ofconstipation at some point of time. !hus# if you

    want to keep your body clean and free from toxins you need to avoid eating junk food.
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    2. Drin# lots of water$ Drinking more water helps in eliminating waste and toxins from your body.

    %ou should drink at least &'() glasses of water a dayto remove toxinsfrom your body.

    3. Drin# herbal teas$ &onsuming herbal teas also results in effective body cleanse. !he

    recommendedherbal teas are green tea# ginger tea# senna tea# and cascara sagrada.

    4. Increase the inta#e of %itamins$ 'itamins are effective cleansers. &onsumption of *itamins A+

    C+ and , in daily meals contributes to a "uick and effective cleansing process.5. Include lot of fiber in your food$(iber plays an important role in the elimination of waste from

    your body. 'egetables and fruits are known to have good fiber content so adding them to your daily meals

    makes your diet healthier.

    6. -ody cleansing treatmentis effective in removing toxic matter# mucus# and small worms

    commonly found in bowel movements.It is not necessary to visit a doctor to detoxify your body. .ust

    follow the instructions gi%en abo%eand see how you will be able to detoxify your body easily and
