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Page 1: An Informational Resource of Children, Family and Community Status for Metropolitan Detroit

An Informational Resource of Children, Family and Community Status for Metropolitan Detroit

Page 2: An Informational Resource of Children, Family and Community Status for Metropolitan Detroit

A Children’s Bridge Program

Funded by Wayne State University’s 2004 Research Enhancement Program awarded to:

Paul T. Giblin, Department of Pediatrics Lee Kallenbach, Department of

Community Medicine Kurt Metzger, Center for Urban Studies

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What is DKD? Why DKD A “cooks tour” of DKD DKD measures applied

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What Is DKD ?

DKD is a web based highly interactive data repository of child and family information for Wayne, Macomb and Oakland Counties and the City of Detroit

DKD’s information is presented in geographic units as small as zip codes and as large as cities and counties and is compared to state and national norms

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What is DKD?

DKD’s data is presented in 4 domains1. Predisposing/mediating measures of

child health and development2. Child developmental status and

behavioral measures3. Child health status and access to

service4. Neighborhood demographic


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What is DKD?

DKD presents data as tables, as graphs and as maps

DKD presents data organized by specific child or family measures expressed across communities or focuses on a specific community and reports its full spectrum of child and family measures

DKD turns data into information by highlighting disparities between communities and illustrating correspondence between measures

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Why DKD?

Data is cool Web sites are cool Those who do data and web sites

are really cool

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Why DKD?A child development/familysystems perspective

An ecological model of child health and development suggests the relevance of a wide range of familial and community measures

An aggregation of measures by community suggest a unit of interpretation and influence

Presenting data as information supports action

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Why DKD?:A policy and program perspective

“New Federalism”---the dissemination of responsibility to the lowest unit of action urges the “democratization” of information

Web based technology and merged extant data systems provide data repositories allowing timely programmatic response

Epidemiologic surveillance allows the measurement of community benefit resulting from program action or institutional mission

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Why DKD?A public health perspective

The IOM’s Community Health Improvement Process (CHIP) begins with problem identification based on ongoing monitoring of community measures

Problem identification also requires an ongoing forum for community participation in which data is presented in a timely manner and transformed into information

Health promotion begins with provision of health information to improve life skills and make healthy choices

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Why DKD?A university perspective

A shared baseline for problem identification, program justification and evaluation of progress

A single source of measures employed by varied social science, human service and health science disciplines

A common ground to foster university and community collaboration

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A “Cook’s Tour” of DKD

Home Page Accessing Data1. Measures by DKD district2. Measure across regions Groupings of Measures1. Demographic information2. Predisposing/mediating measures3. Child developmental/behavioral

measures4. Health status and access to services Web Page Walk Through

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DKD Measures Applied

“Neighborhoods (are) a potent source of unequal opportunity” (Brooks-Gunn, et al, 1993 p.385)

“Poverty is social quicksand; it swallows up community” (Garbarino, 1998 p.114)

“I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor and rich is better.” (Sophie Tucker)

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Neighborhood implies the existence

of both a structural boundary and a social context

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Neighborhood factors which may influence child outcomes include:

Demographic composition (income, ethnicity, positive role models, racial segregation)

Social organization or disorganization and the presence or absence of social controls (economic decline, population turnover, decreased institutional resources)

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Stressors in the neighborhood (violence, incarceration, housing density, environmental pollutants)

Parenting practices and social networks (parenting styles, two versus single parent households, divorce, multiple siblings closely spaced) (Ingoldsby& Shaw, 2002)

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Poverty is a measure of subsistence---the “poverty line” for the U.S. is set by the Department of Agriculture’s estimate of food costs for a basic nutritionally adequate diet multiplied by three (assuming that a subsistence level family spends 1/3 of its income on food)

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Poverty is more concentrated in children because of the declining incomes of young families and the increase in female headed single parent families

Poverty expresses itself through maternal stress, and inadequate emotional, informational and social supports

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Outcomes of poverty include disparities in survival (neonatal and infant mortality, mortality from trauma) and morbidity (intellectual performance, social/emotional functioning, chronic medical conditions, nutrition and growth, lead poisoning, asthma) and homelessness

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DKD Measures Applied

How may neighborhood conditions affect child health and


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DKD Measures Applied

Contagion model: The impact of neighborhood peer influences on the prevalence of child behavior problems in socioeconomic and racially homogenous communities

Collective socialization model: Child outcomes as influenced by the prevalence of neighborhood adults who can serve as role models and monitors of the behavior of neighborhood children

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DKD Measures Applied

Resource model: Child outcomes as influenced by the level of resources (community centers, parks, medical care, daycare) available in a neighborhood

Competition model: Neighborhood effects on child outcomes as a function of community residents competing for scarce resources

(Jenks & Meyer, 1990)

Page 23: An Informational Resource of Children, Family and Community Status for Metropolitan Detroit Predisposing/Mediating Neighborhood Factors for Child Health and Development Measures:Four Models of Influence(Social Demographic)

Predisposing / Mediating Factors Contagion/ Collective Resources/ Competition/Peer Influence Socialization Structural Scarcity


a) Social demographicHouseholds with Children (%)Single Parent Families (%)   X

Female Headed Households (%)   X

Ave Children per Household (#)   X

Ave Adults per Child (#)   X

Poverty, Age<65 (%)  Poverty, Age<18 (%)   X

Median Household Income: MHHI ($)   X

Households with MHHI <$15K (%)   X

Households with MHHI >$40K (%)   X

Income Disparity (Gini coefficient)   X

High School Graduates (%)   X

White Collar Occupations (%)   X

Unemployed (%)   X

Moved in past yr (%)   X

Homelessness  X X

Health insurance coverage   X

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DetroitKidsData.orgPredisposing/Mediating Neighborhood Factors for Child Health and Development Measures:Four Models of Influence(Child Welfare)

Predisposing / Mediating Factors Contagion/ Collective Resources/ Competition/Peer Influence Socialization Structural Scarcity


b) Child welfareTANF Payments ($) X

Enrolled in Medicaid, Age 0-4 (%)  X

Enrolled in Medicaid, Age 5-17 (%)  X

Enrolled in MIChild, Age 0-17 (%) X

WIC - Infants, Age 0-1 (%)  X

WIC - Children, Age 2-17 (%)  X

WIC - Women (#)  X

Foster Care (#) X

Adoption (#) X

Reported Abuse/Neglect (#) X

Enrolled in CSHCS (%)  X

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DetroitKidsData.orgPredisposing/Mediating Neighborhood Factors for Child Health and Development Measures:Four Models of Influence(Community Health)

Predisposing / Mediating Factors Contagion/ Collective Resources/ Competition/Peer Influence Socialization Structural Scarcity


c) Community healthViolent crime, overall (per 1,000) X

Property crime, overall (per 1,000) X

Toxic Discharges to Air (lbs)   X Y

Discharges to Air, Carcinogenic (lbs)   X Y

Vacant Housing Units (%)   X Y

Housing pre-1970 (%)   X

Home Ownership (%)   X Y

Overcrowded: >1 Person/Room (%)   X Y

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DetroitKidsData.orgPredisposing/Mediating Neighborhood Factors for Child Health and Development Measures:Four Models of Influence(Educational Resources)

Predisposing / Mediating Factors Contagion/ Collective Resources/ Competition/Peer Influence Socialization Structural Scarcity


d) Educational resourcesHead Start Centers (#) X

Accredited Center (#) X

Licensed Home Care (#) X

Public schools, Elem-Middle (#) X

Public schools, High (#) X

Public schools, Combination (#) X

Private schools, Elem-Middle (#) X

Private schools, High (#) X

Private schools, Combination (#) X

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Neighborhood and Child Outcomes

Four Weddings and a Funeral

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The Neighborhood Context of Adolescent Mental Health* CAROL S. ANESHENSEL CLEA A. SUCOFF(Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 1996, 37 (December):293-310 )

Neighborhood ContextStructural•median household incomes•% population below poverty line,•% labor force in professional, executive managerial occupationsRacial Ethnic •% Black % Hispanic•Segregated vs integrated neighborhoods

Experiential•Ambient hazards (11 Y/N potential dangers)•Social cohesion (Likert scale)

Family Background•SES & racial ethnicity•Family structure •Parental mental health

Adolescent Mental Health•Depression/Anxiety •Oppositional defiant disorders•Conduct disorders

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Do Neighborhoods Influence Child and Adolescent Development?'Jeanne Brooks-Gunn,Greg J. Duncan,Pamela Kato Klebanov, Naomi Sealand(Amer J. Sociology; 1993; 99 (2): 353-95)

Neighborhood Effects •% of families with incomes<$10,000•% families affluent (>$30,000)•Social Isolation: >40% of neighborhood who were not elderly were poor & no more than 10% families earned >$30,000•% males working in professional, managerial occupations•% Black•% families with children headed by women•% families on assistance•% adult males unemployed

Family Effects•Maternal education•Family income•Female headship status

Developmental Outcomes•Cognitive/ School functioning•Stanford-Binet at 36 months•HS dropout rate

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Some Ways in Which Neighborhoods, Nuclear Families, Friendship Groups, and Schools Jointly Affect Changes in Early Adolescent DevelopmentThomas D. Cook, Melissa R.Hennan, Meredith Phillips, and Richard A. Settersten, Jr.(Child Development. 2002; 73 (4): 1283-1309)

COMMUNITY CONTEXTFamily  Structural features (size, income, parents)  Process (parenting)Schools   Structure (size, location, class size)   Process (valuing of academics)Neighborhood   Structure (employment)   Process (social cohesion, social context)Friendship Groups 

Child Characteristics  Gender  Achievement test scores   SES   2-parent family   Race/ ethnicity


BBehavioral Outcomes   GPA   Attendance     Self Esteem    Risk Behaviors

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Contemporary Developmental Theory and Adolescence: Developmental Systems and Applied Developmental Science

Richard M. Lerner, Ph.D. and Domini R. Castellino, Ph.D.(J Adoles Health. 2002; 31: 122-135)

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Figure 1. A developmental contextual model of adolescent-context relations (Lerner & Castellino, 2002).

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DKD Measures Applied

Caveats Neighborhood boundaries as experienced

by a child may change developmentally The “social address” of a child may

extend beyond the neighborhood of a child

Neighborhoods and children have a transactional effect on each other

Neighborhoods are not static and have temporal rhythms

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DKD Measures Applied

Program Recommendations for Neighborhood Interventions:

Addressing only those families/children with the highest scores on an index of risk is unlikely to affect a community’s base rate of risk factors

Adopt community wide primary prevention programs which assure basic preventive services---health care, education and parent support

(Chamberlin, 1996)

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Future Directions: Data

More Measures (80 and counting) More Time Points

Baseline (Year 2000) Current (2002-2003)

More Detail for Existing Measures Race / ethnicity Age / gender Other

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Future Directions: Geography

More Geographic Specificity In Detroit


Expand Coverage to Additional Counties Statewide

Requires additional resources

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Future Directions: Functionality

Geographic Areas Ability to Aggregate DKD Districts

Data Reporting Change Over Time

Custom / Interactive Maps User-specified

By Measure By Geography

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Small Numbers More Detail in Geography More Detail in Population Subgroups

Change Over Time What is the denominator?

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