devaluation of human life c o u rt n e y m c a ff e e p. 5

Devaluation of Human Life C o u r t n e y M c A f f e e P .

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History of the Problem-Throughout history there has been a subtle progression of devaluation of human life through abortion, cloning, stem cell research, death penalty, and even music and dress, these categories all lead towards producing a lower bar for self-worth.

-People resorted to abortion in previous times to limit population amount.

-In the 1970s scientists found ways of splitting apart a DNA molecule and found that they could create different genetic combinations.

-Music then and now contain lyrics that are degrading and ones that lower the value of self worth.

-The death penalty has been around for many years and has taken on many different forms.

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For the Problem

-The three main reasons that women have abortions today are: age, marital status, and economic status.

-Some reasons for cloning:

-to alter the clone genetically to meet special or specific purposes

-to be able to use clones for transplants

-The words in songs we listen to are projected to make teens and adults think, act, and behave a certain way.

- The death penalty is being used to widely in today’s generation as a result of crime in today’s society.

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Current Status - - - - - - -

-About 43% of American Women alone will have an abortion(s) during their lifetime.

-Scientists and researchers are cloning animals that are genetically altered for special or specific needs and purposes.

-In November 2001, scientists in Maine successfully cloned a human into a 6-celled embryo for stem cell research purposes.

-Music is becoming more and more elicit and degrading as the years go on.

- At yearend 2003, 37 States and the Federal prison system held 3,374 prisoners under sentence of death.

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Analysis-Abortion is a reckless way to get rid of a problem that women don’t want to deal with in this fast paced world.

-Cloning should not be used in today’s society, especially not a possible resource for human cloning.

- The death penalty should never be an option. I believe a lifetime in prison might even be a worse penalty.

-Many songs flow into our households, schools, and work areas through the radio where many of these degrading songs are broadcasted.

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Solution/Implementation Plan

-There are other options to women who are pregnant that don’t want the baby such as adoption and financial support.

-I believe that countries should take steps to slow down cloning and steer away from human cloning.

-Monitor songs that are distributed over the radio for bad language or inappropriate songs.

-The death penalty should not be an option in any country and that a lifetime in prison should be the sentence instead.

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Future Outcome/ Prediction

- Abortion will most likely continue for generations to come because people are always going to have self-doubts and personal issues about pregnancy

- Cloning will continue in the future with animals and stem cell research yet human cloning will not

- The music will probably get even worse in the years to come because so many people believe that music does not affect them in any way

- The death penalty will slow down throughout the world but never completely stop.

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WORKS CITEDCohen, Daniel. Cloning. Brookfield, Conn: Milbrook Press, 1998Edwards, Tamala M. “How Med Students Put Abortion Back in the Classroom.” Time Magazine.7 May 2001.Katz, Nikki. "Abortion Statistics.” 23 March 2005. The Alan Guttmacher Institute. 24 March 2005<>.Lynch, Suzelle. A Woman's Right to Choose Abortion. 11 January 2004. 16 March 2005<>.Moore, Kathrine. “’Dolly’ Scientist Gets OK to Clone Embryos.” OC Register. 9 February 2005.Robinson, B. A. . Why do Women Want to have an Abortion? 17 March 2004. 11 March 2005<>.Terkel, Susan. Abortion: Facing the Issues. : Scholastic Library Pub, 1988.Unknown. “The Science and Ethnics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research.” Encyclopedia Britannica.2005.Encyclopedia Britannica Premium Service. 2 March 2005.Unknown. Devaluation of Life. March 22, 1998. March 16, 2005<>.Unknown. "George W. Bush on Abortion." 2 February 2005. Columbia Commonwealth University.14 March 2005. <>.Unknown. Music: Inspiring or Degrading? 18 March 2004. 11 March 2005 <>.