developer power tools

Power Tools for the Modern Programmer Regular Expressions, Reflection, Code Generation

Upload: nick-harrison

Post on 24-Jun-2015




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Power Tools for the Modern ProgrammerRegular Expressions, Reflection, Code Generation

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Introduction • Leverage advanced practices to build

adaptive business solutions• Boost your own productivity by reducing

repetitive tedious code• Improve quality and consistency by

reducing repetitive error prone code

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What We Will Cover

• Power Tools

• Sample Application

• Further Ideas

• Sources for More Information

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Power Tools

• Regular expressions Take string manipulation to the next level

• Reflection Interrogate and manipulate code metadata at run time

• Code generation Make the computer write its own code

• Design patterns Leverage best practices in your designs

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Overview - Reflection

• Create adaptive solutions

• Simplify code complexity

• Ease maintenance

• Ease deployment

• Solve configuration management issues

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Overview Regular Expressions

• Regular expressions are to string as math is to numbers

• Simplify and optimize string manipulation

• Use editing tools to simplify creating regular expressions

• Document! Document! Document!

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Overview Code Generation

• Obtain language independence with the CodeDom

• Use meta data to drive the code generation • Use meta data to provide code documentation• Standardize repetitive tasks with consistent


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Overview Patterns

• Leverage emerging best practices

• Leverage existing documentation

• Don’t go over board

The KISS Principle still applies

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Sample Problem

• Parse fixed length record file

• Parse with multiple purposes at different times (Load in a database, display on a document, display in a web page, etc)

• Need to parse multiple file with different formats

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Sample Format

• Customer order tracking file

• Customer Record

• Order Record

• Order Item Record

• Address Record

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• CST Record Identifer

• 23 Characters Customer ID

• 25 Characters First Name

• 25 Characters Last Name

• 3 Characters Age

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Order Record

• ODR Record Identifier

• 8 Characters Order Date

• 8 Characters Required Date

• 8 Characters Shipped Date

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Order Item Record

• ITM Record Identifier

• 25 Characters Product ID

• 5 Characters Quantity

• 5 Characters Unit Price

• 4 Characters Discount

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Address Record

• ADR Record Identifier• 60 Characters Street Address• 75 Characters City• 2 Characters State• 5 Characters Zip Code• 4 Characters Zip Plus 4

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Very Easy Regular Expression


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Regular Expression Notes

• Verify that the input string starts as expected

• Allow any character for the specified number of times

• Use named explicit capture groups

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Defining Record Objects

• Define a Constructor expecting a string to parse

• Define read only strongly typed property for each element in the record

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Building the Record Object

• Metadata storage

• Generation Process

• Provide documentation

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PK DocumentID



PK RecordID

FK1 DocumentIDRecordNameRecordPrefixComment


PK RecordElementID

FK1 RecordIDRecordElementNameDataTypeCharacterLengthSequenceComment

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Generation Process

• CodeNamespace• CodeTypeDeclaration• CodeConstructor• CodeMemberProperty• CodeMemberMethod• CodeVariableDeclaration• CodeAssignmentStatement

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Documentation Process

• Simple reports

• Documentation is accurate because it drives program execution

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Reflection to Reduce Complexity

• One measure of complexity is the number of paths through the code

• Multiple paths may lead to redundant code• Multiple paths may lead to confusing flow control• Multiple paths may lead to higher maintenance


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Identifying Record Objects (Hard Coded)

• Separate case statement for each record type• Brittle dependency on the file format• More complex formats lead to more complex

parsing• Parsing a different format requires a different


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private void HardCodedParseLine (string inputLine){

string prefix = inputLine.Substring (0,3);object parsedObject = null;switch (prefix){ case "CST": {

parsedObject = new Customer (inputLine);break;

} case "ODR": {

parsedObject = new Order (inputLine);break;

} . . .}DisplayObjectDetails (parsedObject, tvwResults);


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Identifying Record Objects (Reflective)

• Single path through the code

• Code complexity stays constant even as file format complexity increases

• Same parser can handle parsing files with different formats

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private void ReflectiveParseLine (string inputLine){

string prefix = inputLine.Substring (0,3);Type parseType = (Type)mTypes[prefix];Object [] parameters = {inputLine};if (parseType != null){

object parseObject = Activator.CreateInstance (parseType, parameters);Common.Helpers.DisplayObjectDetails

(parseObject, tvwResults);}


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Visitor Pattern

• Create enhanced flexibility with events• Define an event that will be raised when a record

object is identified• Calling objects “visit” each discovered object by

subscribing to the event• Separation of responsibilities

– Parser knows how to identify record objects but not what to do with them

– Visitors know what to do with the record objects but not how to find them

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Further Ideas

• Load the Record Object types through reflection or from a config file instead of hard coding them into hash table

• Use reflection to identify the method to be called from the event handler specific to each record object type

• Generate and compile the record objects at run time for the ultimate in flexibility

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Sources for More Information

• Reflection–

• Regular Expressions––

• Code Generation–
