developing a tao compass part 4 (1986-87)

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  • 8/10/2019 Developing a Tao Compass Part 4 (1986-87)


    Pleasure is a grace and ls noi obedient to the comn.nds of ihe vill... Ihis is rhy it has such 6 stronglyspirltual and mystlcdl cha.6cte. *hen spontaneols, 6nd rhy it ls so des.adins and f.usrraiing lhen fonced.

    {hen the sreat Tdo is forqotien, kindness and m.dllty 6rlseNhen yisdom and inielllqence are bo.n, ih grett Preiense besins{hen the.e is no peace rlihln ihe fdnlly, lilial plety 6nd devotlon 6.iseUhen the country is confused and in ch6os, loyal mlnlsiers dPPedr

    he. T.o is, equlllbrlun ls.LJhen T.o ls losi, out co@ 6ll the dil(e.ences ln ihings.

    "The i.ader rith the rhiskey Is ceriEin of getfins the mst furs...,rr ln staiins this lacf, tlcKsnnv rasln*iiiinsly enuncilting a profound +ruth-- tho lo.ce of rhlch nanklnd ls ooly nor besinnins to realize--ihai ihe pursult of prolli xll I iranstorn ndtures inherently clPable of nuch sood into so.did, c.ulbeasis of prey, and accusid th{ io conniiting actlons so desPlcable, so inhun6n, ihdt they rc(lld be1e..lfied vere i+ not thti ihe rorld is under the sray of ihe Proflt sYsten, and not nerely excuses 6ndcondones, but jusiifies and throus a sl6nour about, the unuiier.ble deg.adations and c.imes lhlch theproflt sysien calls forih.... Llvlnq In 6 nore advanced ilne,.ln 6n environneni adjusled io brlns ouithe besi, instead ol the *, Asto. and his hencemen mlghi hlve been nen of supreme goodness 6ndgentieness. As it ras, jhey llved ln a period rhen ii Brs consldered ihe highest, mosl asiuie tnd successfulfo.m of t.ade to resort to 6ny resns, horever base, to secure P.otlis. Let not too nuch ignomlnv bec6si upon iheir nmo.ies; they *ere but creatures ot +helr ilnet and ihei. time {6s not ihairrgol.,en 6gerlso foolishly piclo.ed, bui a rlld, ieiTEtuous, conleoding siruqgle ln rhich every nan vas ai the +hroiof his fellor man, dnd in a vortex rhlch siatesnen, college Professors, ediiors, and polifical economisisal I e.6lsed and s6nctif ied .s nprcsresslve clvl I lzation.rl

    tloul, Horl, Hov l

    He Coes noi believe thai does not liv accordino 1o his belief.

    r, ihat a nice hus "The nexi one's sonna be one lnch bisqer ihan the one I just had.rl

  • 8/10/2019 Developing a Tao Compass Part 4 (1986-87)


    sde people never beqin to lisul. untll there's nothl.g left io dd.

    "/The.e's h6rdly anvthlnq like nlse.y tor putting ono ln lhe rdy ot nlr.cles.

    A ihousaod mlle journey is besan rllh on toor pll doen.


    nTheyrre iryins to clean it up. Thtirs rhy ihe telcherrs going rlld....r'

    Fruii pl6nis h6ve gone through oxtrerEly lonq evolu+lonary developneni. Their herdltary natu.e h6s been {ornedih.oughout the centurles, chanslns .nd ldapiiog ilsell fo the onvironment. [e{ chd.6clers became inbor..nd then r6.e passed on io nd qenerations. As a.esult th root.nd above sround sysiems ot dlffe.eniplants.cquired thlr spocitlc ppe.r.nce, st.uc+ure, 6nd size.nd each developed lls orn.el.tlonshlP{ith the environmenral condltlons.

    The Tale of the rronch schoolchl ldren lnd +helr experineni6l tros. They i@k the. {rog and dropped it lnto assucepan of boilins rater, ,hereupon the fros skipped.lsht out-- instsnt rejection of.n environmentihst p.oved distinctly unsult.ble. Bui rhen the schoorchl ld.en d.opped the froq into a s.ucepan of coldrater, nd slo{ly heated it up, tho f.og sr6m.ound 6nd.ound, .d6pilns iiser{ to the risins heat...untll li quleily boiled io death.


  • 8/10/2019 Developing a Tao Compass Part 4 (1986-87)


    ../ rc orn.. expe.ience can subs-tliute for a healthv relatlonship vlth ihe land'

    Common sense suggests that re should control polluiion 6t lis source....

    so.ov go forth 6galn, and manilosi rhat vou prefer io believe..'.

    Le+ Naturo take lts course.

    Afierihe'End.lfyouknolin6dvanceth6tyouyillbefaced{ithenotlonEldi{ficul-tiesyoo(lllnotberendered helploss by their lnp6ci.

    comnunliycentrforResourcesh6ring.ThecomunltycenterforResourceshsringiss.oominabuildingcentra y tocdted {tihin-the cdnunify. ln the roon there fould be 6 bulle+in boa.d (o. bulletln bo8.ds)andsielephone.Peoplefhoh6vsneeds'lheiheritbaneed{ol.naierialgoodsoraneedfo.personalcare'fouldbeencou.sqediodescribetheirneedonanotecard,andputliuponthebulletinbo6.d--orcsllontheielephoneandexplalntheirneed.Also,PeoplllhohavesurplusnaterialgoodsorsUrPlUsene.gyfo.personslc6relouldbesncouraqedtodescribetheirsurplusonanolecs.d,dndpuiihatuP6n +he bu etin boa.d-- or catt li in. The e{forts of anyone rorking ai the communiiv cenfer Jor Resou.cesharing*outdbeioconnectexistlngsUrPtusUithexisilngneds.lhenaconnec-tionismsde,the906lls{oriheihepersonfl+hthesurpllstoexperlencetheglfilngiotheperson||ithiheneodas{ellasforfhepersonliihiheneedtoexPe.ienceiheneedge-lilngnetbYihepersonlilfhihesurPlus'ln+his{.y,peoplevi-fhin6cofrmunllyshdringlhatiheYcangiihe'chotherlso.ganizediooperaieo'

    ,'l pick from , she Picks from you, +hen you Pick fron ne." 6nd then evervone picks from vervone-- sound fai'?rl


  • 8/10/2019 Developing a Tao Compass Part 4 (1986-87)


    Belo.e ihe End. The ilne Bfor ih End cln be compared to a lng1hy t.k over a hlqh nountaln. Ai sorc poinl,betor.e6chlng ihe pe6k, you can see ln det6i I exactly hov nuch farther you nusi trdvel. You *ill rnouha+ is involved in reaching the iop because of your exPe.iance ln the clinb so far. Horever, Bhen voudo reach ihe peak, yhicb h.s boen ln your sisht tor many lons d6ys of effo.i, you {ill have dons onlyihat. You *ill h6ve scqui.ed litile lnfo.nstion and no experle.ce {hatsoever 6boui descendins ihe othe.side. lo.rsh up 6nd over ihe top ln an overly con{ideni manner could brrns d,5d6l{.... The cominssituaiion *lll be stranqe to you ln every rsy, unlike.ny ihat you have expe.lenced....

    The atte.nrtlve thsi Sierlins Bunnsll vas sussesiing rds tn econdy of ll{e style_- a chanse ot consciolsnessobviously-- of slmplicity of consunptlon r6iher thdn cohplicailon of co.sunption. ln othe. rords, jbeless yor consune the hipper you are, the less you consumo the less you desire, the no.e s.iisfied vourrrbe-- lhlch co.responds to the Buddhlst iheo.y-- the less sctlvlty tht you involve vourselt ln thttconsunes oihe. o.sanic atrd ino.ganlc naie.lal, ihe less dePendtnt vourll be. Like vou can look t 3junkie rnd say, I'Llsten, if you Yere off you. hlbii yourd be . lo+ rcre pe6cetul, votr knoY, vou rouldnrih6ve to be .onnlns svsy f. the cops .nd you eouldnrt h.vo to b6 scorlns eve.v d.v.rr lell, Bu.nell'sproposinq fo. human socleiy thai re get off our o6iier habit, bcause re ve.Y definatelv do have a naiterh6bit, To pul lt in a netlphor rorre nshootins sasollne elecfrlc sPeed,trbu.ning doln the velns o{ theE6rth... it's ool.q io lead to a giani bust sooner or l6ter, llke a blue light flash'

    All ou.activities are jusr 6s much sctivities of nttore and ihe unlverse 6s are ihe clrcllnq of planeis, the.u.nlns of {ate., the.o6.lng of ihunder, 6nd ihs bro*ing o{ the rind....

    ls'+ posslble? Sits the ind ln ihat corner?

    on beinq.equesied by the monks io deliver 6 se.non, Hyakujo Nehan told iher io vo.k on the farn, afte. ihichhe rould give them 6 t6lk on the greai subjeci ol Buddhisn. Thev did ss thev rc.e told, 6nd came 1o ihenaste. Jor a sermon, yhen the latfer, rllhoui s6ying a rord, re.ely exiended his open 6rms iova.ds the monks.

    Lrhh+ ls not ranied is nol lu.ned b6ck to..

    "Renember, ve re're ialking abouf c6terpillars... and look?"


  • 8/10/2019 Developing a Tao Compass Part 4 (1986-87)





    Page 11. l,ao Tzu Tao Te cting tlanslation Ch'u Ta-(ao frqr Chapter I 11 hddhist SocieLy

    Iordcn f9372. vtrI der lreur frdn Alan tlatts the l&8ring of tlappiness p. 167 }tarPer ald Roit Nelt York

    1979 (originauy ErblGhed 1926')3. ln astlonant on cne of tie space flights (possibly frcrn Barbara Rowes l 9- 99 -9lqllptr:

    Drltcn Ne$ York 1979)4. willidn Slta]

  • 8/10/2019 Developing a Tao Compass Part 4 (1986-87)


    Page 51. D.T. Suzuki Fssays in Zqr Brddhisn p. 30r lbid.2. Traditional sayinS (possibly frdn Barbara Rc&es the Book of qroEs lbid,)3, Alan l,Iatts Natu.e, l4a1t ard I,I rne p. 12f lbid.4.5, R. e4kninster tul1er Critical PatI p. 68 lbid.6. llillian $akespeare g 6E-E; IIr, Scerp ii, Line 188-195 Ibid.7, R.L. l,lir lhe Illustrated I Grinq (frdn }b'(agran /i5) Ibid.8. frco ciildrerr (ages 2-5)...,

    ?aF 61, R. tucknirster Fuuer Critical Path p. 73, p. 75, p. 76 Ibid.2. I,lillia $Ekespe-are *-6TG-ii-,qct II, sceoe vii, Liie 152-153 lbid.3, R.L. wing ltle Inustrated I Ctdng (fron rtxaSran #6) Ibid.4.5. D.T. suzuki Essays in zgt Blddhisn p. 308-309 lbid.6. Alar l,Ialts liatule, ,tan ad l*rpal p. 14O lbid.7, Stefan Pasti8, frcm childrn (aees 2-5)....

    Page 71, R.L. wing the lllustrated I Grins (frdn fbragran /i7) Ibid.2. Navajo Cerglrnial Song frcm presedtatiql t'y N. Scott lhaday at Ccqaratil Religim confersrce

    in Califomia (?)3. nidu pon frco AlaI walts Tle lihIrine of nappiness Prefece p. xii lbid'4. stefan Pasti

    6- R- Rrlninsrpr lrlller cf,i ri.e1 Path p. 76 ftid.7. l{i1litu*'at espea.e z raryT-S-il, scsE i, LiJp 142-143 lbid.8. frEn childrn (ages 2-5)..,.

    Page 81. Alan Warts Nature, lhr ad ldrnan p. a4 lbid.2. R.L. Wing 1he lllustrated I dling (fr(r lkxaeran il8) Ibid.3. Yoko ono (lossibly frcn Balbara R.ns T Book of qptes lbid.)4. Alan Walts ltature, l4ar d I,ImEn p. I22-l2i lbid.5.6. R, BrcIodnster Fu11er Critical Path p. 73 lbid.7. Artp Bart@ ( the


    to rlt]ch Mo Abort NottrirEf') in The Riverside Stuke-spearep. 331 lbid.

    8. frd childrer (ages 2-5)....

  • 8/10/2019 Developing a Tao Compass Part 4 (1986-87)


    Paee 91. R. Rrckninster Ful1er Critical PatI p. 72 1b14.2. A1sIr llatts Nahrre, l4ar dd Wcrnan p. 62 lbid.3, williar SEkespeare i gl4g A.t 11, Scane iv, Llne 6-9 Ibid.4, Rajrd Kotbari Towards a Just Wcrld p. 206. Prayer frcn Navajo Nieht Glant (frd N. Scott le[sday lbid. )7, R.L. wing Ate Illustrated I Cing (frcrn ltxagrar /ts) Ibid'8. fron childrn (ages 2-5)....

    Page 101. R. Bfkninster Fuller C.itical PatI p. 76 lbid.2. ALa l,latts Natule, l4an and wfilan p. 2 lbid.3. I,lillian $akespare King lpar 'cct Iv, Scme i, l-ine 464. Jotrtathal $ift i'II 4gggeIljrygglgggle @ p. 195 Editor: Evan f,sar Do$1edav

    and Co., Inc. Gardeo City 19495. R.1. $ing AIe Illuslrated I Cfng (fron He-xagran #f0) Ibid.6.7, la T^ Tao Te Gring translation Gia-nr fery frcm OEpter 53 Rdtdcr Itrrse [ir York 19728. fton children (ages 2-5),...

    Page 111. Alan I.iatG liature, l4an ad wtrEn p. 43 ibid.2. willian $akespeare As Yor Like lt Act 11, sceoe vii, line 5_6 lbid.3. R. Rrlnoirster fuller Critical Patll (frdll intrcdrrtic{t P. :o.i) lbid'4.5. D.T. Suzuki Essa)'s in ZdI tuddhistr p. 190 lbid.6. ftaditicnal saying7. R;L. wing Ate lllustrated I dttulg (fron lkagran #11) lbid.8. fron childro (ages 2-5)...,

    Paee 121, Alsn t"latts Natuie, I&n ad l,Imsn p. 42-43 lbid.2. Willian $akes?eare T6 Ge$t1elgt of vercna Act v, Scene iv, Lirc 1 ]bid.3, R. hrknirEter Arller Critical Path p. BI lttid'4, R.L. wing nre rLl,slr ted r dtjtg (frcn lb-yagran /il2) rbid.

    6. fraditicflal sayir

    7.llio 'l^t Tao Te Ching Eanslaticn Gia-ftr Ferlg frm Olapler 20 lbid'

    8. fim childrgl (ages 2-5)....

  • 8/10/2019 Developing a Tao Compass Part 4 (1986-87)


    Page 131. Alan Watts Naare, lhn and I,IqIlan P. 61 Ibid.z, nasirc trcrn uiffiF*e hailor series rv) translated by Peter Beilsrson and rlarry Beln

    Peter Paqei PresJ Uoult vernon, llY 1962 P. 383. D.T. grzuki Essays in Zgl Blddhisl p. U4 rbid.4.5. Gaia: An Atlas of Planetary l&nagdslt p. 110' p. 246 $id.6. @d."r- it is not a biological necessity" P. l1B

    in Peace ard lbr Edired by 6ar1es R. Beitz ad thecdore Hemlal W.E' Ereglan ard co'San Francisco 1973

    7, R.L. wing llle lllustlaled l Ging (frdn Hexagran #13) Ibid.8. fron children (ages 2-5),...

    Parp 14I. ALat watts Nature' llan atd lfrrna(I p. 61 ]bid.z. lrtius cae.a?-IFGSE-ffi narU'a Ro\s 'Ihe Book of q-Etes Ibid. )3. Halsrir qt the occasion ;f his ftst Zent ."?eri*ce-ia ;r. S:zuti Essays in


    p, 2554, R.L. wing the lllustrated l Ging (frqn lbxagran #14) Ibid.5.6. R. BrkninsEer tuIIer Crirical Path P. 98-99 lbid.7. tlillian Shakespeare TiGGr-i-*t Act TII, Scne i, Liie 53-54 ibid'B. frdn children (aees 2-5)....

    Paee 15I-T.f. witrg lbe rllustrated r Gdrlg (frdn rkxaSran #15) lbid.2. o:stavus-uyE-@g &343:ggi P. 122-23 lt,dern Library Nb{ Yolk 1936



    (originally p:blished in 1949)willian $lake-speare l\lftn NidhAlel lbtts Nature, 14r and lfonan

    lct II, Sceoe ii, Line 40-41 lbid.p. 39 lbid.

    D.T. $zulci Essays in ZgI Rrddhisn p. 245 Ibid.nafe rice ad-G-faryoiEdTlcientific study of albatxoss tJelavior dI Midnay Island

    in robert Ard.ey Tie Territorial lfiperative p. 152 Althene6 Press New York 1966frqn chiltben (ages 2-5)....

    Page 16


    n-r- wl"g Tle ]llustrated I ching (frcrn txaSran ill6) .ibid.i. win;-;Eke.-;peaG-u.hEffitl9ggg lc v' scne iv, Line 98-9 (and Lines 1dr-1@) Ttrid'3. D,T. Suzuki Essays in Zen hddhisn P. 230 1bid.

    4, D.T. suzd

  • 8/10/2019 Developing a Tao Compass Part 4 (1986-87)


    Paee 171. R. hck$inster Fu1ler crilical Path p. 108-1@ Ibid.2. Red Jacket t'on -ndia"-6ia6E-lil*,pus speeches by lbted ]rdian ctrieftains) P. 46-47

    W.C, Varde rert-h Un rsity of oklahqlla Press NomEI 19713.

    5, Slefan Pasti6, R.L. wing the lllllstrated l Gdns (frcm lbj.agrar /117) Ibid.7, La,. T^ Tao Te Ctring trarlslaticn Gia-ftr Feng frcn ChaPter 15 lbid'8, frdn childrm (ages 2-5)....

    Parp 181. G5ta\rus llt"ers llistory of Gteat AErican Forhmes p. 14-165 lbid.2. Alan tiatts 'Ihe l&aing of Harplness p. 131-132 lbid.3. I,Ii11iao Stskespeare 1lle winters Tale Act I, Scsle i, Liie 17 lbid.

    5. Traditimal saying6. R.L. wing Tle Illustrated 1 Gtilg (f cm }hxagre #18) lbid.

    l,Iillian Srakespeare A lbrchnl of Venice Act 1, Scene iii' Line 98 lbid.




    7. Lao T^) Tao Te Gdng trarslatim Gia-Fu FgIg frcm GBprer 57 lbid.8. fron childrn (ages 2-5)....

    willian Shakespeare lgglgl-j 1igt ,cct lII'Caia: An Attas of Planetary }lanagesrt p. 214Alar walts Natue, }lan ard l,{cman p. 15, p. 58,

    Yoko ooo (possibly frdn Balbara ros ltte Book of q.Fter lbid. )lao Tar Tao Te dting t nslatidt Gia-nr Feng frcm &apter 43 lbid.n.l. w*g-Ee pgg 41l:Li:g (frcm }btasrdl #19) Ibid.flcm childftn (ages 2-5)....

    PBee 20L n. ardqdnster Fuller Crilical Path P. 105 lbid.2. Willian SlakesFrre @:qt Act V, Scoe i, Line 67 lbid.3. A1&r tls Nature, I'ldI ard ,IrrEn P. 65 lbid.4.5. R.L. lling TtE Illustrated I fti4 ( tbgran #20) Ibid.6. Traditiorlal saying7, lreFlation Sokei-er sasaki of Gines pom frdn Lin-chi ln in alar Walts ltte }bEling of

    Haeli{tts introd:clion P. )odv lbid.E. trom chlldren (ages z-),,....

    Scgre iii, Line 57-60 Itid.ibid.p. 140, p. 55-56 Tbid. (ad stefar Pasti)

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    Paee 21l. Caia: An Atlas oI Planetary lhrasslEnL p. 210 Tbid.2. Alar watls lhe lh,Iling of llappiness p, 102 lbid-3.

    4. D.T. Suznri Essa)s in zn Bidhim p, 263 lbid.5, Ril1ia $akesper.e Rdleo ad.fu1iel lct II' Scene ii,6. P,.L. wing I1l lllustrated I Gling (frdn lftxagrao #21)7. Tradtional saying8. frdn children (ages 2-5).. . .

    Lit\e 43-tA, 47-51 Tbid.rbid.

    Page 231. Alan Watts llaEre, l.tal atd l{dndl P. 135 lbid'Z. Caia: ln,qttas of planetary I'raragglgrt p.52,p.53' p. &' p.53, p.64' p.65 lbid'3. @ Act1 , sceoe ii' Line 37-38 lbid'4. R.L. l'ling lbe rllustrated r chiig (frqn Ee'.gran /i23) Ibid.5.6. D.T. S.lzrn

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    Page 251. ltuireng in D.T. Suzuki Essays in Zen hddhisn p. 225 lbld.2. Gaia: An Atlas of Plaretary l4aragslEnt p. U, P.246' p' 40 Ibid'3. Fi11id Sbakesp@re Richard III Act 1, Sc4e iii, Lirle 184 lbid.4. voltaire frdn Cardide5.6.7.8.

    R.L. fiiic EgJllEllgtrq-lgj 8 (frn lexasrar #2s) Ibid.Alan lbtts l[4ture, ]1m and ldfiErl p. 41 lbid.frqn dlildrgl (ages 2-5).,..

    Papp 261- R.L. sing tle rllustrated 1 Clirg (frar lbxagran /125) Ibid.2. Seattle rron lgligglEgPg lF"'[ro speectles by I'Ioted ]rdier Ctdeftains) p' 121 I{.C vanderrErtn

    thiversity of Cklahona Press NofiEn 19713. Paraphrase of Alan watts the l&aning of HappirEss p. 179 lbid.4. Stefan Pasti

    6. willian *lal

  • 8/10/2019 Developing a Tao Compass Part 4 (1986-87)


    Pag- 291. AlaD liatts Ntture, Ilan ad wcmal p. 188 lbid.2.3. Malk A. D-n1ea 'rThe Financial ed ErwirorfiEntal lnpacr of Garbage Incineration" p. 10-11

    for El\/iroffiental P1afiling l,obtry lblr York 19854. R.L. wing lhe llLrstrated I Ging (frd$ Ihxagrdt #29) Ibid.5. D.T. $zulci Essays in zen hidhisrn p. 48 lbid.6. Ralph l{aldo ftErsdr7. D,T. Suzuki Fssays in zen hddhisn p. 317 lbj.d.8. frcm children (ages 2-5)....

    Paee 30t p. 114 Ibid,

    It Ac Vr Scene iv, Lirp 35-36 Ibid.3. Jaake Higtm-ate Ritual of tlE Wijri p. 20 Viking PIess lblt York 19774. AIan latts the l&{ritlgof ltappirpss p. 161 lbid.5,6. R.L, Wing tE lllustrated I fting (frdn lrexagr$ #3O) Ibid.7. Ashalti prc&erb fltn Asbelti Pro\,erbs tlanslated ty R. futherled Rattrsy Clarddon Press

    Oxfold 1969 p. U6u, trqn chlldren (ages z-)r....

    P6Be 311. R.L. Wing tle lUustrated I Ching (frdn }hxagran #3f) Ibid,2. Tradtidlal sayioS3. Gaia: , n Atlas of Planetary l4eragsent P. 28, P. 30 lbid.4. D.T. Slzl&i Essays in zn Bidhistr p. 288 lbid.5. Alsn lbtts Tle l&aning of nappj.pess p, 46 ftid.6. Ttaditic'nal srying7.8. frcm children (ages 2-5).,..

    gag. 321. R.L. $iJIg lhe Illustrated l Gring (frm bogran #32) Ibid'2, Jotlsfiles (epler (possitly fftn Sarbara Rores IlIe Book of qjotes lbid.)3. Alan llatts 'Ille l&rning of Itrappiness p. 161 lbid.4, R.L. WinS the I Cttirg lblkbook introducticn

    6. caia: An Atlas of Plarietary l4artaegrEflt p. 42+3 ]bid.7, Williatr shakespeare Richad II .qct n1, ftgle ii, Line 102-103 lbid.8. frdn children (aees 2-5)....

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    Page 331. D.T. gzuki Essa) in zgl hrddhisn P. 230 lbid.2. D,T. slzuki Essays in Zen tuddhi$ p' 30r ftid.3, AlElical g:lysical Society

    4. Gaia; In Allas of PlaFtary l4alagslErlt P' 54 lbid.6. R.L. wing the llh'strated I Oring (frd0}bgran il33) Ibid.7. Wi11ie Sr,at

  • 8/10/2019 Developing a Tao Compass Part 4 (1986-87)


    Page 371. Jose$r cqbel1 l. .tls ro Lil By p, 174 lbid.2. Gaia: ,n Atls of P1atary lhnaegrEnt p. 22 lbid.3. Alan I{atts lihture, }lan ad ld'lEn p. 3 lbid.4. Traditinal sayiry5.

    6. R.1,. wing llle llhrstrated I Ching (frdl }bxagrd /437) lbid.7. Tao-hsin (5&651) fron D.T. Suzuki Essays in zo hddhisl p. 201 Ibid.8. frcm children (ages 2-5).,..

    PaBe 381. Alar watts Nature Ikr ad l,{mlar Preface p. xii lbid.2. Stefan Pasti3. I,ao Tal Tao Te Gdng trnslatior Gia-fu FgIg frcn CLBpler I Ibid,4.5. Gaiar ?o Adas of PlaEtary }hrageErt p. 82, p. 48, p. 184 lbid.6. willian $alspeare King IFrr Act III, Scrie ii, Lirp 12-13 lbid.

    7,R.L. lbe rll$trated i ching (frqn Hexagra #38) Ibid.

    8. frcs childrgl (aeer 2-5)....

    Page 391. c4iai ,qn Atlas of Planetary l,lanagspnt p. dr, P. 53' p' &, p' 65 lbid.2. williar $rkespare @&9 i.l I, Scrle iv, Line 90 Tbid.3. R.L. wing AE Ill8trated I Cring (frqn }b8rtu #39) lbid.

    5. lao lru Tao Te Chirg treFlatim Gia-Fr fang frd Olapter 1 lbid.6. Alan Watts Nature, l4m ad ldrld p, 159 Ibid.7. ver der leu{ fr@ Alan lbtts @E gEgll _ @@: P. 167 lbid.8. Ast nti pro lb flco Asharti Proeerbe p. 179 translatico R. futllerled Rattray lbid.9. frcn children (ages 2-5)..,,

    1. Gaia: ,qlt ftlas of Planetary lkragslent p. 72 lbid.2. Alan Watts lbture, dan and lklrEn p. 83 1bid.3. &[le Barton in introduclion to 'The Tardng of tlle $IreC' Ire RfiJerside Sbalcespere P. 107 lbid4, Ttaditional ssying5.6. R.L. l,ling ltre lllusEated r ftirg (frcn lhxagran #40) lbid.7. Liei-tzu tr Alan l{alts }bture, l4an ad td:rnal p' 91 rbid.8. frcm children (ages 2-5)....

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    Page 4l1. lhgalql Yejo in D.T Suaid Essays in zen hrddhism p.236 lbid.2. Gaia: &r Atlas of Planetary }larlagsrE(lt p, 84-85 lbid.3. willian Shakespeare Pericles Act II, scere iv, Line 23- Ibid.4. Traditicnal saying5. Alel watts the lEring of liappiness p. 60 1bid.6.7. R.L. wing Tle lllustrated 1 ctdng (frcrn lb:ragran /i41) Ibid.B. frdo childreo (ages 2-5)....

    Pale 421. Gaia: ,qn Atlas of Plrnetary l4dlagsrEnt p. 86 lbid.2. Wi11iel Shakesleare Txoilus ad cressida Act IV, Scne i' Line 4F5O lbid.:1.

    4. R.L. wing tle luu.straled 1 ching (frcm He)gm #42) Ibid.5. D.T, tuzuki f,ssays in ZgI hlddhisn p.284, p.271, p, 238 lbid'6. Alan watts lbe l&Ering of EappirEss p. 180 lbid.7. Traditional ssyin88. frtu drildrn (ages 2-5)....

    Page 431. wiLlie $Ekespeare Ridlard III ial 1, SceE i' Line IF23' 28-30 lbid.2. R.J. &ntrell in rDirEosions of foreign ald D@stic conflict leiavior: A Revietd of eryirical rirdin

    p. 219 in 1lleory and Resarc qrllelAE9 qlgel Edited by Desr G. Pruitt and RidardC. ertder Prentice lia11, Inc. Ele{ood Cliffs 1969 (ad) }larrice Da\rie Evolution of 16r:A Study of its Role in Early Societies p. 9 Yale University Press New t{aven 1929


    4. Alar ldatts lbture, l4dr sd lhEn p. fia, p, 74, p. 182' p. 189 lbid.5. Gaia: . n Atlas of Plriptary 4alag@rt p. 12, p. 86 lbid.6. O.f. Szuti trarslatiqr of 'ta*a,ratara futra'r in Alan Watts Ale &rdng of H@piness P. 153 lb7. R.L. wir the Illustrated I Ctliig (frcm Heigran /143) Ibid.8. fr.n childrm (ages 2-5). . ..

    Page 441. caia: in Atlas of PlEretary }ldtaggrEot p, 75 lbid.2. llaudce Da\rie Evolution of l,trar p. 233 lbid,3. D.T. szuki EssatE in zen Blddhiso p. 21, p. 301 lbid.4. AlIl watts the ltssring of Happi$ess p. 119 lbid.5.

    6. Willian StE&espeare ,qntony and Cleopatra Act II, sc@e ii, Line 23G237 rhld-7. R.L. wing ft)e lllustrated I Gling (fran tbxagran /144) rbid.8. frcm childrgt (ages 2-5)....

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    Page 45


    lt e na.t r in introduction o tMrdr Mo rhout Nctldngl' 'Ihe Piverside shaksleare p. 328 rbid.2, Gaiar An Atlas of PlaneLary I'lanaeqEnt p. 87 ibid.3,

    4.(yogen cdrposed afler eieeriencing satori in D,T, Suzuki [ssavs in Zen Blddhism p. 243 ibid.

    5, Stefan Pasti6. Alar watts lbture, l4ar and wmm p. 197 lbid.7. R.L. Wing ttt rttustratea r Gting (frqn lbxagrd /i45) Ibid'8. fron childreo (ages 2-5).,..

    Paee 46

    @p.z'p.51 rbid.2. ftaditional saying3.4. Lao r^t Tao Te c1ring translalion Gia-Fu Feng ft6n orapter 34 lbid.5. Carl .-fung6. Alan llatts Nature, I'tan ard W:fiEr p. 205 lbid.7. R.L. Wir ru- rf].rstrata f Anng (f on lbxagrsn /t46) Ibid.8. frsn childre (ages 2-5)....

    Page 47t Alar lGtts Natule, ller ed I,Icman P. 1-2 lbid.Z. Caia: &r ettas of plgretary I'taracqrert p. 189 Ibid. ad G$ta\rus M'rs [istory of Great

    }(erican Fortll}es p' 1G101 lbid-3. Ped Jacket in lndian oratorv l.l'c' vardeFrtr p' t'6-41 Lbrd'4.5. t,lillio shalspeare Tiffn of ATJlgls Act rV, Scene ii, LirE 38-39 lbid.

    6.Stefsn Pasti

    7. R.L. WL tle Illustrated l Gdng (fron l&xagran #47) Ibid.8. fr6 children (ager 2-5). . . .

    Paee 48t. e*, e" at1a5 .r p]ane p. 148-149 rbid.2. Alat Watts Nature, til4l axC l,I( Er p. 16 lbid.3. R.L. fliJtg fhe rfl*tt"tea r Ctitc (fron ltxagran #48) Ibid.zt. ilasan Sas.i in foottlote in b.T. $tzuki Essays in zn bddhisn P.24O.Ibid'

    6. t.iillie $ukespeate T ,elfth Night Acr I, Sce ij., I"ine 11-14 lbid.7. D.T. Suzu-ki Essays in Zo tuddhiffi p. 317 lbid.8. fldn children (ages 2-5)...'

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    Paee 491. cia: An Allas of Planetary }lalaesrsll p. 39, p. 63, P. 62 Ibid.Z. n-t. wing 'nle lllustrated I *ring (frcn lbxagrar #49) Ibid.3. D.T. $ruki Essays in Zs B.rddhisn p. 310 lbid.4. A1m Watts fte lb&dns of liappiness p. 180 liid.5. Iturlus in Joseph Cqbe11 ltths ro Live By p. 121 Ibid.6. frcn children (ages 2-5), ,. .

    Psge 50I. Alar l{atts lhe }kining of ltappiness p. 187-188 ]bid.2. R.L. l{iog TE nlGtiated r ching (frcm Hergr{o #:,0)3. Alan Watts Nature, I'lar ard p, 112 lbid'4. ftaditional saying5.6. caia: In Atlas of PlBrptary }tanagsErt p. 144, P. 34,

    Gerolcee ArdEeolog/p.


    7. $rskespeare R.trleo ard ,fuliel ,qct 11, Scetp i,8, frql children (ages 2-5)...,


    p. 157 lbid. aid ffrie c.

    Line 9@8 lbid.


    Page 511. AIar Watts Tle }hrlling of lhppiness p. 10 Ibid.2. Ilri{sg in D.T. gstki Essat i'I Zgl hd&istr p. 212 lbid.3. Gaia: In Atlas of PlarFtary elalsErt p. 172 lbid.4. haditional saying5.6. R.L. Wing tre llltrstlated t Ching (fron nexagran /l5f) Ibid.U. wl[i^an *rarespeare 59-1ggg3114g1g IND scene ii, Line 69 lbid.8. fr(n children (aeer 2-5)....

    Page 52F. Or"tl." EasEl6r the soul of tle Idian p. 28-29 (and) N. Scort lhladay frcrn talk gi1/sl at

    ccnparitive Religicn confer$ce in califoraia (?)2. Caia Atlas of Pldteta:'t l4alaPgrnt p. 122-123 ].bad'3. Alan watts llature, lhl ard I,tdnan p. 3 lbid.4. Tradritional s4aing5. TradiliorBl saying6.7. R.L. wing the lllustlated I Cring (frcm lbJgran ll52) lbid.




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    &8el:i. caiai In Allas of Planetary l'lmagsEnt p. 118 lbid.2. Willian StEkespeare 3 llelry la Act II, Scene v, Line 55 Ibid.3.

    4. Aler l,[aLts lhe lharine of Eappiness p. 25 Ibid.5. Basho jn HaiI$ Harvest llalslaticn by Peter Beilslscn ad Hany nelE p. 38o. ss'ec" in56@11 ttths to Live ny p. 125 1bid.



    R.L. wins g9_4IE Igg f@9. (fror lhxagran /153) rbid.frdn childrd (aees 2-5)....

    Page g1. RL Wing l}le lllustrated I Oring (frcn he).agxe #54) Ibid.2. Gaia: ln Arlas of Planetary l4aralerEnt p. 103' p. 125 lbid.3. It,R. lla1d@m in Ba$ara Ro$e.s Tle Book of q.ptes lbid.4, willian $akespeare E: gj&b lct Iv, Scsle ii, Lhe 36 Ibid.

    6. Eri{eng in D.T. suzuki Essays in zgl tuddhi$ p. 225 lbid.7. Alan llatts Nature, lkl and $ctrEn p. 122-123 lbLd.8. frcm dlildrn (aees 2-5)....

    caia: ln Atbs of Planetary llanaasErtllillian stlaLesperre 3 tbry lII nct II'

    p. 2r2-2r3 rbid.scsle v, Lire 96 lbid.

    Traditional sayingR.L. wi. &11 I l9 4_l_qi A (fr(rn ltxasran /t55) Ibid.

    Alar watts &9g9:_@lql gg p. 140 lbid.?fr@ childrn (aees 2-5).. . .

    PaF 56i. RL. Wing The Illustrated I Cting (frcm }bxagran /156) lbid.2, Gaia: In Aaias of Plarletaty ManagsEnt P. 1Bo, P. 203 lbid'3. wi11ied0 $Ekespeare Titus Ardronicus lct w, scefle i, Line 59-60 lbid'4, Earl wilsc,n in Barbala RotEs 1lle Book of qrtes lbid.

    6. D.T. szuki Essa]'s ln zo hddhisl P' 293 lbid.7. AlBn Watts tE l&-aning of liappiness p. 201 lbid.8. fro childrgl (ages 2-5)....

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    leeejz1. R.L, Wing 1lre Illustrated I ching (frdn Bexagran #57) Ibid.2. Geia: ln Atlas of Plarctary lhraggEnl p, 14 rbid.3. P1ph waldo ftErson4. 1l,o T^t Tao Te Ctling tlallslation Gia-Fu fsIS frcm Chapter 32 lbid.6, I{illid $Ekespeare MacBeth Act V, Scme iii, Line 37-46 lbid.7. Traditional saying8. frm children (ages 2-5)....

    Page 581. Alan llatts lbture, }lan and ltrmal introdrctioo p. xii lbid.2. caia: n At1as of PlarEtary lbnagMlr p. 214-215 lbid.3. wiLliao $ukespe-are Rftpo art .Irliet ,qct V, scsle ii, Line 291-293 ftid.4.

    5, D.T. Suzuki Essays in zen Bddhisn p. %4 7bid.6. Alar l{atts Natue, l,lm ad Wcoel p. 51 lbid,7. R.L. Wing IlIe tllustratd I Ching (frcm ltxagre il58) Ibid.8. frcm ddldr$ (ages 2-5)....


    navia u. Fotter lppE_glllqlE ([corudc lhrdarce ed tlE Alericer CEracter) P. 180-181, P.Itniwisity of Gricago Press Gdcago 1954

    2. er.cerpt of lyrics in rlrn Spark of Hilt-l&e1ed Bo).s" perfond by Traffic or Igl9 9I 9 -4i8LIieeled Bo)-s Islaid Recolds Na' York 1971

    3. Alao walts Nature, l4dr ard HdrEr p. 35 lbid.4. williar *ldspere Eg&B lct 11, Sce[P iii, Lhe 66 lbid.5.6. Alar Watts tE ltsanirE of HppirEss p. 169 ($btidg a rePly of a Zn Dester) Ibid.7. R.L. wing fte ralrsarttd r drins (fror to

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