developing and assisting members in organizational development


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Page 1: Developing and assisting members in organizational development
Page 2: Developing and assisting members in organizational development

Group Members

Muhammad Haider Ali

Raja Omar KianiSteven Rehmat

Raja Zeeshan Ali

Page 3: Developing and assisting members in organizational development

Chapter 18

“Developing &

Assisting Members”

Page 4: Developing and assisting members in organizational development

Outline1. Career Planning & Development Interventions

i. Career Stagesii. Career Planningiii. Career Development

Rule & Structure Interventions Individual Employee Development Interventions

Performance Feedback & Coaching Interventions

2. Workforce Diversity Interventionsi. Ageii. Gender iii. Race/Ethnicityiv. Disabilityv. Culture & Values

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3. Employee Stress & Wellness Interventions

i. Work Leavesii. Stress Management Programsiii. Definition & Modeliv. Diagnosis & Awareness of Stress & its Causesv. Alleviating Stressors & Coping with Stress

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1. Career Planning & Development Interventions

i. Career Stages Four career stages:

Establishment People are uncertain about their competencies &

Potential People making initial choices about committing

themselves to a specific career People are exploring about their interests &

capabilities They are dependent on others, i.e., bosses,

experienced employees etc.

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Advancement Career selected Comparatively independent Concerned with advancing in their chosen

career Exploring about the available long term


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Maintenance Achieved greatest advancement Teaching is learning twice “Midlife Crises”

Dissatisfied with career progressSearch for alternativesReassessment of oneself & chosen career

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Leaving a career letting go of organizational attachments Major contributions now are sharing knowledge & experience with others

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ii. Career Planning it involves:

Setting individual CAREER OBJECTIVES; which includes:

Assessing one’s interests, capabilities, values & goals, examine alternative careers & making decisions;

that may affect:

Current Job; and includes planning about:

How to progress in the DESIRED DIRECTION.

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Linking Career Planning, Human Resource Planning


Personal Objectives & Life Plans

Occupational & Organizational Choice

Job Assessment Choice

Performance & Development Planning & Review


Business Objectives & Plans

Ways to Attract, Recruit & Orient New Talent to the Firm

Methods for Matching Individuals & Capabilities with Job Opportunities

Ways to Help People Perform Effectively & Develop

Ways for helping Employees Prepare for Satisfying Retirement

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iii. Career Development helps individuals in:

Achieving their CAREER OBJECTIVES.CD includes:

organizational PRACTICES; that help employees to:


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CD Interventions & relevant Career Stages, its Key Purposes & Intended Outcomes:

Role & Structure Interventions Realistic Job Preview Job Rotation & Challenging

Assignments Consultative Roles Phased Retirement

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Individual Employee Development

Assessment Centers Mentoring Developmental Training

Performance Feedback & Coaching

Work-Life Balance Interventions

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2. Workforce Diversity Interventions Diversity: It results from people who bring different resources & perspectives to the workplace & who have distinctive needs, preferences, expectations & lifestyles.

“In order to gain competitive advantage, it is very vital to manage that diversity


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General Framework for Managing Diversity

External Pressures For & Against Diversity

Internal Pressures For & Against Diversity

Management Prospective &




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INTERNAL & EXTERNAL PRESSURES Facing each Organization in Context of Diversity are:

i. Age Personal Needs & Work Motivation of

Different Cohorts Old Workers Young Workers

ii. Gender Work Design Reward System Career Development Gender Inequity

Example of European retail company

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iii. Race

Critical area in diversity management Unequal distribution of authorities Sensitive training can overcome the issue:

Selection criteria Performance appraisals Develop & enforce appropriate rules

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iv. Disability American standards

Banned all discrimination forms on the basis of mental & physical disability.

Modified many organizations to accommodate people with disabilities.

Work design Simplify the work.

Career planning & development Let them aware of Career Opportunities.

Performance management Goal Setting, Monitoring & Coaching performance.

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v. Culture & ValuesCultural diversity can be adopt by following planned change interventions: Employee involvement

These fulfill the need for participation in decision making Employee productivity can be increased by letting them

involve in different works among different types of groups.

Reward System Flexi timing Work Locations Holidays

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Career Planning & Development

It helps identify advancement opportunities in line with their cultural values

As cultures values differs, so each management must match programs with them by such they can improve:

o Job satisfactiono Productivityo Employee Retention

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3. Employee Stress & Wellness Interventions

“Individual well-being or wellness comprises the various life/non-work satisfactions enjoyed by individuals, work/job-related satisfactions &

general health”

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i. Work LeavesLeave Encashment [annual leaves] Medical Leaves Casual Leaves

ii. Stress Management programs Problems:

Turnover Absenteeism Low performance

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iii. Model

How the individual perceives

occupational stressors

Workplace Stressors

Physical Environment• Pollution

Individual• overload

Group• Poor Peer


Organizational• Poor structural


Stress Consequences






Workplace Interventions

Role Clarification

Supportive Relationship

Stress Inoculation



Employee Assistance Program

Individual Differences

Cognitive/Affective Biological/Demographic

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iv. Diagnosing & Awareness of Stress & its Causes

Stress management prevent negative stress outcomes, either by;

• Changing Organizational conditions causing the stress


• Enhancing employees abilities to cope with them

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There are two methods for diagnosing stress:a) Charting Stressorsb) Health Profiling

v. Allocating Stressors & Coping with Stressc) Supportive Relationshipsd) Stress Inoculation Traininge) Health Facilitiesf) Employee Assistance Programs

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