developing industry based voluntary initiative towards sustainable mining

Developing Industry Based Voluntary Initiative Towards Sustainable Mining Improve Mining Industry’s Reputation Eurasia MeNa Mining Summit Turkey 16-17 May 2012

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Developing Industry Based Voluntary Initiative Towards Sustainable Mining Improve Mining Industry’s Reputation. Eurasia MeNa Mining Summit Turkey 16-17 May 201 2. Sustainable Mining Corporate Social Responsibility “ Reputation Drives Value ”. Nature of the Mining Industry. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Developing Industry Based Voluntary InitiativeTowards

Sustainable Mining

Improve Mining Industry’s Reputation

Eurasia MeNa MiningSummit Turkey

16-17 May 2012

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Sustainable MiningCorporate Social Responsibility

“Reputation Drives Value”

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Mining impacts our everyday lives not only from economic and employment

perspective, but in our day-to-day living.

From mining come the highways, electrical and communications networks, clean-

energy technologies, housing, automobiles, consumer electronics and

other products and infrastructure essential to modern life.

Nature of the Mining Industry

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Mining, by its very nature, disturbs land, air and water systems to some

degree. People expect the mining industry to operate in a way that

respects the environment and society.

The challenge for mining companies is to find, extract and process metals and minerals while disrupting these

systems as little as possible.


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The industry must therefore be responsible for more than finding and extracting ore at a profit.

We believe that the industry and the people share a common interest in making sure mining takes place responsibly, in a way that creates economic opportunities, respects community interests, protects the

environment and ensures public heath and safety.


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Protecting the environment and workers are key goals of today’s modern mining industry and the health and safety of its workers is a core value.

It is important for mining facilities to apply sustainabilty principles, adhere to strict regulatory standards and socially responsible mining practices while continually develop  new technologies.

Mining companies want their operations to do more than just follow the letter of the law.

Develop and continually improve Industry standards and ahere to them


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Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Global Reporting Initiative ICMM Sustainable Development Framework IFC Performance Standards on Social and

Environmental Sustainability OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises United Nations Global Compact Voluntary Principles on Security and Human

Rights MAC – TSM Voluntary Initiative

International CSR Standards

Mining companies follow many voluntary standards and frameworks as part of their

international corporate social responsibility: 

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It is foreseen as best: mining association of the country establish

voluntary based industry standards and Mining companies should participate,

measure their performance and publicly report

In Turkey :Miners’ Association of Turkey

should take this task to develop and manage the initiative

How to Achieve

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The leading mining association of the country establishes a system

Set industry CSR standards to comply with Develop guidance, principles and decleration Establish key performance indicators Set targets Companies Measure their performance and

report scores Periodical external verification Recognize best performers The mining association manage and maintain

the system Mandotary for member companies to


How to Achieve - Mechanism

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A voluntary initiative:Towards Sustainable Mining

spearheaded by MAC to help the industry improve its performance.

The initiative helps member companies manage their corporate responsibilities for social and environmental sustainability.

As a condition of membership in MAC, members must participate in TSM. Members must subscribe to a set of guiding principles backed by specific performance indicators that member companies report on annually.

The reported results are externally verified every three years and reviewed by the TSM Community of Interest Advisory Panel

Example(Mining Association of Canada)

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A voluntary initiative

Peformance of member companies are measured

against defined KPI’s

ExamplePerformance Measures & Protocols

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Community of interest Advisory Panel

Under development



TSM Principles

Policy Formwork

Defining Performance Indicators

Tailings Management

Crisis Management and Planning

Safety and health

Water and Mining

Energy & GHG Emissions Management

Committies Outreach

Biodiversity conservation Management

Mine Closure

Performance Reporting

Reporting Guides

Performance Measurement System

Verification System

Assessment Protocols

Technical Guidelines

TSM Architecture

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TSM Performance Element

Measures a Company’s Management Systems for ...

Tailings Management Dealing with tailings, the materials left over after valuable minerals and metals have been separated from ore

Energy Use and GHGEmissions Management Using less energy and releasing less greenhouse gas

Community Outreach Maintaining dialogue with communities affected by the company’s operations

Crisis Management Planning Being prepared for all potential crises

Biodiversity Conservation Management Conserving wildlife in and around the facility

Safety and Health Protecting the safety and health of the company’s workers, contractors and visitors

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