development and testing of a global forecast model … configured on a horizontally icosahedral,...

Development and testing of a global forecast model configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi- material (“flow-following”) grid Today’s presenters: Jin Lee and Rainer Bleck NOAA Earth System Research Lab, Boulder, Colorado

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Post on 25-Feb-2016




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Development and testing of a global forecast model … configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid. Today’s presenters: Jin Lee and Rainer Bleck NOAA Earth System Research Lab, Boulder, Colorado. NOAA/ESRL F low-following- finite-volume - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Development and testing of a global forecast model

… configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Today’s presenters:

Jin Lee and Rainer Bleck

NOAA Earth System Research Lab, Boulder, Colorado

Page 2: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Earth System Research Laboratory


Flow-following- finite-volume



FIMSandy MacDonaldRainer BleckStan BenjaminJian-Wen BaoJohn M. BrownJacques MiddlecoffJin-luen Lee

Page 3: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Topics covered:

• Introduction (Rainer)• Horizontal discretization: the icosahedral

grid; 2-D results (Jin)• Vertical discretization: the hybrid-

isentropic grid (Rainer)• 3-D Results, conclusions, and outlook (Jin)

Page 4: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Topics covered:

• Introduction (Rainer)• Horizontal discretization: the icosahedral

grid; 2-D results (Jin)• Vertical discretization: the hybrid-

isentropic grid (Rainer)• 3-D Results, conclusions, and outlook (Jin)

Page 5: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

ESRL Flow-following, finite volume Icosahedral Model (FIM)

Icosahedral grid, with spring dynamics implementation

Finite volume, flux form equations in horizontal (planned - Piecewise Parabolic Method)

Hybrid isentropic-sigma ALE vertical coordinate (arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian)

Nonhydrostatic (not initially)

Earth System Modeling Framework

Page 6: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

1) Icosahedral + FV approach provides conservation.2) Icos quasi-uniform grid is free of pole problems.3) Legendre polynomials become inefficient at high resol.4) Spectral models require global communication which is

inefficient on MPP with distributed memory.5) Spectral models tend to generate noisy tracer transport.

Since Icosahedral models are based on a local numerical scheme, they are free of above problems 3 – 5.

Why Icosahedral Finite-Volume (FV) model ?

Page 7: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Icosahedral Grid Generation

N=((2**n)**2)*10 + 2 ; 5th level – n=5 N=10242 ~ 240km; max(d)/min(d)~1.26th level – n=6 N= N=40962 ~ 120km; 7th level – n=7N=163842 ~60km8th level – n=8N=655,362 ~30km; 9th level – n=9N=2,621,442 ~15km

Page 8: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

N=(m**2)*10 + 2 “m” is any integer ratio between arc(AB~8000 km) and target resolution. e.g., for dx~20 km, then m=8000/20=400N=(400**2)*10+2~1.6 million points.

Sadourny, Arakawa, Mintz, MWR (1968)

high granularitypossible with icosa-hedral model

Page 9: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid










































Page 10: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

• Finite-Volume operators including (i) Vorticity operator based on Stoke theorem, (ii) Divergence operator based on Gauss

theorem, (iii) Gradient operator based on Green’s theorem.• Explicit 3rd-order Adams-Bashforth time

differencing.• Icosahedral grid is optimized with spring


Numerics of the Icosahedral SWE

Page 11: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Finite volume flux computation:- flux into each cell from surrounding donor cells

Page 12: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

I) Shallow-water dynamics are evaluated with the standard tests of Williamson et. al. (1992) including: .Advection of cosine bell over poles.Steady state nonlinear geostrophic flow.Forced nonlinear translating.Zonal flow over an isolated mountain.Rossby-Haurwitz solution

II) Monotonicity and positive-definiteness achieved by.Zalesak (1979) flux corrected transport (FCT).Demonstrated with emerging seamount experiment

III) Tracer eqns are solved by same FCT routine.tracer transport is tested with pot.vort. advection

Page 13: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

The following 2 tests are run with level 5 grid on 10242 grid points, i.e., dx~240 km.

.Rossby-Haurwitz wave .Emerging seamount

Page 14: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Case VI: Rossby-Haurwitz Wave

Page 15: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 16: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 17: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 18: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 19: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 20: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 21: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 22: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 23: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 24: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 25: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 26: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 27: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 28: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 29: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 30: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 31: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 32: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 33: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 34: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 35: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 36: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 37: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Mass conservation in Rossby-Haurwitz solution

Time integration

Page 38: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Emerging seamount experiment to test FCT in the limit of zero layer thickness

Page 39: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid




Shallow water equations, uniform density, water depth 3000m. Initial conditions: state of rest.Seamount at 30 S growing to 3500 m in 24 hrs. Zero thickness (dry land) after day 3

Page 40: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Shallow water equations, uniform density, water depth 3000m. Initial conditions: state of rest.Seamount at 30 S growing to 3500 m in 24 hrs. Zero thickness (dry land) after day 3

Page 41: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Shallow water equations, uniform density, water depth 3000m. Initial conditions: state of rest.Seamount at 30 S growing to 3500 m in 24 hrs. Zero thickness (dry land) after day 3

Page 42: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Shallow water equations, uniform density, water depth 3000m. Initial conditions: state of rest.Seamount at 30 S growing to 3500 m in 24 hrs. Zero thickness (dry land) after day 3

Page 43: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Shallow water equations, uniform density, water depth 3000m. Initial conditions: state of rest.Seamount at 30 S growing to 3500 m in 24 hrs. Zero thickness (dry land) after day 3

Page 44: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Topics covered:

• Introduction (Rainer)• Horizontal discretization: the icosahedral

grid; 2-D results (Jin)• Vertical discretization: the hybrid-

isentropic grid (Rainer)• 3-D Results, conclusions, and outlook (Jin)

Page 45: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Lagrangian vertical coordinate:Pros and Cons

(“Lagrangian” = isentropic in atmospheric applications)

Major Pros:• No uncontrolled diabatic

mixing (in the vertical and horizontal)

• Numerical dispersion errors associated with vertical transport are minimized

• Optimal finite-difference representation of frontal zones & frontogenesis

Major Cons:• Coordinate-ground

intersections are inevitable (atmosphere doesn’t fit snugly into x,y, grid box)

• Poor vertical resolution in weakly stratified regions

• Elaborate transport operators needed to achieve conservation

Page 46: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

north east


The x,y, grid box

Page 47: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Major Cons:• Coordinate-ground

intersections are inevitable (atmosphere doesn’t fit snugly into x,y, grid box)

• Poor vertical resolution in weakly stratified regions

Fixes:• Reassign grid points from

underground portion of x,y, grid box to above-ground “s” surfaces

• Low stratification => large portion of x,y, grid box is underground => no shortage of grid points available for re-deployment as s points

=> A “hybrid” grid appears to have distinct advantages – both from a grid-economy and a vertical resolution perspective

Page 48: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

"Hybrid" means different things to different people:

- linear combination of 2 or more conventional coordinates (examples: p+sigma,p+theta+sigma)

- ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian) coordinate

ALE maximizes size of isentropic subdomain.

Page 49: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

ALE: “Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian” coordinate

• Original concept (Hirt et al., 1974): maintain Lagrangian character of coordinate but “re-grid” intermittently to keep grid points from fusing.

• In RUC, FIM, and HYCOM, we apply ALE in the vertical only and re-grid for 2 reasons:

– (1) to maintain minimum layer thickness;

– (2) to nudge an entropy-related thermodynamic variable toward a prescribed layer-specific “target” value by importing mass from above or below.

• Process (2) renders the grid quasi-isentropic

Page 50: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Main design element of layer models: Height (alias layer thickness) is treated as dependent variable.

needed: a new independent variable capable of representing 3rd (vertical) model dimension. Call this variable “s”.

Having increased the number of unknowns by 1 (layer thickness), we need 1 additional equation. The logical choice is an equation linking “s” to other variables.

popular example: s = potential temperature

Hence ….

Page 51: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Principal design element of isentropic models: Height and (potential) temperature trade places as dependent / independent variables

- same number of unknowns, same number of (prognostic) equations,

but very different numerical properties

Driving force for isentropic model development: genetic diversity

Page 52: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Continuity equation in generalized (“s”) coordinates







(zero in fixed


(zero in material coord.)


Page 53: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Staggering of variables in layer or stacked shallow-water models:

)/(, spsp

)/(, spsp

)/(, spsp

)/(, spsp

tracersotherqvu ,,,,

tracersotherqvu ,,,,

tracersotherqvu ,,,,

Page 54: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid


Stairstep profile of versus pressure


r 1


r 4


r 2


r 3

Page 55: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid


Blue arrows indicate diabatic heating

Page 56: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid


The “regridding” step: find new interface pressure

Page 57: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid


The “regridding” step: find new interface pressure

equal areas

Page 58: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid


Repeat in all layers

equal areas

Page 59: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid


Final outcome: diabatic heating translated into interface movement

Page 60: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Topics covered:

• Introduction (Rainer)• Horizontal discretization: the icosahedral

grid; 2-D results (Jin)• Vertical discretization: the hybrid-

isentropic grid (Rainer)• 3-D Results, conclusions, and outlook (Jin)

Page 61: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Compute diagnostic variables from prognostic variables

Solution order in FIM

Shallow-water 2-D transport of u,v,p,T,q, other tracers(Intermediate prognostic variables are used in subsequent Physics)

Physics (determine *, p* and source/sink tendencies)

Vertical regridding and remapping of prognostic variablesbased on (*, p* ). This includes “vertical transport” which is applied to all prognostic variables at same time toachieve conservation in an environment of changing p*

Page 62: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Baroclinic instability reduces slope of isentropes

Low lat.High lat.

Vertical-meridional slice through 2-layer atmosphere

Thermal restoration (counter-acting effect of baroclinic instability)

Page 63: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 64: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 65: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

3-D Baroclinic wave 100-day simulations

Page 66: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Following movie shows Layer thickness superimposed bysurface pressure

Page 67: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 68: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 69: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 70: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 71: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 72: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 73: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 74: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 75: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 76: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 77: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 78: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 79: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 80: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 81: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 82: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 83: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 84: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 85: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 86: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 87: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 88: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 89: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 90: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 91: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 92: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 93: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 94: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 95: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 96: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 97: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 98: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 99: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 100: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 101: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 102: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 103: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 104: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 105: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 106: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 107: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 108: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 109: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 110: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 111: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 112: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 113: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 114: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Following movie shows Layer thickness superimposed by

Rain water

Page 115: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 116: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 117: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 118: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 119: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 120: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 121: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 122: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 123: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 124: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 125: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 126: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 127: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 128: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 129: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 130: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 131: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 132: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 133: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 134: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 135: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 136: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 137: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 138: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 139: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 140: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 141: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 142: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 143: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 144: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 145: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 146: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 147: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 148: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 149: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 150: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 151: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 152: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 153: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 154: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 155: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 156: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 157: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 158: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 159: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 160: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Runs with idealized mountains Layer thickness +surface pressure

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Page 162: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 163: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 164: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 165: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 166: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 167: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 168: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 169: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 170: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 171: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 172: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 173: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 174: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 175: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 176: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 177: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 178: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 179: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 180: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 181: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 182: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 183: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 184: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 185: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 186: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 187: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 188: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 189: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 190: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 191: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 192: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 193: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 194: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 195: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 196: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 197: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 198: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 199: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 200: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 201: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 202: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 203: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 204: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 205: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 206: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 207: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 208: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 209: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 210: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 211: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 212: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid
Page 213: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

• A finite-volume icosahedral hybrid model has been developed. This model is free of pole problems and

(I) yields stable solutions without dissipation,

(II) maintains monotonicity and positive-definiteness with mass conservation,

(III) successfully combines a hybrid coordinate with a finite volume icosahedral shallow-water model.

(Iv) presently uses a simple GFS-like cloud removal scheme

Future Work• Incorporate full GFS with EMC numerical framework.

• Real data tests of FIM with GFS physics at end of FY06.

• Continue partnership between NCEP/EMC and ESRL/GSD.

Final Remarks

Page 214: Development and testing of a global forecast model …  configured on a horizontally icosahedral, vertically quasi-material (“flow-following”) grid

Implementation of GFS physics1. The first-order non-local turbulence and surface-

layer scheme

2. The 4-layer Noah soil model with Zobler soil type

3. The simple cloud scheme plus simplified Arakawa-Schubert convective scheme

4. The Chou SW, RRTM LW schemes interacting with diagnosed cloud water and RH clouds

(Using the GFS initial condition and static fields including Reynolds SST , NESDIS snow cover, USAF snow depth, NESDIS ice analysis , GCIP vegetation type, NESDIS vegetation fraction)