development of the western mch nutrition leadership network marion taylor baer, phd, rd ucla school...

Development of the Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence in MCH Nutrition Excellence in MCH Nutrition 2009 ASTPHND meeting 2009 ASTPHND meeting Santa Fe, New Mexico Santa Fe, New Mexico

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Page 1: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Development of the Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Western MCH Nutrition

Leadership NetworkLeadership Network

Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RDMarion Taylor Baer, PhD, RDUCLA School of Public HealthUCLA School of Public HealthDirector, UCLA Partnership for Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence in MCH NutritionExcellence in MCH Nutrition

2009 ASTPHND meeting2009 ASTPHND meetingSanta Fe, New MexicoSanta Fe, New Mexico

Page 2: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

UCLA Partnership for UCLA Partnership for Excellence in MCH NutritionExcellence in MCH Nutrition

• UCLA– Dena Herman, PhD, MPH, RD

• University of Washington – Donna Johnson, PhD, RD

• Colorado State University– Leslie Cunningham-Sabo, PhD, RD

• Oregon Health Sciences University– Elizabeth Adams, PhD, RD

• University of New Mexico– Donna Lockner, PhD, RD

Page 3: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Creating the Creating the Western Leadership NetworkWestern Leadership Network

MCHB-funded leadership training program grantees are mandated to do both pre-service and

continuing education. To whom?

Preservice: identify RDs who are promising MCH nutrition leaders; provide training and support for their graduate studies.

Continuing education: identify MCH nutritionists already in positions of leadership; meet their needs for continuing education

Page 4: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Creating the Creating the Western Leadership NetworkWestern Leadership Network

Needs? Networking

Few MCH nutrition professionals in most states; some small states have none

Larger states may have health departments structured so that MCH nutritionists may also be isolated

Updating – cutting edge nutrition/MCH issues

Public health training?

Page 5: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Creating the Creating the Western Leadership NetworkWestern Leadership Network

Goal 2: Continuing Education

Provide annual learning and development

opportunities and, now, an ongoing (virtual)

development community, for MCH nutrition leaders in

the 13 western states: Region IX (AZ, CA, HI, NV), Region X (AK, ID, OR, WA); Region VIII (CO,UT,

MT, WY); Region VI (NM)

Page 6: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Region IX MCH Nutrition NetworkRegion IX MCH Nutrition Network


• Begun as an informal network under an MCHB regional CE initiative (part of a national initiative) focused on “strengthening” services for children with special health care needs (1985-89).

Nutritionists from states in Region IX (AZ, NV, HI, LA County) were part of interdisciplinary, interagency teams brought together to focus on developing State Nutrition Plans.

Page 7: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Region IX MCH Nutrition NetworkRegion IX MCH Nutrition Network (Unintended Outcome)(Unintended Outcome)

• The “network” kept going (as a formal advisory board) through a series of MCHB-funded grants that continued to focus on improving nutrition services for CSHCN in CA and Region IX (1989–98)

• As some members changed jobs (AZ went to WA; NV went to OR), we expanded our group to include those Region X states

Page 8: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Western MCH Nutrition Leadership NetworkWestern MCH Nutrition Leadership Network

■ Piloted in 1999 - 2002 under the UCLA MCH Nutrition Leadership Training Program

■ Included as an integral part of the 2003 UCLA Partnership training grant proposal as:

our major response to the MCHB mandate to provide continuing leadership education

the logical expansion of the proposed new partnership with the University of Washington and Colorado State University

Page 9: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Western MCH Nutrition Leadership NetworkWestern MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Annual MeetingAnnual Meeting

9 years of annual 2-day meetings (1999 - 2009):

One day Educational:

half cutting-edge issues defined by the group

half networking: “sharing” of expertise, issues, materials, questions, etc., with the other states

One day of Leadership training (starting in 2002)

Page 10: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Western MCH Nutrition Leadership NetworkWestern MCH Nutrition Leadership Network 2005 survey of participants2005 survey of participants

number of respondents: 13/19

number of years participation in network:

6 meetings = 2 3 meetings = 2

5 meetings = 1 2 meetings = 1

4 meetings = 4 1 meeting = 3

1-3 years = 6; 4-6 years = 7

Page 11: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Western MCH Nutrition Leadership NetworkWestern MCH Nutrition Leadership Network 2005 survey of participants: outcomes2005 survey of participants: outcomes

“What is the most useful outcome…?”

NETWORKING! “encouragement; support” “interacting with other states”

• 1-3 “Each time attending, I learn about some new project that I can glean information from and ... apply something useful... to my state.”

4-6: “This has been an ongoing pool of colleagues to run ideas by. Their input has contributed to many projects/publications that have come from my work.”

Page 12: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Western MCH Nutrition Leadership NetworkWestern MCH Nutrition Leadership Network 2005 survey of participants: outcomes2005 survey of participants: outcomes

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT• “being able to understand myself better”

• “recognition that people are different”

• 1-3: “I am trying to arrange for my Bureau Management Team to receive the same training as we did… I received an objective view of my capabilities as a leader which I have used for reflection and action in my daily work.”

4-6: “I actually changed jobs to a supervisory position after contemplating the career move for some time…after the training.”

Page 13: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Western MCH Nutrition Leadership NetworkWestern MCH Nutrition Leadership Network 2005 survey of participants: outcomes2005 survey of participants: outcomes


4-6: “The ability to influence many levels of management and interface with several other disciplines effectively by understanding my skills and style of leadership better.”

4-6 “I had the opportunity to do an individualized assessment for myself and the staff I work with when I was promoted to a management position in conjunction with this network. It was extremely helpful for my career development as an MCH professional.”

Page 14: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Western MCH Nutrition Leadership NetworkWestern MCH Nutrition Leadership Network 2005 survey of participants: outcomes2005 survey of participants: outcomes

“Have you started or continued any inter-state or intra-state professional collaboration…?”

1-3: Yes: 4/6 responses

4-6: Yes: 4/7 responses “Yes, with California, New Mexico and Washington.”

“I have been in contact with New Mexico to discuss

program implementation and used my contacts at

these meetings to collaborate on a distance-learning


Page 15: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Western MCH Nutrition Leadership NetworkWestern MCH Nutrition Leadership Network 2005 survey of participants: outcomes2005 survey of participants: outcomes


• “I have experienced more confidence and

understanding of my capabilities to be a leader in

MCH work in my state. Better benchmarking with

other states and their status on major MCH issues,

such as obesity and school-related legislation. The

contacts made at the meetings are valuable and I

know if I have any questions, I have years of MCH

experience at my fingertips. It is a great feeling!”

Page 16: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence
Page 17: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence
Page 18: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Creating a Leadership NetworkCreating a Leadership Network

“Network-building” is facilitated by a sense of urgency around a shared dilemma or challenge that:

is recognized by “everyone” as a problem or need whose solution will benefit all

requires the collective intelligence of those involved and benefits all

Page 19: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Creating a Leadership NetworkCreating a Leadership Network

EXAMPLE (History):

Region IX Nutrition Network

The current network originally developed because we had a serious problem with children with special health care needs who had nutrition needs that were not being addressed by the states in Region IX

Page 20: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Creating a Leadership NetworkCreating a Leadership Network

Getting started: requires personal contact and some time as well as other resources – this is not an e-mail strategy

Focus on shared issues, problem or challenge within a state or with other states around a “pressing” issue (e.g. MCH Block Grant Performance Measures)

Be open to others [intra-disciplinary] and other disciplines [inter-disciplinary] to maximize the outcome and the learning.

Synergy resulting from interdisciplinary approach Humility in relation to what “you” don’t know

Page 21: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Creating a Leadership NetworkCreating a Leadership Network

Region IX Network

Goal: A state plan to develop/strengthen CSHCN nutrition services in each state

Format: Open meeting structure: Less talking at people (few didactics) and more interaction among participants. States were learning from each other

Outcome: State plans; nutrition positions established; some funded and filled

Page 22: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Creating a Leadership NetworkCreating a Leadership Network


4-6: “I have provided for some of our teams to participate in the DISC tool. I also believe I am more aware of my Myers Briggs type in decision-making, supervision, and communications, and work to develop and use my less-favored processes. I believe I am calmer and have more tools to deal with in rare but difficult personnel situations.”

Page 23: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Creating a Leadership NetworkCreating a Leadership Network Potential Barriers

Lack of resources: time; funding sources Lack of perceived need/motivation/leadership Turnover in personnel/different levels of

experience among participants. (13/19 in 2005 had 4+ years of experience; 3 had less than 1.)

Not a priority for the state (or whatever authority provides release time)

Not a priority for potential participants (e.g. if travel time is limited)

Page 24: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Creating a Leadership NetworkCreating a Leadership Network


• 4-6 “I feel much more connected with the RDs in WA, OR, WY and AZ. I have invited the RD from WA to speak for 3 conferences.”

4-6: “I feel like I am more connected with peers in other states and mentors are available for questions, ideas, and support.”

Page 25: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Creating a Leadership NetworkCreating a Leadership Network


• 1-3: “Gaining great planning ideas and in some cases, actual materials, to help put policies and programs in place to slow down the rate of obesity: for example, receiving copies of other state obesity plans and Hawaii WIC’s low-fat milk campaign.”

Page 26: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Western MCH NutritionWestern MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Leadership Network

Outcomes: What is the most useful…?


1-3: “I am trying to arrange for my Bureau Management Team to receive the same training as we did…, although I must first find the funding. I received an objective view of my capabilities as a leader which I have used for reflection and action in my daily work.”

4-6: “The ability to influence many levels of management and interface with several other disciplines effectively by understanding my skills and style of leadership better.”

Page 27: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Creating a Leadership NetworkCreating a Leadership Network

Suggestions for improvement:

More time for informal networking (9/19 responses in 2005; 1/14 responses in - 2004). Difference?… no reception in 2005.

Meet in groups according to state plan goals

Timely reading assignments

Page 28: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Creating a Leadership NetworkCreating a Leadership Network

Outcomes: ...inter-state or intra-state professional collaboration…?”

“I started an inter-state collaboration around centering pregnancy, a group prenatal care model with Texas. We both spoken at a national conference and continue to be in touch regarding our group prenatal care model. Hopefully, this will lead to a grant application.”

Page 29: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Creating the Creating the Western Leadership NetworkWestern Leadership Network


A Leadership Institute/Network for State-level nutritionists in AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY

Reduce sense of isolation by creating a forum for

information sharing, professional-level “Show &

Tell,” networking and group problem-solving

Page 30: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Creating theCreating theWestern Leadership NetworkWestern Leadership Network


MCH nutritionists had variable formal public health training – especially nutritionists who specialize in children with special health care needs who are more likely to have had only clinical training

Need for updating – cutting edge public health nutrition/MCH issues

Page 31: Development of the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD UCLA School of Public Health Director, UCLA Partnership for Excellence

Western MCH Nutrition Leadership NetworkWestern MCH Nutrition Leadership Network 2005 survey of participants: Perceived Benefits2005 survey of participants: Perceived Benefits

■ LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT! Continuing education units

Face to face format: small groups; “retreat atmosphere;” could do distance-learning before or after