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Page 1: Deviance

BSEd Mathematics III


Page 2: Deviance

DEVIANCEIt is the reorganized violation of cultural norms.It describes actions or behaviours that violate social norms, including formally-enacted rules (e.g., crime),as well as informal violations ofsocial norms (e.g., rejecting folkways and mores).

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Negative DevianceInvolves behavior that fails to meet accepted norms.It occurs when people either reject, misinterpret, or are unaware of the norms.

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Positive Deviance

Overconformity to social expectations.Idealization of the group norms.

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Positive Deviance is an approach to behavioral and social change based on the observation that in any community, there are people whose uncommon but successful behaviors or strategies enable them to find better solutions to a problem than their peers, despite facing similar challenges and having no extra resources or knowledge than their peers. ( )

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The Relativity of Deviance

The determination of which behavior or characteristics are deviant or normal.

Audience Relativity

Actor Relativity

Situational Relativity

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Audience Relativity

Deviance is socially created by collective human judgements and ideas. The judgement of what is normal or deviant depends on the observer who witness and evaluate the act.

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Actor Relativity• Judgement depends on who is doing the

act. Different positions, characteristics, and groups bring forth different expectations, and hence different conceptions as to what constitute deviant behavior.

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Situational Relativity

Judgement depends on a certain circumstances.

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Elements of DevianceExpectation – There must exist a behavioral

expectation, a norm that defines appropriate, acceptable behavior, ideas or characteristics.Violation – some sort of violation of the norm must occur.Reaction – Avoiding, criticism, warnings, punishment or treatment to the violation.

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Social Control

The set of means of ensuring that people generally behave in expected and approve ways.

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Types of Social Control

INTERNAL – lies within the individual that developed during the socialization process. It is practising social control because it is the right thing to do.EXTERNAL – is based on social sanctions, or the system of rewards and punishments designed to encourage desired behavior.

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Explanations on Deviance




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Biological• Deviant behavior as a form of illness

caused by pathological factors that are specific to certain types of individuals. They assume that some people are “born criminals” who are biologically different from “non-criminals”.

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Cesare Lombroso

Explained that certain people are born criminals. He described criminals as having low foreheads, prominent jaws and cheekbones, lots of body hair, and unusually long arms.

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William SheldonSuggested that body types predict criminality.Concluded that the muscular and athletic builds are more likely to commit crimes.

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Y Chromosome theory

• The belief that the criminals have extra Y chromosome, giving them an XYY chromosome makeup rather than XY makeup, that creates a strong compulsion within them to commit crimes.

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PsychologicalDeviance as a result of

unsuccessful socialization, leading to some personality disorders.Sigmund Freud: most people learn in the process of growing up how to inhibit or productively channel their innate drives toward pleasure and aggression.

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SocietalDeviance as a result

of societal processes and structure rather than individual anatomies or psychologies.

Functionalism and Deviance

Social Conflict and Deviance

Symbolic Interactionism and Deviance

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Functionalism and DevianceFunctionalism looks at the positive and negative consequences of deviance in the society.Emile Durkheim: Deviance is functional because.;

1. The ritual of punishment is an emotional experience that binds members of the group together and establishes a sense of community.

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2. It is useful in making necessary changes and in preparing people for change.

Anomie – is the societal condition in which norms are weak, conflicting or absent, which became the basis of – structural strain theory.

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Structural Strain Theory

• Deviance is more likely to occur when there is a gap between societal goals and the ability to achieved these goals through legitimate means.– Conformity – when people accept the goal

established in a society and follow the legitimate means in achieving them.

– However, not all people follow the goal, when they experiences these strain, they resort to deviance adaptations.

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Deviance AdaptationsInnovation – occurs when people remain committed to the goal but reject legitimate methods, they uses alternative methods.

Ritualism – happens when a person rejects the goal of economic success yet continues to work hard as the appropriate aim was to succeed.

Retreatism – are those who reject and withdraw from both the goals and means of the society.

Rebellion – refers to militia groups pursue the goal of changing the society.

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Control Theory Explains that conformity to social norms

depends on the presence of strong bonds between individuals and society. Deviance happens when those bonds are weak.

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Components of Social Bond

Attachment – the ties of the individuals to their families, friends and institutions.Commitment – embracing conventional activities.Involvement – the expenditure of time and energy to conventional behavior.Belief – bonds the individual to the rules of the larger society

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Social Conflict and Deviance

Deviance as a result of power differentials and social inequalities.–The norms and the laws generally

reflect the interest of the wealthy and powerful.–Powerful have the resources to resist

their deviant label.–Unequal application of the law.

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Symbolic Interactionism and Deviance

Explains how people define deviance in everyday situations.

Differential Association Theory-deviance is transmitted

through socialization the same way as nondeviant behavior is learn

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Learning of Deviance depends on three things;

1. The rati o of deviant to nondeviant individuals.

2. Whether the deviant behavior is practi ced by signifi cant others.

3. The age of exposure.

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Labeling TheoryFocuses on the social

definition of behaviors, that is, deviance occurs when individuals or groups define others as deviants.

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Two Step process of Labeling

1. Primary Deviance – the individual engages in isolated acts of deviance

2. Secondary Deviance – deviance becomes lifestyle and a personal identity

Stigma – powerful negative label that greatly changes a person’s self-concept and social identity

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