devil made me do it

Rhiannon Bescoby The type of documentary this is is mixed documentary, as it uses a variety of contents, e.g. the use of interviews and voiceovers used throughout. This documentary has used plenty of themes, which gives the idea that there is not just one thing that the audience should be looking at. The themes that I picked up on were; Power of the media- can the media’s influences change people’s behaviour? Religion- Catholicism, satanic worship. Good V Evil- Binary position, a theory established and Youth- problems in society and how their being dealt with. Moreover, the narrative structure for this documentary, are the following; Open, as it leaves questions unanswered and keeps the audience wondering ‘well is the music of Manson the reason these children did such an evil act’ as even those who created this documentary don’t know themselves. Its single stranded, which means that they have focused on only one story. Lastly, it’s non-linear, as it does not follow the correct time in chronological order, as this documentary goes back in time to the murder and then fast forwards to the court cases.

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Post on 05-Dec-2014



Entertainment & Humor

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Page 1: Devil made me do it

Rhiannon Bescoby

The type of documentary this is is mixed documentary, as it uses a variety of contents, e.g. the use of interviews and voiceovers used throughout. This documentary has used plenty of themes, which gives the idea that there is not just one thing that the audience should be looking at.

The themes that I picked up on were; Power of the media- can the media’s influences change people’s behaviour? Religion- Catholicism, satanic worship. Good V Evil- Binary position, a theory established and Youth- problems in society and how their being dealt with.

Moreover, the narrative structure for this documentary, are the following; Open, as it leaves questions unanswered and keeps the audience wondering ‘well is the music of Manson the reason these children did such an evil act’ as even those who created this documentary don’t know themselves. Its single stranded, which means that they have focused on only one story. Lastly, it’s non-linear, as it does not follow the correct time in chronological order, as this documentary goes back in time to the murder and then fast forwards to the court cases.

Page 2: Devil made me do it

Rhiannon Bescoby

The use of camera work in this documentary was very subtle and used plenty of different camera works;

Establishing shot; was used to establish location. E.g. where the murder took place.

Medium close up; used in interviews on Marilyn Manson, either on the left or the right of the screen. E.g. to get a better view of the persons emotions.

Panning shot; To show the merchandise they were selling of Manson.

Tracking shot; was used to follow the solicitor, whom was in charge of the case. E.g. to show the importance of the person it’s focused on.

Zoom; used to get a better idea of the person it’s being focused on. E.g. when the nuns brother was getting into the car.

Handheld; used to show a more realistic view, its actual footage and in order to respond to events they have to be quick. E.g. Manson coming out of McDonalds.

Crane shot; Used to show a bigger area. E.g. Manson’s concert.

Conventional framing of interviews; close up or medium close up, framed on the left or the right of the screen, eye line should be 1/3 of the way down the screen.

Medium shot Handheld

Closeup shot Extreme closeup

Page 3: Devil made me do it

Rhiannon Bescoby

The use of mise-en-scene for this documentary contained a variety of different things, but mainly consisted of religious imagery. As well as this, the main importance of this documentary would be the lighting, as it creates colour on religions iconography “golden glowing” V harsh lighting on Manson, gives the idea of ‘good V evil’ more clearly.

Moving on, the sound used in this, uses dygetic sound of a males voice over. Standard English, calm emotive delivery; as if it’s too emotive it can sound biased. Age is appropriate to the subject matter. The use of the voiceover is to construct to the narrative (it’s the glue that holds it all together). Also, the voiceover is used for translating Italian; which is gender appropriate.

Interestingly, they use sound effects of the reconstruction of the murder, to make it more realistic for the audience when watching. The use of religious music throughout such as; choral, organ and orchestral, as the whole bases of this documentary is making Manson out to be the devil. The use of sombre- guitar music; simple strumming/plucking, as it all creates an atmosphere. Moreover, they us piano playing to create a horror film like feel, spook the audience a little. Mainly, they have used Manson’s music, so that the audience can get the idea to why they believe his music has guided three girls to do something like this, to get the audience onto their side really.

The editing entirely is cut incredibly unconstructively, so that the audience are unaware about the changes. With an unusual edit of juxtaposition; opposite things come together differently to heighten the visuals more, it somehow fits perfectly. This includes visuals of the fans, with the background music being religious choral music. Also, use of slow motion on the fans to emphasis focus towards them.

Page 4: Devil made me do it

Rhiannon Bescoby

Archive material was used in this documentary, things like;

Marilyn manson, music video’s WebsitesFansNewspaper cuttings

Graphics are used throughout the documentary to give the audience something to read aswell as watching the screen. Graphics are put at the begining of the documentary, to show the title. Using it in interviews, showing them there name and their relation or relevents to the topic. The font used is simple, but for their name, would be bigger so that it stands out. Also, used for the place and time that things occured. Finally, for transulation of the voice over, so that the audience can understand what they are trying to say.