devil's pride

PERSISTENCE RESPECT INTEGRITY DIGNITY EXCEL- Find the hidden devil! Somewhere in this issue is a hidden devil’s head. Be the first to find it and bring to Mrs. LeBlanc for a prize!!!! Around PHS 2-3 Faculty Focus/ Class News 4-5 Sports 6-7 Student Achievements 8-9 Entertainment 10-11 Fun and Games 12-13 Devil’s Pride 14 Inside this issue: Howarneshia Bates, Devil’s Pride editor, wins Pointe Coupee Electric Essay Contest! Howar- neshia and Caroline Williams participated as finalists in the Pointe Coupee Electric Essay Contest. The girls‘ es- says were selected along with nine other contest- ants‘ essays. Howarne- shia and Caroline pre- sented their essays to a panel of judges on March 7, 2010 at Satterfield‘s in New Roads. They were interviewed by a group of judges as well. Howarne- shia‘s essay was selected as one of the five first place winners who will travel to Washington D.C. this June and participate in the NRECA ―Government-in- Action‖ Youth Tour and Conference. The contest is open to all high school juniors who are mem- bers of Pointe Coupee Electric and to all high school juniors attending Plaquemine High, St. John High, Livonia High, Pointe Coupee Central, False River Academy, Catholic High of Pointe Coupee, and Port Allen High School. Congratulations Howarneshia. We are PROUD of you!!!

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March 2010


Page 1: Devil's Pride


Find the hidden devil!

Somewhere in this

issue is a hidden devil’s

head. Be the first to

find it and bring to Mrs.

LeBlanc for a prize!!!!

Around PHS 2-3

Faculty Focus/Class News


Sports 6-7

Student Achievements


Entertainment 10-11

Fun and Games


Devil’s Pride 14

Inside this issue:

Howarneshia Bates,

Devil’s Pride editor, wins

Pointe Coupee Electric

Essay Contest! Howar-

neshia and Caroline

Williams participated as

finalists in the Pointe

Coupee Electric Essay

Contest. The girls‘ es-

says were selected along

with nine other contest-

ants‘ essays. Howarne-

shia and Caroline pre-

sented their essays to a

panel of judges on March

7, 2010 at Satterfield‘s in

New Roads. They were

interviewed by a group of

judges as well. Howarne-

shia‘s essay was selected

as one of the five first place

winners who will travel to

Washington D.C. this June

and participate in the

NRECA ―Government-in-

Action‖ Youth Tour and

Conference. The contest is

open to all high school

juniors who are mem-

bers of Pointe Coupee

Electric and to all high

school juniors attending

Plaquemine High, St.

John High, Livonia

High, Pointe Coupee

Central, False River

Academy, Catholic High

of Pointe Coupee, and

Port Allen High School.

C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s

Howarneshia. We are

PROUD of you!!!

Page 2: Devil's Pride

Page 2 D e v i l ’ s Pri de

A view of the badly damaged presidential palace, the center portion

formerly 3 stories tall, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, shows the extent of the


Residents sleep in the streets after the earthquake.

vide the food, supplies, and

medical aid needed. The

death toll is estimated to be

in the 200,000s. Many vic-

tims needed to be airlifted to

hospitals in the United

States or to military medical

ships waiting on the coast.

Once the search for survi-

vors in the rubble was called

off, the focus was toward

setting up tent cities on the

countryside‘s that began

distributing food to the

thousands of people that

had been displaced. Yet even

with all these efforts, the

Haitian police and military

from other countries were

having a hard time control-

ling the looters and rioters

who were pillaging, looking

for food and water to stay

alive. Many became angry

with the painfully slow proc-

ess of getting international

aid, which lead them to

harm others by any means

necessary. Adding to the

violence was the criminals

who were on the loose after

a prison was damaged in the

quake. Police and military

personnel arrested those

breaking the law, while

keeping the peace and

making sure everyone re-

ceived much needed sup-

plies. However, things con-

tinued to get worse with the

military and police working

On January 13, 2010, an

earthquake with a 7.0 magni-

tude struck less than ten miles

away from Haiti‘s capital city

of Port-au-Prince. The initial

quake was then followed by

twelve aftershocks greater

than 5.0 magnitude. Almost all

structures of all kinds were

destroyed or damaged includ-

ing national landmarks. Im-

mediately after the quake,

countries all over the world

rushed to give aid to Haiti.

However, this proved difficult

with Haiti‘s only airport need-

ing to be rebuilt. As soon as

the airport was repaired, a

schedule and restrictions were

prepared stating for when

planes could land, how much

time they had to unload, and

the time they needed to take

off to open up the landing

strip for others, since only a

few planes at a time could

land. The number one priority

was first aid and medical sup-

plies, then food and water, and

heavy equipment to help dig

survivors out of the rubble.

Dozens of survivors were

found alive after being buried

under heavy rubble. Some sur-

vivors having even gone a

whole week or more under the

debris with no food or water,

and little oxygen. Three weeks

later, organizations from all

over the world, including the

UN were working hard to pro-

Earthquake devastates Haiti: Aid pours in

trafficking with so many

children becoming or-

phans, adding to the large

number of children who

were in orphanages at the

time of the quake. Outside

of Haiti, all over the world,

people of all kinds continue

donating money to aid the

Haitians. One in particular

is the ‗Hope for Haiti‘ tele-

thon, a star-studded event

that took place on January

22, and featured more than

100 actors, musicians, and

other celebrities who per-

formed and answered tele-

Beta Club and Student Council raise funds

phones to take donations.

The telethon raised more

than $58 million in dona-

tions via phone, online,

not including donations

by corporations and large

private donors. As the

days ahead for the people

in Haiti seem uncertain,

the help coming their way

is not. Students at

Plaquemine High can

help by donating what

they can to aid the people

in Haiti. See any Beta or

student council officer to

make a donation. Staff

writer Caroline Williams

Page 3: Devil's Pride

V o lum e I , Is s ue IV

ROTC Inspection

Page 3

On January 29, 2010, Plaquemine

High School‘s MCJROTC program

withstood inspection. They were

inspected by the district officer, Lt.

Col. Storman. The purpose of inspec-

tion is to ensure that the program is

following Marine Corps expectations

and standards. The program is in-

spected in areas of administration

and cadet personnel. Inspectors ver-

ify that the instructors are within

Marine Corps standards of weight

and height and that they are doing

their jobs. Their job is to make sure

administrative work is being done,

such as cadet record books and the

upkeep of logistics. Cadets are in-

spected in their uniforms and their

performance of armed and unarmed

drill. Marine Instructor Sgt. Maj.

Justice quotes that ―the inspection

went well because of inspection prac-

tice and the upper class cadets.‖ Prac-

tice was held in the small gym where

JROTC cadets were placed in the

formations they would have to stand

in during the inspection on Friday.

Sgt. Maj. Justice was even more im-

pressed with the new cadets, who


may not have been in the program for

longer than a month, but still stood

inspection. These cadets did not

know much about the program, but

showed remarkable character to

wear uniforms and stand inspection

so soon. Senior Marine Instructor

Sgt. Maj. Browder stated, ―The cadets

looked extraordinary and many

stepped up to the challenge.‖ The

motivation of the upper class cadets

was evident in those cadets who

stood inspection for the first time.

The cadets demonstrated great lead-

ership and both Marine instructors

are proud of the cadets who stood

inspection and those cadets who

helped make the inspection a success.

The PHS program was found mission

capable. Mission capable means that

the program is running smoothly,

with little discrepancies, but not nec-

essarily excelling in all areas. Mission

capable programs pass inspection and are inspected again in two years.

Staff writer Kaleb Banks

On January 18, the junior class

visited LSU. They received infor-

mation regarding the admission

requirements. Students need a

2.5 or higher GPA and an ACT

score must be a 22 or higher.

Financial Aid is available. The

college also provides jobs for the

students to be able to work and

attend school. While there, stu-

dents also learned a little of LSU‘s

history. They were told the story

of how LSU‘s colors were chosen.

In a game against Tulane, LSU

wanted to show that they had

spirit, so they went to a nearby

store to purchase paraphenalia.

Since it was Mardi Gras, all the

store had was purple and gold

The Dean and the administrators

did not want to change them

because the students loved the

colors and continued to wear

them to school. The students also

learned that LSU did not always

have a stadium. The governor

asked the legislature to fund a

football stadium and was denied.

He then asked for funding for a

building where students could

hang out. The legislature granted

the funding. When finished, they

realized that the ―hangout‖ was

more of a stadium than a place

for students to hang out. The

juniors enjoyed the tour and look

forward to visiting other universi-

ties this year. Tyla Hall

Page 4: Devil's Pride

Faculty Focus - Mrs. Jennifer Purnell

D e v i l ’ s Pri de

Biology– the study of life.

There aren't many words

that can describe this sub-

ject but the amazing interac-

tion of organisms. PHS Biol-

ogy teacher Mrs. Jennifer

Purnell teaches students this

interaction and helps them

become more interested in


As a student, Mrs. Purnell

didn't fit into any of the

groups but was loved by all

of her classmates. She was

very active as a student. She

was on the yearbook staff

and was a member of the

French Club. She graduated

high school within the top

25 of her class.

Mrs. Purnell attended col-

lege at LSU. She majored in

microbiology and minored

in chemistry and also took

education classes. After her

college graduation in 1991,

she went to New Orleans to

pursue a medical career.

Mrs. Purnell began to work

in labs at the University of

Michigan. She worked in a

pathology lab. She then re-

turned to New Orleans to

work in a lab at Tulane Uni-

versity. After working in labs,

she earned her teaching de-

gree in 2007. She taught

Chemistry in Ohio for a year

until she moved back to Lou-


Mrs. Purnell says that she

loves to teach. She loves her

students, and she loves the

challenges and plethora of

ideas that her students pre-

sent. She says that she

wishes to teach for the rest of

her life.

Mrs. Purnell is the sponsor

for the PHS Dazzlers, Class

of 2011 sponsor, and 4-H

sponsor. Kaleb Banks

Page 4

Mrs. Purnell lectures and takes questions from

students in her biology class.

Mrs. Purnell encourages peer tutoring and

often assists students one-on-one. Her

students often go to lab. The student

above is dissecting a starfish.

Page 5: Devil's Pride

The students in both Mrs. Byrant‘s and

Mrs. Allen‘s classes are being positive

and working in groups. Mrs. Byrant‘s

class is shown working on a project in

math to become better math students.

Mrs. Allen‘s students are peer editing

essays. All teachers are trying to make

their classes fun while teaching students

the necessary GLEs to master the Leap

and iLeap tests. Tyla Hall

7th and 8th graders

manipulate movables in

math & write essays in


“I cannot teach

anybody anything, I

can only make them

think.” Socrates

Classroom Activities Page 5 V o lum e I , Is s ue IV

Local radio personality and

author Michael Pasqua visited

juniors and seniors in February

to share his new book, MFP 3:16.

Local radio personality and new

author, Michael Pasqua visited

juniors and seniors in Mrs.

LeBlanc‘s and Mrs. A. Williams‘s

classes recently. Michael dis-

cussed his new book as well as

his radio activities with students

and explained how to publish a

book and produce a talk radio

show. He is shown with seniors

Heath Brown and Lauren Carlin.

Ashley Porch

Page 6: Devil's Pride

The PHS boys‘ basketball team had a great sea-son reaching the quarterfinals and losing by a narrow mar-gin. The team leaders were Jeffery Ricard, Trevon Haw-kins, Adonis Major, Demarcus Watts, and Jeremy Jenkins. It was a great team effort and was greatly supported by the Plaquemine community. Two fan busses carried students, faculty members, cheerlead-ers, and family members of the players for the long four hour ride to Monroe. They were not disappointed with the team‘s effort. The team truly appreciated all of the support it received from its fans this year. Green Devil fans are tops!

―We‘re Number 1!‖ was heard in the halls of PHS when the Green Devil basketball team entered playoff action Friday, February 28, at home. The Devils squared off against John McDonough for the opportunity go to the quarter-finals. The Devils wished for an-other home playoff game due to their high ranking but had to travel to Richwood. Jump off was at 7:00 p.m. The team came out with a tough loss. The score was 50-47. Great job Devils! You are Number 1 in our hearts!

Jeffrey Ricard had a great season. He scored a game high 24 points against Richwood and was a key scorer in all of the games this season. His speed and agility also made him in-strumental in the team‘s defensive effort this sea-son. His season will end on March 20, in Natchito-ches when he plays on the Allstar West team. Con-gratulations and thanks for a great season. Jasmine Mellion

Green Devil Basketball


PHS vs Richwood

47 –50

D e v i l ’ s Pri de Page 6

Faculty Coaches revealed!

PHS basketball players

learned who their gener-

ous faculty coaches were,

and had a chance to thank

them for all that they do.

Page 7: Devil's Pride


Basheba Williams

Shernika Riley

D.J. Jordan


Ashley Porch

Alexis Perkins

Bobbi Jordan


Ashton O‘bear

Jiaria Calloway

PHS Dazzlers

PHS has re-established its dance team, the Dazzlers.

The Dazzlers have been performing at football and

basketball games throughout this school year. We have

the Dazzlers‘ sponsors, Mrs. Jennifer Purnell and Mrs.

Patricia Hayes to thank for this. The following girls

make up the new generation of dazzlers: Erica

Anderson, Gaylan Lewis, Dernisha Deloch, Dianna

Georgetown, Courtney Martin, Dequanda James, Jamie

Sanders, My‘Khail Hines, and managers, Lauren Carlin

and Shelby Dickerson. Taylar Brown

V o lum e I , Is s ue IV

The Plaquemine High cheerleaders are doing an amazing job cheering for our Mighty Green Devils. The cheerleaders cheered the football team to a good record of 6-4 and to the first round of the playoffs. The cheerleaders led the basketball team to a 32-2 record. ―We support our players by traveling to every game. We love cheering our green devils and look forward to baseball and softball.‖ Ashley Porch


PHS Spirit!

PHS Cheerleaders

PHS Step Team

Plaquemine High School recently formed a new step

team. Tryouts were held the week of January 25.

Sponsors of the step team are Mrs. Theodoris McNair

(Thyssen) and Mrs. Tiffany Bosley. Congratulations

to the following members of the new PHS Step Team

pictured practicing below: Naudia Armstead, Niosha

Price, Ebony Mosby, Tanisha Banks, Myria Scott,

D‘Marquis Atkins, Cartina Little, Kayla Young, Ki-

asha Duplessis, Danasha Rachal, Geralneisha Becnel,

Tiera Morgan, and Marquita Spriggs. D’Marquis Atkins

Taylor Calvin

Kayla Young


Whitney Lee

Alexia Mosby

7th&8th Grade

Amber Harris

Deshay Georgetown

Page 7


Page 8: Devil's Pride

D e v i l ’ s Pri de

Geography Bee


PHS held a Geography Bee that was

open to the 7th through 12th grades. It

was held on January 18, 2010. About

50 students attended the bee and eight

rounds were held. Joshua Randall was

the winner of the Geography Bee. The

sponsor, Ms. Bosley said that the bee

was a huge success and assisted

students in preparing for state testing

in March and April. Kaleb Banks

PHS 1st Annual Math Bee On March 3, 2010, Plaquemine High

School had its first math competi-

tion or ―Math Bee‖ honoring World

Math Day. There were participants

from each grade level. The competi-

tion consisted of three groups: 7th

and 8th grade in one group, 9th and

10th in the second group, and 11th

and 12th in the final group. In the

first round, the three groups took a

test on their grade level to narrow

the number of participants down to

three winners in each group. The

final round was a quiz bowl type

competition in which the three win-

ners from each group competed

against each other until there was

one final winner left in each of the

following groups. The three overall

winners were Jessica Granier (11th-

& 12th grade), Julie Schouest (9th-

10th grade), and Alyssa Williams

(7th-8th grade). The winners re-

ceived a $50 gift card to the place of

their choice. Special thanks to Mrs.

Pierce and Mrs. Mosby for sponsor-

ing and overseeing the entire

competition and also to the Class of

2011 for organizing the event and

providing the prizes. Kaleb Banks

8th grade winners were (l to

r): 3rd place—Alicia Jones, 2nd

place– Xavier Daniels, and 1st

place– Myeisha Bell.

7th grade winners were (l to r): 3rd place—

Mykelas Peterson, 2nd place—Jameshlyn

Porter, and 1st place—Janay Williams .

LA Gear-up




Page 8

Page 9: Devil's Pride

Green Devil All Stars

V o lum e I , Is s ue IV

Page 9

Cameron Garner, a 7th grade PHS

student, won the State Champion-

ship Free Throw competition.


Von Lanaux placed in

fifth in his weight class at

the state wrestling tourna-

ment recently. He com-

peted at the 189 eight class

where he was 10-7. This is

Von‘s second year of wres-

tling. His quick success is

a result of his work ethic;

he never missed a practice

or tournament. His out-

look for next year is prom-

ising where he has a

chance of making it to the

top 3. Congratulations

Von! We are proud of you!

Reginald Travis signs

football scholarship

with University of Memphis PHS wide receiver, Reginald Travis,

signed a freshman scholarship with the

University of Memphis. Mr. Travis

expressed his feelings in an interview. He

said, ―I think that God wants me to be

there. I feel very blessed that I've gotten

the scholarship. I feel that this is a good

opportunity for me to exploit my true

talents in the football environment.‖

Travis was looking at a total of four

other scholarships from Tulane, South-

eastern, Northwestern, and the Univer-

sity of Central Arkansas. Travis is looking

forward to playing four seasons in five

years. ―I would like to thank the follow-

ing: first and foremost God, my family,

friends, coaches, church family, and my

teachers,‖ says the humble wide

receiver. May God keep blessing you

and giving you opportunities to have a

better future. D’Marquis Atkins

All State Wrestler

Page 10: Devil's Pride

D e v i l ’ s Pri de

Page 10

Saint‘s Win Superbowl On Sunday, February 7, 2010, the New Orleans Saints

made history when they soundly defeated the Indian-

apolis Colts in the Superbowl. Port Allen‘s Tracey

Porter clinched the victory with an interception late in

the fourth quarter. On the road to the Superbowl, the

Saints defeated the Minnesota Vikings in overtime to

win the NFC Championship. Two players were key to

this victory. Tracey Porter intercepted a pass from

Brett Favre to give the Saints a chance to gain field goal

position. Garrett Hartley, the rookie kicker kicked a

40- yarder for the win. The final score of the intense

game was 31 to 28. The Saints finished with a record of

13 and 3. Saints fans are ecstatic and cannot wait for

next season. WHO DAT?!?

Mosby 10 17

Manogin 28 14

Hamiliton 28 10

Bickham 33 28

D’Albor 21 14

Boudreaux 27 24

Brown 14 21

Thyssen/McNair 37 21

Penny 24 7

Jenneta 35 21

Ray 28 14

Olivier 27 24

Bosely 24 17

Orvin 26 34

Braud 31 28

Gougisha 21 14

J. Wright 27 24

A. Williams 24 14

D. Williams 35 28

Butler 34 28

Turner 28 21

LeBlanc 44 42

Landry 27 14

S. Hill 48 35

Small 38 34

Villa 17 12

Coach Williams 30 41

Outlaw 30 0

R. Grace 27 21

Ponsaa 31 24

Purnell 31 28

Justice 21 14

Lane 24 31

Dillion 20 16

Teachers’ Super Bowl XLIV Predictions

Page 11: Devil's Pride

V o lum e I , Is s ue IV Page 11

FOOD and RECIPES Easy Blackberry Cobbler

2 cs. Bisquick

2 cs. milk

1/4 c. margarine

2 cs. sugar

2 eggs, beaten

2 cs. of fresh or frozen blackberries

Mix sugar & Bisquick in large bowl. Add milk & eggs. Mix well. Pour into 13 x 9 greased pan. Melt mar-garine and pour over top. Gently pour blackberries on top. Bake 50-60 minutes at 350°. Eat while warm with vanilla ice cream. Delicious!!!

Students in Mrs. C.

Olivier’s pro-start

class prepare a

shrimp & corn soup

on a cold day!

Rachel Lanieu serves up a steaming bowl of the

delicious soup on a cold day. Yum!

Students prepare a meal as part of their training in

pro-start. Students in the class prepare for a career in

the food industry.

Shrimp and Corn Soup Cooking spray

1 cup chopped onion

1 cup chopped green bell pepper

1 garlic clove, minced

3/4 cup (6 ounces) 1/3-less-fat cream cheese, softened

2 cups fat-free milk

1 (15-ounce) can cream-style corn

1 (10 3/4-ounce) can condensed reduced-fat, reduced

-sodium cream of mushroom soup, undiluted

1 (10-ounce) can diced tomatoes and green chiles, undrained

1 1/4 pounds medium shrimp, peeled and deveined

4 teaspoons sliced green onions

Heat a Dutch oven or large saucepan coated with cooking spray over medium

-high. Add onion, bell pepper, and garlic, and sauté 5 minutes. Stir in cream

cheese; reduce heat, and cook until cheese is melted. Add milk, corn, soup,

and tomatoes; cook 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Bring milk mixture to a

boil. Add shrimp; cook 5 minutes or until shrimp are done. Remove from heat.

Page 12: Devil's Pride

Can you guess the faculty members and students?

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

1. __________________ 2. _________________ 3. ________________

4. __________________ 5. _________________ 6. _________________

Page 12 D e v i l ’ s Pri de


Page 13: Devil's Pride


I am a rock group that has four members, all of who are dead, one of whom

was assassinated. What am I?

I'm hard as a rock, and as light as a feather. I'm passed on to one another. Poor

people need me, and rich people have me. What am I?

Pronounced as one letter, And written with three, Two letters there are, And two

only in me. I'm double, I'm single, I'm black, blue, and gray, I'm read from both

ends, And the same either way. What am I?

―Very few people are ambitious in the sense of having a specific image of what they want to

achieve. Most people's sights are only toward the next run, the next increment of money.‖

-Judith M. Bardwick

―Every child has great ambitions. As he grows, he is bombarded by negative suggestions -- you

can't do this; you can't do that; be careful; look for security, and so on. Year by year, he experi-

ences the 'realities' of life, and his ambitions fade away. Figuratively speaking, most children die

by the time they reach their adulthood.‖ -Shall Sinha

―When reality overcomes the dream, All sanity is lost in the depth.‖ -Anonymous

―The great artist is a slave to his ideals.‖-Christian Nevell Bovee


Bad Predictions

"What can you conceive more silly and extravagant than to suppose a man racking his brains, and

studying night and day how to fly?" English Author William Law

"I believe firmly that more patients have died from the use of gloves than have ever been saved from

infection by their use." Dr. W.P. Carr, 1911

"Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote.‖ President Grover Cleveland, 1905

"In 15 years, more electricity will be sold for electric vehicles than for light." Thomas Edison, 1910

V o lum e I , Is s ue IV

Page 13

This page by Caroline Williams

Page 14: Devil's Pride

Devil’s Pride online!

The newspaper can now be

found online. Editions will be

posted shortly after publication.

Please tell your family and

friends to check us out on the

world wide web @ www.issuu.

com/plaqueminehighschool or

at Plaquemine High‘s School‘s

official website linked to under schools/

high schools.

Devil’s Pride is everywhere!!

Plaquemine High School 59595 Belleview Drive Plaquemine, LA 70764

(225) 687-6367

D e v i l ’ s P ri de

Visit us online at:



Katie Lively, Kaleb Banks,

Taylar Brown, Taylor McDaniel,

Josh Varnell, Randall David,

Jarret Diamond, Howarneshia

Bates, Dinesha Fernandez,

Jasmine Mellion, Rickikie

Thomas, Caroline Williams,

Niosha Price, Demarquis

Atkins, Cody Pollage, and Mrs.

LeBlanc. Turn in any news to

Mrs. LeBlanc, Room D-1-A, or

any staff member.

We can also be found on the

school‘s new webpage. It is

attached to the district webpage.

The paper can be found under

―Clubs.‖ Copies can also be

purchased from any staff member

for $1.00.

Ads for businesses or organiza-

tions can be placed in the paper .

Prices are:

3 x 4—$3.00

4 x 6—$5.00

Answers to Riddles

Mount Rushmore


an eye

Last Month’s Babies

1. Mrs. Markins 4. Janay Pierce

2. Corderro Young 5. Mrs. Karla Williams

3. Eboniss Jacob 6. Ms. Joelle Wright

© 2009-2010 Plaquemine High School. All Rights Reserved.

Shoot off Literacy Week winners