devon integrated care system executive lead and clinical

Devon Integrated Care System Executive Lead and Clinical Commissioning Group Accountable Officer

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Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


Devon Integrated Care System Executive Lead and Clinical Commissioning Group Accountable Officer

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


So much of what makes a system great is about seeing opportunities and generating genuine collaboration. It’s all down to relationships and soft power.

Whoever is appointed as the Devon Integrated Care System (ICS) Executive Lead and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Accountable Officer will find a system which already has strong relationships between health and local authorities and between the public sector and the community, voluntary and social enterprise sector.

As we move to becoming an ICS, our Partnership Board brings together the Leaders and Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of the three LAs in Devon as well as the health providers’ chairs and CEOs.

It’s a system with excellent Primary Care across the county, a high-quality care home sector and a proud track record of some of the most mature integrated working in the country.

We certainly face significant problems. Some, like our financial and performance issues, are familiar and well rehearsed. Others, such as the damage that COVID-19 has done to our local economy, will bring new levels of inequality which will require new solutions.

So, we want to welcome someone who will take our energy and renewed commitment to collaborate and help us to tackle these issues together.

We have some tremendous advantages:

• Sound systems of mutual aid and collaboration among acute providers

• Our HIP2 funds mean we have well in excess of £1billion capital to develop services and refresh and renew infrastructure.

• We have amongst the most advanced use of digital first in primary care in the country

• Our digital infrastructure is about to take another giant leap forward with the roll out of the EPIC - an electronic patient record system - in Exeter.

We have been fortunate in Devon with a comparatively low incidence of COVID-19. Some of this too is down to strong relationships.

We have been hugely struck - and are proud - of how well our hospitals, community services, primary care and care homes have managed in these past few months. And how strong the support for them has been from our local authorities.

We have considerable advantages in our Places and our people. Urban areas with urban opportunities and excellent secondary care. Numerous small rural towns with a strong sense of community. And we have our beautiful countryside.


Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


Our developing Primary Care Networks across all these settings are able to draw on strongly engaged civil society infrastructure.

We’ve come out of the first peak of COVID-19 stronger as a system, with thriving, emerging partnerships, and a renewed sense of how we want to govern ourselves. During the pandemic we have shown ourselves just how agile, imaginative and determined we can be to deliver for the people we serve.

We are looking for a visionary leader who can harness this drive, help us tackle some long-standing issues, and build and sustain equal chances for all Devon’s people to live long, healthy lives.

We look forward to meeting you.

Dame Suzi LeatherIndependent Chair of Devon STP

Dr Paul JohnsonClinical Chair of NHS Devon CCG

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


Devon has been at the vanguard of integration since Torbay Care Trust was established in 2005 as a joint commissioner of health and social care and the area became a Department of Health Pioneer for Integrated Care.

In advance of many other areas, the CCGs in Devon combined to create one single CCG for the ICS area in April 2019.

The CCG also has many joint appointments with its local authorities, Plymouth City Council, Torbay Council and Devon County Council.

We now have an Integrated Care Organisation in Torbay that provides community, social care and acute hospital services. Our acute hospitals at Barnstaple and Exeter run their local community services, and the hospital in Plymouth works hand in hand with Livewell Southwest - an innovative community interest company.

We work closely with our independent sector and have good relationships with our 514 nursing and residential homes. This has been particularly important during COVID-19 where our joined-up approach has enabled us to support each other, for example, providing training, weekly webinars and improved medical support from primary care.

Devon Sustainability and Transformation Partnership, created in 2016, is on track to become an ICS by March 2021.

Who we areIt includes the following partners:

• Devon County Council• Devon Partnership NHS Trust• Livewell Southwest CIC• NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)• Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust• Plymouth City Council• Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust• South Western Ambulance Services NHS Foundation Trust • Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust• Torbay Council• University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust

A range of other key partners are involved, including NHS England, 123 GP practices, Healthwatch in Devon, Plymouth and Torbay, Devon Doctors which provides 111 and primary care out of hours services, as well as our many voluntary sector partners and communities of Devon. The Partnership also has crucial relationships with neighbouring ICSs and across the Peninsula.

We have 31 neighbourhoods of 20,000 – 60,000 people, as defined by our Primary Care Networks (PCNs) across five diverse Places with populations of between 160,000 – 370,000.

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


Our vision is simple: equal chances for everyone in Devon to lead long, happy and healthy lives.

The views of local people, the challenges we will face in coming years and our need to improve services and performance against some national standards all helped shape our vision and the plan to achieve it. These are set out in:

Our ambitionsTo deliver our vision we set out six ambitions for the next five years that will help us transform services and redesign the way we provide care. Everything we do will aim to realise these six ambitions.

Ambition 1: Effective and efficient careCollaborate across the system to address quality (safety, effectiveness, experience) and productivity.

Ambition 2: Integrated Care ModelSystematic delivery of the integrated – or joined up care model across Devon.

Ambition 3: The Devon dealA citizens-led approach to health and care. We will adopt a new approach to reduce differences in care across the county and will work with communities to identify priorities and tackle the root causes of problems.

Our vision and ambitions (STP)Ambition 4: Children and young peopleWorking together with children, young people and their families. We want all children and young people in Devon to have the best start in life, grow up in loving and supportive families, and be happy, healthy and safe.

Ambition 5: Digital DevonInvest in a digital Devon: people will tell their story only once, first contact will be digital and more advice and help will be available online. We want to make the most of advances in digital technology to help people stay well, prevent ill-health, and provide care.

Ambition 6: Equally well in DevonWork together to tackle the physical health inequalities for people with mental illness, learning disabilities and/or autism.

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


As the lead health commissioning organisation of the STP, we have developed our vision, values and ambitions to support the delivery of the six STP ambitions.

Developed by our staff, they shape who we are, how we work and help us to make the right decisions of behalf of people in Devon.

Our vision: Working together for Devon

Our mission: Working together to commission the right services that improve lives of those who live in Devon

Our valuesOne team• We think corporately, but act locally• We work together with staff, partners, patients, families,

carers, communities and professionals to commission the right services for our population

• We share information, skills and resources

Quality in everything we do• We develop safe, effective and accessible services• We make decisions that are evidence-based, cost-effective

and innovative• We recognise achievements and celebrate success• We take pride in our work and learn when things go wrong

Our vision and ambitions (CCG)Respect for all• We treat people with respect and compassion• We listen to understand people’s priorities, needs, abilities

and limits• We are open, honest and transparent• We take our own health and wellbeing seriously

Everyone is a leader• We lead by example• We demonstrate leadership and expect to be held responsible

for our actions and performance• We are accountable to each other, and to our population• We are responsive, consistent and professional

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


Our ambitionsWe are setting out to:

• Progress to be one of the top 10 per cent performing CCGs in the country

• Plan our resources to better meet local need• Plan and commission joined-up and personalised care• Be more effective by harnessing our most important asset –

our staff – and considering how they are linked with local communities

• Be focused on quality and outcomes – namely care that is safe, cost-effective and provides a good experience for those accessing services

• Support our communities to maintain and improve their own wellbeing

• Be financially sustainable, while keeping patients at the centre of what we do.

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


Demography/population profile More people in Devon are living for longer in ill-health. 1 in 3 people live with one or more long-term conditions, such as heart problems, cancer and type 2 diabetes.

The population is set to grow by 33,000 over the next five years, and the numbers of people aged 85+ will double. By 2030 there will be 37% more people aged over 75 compared with today. The average annual healthcare cost of someone aged over 85 is £4,500, ten times that of a child under 10.

On average, a person will consume a third of their lifetime healthcare costs in the last two years of their life. 25% children in Devon are overweight or obese. This rises to 33% by the time they leave primary school. The major causes of disability in Devon are musculo-skeletal, mental health and neurology.

Health inequalitiesPlymouth and Torbay have areas where deprivation levels are among the highest in England. In one area of Plymouth, more than half of children live in poverty compared to less than 1% for the city as a whole. We also see deprivation in remote rural areas where young people are three times less likely to be in education, training or employment.

The challengesAvoidable differences in people’s health across Devon are getting bigger. For example, life expectancy in Ilfracombe in the north is 75 years while in Exmouth in eastern Devon it is 90 years.

Devon economyPeople in Devon earn less than the UK average, with an average annual salary of £27,144 compared to £30,420. As a result of COVID-19, there has been a 149% rise in the number of people claiming unemployment benefits in the past six months (15,760 in January compared to 39,200 in July). Unemployment is expected to continue to rise, which will have socio-economic, health and wellbeing impacts. The need for debt advice in Devon is higher than the UK average, with parents the most likely to be facing issues.

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


Performance The NHS in Devon, like other areas, has been working to improve its operational performance and had been making some progress across most areas. However, the impact of the first wave of coronavirus has been significant, and our ability to recover to where we were has taken a step back.

We face particular challenges with long waits for treatment and diagnostic tests, growing waiting lists and mental health out-of-area placements. Our performance against cancer access requirements is holding but needs constant attention, while we continue to work to improve our A&E waiting times.

We anticipate 100% return of non-elective activity. The pressure we face in parts of the system demonstrates the need to continue to focus on our community and discharge arrangements as well as we did during the first phase of coronavirus.

Workforce shortages 1 in 10 nurse jobs and 1 in 12 social worker posts in Devon remain vacant. There is a shortage of doctors and consultants in some specialties, including primary care, while social care also faces challenges. This is being tackled on a national as well as local level.

Finance The financial position of the NHS in Devon is the recent past has been one of the most challenging in England.

After a short period of improvement, the position has deteriorated sharply since 2017/18, with the outturn position for 2019/20 being a £66.5m deficit at the CCG and a combined £96.1m deficit in the Provider Sector, with deficits in all bar one of our NHS provider organisations (all figures exclude non-recurrent sustainability funding).

As the NHS Resource Allocation Formula judges that we are receiving the right financial allocation for our Population, our Long Term Plan describes the service transformation and financial framework required in order to deliver sufficient savings and efficiencies to return the system and organisations within it to financial balance by no later than March 2024.

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


The NHS Long Term Plan sets out that all of England will be covered by an ICS by April 2021. These will guide system transformation and oversee the performance of that system.

The Devon ICS will have a single plan, building on the work of the Devon Sustainability and Transformation Partnership. This will take into account the changes in the delivery of health and care services that have been catalysed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

There will be many more digital consultations, for instance, with a proportion of outpatient appointments held remotely across almost all specialties. There is also an impact on our estate. Planning for a pandemic surge, of COVID-19 or any other virus, will run through our ICS plan.

We are collectively accountable for ensuring that the people of Devon live as long and healthy lives as they can by:

• Focusing on health prevention, tackling health inequalities, providing good access to timely, effective treatment and seeking to ensure that our socio-economic environment is aligned to our ambitions

• Placing as much importance on housing, employment, education and training as hospital services configuration

• Working together to develop a workforce that can deliver good services in and across all sectors

Delivering an Integrated Care System (ICS)• Seeking digital solutions that enable us to have all the

information we need in one place, accessible by all who need it, regardless of their employing organisation

• Pooling our resources to maximise the benefits of our combined estate and capital.

Our five-year plan, Better for You, Better for Devon, reflects the commitments made in the NHS Long Term Plan.

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


Devon has many success stories, with examples of innovation and excellent practice to be found all over the county, particularly in terms of integration and a joined up approach.

The ICS will help standardise the model of care and ensure best practice is spread everywhere.

With a strong foundation set for partnership working, Devon is well on its way to establishing an ICS within the timeframes required.

The requirement for there to be a single CCG in the ICS has already been met in Devon, with the merger of two CCGs in April 2019.

Decisions will be taken at three levels under the ICS.

Our progressAt neighbourhood level we have made great progress, with PCNs well established since 1 July 2019 and clinical directors named for each one. They are working together as four primary care collaborative boards to become more embedded in local working.

Primary and community services are being integrated and integrated care models being implemented, although this is at varying pace.

At place level, development of informal structures has begun, with different approaches and levels of progress in the five areas. Each place has a development lead who is coordinating work to demonstrate that the Local Care Partnership has the capacity and capability to deliver its objectives

At systems level, all partners have agreed the principles for governance and accountability arrangements for the ICS. A draft structure has been developed, and refined through two full system-wide meetings.

A first shadow Partnership Board meeting was held in September 2020, and agreed the terms of reference and the ICS governance structure.

Alongside Chairs and CEOs of NHS organisations and the local authorities, the Partnership Board will include the Chair of the Clinical and Professional Cabinet.

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


Devon is home to 1.2 million people, a number that in normal times swells significantly in the summer months as visitors from all over the world are drawn to its coves and beaches, rugged moors and picturesque villages. About half our population lives in the urban centres of Exeter, Plymouth and Torbay, with the remainder dispersed among many market towns, villages, and remote rural areas.

Location and transport The cities and larger towns are well served by public transport. The rail journey from Exeter to London Paddington takes 2.5 hours and the county is well served by the M5, A38, A380 and North Devon link road. The vast majority of those in remote areas travel by car. Exeter and Bristol airports are within easy reach and offer domestic and international flights.

Devon’s rurality makes it one of the most beautiful areas of the country to live in. It can also, however, create travel, workforce and community care issues. North Devon District Hospital is one of the most remote hospitals in the country which makes delivering health and care delivery to the rural communities they serve more challenging

AttractionsPlymouth has undergone a successful waterside regeneration programme, with its former naval docks now a thriving area for locals and tourists alike.

Living in Devon

Exeter boasts a central green, cobbled lanes and a cathedral with the longest stretch of unbroken Gothic vaulting in the world.

Torbay, too, continues to be a popular destination, and the east, north and south coasts offer unrivalled beaches and walks on the South West Coast Path. Dartmoor presents great opportunities for wild landscape and exploration. Not to mention the host of thatched country inns.

EducationDevon has some of the best schools, colleges, universities, medical schools and research centres in the country, including three grammar schools.

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


Reporting to Chair of NHS Devon CCG and the STP Independent ChairAccountable to NHS Devon CCG Governing Body, Devon STP Partnership Board and NHS CEO/Regional DirectorHours 37.5Salary VSM – CompetitiveLocation Devon

Our aim, as set out within our Devon STP Long Term Plan, is to reform services so that we can achieve improved wellbeing, better health and better care for the populations we serve, as well as improved efficiency so that we can continue to offer the services that people need within the budget available.

Our journey to an Integrated Care System will enable us to better achieve this.

Job descriptionYour roleThis role undoubtedly presents both a hugely exciting opportunity and a significant challenge.

As the Executive Lead of the ICS, you will need to work collaboratively with a large number of stakeholders and organisations across the Devon health and care system.

As the Accountable Officer of the CCG you will need to lead the organisation in meeting its statutory duties and developing into a high functioning strategic commissioner, informing and enabling Partnership plans and priorities.

We need a talented and experienced senior leader who will operate with presence, dynamism and energy to lead system partners to shape and deliver our ambitious plan and create a fully mature, thriving ICS with a strong place-based approach to delivery and local commissioning.

Your proven experience of delivering results will enable you to drive transformational change across organisational boundaries and embed a new collaborative way of working enabling effective integrated commissioning and population health management, thus improving the health and wellbeing of the people of Devon.

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


You will be deeply committed to the integration agenda and have a natural ability to engage, influence and collaborate with multiple and varied stakeholders including our partners, residents, communities and staff to create a real sense of shared purpose towards improving the health and wellbeing of our population.

This is a career-defining role, playing a critical part in developing and supporting a system which is already home to impressive organisations and strong leadership. Success in this role will set a new cultural context for our system and undoubtedly transform the lives of our residents.

In order to achieve this you will provide strong and effective leadership and inspiring vision to enable innovation in developing future organisational form, the implementation of the strategic commissioning function and in the development of the Partnership towards a fully mature ICS.

You will be responsible for two key areas:1. System leadership responsibilities2. Strategic Commissioning leadership


1. System leadership responsibilitiesAs the Executive Lead of the ICS, you will provide leadership to drive collaborative achievement of the Devon STP Long Term Plan and lead our successful transition to an Integrated Care System. Your responsibilities will include (but are not limited to):

• Provide leadership that supports collaborative working across organisational boundaries to ensure the STP moves to a fully mature ICS. Building strong and trusting relationships with key system partners to generate buy in to a collective vision for integrated care and population health management; transforming the health and care system across Devon to enable change at system, place and neighbourhood level

• Seek to encourage and gain support and input from housing, business, education, community, voluntary and social enterprise organisations and others in the community with the aim of harnessing their efforts in support of improved health and wellbeing outcomes for the population of Devon

• Work with the public ensuring that the voice of local people is heard and used as a driver in strategic planning and service transformation

• Develop and implement a coordinated transformation plan across the Partnership, underpinned by joined up health and care strategic commissioning, and to link with national ICS development work to ensure best practice and innovation are shared and adopted

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


• Work with partners and stakeholders to agree and embed system-wide principles, a culture of mutual accountability, respectful and collaborative behaviours, and supporting transformational change to achieve all of the Partnership’s strategic goals

• Develop clear priorities with partners and stakeholders supported by short, medium and long term strategies to achieve them, thereby reducing health inequalities across Devon

• Ensure continual improvement, delivering value for money and reducing inequalities in all decisions, whilst working alongside and influencing multiple key stakeholders

• Direct and oversee the STP/ICS operational improvement and financial recovery plans, actively managing the system revenue and capital control totals, fostering a culture of financial accountability and delivery of performance that meets or exceeds national standards

• In collaboration with the Independent Chair, drive proactive engagement and collaboration with all relevant stakeholders in order to develop strong, effective and influential partnerships to ensure the delivery of effective clinical, financial and organisational plans. This includes engagement with regulators, national bodies, local and national politicians and local communities.

2. Strategic Commissioning leadership responsibilitiesAs the Accountable Officer for NHS Devon CCG, you will ensure that the CCG fulfils its statutory duties and exercises its functions effectively, efficiently and economically to bring about improvement in the quality of services and the health and wellbeing of the local population whilst maintaining value for money.

Developing strategic and streamlined commissioning arrangements, with a single set of shared priorities and commissioning decisions at system level through the ICS, working collaboratively to reduce inequalities and maximise health and care outcomes for their 1.2 million local people.

Your responsibilities will include (but are not limited to):

• Provide demonstrable leadership and direction to the CCG’s Governing Body and Executive team in order to agree and achieve the CCG’s strategic direction and vision to commission the highest quality services and secure the best possible outcomes for patients, within the resources available, maintaining a consistent focus on quality, integration and innovation

• Lead the CCG to provide strategic commissioning that shapes system strategy, works with our key providers to ensure effective delivery of system strategy within our Local Care Partnerships, and works with clinicians and community stakeholders to maximise the opportunities and support innovation at Primary Care Network level to improve local health and wellbeing

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


• Ensure performance targets and statutory duties are met, being directly accountable to the CCG Governing Body and the Regional Director of NHS England for the performance of the CCG

• Ensure the CCG acts with good governance and in accordance with the terms of its constitution as agreed by the Members and exercises its duty to deliver its functions effectively, efficiently and economically

• Oversee the development of, and take accountability for, a credible, sustainable financial strategy for the CCG that supports delivery of sustainable and affordable strategic commissioning plans

• Ensure that the regularity and propriety of expenditure is discharged through effective financial and management systems and to work with the Director of Finance and other members of the Executive Team to develop and deliver annual CCG QIPP plans

• Enhance and enshrine a culture that fosters clinical leadership within the CCG, with primary care and across the wider system

• Enable PCNs to flourish at pace and deliver placed based care in order to sustain and strengthen general practice, shifting care from the acute setting out into the community

• Recognising the diversity and difference levels of development in each of our 5 Places, support local partners in the development and implementation of local plans ensuring thriving and healthy communities

• Draw on organisational development experience to create a common System and CCG culture, building a strong vision of the future aims and values which will include a commitment to developing talent to ensure the long-term success of the Devon Health and Care System

• Secure the full range of management expertise, through the senior team, joint arrangements and commissioning support, to ensure that the day to day management of all aspects of the Partnership and CCG business can be discharged.

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


This role will require an individual who has the confidence and credibility to have won the mandate of fellow Chair and Chief Executive colleagues around the system.

You will have substantial board level experience, with a minimum of five years’ CEO or equivalent experience in a complex regulated industry or sector, and experience of working in, or alongside, health systems.

You will have experience of contributing to policy development at a national level, personal credibility at national and local level, and be familiar with working with large, complex organisations.

You will also have the following:

Qualifications• Master’s Degree level qualification or equivalent specialist

managerial experience gained in a relevant field• Evidence of relevant continuing professional development.

Person specificationPersonal aptitudes and leadership skillsYou must demonstrate:• The presence, reputation and interpersonal skills to carry out

the role successfully, building and enhancing relationships within the Devon system and with stakeholders, including politicians and the wider public sector community, both locally and nationally

• Exceptional communication, presentation and networking skills to lead the creation and delivery of a compelling vision for the future and communicating this across organisations within Devon, regionally and nationally in order to achieve tangible and lasting improvements to the health and wellbeing of our population

• That you reflect and uphold the CCG’s values personally and will take a lead in further embedding them across the organisation

• Presence, dynamism, energy, vision and passion, engaging people by the way you communicate, behave and interact with others

• Tenacity, perseverance and resilience to react flexibly and operate in a complex, rapidly changing and often ambiguous environment, while maintaining the confidence, trust and support of the system CEOs

• Independence of thought, emotional intelligence, the ability to work through conflict and the ability to demonstrate a range of leadership styles to secure results

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer

19• Championing diversity, equality and inclusivity• Communicate complex health and care issues in layperson’s

language at public meetings and through media interviews.• Develop the capability of teams to enable interpretation

of and action on relevant legislation and accountability frameworks

• The ability to collaborate and provide exceptional leadership in partnership with other system leaders

• A high level of political astuteness with a natural ability to thrive in complex political environments whilst always acting in a manner consistent with your values

• Ability to network and recognise key influencers, engaging them effectively to enable agreed outcomes to be delivered

• The ability to listen to, influence and persuade others articulating a balanced, not personal, view and to engage in constructive debate without being adversarial or losing respect and goodwill

• Self-aware and an ability to understand personal strengths and weaknesses to optimise leadership impact; seeking advice when required and securing a full range of management expertise to enable achievement of strategic objectives to optimise leadership impact

• Think conceptually and plan flexibly for the longer term and continually seek ways to improve

• Understand and analyse complex issues, drawing on the breadth of data that needs to inform decision-making, with the wisdom to ensure that it is used ethically to balance competing priorities and make difficult decisions

• Be committed to upholding the NHS principles and values as set out in the NHS Constitution, the Standards for members of NHS Boards and Governing Bodies in England and the The Nolan Principles of Public Life, along with an ability to reflect them in your leadership role and the culture of the system.

• The confidence to question information and explanations supplied by others, who may be experts in their field

• The ability to take an objective view, seeing issues from all perspectives and especially external and service user perspectives.

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


Knowledge and experience• Leading complex organisations, operating at Board level and

successfully meeting financial and statutory obligations• Leading and delivering transformational change, operational

performance improvement and financial recovery in an open and inclusive way

• Organisational development and design, and of leading complex organisational and transformational change

• Successfully working with and influencing multiple stakeholders with different interests and perspectives (including care and health professionals, clinicians and providers) to secure improvements in health and wellbeing outcomes

• Working in different parts of the health system (desirable) and organisations that commission multi-million-pound contracts across multiple providers

• Be financially literate with the ability to review critically, challenge and effectively use detailed and complex financial information, including financial statements, for decision-making

• Leading the contract negotiation and performance management of substantial provider contracts

• Effective joint working with statutory, voluntary or private sector organisations to achieve economic regeneration.

Understanding of:• The role commissioning plays in planning and delivery of

integrated care• Government policy, national priorities, local issues in relation

to health and social care, and the political and economic trends influencing them

• Good corporate governance, the difference between governance and management, and the specific responsibility of this role in ensuring these are discharged to a high standard

• The role of effective communications and engagement with patients, public, workforce and stakeholders in achieving and delivering the agreed objectives and maintaining reputation

• The NHS financial regime, the principles of value for money and the requirements of effective financial governance and probity

• Risk environment and the approaches that can be adopted to manage the risks inherent in any transformation strategies

• National health and social care system and an appreciation of the impact of this locally

• Key organisational issues, such as HR, employment law and practices to discharge the overall responsibilities of this role

• Current legal requirements and good practice in engagement, equality and non-discrimination

• The possible internal conflicts of interest that may arise and knowledge of approaches to identify and manage these.

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


Appointment to the Governing Body roles – disqualification criteriaRegulations will provide that some individuals will not be eligible to be appointed to CCG governing bodies. Full details are included in schedule 5 of The National Health Service (Clinical Commissioning Groups) Regulations 2012.

For more information contact Melanie Shearer at GatenbySanderson:

• 07785 616 548

[email protected]

The closing date for applications is Monday 12 October 2020, with interviews to be held on Wednesday 18 November 2020.

Organisation websitesDevon County Council

Devon Partnership NHS Trust

Livewell Southwest CIC

NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust

Plymouth City Council

Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust

South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust

Torbay Council

University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust

Devon ICS Executive Lead and CCG Accountable Officer


For more information, visit

Document produced by the communications team at NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group