d.facdn.net  · web viewa few moments later, the devices strapped to their bodies started giving...

Sonic woke up feeling sleepy… and hungry as usual. The pudgy hedgehog had been attempting to starve himself in an attempt to lost some of the gut he now sported. He tossed the sheets off his bed, feeling his usual energy come back to him. Strange, he thought gaining fifty pounds might start to make him feel lazy, or at least sap his energy. The opposite had happened though. He felt more awake than ever after waking up… Maybe it was the feeling of his beach ball sized belly jiggling side to side that did it. Even after all these weeks at the house, that feeling was still alien. Sonic had recently doubled his workout routine, and the tubby hedgehog was thinking of redoubling it. Everyone entered the competition hoping they could gain as little as possible and still get the prize. Well except for that damn annoying squirrel. Apart from him, almost everyone was focused on constantly dieting and exercising. That all changed with the first game. Though maybe the thought of that was what gave him energy. Robin was one of the most athletic people he’d met before the show started. Real freedom fighter material, but after that chess game, he was massive! The very definition of a wide ass, and a glutton too! For someone who was trying to leave as skinny as they started, the fox seemed to be eating constantly, even when walking from room to room! The fastest hedgehog in the world had no intention of that happening to him. Even if he was doomed to play one of the fat games himself, he’d stay fit and fast, lose it some how. “Hell, I’ll be skinny a month after we’re out of here with all that cash. Running around the world at break neck speed is great cardio.” He walked past his room mate, a snoozing obese ratchet, and outside so he could start his morning run. No less than twenty miles in an hour today. That game coming up could add hundreds of pounds. Sonic wanted to be prepared. Gatomon in front of the camera: “Well, really I’m here for my partner Kari.” The Digimon said with a shy smile on her face. The cat had already put on some pounds. Not much, only about thirty pounds. Practically nothing compared to everyone else in the house, but a lot for a champion Digimon of her size and build. The cat’s fluffy white belly was already her biggest feature, and sitting in the chair, it was already forcing her legs apart. “She spends all her time studying for her entrance exams and doesn’t really have time to earn money.” Gatomon shifted in her seat, letting her pudgy tummy roll over the side. “A show about weight gain seemed like a great idea! Have you seen how much rookie Digimon eat? I’m surprised I’ve gained this

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Post on 27-Jul-2020




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Page 1: d.facdn.net  · Web viewA few moments later, the devices strapped to their bodies started giving off a purple glow, and a strange, warm sensation travelled through their bellies

Sonic woke up feeling sleepy… and hungry as usual. The pudgy hedgehog had been attempt-ing to starve himself in an attempt to lost some of the gut he now sported. He tossed the sheets off his bed, feeling his usual energy come back to him. Strange, he thought gaining fifty pounds might start to make him feel lazy, or at least sap his energy. The opposite had happened though. He felt more awake than ever after waking up… Maybe it was the feeling of his beach ball sized belly jiggling side to side that did it. Even after all these weeks at the house, that feel-ing was still alien.

Sonic had recently doubled his workout routine, and the tubby hedgehog was thinking of redoubling it. Everyone entered the competition hoping they could gain as little as possible and still get the prize. Well except for that damn annoying squirrel. Apart from him, almost everyone was focused on constantly dieting and exercising. That all changed with the first game. Though maybe the thought of that was what gave him energy.

Robin was one of the most athletic people he’d met before the show started. Real free-dom fighter material, but after that chess game, he was massive! The very definition of a wide ass, and a glutton too! For someone who was trying to leave as skinny as they started, the fox seemed to be eating constantly, even when walking from room to room! The fastest hedgehog in the world had no intention of that happening to him. Even if he was doomed to play one of the fat games himself, he’d stay fit and fast, lose it some how. “Hell, I’ll be skinny a month after we’re out of here with all that cash. Running around the world at break neck speed is great car-dio.”

He walked past his room mate, a snoozing obese ratchet, and outside so he could start his morning run. No less than twenty miles in an hour today. That game coming up could add hundreds of pounds. Sonic wanted to be prepared.

Gatomon in front of the camera:“Well, really I’m here for my partner Kari.” The Digimon said with a shy smile on her face. The cat had already put on some pounds. Not much, only about thirty pounds. Practically nothing compared to everyone else in the house, but a lot for a champion Digimon of her size and build. The cat’s fluffy white belly was already her biggest feature, and sitting in the chair, it was al-ready forcing her legs apart. “She spends all her time studying for her entrance exams and doesn’t really have time to earn money.”

Gatomon shifted in her seat, letting her pudgy tummy roll over the side. “A show about weight gain seemed like a great idea! Have you seen how much rookie Digimon eat? I’m sur-prised I’ve gained this much.” She put both paws on either side of her belly, squishing it and let-ting her claws make long indentations in her gut. “Well I wouldn’t have if someone hadn't dumped a bunch of weight gain power in my food. Still, I can work this off in no time. I bet I can spend a week as Angewomon and all this fat will be gone forever. It’s a small price to pay to make sure Kari can afford college. I’m happy to take the hit for her.

“Things here can be nice too. Trixie is fun, if a little arrogant, and the video game selec-tion is killer!” She leaned back, practically showing off her belly. “I’m gonna stick this out, chill out, and win a bunch of money. I’ll put Kari through college and just have a good time. Besides, what’s a few weeks of working out compared to winning a ton of cash? I might even get a few good belly rubs out of it when I go home.”

Sonic came back in, sweating, panting. looking winded and tired. Not bad for someone as overweight as him who managed to break his goal and run twenty-five miles in an hour. “That was… intense.” After a quick shower, and putting on that stupid T-shirt the show producers had given him, it was time for his traditional breakfast.

Lucario was already in the kitchen. “Sonic, why are you still wearing that? Coco figured out that they give you cravings.” He was eating… some raw vegetables; A quick attempt to hold off the weight gain. The blue blur was clearly not as concerned.

Page 2: d.facdn.net  · Web viewA few moments later, the devices strapped to their bodies started giving off a purple glow, and a strange, warm sensation travelled through their bellies

“You believe that? Come on. It’s a T-shirt. They just want us to wear this cuz the people watching want us to show off the fat.” Without even thinking about it, he put four chili dogs on his plate. “Beside, I’m exercising like crazy, and dieting. Still don't know how I didn’t get kicked off last time.” The hedgehog scarfed down his breakfast like always, the hot, greasy meat pass-ing through his mouth in an instant. “Whatever the game is, I’m sure I’ll be able to lose the weight.”

“Sonic…” The Lucario said, sounding a little stunned. “You ate a dozen hot dogs loaded with cheese, chili and onions… in about ten seconds!” His mouth was was agape, highlighting his second chin.

“What are you talking about Lu?” The hedgehog said, patting his tummy with satisfac-tion. “I only had four like I always do!”

The shot cuts to Gatomon, lying on her bed, her fat face with phone in hand taking up more of the frame than it did a few weeks ago: Lying down on her bed with a cell phone. “Yeah, it’s weird. I’m twice what I used to weigh.” The heavy kitty was on the phone with Kari.

“You carry it well.” Her partner’s muffled voice came through the phone. “And you’ve probably already won enough if you get sent home next time.”

“That’s part of what makes it weird.” A thoughtful look went across Gatomon’s muzzle, letting her poofy cheeks relax a bit. “I think I want to keep going. The prize money keeps getting larger the longer I stay on the show. I mean, I don't want to spend three months working off all the weight I gained here as Angewomon, but there could be some real benefits to skirting the bottom of the weight gain pool here. If I can stay on for another few weeks and only gain about fifty pounds, It’d be a real victory.”

“Well don’t stay too long. We miss you back here.” Kari smiled, “Besides, you look more cuddly than ever!”

Gatomon chuckled, happy there weren’t any cameras around to catch her blushing rolling over on her side, pushing her tubby stomach up. “I miss you too. I’ll try to be home before you have to start carting me around.”

Sonic met Gatomon outside the challenge room, both in their normal outfits of being naked, as the producer requested. “Hey hedgie. How’d the workout go?” The tubby cat was leaning against the wall, her small belly still holding up firmly.

“Good as ever. I don't get it. I know the food here is supposed to be fattening, but I nor-mally eat four hotdogs for breakfast and just burn it off. I should have been in that last group to go home.”

Gatomon just giggled; It had become a running joke in the house that Sonic hadn’t no-ticed the T-shirt’s effects on his eating habits. He probably just moved too fast to notice he was scarfing down three thousand calories a meal. At least. “Well, ya ready for the game?”

“I’m ready for anything!” Sonic said as his typical look of heroic determination painted his face.

“I’m a little worried though.” Gatomon said, much less confident. “You saw what hap-pened to Robin; Not only did he become obese in a day, but he’s completely given up on keep-ing his weight down! I swear he’s eating all the time now.”

“Relax cat.” Sonic said, stopping in front of her, their two bellies practically rubbing to-gether. “We’re super heroes right? Whatever happens in there, we’ll roll with it. In a few days we’ll have our prize, be out of here, and on killer diets.” The hedgehog raised up his hand up real fast, and Gatomon responded instantly by high fiving him, their gloves making a dull thud sound. “Let’s do it to it Gatomon!”

Page 3: d.facdn.net  · Web viewA few moments later, the devices strapped to their bodies started giving off a purple glow, and a strange, warm sensation travelled through their bellies

Minutes later, they were in the game room. Both creatures had figured out that it wasn’t going to be the chess game their friends had played earlier. Instead of chairs, there were two tables, but with steps at the bottom for them to stand on. Each was instructed to stand up, and have their hands secured above their heads. Show staff then placed some weird device on their stomach, which initially sent a cool shock through their bellies.

“I’m guessing this is how we gain weight?” Sonic said with a sigh. Then they made a second change; Two metallic cone shaped objects were placed on their heads, each light enough for them to hardly feel it.

“Welcome Sonic and Gatomon!” A voice boomed over the loudspeaker; The show host they all recognized. “Welcome to the auction! Here we’re going to put a mental side effect up for sale! You’ve both been fitted with hypnotizers to your head and mark three adiposers to your tubby little bellies! Here’s how the game works! We’ll tell you a new set of mental thoughts to add to those chubby little heads of yours. You both think of how much weight you want gain! Then you both gain that much weight, but whoever came up with a lower number WINS a bout of hypnosis and other fun side effects! Now let’s get started! The minimum bid starts at ten pounds. Oh, and no talking during the bidding. It’s no fun if you collaborate!”

Sonic and Gatomon looked at each other, both looking incredibly nervous. Sonic was balling his hands above his head, and Gatomon’s long tail was flicking behind her. The next few minutes would be vital. “Good luck!” The host mewed over the intercom, sounding perky and an-noying as always. “We’re starting with gaining a sexual attraction to fat!”

“Oh crap!” Sonic said, trying to think up a number. He jumped straight to fifteen. A few moments later, the devices strapped to their bodies started giving off a purple glow, and a strange, warm sensation travelled through their bellies. Sonic felt his gut sagging, pushing out slightly. At his weight, with his arms held behind his head, he could also feel his pillowy arms pressing against his head more. As he turned to look at Gatomon… he saw she kept growing after he’d stopped!

“Sorry Sonic. I can’t afford to have a fat fetish as long as Conker is in the house!” She looked to be twice as thick as she was back when she first started to the show, with a belly the size of a beach ball. After the devices on their guts finally dimmed, Sonic noticed a similar pul-sating glow coming from above his head.

“Oh crap!” Sonic’s head felt woozy for a second, but then his imagination started to race. “No way this will work, fat is not sexy… ugh…” His mind strained, then with a blink, he felt like he was looking at a dream: Sally and Amy, right in front of him, each the size of a wrecking ball. Beautiful, three inch thick love handles sat on top of gravid bellies that sank down into their knees. Amy’s melted onto pillowy thunder this, and a pear shaped rear end, while Sally had a pair of F cups famed by her vest. Both the pink hedgehog and the wonderfully fluffy Sally were walking over to him, deliberately swaying their hips. “Come on Sonic! Why don’t you want play with us?!”

Both got over to him, letting their flabby bodies push together… It was all so warm. Sonic reached out, grabbing both girls fat and giving it a squeeze. It felt like soft, warm heaven. The girls leaned in to him. “MMmm, you’re much hotter now that you’re the fattest thing alive!” Sally mewed out in a seductive tone, almost batting her eyes at him. The blue hedgehog could feel their weight pressing against him, rubbing up and down his body.

In a flash it was all over, and Sonic was back in the game room, the strange glow finally gone. “Sonic are you okay?” It was Gatomon, still strapped next to him. “You zoned out for a second there. You just kept moaning the word Sal.”

Sonic turned to Gatomon at that remark, seeing the obese Digimon next to him. She was wider, rounder, now sporting a second chin even in resting position. Her chest was getting poofier too, resting right on top of her heavy belly. So much soft fat… she must have been obese for her size. ‘Damn she’s hot,’ Sonic thought to himself. ‘If she gets much fatter… our bel-

Page 4: d.facdn.net  · Web viewA few moments later, the devices strapped to their bodies started giving off a purple glow, and a strange, warm sensation travelled through their bellies

lies might rub….PULL IT TOGETHER SONIC!’ “I’m fine… just… they’re trying to mess with my head.”

“Next on the world’s flabbiest, jiggliest auction block, a great treat! Nothing hinders a massive feast like that unhealthy sensation of being full, or feeling like you might burst! Well whoever wins this bonus, will never feel full again!”

Gatomon sighed. ‘Digimon are near hungry all the time anyway!’ She already needed a pretty large meal to feel full. She’d bet the minimum on this. The flabby cat tried waving a paw down at Sonic, signaling him to go low. Even if she couldn’t talk, she had to get a signal off.

Sonic on the other hand, wasn’t looking up, but he could barely take his eyes off of the massive, delicious orb that was her belly, sinking down, pushing her legs apart. FOCUS! If he didn’t even have fullness to give him a sense of self control, he could be immobile in weeks! He had to go high! Thirty-five!

“Okay, let’s see who never needs to stop eating!” Gatomon looked down at herself, watching her fat stomach rise like dough in an oven. It stopped quickly though, barely notice-able. She turned to Sonic, watching his body inflate. “Sonic you idiot! Haven’t you watched an episode of Digimon! We have insane appetites anyway!”

It almost looked like Sonic was being blown up. His belly raised up and out, and it was his turn to have a permanent double chin. His cushy moobs were getting more noticeable… as was his growing rear end pushing him forward on the table. “Sorry… wasn’t thinking straight!”

Gatomon sighed, before she noticed a purple glow over her forehead. “Brace yourself Gatomon, maybe you can resist.” Before she could do anything, images of food started flashing in front of her. Not just food, her paws shoving it into her maw. In a few seconds, she felt like she was seeing a recording herself eating pounds. Part of her could smell all the baked turkey, french fries, milkshakes, and all the other foods pouring into her mouth. Part of her psyche could actually taste them. After what felt like a feast she blinked back into the world.

There was a tingling in her belly. She felt hungry. Not starving, just like she wanted to eat right now! Or always eat. The cat licked her lips, thinking of all the food that the device had made her imagine eating.

“Gatomon, are you okay?” Sonic asked, sounding genuinely concerned.“Yeah… I’m fine… I just feel like…. I just de-Digivolved. I’m not starving, I just really

want a hot meal.” She was practically panting, the new appetite settling in place.“Well maybe after all this,” Sonic said, a nervous tone rattling through his voice “We can

go grab a bite to eat.”“Hold on now love birds!” The voice said with a chuckle. “We still have more game to

play. Next up for sale, a very special prize that can help you win the game.” Both Gatomon and Sonic perked up at that, looking forward to the direction of the intercom. “So many contestants don't actually want to gain weight. We’re going to give one of you a treat! You’ll love weight gain! The idea of getting bigger and more massive will seem like a dream!”

Both Gatomon and Sonic started thinking of big numbers. Gatomon was still taking com-fort in the idea that she could burn any fat off by Digivolving, but if she always wanted to be big-ger, would she ever follow through? Sonic was just thinking he still had a hard time keeping his weight down, even with his exercise. If he wanted to gain weight, even on a subconscious level, would he still go running? They both thought of hefty number, each thinking an apology to the other, though Sonic also putting forward a silent hope that Gatomon would put on more weight. Somewhere in the back of his mind, that new fat fetish was really taking hold.

Soon the glowing from their guts started again. It seemed less like a gentle light, and more like a malevolent presence. For the first time, both Sonic and Gatomon saw the light re-flecting off the white walls. “Gatomon…. I hope you didn’t gamble much….” Sonic said, feeling the warmth spill across his belly. They both knew whoever won this was doomed to gain tons of weight, and both watched each other’s bodies, waiting to see if the other stopped growing be-fore they did.

Page 5: d.facdn.net  · Web viewA few moments later, the devices strapped to their bodies started giving off a purple glow, and a strange, warm sensation travelled through their bellies

They both grew and and blew up, each watching their own bellies get more and more massive, starting to feel their legs push apart at this point. Sonic’s wish came true. Their bodies were so wide Gatomon’s fuzzy belly lightly rested against his, making him blush slightly. The first to stop inflating though, was Sonic. “Oh no…” A bright purple light started glowing above his head.

More images started flashing through his mind. This time, he kept seeing himself, fatter and fatter. It settled on himself, sitting in his own bedroom, but instead of floor, all he could see was his blobby, squishy body. As he looked down, his head was held up by chins that forced his head up. He could only see the outline of his bowling ball sized moobs. The rest of his vision was filled with his blue and tan fuzzy fat. He looked like a massive water balloon, flowing against the furniture and walls. He was massive! A blob of a hedgehog. As he looked over himself, Sonic started to feel warm… energetic. A wonderful feeling of happiness washed over him.

Then he blinked back into the world, and back into his own, much smaller body, almost gasping as he came to.

“What did you see?” Gatomon asked, feeling curious.“Just myself… I must have been two tons!” Sonic said, catching his breath. Of course,

just saying that made him blush. The idea of being that massive…. immobile. Maybe Sal could, “Don’t worry about it! I’ll be okay.”

“Next up!” The announcer again. Both were getting fed up with that tone. “Another little mental trick that could help you win the competition. We all know how wonderful fat is, but what if it could be better? Win this, and your flabby bodies will be one hundred percent more sensi-tive. You’ll feel and love every square inch of your fat and just feel wonderful!”

Both started thinking immediately. Sonic immediately reached for a high number, though the image of himself taking up ten square feet of floor space was hard to put out of his head. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad… NO! He had to resist!

Gatomon put a number in her head, shortly afterward they both started blowing up, their bodies passing obesity, each feeling their guts grow against the legs. Gatomon’s ended first. As the glowing began, any thoughts she had faded to a scene of her laying on the couch. Her heavy body was being kneaded, played with by Kari…

“There Gatomon, just relax. You ate so much you should just rest right now.” She said as Gatomon started to purr. Her massive belly was being rubbed and played with, sending rip-ples through her fat that she felt every part of. All she could do was lay back and smile.

“Gatomon, are you purring?” Sonic was looking over the cat next to him, practically feel-ing the small vibrations traveling through her fat.

“Yes…” She practically moaned out. Gatomon was smiling wide. “My fat feels so good!” She started wiggling in her spot in an attempt to make her fat shake. “It’s so warm! And heavy!” Her motions started jiggling against Sonic, who was happy that his crotch was covered up by his massive gut. “Oh, I love being fat!”

“Good to see you’re getting into the spirit of things. Though we have one last item up for bid!” Sonic just sighed, and hoped he wouldn’t change much. Gatomon was acting like she was on catnip… and he was getting excited at every inch of her rolling over him. Maybe this last one wouldn’t be so bad. “For the grand finale, who wants to make it so all the weight you just gained is permanent? Just think about it, no matter what happens, all the flab you just gained will be with you forever.”

Sonic panicked, she wasn’t done talking yet, he could still talk. “Gatomon…” Every in-stinct in his mind told him to bid as high as possible. All that creamy, gooey fat on his body… no … “Bid the minimum. Tie me! It’s the only way we can lose this weight.”

Gatomon wasn’t quite able to understand Sonic. “The sensors on your belly will make it so your wonderful pillowy guts will never go away…” She was focusing on the show host. All the warm fat jiggling around her body being permanent didn’t sound like a bad idea anymore. More wonderful lard to cart around, have rubbed by her partner… it sounded like a great idea….

Page 6: d.facdn.net  · Web viewA few moments later, the devices strapped to their bodies started giving off a purple glow, and a strange, warm sensation travelled through their bellies

But Sonic was her friend right? She’d help him out. After all, if he was so worried, she should help. She thought of the minimum.

“Okay, who won the best prize of all.” Both of their flab laden bodies started to expand slowly, and then stopped at the same time. Sonic breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thanks Gatomon. I knew I could count on you.”“And because it’s a tie! Both of you get it! I know the more than hundred pounds of flab

you both gained will help you with your new lifestyles.” Their bellies started to glow, then rumble. Gatomon’s more sensitive body felt each little ripple it sent through her.

“It feels like something is bubbling inside me!” Sonic said, wishing he could rub his own gut to settle it down. Gatomon just kept purring. “Noooo!” He said, as suddenly, the hedgehog felt heavier some how.

“Congratulations you two! We started out with two of our skinniest contestants, and we’ve ended not only with two of our fattest, but two who’ve been brought into the world of weight gain and loving their thick bodies. It’s almost unfair to the other contestants!” Sonic sighed as the shackles behind his head related, and he could step down. The attachments on their head and bellies also fell off, hitting the floor with sharp metallic thuds. He almost fell over from his center of mass being so far in front of him. The counterweight of his rear end, now three feet wide, almost made him fall back as well. For a second, he just wondered how fast he could run now.

“Maybe Tails is more advanced than them.” He said, before a warmth washed over him. He was huge! A tickling sensation in the back of his head wanted him to wobble his belly back and forth.

Gatomon stepped down next, eager to hug Sonic. She leaned over grabbing the hedge-hog. Her paws sank deep into his flab, softly cuddling the hedgehog. “Hey hedgie. Are you okay? Still want to get that meal?”

Sonic just blushed. “I…. I need to focus for a bit.” Images of him as a mountain sized blue blob kept racing through his mind as Gatomon rubbed over his body. He could even still feel her purring. “I can’t…. I want to get…. I need to fast for a while. If I focus on not eating for a few weeks, maybe I’ll be boring I won't turn into a wobbling… jiggling… soft…” Sonic paused for a second, “Wideass! Just meditation and exercise!” He said before breaking away, trying to bring back his former dislike of fat. At the same time, it was hard not turn around and hug Gatomon. She was so….huge.

As he waddled out of the room, images of Gatomon shaking her belly, or pressing him against a wall with her rear end…. “I need to be alone for a bit, see if I can fight this.” Sonic was clearly trying to move as fast as he could, and the strain on his face displayed that he was not in a good state.

“Sonic…” Gatomon said, watching his blur rear end wobble side to side. “What about that meal…. I know…” Sonic disappeared around the corner, “I know we both love our bodies now.”

Sonic hunched forward, eyes staring without thinking at a craft services table off camera:

“No way… I mean. I feel confused All the mental conditioning. No way, that would never work. I mean, fat is not sexy.” Sonic sat, feeling somewhat uncomfortable on the red chair for his inter-view, for the simple reason of he had no clue to do with his hands, they were resting on a gut four feet wide, supporting a healthy pair of moobs. “ I mean, it’s unhealthy. “

‘Besides,’ the hedgehog thought to himself ‘Sal would never go for it, or Amy… even Mina.’ For a moment his thoughts came back to the mental image of all the fat girls paying at-tention to him. Sal with a massive heavy set of tits. Amy with a rear end that could get stuck in doors, Gatomon with a - NO!

Page 7: d.facdn.net  · Web viewA few moments later, the devices strapped to their bodies started giving off a purple glow, and a strange, warm sensation travelled through their bellies

“And the whole ‘you want to be fatter thing.’ I can fight that! As for the permanency, I’m friends with three super geniuses. The three of them can probably reverse this…” His voice wa-vered for a second. “Well two of them maybe. After all the crap I’ve given him, Rotor might think I’m more fun like this.”

Gatomon sitting in front of a camera, belly in center frame, almost showing off her flabby middle to the audience

“I feel amazing!” The cat said, sounding overjoyed. “I feel every little jiggle and wobble. Each lit-tle press into my fat feels fantastic. I’m a little embarrassed to admit this since my partner and friends watch this show, but… I mean I planned to stick this out to the end if I had to… Just for the money and Kari… But, I know it’s the challenge… but all of this fat just feels...” Gatomon grabbed her belly, squeezing the fat between her gloved paws, feeling that adipose tissue slide between her fingers, “Sooo…. good…”

An hour later Gatomon was sitting in the common room on a sofa next to Trixie. “Trixie has to say dear. You’re taking this rather well.”

Gatomon was drinking a milkshake out of a tumbler glass; Ratchet was nice enough to make one for her. One of those old fashioned kinds that you add an egg to. “It’s easier than you think when you feel so good all the time!” She leaned over, letting her fat press against Trixie’s gut. The soft flab pushing against each other was almost enough to make her purr again. “I can’t wait to get home. I know Kari will want to hug and squish me.”

The blue anthro mare next to her looked concerned. “Trixie is happy that you’re happy, but Trixie is still concerned about her own figure. If they can make someone as athletic as you enjoy fat, who knows what else they can do?”

“Well the show will be a wild ride for sure.” She sighed a bit, “I’m just worried about Sonic. He seems to be really rejecting everything that’s happening to him.”

“Sonic got the double whammy right?”“Yeah. They gave him a fat fetish, and a desire to gain weight.” She looked over at Lu-

cario, now working over a stove with some pork he was searing in a pan for tonight’s dinner. Who would have known a Pokemon could be such a good cook? At any rate, the smell of the food was enough to tease Gatomon’s enhanced appetite. “I didn’t get anything too terrible. I eat a lot anyway, and having belly rubs feel better than before is a real plus.”

Trixie looked over her friend, guessing that she didn’t care much about preserving her figure anymore. She’d probably never be skinny again, but if she was happy, then what did it matter? “It sounds like our poor hedgie had a pretty heavy lifestyle change put on him.”

“Yeah,” Gatomon mewed under her breath. “And all of the girls he likes are really ath-letic. He probably can’t convince them to fatten up; Not to mention his whole identity is wrapped around being the fastest thing alive. He’s probably going through alot right now… or trying to jog outside the house.”

The bright blue pony though for a second. “Did he ever mention why he came on the show? I know you’re doing it for your human friend, but most of us are trying to get some public-ity and money.”

“I don’t think he’s told anyone. From what I know about him, it could be that he saw it as a challenge. He’s a hot head, so maybe he signed up before he realized he’d be getting super fat.” Gatomon sighed. “I just don't want him to feel bad. We tried to look out for each other in the auction.”

“Honey, Trixie doesn’t know much about the hedgehog, but he’s been given a fat fetish, and you’ve been given a love of someone paying attention to your fat.”

Page 8: d.facdn.net  · Web viewA few moments later, the devices strapped to their bodies started giving off a purple glow, and a strange, warm sensation travelled through their bellies

Sonic was laying down in his room. Five hours was all that had passed between the con-test. He’d tried to go out for a run, but only managed a jog for two miles. After a long shower, he settled down to lying in his bed and moping for a bit. Every time he closed his eyes, the new thoughts and feelings came through. He started to picture himself as a blob, or any of his friends as a massive heap of jiggling flab.

A quick knock at the door brought him back. “Come in!” He said as quickly as he could. The hedgehog leaned up, smooshing his belly against his newer, flabbier legs.

After the door opened, a cart came in. Followed by an obese Gatomon, gut pushing against the cart in front of her, not even using her hands as her lard kept the cart moving. The three storied cart was packed with food from the kitchen. Each shelf had a new course; Sonic recognized buttered rolls, chips and queso for an appetizer. Second course was stacked with fried foods. Drumsticks, wings, french fries. Cole slaw and macaroni as sides of course. The top shelf was plates filled with desserts. Cakes, pies, jello of all colors. Sonic first thought that ev-erything here was super fattening even before the show made everything laden with calories. Then he remembered Gatomon’s appetite. Maybe all this was all for her.

“Are you doing okay Sonic? You haven’t talked to anyone since the auction.” She sounded genuinely concerned as she shut the door behind her.

“I…” Sonic sounded pretty down, though, the quick glimpse of her bouncing rear end did make his heart race, even if he didn’t want it to. “I’m just nervous I guess. I don’t know if Tails can… reverse… this.” He strained to get the words out. Even Gatomon could tell they were forced. Sonic’s mind was rebelling against the idea of being smaller. He had to maintain focus just to remember he used to be athletic and fast just a few hours ago.

Gatomon smiled, waddling over to him. “Sonic, don’t think about it.” She wrapped her arms around the hedgehog, pulling him into a hug, his fuzzy belly smooshed against her furry one, the blue and white blending perfectly. The sensation of warmth and squishing almost made Gatomon start purring again. “Maybe when we’re done here, your friends find someway to make you skinny and fast again. Thing is it’s going to be a few weeks before they can even try.”

Sonic blushed; All her flab pushing against him was getting him excited. He had to force his arms to his sides to keep from kneading her warm stomach. “Until then, do what I’m doing. Embrace it.” Sonic’s eyes shot open.

“But Gatomon, you were so nimble before… how can you like being fat?” The blue hedgehog was doing everything he could to hold his old skinny self together.

“Because. It’s warm, heavy, soft, wonderful to cuddle. Not to mention every time my belly rubs up against something as warm as you, it feels amazing.” She pushed her hands into her furry belly, playing with the fat, and blushing as little waves of pleasure shot through her body. “Maybe after all this is over I can go back to what I was, but for right now, I love being a big flabby Glutmon.” She started rubbing her paws down Sonic’s sides. His eyes went wide, and to Gatomon, he looked a little submissive. Maybe it was that fat fetish kicking in.

“How about this, you cute hedgie.” She said, starting to tease her friend. “I want to have some fun tonight. I’m gonna show off every inch of my doughy body to you, and then, whenever you want a feel, or you get hungry from all this wonderful food, all you need to do is hug me, and tell me just how big a fatty you are.” With that Gatomon let go, and Sonic suddenly felt cold.

Gatomon on the other hand looked fully of energy. She put both her paws under her belly, lifting it up, squeezing her chest against her flabby chins. Gatomon started bouncing it up and down,letting the big mass wobble up and down, forcing her whole body to jiggle. Every now and again, the mass of fat would land with a crisp smack against her legs. The cat’s muzzle was painted with a seductive smile. “I know you love this Sonic.”

The hedgehog was frozen, hypnotized by the heavy motions of her body. Every inch of her was shaking, and Sonic could barely hold it together. The blue hedgehog followed every rip-ple that came out from her belly, up her body, or down through her thunder thighs. It was almost

Page 9: d.facdn.net  · Web viewA few moments later, the devices strapped to their bodies started giving off a purple glow, and a strange, warm sensation travelled through their bellies

too much to take but then she turned around. “You have a fat fetish now. Embrace it.” Gatomon started playing with her rear end, squishing her cheeks together, and playing with the fat. “Don’t you love my fat? I bet you want to cop a feel right now, go ahead. I’m so much fatter than all the other girls here, or any other you know. Don’t you want to eat with me, cuddle my flab?” She struck a pose in profile, making sure Sonic took in her whole body. “I need a big cute boy like you to play with me.”

That broke Sonic, he flew off the bed, wrapping his arms around Gatomon, and squeez-ing her fat, just to feel her plush body. “What are you Sonic?” She said, mewling right into the hedgehog’s ear.

“I’m” Sonic sounded nervous and lusty. It was hard to take his mind off the obese kitten in front of him. “I’m a fatty.”

“What did you say, hun? I think some of the fat went to my ears…”“I’m a big fat fatty wideass lardbutt big-gut glutton!”“Good hedgie.” Gatomon picked a roll off of the tray and shoved it into the hedgehog’s

mouth. “We’re gonna make you into the fattest hedgehog you can be. You won’t even miss be-ing fast.” With that, the two descended into gluttony, Gatomon and Sonic pushing portions from the cart into each others mouths. With Sonic’s will broken, he only wanted to get bigger, and love Gatomon’s body. Gatomon just wanted to eat and have fun. They stuffed each other, finish-ing off the rolls and the dip first.

“So Sonic, I know you hypnotized to want to get bigger at the auction.” The Digimon teased her friend by holding a drumstick in front of his face. “Just how big do you want to be, you chubby hedgie.”

Sonic held it together for a minute, before the training and hypnosis flooded his mind. “I want to be a blob!” He practically shouted, leaning forward to take a bite. “I want to be eight feet wide! Over a ton!” The images of himself so massive he needed someone to crawl over his belly to feed him started to flood back.

Gatomon kept shoving food into his mouth. “Really. So big the world’s fastest cutie can’t move anymore?” She kept giving him food, and Sonic did what he could to put more of the fried meat in Gatomon’s mouth.

“So fat people have to walk over me! So fat that every girl in the village can use me as a bed! I want to be a pile of lard! So fat I can only think about food!” Sonic was letting go, feeling the new thoughts of fatness reach through his mind. They stuffed each other. Dip, grease, sweet desserts passed through their mouth at record pace. Gatomon was still in the mood to tease.

“How big do you want your moobs to be, ya fat hedgie?” Gatomon mewled with a smile.“Bigger than any girls!” Sonic said, before Gatomon shoved a piece of blueberry pie into

his mouth.Twenty minutes later they were out of food. Sonic sat back down on his head. His tan

belly was tight in full. The sound of his belly gurgling filled the room. “Ohhh… So much food.” He moaned, trying to rub his stomach. With the new mental changes, his next thought couldn’t be helped. “I’m gonna be, at least five pounds heavier tomorrow.” The hedgehog felt soft paws against his stomach. They rubbed deep, making Sonic’s body relax as waves of pleasure swept over him.

“At least.” Gatomon laid down next to him in bed. “Wow, you look beat.” Gatomon was still chowing down on a roll. Her furry stomach felt heavy, maybe even tight. Full was not a word she would use though. She could eat for hours. “See how nice it is to give in?”

“Yeah…” Sonic mumbled, laying back into his bed. Gatomon got in next to him, squish-ing their bodies together, before pulling covers over both of them. “I mean… I still want to run tomorrow.”

“Don’t lie to yourself. You love this as much as I do now.” The Digimon loving reached over Sonic, putting her , slightly crawling over him to make sure he felt every ounce of her body

Page 10: d.facdn.net  · Web viewA few moments later, the devices strapped to their bodies started giving off a purple glow, and a strange, warm sensation travelled through their bellies

rubbing against them. “And besides, it’s not like you can lose it now… hoggy.” She kissed Sonic’s cheek, making sure to keep their bodies as tightly squished together.

Sonic smiled. “How about tomorrow morning, we crack open that cook book in the kitchen, and make that super sized breakfast pizza. It needs a dozen eggs and two pounds of bacon.”

Gatomon practically purred. “It sounds perfect.”