d.g.c.f.s iusse30 reality based combat

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  • 8/8/2019 D.G.C.F.S Iusse30 Reality Based Combat


    Reality BasedE-Maga

    A new journey is before us


    Nos es summisse questio pacis tamen instruo pro bellumWe are humbly seeking peace but prepared for war.

  • 8/8/2019 D.G.C.F.S Iusse30 Reality Based Combat



    Issue 30 January 01, 2011


    Dark Gift Combat Fighting System Houston's Foremost Authority and premier RealityBased Martial Arts, Street defense Facility.


    How could a martial arts instructor teach non-violence and problem solving withoutusing the fighting techniques that they are learning? Are there any practical exercisto teach this concept?As some of you know I have been in the Martial Arts industry for 35+ years. I havenever during that time been taught verbal descalation drills or conflict managementfrom any of my instructors, much less pre-conflict indicators, some of them touch onbut thats about it. 99.99% of the schools out there teach you what to do DURING a

    fight, BUT WAIT something happened before the fight also what happened after?We at D.G.C.F.S. answer this problem very easily. We teach the 3 DS which areDetect, Defuse, Defend orDestroy Which coincides with Pre , During and Postphysical altercation. This is done in a scenario format. All too often clients/students left with no option but to get in a physical altercation, due to the fact that they lack tverbal skills to talk their way out of a physical altercation. They are trained only to fiNOT TO TALK their way out of one. You hear all the time on the news and read in news paper about someone getting in a fight or got tabbed or shot. MAN WAS SHOT LATE SUNDAY NIGHT, WORDS WERE EXCHANGED EARLIETHAT EVENINGTell me.. does that sound familiar?


    Let us look at the anatomy of a potential physical altercation. First they are about thways one could get accosted MOSTCOMMON but they are 100s of ways.

    1) Assassination 2) Ambush 3) Verbal confrontation.Lets us look at the first one Assassination:From my research and L.E.O.I have tawith, Assassinationis mainly done by gangs as an initiation into the gang life.Some times mistaking identity will occur, like a HIT on a DRUG DEALER but insteaKILLED a father of 3. It is all most impossible to stop an Assassination, only DETEa potential problem can possible save your life, but all too often all of us just assumwe will be safe in our society and its just not true.

    The second one is Ambush:Happens all too often, just like in the animal kingdom predator looks for the weak, old, young, lame and the one that is NOT paying attenA punk thief is not going to pick a BIG STRONG MAN to rob. Ambushcan be averby practicing 1 of the 3 DS Detect& Pre-IndicatorsIF you canDetecta problem or pick up Pre-Indicatorthen you do not have to DEFUOR DEFENDyourself. Ambushcan be a KILLERSabrinaPina is a terrible wake call. We at D.G.C.F.S. utilize scenario base training of the 3Ds andPre , During and Post Detectinghow they walk, talk, body contenance, why is th

    man stand by my car at 1am. Why is he holding the beer bottle by the neck? thats not how you drink beer. Why is he actinnerves? A Pre-Indicatoris little different from Detecting, a Pre-Indicatoris a giveaway of ones intent. Here follow this link

    which shows about the beer bottle, Some of you have e-mailed me asking for that link this shows intent.



    Houston Premier Reality Based Martial Arts & Combatives, Fitness & Nutrition Facility.

    Mr.& Mrs. Traylor Owner & Founders of

    Dark gift combat fighting System.

    Inside D.G.C.F.S.A question was asked 1Mrs.Traylor Combat Fitnes 2Coming Events 3Airsoft Products 4Flight 297 5may we shed no blood 6Reality based business 7

    Survival of martial arts 8Cain Martial Arts system 10Emotional abuse 12Cont. from page 1 14Welcome 15

  • 8/8/2019 D.G.C.F.S Iusse30 Reality Based Combat


    Carpal Tunnel

    Do you experience tingling or numbness in your first four fingers, especially at night?you find yourself feeling clumsy and fumbling simple objects such as pencils or eraseDo you experience sharp pain along your forearm? If this sounds like you, you may hcarpal tunnel syndrome.Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused when pressure is put on the median nerve in yourforearm. This pressure can be caused by everything from poorly healed bone breaksacute swelling. More often than not, its commonly caused by poor posture.

    There are many ways to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. The most common method iswear wrist braces during the times when the most strain will be put on your wrist, sucas while you sleep or while you work. A carpal tunnel wrist brace is effective in that itkeeps the wrists straight, which can prevent you from putting more pressure on thenerve.

    However, the effectiveness of a carpal tunnel wrist brace is up to debate. Whilerendering the wrists immobile is a good way to help ease the pressure and prevent ycarpal tunnel from worsening, many patients have trouble wearing them. Their restricqualities are uncomfortable and make it difficult to work, especially while at a compu

    Fortunately, there are a variety of different carpal tunnel wrist brace designs to choosfrom. Many of them feature effective models that help promote good hand posturewithout making it too difficult to move. Other alternatives to a carpal tunnel wrist bracinclude wrist friendly additions to your workspace, such as foam pads to rest your wron while you work or specialized keyboards designed specifically to promote goodposture. Using these items, combined with wearing a carpal tunnel wrist brace, is suhelp combat the worst of the early symptoms.

    However, its a good idea to see your doctor before making any purchases. He or shwill be able to give you more information regarding the best designs as well as whenand how to wear them the most effectively. It is not wise to purchase a carpal tunnel

    wrist brace without speaking to your doctor first. In many cases you must be fitted to ensure the best effect. Unless yourdoctor recommends it, its typically not a good idea to simply purchases a set of braces online, as you have little idea as t owhether or not they will fit, let alone work. Learn more about what type of carpal tunnel wrist brace is the best for you!


    Mrs. Traylor is Personal Trainer ,Owner & Founder Dark Gift Combat & Dark Gift Combat Fighting System as well asCo- Founder of R.E.A.C.T.Rapid Endurance Assertive Combative Training


    Mrs.Trayloris Personal Trainer & Owner &Founder of Dark Gift Combat &Dark Gift Combat Fighting System

    Inside D.G.C.F.S.A question was asked 1Mrs.Traylor Combat Fitnes 2Coming Events 3Airsoft Products 4Flight 297 5may we shed no blood 6Reality based business 7Survival of martial arts 8Cain Martial Arts system 10Emotional abuse 12Cont. from page 1 14Welcome 15

  • 8/8/2019 D.G.C.F.S Iusse30 Reality Based Combat


    Coming Events

    Mr.& Mrs. Traylor are gearing up for the 2011 seminar tour, IF you wish Mr. & Mrs.Traylor to come to your schfor a seminar please contact them. The seminar can cover whatever you want Just pick the module,

    All modules have Instructor certification available.


    2011 YEAR


    February 26, 27 2011 - Hock Hochheim- Location D.G.C. Houston, TXMr. & Mrs.Traylor NEEDS to be Confirmed

    March 12, 2011 - Ground Combatives - Location D.G.C. Houston,TxMr. & Mrs.Traylor

    March 26, 2011 - Sabrina Pina 3rd Annual Self Defense Seminar - LocationD.G.C. Houston,Tx Mr. & Mrs.Traylor

    April 2011

    May Tactical Folder edge weapon THE ART OF DRAWING YOUR BLADE


    July - Tactical Airsoft and Counter home invasion training


    September 17 ,18 - 2011 Expandable baton and Stick CombativesLocation D.G.C. Houston, TX Mr. & Mrs.Traylor


    November 13,14 2011 R.A.T Seminar Location D.G.C.Mr.& Mrs.Traylor Ranking last one till 2013


  • 8/8/2019 D.G.C.F.S Iusse30 Reality Based Combat



    M4 GAS BLOWBACKPrice T.B.A.Specifications:

    The LM4 Series is a new lineup of professional training rifles designed specifically for Law Enforcement and Militaryapplications. The new series is powered by KWAs Force Velocity gas engine and is made to simulate the recoil action offirearm without the use of live ammunition. Every feature on the LM4 series rifle is realistic and fully functional including tforward assist button. The LM4 rifles utilizes Green Gas as a propellant and fires 6mm airsoft pellets or Identifying Marki(IDM) rounds at a velocity of 500+ FPS with an effective range of 180+ feet. Two models, the LM4 PTR and LM4 SR7, w

    initiate the launch with additional models as well as civilian versions coming later this year.IF Y OU WANT TO SEE THE VIDEO FOLLOW THE LINK



  • 8/8/2019 D.G.C.F.S Iusse30 Reality Based Combat


    Flight 297Terrorists dry run

    I got this e-mail from an acquaintance of mine and I thought I would share it with you.One week ago, I went to Ohio on business andto see my father.. On Tuesday, Novemthe 17th, I returned home.If you read the papers the 18th you may have seen a blurbwhere aAirTran flight was cancelled from Atlanta to Houston due to a man whorefused to get off of his cell phone before takeoff. It was on Fox.That was NOT what happened. This is what actually happened.I was in 1st class coming home. 11 Muslim mengot on the plane in full attire. 2 sat in 1class and the restpeppered themselves throughout the plane all the way to the back. Athe plane taxied to the runway the stewardesses gave the safety spielwe are all so

    familiar with. At that time, one of the men got on hiscell and called one of his companiin the back and proceeded totalk on the phone in Arabic very loudly and veryaggressively. Thistook the 1st stewardess out of the picture for she repeatedly told theman that cell phones were not permitted at the time. He ignored heras if she was notthere.The 2nd man who answered the phone did thesame and this took out the 2ndstewardess. In the back of the planeat this time, 2 younger Muslims, one in the back, and one infront of him, window, began to show footage of a porno they had tapedthe night before, and were very loud about it. Now - they are onlypermitted to do this pto Jihad. If a Muslim man goes into astrip club, he has to view the woman via mirror whis back to her..(don't ask me..I don't make the rules, but I've studied) The 3


    informed them that they were not to have electronic deviceson at this time. To which oof the men said "shut up infidel dog!"She went to take the camcorder and he began toscream in her face inArabic. At that exact moment, all 11 of them got up and started to

    walk the cabin.This is where I had had enough! I got up andstarted to the back whereheard a voice behind me from another Texantwice my size say "I got your back." Igrabbed the man who had beenon the phone by the arm and said "you WILL go sit door you Will bethrown from this plane!" As I "led" him around me to take his seat,the feTexan grabbed him by the back of his neck and his waist andheaded out with him. I thgrabbed the 2nd man and said, "You WILLdo the same!" He protested but adrenaline flowing now and he wasgoing to go..As I escorted him forward the plane doors openand 3 TSA agents and 4 police officerentered. Me and my new Texanfriend were told to cease and desist for they had thisunder control..I was happy to oblige actually. There was some commotion in the backbut within moments, all 11 were escorted off the plane. They thenunloaded their luggaWe talked about the occurrence and were indisbelief that it had happen, when suddenthe door open again andon walked all 11!! Stone faced, eyes front and robotic (the onwayI can describe it). The stewardess from the back had been in tearsand when she this, she was having NONE of it! Being that I was upfront, I heard and saw the wholeordeal. She told the TSA agent therewas NO WAY she was staying on the plane withthese men. The agenttold her they had searched them and were going to go through tluggage with a fine tooth comb and that they were allowed to proceedto Houston. Thecaptain and co-captain came out and told the agent"we and our crew will not fly thisplane!" After a word or two, theentire crew, luggage in tow, left the plane. 5 minutes la

    thecabin door opened again and a whole new crew walked on.Again...this is where I had had enough!!! Igot up and aske"What the hell is going on!?!?" I was told to takemy seat. They were sorry for the delay and I would be home shortly.I said"I'm getting off this plane". The stewardess sternly told methat she could not allow me to get off. (now I'm mad!) I said "I aa grown man who bought this ticket, who's time is mine with a familyat home and I am going through that door, or I'm gointhrough thatdoor with you under my arm!! But I am going through that door!!" AndI heard a voice behind me say "so am IThen everyone behind usstarted to get up and say the same.Within 2 minutes, I was walking off that planewhere I was mwith more agents who asked me to write a statement. Ihad 5 hours to kill at this point so why the hell not. Due to the

    amount of people who got off that flight, it was cancelled. I wassupposed to be in Houston at 6pm. I got here at 12:30am.Look up the date. Flight 297 Atlanta to Houston.If this wasn't a dry run, I don't know whatone is. The terrorists wanted to show TSA would handle it, how thencrew would handle it, and how the passengers would handle it.I'm telling this to you because I want you to know. The threat is real. I saw it with my own eyes.-Tedd Petruna



    Inside D.G.C.F.S.A question was asked 1Mrs.Traylor Combat Fitnes 2Coming Events 3Airsoft Products 4Flight 297 5may we shed no blood 6Reality based business 7Survival of martial arts 8Cain Martial Arts system 10Emotional abuse 12Cont. from page 1 14Welcome 15

  • 8/8/2019 D.G.C.F.S Iusse30 Reality Based Combat


    May We Shed No Useless Blood

    Just the other week, we were out having dinner for my mothers birthday. Pats Pizza inwindy city on Lincoln! When my immediate family gets together, we always end up talkabout everyones 3 favorite subjects. Religion, Politics and Money. So during ourdiscussion, some drunk guy from across the room interrupted and said No one gives acrap about your freedom of speech. So we looked at him and then continued on. 5minutes later he interrupted again and said the same thing. We could tell this guy wasdrunk and of course rude. All the mean while my heart must have double the beats pe

    minute and I could not stop looking at this guy. In my human flesh I was hoping deepdown inside that he would say something again. Because if he did, I was going to say him to shut his mouth because no one is talking to him. I was also wondering in my mithat if that did happen, what his response would be. I mean, what could he do? With mhaving over 10 years of training experiences and a drunk guy having dinner with his laknew I could take him. It just really made me upset that one person can be so rude. Ithought about all the things on the table I could also use as weapons such as plates, cpizza pan; because this guy was about twice the size of me and had some muscle. Bualso thought about the effective empty hand blows I can do or even a simple eye jab. Bwe finished our dinner without this jerk interrupting. But all throughout the rest of us eamy adrenaline was pumping and deep down inside, my anger wanted him to interrupt odiscussion again.

    After we left the restaurant, I took some time alone to reflect upon our evening. I am glthat nothing did happen. For one, why fight and shed blood over meaningless issues. Atrained warriors, we fight only to protect our family and loved ones (or at least I hope thmost trained fighters will understand that concept). I myself train not for a corruptiblecrown, but an incorruptible crown. And for 2, I thought about that if something did happand I were to seriously injured this guy, he would have ended up in the hospital and Iwould have ruined the night of the girl he was with along with my mother and family. Fothat moment of ones ignorance, nothing was to be proven. What I can say is that myanger and machoism almost got the best of me. One of my instructors told me that all tstreet fights that he lost were due to an ego issue. One thing that I have a deeperunderstanding of is that a man who rules his spirit is much mightier than one who takeover a city. Booker T. Washington once said I will let no man degrade my soul by makme hate him. So in conclusion, why fight over meaningless issues?

    Train Hard! Be Safe! And God Bless!

    Anthony Calderone Jr.Definitive Martial ArtsMay We Shed No Useless [email protected]


    Anthony Calderone Jr System.

    Inside D.G.C.F.S.A question was asked 1

    Mrs.Traylor Combat Fitnes 2Coming Events 3Airsoft Products 4Flight 297 5may we shed no blood 6Reality based business 7Survival of martial arts 8Cain Martial Arts system 10Emotional abuse 12Cont. from page 1 14Welcome 15

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    MARTIAL ARTS / COMBATIVES BUISNESWe have been teaching Reality based Martial Arts here in Houston, Tx for the last 5 yeWhen we first opened up we were a hole in the wall. It was just my wife and I and 1 or students. We have grown since then just a little But the REALITY is, IS THAT NOTEVERYONE WANTS THAT type of training. Some Folks just do not want to be testedboth mentally and physically. My wife and I have had discussions with different martialartist and business owners about our facility. First and foremost they say that the trainiis awesome and that they have not seen training like this very often IF at all. Second thask is this our flagship class, Where are the kids classes and the B.J.J. & MUAY THAand the M.M.A.ectThey say we have to be versatile IF you want to stay open. So wehave decided to add a cardio Kickboxing class, it did very well so then we morphed inA COMBATIVE CONDTION class and it is doing ok. The TRUTH, is that D.G.C.F.S. isCombative course and that is what we know and do. We have tried to bring in others

    just caused a conflict of interest and philosophy. A lot of other place do well with what call Self Defense conditioning, which brings in a lot of money for them. It is not thatD.G.C.F.S. does not want to make money; we just want to make money on our own teWe are not a BIG BOX CHAIN and we cannot afford the finances to do that or to fall inwith their mentality of how a business needs to be operated, LORD knows I do needclasses as I have NO BUISNESS SENSE AT ALL, Mrs.Traylor has more than I haveThose of you that have been with us know that we have changed our syllabus a few timand have made changes to the training, Thats because we have found better methodstraining and have discovered things that are better for the client/student. We are proudbe what we call a MOM & POP operation; You are not a MEAL TICKET to us. Mrs.Tra

    & I do care about each and every one of our students. All to often you can go to anyMartial Arts facility and you will have a sales men pitch you and try to sell you. Now insaying that I understand that WE ALL have to make a living BUT what happened toCUSTOMER SERVICE? We let our ability and our program speak for itself But to beHONEST sometimes that does not help. WHY because again some folks do not want need this type of training. Mrs.Traylor and I wear a lot of HATS, Marketing, webdevelopment, sales, procurer, Instructors, Curriculum Development, producer, editor aoverseeing all that want to be a part of our organization, We have folks from all aroundWorld wanting to be a part of what we are doing and we are humbled by this.Reality Based Martial arts / Combatives is the next big thing to come to the Martial ArtCommunity. When Mrs.Traylor and I 1

    stopened up and we put Reality Based Martial &

    Combatives other schools made fun of us, Saying What is Reality about your MartialArts They did not get it. But here we are 5 years later and ALL OF A SUDDEN they

    teach Reality Based Self Defense. Mrs.Traylor and I are proud of what we have doin the last 5 years..We are not where we want to be or could be.. BUT..Its is a labor ofLOVE not a LABOR for MONEY..all tho MONEY WOULDNT HURT!!!. We have movefrom a 16000 Sq facility two location about 8,000 sq ea. To about 3.5 4 thousand Sq

    Facility, We lost our elevator room which we did not get to use but we are NOW in the works to re-build it at our new facilitand also build a mock BUS/ PLAN for our training module. Mrs.Traylor and I have designed a very unique training programsystem. We try to make sure that everything that we teach will work for the majority of our student/client base. We will behonest with you SOMETIMES I feel like just giving up and not teach anymore just train and make DVD and offer SeminarsBut then something happens like a student gets attacked and calls me or their mom says THANK YOU..THANK YOU fortraining me or their daughter she fought back your training potential saved her life or theirs. Then my wife and I look at eacother THIS is WHY we do it.We also have Military and L.E.O. personal that thanks us as well and we are so humbled that chose us to train them. Its very hard to run a business especially a Reality Based Combatives / Martial Arts one. It takes ittoll on relationships, the finances and the ability for the Instructors to train and better them self. I enjoy what I do, Mrs.Tray

    as well , We also enjoy training and learning new things, Mrs.Traylor and I are Students first and foremost and instructorssecond. The economy does not help, I feel so BAD for our students that have lost their job I see the FEAR in their eyes anthe uncertainty. I know of 5 schools that have closed they did not make it and I see another one struggling, a lifelong DREof his may come to an end. It is heart breaking. Other schools like M.M.A. & B.J.J. are hurting but not near as bad asTraditional Martial Arts. Mr .Traylor & I have a lot of plans in the works for going to the next level, Taken our school andmaking it the talk of the Martial Arts/ Reality based combatives community, Offering things only found in Military or Lawenforcement facility.It is just a dream with a plan and a vision of where we want to take our school.In closing I would like to say to anyone that has open a martial arts facility be true to who you are and what you know is rigin your heart follow your dream, we are only on this earth for such a short time that IF you are scared to fail you will NEVESUCCED. I want to thank my Wife Mrs.Traylor when I feel That I am not GOOD enough to teach or I feel I do not knowenough she is there for me and pulls back from the abyss of doubt and lack self confidence. To my LORD JESUS..Thank for the grace you have shown me and my family & business, I do not deserve it but I am so humbled you have that love fome. By: Mr.Traylor

    Page 7

    Mr.TraylorOwner & Founders of

    D.G.C.F. System.

    Inside D.G.C.F.S.A question was asked 1

    Mrs.Traylor Combat Fitnes 2Coming Events 3Airsoft Products 4Flight 297 5may we shed no blood 6Reality based business 7Survival of martial arts 8

    Cain Martial Arts system 10Emotional abuse 12Cont. from page 1 14Welcome 15

  • 8/8/2019 D.G.C.F.S Iusse30 Reality Based Combat


    "All In or All Out!"

    When it comes to self-defense I tell my students that they have to be either "all in or alout".

    What I mean by that is that they must choose to escape immediately....and to do so faHowever, if the opportunity to escape safely is not present, and they must use violencea survival tool to secure a chance to get away safely - then they have to do so with fullcommitment and intent - "all in".

    Striking your attacker half-heartedly and with no real intent to injure is too risky. He wa

    to kill or cripple you. If you don't commit fully, then the chances of you escaping at all,forget uninjured, are slim to none.

    It is commonly said that the "best defense is a good offense". Well, actually, in our coof self-protection, the best defense is absence. Dont be in that situation in the first plaand/or escape immediately.

    But when it comes down to it and you are forced into defending yourself, you have tocause significant enough damage to your attacker so that you can get away safely.

    I'm not talking about overkill here...I mean doing whatever is necessary to create anopportunity for safe escape.

    Be all in or all out - there is no other way.

    T.J. Kennedy



    T.J.KENNEDYFounder & Chief Instructor -Hybrid Fighting Method (HFM)

    * Level 1 Instructor - Rince an BhataUisce Beatha (Irish Stick Fighting)* Instructor - Safe International* Executive Member - Special Trainingand Research Section (STaRS) -Tactical Athletics Canada (TAC)* Adjunct Instructor - Caribbean TacticalTraining Group (CTTG)* Associate Member - NationalFederation of Combative Arts (NFOCA)* Member - International Association forCounterterrorism & SecurityProfessionals (IACSP)

    Inside D.G.C.F.S.

    A question was asked 1Mrs.Traylor Combat Fitnes 2Coming Events 3Airsoft Products 4Flight 297 5may we shed no blood 6Reality based business 7Survival of martial arts 8Cain Martial Arts system 10Emotional abuse 12Cont. from page 1 14Welcome 15

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  • 8/8/2019 D.G.C.F.S Iusse30 Reality Based Combat


    Cain Family Martial and Survival Sciences;an evolution built in chaos.

    Throughout 32 years of martial arts I have been given a very unique view of combathave seen and survived many violent encounters. I attribute my education in martialscience to the empirical knowledge of my teachers ER Spruiell, Frank Dux, Sky Bensand Ralph Severe to name but a few. However the greatest teacher of them all was experiences as a bar bouncer, NHB fighter and Guardian Angels that put me into thecenter of chaos. That education has taught me the value of evolution. Evolution gavbirth to the Cain Family method of martial science. CFMS is my personal expression what I have learned through 32 years of blood sweat and tears. It is also the best wa

    know how to honor my teachers. In CFMS chaos is the key element we use for trainiin reality; without it you are merely mimicking and memorizing fight assumptions. Anywho has ever been in a blood and snot real violent engagement can tell you that 30seconds on the street is worth 3 years in any dojo on the planet. However not everyois willing to put there bodies and life on the line in the name of martial science andevolution. For those individuals it is imperative that the student seek out a teacher whhas been in the blood and guts of combat; or has been a personal student of a maswho has felt the sting, stress and chaos of true battle. It goes without saying that wemust practice with a degree of safety. That doses not change the fact that the studeof martial science must simulate stress and adrenaline through the chaos concept tain CFMS. So how dose one do that? Options in chaos is limited to a persons naturalmovements and responses to stimuli. That fact leads the martial scientist to explore town movements under pressure. Adrenaline stress drills such as raising the heart ra

    as quickly as possible. This is achieved through the CFMS ballistic cardio workout anthen fighting with the objective of escaping ones partners barrage of blows. Anotheris to raise the heart rate rapidly then have a partner scream profanity and other verbaintimidations at the student before attacking him/her. It is critical to learn how your bwill feel when the heart rate is elevated in a short time and a partner attacks you in aunscripted way. It is insanity to try and develop un natural movements for moments frantic unpredictability. One must also create fear in order to learn how the body willreact. I recommend placing the student up against a personal fear. A example of thiswould be, putting a person with claustrophobia in a small closet for several minutes, quickly bring them out and attack them. Perhaps make a person who has a fear ofsnakes hold a snake for several minutes and then attack them when their stress is atpeak. Sound extreme? Guess what real? Fighting in a life or death encounter is asextreme as you get! You must be prepared and as Hanshi Frank Dux says keep it rThrough this kind of training one will quickly recognize the need for strategy and tactA person training in CFMS will adapt a strategic plan based on the positioning of the

    attackers body. It is important to understand combat physics, Hicks law, the OODA loop, and body autonomics in developsuch a fight strategy. I make a personal challenge to the reader to seek out a teacher who has a deep understanding of suprinciples. One could write a whole book on the above subjects; and to the untrained person its prin ciples will make little ifimpact. It is for this reason I believe one must find a teacher to help develop a understanding for such high concepts. Mosdojos offer technique based training. This gives the student tools and the skill set needed to impl ement a fight strategy. Tproblem is that most techniques are dead, due to the lack of chaos. It must be noted that technique training ,as important ais, will never offset the need for realism. If the student only practices techniques in a sterol and pristine environment then tpractice is far from the truth in combat. The student must be trained in all environments such as outside in the snow, inparking lots, on hills, on rocks in the rain, to name but a few locations. This is part of the CFMS chaos concept that will turndead technique into a effective fighting combination. CFMS is not limited to the plastic fantastic martial sport methods of yostandard cookie cutter dojo. CFMS is forever evolving due to constant exposure to the chaos concept. In chaos weexperience pain and pain brings about change; change is the way of the warrior. Non-evolving techniques develop nothing

    more then ego based self defense. The term self defense is a as unrealistic as many of the traditional techniques. True sedefense is the moment before the chaos breaks out. Being in a state of heightened awareness as a warrior should be. Onshould recognize a threat before it becomes a fight. Being aware of the dynamics of the environment is what CFMS considself defense. Once the bad guy enters in to your personal space war zone then it is no longer defense, it is fighting. Actioalways faster then reaction. One must be responsive to the stimuli the attacker presents. If one is aware the bad guy will gaway his intent. It is from the perceived intent that one must resound not react. Having training drills for self defense is noonly necessary but it is also very practical if one remembers when in time and space it occurs.


    Master Kobura Cain ,is the Shodai Kaiso (founder) of the CainFamily Martial and Survival Sciences . Heis a Guardian Angel andBlack belt Hall offame MASTER of the year, and Actionmartial arts hall of fame 2010 inductee foroutstanding contribution to the martial arts

    Inside D.G.C.F.S.A question was asked 1

    Mrs.Traylor Combat Fitnes 2Coming Events 3

    Airsoft Products 4Flight 297 5may we shed no blood 6Reality based business 7Survival of martial arts 8Cain Martial Arts system 10Emotional abuse 12Cont. from page 1 14Welcome 15

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    CFMS has its core based in Dux Ryu, Shaolin Kempo, Jujitsu, WW2 combatives, and Ninjutsu. With this base I havedeveloped 21 core combinations to help bring a student up to black belt. All of the combinations must be updated andevolving and work under the CFMS chaos concept. Each motion is a natural movement to create access to the attackersstructure weakness while keeping ones structure superiority. Creating drills and an environment that the chaos concept cathrive and test techniques is the art side of CFMS. The results of such experiments is the science of fighting. In CFMS weinterested in the results that reveals the truth. Unlike art, science is based in fact. If one is to face the harsh reality of battlethen it is imperative to have a methodology grounded in the empirical.

    Master Kevin "Kobura" CainMaster Kevin Kobura Cain , is the Shodai Kaiso (founder) of the Cain Family Martial and Survival Sciences aka Cain RyuNinJuTe Kempo, The PAIN Method, and The way of the divine heart aka Kami Shin Do, c0/ founder of Aam-Ka Jiu-Jitsu ahas been a martial artist for over 32 years. He is a mixed blood Siksikwa indian with the tribal name of "MoonRider",and very proud of his heritage as a native american warrior. He is a Guardian Angel and Black belt Hall of fame MASTER of thyear, andAction martial arts hall of fame 2010 inductee for outstanding contribution to the martial arts. He is a defensivetactics and knife instructor as well as state rep. for the RAVEN Tactical International. He is the personal student of many gmen such as E.R. Spruiell(10th degree Grandmaster of Sasori Jiu-Jitsu), Hanshi Frank Dux (10th degree GreatGrandmaster of Dux Ninjutsu, founder of Dux FASST and the man the movie Bloodsport was based on), Renshi Sky Ben(7th degree senior master instructor of Dux Ryu Ninjutsu and Dux FASST) Hakim Isler personal student of An-Shu SepK. Hayesand Prof. Thadeu Vieira of the World Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Association.Ninpo Ikkan,RVANinja.com


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    Emotional Abuse :The Symptoms and Strategy

    Theres always alot of focus on physical violence in a relationship, but at the same timemotional abuse can be just as devastating over time. Devastating the families andgenerations beyond. If you think someone in your family is being abused this way hodo you know for sure? How do you approach it? What can be done?In this commentary after exhaustive interviews with social workers and the like I willattempt to give you some ideas and point out some of the pitfalls and things to avoidNow please keep in mind that there isnt a silver bullet thats going to work 100% of thtime and often there just isnt an easy answer. However, something must be done. Aof the times people in these situations dont even know they are being abused. Youcannot be a bystander and just hope someone else will step in. At the same time youcant do something stupid and make the problem worse. In most cases its the femalspouse that is abused but abuse of the male spouse is becoming more common andsymptoms are actually similar. In this article I m going to use the example of a husbabeing abused but what is being discussed can apply to male or female spouses.Lets start with symptoms for the abused. If you think someone is being abused and question them about it then this is what you are likely to get. They tend to be in deniathat there is a problem. They will make excuses for the bad behavior. Due to low selfesteem they will tend to blame themselves. More times than not they will be withdrawfrom siblings and friends claiming they aren t there for them when they need them. Tcan often be due to manipulation on the part of the abuser inventing reasons to keepabused away from friends and family yet blaming it on the family not the themselves.This can lead to bad psychological problems down the road if it goes unchecked. It is

    worth noting that its also not uncommon that abusers were once abused themselvesNow lets have a look at the abuser. They tend to control the abused by taking away tself esteem and self respect. They can attack the abused sexually and lower it that wor they can use other means. One of the first tip-offs for an outsider is the constantyelling in front of the children and in front of strangers. This greatly humiliates the peand lowers self esteem which of course can cause the symptoms listed above for theabused. They may also do things like flirt with someone else publicly to umiliate thespouse. Of course the spouse doesnt leave due to low self esteem believing theyllnever find anyone else and theyll make excuses for it. In our example, even if the guthinks hes being abused if he confronts his abuser shell generally just fly off the hanyelling and screaming or do the next common thing the abuser does which is play thevictim. Ironic isnt it? Trust me it happens. They will claim no one has it worse than thNo one appreciates them. Theyve been through more than anyone and no one care

    them. They will do the same thing if confronted by a third party. Now heres the thingweve said before the abused often becomes an abuser down the road when things d

    get resolved so this person may have actually had it pretty bad. Please understand me when i say this. That DOES NOTexcuse abusing someone now. If you were growing up and lets say someone murdered a member of your family. Then yogrow up and 20 years later you murder someone. Do you think a jury is going to say its ok because you had a tragedy whyou were younger? Of course not! If you murder someone hopefully youll fry. An abuser will have a multitude of excuses fwhy they abuse but NONE of them are valid because there is no valid reason for it. So if your an outsider wanting to help aloved one how do you approach it. I want to say right off that your not going to fix it yourself. The goal here should be to gethem both into counseling and let a professional handle it. Let whatever is going to come out come out in a session withsomeone who knows what to do. Your not Frued so dont pretend to be and make things worse. Now weve established ththe abused may not listen. So if they dont pushing wont do any good most of the time. The abuser will just fly off the handand become more abusive or just play the victim game and you ll probably get shut out and become the next person to whthe abused becomes withdrawn. So you can t make this about attacking someone and establishing some kind of blame

    because it just isnt going to work. If theres kids involved however you may have a chance. In a marriage often the abuseddoes not see divorce as an option due to the money it would cost but alot of times they think it will damage the children sotheir minds they stay for them. They dont realize that in an abusive situation staying could actually be worse on them. Eithway they stay. Make the children the focal point. Any respectable mother or father wants their children safe. Now heres apoint to ponder. If children grow up in a household where there constant screaming then they will begin to think its norma



    Inside D.G.C.F.S.A question was asked 1Mrs.Traylor Combat Fitnes 2Coming Events 3Airsoft Products 4Flight 297 5may we shed no blood 6Reality based business 7Survival of martial arts 8Cain Martial Arts system 10Emotional abuse 12Cont. from page 1 14Welcome 15

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    They will be likely to continue this cycle of abuse and their own relationships will be damaged in the future. When you seescreaming and the child doesn't even acknowledge it or looks withdrawn from it then you are starting to have a seriousproblem. If the yelling stops in front of the children and your mostly at home then the yelling tends to take a big drop. If thadoesn't sway them to get counseling then unfortunately it could be a situation where your local department of humanresources has to step in. Now no one wants that to happen. A foster home is not a good place for your children they shoulat home with you. So in my experiences trying to help abused persons i think when you are doing your approach stay awafrom assigning blame and use this angle. It may be a little manipulative but more often than not it will get the job done. No should have to be abused and feel helpless. I can't think of anything worse and i know as your reading this you don't want

    for any of your loved ones either. If your still not sure what to do consult your local DHR or possibly a psychologist if you kone. Mainly don't be a bystander do something but do it the right way. Thank you

    Paul Green Is a Professor of Combative Arts with the American Budo Society as well as the International Technical Director, Alabama State HeavyweChampion in Sport Jiu-Jitsu in 1999 I hold a 5 th dan in Jujutsu a 5th dan in Ninjutsu a 4th dan in Karate and a 3rd dan in Judo/Yudo respectivelyalso a certified instructor in The Defender Personal Defense Weapon System A certified instructor in the SABER(Strategic Anit-Blade EngagementResponse) Method An Advanced Instructor in Knife/Counter Knife Combatives under W Hock Hocheim


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    Continue from page 1

    as you saw from the video all the Detect& Pre-Indicators where there,IF YOU were trained to look for them. This guy

    no clue what was about to happen. Again all Martial Arts schools need this type of training for their students/clients. NOT

    because I do it but because its GREAT for the student/client.

    Now we go to Verbal confrontation, A heated exchange with a potential for a physical altercation. Here is where you can

    defuses the situation or talk down the fight IF you have had the training. Be firm but kind in your rebuttals always say Sir,

    Stand a in a Defensive posture, do not square up as they say, give verbal boundaries like Siryou are making me nerve

    can you please step back alittle Remember the combatant may not be hearing what you are saying but is in a visualmode and how you move and act, he will respond to much more quickly.

    SO lets break it down.

    Detectanything that you see or hear that causes you to think you are in peril

    Pre-Indicator anything that gives away hes intent, Body contenance, action ect.

    Defuseverbal descalation or conflict management, Talking your way out of the fight.

    Defendskills that give you the ability to protect you & your family, all martial arts system teach this

    During during the physical altercation what is happening ect

    AHH now POST, Anther gap that that I see is missing in a clients/student training. After the physical altercation, what to do

    What are the LEGAL & MORAL ramification of what just occurred? IF you knocked out a guy and you notice that his head

    the floor hard you might want to make sure he is ok, IF you do not have his buddies all over you or the bouncers. Get nam& phone numbers of witnesses of what just happened. I tell my students all the time you going to have to fight 3 times.

    1) the person you are fighting 2) Johnny law when he arrives, he does not know who is right or wrong 3) potentially civil

    court. SO COVER YOUR BUTT!!!.

    LOOK ladies and gentlemen, I think this is vital training that a student/client needs IF they can talk their way out of a fight o

    run do so. There is more to Martial Arts & Combatives than FIGHTING like we say here at D.G.C.F.S. HUMBLY SEEKI

    PEACE and we really areBUT IF YOU ATTACK we are PREPARED FOR WAR!!!!!!!..

    These vital skills set I think should be in every system and defense training. Thats why Mrs.Traylor and I teach them. In

    closing Mrs.Traylor and I want to wish you and yours a HAPPY NEW YEAR, and may you all be BLESSED this year.


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    Mr. & Mrs. Traylor would like to welcome

    Ryan Ishna, George,

    Mr. & Mrs. Traylor would like to wish a HAPPY BIRTH DAY

  • 8/8/2019 D.G.C.F.S Iusse30 Reality Based Combat



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