dharamshala retreat (theta_healing) april 2011

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Theta Healing® Retreat in DHARAMSHALA. Conducted by Soniyaa Singh. Organized by Ashwin Nivsarkar.


  • 1. Theta HealingRetreat in DHARAMSHALA

2. Retreat Dates
Basic DNA2 Level 1:3 Full days
Dates:22nd, 23rd and 24thof April 2011
Hours:9am till 5pm

Advance DNA2 Level 2:3 Full days
Dates25th, 26th, 27th of April 2011
Hours:9am till 5pm

Day Off28thApril2011
Manifestation & Abundance:2 Full days
Dates29th and 30th of April 2011
Hours:9am till 5pm
Limited Seats:Book at the earliest to confirm.
3. Course Fees & Registration
Payment can be made in the following currencies.
INR. 66,888/-Or AED 5,579/- Or US $ 1,530/-
Inclusive of Workshop Fees,
Complete Course Material,
Hotel stay (double occupancy).
All fees are Ex-Dharamshala.
Participants would need to arrive at the venue on their own.All meals will be included.
Registration ContactAshwinNivsarkar (President)
The EventZ Company, Dubai
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +97155 999 2802
4. Dharamshala Retreat Location
Near Norbulingka Buddhist Institute,
Sidhpur Dharamshala,
Himachal Pradesh 176057
Web : www.BlossomsVillage.com
5. General Information on Dharamshala
The resort is a little away from the main road, and not in Dharamsala town, but taxis can be booked and there is the local transport.
There are basic shops nearby for everyday needs. The resort is close to a pretty Tibetan institute called Norbulinka. What you can do on FREE DAYS:The resort is about 3-4 kms from Dharamsala town and 14-15 kms from Mc Leodganj which is where the main Dalai Lama temple is.
On Wednesdays and Saturdays, if the Karmapa is in town, he gives talks from 1.30 - 3.30 pm which is at the Gyoto monastery located about 2 -3 kms from the resort.
6. Vianna Stibal-ThetaHealing Founder
Vianna Stibal Founder of ThetaHealing (THINK) Natures Path Idaho Falls USA and I honor you and welcome you to the world of Theta Healing.
Must Watch;FOX News on Theta Healing;www.youtube.com/watch?v=utE9bCnMWJs
Official Website; www.thetahealing.com
ThetaHealing is a meditational process that creates physical, psychological, and spiritual healing with focused prayer through the Creator. The Creator has freely given us the fascinating knowledge you are about to receive.
There is however one requirement that is absolute with this technique:
You must have a central belief in the Creator of All That Is, of Creator,
of God. With study and practice, anyone can do it; anyone who believes
in God!
7. ThetaHealing
ThetaHealing has no religious affiliation. I realize that the Creator has many different names: God, Buddha, Shiva, Goddess, Jesus, Yahweh and Allah are all currents leading in a flow towards the Seventh Plane of Existence and the Creative Energy of All That Is.
The processes of ThetaHealing are not specific to any age, sex, race, color, creed or religion. Anyone with a pure belief in God or the Creative of All That Is can access and use the branches of the ThetaHealing tree.
When we connect to the Creator of all that is, our brain waves automatically go into a Theta state of mind. In this mind-state, you can create anything and change reality, instantly.
8. Basic DNA 2 ThetaHealing- Level 1
This classteaches one to usenatural intuitive senses to access "theta" in a matter of seconds. The heart of this class focuses on techniques that allow one to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self inflicted or externally imposed.

The student will learn to identify and release his/her own beliefs as well as practicing on others in class. This technique can quickly reveal systems of belief that might take traditional psychotherapy years to uncover, as well as showing the body how to replace limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones.
Upon completion, the student is a qualified practitioner of ThetaHealing and he/she will receive Vianna Stibal's latest book ThetaHealing, and a designated practitioner's manual and certification from theTHINKInstitute.
9. Basic DNA 2 ThetaHealing- Level 1
Uncover subconscious beliefs through muscle testing
The Seven Planes of Existence.
Contacting Creator of All That Is
Intuitive body scanning & Physical healing
Intuitive Readings, Self-Healings & Group Healings
Download teachings and install positive feelings
Gene Replacement Therapy
Future and Past Life Readings & Manifesting
Remote Healings
Contact your Guardian Angels and other Spirit Guides
Attracting Soul Mates, Life Partners, and Twin Souls
Removal of Waywards, Psychic Attacks & Psychic Hook
Retrieve and Return Soul Fragments
Dealing with Death
Install Fountain of Youth Genetic Programming & DNA Activations
10. Advance DNA 2 ThetaHealing - Level 2
The Advanced course will enhance your ability to connect to God & take your Theta Healing skills to the next level. So be prepared for you spiritual development to take a quantum leap forward! There will also be teachings about how to work with all the planes of existence from Mother Earth (1st), The plants (2nd), Our Planet(3rd), The spirits (4th), The guides & angels (5th), The laws of the universe (6th) & ultimately the purity of Creative Divine Source (7th).
Prerequisites: Certification in Theta Healing Basic DNA Course

Upon completion, your will become a qualified advance practitioner of ThetaHealing and will receive Vianna Stibal's latest book on Advance ThetaHealing, and a designated advance practitioner's manual and certification from the THINK Institute.
11. Advance DNA 2 ThetaHealing - Level 2
The 7th Planes of Existence & how to work with them
Hundreds of downloads to empower your life & healings
Advance digging for beliefs & fears
Releasing negative vows, oaths and commitments
Releasing the 3 R's: Rejection, Resentment, Regret
Release Free-Floating Memories/Engram Banks(memories stored in the subconscious whilst in a state of shock, trauma, unconsciousness or anesthesia)
Healing the baby in the womb
Repair a Broken Soul or Broken Heart
Meet and communicate with Plants and crystals
Ancestral Readings
Learn to clear Non-Organic Material furniture, offices, homes
Connecting to your Higher Self
Sending Dream and Time bending
The magic of the sacred number Seven
12. Manifestation & Abundance - Level 2
In ThetaHealing, the concept of manifesting is the Belief that it is possible to create something into the physical using the connection to the Creator of All That Is. Every statement, thought and action is reflected by what we are manifesting in our lives. Every decision is made upon the mirror reflection of what we choose to create. What we think and say have a direct bearing upon whether our manifestations are for our benefit or detriment. If you constantly say that you are poor, you will be. If you constantly say and think that you are financially abundant, you will be. It is of the utmost importance to stay on a positive mind set.
Prerequisite: Basic DNA and Advanced DNAIncludes: Vianna's Manifesting and Abundance Manual and Manifesting from the 7th Plane Meditation CD.
13. Manifestation & Abundance - Level 2
The truth is that we are creating our own reality and it is possible to manifest the best that the world has to offer. But you must first decide what it is you want in your life. Do you have a dream of experiencing the life you want? Many have the dreams, but not the reality despite much searching. This course uses an amazing questionnaire to assist you to find the many surprising & deeply hidden blocks standing between you & your goals. It shows you how to dig deep to clear them; teaches you about intention & Divine Timing, followed by how to make everything in your life work for you. You are then given all the positive new Feelings you need to establish abundance in your life. Many people attempt to use ThetaHealing to download complete financial success without first Energy-Testing themselves to find what may be blocking them. In some instances, these people become upset when they do not achieve immediate results.
14. Manifestation & Abundance - Level 2
In this class you will learn how to clear these possible blocks, how to make a plan, to set your intentions, and follow through on your ideas to achieve your successes.
Manifesting Downloads
Manifesting in a Theta State
Manifest in the highest and the best way
How blocks on abundance are seldom about money.
Manifesting from the Seventh Plane:
Abundance List of Manifesting Abundance Downloads
Exercises to remove your blocks
Exercise: Divine Timing and Bless your money
Exercise: Remembering your Future
Exercise: See Your Future and I am stuck exercise.
Exercise: How to create your future from the Seventh Plane.
15. Soniyaa Singh The Instructor
Student of the Universe; Life of an International Teacher
I fell in love with the power of Holistic Medicine during a trip to Asia in 2009. I realized how much fun life became when I surrendered my deepest concerns to the Supreme power above. The breath of life became easier. I smiled wider and found myself laughing from the heart. More importantly, I felt special for the first time in my life. Its as if I had discovered a doorway to peace, love and understanding. It was then that I decided to help others on their path to self-discovery.
16. Soniyaa Singh The Instructor
I was born and raised in the UK, move to Dubai at the age of 18 and for the longest time in my life I met challenges head-on, learning & growing from each life lesson.I became a successful property portfolio consultant, owned several companies which governed and assisted real estate giants of Dubai such as Union Properties, Al Attar, Mostafa Bin Abdul Latif and HH Sheikh Osama Bin Sayed (Saudi Arabia). My peers constantly say that my professional acumen is second to none. My keen mind and open approach to those around me has always been one of my key strengths and the ace card.

After my personal life-changing experience with holistic medicine in January 2009,I dedicated myself to learning further, counseling, coaching and healing with various Holistic Centers around Dubai. By nature I am a friendly personality and it sincerely reflects from my heart. I am determined and passionate about helping people and do so with the greatest of ease and comfort.
17. The Instructors Certifications
I am a certified Integrated Master Hypnotherapist, with specialty certifications in the following areas: Past Life and Age Regressions, Foreign Energy Dynamics, Hypnotic Modalities for Behavioral Resolutions, and Integrated Healing.

Also a certified Instructor in ThetaHealing (Basic, Advanced DNA 2 and Manifestation & Abundance), certified by the renowned Vianna, Stibal, Founder of Nature Path, Idaho, USA,. In addition, an Intuitive Anatomy Graduate, 2nd Degree Reiki and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Practitioner.
18. Thank you & See you thereWith Love & Light