dharmendra vasavda (manager of maa foundation)


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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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Mr.Dharmesh vasavda manager of MAA Foundation

Education is the basic necessacity for foundation of nation. It is an honor to know such a contributed personality Mr. Dharmesh Vasavda manager of MAA foundation who has been dedicating his life since 7 years……..

Dharmesh vasavda is not only manager of MAA foundation but he is also good person who encourages the students who want to do higher studies . The students whose economical condition is not so good are proper guided from Dharmesh vasavda and encouraged by him to go for goal n ambitions of life n become successful person.

Mr.Dharmesh vasavda as contributor

Me: How many years of experience….?

Sir: 27 years of total experience and 7 years in MAA


Questions and answering

Me: since you are succuessful person….sir, how do you take your work? (a) As a mission? (b)As a vision? (c)As a goal? (d) As a challenge? (e)As a new establishment?

Sir:- I would like to make all the students educated so I take my work as a misson.

Me:- According to you, what are the qualities to become a successful employee..?

Sir:- According to me the properties are:- - Dedication towards work - Positive Attitude - Honesty - Team work and leadership - Continuous learner - Understanding of your work ( Key Result Areas and Key Performance Areas)

Me:- your long successful career, you might have faced some challenges, how do you take it..? As an opportunities or as a hurdle?

Sir:-  As an opportunity..because challenges are always an opportunity

Me:- According to you, what is a job satisfaction..?   (a) External satisfaction       (b) Internal satisfaction      (c) (a) & (b) Both..

 Sir:-  internal satisfaction because I do my work hearty its not only my duty but it also gives me internal satisfaction.

Me:- Do you believe in reward or opportunity..? Domain Vision or purpose Vision..?

Sir:-  Both reward and opportunity are important.

Me:- Sir...sometimes in your carrier you might have faced your juniors are not working according to your Expectations. How do you make them work..

Sir:- Before delegating the task I usually make them clear about my expectations, so less chances of any gap. But whenever it happens, I go to the root of underperformance and try to train them.

Me:- Sir...sometimes in your carrier you might have faced your Seniors/Authorities are not supporting according to your Expectations. How do you make them convince..?  

Sir:-  In proposal each and every minute detail which they may counter question is presented before hand for their reference with the need of the project or decision. This is enough to convince. It is also necessary to understand their point of view before any negotiation.

Me:- Sir, according to you, what is your Contribution to organization and how do you relate it to society?

Sir:- As a Manager, my responsibility is to develop a system and a team which works in different projects of MAA.To assist and guide each member so that the final organizational objective i.e. to bridge the gap between rural and urban education is achieved in an effective way.

It is not my work but the work of our whole Maa team which is helping education sector by the best means.

Me:- Can you give me any example of your personal experience in which you demonstrate “you can do” attitude and “overcome the “Fear of Failure”?

  Sir:- Under our project Life Skill Development Programme .We try to cultivate ‘I Can, I Will’ attitude among the graduating students. With each new assignment to the employee, I encourage to build confidence in themselves to overcome the fear of failure.

Me:- What is your short term vision? And what is your Long term Vision?

  Sir:- As a short term goal, we as a team try to achieve yearly goal which was set with mutual discussion. And as a long term goal I always assure to build a long lasting system based on feasibility analysis.

Me:- What is your message or an advice for the future engineers...or any suggestion for youth?

  Sir:- Today’s youth needed to be focused and must not get influenced by the environment. Each student should study not to pass but to learn and develop competencies to match the market requirement.

Hard Skills (i.e. technical knowledge) and Soft Skills (Personal attributes to work harmoniously with others e.g. Problem Solving Skill) both are important for engineering students.

Me:- Sir… Will you please share any life experience of yours, which you feel makes you a successful person.  

Sir:- I am still in a learning phase. What I believe is one should always be ready to learn from everyone and everything.

Thank you...........