diabetes scratching beneath the surface - baker institute diabetes symposium... · 10.15 the...

International Keynote Speaker Professor Hertzel Gerstein Sponsored by AstraZeneca Friday 22 May 2015 Clarendon Auditorium Level 2, Melbourne Exhibition Centre 2 Clarendon Street, South Wharf Victoria 3006 DIABETES SCRATCHING BENEATH THE SURFACE SYMPOSIUM 2015

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International Keynote SpeakerProfessor Hertzel GersteinSponsored by AstraZeneca

Friday 22 May 2015Clarendon AuditoriumLevel 2, Melbourne Exhibition Centre2 Clarendon Street, South WharfVictoria 3006

DiAbetessCrAtChing beneAth the surfACesymposium 2015

time topic speaker

9.00 WelCome AnD intro Dr leon Chapman

9.10 intensive glyCemiC Control in DiAbetes mAnAgement – WhAt hAve We leArneD? With such a myriad of diabetes management approaches being used before, during and after the DCCT, where do we now stand? What are the most effective treatment options for managing blood glucose levels with the best outcomes for long term complications. Professor Hertzel Gerstein examines the practice of intensive glycaemic control in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

professor hertzel gerstein

10.15 the ominous oCtetType 2 diabetes is increasingly recognised as a heterogeneous group of disorders, where no fewer than eight key organ systems are now identified in the pathogenesis. How does this then translate to an evidence based approach to diabetes care?

professor richard macisaac

11.00 morning teA

11.30 the reAlities of pregnAnCy AnD DiAbetes in everyDAy prACtiCeThe changing guidelines for the diagnosis and management of diabetes in pregnancy has caused consternation and in some cases confusion for both the patient and health professional. Where are we up to now and how has and will this impact on workloads?

CAse DisCussion pAnel:Dr georgia soldatos Jane Karpavicius ApDmichele mack CDe

12.50 lunCh

1.30 sKin DisorDers AnD DiAbetes From Necrobiosis lipoidica, to Rubiosis or Acanthosis nigricans and everything in between, people with diabetes are more susceptible to a variety of skin ailments. Prof George Varigos will assist with how to pronounce, spell, recognise and manage such conditions.

professor george varigos

2.15 Diet AnD DiAbetes – myths AnD fACts reveAleDNew dietary ‘cures’ for diabetes are constantly splashed across the pages of newspapers and magazines, but do these latest dietary fads offer any real benefit to people with diabetes?

Assoc prof tim Crowe

3.00 neAle’s top tenThe investigation into new and innovative treatments for diabetes is constantly on the move. What are ten of the hottest topics around diabetes research in 2015?

Assoc prof neale Cohen

3.30 luCKy Door prize DrAW Close & evAluAtions

Dr leon Chapman

3.35 finish

the progrAm

DiAbetes – sCrAtChing beneAth the surfACe

symposium DetAilsThis symposium is endorsed by APEC no 080806018 as authorised by Royal College of Nursing, Australia (RCNA) according to approved criteria. Attendance attracts RCNA CNE points as part of RCNA’s Life Long Learning Program (3LP).

registrAtion feeRegistration fee is $280 (including GST) or register and pay by Friday 17 April 2015 for the early bird fee of $230.

registrAtion AnD pAymentPayment must be received by Thursday 14 May 2015. Confirmation of registration and a receipt will be issued. Please note that a certificate of attendance will only be available for collection at the conclusion of the symposium.

CAnCellAtion feeA $50 cancellation fee will apply up to and including Thursday 14 May 2015. No refunds for cancellations will occur after this date, however, a substitute delegate is welcome.

further informAtionTraining Program Coordinator Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute Level 4, 99 Commercial Road Melbourne VIC 3004

phone 03 8532 1842 fAx 03 8532 1100 emAil [email protected]

Speaker notes will be available for downloading 1 week prior to the event date. Details for downloading notes will be provided upon registration confirmation.

generAl progrAm overvieW

The increasing complexity of the diabetes management landscape currently signals the necessity for a more individualized approach to treatment regimens.

Diabetes – scratching beneath the surface features international keynote speaker Professor Hertzel Gerstein.

The Symposium’s layers include an in depth exploration of diabetes pathogenesis and

management directions, a panel discussion exploring the implications of current pregnancy and diabetes guidelines, plus examination of the current dietary trends in diabetes management.

2015 symposium speAKer bios leon ChapmanLeon Chapman is a consultant physician in diabetes. He has been a consultant at BakerIDI (formerly IDI) for 20 years. He is an honorary lecturer at Monash in the department of biochemistry. His special interests include metabolic effects of anti-psychotics. He co-chaired the Australian consensus statement on diabetes and schizophrenia; co-authored papers on diabetes and lap-banding. He is an avid wine taster and specializes in drinking burgundy.

hertzel C. gerstein Professor Hertzel C. Gerstein is an Endocrinologist and Professor at McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences, where he holds the Population Health Institute Chair in Diabetes Research. He is also Director of the Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Director of the Diabetes Care and Research Program and Deputy Director of the Population Health Research Institute. He has received several honors including the Canadian Diabetes Association’s Young Scientist Award (1999), Frederick G. Banting award (1999), Charles H. Best award (2007) and Lifetime Achievement Award (2012).

richard macisaacRichard MacIsaac is professor and director of Endocrinology and Diabetes at St Vincent’s Hospital and the University of Melbourne. He is chairman of the Diabetes Australia Research Trust Grand Review Committee and a senior principal research associate at St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research. Currently, he is also the acting director of research at St Vincent’s Hospital. He completed a PhD at the Howard Florey Institute. His main research interest is now diabetes and its complications, especially those related to cardiovascular and kidney disease. His other main research interests relate to inpatient diabetes management and the application of new technologies to optimise glucose control in people with type 1 diabetes. He has published over 130 research articles.

georgia soldatosDr Georgia Soldatos completed her MBBS with first class honours in 1997 and then went on to complete advanced training, including a PhD examining the role of AGEs in diabetic vascular disease. She is currently the Deputy Director Diabetes, at Monash Medical Centre and is also a Research Fellow at Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation, at Monash University – in partnership with Monash Health. Georgia’s main endocrinology practice interests include Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, GDM and thyroid disease. Her research interests include healthcare improvement and she is currently leading a project aimed at improving inpatient management of diabetes at Monash Health. She has also established collaborations with the major maternity hospitals in the state in an attempt to establish a set of standardised, evidence based protocols and procedures.

Jane KarpaviciusJane Karpavicius is the Dietitian Team Leader and Dietitian for Membership & Corporate Relations at Diabetes Australia – Victoria. Jane joined DA – Vic in 2013 after six years at the Royal Women’s Hospital where she specialised in diabetes in pregnancy. Jane has also owned a nutrition consulting business and is committed to improving health through education.

michele mackMichele Mack is the Manager of Diabetes Education Services at Austin Health. She is a registered nurse division 1, credentialled diabetes educator and certified insulin pump trainer who has worked in the field of diabetes for 18 years. Michele’s past experience involves diabetes education in hospitals, GP practices and private practice, lecturing to students, health care professionals and the general public, and consultancy work. Michele’s special interest is in diabetes in pregnancy and in particular the use of insulin pumps in pregnancy.

george varigosProfessor George Varigos graduated in Medicine from the University of Melbourne and has been involved in research and academic medicine since completing his Fellowship in Dermatology in 1978 and PhD in 1988 at WEHI.

He has been the Head of Department of Dermatology at RMH since 1984 and at RCH from 1987 to 2012 and has been on many committees for the Australasian College of Dermatology, a member of the Society on Investigative Dermatology and British Association of Dermatologists and a referee for journals and grants.

For the 25 years at RCH he was involved in improving care for eczema and has a strong interest in Nutrition in Acne.

tim CroweAssociate Professor Tim Crowe is a nutrition academic within the School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences and is also an Accredited Practising Dietitian. He teaches across the undergraduate and postgraduate programs in nutrition dietetics in the areas of nutritional physiology and biochemistry as well as the applied role of nutrition in disease prevention and management, particularly obesity, diabetes and cancer. He is actively involved in several areas of nutrition research including specialised nutrition in the prevention of surgical complications; malnutrition identification; and nutrition support in wound healing.

neale CohenNeale Cohen is the General Manager of Diabetes Services at the Baker IDI. He is an endocrinologist in clinical practice for over 20 years and has extensive experience in diabetes services in both private and public systems. He is an adjunct associate professor at RMIT University. Clinical research interests and publications include insulin pumps, diabetes complications and incretins.

symposium 2015

registrAtion fees$230 Early bird fee before Friday, 17 April 2015

$280 Full fee payable by Thursday, 14 May 2015

ConferenCe DAteFriday, 22 May 2015

ConferenCe venueClarendon Auditorium Level 2 Melbourne Exhibition Centre 2 Clarendon Street South Wharf VIC 3006

DisAbleD ACCessLift access is available to the auditorium.

CAr pArKing AnD publiC trAnsportwww.mcec.com.au/visiting-melbourne/getting-there/

for further informAtionTraining Program Coordinator Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes InstituteLevel 4, 99 Commercial RoadMelbourne VIC 3004

phone (03) 8532 1842fAx (03) 8532 1100emAil [email protected]

Baker IDI and DA–Vic would like to acknowledge the support of the following sponsors:

Major sponsor

Intermediate sponsor

Minor sponsors

for registrAtionPlease register and pay online at www.bakeridi.edu.au/symposium_2015/

Receipts will be issued automatically once online registration and payment has been completed. A confirmation letter from Baker IDI will also be sent shortly after your online registration has been completed.