diagnosis and treatment of carpal tunnel syndromephysical therapy september 1995, journal of hand...

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Page 1: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Page 2: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Overview of Peripheral Neuropathies

Page 3: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Clinical Terminology

Peripheral Neuropathy (Neuritis)Damage or destruction of nerves outside brain and spinal cordAxonal lossMyelin loss Mixed loss Usually begins distally and progresses proximally

Page 4: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Clinical Terminology

RadiculopathyAny disease of the spinal nerve roots and spinal nerves Synonymous with radiculitis

Page 5: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Common Causes

EntrapmentAdjacent soft tissue structuresAberrant bone growthsFluid cystsEdemaProlonged poor positioningPoor fitting orthotics

Direct InjurySystemic disease

Page 6: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Clinical Terminology

Motor neuropathyMotor axons affected

Sensory neuropathySensory fibers affected

Sensorimotor neuropathyMost common form of neuropathySensory and motor axons affected

Page 7: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Loss of Sensory Fibers

Perception of abnormal sensationsDecreased sensationLack of sensationProprioceptive changes

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Loss of Motor Fibers

Impairs movement or functionWeakness, decreased movement or control of movementStructural changes in muscle, bone, skin, hair, nails, and body organsAtrophy

Page 9: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Loss of Autonomic Fibers

Anhidrosisabsence of sweating

Decreased ability to regulate temperature

Page 10: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Clinical Terminology

MononeuropathyDamage to single nerve or nerve group

PolyneuropathyDamage to multiple nerves

Page 11: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Clinical TerminologyMononeuropathy Multiplex

At least 2 nerve areasAxonal destruction caused by lack of oxygen to local blood vesselsCommon causes are polyarteritisnodosum, diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus erythematosus, Wegener’s granulomatosis, or rheumatoid arthritisPain in multiple peripheral nerve distributions

Page 12: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Upper Extremity Entrapment Neuropathy

Multiple Sites and Multiple Causes

Page 13: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Differential Diagnosis

•• RadiculopathyRadiculopathy•• PlexopathyPlexopathy (Thoracic Outlet Syndrome)(Thoracic Outlet Syndrome)•• CubitalCubital Tunnel SyndromeTunnel Syndrome•• Radial Radial -- Spiral Groove TunnelSpiral Groove Tunnel•• PronatorPronator SyndromeSyndrome•• GuyonGuyon’’ss CanalCanal

Page 14: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Cervical RadiculopathySpinal nerve root dysfunction - Root compression from protruded or herniated cervical intervertebral disc

Nerve root signs- paresthesias, decreased reflexes, sensory loss, and weakness in distribution of compressed nerve rootSpinal cord compression- spastic paraparesis with hyperactive DTRs (MSRs)Neck pain, muscle spasmC7 most common (31-81%)C6 (19-25%), C8 (4-10%), C5 (2-10%)

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The brachial plexus travels between the clavicle and the upper ribs

Brachial Plexus

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Erb-Duchenne palsy - upper trunk (C5-6)“porter’s tip position”Forceful separation of the head and shoulder

Motorcycle accidentsWorse prognosis than infra-clavicular injuries

Klumpke-Dejerine palsy (C8-T1)Loss of muscles in the hand, loss sensation of ulnarnerveHorner’s syndrome (hyposympathetonia)

Ptosis, miosis, anhidrosisApical lung tumor, Pancoast tumor

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Brachial plexus neuritisNeuralgic amyotrophy, Parsonage-Turner SyndromeAbrupt onset

Shoulder and neck pain (often beginning at night), worse by arm movementPain subsides then note paralysis Often associated with preceding illness or stress

Page 18: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Controversy in providing precise definitionNeuropathy of the brachial plexusCompression vasculopathy of subclavian vesselsMusculoskeletal dysfunction can involve: cervical rib, 1st rib and clavicle, scalenes (anterior, middle, and minimus), pectoralis minor (and major), scapula protraction, serratus anterior, subscapularis

Page 19: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Ulnar Nerve Entrapment

Elbow2nd most common entrapment neuropathyEntrapment at the ulnar groove or cubital tunnel (two heads of the flexor carpi ulnaris)Sensory changes of 4th and 5th digitsFailure of active finger extension in ring (3rd) and “pinky”(4th)Clawhand if loss of all intrinsics

Hypothenar eminenceGuyon’s canal

Page 20: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Ulnar Nerve Entrapment

Hypothenar eminenceLess commonGuyon’s canal

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Radial Neuropathy

Wrist dropDifficulty with extension of fingersPressure on radial nerve in axilla or upper armCrutch palsy and Saturday night palsy

Page 22: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Median Nerve Entrapment

Not Just Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Page 23: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Median Nerve Entrapment

Shoulder – rare, usually traumaticElbow Region

1. Ligament of Struthers2. Pronator Syndrome3. Anterior Interosseous Nerve Wrist: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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Ligament of Struthers

Runs from medial epicondyle to aberrant bone spur 5cm above medial epicondyle.Present in 0.7 to 2.7% of population.Pain above elbow and local tenderness in region of ligament. Usually vague, mild, nonspecific symptoms.X-ray for supracondylar process.

Page 25: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Pronator SyndromeCompression of median nerve as it passes:

Beneath the lacertus fibrosisBetween the superficial and deep head of the pronator teresBeneath the flexor superficialis arch

Classic findings: Exercise induced arm painTender pronator teresPositive Tinel’s over proximal forearmPalmar cutaneous and median n. hypesthesias

Page 26: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Carpal Tunnel SyndromeIt results from compression/injury of the median nerve at the wrist within the compartment defined by the transverse carpal ligament (aka flexor retinaculum).

Page 27: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Epidemiology &Demographics

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the most common entrapment neuropathy

2-3 Million in U.S10% Lifetime Incidence1% of Adult Population, 15% of High Risk PopFemale (30-60); Male Industrial (35-40)Prevalent sex: Females 5x’s > MalesBilateral up to 50%

Page 28: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Sensory component involved earlier than motor component

Autonomic disturbances are common55 % of CTSOccurring with increasing severity of electrophysiologic findingsConsisted of swelling of the fingers, dry palms, Raynaud’s phenomenon, and blanching of the hand

Page 29: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Natural Hx: Duration of Symptoms

32% less than 6 months20% 6 months to 2 years48% greater than 2 years

Page 30: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

History & Physical Findings

Nocturnal painMedian nerve paresthesia (often only index & long finger)Positive Tinel’sTwo-point discrimination >5mm

Positive Phalen’s(1 min. of gentle flexion)Wormser (Reverse Phalen)Carpal compression Thenar atrophy: long

standing cases

Page 31: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Mild/Moderate CTS

Intermittent pain and numbness in the fingers (1st–2nd)Pain and numbness:

Often occurs at nightDiminishes with gentle hand activity

but rapidly returns with grasping or pinching

Page 32: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Severe CTS

Constant numbnessSevere painPinch becomes clumsy and weakThenar/thumb muscle atrophy

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Coarse hair, dry skin, thick fingernails, myxedema faciesAsymmetry of carrying angle at the elbowsThenar wasting, edemaErythemaRheumatoid nodules, ulnar drift of digitsHeberden’s (DIP) and Bouchard’s (PIP) nodes

Page 34: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Screening Exam

Joint line tendernessTrigger/tender points in forearm and handTension in palmar fasciaTissue texture changesScreening for significant somatic dysfunction from C-spine to distal upper extremityRange of Motion: Cervical spine, shoulders, elbows, wrist, hand (% fist)

Page 35: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Screening Exam

Neurological ExamForaminalcompression (Spurling’s) testDistraction testDTR’s (MSR’s)

biceps (C5)brachioradialis (C6)triceps (C7)

Muscle Strength: deltoid (C5)biceps (C5/C6) wrist extensors (C6) triceps (C7) wrist flexors (C7) finger flexors (C8) interossei (C8/T1)

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Muscle Stretch Reflexes (DTRs)

Upper motor neuron signs and symptomsHyper-reflexia, clonus, spasticity

Lower motor neuron signs and symptomsWeakness, atrophy, fasciculations, hypo-reflexia

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Screening ExamSensory Testing

Special TestingOpponens Strength TestTinel’s SignPhalen’s and Reverse Phalen’sTest

Checking sensationLight touch, vibration, proprioceptionPain, pinprick, temperature

Secondary sensationsStereoagnosis

loss or lack of the ability to understand the form and nature of objects that are touched

Double simultaneous stimulationGraphesthesia

the sense by which figures or numbers are recognized when written on the skin with a dull-pointed object.

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Palpate for tension in transverse carpal ligament by inducing hyperextension at the proximal and distal carpal rows.

Proximal Carpal Row Distal Carpal Row

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Palpate for tension in transverse carpal ligament by inducing thenar hyperextension.

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Somatic Dysfunction

Ulnohumeral JointAbduction -olecranon process glides mediallyAdduction -olecranon glides laterally

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Ulnar Treatment

Kimberly Manual Millennium Edition 2002

Page 42: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Somatic Dysfunction

Proximal Radial Headreciprocal motion of radial head relative to distal radiuspronated hand: proximal radius head glides posteriorly (PP)supinated hand: opposite occurring with anteriorglide at the proximal radial head

Page 43: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Proximal Radial Head Treatment

Muscle energy for posterior radial head:

Supinate to restrictive barrier. Pronate against physician counterforce.

Kimberly Manual Millennium Edition 2002

Page 44: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Somatic Dysfunction

Radioulnar InterosseousMembrane

Functional symmetry & stabilityFibers extend cephalad from ulna to proximal radiusAllows bones to share forces of compression from hand upward or shoulder downward

Page 45: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Interosseous Treatment

Gently separate the radius and ulna while patient attempts to supinate their hand against physician counterforce

Kimberly Manual Millennium Edition 2002

Page 46: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Somatic Dysfunction

Radiocarpal JointFlexion: carpal bones glide dorsally (posterior)Extension: bones glide ventrally (anterior) Abduction: bones glide mediallyAdduction: bones glide laterally

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Somatic Dysfunction

Intercarpal Joints8 carpal bonescompression component to many different facet facingsfrom fall on outstretched handdiagnose by locating pain with wrist compression & check ant./post. med/lat glide

Page 48: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Articular Treatment

Gently squeeze area over dysfunction

Then take wrist through an articular range of motion

Kimberly Manual Millennium Edition 2002

Page 49: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Differential DiagnosisCervical radiculopathyThoracic Outlet SyndromeChronic tendinitisMuscular trigger pointsVascular occlusionReflex sympathetic dystrophyOsteoarthritisOther entrapment neuropathies

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Idiopathic (most common)Space-occupying lesions (tenosynovitis, ganglia, aberrant m.)HypothyroidismDiabetesPregnancy

CHFMechanical overuseRheumatoid arthritis TraumaMultiple myelomaChronic renal failureAmyloidosisAcromegaly

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StudiesRoutine roentgenograms (X-rays)

may be helpful in r/o other conditions (ligament of Struthers)

Nerve conduction velocity & electromyography studiesMRI and ultrasound Appropriate lab tests for secondary CTS

Page 52: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Treatment of CTS

Standard1. NSAIDs-oral/topical2. Orthoses3. Rest4. Steroids (oral, injection)5. SurgeryOsteopathic manipulationActivity modification -work site, ergonomics, etc

Stretching exercise1. Manual, self-stretch,

devices (the CTS)2. Nerve and tendon


Physical medicine modalities:1. Ultrasound - 3mhz;

around edges of canal2. Iontophoresis - directly

over nerve

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Oral Therapy Chang MH, et. al., Neurology, Aug ‘98

Placebo-controlled, double-blinded (73 pt.)Diuretic vs. NSAID vs. Steroid Prednisone 20mg qd x 2 wks then 10mg x 2 wkOnly pt’s in steroid group had significant symptom improvement

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C-spineUpper T-spineThoracic InletRibs

Upper extremityClavicle (SC & AC)ScapulaGlenohumeral jointElbowInterosseous membranewrist

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Treat articular and fascialdysfunction in the region

Treat sympathetics to upper extremities T2-7

Direct Release of Transverse Carpal Ligament

Trigger PointsSpray & stretch

InjectionCounterstrain, MET, HVLA, etc

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Trigger PointsBrachioradialisRadial wrist extensorsFlexor carpi radialisPronator teresOpponens pollicisAdductor pollicisPalmaris longus

Page 57: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Direct Techniques

1. Transverse carpal extension2. Thenar myofascial release3. Hyperextension of wrist and fingers4. Guy wire5. Combined technique

Techniques involve direct stretch for 1-2 minutes

Page 58: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Transverse Carpal Extension

Apply three point pressureMedial border of the carpal ligamentLateral border of carpal ligamentRadial abduction with extension of the thumb

May be performed at proximal or distal carpal rows

Sucher BM: Myofascial release of carpal tunnel syndrome. JAOA 93:93, 1993.

Page 59: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Thenar Myofascial Release

Add the following:Lateral axial rotation (opponens roll)

Sucher BM: Myofascial release of carpal tunnel syndrome. JAOA 93:93, 1993.

Page 60: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Hyperextension of wrist and fingers

Add the following:Hyperextension of wrists and fingers

Sucher BM: Myofascial release of carpal tunnel syndrome. JAOA 93:93, 1993.

Page 61: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Guy-Wire Technique

Adds additional extension and abduction of fifth digitWithout axial rotation of the thumb

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Combined Technique

Adds additional extension and abduction of fifth digitAdds Axial rotation of the thumb

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Osteopathic ManipulationSucher, et. al., JAOA, Dec. ‘93

Myofascial release of CTS: Documentation with MRIShowed improvement in nerve conduction velocity (NCV), MRI and subjective symptomsSmall study (larger study in progress)

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Self Stretches:Thenar Technique

Induce thenar abduction and extension by reaching over or under forearm

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Self Stretches - Knee

1. Hyperextend wrist 2. Abduct and extend

thumb3. Axial rotation of thumb




Page 66: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Self Stretches - Wall

Fingers together - Target the forearm Fingers apart - Target the wrist

Page 67: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Treatment and Self Stretches

Focus on where tension is greatestDistal carpalProximal carpal rowThenar tensionForearm tensionArticular restrictions

Page 68: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Physical TherapySeptember 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery

1 minute of hand and wrist exercisesSignificantly decreased carpal tunnel pressuresAuthors rec. brief intermittent wrist and hand

exercises before, during and after work

Page 69: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

UltrasonographyEbenbichler GR, et al. BMJ, Mar ‘98

Randomized, placebo controlled (34 pt)Ultrasound (US) therapy qDaily x 10 days then

2X/wk x 5 wks74% of treated group: satisfactory

improvement to complete relief of sx’s with motor and sensory improvement on EMG20% of “sham” groupStudy was followed for 6 months

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Surgical ReleaseMorgenlander JC, et. al., Neurology, Oct’97

Retrospective study of 32 patients with PNNocturnal paresthesias, pain and weakness relieved almost universallyPt’s in study stated they would have the same procedure done againIndications: persistent numbness, weakness &/or thenar atrophy

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Surgical Treatment

Bland JDP: Do nerve conduction studies predict the outcome of carpal tunnel decompression? Muscle & Nerve 24: 935-940, 2001

Pre-operative neurophysiological grade 2-4 demonstrated the best outcomes with surgical treatment.

Page 72: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Pre-operative neurophysiological grade

Bland JDP: Do nerve conduction studies predict the outcome of carpal tunnel decompression? Muscle & Nerve 24: 935-940, 2001.

Page 73: Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel SyndromePhysical Therapy September 1995, Journal of Hand Surgery 1 minute of hand and wrist exercises Significantly decreased carpal tunnel

Pre-operative neurophysiological grade

Bland JDP: Do nerve conduction studies predict the outcome of carpal tunnel decompression? Muscle & Nerve 24: 935-940, 2001.

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Indications electro diagnostic evaluation and/or surgery

Persistent numbnessSevere painWeakness – opposition, clumsy pinchThenar atrophyFailure of conservative tx