diagnostics of cesm model ncl

Diagnostics of CESM Model NCL Post-process software Wen-Ien Yu

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Post-process software. Diagnostics of CESM Model NCL. Wen-Ien Yu. Diagnostics of CESM Model. CICE. CAM. POP2. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Diagnostics of CESM Model NCL

• Diagnostics of CESM Model• NCL

Post-process software

Wen-Ien Yu

Page 2: Diagnostics of CESM Model NCL



Diagnostics of CESM Model


Page 3: Diagnostics of CESM Model NCL

The diagnostics package produces over 600 postscript plots and tables in a variety of formats from CESM (CCSM) monthly netcdf files. Climatological means for DJF, JJA, and ANN are used. The diagnostics package can be used to compare two model simulations or for comparing a model simulation to the observational and reanalysis data.

Model output on gaussian or fixed grids can be used. The code has been tested on gaussian T31, T42, T85 and T170 grids and on fixed lat/lon grids.

The diagnostics package is written completely in NCL (NCAR Command Language).

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cam3_5_50_s01 vs cam3_5_49_s011996-2005 DJF Mean Surface Pressure

cam3_5_50_s01 vs NCEP Reanalysis1996-2005 DJF Mean Zonal wind

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cam3_5_50_s01 vs cam3_5_49_s01Annual implied northward ocean heat transport

cam3_5_50_s01 vs cam3_5_49_s011996-2005 200mb zonal wind

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CESM Post-Processing Utilities:http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.0/model_diagnostics/

Registration:(if you don’t have NCAR, NERSC, or NCSS account)http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/amp/amwg/diagnostics/code.html


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The netCDF Operators, or NCO, are a suite of programs known as operators. The operators facilitate manipulation and analysis of data stored in the self-describing netCDF format. Each NCO operator (e.g., ncks) takes netCDF input file(s), performs an operation (e.g., averaging, hyperslabbing, or renaming), and outputs a processed netCDF file.

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NCL, a product of the Computational & Information Systems Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), is a free interpreted language designed specifically for scientific data processing and visualization. Numerous analysis functions are built-in NCL.

NCL has robust file input and output. It can read and write netCDF-3, netCDF-4 classic , HDF4, binary, and ASCII data, and read HDF-EOS2,HDF-EOS5, GRIB1,GRIB2and OGR files (shapefile, MapInfo, GMT, TIGER) .

Overview:http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/get_started.shtmlGetting Started:http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/get_started.shtml Examples:http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/Functions:http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/

NCAR Command Language

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Page 11: Diagnostics of CESM Model NCL

; Calculate 200mb daily Stream Functkonbegin; load netcdf datain = addfile("/home/comet/NOAA_NCEP_NCAR/v_daily/vwnd.1983_1989.nc","r")in2 = addfile("/home/comet/NOAA_NCEP_NCAR/u_daily/uwnd.1983_1989.nc","r")nlat = 73nlon = 144ntim = 2557 ; 1990-2008: 6940 daysv=in->vwndu=in2->uwndlon=in->lonlat=in->latlevel=in->leveltime=in->timeuvmsg = 1e+36 ; missing value of psi and vp matrixpsi = new ( (/ntim,nlat,nlon /), float, uvmsg ) ; stream functionvp = new ( (/ntim,nlat,nlon /), float, uvmsg ) ; velocity potential; u, v => psido i=0,ntim-1,1uv2sfvpg (u@scale_factor*u(i,10,:,:)+u@add_offset,v@scale_factor*v(i,10,:,:)+v@add_offset,psi(i,:,:),vp(i,:,:)) ; form NCL website Functionsend do; output netcdf datasystem("/bin/rm -f /home/comet/NOAA_NCEP_NCAR/200psi.day.1983_1989.nc")ncdf = addfile("/home/comet/NOAA_NCEP_NCAR/200psi.day.1983_1989.nc" ,"c")ncdf->lon=lonncdf->lat=latncdf->time=timepsi!0 = "time"psi!1 = "lat"psi!2 = "lon"psi&time = timepsi&lat = latpsi&lon = lonpsi@long_name = "200hPa Stream Function"ncdf->psi=psi


Stream Function from U, V netCDF files

PS:For 14(supermic) and 15(GPU),please addexport NCARG_ROOT=/usr/local/&export NCARG_ROOT= /opt/ncl_ncarg520.intel_11/respectively in ~/.bashrc .

Page 12: Diagnostics of CESM Model NCL

; NCL Graphics Exampleload "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"begin

in = addfile("/home/comet/NOAA_NCEP_NCAR/200psi.day.1983_1989.nc","r")psi = in->psi

wks = gsn_open_wks("ps","example") ; open a workstation to draw graphicsgsn_define_colormap (wks,"BlAqGrYeOrRe") ; choose colormap

res = True ; plot mods desired

res@cnFillOn = True ; turn on colorres@cnLinesOn = False ; no contour linesres@gsnSpreadColors = True ; use full color mapres@lbBoxLinesOn = False ; turn off box between colorsres@lbLabelAutoStride = Trueres@cnLabelDrawOrder = "PostDraw" ; draw lables over lines

res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" ; manual levelsres@cnMinLevelValF = -1.25e+08res@cnMaxLevelValF = 0 ; 1.2e+08res@cnLevelSpacingF = 1e+07

res@pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always" ; turn on tick marks

res@mpProjection = "Satellite" ; choose map projectionres@mpCenterLonF = 150.0 ; choose center lonres@mpCenterLatF = 30 ; choose center latres@mpSatelliteDistF = 3.0 ; choose satellite view

res@mpOutlineOn = True ; turn on continental outlinesres@mpGridAndLimbOn = True ; turn on lat/lon lines

res@tiMainString = "Stream Function Decenber 1st, 1983" ; add titleres@sfXCStartV = min(psi&lon) ; where to start xres@sfXCEndV = max(psi&lon) ; where to end x etcres@sfYCStartV = min(psi&lat)res@sfYCEndV = max(psi&lat)

map = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,psi(0,:,:),res)


Ploting netCDF file

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Thank You