dialogflowparamelement · studio element folder name class name form...

DialogflowParam Element The DialogflowParam element can be used to engage the Google Dialogflow services. The DialogflowParam element is located under the Customer Virtual Assistant group in the Call Studio Elements. This element is an extension of Form element and it engages the Speech Server resource on VVB to communicate with the Google Speech-to-Text Server to get user input and then send it to Dialogflow and fills param value from it. To indicate the Dialogflow server resource requirement, Call Studio creates a specific grammar - builtin:speech/transcribe - and sends it to VVB in VXML Page. The DialogflowParam element works only in VoiceXML 2.1 with Cisco DTMF VoiceXML Gateway adaptor. Note Settings, on page 1 Custom VoiceXML Properties, on page 4 Element Data, on page 5 Exit States, on page 6 Audio Group, on page 6 Folder and Class Information, on page 7 Events, on page 7 Settings Notes Default Substitution Allowed Single Setting Value Required Type Name (Label) The type of entry allowed for input. voice false true Yes string Input Mode Possible values are voice (voice only) and dtmf+voice (DTMF and voice). The maximum duration allowed for 5s true true Yes int ≥ 0 NoInput Timeout silence before a NoInput event is DialogflowParam Element 1

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Page 1: DialogflowParamElement · Studio Element Folder Name Class Name Form com.audium.server.voiceElement.form Events Name (Label) Notes YoucanselectJava Exception,VXML Event,orHotlink

DialogflowParam Element

The DialogflowParam element can be used to engage the Google Dialogflow services. The DialogflowParamelement is located under the Customer Virtual Assistant group in the Call Studio Elements. This elementis an extension of Form element and it engages the Speech Server resource on VVB to communicate withthe Google Speech-to-Text Server to get user input and then send it to Dialogflow and fills param valuefrom it. To indicate the Dialogflow server resource requirement, Call Studio creates a specific grammar -builtin:speech/transcribe - and sends it to VVB in VXML Page.

The DialogflowParam element works only in VoiceXML 2.1 with Cisco DTMF VoiceXMLGateway adaptor.


• Settings, on page 1• Custom VoiceXML Properties, on page 4• Element Data, on page 5• Exit States, on page 6• Audio Group, on page 6• Folder and Class Information, on page 7• Events, on page 7



RequiredTypeName (Label)

The type of entryallowed for input.

voicefalsetrueYesstringInput Mode

Possible values arevoice (voice only)and dtmf+voice

(DTMF and voice).

The maximumduration allowed for

5struetrueYesint ≥ 0NoInput Timeout

silence before aNoInput event is

DialogflowParam Element1

Page 2: DialogflowParamElement · Studio Element Folder Name Class Name Form com.audium.server.voiceElement.form Events Name (Label) Notes YoucanselectJava Exception,VXML Event,orHotlink



RequiredTypeName (Label)

triggered. Possiblevalues are standardtime designationsincludingnon-negativenumbers and a timeunit. For example,3s (for seconds) or300 ms (formilliseconds).

The maximumnumber of noinput

3truetrueYesint ≥ 0Max NoInput Count

events allowedduring input capture.Possible values areint > 0 where 0indicates infiniteNoInput eventspermitted.

The maximumnumber of NoMatch

3truetrueYesint ≥ 0Max NoMatch Count

events allowedduring DTMF inputcapture. Possiblevalues are int > 0

where 0 indicatesinfinite NoMatchevents permitted.

This option ismandatory only if

NoneyestrueYesstringDTMF Grammar

the input modeselected is DTMFand voice. Itsupports CiscoDTMF regex.

This option ismandatory only if

truetruetrueYesbooleanSend Digits to DF

the input modeselected is DTMFand voice. It enablesor disablessubmitting digitscollected to theDialogflow.

DialogflowParam Element2

DialogflowParam ElementSettings

Page 3: DialogflowParamElement · Studio Element Folder Name Class Name Form com.audium.server.voiceElement.form Events Name (Label) Notes YoucanselectJava Exception,VXML Event,orHotlink



RequiredTypeName (Label)

Indicates whetherlogging of

falsetruetrueYesbooleanSecure Logging

potentially sensitivedata of the elementis enabled. If this isset to true, theelement's potentiallysensitive data is notlogged.

Terminates the voicestream or DTMFcollection.

#truetrueNoStringTermination Character

The maximum time(in seconds) the

30struetrueYesint ≥ 0Max Input Time

voice input isallowed to last.Possible values arepositive integervalues followed by s(seconds). Forexample, 50s.Default value is 30s.

The interval ofsilence (in seconds

1struetrueYesint > 0Final Silence

or milliseconds) thatindicates the end ofspeech. Possiblevalues are positiveinteger valuesfollowed by either s(seconds) or ms(milliseconds). Forexample, 3s and3000ms. Defaultvalue is 1s.

The current intent tobe processed forparameter extraction.


The variable to beprocessed for a


particular intentmentioned in intentfield.

DialogflowParam Element3

DialogflowParam ElementSettings

Page 4: DialogflowParamElement · Studio Element Folder Name Class Name Form com.audium.server.voiceElement.form Events Name (Label) Notes YoucanselectJava Exception,VXML Event,orHotlink



RequiredTypeName (Label)

Variablenameshouldmatch theone definedin GoogleDialogflow.


This indicates end ofparameter capture. If

falsetruetrueYesbooleanLast Parameter

it is set to true, theintent is marked ascomplete.

This is commaseparated string that


lists the hints forrecognition.

Hints are used torecognize a phrase ora word that ispronounceddifferently.

For example,Savings, Current.

Custom VoiceXML PropertiesNotesTypeName (Label)

Sets the payload to be sent toDialogflow.



Sets the timezone to be sentto Dialogflow.



For example,America/New_York,Europe/Paris.

Sets the geographical locationto be sent to Dialogflow.


(comma separated value)


For example, "50.0,50.0".

DialogflowParam Element4

DialogflowParam ElementCustom VoiceXML Properties

Page 5: DialogflowParamElement · Studio Element Folder Name Class Name Form com.audium.server.voiceElement.form Events Name (Label) Notes YoucanselectJava Exception,VXML Event,orHotlink

NotesTypeName (Label)

Sets the additional entity typesto be sent to Dialogflow.



For example, [{'name':'class','entityOverrideMode':




['eco', 'economy']}]}].

Configures the type ofsentiment analysis to perform.


.sentimentAnalysisRequestConfig If not provided, sentimentanalysis is not performed.

SentimentAnalysis iscurrently availableonly for EnterpriseEdition agents.


Element DataThe following table lists the data that is stored in element after processing the DialogflowParam element.

DescriptionElement Data

This is the action parameter from Dialogflow.action

This is fulfillment text from Dialogflow.fulillment_text

Indicates the type of input captured (dtmf or dtmf+voice).input_type

Indicates the intent of a parameter.intent

Contains JSON response from Dialogflow.json

For response formats, see json details in the Dialogflow ElementData.

Contains JSON response from Speech Recognition.asr_json

Indicates the parameter value as uttered by the user in string.original_value

This is the parameter value returned by Dialogflow if input type isvoice.


If input type is dtmf, it contains the DTMF key that is pressed by theuser.

DialogflowParam Element5

DialogflowParam ElementElement Data

Page 6: DialogflowParamElement · Studio Element Folder Name Class Name Form com.audium.server.voiceElement.form Events Name (Label) Notes YoucanselectJava Exception,VXML Event,orHotlink

DescriptionElement Data

The Speech recognition confidence between 0.0 and 1.0. A highernumber indicates a greater probability that the recognized words are


correct. The default of 0.0 is a sentinel value indicating that confidencewas not set.

Sentiment score of the user input.sentiment_score

Exit StatesDescriptionExit State

This is returned when the configured parameter is filled.Done

This is returned when Dialogflow switches to a different intent whosefilling slot is based on user utterance.


This state is encountered when there is no input from the user for aspecified duration as configured in the setting.


This state is returned when the variable or parameter mentioned inelement setting is not matched for specified number of times asmentioned in settings.


If the input type is dtmf+voice, this state is encountered when theDTMF input does not match regex grammar for the specified numberof times as mentioned in settings.

Audio Group

Form Data CaptureNotesMax1RequiredName (Label)

Played when the voiceelement begins.



Played when a NoMatchevent occurs.



This is applicable onlywhen the input type isdtmf+voice.

Played when a NoInputevent occurs.



DialogflowParam Element6

DialogflowParam ElementExit States

Page 7: DialogflowParamElement · Studio Element Folder Name Class Name Form com.audium.server.voiceElement.form Events Name (Label) Notes YoucanselectJava Exception,VXML Event,orHotlink

EndNotesMax1RequiredName (Label)

Played when the formdata capture is completed


(Done)and the voice elementexits with the Done exitstate.

Folder and Class InformationClass NameStudio Element Folder Name


EventsNotesName (Label)

You can select Java Exception, VXML Event, or Hotlink as the eventhandler for this element.

Event Type

DialogflowParam Element7

DialogflowParam ElementEnd

Page 8: DialogflowParamElement · Studio Element Folder Name Class Name Form com.audium.server.voiceElement.form Events Name (Label) Notes YoucanselectJava Exception,VXML Event,orHotlink

DialogflowParam Element8

DialogflowParam ElementEvents