dialogue true dialogue between faith leadership. dialogue ? dialogue only has meaning if it respects...


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Dialogue ?Dialogue only has meaning if it respects the autonomy of the other; absent that respect we have monologue.

It is for each religious community, or those from each community who choose to participate in inter-religious conversation, to determine the terms under which he or she enters that conversation, the goals of the conversation and expectations from the process.

True conversation may uncover areas of convergence but is most important in helping to understand areas of divergence.

Can we handle the differences?

True conversation may uncover areas of convergence but is most important in helping to understand areas of divergence.

The question for participants is: Is that divergence threatening or problematical, or can it be a source of enlightenment and enrichment by broadening the perspectives and insights on the experience of being human that one gains from one’s own religious tradition – Rabbi Gordis

THINK ABOUT THISWhen you talk to others and expect others to fall all over your feet and follow you…Would you honor the same wish in the others for you?

If you want others to change for you, then you should expect others to expect the same of you for them.

If we can learn to accept and respect the God given uniqueness to each one of the 7 billion of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge.

conflictIn a faith based discourse, if you jump in (thinking) and say how your faith has a ‘better’ solution, or a ‘better’ system

CUTYou are not open to listening to the other’s point of view. You are too eager to flaunt your best. Instead of understanding you have driven the conversation into conflict. You have denigrated the other in your mind thinking that they are less than good and ‘THEY’ need to listen to you.

Arrogance#1 Requirement in any faith is to ‘bow’ to the creator. It is a sure fire method of jettisoning our ‘Arrogance”. Every religion is designed*(by the divine equalizing energy) to just do that.

Arrogance is the root cause of all evil.Our arrogance makes us denigrate others, when we do that we have bombed our own spirituality, which comes from humility.

Spirituality is being in peace with oneself, and with his/her surroundings. This can be achieved with or without formal religion.

Hope is the driving engine for our survival. Hope is the belief that at the end of the misery, there is good waiting to happen.

Hope is the only reason we live on.

We hope that the mankind truly wants peace, although most times we do un-peaceful things and not get anywhere.


The change begins with me, you and each one of us.

If the goal of our discussion is a solution, we ought to avoid hurling accusations, the more you throw, the more you get thrown at.  Each one is desperately trying to prove the other wrong.  Hurling mistakes at each other won’t solve anything, it rather makes one more negatively engaged... submersing one's soul into ill-will. We have to get freedom from ill-will, we have to free ourselves from this little chakra (cycle). 

 We need goodwill - let's start on a small foot of purging ourselves from the bondage of hate.  All of us have a good heart, let it shine with goodwill.

 Let's take the first step by not accusing each other of wrongs that you and I have not committed personally. 

Let’s begin the dialogue with an idea of achieving overall peace.. Let it begin with me and in my own small surroundings… the energy of goodwill will automatically take over. Think big, do small.

End result of Dialogue

You and I are responsible for creating a better world, not the Government, not the Clergy and not even God* It is you and I who would create a world where we feel safe to walk home to, to go to work, to be with our family to enjoy our vacation without any fear. It starts with a civilized dialogue in our own neighborhood and in our own City.


Until we find peace among ourselves within our community, let’s not focus on the World issues, we will get there when we fix ourselves with a relationship of goodwill and trust.

Let’s organize small gatherings of families, people around us – make sure we reach out to people from all faiths, yes all faiths, races and ethnicities. If we have resistance to invite some one, Let’s fight the devil within us for the long term victory for us.Let’s challenge ourselves and clean our hearts from any malice and bias we may be trapped in. I know we will do it.

Our rewards will be in terms of serenity and boundless joy within ourselves. We know the beam on our face when we have done a good deed in the morning… the joy is ours to keep. May God bless us all with that serenity.

Let’s begin

If we can be honest with ourselves in our claim that we want peace, safety and goodness … then it begins with us.

Skepticism will be there, if our commitment is weak or if we are dis-honest with our commitment, we will find excuses to get out of … Let’s not.

The rewards of goodness are too many to let go.

Who’s first?

Let’s not forget what a dialogue is…


A: Dialogue only has meaning if it respects the autonomy of the other; absent that respect we have monologue. It is for each religious community, or those from each community who choose to participate in inter-religious conversation, to determine the terms under which he or she enters that conversation, the goals of the conversation and expectations from the process. True conversation may uncover areas of convergence but is most important in helping to understand areas of divergence. The question for participants is: Is that divergence threatening or problematical, or can it be a source of enlightenment and enrichment by broadening the perspectives and insights on the experience of being human that one gains from one’s own religious tradition – Rabbi Gordis

Are we ready?

Opportunities abound!This month we have several festivals: Beginning of Advent | Immaculate Conception | Khushali |  Bodhi day | Hanukkah | Mother Night | Yule | Pancha Ganapati | Christmas | Zarathosht Diso | Kwanzaa | Hajj | eid-ul-adha. Details are at: www.Foundationforpluralism.com

Our heart is bigger than we think it is. Let’s take the time to call at least one person who practices any one of the above festivals – there are more, but let’s begin with what’s on the hand and wish them well on their celebration. If we are not comfortable calling a stranger, let’s send a 24c post card and just write that we wish them all the best on this day. Let them know that we are taking the first step in creating a better world. Our only reward is that we did it, that we have an open mind and an open heart like God does… We will be happy without any doubt. Let the change begin with us. I will do it and hope you will do it too.

Hope you take that first Step towards creating a better world.

The next step is little tough… you really have to overcome your prejudices, but the reward is pure happiness. It does not cost you a thing to be happy, except cleaning your heart.

Being religious is creating a better world, initiating peace, initiating safety for the people around us and developing trust and goodwill amongst us. Being in tune with God is doing what God would do..

Watch this website… on Christmas eve we will release “Building Bridges”

Every great soul on the earth has said the same thing as Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said, a good deed is what you do to make the world a little better for others, like planting a seed that would benefit the future generation with a shade tree and perhaps fruits. It is what good you do for others.

If you are serious to jump the gun, send an email to me

[email protected] be my guest.

The material on this website is copyrighted and can be used freely by giving credit to World Muslim Congress by sending an email.

© Mike Ghouse, All rights reserved. 2006