:]diary of a crab[:. by sean c, nick k, alex b, christina j

.:]Diary of a Crab[:. By Sean C, Nick K, Alex B, Christina J <‘-’>

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.:]Diary of a Crab[:.By Sean C, Nick K, Alex B, Christina J


July 1,some exchange student named around. we are showing him around Joerge is following Raj and I our school Beach view. when it was lunchtime i offered him my favorite food algae but he didn’t want any


July 4,  Me, Raj, and Joerge had a sleep over to get to no each other better. i told them that I am the smallest crab known, the gull crab, and Joerge told us his favorite food is fish. Raj got scared. 


July 7, Edible crab was making fun of Gorge today. I got into a fight with Edible Crab about it but didn’t win because Edible Crab is the largest crab, and our school bully. I came home with a sprained claw. 

July 10, Today was very scary. Raj almost got fished out of the water! When he was hooked on the fishing line i cut him off. I then held onto him as tight as i could with all of my ten leg. I saved his life! 

July 13, Today we had our victory dinner for me saving crabs life. We had Huge dishes of algae.

July 16, Raj , Jeorge, and me were playing on the playground when I realized that I have the best friends a Crustacean could have.


• Works Cited

• Kidsinfobits. Detroit gale 2009. Web. 2009. Tankersley, Richard. "Blue Crab." World Book. World Book, 2008. Print.

Diary Of A ScorpionBy:Cassidy C. Morgan P. Conner R.

Scott S.

June 13,Today is a very bad day. I

molted and then my mommy left. Now I'm on my own.


June 24,After thinking long and hard I

realized I’ll get over it in a year because that’s when I reach



July 7,I made friends with a spider. We were going for a walk in

the dark and I accidentally ate him.


July 28,It's okay because I eat other arthropods. At least spider is

in a better place!

August 10,Oh no! I almost got stepped on

today. I almost stung her with my poisonous tail but then I decided

not to.

August 25,My carapiece, or hard covering, saved me a trip to the hospital.

Works Cited Gale. "Scorpian." The Columbia Encyclopedia. 2000. Web. <http://dbproxy.fh.farmlib.org.2060lservlet/kidsInfoBits.>. National Audubon Society. Feild Guide to American Insects and Spiders. New York: Alcred A. Knope, 1980. Print. V.H., Laurie J. "Scorpian." World Book. 2008. Print.

Diary of a Monarch

June 25th, Hawk tried to eat me today. I told him my friend was juicer.


July 8th, We packed for Mexico today.

July 15th, I tried to win a race today, I placed last even though I tried my best.

August 5, I went to my high school reunion.

 August 10, I forgot to add this… 3 of the butterflies were monarchs.

August 15, We tock a journey to the south today.

Works Cited Feltwell, John. Butterflies & moths. New York: Darling Kindersky, 1993. Print. Pringle, Lauran. An extraordinary life. NewYork: Orchard, 1997. Print. Works Cited

Diary of a BeetleBrendan H., Ethan S., Michael B., Olivia M., Alyson C.

March 2, Ant almost gets stepped on but I used my hard, protective wings to swoop in and save him. 

March 13,

Today in school I learn there are more beetles than any other animal.


April 30,The three that my aunt just laid eggs in almost gets cut down but the humans machine break

July 23,After learning in school that there are 300,000 species of beetles spider try taking my lunch money so I flew away

August 4,I figured out why beetles don’t live in the artic, it is to cold.

November 3,Today my aunts eggs hatched and I got to see the larvae

Shetlar, David J. "Beetle." World Book. 2008 ed. Vol. 2. Chicago: World Book, 2008. 214-15. Print

Diary of a Rollie Polly

by: Fareed ,Brian, Leah, Audrey

March 4th- We moved to the desert and left all my friends back home. So now I'm not talking to my parents.

May 4th- I complained that it's to hot here so my parents bought me a rock and put it under a shady cactus. I'm not mad at

them anymore.  

June 3rd- I made the scorpion mad so I hid in a burrow and now I can't get out.

Sept. 2nd-I got a postcard from my girlfriend Polly back at the shore. She said there was a hurricane.

December 18- Today is my birthday. We got to visit the shore! Polly got me a present, I grew a hundredth of an inch. 

February 6thNow we have to go back home, I will miss Polly and the Shore, but I will survive. I don't have any pages left in my journal, so bye! 

Works Cited Honeybees. Jane Letch, 1973. Print. Letch, Jane. Insects. United States of

America: Althea, 1990. Print.

July 25th My little sister, Jooj, had a

problem today. Her abdomen lit up every

time she had an idea. Knowing Jooj, she is full of

too many ideas.

July 26thDr. Bumblebee told Jooj to stop using so much

energy. Everybody laughs, and Jooj

screams ''IT'S NOT FUNNY!'' Room goes


July 27thMy older sister fought with me. Lisa thought we were bugs. I thought we were beetles '' You are so, like, totally uncool andI like,know, like way more than you Tony! I knew we weren't`t bugs.

 July 28th

Today we asked Mom if we were bugs or beetles.

Mom says we are beetles. "Ha!" I yelled in triumph. “hmph!" said Lisa as she buzzed off. Bing! "Mom, can I paint my room?"asks Jooj


July 29 Today I went through a larval stage. It was very

painful. Jooj kept repeating IT'S FUNNY,IT'S FUNNY! Over and over.


 July 30th

I finished molting today, and added my new molt to my molt

collection. But, Lisa and Jooj made fun of it, so I think that is the end of my collection.

But after lunch, I found out the job was already done for me. Jooj had eaten my molts for a "light'' snack. So, I guess that's not a

problem anymore............

Works Cited Lloyd, James E. "Firefly." World Book. 7th ed. Vol. F. Chicago:

World book, 2008.About fireflys." Http:// dbproxy.fh.farmlib.org. 2009. Web. Nov. &

dec. 2009. "About firefly." Http://dbproxy.fh.farmlib.org. 2009. Web. Nov. &

dec. 2009.


Diary of a Centipede

April 11, 2009-I met with millipede today he was very mean. He made fun of my body because it was flat and had too many segments.

August 21, 2009-He apologized to me and said that centipedes and millipede are friends everywhere accept Antarctica.

September 11, 2009-Our families don't work out with each other.My mom put her fangs into millipedes mom.

October 30, 2009-We made our own tree house in the park. The people are scared of my bite.

December 6, 2009-All the people at the park are scared of me because I am a carnivore.


January 18,2009-We only go to the park at night,and we hunt there.

• Works Cited

• Farmlib.org:2060/servelet/KidsInfoBits. 2009. Web. 13 Nov. 2009.

• World Book. Vol. C-Ch. Chicago: World Book, 2008. Print.