dicionário assírio - volume viii - k


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Único dicionário do idioma assírio, esta obra é fruto do trabalho e da pesquisa desenvolvida pelo Instituto Oriental da Universidade de Chicago. Foram necessárias décadas para que se pudesse publicá-lo, com a participação de estudiosos de idiomas antigos, arqueólogos e histriadores. A Universidade de Chicago disponibiliza a obra para download gratuito.









INTERNATIONAL STANDARD BOOK NUMBER ISBN-13: 978-0-918986-14-6 ISBN-10: 0-918986-14-1 (SET: 978-0-918986-05-4, 0-918986-05-2)



The OrientalInstitute of the University of Chicago

Second Printing 1978 Third Printing 1992 Fourth Printing2008








ForewordSections of the basic manuscript of this volume were prepared by Robert D. Biggs, Johannes M. Renger, Ronald F. G. Sweet, and David B. Weisberg. Thanks are again due to Professor W. G. Lambert, University of Birmingham, England, for his reading of the manuscript and for his suggestions and corrections. Professor Hans E. Hirsch, University of Vienna, has read the proofs in galleys and suggested a number of improvements. Mag. Mogens Trolle Larsen, University of Copenhagen, has also read the proofs and made a number of valuable suggestions, especially concerning the Old Assyrian material. For help with the checking of references, thanks are due to Mag. Aage Westenholz, University of Copenhagen, and to Joan Goodnick Westenholz. Chicago, Illinois September, 1970 A. LEO OPPENHEIM


Provisional List of Bibliographical AbbreviationsThe following compilation brings up to date the list of abbreviations given in volumes A Parts 1 and 2, B, D, E, G, H, I/J, S, and Z and includes the titles previously cited according to the lists of abbreviations in Archiv fur Orientforschung, W. von Soden, GrundriB der akkadischen Grammatik, and Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie. Complete bibliographical references will be given in a later volume. The list also includes the titles of the lexical series as prepared for publication by B. Landsberger, or under his supervision, or in collaboration with him. lexical series a A - ndqu tablets in the collections of the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago AAA Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology Annales Academiae Scientiarum AASF Fennicae AASOR The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research Assyriologische Bibliothek AB Abhandlungen der Bayerischen ABAW Akademie der Wissenschaften Altbabylonische Briefe in UmAbB schrift und Ubersetzung Abel-Winckler L. Abel and H. Winckler, Keilschrifttexte zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen Altbabylonische ABIM A. al-Zeebari, Briefe des Iraq-Museums R. F. Harper, Assyrian and BabyABL lonian Letters ABoT Ankara Arkeoloji Miizesinde ... Bogazkoy Tabletleri field numbers of Pre-Sar. tablets AbS-T excavated at Tell Abui Salabikh ACh C. Virolleaud, L'Astrologie chald6enne Acta Or. Acta Orientalia Actes du 8 e Actes du 8 e Congres International Congres des Orientalistes, Section SemiInternational tique (B) ADD C. H. W. Johns, Assyrian Deeds and Documents Archiv fur Keilschriftforschung AfK AfO Archiv fur Orientforschung AGM Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin AHDO Archives d'histoire du droit oriental AHw. W. von Soden, Akkadisches Handworterbuch Ai. lexical series ki.i.KAL.b i. s -e ana ittisu, pub. MSL 1 AIPHOS Annuaire de l'Institut de PhiloA A logie et d'Histoire Orientales et Slaves (Brussels) Aistleitner J. Aistleitner, Worterbuch der Worterbuch Ugaritischen Sprache AJA American Journal of Archaeology AJSL American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures AKA E. A. W. Budge and L. W. King, The Annals of the Kings of Assyria Altmann, ed., Altmann, ed.. Biblical and Other Biblical and Studies (- Philip W. Lown InOther Studies stitute of Advanced Judaic Studies, Brandeis University, Studies and Texts: Vol. 1) AMI Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran Abhandlungen aus dem mathemaAMSUH tischen Seminar der Universitiit Hamburg AMT R. C. Thompson, Assyrian Medical Texts ... An lexical series An = Anum AnBi Analecta Biblica Andrae W. Andrae, Die Festungswerke Festungsvon Assur (= WVDOG 23) werke Andrae W. Andrae, Die Stelenreihen in Stelenreihen Assur (= WVDOG 24) Angim epic Angim dimma, cited from MS. of A. Falkenstein AnOr Analecta Orientalia AnSt Anatolian Studies Antagal lexical series antagal aaqi = AO tablets in the collections of the Musee du Louvre AOAT Alter Orient und Altes Testament AOAW Anzeiger der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften AOB Altorientalische Bibliothek AOS American Oriental Series AOTU Altorientalische Texte und Untersuchungen APAW Abhandlungen der Preulischen Akademie der Wissenschaften



ProvisionalList of Bibliographical AbbreviationsArkeologya Dergisi ARM ARMT Aro Glossar Aro Gramm. Aro Infinitiv ArOr ARU AS ASAW ASGW ASKT ASSF Assur A-tablet Augapfel Aynard Asb. BA Bab. Bagh. Mitt. Balkan Kassit. Stud. Balkan Letter Balkan Observations Barton Haverford Barton MBI Barton RISA BASOR Bauer Asb.Baumgartner AV

Turk Tarih, Arkeologya ve Ethnografya Dergisi Archives royales de Mari (- TCL 22-) Archives royales de Mari (texts in transliteration and translation) J. Aro, Glossar zu den mittelbabylonischen Briefen (- StOr 22) J. Aro, Studien zur mittelbabylonischen Grammatik (= StOr 20) J. Aro, Die akkadischen Infinitivkonstruktionen (= StOr 26) Archiv Orientblni J. Kohler and A. Ungnad, Assyrische Rechtsurkunden Assyriological Studies (Chicago) Abhandlungen der Sachsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Abhandlungen der Sichsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften P. Haupt, Akkadische und sumerische Keilschrifttexte ...


Belleten Bergmann Lugale Bezold Cat.

Berliner Beitrage zur Keilschriftforschung H. Zimmern, Beitrage zur Kenntnis der babylonischen Religion L. W. King, Babylonian Boundary Stones Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania, Series A: Cuneiform Texts Tirk Tarih Kurumu, Belleten E. Bergmann, Lugale (in MS.)

Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae field numbers of tablets excavated at Assur lexical text, see MSL 13 10ff. J. Augapfel, Babylonische Rechtsurkunden aus der Regierungszeit Artaxerxes I. und Darius II. J.-M. Aynard, Le Prisme du Louvre AO 19.939 Beitrage zur Assyriologie ... Babyloniaca Baghdader Mitteilungen K. Balkan, Kassitenstudien (- AO S 37) K. Balkan, Letter of King AnumHirbi of Mama to King Warshama of Kanish K. Balkan, Observations on the Chronological Problems of the Karum Kanii G. A. Barton, Haverford Library Collection of Cuneiform Tablets or Documents from the Temple Archives of Telloh G. A. Barton, Miscellaneous Babylonian Inscriptions G. A. Barton, The Royal Inscriptions of Sumer and Akkad Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research T. Bauer, Das Inschriftenwerk Assurbanipals Hebriiische Wortforschung, Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Walter Baumgartner (- VT Supp. XVI)

C. Bezold, Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum Bezold Cat. L. W. King, Catalogue of the Supp. Cuneiform Tablets of the British Museum. Supplement Bezold Glossar C. Bezold, Babylonisch-assyrisches Glossar BHT S. Smith, Babylonian Historical Texts BiAr The Biblical Archaeologist Bib. Biblica Biggs Saziga R. D. Biggs, 3L.zzI.A: Ancient Mesopotamian Potency Incantations (= TCS 2) E. Bilgig, Die einheimischen AppelBilgig Appellativa der lativa der kappadokischen Texte1.Kalpp.







Babylonian Inscriptions in the Collection of J. B. Nies BiOr Bibliotheca Orientalis BM tablets in the collections of the British Museum BMAH Bulletin des Mus6es Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire BMFA Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts BMMA Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art BMQ The British Museum Quarterly BMS L. W. King, Babylonian Magic and Sorcery Bo. field numbers of tablets excavated at Boghazkeui Bohl ChresF. M. T. Bohl, Akkadian Chrestomathy tomathy Bohl Leiden F. M. T. Bohl, Mededeelingen uit Coll. de Leidsche Verzameling van Spijkerschri ft-Inscripties Boissier Choix A. Boissier, Choix de textes relatifs a la divination assyro-babylonienne A. Boissier, Documents assyriens Boissier DA relatifs aux pr6sages J. Bollenriicher, Gebete und HymB6llenriicher Nergal nen an Nergal (= LSS 1/6) Babylonian and Oriental Record BOR R. Borger, Einleitung in die assyriBorger schen Konigsinschriften Einleitung



Provisional List of BibliographicalAbbreviationsBorgor Esarh. BosonTavolette

R. Borger, Die Inschriften Asarhaddons, K6nigs von Assyrien (= AfO Beiheft 9) G. Boson, Tavolette cuneiformisumere ...

Boghazkoi-Studien Die Boghazk6i-Texte in Umschrift ... (= WVDOG 41-42) Boudou Liste R. P. Boudou, Liste de noms g6ographiques (- Or. 36-38) Boyer Contri- G. Boyer, Contribution a I'histoire juridique de la Ire Dynastie bution babylonienne von Branden- C. G. von Brandenstein, Hethitische G6tter nach Bildbeschreistein Heth. bungen in Keilschrifttexten (= Gotter MVAG 46/2) J. A. Brinkman, A Political HisBrinkman tory of Post-Kassite Babylonia, PKB 1158-722 B.C. (= AnOr 43) Babylonian Records in the Library BRM of J. Pierpont Morgan Brockelmann C. Brockelmann, Lexicon syriacum, 2nd ed. Lex. Syr. 2 Berichte der Sachsischen Akademie BSAW der Wissenschaften BSGW Berichte der Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften Bulletin de la Soci6t6 de LinguisBSL tique de Paris Bulletin of the School of Oriental BSOAS and African Studies CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago Camb. J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Cambyses tablets in the collections of the CBM University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (= CBS) tablets in the collections of the CBS University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia CCT Cuneiform Texts from Cappadocian Tablets CH R. F. Harper, The Code of HamBoSt BoTUmurabi ...

Chantre Chiera STA


E. Chantre, Recherches arch6ologiques dans l'Asie occidentale. Mission en Cappadoce 1893-94 E. Chiera, Selected Temple Accounts from Telloh, Yokha and Drehem. Cuneiform Tablets in the Library of Princeton University Festschrift fiir Prof. Dr. ViktorChristian M. 'ig and H. Kizilyay, Neusumerische Rechts- und Verwaltungsurkunden aus Nippur



M. cig, H. Kizilyay (Bozkurt), Qig-KizilyayKraus Nippur F. R. Kraus, Altbabylonische Rechtsurkunden aus Nippur gig-Kizilyay- M. Qig, H. Kizilyay, A. Salonen, Die Puzril-Dagan-Texte (- AASF Salonen Puzrig-Dagan l- B 92) Texte A. T. Clay, Personal Names from Clay PN Cuneiform Inscriptions of the Cassite Period (- YOR 1) Coll. de Clercq H. F. X. de Clercq, Collection de Clercq. Catalogue ... Combe Sin E. Combe, Histoire du culte de Sin en Babylonie et en Assyrie Contenau G. Contenau, Contribution A l'hisContribution toire economique d'Umma Contenau G. Contenau, Umma sous la Umma Dynastie d'Ur Corpus of E. Porada, Corpus of Ancient Near Ancient Near Eastern Seals in North American Eastern Seals Collections CRAI Academie des Inscriptions et BellesLettres. Comptes rendus Craig AAT J. A. Craig, Astrological-Astronomical Texts Craig ABRT J. A. Craig, Assyrian and Babylonian Religious Texts Cros Tello G. Cros, Mission frangaise de Chaldee. Nouvelles fouilles de Tello CRRA Compte rendu, Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale CT Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets Cyr. J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Cyrus Dalman G. H. Dalman, ... Aramaisch-neuAram. Wb. hebraisches Worterbuch zu Targum, Talmud und Midrasch Dar. J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Darius David AV R. Feenstra, J. A. Ankum, W. F. Leemans, eds., Symbolae iuridicae et historicae Martino David dedicatae. Tomus alter: lura Orientis antiqui Deimel Fara A. Deimel, Die Inschriften von Fara (= WVDOG 40, 43, 45) Delaporte L. J. Delaporte, Catalogue des Catalogue cylindres orientaux ... de la Bibliothbque Bibliothbque Nationale Nationale Delaporte L. J. Delaporte, Catalogue des Catalogue cylindres ... Musee de Louvre Louvre Delitzsch AL) F. Delitzsch, Assyrische Lesestiicke, 3rd ed. Delitzsch F. Delitzsch, Assyrisches HandHWB worterbuch van Dijk J. van Dijk, Sumerische GotterGotterlieder lieder



ProvisionalList of BibliographicalAbbreviationsvan Dijk La Sagesse Diri Divination J. van Dijk, La Sagesse SumroAccadienne lexical series diri DR s8iku Beamtennamen namen in der keilschriftlichen tOberlieferung (= Abhandlungen fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes

(w)atruJ. Nougayrol, ed., La divination en mesopotamie ancienne et dans les r6gions voisines DLZ Deutsche Literaturzeitung DP M. Allotte de la Fuye, Documents presargoniques Dream-book A. L. Oppenheim, The Interpretation of Dreams in the Ancient Near East (= Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 46/3) van Driel Cult G. van Driel, The Cult of Assur of A6sur D. T. tablets in the collections of the British Museum Ea lexical series ea A = ndqu EA J. A. Knudtzon, Die El-AmarnaTafeln (= VAB 2); EA 359-79: A. F. Rainey, El Amarna Tablets 359-79 (= AOAT 8) Eames Coll. A. L. Oppenheim, Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets of the Wilberforce Eames Babylonian Collection in the New York Public Library (- AOS 32) Eames Coltablets in the Wilberforce Eames lection Babylonian Collection in the New York Public Library Ebeling E. Ebeling, Glossar zu den neuGlossar babylonischen Briefen Ebeling E. Ebeling, Die akkadische GeHanderhebung betsserie Su-ila "Handerhebung" (= VIO 20) Ebeling KMI E. Ebeling, Keilschrifttexte medizinischen Iphalts Ebeling E. Ebeling, Neubabylonische Neubab. Briefe Briefe Ebeling E. Ebeling, Neubabylonische Neubab. Briefe aus Uruk Briefe aus Uruk Ebeling E. Ebeling, Parfimrezepte und Parfumrez. kultische Texte aus Assur (also pub. in Or. NS 17-19) Ebeling E. Ebeling, Stiftungen und VorStiftungen schriften fur assyrische Tempel (= VIO 23) Ebeling E. Ebeling, Bruchstiicke einer Wagenpferde mittelassyrischen Vorschriftensammlung fur die Akklimatisierung und Trainierung von Wagenpferden (= VIO 7) Edzard D. O. Edzard, Die "Zweite ZwiZwischenzeit schenzeit" Babyloniens Eilers W. Eilers, Iranische Beamten-

25/5)Eilers W. Eilers, Gesellschaftsformen im Gesellschafts- altbabylonischen Recht formen lexical series dimmer = dingir Emesal Voc. = ilu, pub. MSL 4 3-44 En. el. Enima eli Erimhu lexical series erimlju = anantu Erimhul Bogh. Boghazkeui version of Erimhus Eshnunna see Goetze LE Code Evetts Ev.-M. B. T. A. Evetts, Inscriptions of ... Evil-Merodach Evetts Lab. B. T. A. Evetts, Inscriptions of ... Laborosoarchod Evetts Ner. B. T. A. Evetts, Inscriptions of ... Neriglissar Explicit Malku synonym list malku = arru, explicit version (Tablets I-II pub. A. D. Kilmer, JAOS 83 421ff.) Falkenstein A. Falkenstein, Archaische Texte ATU aus Uruk Falkenstein A. Falkenstein, Das Sumerische Das Sume(= Handbuch der Orientalistik, rische Erste Abteilung, Zweiter Band, Erster und Zweiter Abschnitt, Lieferung I) Falkenstein A. Falkenstein, Die neusumerischen GerichtsGerichtsurkunden urkunden Falkenstein A. Falkenstein, Sumerische Gotterlieder Gotterlieder Falkenstein A. Falkenstein, Grammatik der Grammatik Sprache Gudeas von Laga (= AnOr 28 and 29) Falkenstein A. Falkenstein, Die Haupttypen Haupttypen der sumerischen Beschworung (= LSS NF 1) A. Falkenstein, Topographie von Falkenstein Topographie Uruk FF Forschungen und Fortschritte Figulla Cat. H. H. Figulla, Catalogue of the Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum A. Finet, L'Accadien des Lettres de Finet L'Accadien Mari Fish Catalogue T. Fish, Catalogue of Sumerian Tablets in the John Rylands Library T. Fish, Letters of the First BabyFish Letters lonian Dynasty in the John Rylands Library, Manchester aramaischen Frankel S. Frankel, Die Fremdw. Fremdworter im Arabischen. R. Frankena, Takultu, De saFrankena Takultu crale Maaltijd in het assyrische Ritueel



Provisional List of BibliographicalAbbreviationsFriedrich Festschrift Friedrich Gesetze Friedrich Heth. Wb. Gadd Early Dynasties Gadd Ideas Gadd Teachers Gandert Festschrift Garelli Gilg. R. von Kienle, ed., Festschrift Johannes Friedrich ... J. Friedrich, Die hethitischen Gesetze (= Documenta et monumenta orientis antiqui 7) J. Friedrich, Hethitisches Wdrterbuch ... C. J. Gadd, The Early Dynasties of Sumer and Akkad C. J. Gadd, Ideas of Divine Rule in the Ancient East C. J. Gadd, Teachers and Students in the Oldest Schools A. von Miiller, ed., Gandert Festschrift (= Berliner Beitrlge zur Vor- und Friihgeschichte 2) P. Garelli, Gilgame et sa lgende. ]Itudes recueillies par Paul Garelli & l'occasion de la VIIe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Paris, 1958) P. Garelli, Les Assyriens en Cappadoce J. E. Gautier, Archives d'une famille de Dilbat ... R. P. Dougherty, Goucher College Cuneiform Inscriptions I. J. Gelb, Old Akkadian Inscriptions in Chicago Natural History Museum H. de Genouillac, Premieres recherches arch6ologiques A Kich H. de Genouillac, La trouvaille de Dr6hem W. Gesenius, Hebriisches und aramiisches Handworterbuch, 17th ed. G6ttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen Gilgame epic,cited fromThompson Gilg. (M. - Meissner Fragment, OB Version of Tablet X, P. Pennsylvania Tablet, OB Version of Tablet II, Y. - Yale Tablet, OB Version of Tablet III) OB Gilg. fragment from Ishchali pub. by T. Bauer in JNES 16 254ff. A. Goetze, 1Iattugilig. Der Bericht iiber seine Thronbesteigung nebst den Paralleltexten (= MVAG 29/3) A. Goetze, Kizzuwatna and the Problem of Hittite Geography(= YOR 22)

Gordon Smith C.College


Gordon,... (-




Gordon Sumerian Proverbs G6ssmann Era Grant Bus. Doc. Grant Smith College Gray Samas Guest Notes on Plants

Studies in History, Vol. 38) E. I. Gordon, Sumerian Proverbs P. F. G6ssmann, Das Era-Epos E. Grant, Babylonian Business Documents of the Classical Period E. Grant, Cuneiform Documents in the Smith College Library C. D. Gray, The Samag ReligiousTexts ...

Garelli Les Assyriens Gautier Dilbat GCCI Gelb OAIC Genouillac Kich Genouillac Trouvaille Gesenius 17 GGA Gilg.

E. Guest, Notes on Plants and Plant Products with their Colloquial Names in 'Iraq Guest Notes E. Guest, Notes on Trees and on Trees Shrubs for Lower Iraq Giiterbock H. G. Giterbock, Siegel aus BoSiegel gazk6y (= AfO Beiheft 5 and 7) Hallo Royal W. W. Hallo, Early Mesopotamian Titles Royal Titles (- AOS 43) Hartmann H. Hartmann, Die Musik der suMusik merischen Kultur Haupt P. Haupt, Das babylonische NimNimrodepos rodepos Haverford E. Grant, ed., The Haverford Symposium Symposium on Archaeology and the Bible Hecker K. Hecker, Die Keilschrifttexte der Universititsbibliothek Giessen Giessen Hecker K. Hecker, Grammatik der KiilGrammatik tepe-Texte (= AnOr 44) Herzfeld API E. Herzfeld, Altpersische Inschriften Hewett AnD. D. Brand and F. E. Harvey, niversary eds., So Live the Works of Men: Vol. Seventieth Anniversary Volume Honoring Edgar Lee Hewett Hg. lexical series HAR.gud - imrd- ballu

Gilg. O. I. Goetze Iattuilig Goetze Kizzuwatna Goetze LEGol6nischeff Gordon Handbook

A. Goetze, The Laws of Eshnunna(- AASOR 31) V. S. Gol6nischeff, Vingt-quatre tablettes cappadociennes ... C. H. Gordon, Ugaritic Handbook (- AnOr 25)

J. Kohler et al., Hammurabi's Gesetz lexical series HAR.r a =- ubullu (Hh. Hh. I-IVpub.Landsberger, MSL5; Hh. V- VII pub. Landsberger, MSL 6; Hh. VIII-XII pub. Landsberger, MSL 7; Hh. XIII-XIV, XVIII pub. Landsberger, MSL 8; Hh. XV pub. Landsberger, MSL 9; Hh. XVI, XVII, XIX pub. LandsHh. berger-Reiner, MSL 10; XXIII pub. Oppenheim-Hartman, JAOS Supp. 10 22-29) Hilprecht AV Hilprecht Anniversary Volume.Studies in Assyriology and Archaelogy Dedicated to Hermann V. Hilprecht H. V. Hilprecht, The Earliest Hilprecht Deluge Story Version of the Babylonian Deluge



Provisional List of BibliographicalAbbreviationsStory and the Temple Library of Nippur Hinke Kudurru W. J. Hinke, Selected Babylonian Kudurru Inscriptions, No. 5, pp. 21-27 H. Hirsch, Untersuchungen zur altHirsch Unterassyrischen Religion (- AfO Beiheft 13/14) suchungen H. Holma, Kleine Beitriige zum Holma assyrischen Lexikon Kl. Beitr. Holma H. Holma, Die Namen der KSrim Assyrisch-babyloperteile Korperteile nischen Holma Omen H. Holma, Omen Texts from BabyTexts lonian Tablets in the BritishMuseum ... ITT Izbu Comm. Inventaire des tablettes de Tello commentary to the series bumma izbu, cited from MS. of B. Landsberger, pub. Leichty Izbu pp. 211-33 Izi lexical series i zi = iAdtu, pub. MSL 13 154-226 Izi Bogh. Boghazkeui version of Izi, pub. MSL 13 132-47 JA Journal asiatique Jacobsen T. Jacobsen, Cuneiform Texts in the Copenhagen National Museum, Copenhagen Jankowska N. B. Jankowska, Klinopisnye teksty iz Kjul'-Tepe v sobraniKTK jakh SSSR JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society Jastrow Dict. M. Jastrow, A Dictionary of the Targumim ... JBL Journal of Biblical Literature Journal of Cuneiform Studies JCS JEA Journal of Egyptian Archaeology JEN Joint Expedition with the Iraq Museum at Nuzi Joint Expedition with the Iraq JENu Museum at Nuzi, unpub. Jaarbericht van het VooraziatischJEOL "Ex Genootschap Egyptisch Oriente Lux" JESHO Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient Jestin NTS R. Jestin, Nouvelles tablettes sum6riennes de uruppak Jestin R. Jestin, Tablettes sumdriennes de Suruppak ... Suruppak Jahrbuch fir kleinasiatische ForJKF schung JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies Johns C. H. W. Johns, An Assyrian Doomsday Doomsday Book

Holma Quttulu HolmaWeitere Beitr. Hrozny Code Hittite Hrozny Getreide HroznyKultepe

H. Holma, Die assyrisch-babylonischen Personennamen der FormQuttulu ...

H. Holma, Weitere Beitriige zum assyrischen Lexikon F. Hrozny, Code hittite provenant de l'Asie Mineure F. Hrozny, Das Getreide im alten Babylonien .. F. Hrozny, Inscriptions cuneiformesdu Kultpd (- ICK 1) (- Monogr.

Hrozny Ta'annek HS HSM HSS HUCA Hunger Kolophone Hussey SumerianTablets

ArOr 14) F. Hrozny, Die Keilschrifttexte von Ta'annek, in Sellin Tacannek tablets in the Hilprecht collection, Jena Harvard Semitic Museum Harvard Semitic Series Hebrew Union College Annual H. Hunger, Babylonische und Assyrische Kolophone M. I. Hussey, Sumerian Tablets in the Harvard Semitic Museum(- HSS 3 and 4)

IB IBoT ICK Idu IEJ IF Igituh ILN IMImgidda to

tablets in the Pontificio Istituto Biblico, Rome Istanbul Arkeoloji Mizelerinde Bulunan Bogazkoy Tabletleri Inscriptions cun6iformes du Kult6p6 lexical series A - idu Israel Exploration Journal Indogermanische Forschungen lexical series igituh - tamartu. Igituh short version pub. Landsberger-Gurney, AfO 18 81ff. Illustrated London News tablets in the collections of the Iraq Museum, Baghdadsee ErimhuS

Book Jones-Snyder JPOS JQR JRAS JSOR JSS JTVI K. Kagal

ErimhuS Istanbul

tablets in the collections of the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul


T. B. Jones and J. Snyder, Sumerian Economic Texts from the Third Ur Dynasty Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society Jewish Quarterly Review Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Journal of the Society of Oriental Research Journal of Semitic Studies Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute tablets in the Kouyunjik collection of the British Museum lexical series kagal = abullu, pub. MSL 13 227-61 Keilschrifttexte aus Assur historischen Inhalts



ProvisionalList of BibliographicalAbbreviationsKeilschrifttexte aus Assur juristischen Inhalts Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiKAR osen Inhalts Keilschrifttexte aus Assur verKAV schiedenen Inhalts Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek KB KBo Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazkoi R. G. Kent, Old Persian ... Kent Old (= AOS 33) Persian Ker Porter R. Ker Porter, Travels in Georgia, Travels Persia, Armenia, Ancient Babylo. nia, etc. ... Kh. tablets from Khafadje in the collections of the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago Kienast B. Kienast, Die altassyrischen ATHE Texte des Orientalischen Seminars der Universitiit Heidelberg und der Sammlung Erlenmeyer King Chron. L. W. King, Chronicles Concerning Early Babylonian Kings ... King Early L. W. King, A History of Sumer and Akkad: An Account of the History Early Races of Babylonia ... King History L. W. King, A History of Babylon King Hittite L. W. King, Hittite Texts in the Texts Cuneiform Character in the British Museum Kish tablets excavated at Kish, in the of the Ashmolean collections Museum, Oxford K1F Kleinasiatische Forschungen Knudtzon J. A. Knudtzon, Assyrische Gebete Gebete an den Sonnengott ... Kocher BAM F. K6cher, Die babylonisch-assyrische Medizin in Texten und Untersuchungen Kocher F. K6cher, Keilschrifttexte zur Pflanzenassyrisch-babylonischen Drogenkunde und Pflanzenkunde (- VIO 28) Kohler u. Peiser SJ. Kohler, F. E. Peiser, Aus dem Rechtsleben babylonischen Rechtsleben Konst. tablets excavated at Assur, in the collections of the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul Koschaker P. Koschaker, Babylonisch-assyBurgschaftsrisches Birgschaftsrecht recht Koschaker P. Koschaker, tiber einige griechiGriech. sche Rechtsurkunden aus den ostRechtsurk. lichen Randgebieten des Hellenismus


Kramer Two Elegies Kraus Edikt

Kraus Texte Krecher Kultlyrik

S. N. Kramer, Two Elegies on a Pushkin Museum Tablet F. R. Kraus, Ein Edikt des Konigs Ammi-Saduqa von Babylon (Studia et documenta ad iura orientis antiqui pertinentia 5) F. R. Kraus, Texte zur babylonischen Physiognomatik (= AfO Beiheft 3) J. Krecher, Sumerische Kultlyrik

Koschaker NRUA Kramer Lamentation Kramer SLTN

P. Koschaker, Neue keilschriftliche Rechtsurkunden aus der El-

Amarna-ZeitS. N. Kramer, Lamentation over the Destruction of Ur (- AS 12) S. N. Kramer, Sumerian Literary Texts from Nippur (- AASOR 23)

KT Blanckertz J. Lewy, Die Kiiltepetexte der Sammlung Blanckertz ... KT Hahn J. Lewy, Die Kiiltepetexte der Sammlung Hahn ... KTS J. Lewy, Die altassyrischen Texte vom Kiiltepe bei Kaisarije KUB Keilschrifturkunden aus Boghazkoi Kichler Beitr. F. Kiichler, Beitrage zur Kenntnis der assyrisch-babylonischen Medizin ... Kiiltepe unpublished tablets from Kiiltepe Kupper Les J.-R Kupper, Les nomades en Nomades MBsopotamie au temps des rois de Mari Labat R.Labat,L'Akkadien deBoghaz.koi L'Akkadien Labat R. Labat, Un calendrier babylonien Calendrier des travaux, des signes et des mois Labat TDP R. Labat, Trait6 akkadien de diagnostics et pronostics medicaux Laessee Bit J. Laessee, Studies on the Assyrian Rimki Ritual bit rimki Lajard Culte J. B. F. Lajard, Recherches sur le de V6nus culte ... de Venus Lambert BWL W. G. Lambert, Babylonian Wisdom Literature Lambert W. G. Lambert, Marduk's Address Marduk's to the Demons (= AfO 17 310ff.) Address to the 3 Demons LambertW. G. Lambert and A. R. Millard, Millard Atra-hasis: The Babylonian Story Atra-hasis of the Flood Landsberger B. Landsberger, Brief des Bischofs Brief von Esagila an Konig Asarhaddon Landsberger B. Landsberger, The Date Palm Date Palm and Its By-Products According to the Cuneiform Sources (= AfO Beiheft 17) Landsberger B. Landsberger, Die Fauna des Fauna alten Mesopotamien ... LandsbergerB. Landsberger and T. Jacobsen, Jacobsen Georgica (in MS.) Georgica Landsberger B. Landsberger, Der kultische Kult. Kalender der Babylonier und Kalender Assyrer (- LSS 6/1-2) Lang. Language Langdon BL S. Langdon, Babylonian Liturgies



Provisional List of BibliographicalAbbreviationsLangdon Creation Langdon Menologies Langdon SBP S. Langdon, The Babylonian Epic of Creation S. Langdon, Babylonian Menologies ... S. Langdon, Sumerian and Babylonian Psalms S. Langdon, Tammuz and Ishtar D. G. Lyon, Keilschrifttexte Sargon's ... MAD Materials for the Assyrian Dictionary MAH tablets in the collection of the Mus6e d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva Malku synonym list malku - darru(Malku I pub. A. D. Kilmer, JAOS 83 421ff.) MAOG Mitteilungen der Altorientalischen Gesellschaft Maqlu G. Meier, Maqlf (- AfO Beiheft 2) MatouS L. Matous, Inscriptions cuneiformes du Kultep6, Vol. 2 (- ICK 2) Kultepe MCS Manchester Cuneiform Studies MCT O. Neugebauer and A. Sachs, Mathematical Cuneiform Texts MDOG Mitteilungen der Deutschen OrientGesellschaft MDP M6moires de la Del6gation en Perse Meissner BAP B. Meissner, Beitrage zum altbabylonischen Privatrecht Meissner BAW B. Meissner, Beitriige zum assyrischen Worterbuch (= AS 1 and 4) Meissner BuA B. Meissner, Babylonien und Assyrien Meissner Supp. B. Meissner, Supplement zu den assyrischen Worterbiichern Meissner-Rost B. Meissner and P. Rost, Die BauSenn. inschriften Sanheribs Mel. Dussaud M6langes syriens offerts A M. Ren6 Dussaud Meloni Saggi Gerardo Meloni, Saggi di filologia semitica MIO Mitteilungen des Instituts fur Orientforschung MJ Museum Journal MKT Mathematische O. Neugebauer, Keilschrifttexte MLC tablets in the collections of the J. Pierpont Morgan Library Moldenke A. B. Moldenke, Babylonian Contract Tablets in the Metropolitan Museum of Art Moore Neo-Babylonian E. W. Moore, Documents in the University of Michigan Coll. Michigan Collection Moran Temple W. L. Moran, Sumero-Akkadian Lists Temple Lists (in MS.) MRS Mission de Ras Shamra MSL Materialien zum sumerischen Lexikon MSP Mission J. J. M. de Morgan, scientifique en Perse Mullo Weir C. J. Mullo Weir, A Lexicon of Lexicon Accadian Prayers ... MVAG Mitteilungen der VorderasiatischAegyptischen Gesellschaft N. tablets in the collections of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Lyon Sar.

Langdon Tammuz lexical series alam - lanu Lanu J. G. Lautner, Altbabylonische Lautner Personenmiete Personenmiete und Erntearbeitervertrage (= Studiaet documentaad iura orientis antiqui pertinentia 1) Layard A. H. Layard, Inscriptions in the Cuneiform Character ... A. H. Layard, Discoveries among Layard the Ruins of Nineveh and BabyDiscoveries lon tablet numbers in the de Liagre LB Bohl Collection LBAT Late Babylonian Astronomical and Related Texts, copied by T. G. Pinches and J. N. Strassmaier, prepared for publication by A. J. Sachs, with the cooperation of J. Schaumberger Leander P. A. Leander, tber die sumerischen Lehnworter im Assyrischen Y. Le Gac, Les Inscriptions d'AsLe Gac Asn. sur-nadir-aplu III Legrain TRU L. Legrain, Le temps des rois d'Ur F. F. C. Lehmann-Haupt ed., LehmannCorpus inscriptionum chaldicarum Haupt CIC Leichty Izbu E. Leichty, The Omen Series gumma Izbu (= TCS 4) F. Lenormant, Choix do textes Lenormant cuneiformes inedits ou incomChoix pletement publi4s jusqu'a ce jour M. Lidzbarski, Handbuch der nordLidzbarski semitischen Epigraphik Handbuch Lie Sar. A. G. Lie, The Inscriptions of Sargon II L. W. King, The Letters and InLIH scriptions of Hammurabi Limet M6tal H. Limet, Le travail du metal au pays de Sumer au temps de la IIIe Dynastie d'Ur E. Ebeling, Literarische KeilLKA schrifttexte aus Assur LKU A. Falkenstein, Literarische Keilschrifttexte aus Uruk L6w Flora I. Low, Die Flora der Juden Leipziger semitistische Studien LSS LTBA Die lexikalischen Tafelserien der Babylonier und Assyrer in den Berliner Museen Lu lexical series 16 - Sa pub. MSL 12 87-147 epic Lugale u melambi nergal, Lugale cited from MS. of A. Falkenstein



ProvisionalList of BibliographicalAbbreviationsNabnitu lexical series sICG+ALAM - nanitu

NBC NBGT Nbk. Nbn. ND Neugebauer ACT Ni Nies UDT Nikolski N6tscher Ellil NPN NT Oberhuber Florenz Oberhuber IKT OBGT OB Lu OECT OIC OIP OLZ Oppenheim Beer Oppenheim Glass Oppenheim Mietrecht

tablets in the Babylonian Collection, Yale University Library Neobabylonian Grammatical Texts, pub. MSL 4 129-178 J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Nabuchodonosor J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Nabonidus field numbers of tablets excavated at Nimrud (Kalhu) O. Neugebauer, Astronomical Cuneiform Texts tablets excavated at Nippur, in the collections of the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul J. B. Nies, Ur Dynasty Tablets M. V. Nikolski, Dokumenty khoziaistvennol otchetnosti ...

F. N6tscher, Ellil in Sumer und Akkad I. J. Gelb, P. M. Purves, and A. A. MacRae, Nuzi Personal Names (= OIP 57) field numbers of tablets excavated at Nippur by the Oriental Institute and other institutions K. Oberhuber, Sumerische und akkadische Keilschriftdenkmaler des Archaologischen Museums zu Florenz K. Oberhuber, Innsbrucker Keilschrifttexte OldBabylonian GrammaticalTexts, pub. MSL 4 47-128 Old Babylonian version of Lu, pub. MSL 12 151-219 Oxford Editions of Cuneiform Texts Oriental Institute Communications Oriental Institute Publications Orientalistische Literaturzeitung L. F. Hartman and A. L. Oppenheim, On Beer and Brewing Techniques in Ancient Mesopotamia ... (- JAOS Supp. 10) A. L. Oppenheim, Glass and Glassmaking in Ancient Mesopotamia L. Oppenheim, Untersuchungen zum babylonischen Mietrecht(=- WZKM Beiheft 2)

Publications of the Babylonian Section, University Museum, University of Pennsylvania PEF Quarterly Statement of the Palestine Exploration Fund Peiser F. E. Peiser, Urkunden aus der Urkunden Zeit der 3. babylonischen Dynastie Peiser F. E. Peiser, Babylonische VerVertrige trage des Berliner Museums ... PEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly Perry Sin E. G. Perry, Hymnen und Gebete an Sin Petschow H. Petschow, Neubabylonisches Pfandrecht Pfandrecht (- ASAW Phil.-Hist. Kl. 48/1) Photo. Ass. field photographs of tablets excavated at Assur Photo. Konst. field photographs of tablets excavated at Assur Piepkorn Asb. A. C. Piepkorn, Historical Prism Inscriptions ofAshurbanipal (- AS Pinches Amherst Pinches Berens Coll. Pinches Peek



Oppert-M6nant J. Oppert et J. M6nant, Documents Doc. jur. juridiques de l'Assyrie Orientalia Or. OT Old TestamentPallis Akitu Parrot Documents S. A. Pallis, The Babylonian Akitu Festival A. Parrot, Documents et Monu. ments (- Mission archeologique de Mari II, Le palais, tome 3)

T. G. Pinches, The Amherst Tablets ... T. G. Pinches, The Babylonian Tablets of the Berens Collection T. G. Pinches, Inscribed Babylonian Tablets in the possession of Sir Henry Peek Postgate J. N. Postgate, Neo-Assyrian Royal Royal Grants Grants and Decrees (= Studia Pohl: Series Maior 1) Practical Vo- lexical text, pub. B. Landsberger cabularyAssur and 0. Gurney, AfO 18 328ff. Pritchard J. B. Pritchard, ed., Ancient Near ANET Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, 2nd ed. Proto-Diri see Diri Proto-Ea see Ea; pub. MSL 2 35-94 Proto-Izi lexical series, pub. MSL 13 7-59 Proto-Lu lexical series, pub. MSL 12 25-84 PRSM Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine PRT E. Klauber, Politisch-religiose Texte aus der Sargonidenzeit PSBA Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology R H. C. Rawlinson, The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia RA Revue d'assyriologie et d'archeologie orientale RAcc. F. Thureau-Dangin, Rituels accadiens Ranke PN H. Ranke, Early Babylonian Personal Names RB Revue biblique REC F. Thureau-Dangin, Recherches sur l'origine de l'6criture cundiforme Recip. Ea lexical series "Reciprocal Ea"



ProvisionalList of BibliographicalAbbreviationsRevue d'egyptologie E. Reiner, LipAur-Litanies (JNES 15 129ff.) G. A. Reisner, Tempelurkunden aus Telloh Compte rendu de la seconde (troisime) Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Revue des 6tudes semitiques Revue hittite et asianique Revue de l'histoire des religions A. P. Riftin, Staro-Vavilonskie iuridicheskie i administrativnye dokumenty v sobraniiakh SSSR RLA Reallexikon der Assyriologie RLV Reallexikon der Vorgeschichte Rm. tablets in the collections of the British Museum ROM tablets in the collections of the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto Romer W. H. Ph. R6mer, Sumerische Konigshymnen 'Konigshymnen' der Isin-Zeit Rost P. Rost, Die Keilschrifttexte TigTigl. III lat-Pilesers III ... RS field numbers of tablets excavated at Ras Shamra RSO Rivista degli studi orientali RT Recueil de travaux relatifs A la philologie et A l'archeologie 6gyptiennes et assyriennes RTC F. Thureau-Dangin, Recueil de tablettes chaldeennes Sa lexical series Syllabary A, pub. REg Reiner Lipur Litanies Reisner Telloh Rencontre Assyriologique R+S RHA RHR Riftin Wasserfahrzeuge SAWWb

in Babylonien (- StOr 8)

Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien S lexical series Syllabary B, pub. MSL 3 96-128 and 132-153 SBAW Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften SBH G. A. Reisner, Sumerisch-babylonische Hymnen nach Thontafeln griechischer Zeit Scheil Sippar V. Scheil, Une saison de fouilles A Sippar Scheil Tn. II V. Scheil, Annales de Tukulti Ninip II, roi d'Assyrie 889-884 Schneider N. Schneider, Die G6tternamen Gotternamen von Ur III (- AnOr 19) Schneider N. Schneider, Die ZeitbestimmunZeitbestimgen der Wirtschaftsurkunden von mungen Ur II (- AnOr 13) Schollrneyer A. Schollmeyer, Sumerisch-babylonische Hymnen und Gebete anSamaS

Sellin Ta'annek SEM Sem. Seux Epithetes SHAW Shileiko Dokumenty Si Silbenvokabular Sjoberg Mondgott Sjoberg Temple Hymns

E. Sellin, Tell Ta'annek ...

MSL 3 3-45.S Voc. SAI SAKI lexical series Syllabary A Vocabulary, pub. MSL 3 51-87 B. Meissner, Seltene assyrische Ideogramme F. Thureau-Dangin, Die sumerischen und akkadischen Konigsinschriften (= VAB 1) A. Salonen, Agricultura mesopotamica (= AASF 149) A. Salonen, Die FuBbekleidung der alten Mesopotamier (= AASF 157)

E. Chiera, Sumerian Epics and Myths Semitica M.-J. Seux, Epithetes royales akkadiennes et sum6riennes Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften V. K. Shilelko, Dokumenty iz Giul-tepe field nunbers of tablets excavated at Sippar lexical series A. Sjoberg, Der Mondgott NannaSuen in der sumerischen tJberlieferung, I. Teil: Text A. W. Sjoberg and E. Bergmann, The Collection of the Sumerian Temple Hymns (= TCS 3) A. Deimel, Sumerisches Lexikon Studia ad tabulas cuneiformes collectas a F. M. Th. de Liagre Bohl pertinentia E. Chiera, Sumerian Lexical Texts tablets in the collections of the British Museum S. A. Smith, Miscellaneous Assyrian Texts of the British Museum tablets in the collection of Smith College S. Smith, The Statue of Idri-mi S. Smith, The First Campaign ofSennacherib ...

A. Salonen, Die Hausgerate der alten Mesopotamier (= AASF 139 and 144) Salonen A. Salonen, Hippologica Accadica Hippologica (- AASF 100) Salonen A. Salonen, Die Landfahrzeuge des Landfahrzeuge alten Mesopotamien (- AASF 72) Salonen A. Salonen, Die Mobel des alten Mobel Mesopotamien (= AASF 127) Salonen Tiiren A. Salonen, Die Tiiren des alten Mesopotamien (= AASF 124) E. Salonen E. Salonen, Die Waffen der alten Waffen Mesopotamier (- StOr 33) Salonen A. Salonen, Die WasserfahrzeugeXV

Salonen Agricultura Salonen FuBbekleidung Salonen Hausgerate


SLT Sm. S. A. Smith Misc. Assyr. Texts Smith College Smith Idrimi Smith Senn. SMN

tablets excavated at Nuzi, in the


Provisional List of BibliographicalAbbreviationsSemitic Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge Sitzungsberichte der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften W. von Soden, Grundril3 der akkadischen Grammatik (- AnOr 33) W. von Soden, Das akkadische Syllabar (= AnOr 27) E. Sollberger, Corpus des inscriptions "royales" pr6sargoniques de Laga" E. Sollberger, Business and Administrative Correspondence under the Kings of Ur (= TCS 1) F. Sommer, Die Alhijava-Urkunden F. Sommer and A. Falkenstein, Die hethitisch-akkadische Bilingue des Hattusili I Sitzungsberichte der PreuBischen Akademie der Wissenschaften L. Speleers, Recueil des inscriptions de l'Asie ant6rieure des Mus6es Royaux du Cinquantenaire Bruxelles E. Chiera, Sumerian Religious Texts F. X. Kugler, Sternkunde und Sterndienst in Babel J. Schaumberger, Sternkunde und Sterndienst in Babel, Ergiinzungen ... STT Studia Mariana Studia Orientalia Pedersen Studien Falkenstein O. R. Gurney, J. J. Finkelstein, and P. Hulin, The Sultantepe Tablets (Documenta et monumenta orientis antiqui 4) Studia orientalia Ioanni Pedersen dicata

SOAW von Soden GAG von Soden Syllabar Sollberger Corpus Sollberger Correspondence Sommer A4Siijava SommerFalkenstein Bil. SPAW Speleers Recueil SRT SSB SSB Erg. Stamm Namengebung Starr Nuzi

J. J. Stamm, Die akkadische Namengebung (= MVAG 44)

R. F. S. Starr, Nuzi: Report on the Excavations at Yorgan Tepa near Kirkuk, Iraq STC L. W. King, The Seven Tablets of Creation Stephens PNC F. J. Stephens, Personal Names from Cuneiform Inscriptions of Cappadocia StOr Studia Orientalia (Helsinki) J. N. Strassmaier, Alphabetisches Strassmaier AV Verzeichnis der assyrischen und akkadischen W6rter ... Strassmaier J. N. Strassmaier, Die babyloniLiverpool schen Inschriften im Museum zu Liverpool, Actes du 6e Congres International des Orientalistes, II, Section S6mitique (1) (1885), plates after p. 624 Strassmaier J. N. Strassmaier, Texte altbabyloWarka nischer Vertriige aus Warka, Verhandlungen des Fiinften Internationalen Orientalisten-Congresses (1881), Beilage M. Streck, Assurbanipal ... (- VAB

Streck Asb.


Heidelberger Studien zum Alten Orient, Adam Falkenstein zum 17. September 1966 Studies Studies in Honor of Benno LandsLandsberger berger on his Seventy-fifth Birthday (- AS 16) Studies Studies Presented to A. Leo Oppenheim Oppenheim Studies Studies in Old Testament Prophecy Robinson Presented to T. H. Robinson STVC E. Chiera, Sumerian Texts of Varied Contents Sultantepe field numbers of tablets excavated at Sultantepe Ankara Utniversitesi Dil ve TarihSumeroloji Araqtirmalari Cografya Falkiiltesi Sumeroloji araqtirmalari, 1940-41 Surpu E. Reiner, surpu (- AfO Beiheft 11) Symb. Symbolae P. Koschaker dedicatae Koschaker (= Studia et documenta ad iura orientis antiqui pertinentia 2) SZ Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung Szlechter E. Szlechter, Tablettes juridiques Tablettes de la I Dynastie de Babylone Szlechter E. Szlechter, Tablettes juridiques TJA et administratives de la IIIe Dynastie d'Ur et de la Ire Dynastie de Babylone T tablets in the collections of the Staatliche Museen, Berlin Tablet Funck one of several tablets in private possession (mentioned as F. 1, 2, 3, Delitzsch HWB xiii), cited from unpublished copies of Delitzsch Tallqvist APN K. Tallqvist, Assyrian Personal Names (= ASSF 43/1) Tallqvist K. Tallqvist, Akkadische GotterGotterepitheta (- StOr 7) epitheta Tallqvist K. Tallqvist, Die assyrische BeMaqlu schworungsserie Maqlu (- ASSF 20/6) Tallqvist NBN K. Tallqvist, Neubabylonisches Namenbuch ... ((- ASSF 32/2) TCL Textes cuneiformes du Louvre TCS Texts from Cuneiform Sources Tell Asmar tablets excavated at Tell Asmar, in the collections of the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago Tell Halaf J. Friedrich et al., Die Inschriften vom Tell Halaf (- AfO Beiheft 6) Th. tablets in the collections of the British Museum




ProvisionalList of BibliographicalAbbreviationsThompson AH SR. C. Thompson, The Assyrian Thompson Chem.Thompson Herbal R. C. Thompson, On the Chemistry of the Ancient Assyrians R. C. Thompson, A Dictionary of Assyrian Botany R. C. Thompson, A Dictionary of Assyrian Chemistry and Geology R. C. Thompson, The Prisms of Esarhaddon and of Ashurbanipal ... R. C. Thompson, The Epic of Gilgamish R. C. Thompson, The Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers ... F. Thureau-Dangin, M. Dunand et al., Til-Barsib Texts in the Iraq Museum Tabulae Cuneiformes a F. M. Th. de Liagre Bohl collectae F. Thureau-Dangin, Textes mathdmatiques babyloniens Tukulti-Ninurta Epic, pub. AAA 20, pls. 101ff., and Archaeologia 79 pl. 49; transliteration in Ebeling, MAOG 12/2, column numbers according to W. G. Lambert, AfO 18 38ff. H.Torczyner,Altbabylonische Tempelrechnungen ... Ungnad NRV Glossar Uruanna UVB A. Ungnad, Neubabylonische Rechts- und Verwaltungsurkun. den. Glossar pharmaceutical series uruanna :


maitakalVorlaufiger Bericht iiber die ... Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka (Berlin 1930ff.) VAB Vorderasiatische Bibliothek VAS Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler VAT tablets in the collections of the Staatliche Museen, Berlin VBoT A. Gotze, Verstreute Boghazkoitexte VDI Vestnik Drevnel Istorii VIO Veroffentlichungen des Instituts fir Orientforschung, Berlin Virolleaud C. Virolleaud, Comptabilite chalComptabilit6 d6enne (epoque de la dynastie dite seconde d'Our) Virolleaud C. Virolleaud, La legende ph6niDanel cienne de Danel Virolleaud C. Virolleaud, Fragments de textes Fragments divinatoires assyriens du Musee Britannique VT Vetus Testamentum Walther A. Walther, Das altbabylonische Gerichtswesen Gerichtswesen (- LSS 6/4-6) Ward Seals W. H. Ward, The Seal Cylinders of Western Asia Warka field numbers of tablets excavated at Warka Watelin Kish Oxford University Joint Expedition to Mesopotamia, Excavations at Kish: III (1925-1927) by L. C. Watelin Waterman L. Waterman, Business Documents Bus. Doc. of the Hammurapi Period (also pub. in AJSL 29 and 30) Weidner E. Weidner, Handbuch der babyloHandbuch nischen Astronomic Weidner Tn. E. Weidner, Die Inschriften Tukulti-Ninurtas I. (- AfO Beiheft 12) Weissbach F. H. Weissbach, Babylonisches Misc. Miscellen (- WVDOG 4) Weitemeyer M. Weitemeyer, Some Aspects of the Hiring of Workers in the Sippar Region at the Time of Hammurabi Wenger AV Festschrift fur Leopold Wenger, 2. Band, Miinchener Beitrage zur Papyrusforschung und Antiken Rechtsgeschichte, 35. Heft Wilcke C. Wilcke, Das Lugalbandaepos Lugalbanda WincklerAOF H. Winckler, Altorientalische ForWinckler Sammlung Winckler Sar.

DAC ThompsonEsarh. Thompson

Gilg.Thompson Rep. Thureau-

DanginTil-Barsib TIM TLB TMB


Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology TuL E. Ebeling, Tod und Leben nach den Vorstellungen der Babylonier TuM Texte und Materialien der Frau Professor Hilprecht Collection of Babylonian Antiquities im Eigentum der Universitat Jena Turner S. M. Katre, ed., Sir Ralph Turner Jubilee Vol. Jubilee Volume UCP University of California Publications UE Ur Excavations UET Ur Excavations, Texts Ugumu lexical series, pub. MSL 9 51-65 Ugumu Bil. lexical series, pub. MSL 9 67-73 UM tablets in the collections of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia UMB University Museum Bulletin Unger Babylon E. Unger, Babylon, die heilige Stadt ... Unger BelE. Unger, Die Stele des Bel-harranharran-belibeli-ussur ussur Unger Relief- E. Unger, Reliefstele Adadniraris stele III. aus Saba'a und Semiramis

Torczyner Tempelrechnungen TSBA

schungen H. Winckler, Sammlung von Keilschrifttexten H. Winckler, Die KeilschrifttexteSargons ...



ProvisionalList of BibliographicalAbbreviationsWiseman Alalakh Wiseman Chron. Wiseman Treaties WO Woolley D. J. Wiseman, The Alalakh Tablets D. J. Wiseman, Chronicles of the Chaldean Kings ... D. J. Wiseman, The Vassal Treaties of Esarhaddon (- Iraq 20 Part 1) Die Welt des Orients Carchemish, Report on the Excavations at Djerabis on behalf of the British Museum Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich - Schiller - Universitat Jena Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes tablets in the Babylonian Collection, Yale University Library S. C. Ylvisaker, Zur babylonischen und assyrischen Grammatik (LSS 5/6)

YOR YOS ZA ZAW ZDMG ZDPV ZE Zimmern Fremdw. Zimmern Igtar und Saltu Zimmern Neujahrsfest ZK ZS

Carchemish WVDOG

WZJ WZKM YBCYlvisaker Grammatik

Yale Oriental Series, Researches Yale Oriental Series, Babylonian Texts Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palastina-Vereins Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie H. Zimmern, Akkadische Fremdworter ... , 2nd ed. H. Zimmern, Itar und Saltu, ein altakkadisches Lied (BSGW Phil.-

hist. Kl. 68/1)H. Zimmern, Zum babylonischen Neujahrsfest (BSGW Phil.-hist. Kl. 58/3); zweiter Beitrag (ibid.

70/5)Zeitschrift fur Keilschriftforschung Zeitschrift fur Semitistik

Other Abbreviationsabbr. acc. Achaem. abbreviated, abbreviation accusative Achaemenid adjective administrative (texts) Adad-nirari adverb Akkadian Summa alu apodosis appendix Aramaic Assurbanipal AMSur-nair-apli II Assyrian astrological (texts) astronomical (texts) Babylonian bilingual (texts) Boghazkeui business Cambyses chemical (texts) chronicle column collation, collated commentary (texts) conjunction corresponding dem. denom. det. diagn. DN doc. dupl. EA econ. ed. Elam. Esarh. esp. Etana etym. ext. fact. fem. fragm. gen. geogr. Gilg. Gk. gloss. GN gramm. group voc. Heb. hemer. hist. Hitt. Hurr. demonstrative denominative determinative diagnostic (texts) divine name document duplicate El-Amarna economic (texts) edition Elamite Esarhaddon especially Etana myth etymology, etymological extispicy factitive feminine fragment(ary) genitive, general geographical Gilgamee Greek glossary geographical name grammatical (texts) group vocabulary Hebrew hemerology historical (texts) Hittite Hurrian

adj.adm. Adn. adv. Akk. Alu apod. app. Aram. Asb. Asn. Ass. astrol. astron. Babyl. bil. Bogh. bus. Camb. chem. chron. col. coll. comm. conj. corr.

Cyr.Dar. dat.

CyrusDarius dative



Other Abbreviationsimp. inc. incl. indecl. inf. inscr. interj. interr. intrans. inv. Izbu lament. LB leg. let. lex. lit. log. Ludlul 1w. MA masc. math. MB med. meteor. MN mng. n. NA NB Nbk. Nbn. Ner.nom.

OA OAkk. OB obv. occ. Old Pers. opp. orig. p. P Palmyr. part. pharm. phon.

imperative incantation (texts) including indeclinable infinitive inscription interjection interrogative intransitive inventory Summa izbu lamentation Late Babylonian legal (texts) letter lexical (texts) literally, literary (texts) logogram, logographic Ludlul bel nemeqi loan word Middle Assyrian masculine mathematical (texts) Middle Babylonian medical (texts) meteorology, meteorological (texts) month name meaning note Neo-Assyrian Neo-Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar II Nabonidus Neriglissar nominative Old Assyrian Old Akkadian Old Babylonian obverse occurrence, occurs Old Persian opposite (of) (to) original(ly) page Palmyrenian participle pharmaceutical (texts) phonetic

physiogn. pl. pl. tantum PN prep. pres. Pre-Sar. pret. pron. prot. pub. r. redupl. ref. rel. rit. RN RS s. Sar. SB Sel. Sem. Senn. Shalm. sing. stat. const. str. Sum. supp. syll. syn. Syr. Tigl. Tn. trans. translat. translit. Ugar. uncert. unkn. unpub. v. var. wr. WSem. x x x

physiognomatic (omens) plural, plate plurale tantum personal name preposition present

Pre-Sargonicpreterit pronoun, pronominal protasis published reverse reduplicated, reduplication reference religious (texts) ritual (texts) royal name Ras Shamra substantive Sargon II Standard Babylonian Seleucid Semitic Sennacherib Shalmaneser singular status constructus strophe Sumerian supplement syllabically synonym(ous) Syriac Tiglathpileser Tukulti-Ninurta I transitive translation transliteration Ugaritic uncertain unknown unpublished verb variant written West Semitic number not transliterated illegible sign in Akk. illegible sign in Sum.





Kka pron.; you (masc. sing.); lex.*

6 t = a-a, ka-a, a-na-[ku], at-[ta],gu-[u] Diri II123ff.; zu-u zuT = [ka]-a MSL 2 132 vii 43 (Proto-Ea).

Except in the lex. texts, -ka occurs only as suffix. kai see kiam. ka'itu (kajdtu, gajdtu, qajdtu) s.; (a cereal and a prepared cereal); OB, MB, Nuzi, NB.[SE.KUD.DA] = ka-a-tu (followed by elmeu, q.v.) Practical Vocabulary Assur 18. t Idl-an-gu, t.E.MU5, t.E.GUD, t [kal-a-[tel :t el-me-su, E.GUD = ka-a-[te], U.SE.KUD.DA :

weapons) RA 18 65 x 35 (Practical Vocabulary Elam). oI.Ivu kus.E.iB.UR.ME si.ba ib.si : til-pa-na u ka-ba-ba u-te-e-8[ir] Angim III 36, restored from BM 123445 r. If. (courtesy W. G. Lambert); il-lu-ruGIAUB ku s.E.iB.tR.M sAu.si.sa.da.zu : til-pa-nu u ka-ba-bu ina utMuriki when you set the bow and shield in order RA 12 74:17f.tuk-u = a-ri-tu, ka-ba-bu Malku III 23f.;

ka-ba-bu a-ri-[td] KAR 180:13' (Alu Comm.?).

t [ka-a]-tu Uruanna II 479ff.

a) inadm.: 8 ku.gud ku.ga.ba.bu. bi 32 diri 2 kus.ga.ba.bu.um tur i.gal eight ox hides, yielding (lit. their) 32 shields, the excess being two small shields BIN 9329:13 and 15 (early OB), cf. 21 kug.ga.ba.

a) in OB: 1 BAN SE ga-ia-tum JCS 11 107 bu.um kug.gud.bi 6 ibid. 111:1; 43 ku 43 old shields CUA 81:19; uncert.: 1 na-ru-qu-4zi-ir ha-s[i] ga.ba.bu.um sumun 1 sa ga-a-a-ti-i one sack with lettuce seed, one ibid. 85:1, and passim in the texts dealing withwith gajdtu-cereal UET 5 805:11. deliveries of hides; 1 sila i.gi kuA.ga.ba. 6 KUS

bu.um 'e.e.deshield(s)

one sila of oil to rub

b) in MB: 1 siLA ka-'-a-tum (preceded by jaruttu, in a list of spices) PBS 2/2 107:37. c) in Nuzi: x barley ana qa-a-a-tialso, HSS 16 123:8, 125:14, 128:7, RA 56 77:5,

Tell Asmar 1930, 30:31 (OB);

ga-ba-bu 21 GI.BAN.ME (sum total of Ugar. ql' "shield" and qSt "bow") RA 37 109:24,also ibid. 111:48, and passim in this text, also ibid.117:18.

wr. ga-a-a-ti HSS 16 120:4 and 12, 136:6; for

other refs. see gajdtu.d) inNB: x flour x qmeqa-a-ta Weissbach Misc. pl. 15 No. 3:4 (Dar.), also TCL 9 117:26;

1 PI qa-a-a-tu u aba(h)sinnu Gordon SmithCollege 85:13; x barley ana qa-a-a-tum Cyr. 80: 9. For gajatu in Nuzi, see Speiser, Language 33 478; Cassin, RA 52 20.

b) other occs.: ultanasbar kima kidkatte GI9 a-ra-a-te GIv ka-ba-ba-te (see sabdru A mng. 6) Streck Asb. 256:24; narkabdte ga-ba-bi azmare sirijam (as tribute, for context see azmard usage b) OIP 2 60:57 (Senn.); gumma KUA ka-ba-ab suM-h4 ina KI.KAL A if someone gives him a leather shield he will get out of(his) distress Dream-book 324 K.2018A:11;


kabAbu (gabdbu) s.; shield; OB, RS, SB, NA, Akk. lw. in Sum.; pl. kabdabtu.kus.ka.ba.bu.um, kus 6.ka.ba.bu.um MSL 7 219:105f. (OB Forerunner to Hh. XI); klu.E.[iB.tR.M]h = tuk-u = a-ri-tum // ka-ba-baHg. A II 178, in MSL 7 151; kus.E.fB.tR.AE,

IA.NIGIN kima ka-ba-bu if the intestines are like a shield (parallel: arituline 35) BRM 4 13:36.

kug.ka.ba.bu.um = ka-ba-bu Nabnitu XXIII 186f.; [gis g]a.ba.bu.um MAR.TU (among

c) in ndA (or sab) kababi shield-bearer: 20 lim dab qa~ti 10 lim nd GIA ka-ba-bi ncd izma-re-e (I organized a contingent of) 20,000 bowmen, 10,000 shield-bearers (and) spearmen Winckler Sar. pl. 23 No. 49:400, cf. ndi


kababu ka-ba-bi azmare Rost Tigl. III p. 34:199, also TCL 3 289, Lie Sar. 72:11, nSA GIA ka-ba-bi GIA azmare Winckler Sar. pl. 47:58, also pl. 34 No. 72:117 and Iraq 16 179:10 (Sar.), sab qasti ka-

kaballu bu-ub suhsidu igdta ana bit ameli inaddi (see idtu mng. 2a-1') Boissier DA 19 iii 42 (SB ext.), see Boissier Choix 205; KI. MIN (= tele'i) inasahmagta t5e kub-bu-u[b] x x x STT 71:27. b) to char: 7 hirse sa (GI.MA.NU itenid svUHU-su-nu izi tu-kab-bab you char the bottoms of seven blocks of ash wood at one time CT 23 11:30, cf. (a branch) ina izi tu-kab-ba-ab AMT 18,9:8; the horn of a stag ina izi tu-kab-bab K6cher BAM 166:13, dupl. STT 286 r.(!) i 3; [li]-kab-bi-ba lariki may he scorch your (the forest's) branchesCT 46 26 ii 6 (Gilg. VII); sheep carcasses sa

ba-bi azmart bow-men, shield-bearers and spearmen TCL 3 320.Landsberger, AfO 18 379 n. 8.

kababu (gabdbu) v.; 1. to burn, scorch, to char wood, 2. kubbubu to set fire to, to burn, to char; OB (lex.), SB, NB; I ikbubikabbab-kabib,II; gabdbu G6ssmann Era I 33;

cf. gubbubu adj. and v., gubibtu, kabbu, kibbu B.su.r[u.uz] = [ka-ba]-bu, izi.kua.[ku,.ru] =[MJN Ad] Izi Antagal D 162f.; su.ru.uz = ka-ba-

idati tu-ka-bi-ib

which a fire has charred

.gug, bar = MIN [bu], GIR.1a, kug.kus.ru, a izi Nabnitu XXIII 181ff.; lu.izi.ku.kur (var. [kur(?)].ku) = Aa i-a-ta-am ka-ab-bu OB Lu B iv 39; di[b].ba = ka-ba-bu Antagal H 33; DI = ka-ba-bu CT 19 6 K.11155:10 (text similar to Idu); u.ru.uz.za(var..a) = hamatu 4a ka-ba-biAntagal VIII 110. su.ru.uz = ku-ub-bu-bu Antagal H 31; izi.'u. ru.uz = MIN (= IZT) ku-ub-bu-bu Izi I 78. hu.uz.za // e-mu-u Ad ka-ba-bu to roast, referring to burning GCCI 2 406:10 (med. conmm.), see hilsu.

GCCI 1 157:4 (NB). For Labat TDP 22:39, see kapdpu.

kabibu see kapdpu. kabadu see kabdtu. kabaku s.; (a type of field); NA.* pipru 9a ina muhhi KASKAL [Sarri] pani sa ina muhhi URU.AE PN ina mahar ka-ba-ki a lot which is at the king's road, its front at the manor of PN, in front of the k. KAV 186 r. 6; 3 imir ka-ba-ku ADD 623 r. 7. kaballu (kabalu) s.; leg of the shoe, leggings; Mari, OB Alalakh, MB, Bogh., EA, Nuzi; foreign word; cf. epiA kapalli. a) in Mari: 2 ka-ba-al-lu ... MU.TUM Aplahanda two (pairs?) of k. (among garments) received from Aplahanda ARM7 238:6.

1. to burn, scorch, to char wood - a) in gen.: kima Girra ku(var. gu)-bu-um-ma hu-mut kima nabli scorch like fire, burnlike a flame! G6ssmann Era I 33; aqqullu

i-kab-ba-bu ki idti (see anqullu) BBSt. No. 6 i 17 (Nbk. I); libba la i-kab-ba-ab-ka .so that your heart may not burn you KAR 238r. 14 (SB inc.), see MAOG 5/3 42, cf. libbd ... i-kab-bab-an-[ni] Thompson Rep. 235 A 13 (NB).

b) to char wood: ina imnigunu GIg.MA.NU Sa ina appi u idi idta kab-bu na each carries in his right hand an ash branch charred in fire at the tip and the baseKAR 298:3, also BBR No. 46:18, see AAA 22 64,

b) in OB Alalakh: 3 TUG.Gf.E.A 2 KU.E. siR 2 ka(copy tu)-ba-al-li three cloaks, two (pairs of) shoes, two k.-leggings WisemanAlalakh 56:18.

cf. [9a ... ] suu-4243:6,

izi kab-bu

Or. NS 24

[...] ta-kab-bab ibid. 246:18.

2. kubbubu to set fire to, to burn, to char - a) to set fire to, to burn: aoih.BAR-nid tu-kab-ba-bi zumri you (Lamatu) burn bodies like fire 4R 56 ii 4 (Lamastu), cf. Girra TIJG meAinu ka-b[a-lum] ibid. 127:8; 1 TUG li-kah-bi-ib-Siu-nu-ti let Girra burn them up me-Ae- tah-ba-ti qal-pu KA GUN 1 TUG Lambert, AfO 18 293:61; addat ameli ina kub- KI.I (mistake for KI.MIN = meAin) ka-ba-li

c) in MB: 1 T1UG meSin ka-ba-li suMuN one (pair) of old cloth shoes with leggings BE 14 157:85; [x] TUG megin ka-ba-li a bit ili ibid. 65; [x] mecin ka-ba-li KI 9a bit ili ibid. 19; 5 TUG mesenu ka-ba(!)-lum GAL.ME five (pairs) of large shoes with leggings PBS 2/2 121:33 (coll. R. D. Biggs), cf. 1


kabaltu one pair of threadbare .... cloth shoes, with multicolored trim, one pair of old cloth k.-shoes (among garments) HS 128:8; 1 mi-sen U.BI.GAL 1 mi-en ka-balim one pair of ... .- shoes, one pair of shoes with k.-leggings HS 157 iv 30, also edge 2, 4SUMUN.MEs (both texts courtesy J. Aro); [x] TUG me-se-nu ka-ba-lum CBS 3235:19 (unpub., courtesy R. D. Biggs).

kabilu kabilu v.; 1. to be paralyzed, to be lame, 2. kubbulu to make immobile, to hinder movements, 3. II/2 (passive to kubbulu); OB, SB, NB; I (stative only), II, 11/2, II/3 (inf. kutabbulu, lex. only); cf. kibiltu, kubbulu.i-da ERIM, ZA-tenu = tu-Aa-bu-lu (error for kutabs bulu) Ea II Excerpt ii 24'f., see Ea II 230f., cited kubbulu lex. section.ne-'-u = ka-ba-lu (var. ka-ba-ru) Malku II 271;

d) Akkadogram in Bogh.: LU E-PIS T GKA-BAL-LI Friedrich Gesetze p. 78 176B: 25, cf. 1-NU-TIM 1 TUG GA-BAL-LI 1-NU-TIM KUS.E.SIR 1 TA-PAL TUG KA-BAL-LU KUB 17 18 ii 22; KUB 12 8 i 19; TUG KA-BAL KUB 2 2 iv 4, cf.

pa-sa-lum = kub-bu-[lu] Izbu Comm. 416; hummu-,at // ku-ub-bu-la-[at] BM 37059:1 (comm., courtesy W. G. Lambert). tu-kam-bal 5R 45 K.253 iii 29.

KUB 7 33:21.

1. to be paralyzed, to be lame - a) kabalu: [summa] amelu suhar eqbiSu ka-bil if the of a man's heel is paralyzed Kocher ....BAM 124 i 50.

e) in EA: 1 u senu GUN.A 1 U TUG ka-p[a]l-[l]u 9[a] i'li one pair of shoes with colored trim, one pair of leggings made ofi'lu-fabric EA 22 ii 35, cf. ibid. 26 and 32; 1 senu sa GADA GUN.A ga iduzzarrigunu 1 su TUG ka-pa-lu Sa i'li one pair of linen

shoes with colored trim, whose (the shoes') .... , one pair of k.-leggings made of i'lu-fabric ibid. 34 (list of gifts of Tusratta). f) in Nuzi: 2 tapalu ka-pa-al-lu.ME 9a birmi 4 tapalu ka-pa-al-lu.ME baslu 1 TUG us-pa-hu baslu 63 tapalu ka-pa-al-lu.ME BABBAR.ME two pairs of leggings with multicolored trim, four pairs of dyed leggings, one dyed uspahu-garment, 63 pairs ofundyed leggings HSS 14 247:37f., cf. HSS 15

b) kubbulu (referring to a physical handicap, stative only): ana aldkim ku-ub-bu-ul he is unable to go TCL 1 46:28 (OB let.); summa amilu pisu apassu ana imitti kubbu-ul-ma dabdba la i[le'i] if a man's mouth and lip are skewed to the right side and he cannot speak AMT 24,1:3, also ibid. 9; [umma mu~dra] ku-um-bu-ul if (his) penis is paralyzedBRM 4 22:20 (physiogn.); Summa sinnistu

ulidma gip imittiku ku-ub-bu-lat if a woman gives birth and the right foot (of the child) is lame Leichty Izbu III 83, also (with the left) ibid. 84; gumma littu ulidma ku-ub-bu[ul] if a cow gives birth and (the calf)is lameLeichty Izbu XIX 19.

[x] tapalu qa-pal-li HSS 13 idtiniitu qa-ba-al-lu one set of k. HSS 15 163:4. It is uncertain whether the word refers to an integral part of a shoe, possibly some legging reaching up to the knee or higher, or to a separate garment as, for instance, stockings or hose reaching up to the knee or even the waist and kept up by a belt or the like. 169:23, 174:8;431:17 (= RA 36 204), Goetze, Corolla Linguistica 62; Salonen Fussbekleidung 64f.

2. kubbulu to make immobile, to hinder movements: Summa awilum aggat awilim ,a zikaram la idima ina bit abiSa wagbat 4-kabbil-gi-ma ina siiniga ittatilma if a man pins down another man's wife, who has not yet had sexual relations and still lives in her father's house, and then rapes herCH 130:60; ana mu-ka-bi-li-ia e-si--

Su-nu-i-im-ma lillikiinim assign (fields) to the people who are hindering me so that they come here BIN 7 45:24 (OB let.). 3. 11/2 (passive to kubbulu): Sapassu uk-tam-bil Inu ishirma his lip was paralyzed, (his) eye became small (description of theeffect of a stroke) Piepkorn Asb. 62:11, cf. ACh

kabaltu s.; (mng. unkn.); plant list.[... ].x. BI : ka-bal-tum (between nurbi buqli and ze buqli) K6cher Pflanzenkunde p. 8 No. 32 i 13.

Sin 23:1, cited kapalu lex. section.


kabaluFor Thompson Rep. 174:6, see kabasu mng. 3a-2'. Bauer, ZA 42 168.

kabiruK. 11807 iii 29 (text similar to Idu); [gu-ur] [LAGAB] = [ku-u]b-bu-ru A I/2:8; gur 4 = kub-bu-r[u]

kabalu see kaballu. kabarahhu see gabarahhu. kabarru see kaparru C. kabartu s.; 1. thickness, mng.); OB, SB; cf. kabaru. 2. (uncert.

2R 44 No. 2:11 (group voc.). nu.ku.da.a.ni [a]l.gur 4 .re.en.e.e : ina la akalime ka-ab-rat has she become fat without eating? Lambert BWL 241:41f. tu-kab-bar 5R 45 K.253 viii 51.

1. thickness: ka-bar-tum = emqu thickness predicts strength (comm. on Summa qutun marti kabar) CT 20 39:8 (SB ext.).

1. to become fat, heavy, thick, strong a) said of animals and human beings: gumma serru ibahhi u i-kab-bir Labat TDP 226: 88, cf. i-kab-bir i-ba-ah-hu K.6053:9', also jumma amilu i-kab-be-er AMT 53,11:3,and parallel AMT 17,8:1, cited bah'i v.; summa

huzir la i-ka-b[i -ru] assimim dinaSunu summa -Ek-bi -ru lizzizu if the hogs do 4 2. (uncert. mng.): kurki MUEN isur not become fat, offer them for sale, if they asakki la ka-bar-tim-ma DU 6 +DU-u qaqqari me become fat, let them stay BIN 6 84: 35f. ina sate[u] u -ba-4(!)-ni idassi the goose (OA); [alpum] S mddi ka-ba-ar that ox is the bird of the asakku-demon, they make is very fat ARM 1 86:11, cf. alpum ka-ba-ar it fly up without k., when drinking water BIN 7 42:10 (OB). on(?) the ground, it cries, "they make me b) said of parts of the body: summa responsible for the blood" STT 341:14, cf. kurki issiir DUR.AN.KI la ka-bar-ti ul-te(text immeru kidda ka-bar if the sheep has a thick -tam)-lu-in-ni KAR 125:11 (SB); uncert.: neck AfO 9 119:3 (SB); Jumma GIM arikma u ka-ba-ar-tim ganid sumsu nakrum alkakatika ka-bar if he has a long and thick penis BRM iptanarras- k., second apodosis: the enemy 4 22:27 (physiogn.), also Kraus Texte 9d r. 10', will keep your roads blocked RA 27 142:34 cf. abunnassu kab-rat // kab-sat BRM 4 22:8; aptdAu mddis ik-tab-ra if his summa ... (OB ext.), perhaps to be emended to kaba lips have become very swollen Labat TDP rahhu, see gabarahhu, cf. ka-ba-ra-ah LU(!). 72:22; [Summa NA SIG].IGI-u [imittil ka-bar KUR ibid. 35. if a man's right eyebrow is thick KAR 395 i kabartu see kabbartu. 1, cf. ibid. 6, also Iraq 24 55: 30b; gumma hi'- i ikSa kiSdssu bir-ma Kraus Texte 14 r. 12; kabar'u s.; (mng. unkn.); Mari.* kurima u ka-bar this (means) that his neck 1 GUR GIS.MA ana ka-ba-ar-i one gur of figs for k. ARMT 12 738:2, also 573:2; 1 DUG is short and thick Kraus, MVAG 40/2 60:2; [summa i]zbu qerbiu kab-ru Leichty Izbu 9a x ana ka-ba-ar-i ibid. 586:2. Possibly the name of a festival. kabaru see kamaru.XVI 112.c) said of parts of the exta: Summa ri-suum ka-ba-ar YOS 10 42 ii 55 (OB ext.); qutun kabAru (habdru) v.; 1. to become fat, martim ik-bi-ir Bab. 2 pl. 6 (opposite p. 257): 6 heavy, thick, strong, 2. kubburu to make (OB ext. report), cf. Summa qutun marti kathick, heavy, strong, 3. IV/3 to be constantly bar if the neck of the gall bladder is thick puffed up; from OA, OB on; I ikbir - ikab; CT 20 39 iii 8 (SB); Summa eri9tum iissa bir - kabar (ka-bir YOS 3 200:30), II (uhab- idannini-kab-bir-ma if the base of the eriStuIV/3; cf. kabartu, mark is strong and thick Boissier DA 11 i 10 bir Lyon Sar. 24:37), kabbartu, kabbaru, kabru, kabritu, kubdru A, (SB ext.), dupl. CT 30 25:9; Summa ta-al-lu kubburu, kubru, kuburrd, mukabbiru, muktab ik-bi-ir-ma if the diaphragm is thick YOS 10 42 iii 31, cf. tirdnu ... eli mindtiSu ik-bi-ru biru, takbaru. if the intestines are thicker than usual BRM [mu-ur] [HAR] = [k]a-ba-rum A V/2:243; [bu-ur] 4 13:19. [BRn] = ka-ba-ru Ad E to grow thick, said of grainoi.uchicago.edukabaru d) said of timber and trees: asHihz ... a 1 siLA Sa 2 siLA ka-ab(!)-ru (see a~ihu usage c) VAS 16 52:7, cf. kuabku-trees 9a siLA siLA adi 1 SiLA GUR 4kabasu on the first day (of the month) and it isTCL 6 17 r. 11f. (astrol. thick and .... with comm.), also summa Sin ina tdmartifuLIH 72:10 (both OB let-ters); [1,4] siLA ina isdidu ik-bi-ir 8 siLA ina appigu ik-bi-ir (the cedar) is x silas thick at the base, eight silas thick at the top MKT 1368 i 2, cf. also ibid. 7 (OB math.), cf. ina ktarbasa lamima ka-bar u uparruru // D.1.KAM tarbasa lamima // ka-[bar] ibid. r. 41 (catchline), also AfO 14 187:9 (catalog), see Weidner,AfO 14 314f., cf. gumma Sin ina IGI-u ka-barKI.MIN ku-ri ACh Supp. 2 Sin 8 i 4-10.masi ik-bi-ir how thick was it? MOT 57 Ec 2; 2. kubburu to make thick, heavy, strong(cedar and cypress) Ja ultu iime pan? a) in brick construction: kisirta ... x magal ik-bi-ru(var. adds -u)-ma islthu Idnu which from of old grew thick and tall Borger agurri u-ke-bir(var. -bi-ir) (see agurru mng. Esarh. 61 v 76, cf. islhuma ik-bi-ru dannis lb-2') AOB 1 72:29, 74:11, cf. ibid. 76:42, 86 r.OIP 2 107 vi 51 and 120:39 (Senn.); husabi 'a 4 (all Adn. I), 136 r. 7 (Shalm. I), also Scheil Tn.x SILA ka-bir (see husdbu mng. 2)200:30 (NB).YOS 3e) said of ears of barley: eniima se'u ka-bar Adad irahhis when the barley is full, the storm will beat it down CT 39 ka-ba-ar 16:42 (SB Alu), cf. (the barley) TCL 17 4:15; itu seum ka-ba-ar TIM 4 a la ka(?)-ab-ra-tum is. 36 r. 16 (both OB); siduma they harvest before (the ear) is full (for fear of locusts) Aro, WZJ 8 572:25 (MB let.); ebiru Sa [mdti?] lu siaG-iq an-turn [u ... lu-u k]ab-ba-ra su(?)-[bul?-tu? lu-u] i-kab-bir may the land's harvest be fine, may the ear and the [...] be very full, may the ear of barley(?) become full STT 87:29 (NAlit.).II r. 58, 40 libndti u-kab-bir OIP 2 111 vii 68 (Senn.); 13 libndti ina nalbanijarabe u-ka-beer-su I made the wall 13 bricks thick (using) my large brick mold (as the standard) wo2 42:52 (Shalm. III); note uzaqqir ... u-hab-bir-ma Lyon Sar. 24: 37. b) other occs.: ah nakrini nu-ka-ab-baar u GIS. UKUR-6u nuda[nnan] we add to the strength of our enemy and strengthenhis lance SH 919:31 (courtesy J. Laessoe);f) other occs.: igdrum ... [2 KiS] ana Saplidtim ka-ba-ar a wall, two cubits thick below TMB 129 No. 231:2, cf. ittat ammat igartum ka-ab-ra-at TCL 10 3:4, cited ... la iqattin u la igartu usage c; GI.I i-ka-bi-ir (see biruju usage c) TLB 4 34:29 (OB let.); adurm . . . ah nakrini la i-ka-bi-ru u GI.SUKUR-u la idanninu kam ZpuS he acted in such a way that the strength of our enemy would not become greater and his lance would not get stronger SH 919:50 (courtesy J. Laessoe); Jumma rigma ka-bar if he has a sonorous voice AfO 11 224:81 (SB physiogn.); Summa tarbasa lamima ka-bar u Su parruru UD.I.KAM tarbasalamzma ka-bar u rab-[s]u if (the moon) is surrounded by a halo and it (the halo?) is thick and spread out, (explanation:) it is surrounded by a halo 5digla u-kab-bir-ma I taxed(?) my eyesight (see be's'u usage b-2') 3R 2 No. 22:58 (colophon); PN, my brother's messenger, and my brother's people who came with PN uktebbit andku gabbisunu u uk-te-ib-bi-ir-gu-nu dannis I have honored them all and esteemed them highly EA 20:65 (let. of Tusratta); Summa ubbur I ku-ub-b[ur] (obscure) KAR 395 v 3 (SB physiogn.). 3. IV/3 to be constantly puffed up: ittanappas kima niini it-ta-nak-bir kma seri he (the patient) gapes(?) like a fish, puffs himself up like a snake Kiichler Beitr. pl. 2 ii 24.For AfO 18 77b 10, see kapdru A v. mng. 3c.kabasu v.; 1. to step into something (unclean) accidentally, 2. to step upon something on purpose, to trample, to crush, defeat an enemy, to bother, to make people do work, to press people, to stamp out a fire, to suppress noise, to make compact, to full cloth, to let time pass, 3. to stride, to walk upon, to pace off, (with kubussi) to make regulations, to come in, 4. to exertoi.uchicago.edukabsu 1oneself, to put pressure upon a person, to drop a claim, a case, to forgive, pardon a sin, 5. kubbusu (samemngs.), 6. kutabs busu to put pressure on each other (reciprocal to mng. 4), 7. gukbusu to allow to walk about, to trample, to make a road or ramp by compressing and stamping the soil, to make concessions, 8. nakbusu (ingressive mng.), 9. IV/3 to submit oneself; from OAkk. on; wr. syll. and KI.u, ZUKUM (GGo4); I ikbus - ikabbas - kabis, 1/2, II, 11/2, III, IV, IV/2, IV/3 (ta-ta-na-ak-bi -siu 4 KTS 4b:20); cf. kabistu A, *kabsu adj., kibsu A and B, kibsu A in 9a kibsi, kubbusu, kubussud, nakbasu, Sukbusu.gir.gub = ka-ba-su, izi.te.en.te.en = MINkabasu 2a cause he has accidentally stepped upon a cultic socle AMT 100,3:15, cf. AMT 15,3:7; [r]imki idi la ida ik-bu-us he stepped into washwater, knowingly or unknowingly AMT 100,3:11, cf. 9a A.TU 5 ik-bu-us ibid. 8; rumikdt me la muesiritu lu ak-bu-Us I stepped (going along a square) on a drain with unclean waterJNES 15 142:43' (lipSur-litanies), cf. also AfO 18 77 K.8927:8, KBo 9 53:1ff.; if his feet refuseto move rumikdti ik-bu-us (diagnosis:) he stepped in dirty water Labat TDP 142 iv 16'; anzilla [lu] ik-bu-us JNES 15 136:93; KI.USAG.MUSEN KI.U-US (diagnosis:) he hasAd i-Sd-ti, igi.dul = MIN 4d i-nim Antagal E c 9ff.; [x.x].kin.us.sa = ka-ba-su (in group with sru and mgsu) Erimhus II 44; su-h[u]-ub +J+MUL = [k]a-ba-su Ea 11 280. gu 4 .gal gu 4 .mah d ki.us kh.ga : gugallu gumahu ka-bs-is rite elleti great and full-grown bull walking over holy pastures 4R 23 No. 1 i 8f.; a.tu5.a.bal.e.de mu.un.da.zukum.ma mu. un.da.zukum.ma : rimka tabka ik-bu-us ik-buus-ma he stepped into thrown-out washwater, he indeed stepped into it CT 17 38:9ff., also ibid. 41 K.4949:6f., and [a luh].ba d6.a gir na.an.zukum.e :[me-e mu-a]a-a-ti la i-ka-ab-ba-as he must not step into dirty water Sumer 9 p. 34ff. No. 28:7f., cf. ibid. llf. and 19f. (MB); musen.ebird stepped on the track(s) of a .... umma amilu ina la ide Labat TDP 34:23; surdra KI.U if without knowing it a man stepped upon a lizard KAR 382:15f. (SB Alu); [umma] qaqqad sgri amilu ik-bu-us-ma ana imitti ishur if a man stepped on the head of a snake and it turned away toward the rightKAR 386:12 and (with left) ibid. 14, cf. ibid. 3 (SB Alu).2. to step upon something on purpose, to trample, to crush, defeat an enemy, to bother, to make people do work, to press people, to stamp out a fire, to suppress noise, to make compact, to full cloth, to let time pass - a) to step upon something on purpose: hurdsa rugdd ippallasma kupra ... edin.dagal i.zukum.e (gloss: ik-bu-s-ma) i-kab-ba-as-ma pagir he looks upon red the bird (its nest destroyed) stepped on an (empty) gold, steps upon bitumen and is free (of vast space Bird-Fish Disputation 116, gloss from ina AMT 90,1 iii 7; CT 42 No. 42 r. 6; da.da.kex(KXD) engur.ra.kex the bewitchment) zukum.e ba.an.na.te.es : idat aps ana Sepiu 9a gumli i-kab-ba-si-ma pasir he ka-ba-su(var. -si) ithni (see idu A lex. section) steps on it (the potsherd) with his left foot CT 16 45:136f.; [K1U].AN a.tus.a gir na.an.uis. and is free AfO 18 76 Text B 28 (SB omens), s[a(!)...] : [a-n]a rim-ka la i-fka-ab-ba-asl cf. [... g]a umli i-kap-pa-as KUB 34 6 r. 9 a-sak-k[u ... ] he must not step into washwater, it is a taboo [...] Sumer 9 p. 34ff. No. 28:9f.; (diagn.); akala u dNisaba Sa ina pisu ilimu se gir.uS da.us : Se-im ki-is-pi (for kibsi) ka- ina apal Jepeu ZUKUM a muhh izzazma MU-ki kit-mu-su at your name(?) Itar, SU.NIGIN EN.MES-e all lords kneel down Biggs Saziga 28:29; exceptional: ilsi Igigi Anunnaki kit-mu-suKUR.KUR ina panisuall lands kneel beforehim Pallis Akitu pl. 8:7, see Zimmern NeujahrsSama ina IGI-ka ana dini dcdni fest 1 138; DU 10.GAM-ku 0 SamaS! I am kneeling before you for you to judge my case JNES 15 142:63' (lipur-lit.), also dini ana ddni kansa-ku dini dina BBR No. 100 r. 46, ana dini ana dini kdm-sa-ku KAR 184 obv.(!) 31; Samas u Adad palhid ak-tam-mis-ma Borgermaharsu when he calls to the Igigi and theCraig Anunnaki, they kneel before him ABRT 1 30:26; muqqa kinsds u kit-mu-s[a ... ] AfO 19 51:87 (SB lit.); in hist.: kit-mu-su they knelt, beseeching his usappu be issu lordship Borger Esarh. 32:8; difficult: lamass sa illfru nas"c kit-mu-sa rittdain sate ...protective deities carrying a red flower infolded(?) hands OIP 2 107 vi 33 (Senn.).Esarh. 82 r. 20; Jumman ana pa-ni-u ta-akmi-is if you would submit to him KBo1 11 r.(!) 12, see ZA 44 120 (Ursu story); akta-mis maharun Borger Esarh. 19 Ep. 16:11;3. kummusu to squat, to kneel: ina sup u labdn appi ku-um-mu-sak ina mahriun with prayer and prostration I knelt before119oi.uchicago.edukamisu Bthem (the gods) AnSt 8 46 i 19, also VAB 4 290 i 5 (Nbn.); ina muhhi kussi ka-mu-us he squats upon the throne MVAG 41/3 14 iii 4 (MA royal rit.).ka'matuthose who kneel down in supplication (conflation of enneta pataru and illata pataru, parallel: but you always accept the prayers of those who bless you) Lambert BWL 136:163; note in IV/3: [gimi]r(?) arrdni. .. [mahar]ka 4. 11/2 reflexive to kummusu: ina muhhi it-ta-nak-me-su unamaqu sipgka all(?) kings Adpieu uk-tam-ma-as-ma ugab he should sit kneel before you and kiss your feet Bauer squatting on his haunches Kiichler Beitr. pl. 1 i Asb. 80 r. 4. 13, cf. uk-tam-mi-is-ma attagah abakki I sat The actual nature of the posture denoted down, crouching, and cried Gilg. XI 136. by kamasu and ina kimsi or ina sp kamasu 5. gukmusu to have someone kneel down: is difficult to ascertain. It may be kneeling utli us-tak-mi-is sinniti ina idija he had on one or both knees or squatting or sitting my wife get on board and had her kneel on one's haunches. For Gilg. VII iv 41, see kamdsu A mng. 4d; for beside me Gilg. XI 191; amila tu-Sak-ma-asma kdm taqabbi you have the man kneel and LTBA 2 1 xi 125 and CT 18 23e:28 (= Malku III 159) and CT 18 47e: 11 see kamasu s. fPN 9a rittaSu then you recite the following UET 6 410 r. 1, ana fPN ka-am-[x]-at VAS 5 114:4 (NB) is obsee Iraq 22 224 (SB rit.), cf. LIJ.BI DU1 0 .GAMsu-m[a] AMT 79,2:7, also LU Juatu tu-Sakscure because atrat is expected.2ma(var. -mas)-su-ma Or. NS 36 2:22 and ibid. 28:18'; NA.BI tu-gak-mas-su-ma mala libs bau .sabtu DUG 4.DUG 4 LKA 112 r. 10; LU ina muhhi tu-jak-mas you have the man kneel over them (the objects used in the ritual) Or. NS 34 117:21 (all namburbis); anaIGI MUL.MAR.GID.DA DU 1 0 .GAM-58kamasu s.; rest period; syn. list*.ka-ma-su (var. [ka-ma]-as-su), ka-ra-ru-u, a-i-tum = mu-us-la-lu Malku III 159-160a; uncert.: CT 18 [x x] ba-a uk-k-kku = ka-ma-su hi-pi eg47 K.4150: 11.kamsu see kamdsu A and B. kamagaru see kamiggaru. kamaauru see kamis'aru. kam u see kamdsu B. kamfti see kamtu A usage b. kam'atu (ka'matu) s.; truffle; OB, Mari*; pl. kam'dtu; cf. ka'u.u GURUN KUR-i : i ka-'-ma-tu Uruanna III 321.DA 42:14 (SB rit.);NA ina GiR-hBoissier DU 10 .GAM-su-ma you have the man sit on his haunches Kocher BAM 316 iv 5, cf. ina kinsiSu tu-sakma(var. -mas)-su-ma ZA 32 172:16, and passim in rits., note ina qaqqari 4-sd-kam-su hemakes him (the king) kneel on the groundRAcc. 144:421; with ref. to the king iuakme-sa apalsun Borger Esarh. 94 r. 7, 111 72r. 10; emiiqdSun lillita usalikuma Sapldnia 4-ak-me-su-.u-nu-ti (the gods) turned their forces into weakness and made them kneelbefore me Borger Esarh. 43:49, cf. garrumu-Ad-ak(var. -gak)-me-si la kanitesu the king who brings to their knees the unsubmissive AKA 266 i 36, cf. mu-gd-ak-me-simalki la kaniitegu 1123 r. 3, AKA 224:17 (both Asn.); ABLina IGI gar garrdni bjlija li-gak-mi-i[s] ABLcf. li-Sak-me-is-an-\nal-[si]1105 r. 25 (both NB), ina qabli tu-sak-masu-nu-te ABL 12 r. 4 (NA). 6. IV to kneel down: ,sit ik-kam(var. -kdm)-sa el-let-si-na tapattar you (BamaS) pardon the sins (text: dispel the troops) ofanumma ... kam-a-tim sindti ana sir bilija ugtdbilam now I am having those truffles sent to my lord ARM 3 28:12, also ibid. 8, cf. 1 quppam 9a kam-a-tim u 1 tuppam sa PN uSdbilam ... anumma quppam u tuppam 9a ublinim qadu kunuk[ki]unu ana sir bilija ultdbila9unfi[ti] the one case of truffles and the one tablet which PN sent me (he presented to me), now I am sending the case and the tablet which they brought to me on to my lord, both under seal ARM 2 104:9; 5 siLA kam(!)-'a-tim utabilakkumABIM 5:18, see Landsberger, WO 3 250. Jean, RA 43 89ff.ka'matu see kam'atu.120oi.uchicago.edukamtu kamatu (kawdtu) in 9a kawiti s.; stranger, outsider; lex.*; cf. kami A adj.lu.bar.ra = a-hu-u, 9a ka-a-wa-tim OB Lu A 277f.kimisu which is to be made should by no means require one talent, (but only) thirty minas for the woof, ten minas for the warp, in all forty minas (per) gugurru (with) a length of one ninda and a width of one-half ninda andone cubit A 3529:4 (OB let., courtesy R. F. G. Sweet); 20 LU.TIG.DUg.A SIG.UZ twenty k.-skamatu see kamantu. kamdalu see kandalu. kamdu (kandu) adj.; (woven and prepared in a special way); OA; cf. kamddu.tdg.ddb.di, tig.dun.dun = ka-an-du, tug. dun.dun = 4d-tu-' woven cloth Hh. XIX 198ff.ana PN 1 TuG kd-db-tdm addin u ina tudrisu 1 T'G kam-DAM 3 TUG kutdni addin BIN 410:6 (OA), perhaps a mistake for kamsam.Note that in Ur III texts, e.g.,ITT 5p. 62 9996, i.dun.dun and i.tag.tag occurside by side referring to weaving done by women. Whether tig .du 8 .a (already Ur III, see kdmidu usage b) in the early OB textsYOS 5 162:2, 250:1, 251:1 and 4 is to beidentified with kamdu remains uncertain. kam8e see kamis.kameeru see kamissaru. kameuru see kamigaru. kdmidu s.; (a craftsman making a special type of woven cloth); OB, Mari, MB; wr. syll. and LU.TUG.DU8(.A); cf. kamddu.[lu.tug.su. dub.da] = [ka-m]i-du-um OB Lu A 11; [ld.tug.su].dub.da = ka-mi-duOB Lu B i 13; LT.TfTG.DUs.DTJ = ka-me-du(!)(working with) goat hair VAS 13 23:2, cf. (as witness) PBS 8/1 44:18; 4 LU.TUG.DU 8 ARMT 13 1 xii 25, for other Mari refs., see Bottdro, ARMT 7 275 n. 1; note also tug. dug.a sig.ga.zuM.ak BIN 9328:13,341:5 and Nies UDT 170:1. It is uncertain whether kdmidu and LU. TUG.DUs(.A) are equivalent; the proposed connection is based on the equation LU.TUG. DU 8 .DU, with kdmidu MSL 12 234 ii A 14, cited in lex. section, though in this late text DUg. DU may stand for DUN.DUN, which is attested as Sum. equivalent of kamdu, q.v. In Pre-Sar. and Ur III, the LU.TUG.DU 8 is usually associated with the leatherworker (akdpu), while the cited OB refs. and the context of the lex. texts indicate that he had to do with the preparation of a special textile, possibly a coarsely woven fabric which was teaseled or matted. For the relation of LU.TUG.DU, to idparu, see idparu discussion section. See also kamdu discussion section.(Thureau-Dangin, ITT 1 p. 20 ad 1314; Oppenheim, Eames Coll. p. 18 n. 41; Gelb, OAIC p. 289; Held, JAOS 79 175 n. 116.)MSL 12 234 ii A 14.a) wr. syll.: 15 minas of wool ana PN ka-mi-di to PN the k. BE 14 108:3, cf.ka-mi-du cited BE 15 p. 51 from an unpub. text (both MB Nippur).b) wr. Lu.TUG.DUs(.A):(wages fixed for)kamiru s.; trusted, responsible person or courtier; EA*; foreign word. u immati tagpura LU ka-mi-rum a ide ahdtka a idabbub ittige ... lidbub ittise if you had sent a k. who knows your sister and who could talk with her, he could have talked with her EA 1:15, cf. ammini la tasappara LU ka-mi-rum 9a iqabbakku awatLU.[TUG], LU.[TUG].DUs.A and LU.GADA CH 274:23, 25 and 27; [a]um LIU.TUG.DUg.Akitti why do you not send a k. who couldtell you the truth of the matter?(Albright, JAOS 35 394.)ibid. 339a tatrdduunitima... Sugurrum Sa inneppugu mimma 1 GUN la imassi 30 MA.NA libbam 10 MA.NA Su-ta-am SU.NIGiN 40 MA.NA ugurrum 1 GAR diddum u GAR 1 KUM rup[Jum] as to the k.-s whom you brought, (the daily pay of a man is 15 grains of silver), the dugurru 121(let. of Amenophis III to Kadaman-Enlil I).kamisu s.; one who kneels; cf. kcamdsu B.OB lex.*;one whol.duo 0 .gam = ka-mi-sim, wcidibum kneels, one who sits OB Lu B ii 30.oi.uchicago.edukami A kamt A (kamei) adv.; like a captive; OB, SB, NB; cf. kami A v.mu.lu kar.ra.bi dib.ba mu.x.[...] : r[L hd nerl-reb-4 ka-me i-x-[...] LKU 14 ii 7f.;kamitu A (Asn.); note with Hurr. ending: 7 GIS.MES qa-mi-[iS-a-ar]-he (in an orchard) HSS 15141:14.ld.kur.a.nigud.sak.dBka-mi-il he.ni.ib.tUm.mu that his enemies be brought as captives CBS 1511 r. 5' (OB lit., courtesy M. Civil).b) the wood: x sussulku da ... GIS qa-mii-sad-ri x baskets made of k.-wood HSS 14562:2 (Nuzi).ana qdt nakri"u limalligumaana mat nukur tisu ka-mi-is lZruiu may she deliver him to his enemies and lead him captive to an enemy land CH xliv 23, cf. ka-mi-rig1 liSzizBBSt. No. 11 iv 4 (early NB kudurru); ina pannakrigu ka-mi lusibuu may they (Anu and Adad) make him sit before his enemiesas a captive AKA 107 viii 82 (Tigl. I), cf. ina mat nakrigu ka-mi-i4 lukdgibu Weidner Tn. 29 No. 16:144, ina pan nakriSu ka-mis lusWsibuuc) the fruit: anumma ka-mi-ja-ri u bud= matim sa GN nisan sattim utadbilakkum I am sending you herewith pears and pistachio nuts from GN, the first of the season ARM 4 42:17, cf. ka-mi-sa-ri 9a GN elemme tabu ibid. 15; 11 GUR 20 (SILA) ka-ma-su-ru anasipir abarakkdtim ARMT 11 93:1, also ARMT 12 739:1.Identified on the basis of Arabic kumsmatra (Holma Kl. Beitr. p. 73), cf. also Thompson DAB 305f. For GIS.HASHUR.KUR.RA, seeAKA 167:21, also AAA 19 101:19,wr. ckdm-me-Si AKA 188:31 (all Asn.); ina sapal nakri Su li4gjibusu ka-mes Lyon Sar. 12:77, also ibid. 19: 106, 22:60, Borger Esarh. 99 r. 56, cf., wr.armannu. kamitu A (*kawitu) s. fem.; outside; pl. kamdtu (kawdtum); MB, SB, NB; cf. kami A adj.bar = ka-wa-a-tum Nabnitu XXIII [bar] = ka-wa(var. -ma)-a-tum Lanu F ba-ar BAR = ka-ma-a-tu A I/6:201; bar wa-t[um] A-tablet 600. ka-ma-a-tui(var. -turn) = qer-bi-td Malku 165; i 19; = kaII 29.ka-me-ig ibid. 50 iii 42, see asdbu mng. 4a; [ka-m]es irteda he led (Kingu) captive (tothe gods) En. el. V 72. For MDP 6 38:16, see kamis B.*kamit B (kames) adv.; outside, toward the outside; MB*; cf. kcam A adj. KA.GAL alisu ka-me-e4 littaridmaina ka-mat dlisu ligarbisusuma may he (the leper) be driven out the gate of his city and may they make him stay outside his cityMDP 6 pl. 10 vi 16 (kudurru).a) in sing.: hazannu ... ittasi ka-me-tus the mayor went outside (his palace) AnSt 6156:148, also ibid. 88 (Poor Man of Nippur).For a parallel expression cf. tarddu with kamAti Lie Sar. 206, cited kamitu A usage b. kamigtaru (kama44aru, kameggeru, kamagS guru, kameSSuru) s.; pear tree, pear; Mari, Nuzi, NA. gis.hashur.kur.ra, gis.hashur.babbar =ka-me-eA-Sd-ru Hh. III 33f.; gis.'ennur(KIB). kur.ra, gis.sennur.babbar, gis.sennur.gal = ka-me-Ad-ru (vars. ka-meJ-[e-ru], ka-me-gur-ru) ibid. 128ff.; gis.haihur.gi4.DA(var. .nis.da) = ka-ne-.d-ru-u Hh. III46; [gis.sennur.kur.ra] = ka-me-Ad-rum = an-g[a-hu] Hg. I 17d, in MSL 9 166.b) in plural - 1' in gen.: bue ekallisu ezibma usi ka-ma-ti-is he abandoned the possessions of his palace and left town TCL 3 84 (Sar.), cf. sa ... RN LUGAL-i-n-u atruda ka-[m]a-ti-iS Lie Sar. 206, Sarru mssu inad. dima ka-ma-a-ti irabbis the king will abandon his country and live outside Thompson Rep. 252A 5, cf. Aar Akkadi ina ka-ma-a-ti irabbisACh Supp. Sama 20:24; ina ka-ma-a-ti BdbiliI erected (the temple) ... gaddni erte outside Babylon as high as a mountainVAB 4 128 iv 11, cf. in ka-ma-at Bdbilama) the tree: ka-mi4-se-ru supurgillu tittu ishunnatu ang[d]Au pear trees, quince trees, fig trees, vines, anga~u-pear trees (among trees acclimatized to Assyria) Iraq 14 33:46dftra danna ... Bdbilam uashir in the outskirts of Babylon I had Babylon surrounded by a strong wall VAB 4 90 ii 5, alsoibid. 82 i 14, ina ka-ma-a-ti Bdbilam ibid. 196 No. 28:3 (all Nbk.); ina ka-m[at] Bdbili umma ina kcaJCS 18 20 iii 2 (prophecies);122oi.uchicago.edukamitu B mat dli bita ipu if he builds a house inthe outskirts of the city CT 38 12:75 (SB Alu), cf. E.BI issappah ka-mat-su [x] CT 38 32:19, dupl. KAR 389 ii 37; E.BI ina ka-ma-a-ti (var.kamkadugis.sh.ki.in.dar.ra, gis.KA.ki.in.dar.ra = kan-ka-du Hh. III 461f., gis.kan.ka.du (var. gis.kam.kad.du) = MIN, iu-u-iu ibid. 463f.; 6.bar.sag.ki.in.da.ra = kam-[ka-du], iU.kam.ka.du = MIN Hh. XVII 117f.ka-ma(text -ba)-ti) ana IGI-S9 illak Leichty Izbu I 63; ultisi bitija ka-ma-a-ti arpud I was put out of my house and wanderedabout outside Lambert BWL 32:50 (Ludlul I);a) in pharm.: T tu-ba-qu, sa-ap-ru, [Iu x x x], [Tf ka-ka]-dux(KAM), u tal-x-[x], IT KA.KA.KA (i.e., ka-ka-dun), T KA.DI.DAR,U A.KA.KI.DAR, U MA.SAG.KI.IN.DAR.RAil kima kalbz kunnunu ina ka-ma-a-ti rabsu the gods were lying outside, curled up likedogs Gilg. XI 115.u kan-ka-du Uruanna II 153-159; Ti kam-kadu = Tr MIN (= ,U-l-j) MAS.KI.DAR, J x-ia-am, Uruanna I 415;Tr2' in curses: KA.GAL alisu ka-me-es littaridma ina ka-mat alisu lisarbisusuma may he (the leper) be driven out the gate of his city and may they (the gods) make himstay outside his city MDP 6 pl. 10 vi 17;du Uruanna III 413ff., qi-pu ibid. 416; Ti kam-ka-du : A id-qip-pu Uruanna III 8; TJ kan-ka-du ad GkN = Ti ki-irba-an eqli Uruanna I 483; TI.MAH : Tr hi-dari mur-si : 6Tkan-kaTJkam-ka-du : fT is-Sin ... saharsubbdla tibd gimir Idni8u lilab= bisma adi imi dimdtisu aj ibib u kima sirrimi ina ka-mat alisu lirtappud may Sin clothe his entire body with incurable leprosy so that he will not become clean until the day of his death and will roam like a wild assoutside his city BBSt. No. 7 ii 18, also UET 1 165 ii 26, 1R 70 iii 20, VAS 1 70 v 12, kima sirrimissUari : ana simmi aknu, i kam-ka-du :T KI.MIN : SU.BI.DIL.AM Kocher BAM 1 ii 53f.,also STT 92 iii 9'f.; Ti kam(var. kan)-ka-du T mihis MIR : ina KA .SAG jaqu ina amni pa8usu CT 14 23 K.9283:12, var. from dupl. STT 92 i 12.seri [in]a ka-ma-a-ti lirtappud may he, like a wild ass of the open country, go about outside JCS 2 205:10', ina ka-mat dlivu lisib BBSt. No. 11 iii 5, ina ka-mat alisu ajirbis BE 1 149 iii 8 (all kudurrus), lirpuda ka-m[a-tu] Bauer Asb. 2 42 r. 3, ka-ma-a-ti lirpud Streck Asb. 292:19; [li]rtappuda kama-a-t KAR 252 iv 56 (colophon). For CT 41 27 edge 3 see kamitu B s. In ACh Sama 14:10 read ka-ba-tum (coll.), see kabatu mng. 3a.in med. and magic: umma amilu I kam-ka-du fT AB.DUH ... ina KUS if the evil ali-demon seizes a man, (you put) k. (and) kamantu-plant in a leatherA.LA HUL DIB-SUb)bag K6cher BAM 311:47', cf. (against sorrow) K6cher BAM 209 r. 8', TJ kan-ka-[du] ArOr 17/1 202:2, cf. TJ kam-ka-du ibid. 3; Tf kam-ka-dutubbal takassim ana IGI.GIG tazarru you dry and chop(?) k. and sprinkle it on the sorespot K6cher BAM 32:6'; kam-k[a-du . .. ...III-t4 teqqi you daub k.-plant (and other ingredients mixed with butter, tallow andwax) on his eyes AMT 8,1 i 18, cf. [Ur] kan-kamitu B s.; bonds, captivity; SB*; cf. kamu A v.' ka-mit ir = miit ka-ma-tu i-ma-ti he will (lie a death of captivity CT 41 27 edge 3 (comm.). ka-me-it GIG ta-[...] KAR 178 r. iii 55ka-diforAMT 11,2:36, and passim as medication the eyes; SAG.DU a-ri-bi(!) kan-ka-du Eyou drythehead of a raven(and) k.-plant AMT 6,9:4; TJ kam-ka-ta-am [...] ina KAS i-ned KUB 37 9 r. ii 7; Tr kan-(hemer.), replacing kimiltu, q.v. kamitu C s.; (a kind of jewelry or ornament); syn. list.*ka-mi-tum = [x] x [x x] An VII 84. (perhaps = erserratu)ka-du (for situ) CT 44 36:6, also Tr kamka-da (for paralysis of the feet) K6cher BAM 122:18; T kam-ka-du TJ kammantu Ti sasumtu T