
Speaker: I want to spend some time today having a conversation with you about you. Yes that’s right. I want to share with you how you can have a more rewarding and enriching relationship with yourself, your life partner and your family. You see, in today’s busy age, we very rarely take time to sit down and just be with ourselves. Instead we are rushing from our jobs to our homes. We are cooking dinner, we are seeing friends, we are fighting a global economy that is just in a continuous downward spiral. Today I ask you to just take five minutes out of your day and read this letter in full. Despite the fact that on a daily basis you are prioritizing money, your work and others above your own happiness, you need to understand this. When you get to the end of your life, the thing that you will regret is spending too much time at work and worrying about money and not enough time really connecting with people. I’m talking about building deep passionate relationships with people who really care. It’s unfortunate that in today’s society that someone can go through their whole life without even creating a connection like that. If you were true to yourself and you studied your previous relationships you would find when you can create when you can create a deep passionate connection with someone around you. True happiness is just moments away. The few minutes you take reading this page in full, could be the difference between you arriving at the end of your journey a satisfied happy person or you arriving at the end of your life journey as a dissatisfied frustrated and depressed person. Thanks you are still on the page. That means that you really do understand that the key to happiness is not your work, it’s not the money you earn but it’s the people you go through life with. If you can complete life’s journey surrounded by a group of people who truly are connected and deeply in love with you, then all of life’s other material belongings will seem meaningless. Now I know. This is what you would probably call an alternate belief. Isn’t it so sad in today’s society that when someone’s strives to have a deeply connected and happy life that they are seen as being alternative. In today’s world the norm is to be overworked, overstressed, underpaid and constantly having to ride that debt bicycle to keep up with the fashion, the latest technology trend or just to impress the people around you. Let me ask you something. Have you ever really been around someone who’s truly happy? I’m not talking about someone who is financially free. I’m not talking about someone who’s got millions of dollars. I’m talking about someone who’s found their life partner. Someone who’s got deep relationship with their life partner,

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Post on 12-May-2015



Health & Medicine

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On knowing yourself and crating deep connected relationships, how to.


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Speaker: I want to spend some time today having a conversation with you about you. Yes that’s right. I want to share with you how you can have a more rewarding and enriching relationship with yourself, your life partner and your family. You see, in today’s busy age, we very rarely take time to sit down and just be with ourselves. Instead we are rushing from our jobs to our homes. We are cooking dinner, we are seeing friends, we are fighting a global economy that is just in a continuous downward spiral.

Today I ask you to just take five minutes out of your day and read this letter in full. Despite the fact that on a daily basis you are prioritizing money, your work and others above your own happiness, you need to understand this. When you get to the end of your life, the thing that you will regret is spending too much time at work and worrying about money and not enough time really connecting with people. I’m talking about building deep passionate relationships with people who really care.

It’s unfortunate that in today’s society that someone can go through their whole life without even creating a connection like that. If you were true to yourself and you studied your previous relationships you would find when you can create when you can create a deep passionate connection with someone around you. True happiness is just moments away. The few minutes you take reading this page in full, could be the difference between you arriving at the end of your journey a satisfied happy person or you arriving at the end of your life journey as a dissatisfied frustrated and depressed person.

Thanks you are still on the page. That means that you really do understand that the key to happiness is not your work, it’s not the money you earn but it’s the people you go through life with. If you can complete life’s journey surrounded by a group of people who truly are connected and deeply in love with you, then all of life’s other material belongings will seem meaningless. Now I know. This is what you would probably call an alternate belief.

Isn’t it so sad in today’s society that when someone’s strives to have a deeply connected and happy life that they are seen as being alternative. In today’s world the norm is to be overworked, overstressed, underpaid and constantly having to ride that debt bicycle to keep up with the fashion, the latest technology trend or just to impress the people around you. Let me ask you something. Have you ever really been around someone who’s truly happy?

I’m not talking about someone who is financially free. I’m not talking about someone who’s got millions of dollars. I’m talking about someone who’s found their life partner. Someone who’s got deep relationship with their life partner,

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their friends, their family and the people around them? If you’ve been lucky enough to have been around someone like this, then what you know is this.

True happiness in your life cannot be bought. True happiness in your life comes from creating long lasting connection with real people. How do you do this? How do you develop real relationships in a materialistic society? Well look, the first thing that you need to understand is that to develop a real relationship you first need to have a real relationship with yourself.

It’s hard to give love if you don’t feel love. Let me explain it to you like this. If you want to teach someone how to swim butterfly, then a truly great teacher is someone who can swim butterfly professionally and so in this context, if you want to give love then you need to already feel love. I’m not talking about feeling love from a third party. I’m talking about feeling love from yourself.

To really have a deep and connected relationship to have the self confidence to live the life that you want and deserve. To build your self esteem and really see value in yourself you need to first take the step to truly deeply connect with yourself. This is a big mistake that people make. In fact this is probably one of the major reasons why over 50% of marriages in western societies fail.

In fact in a recent survey, 85% of the women surveyed said they were no longer in love with their men. Sure, they loved their husband but they weren’t in love any more. With this kind of statistics, it’s no wonder that so many relationships fail. People say they fail because the economy is bad, they say people say people fail because jobs change.

At the end of the day you need to understand this. Relationships fail because you don’t have a deep enough connection with your partner. The reason you don’t have a deep enough connection with your partner is because you don’t have a deep enough connection with yourself. It’s not all your fault.

If you look at the way society has evolved, from the Victorian ages where a marriage was pre-arranged. It wasn’t about love and it wasn’t about sex. It was about having someone to care and look after a family. It’s now evolved to be a relationship about love, sex and care. In this evolution, what’s got lost is this connection to your life partner.

As you can see, this really is a big problem. If you really truly do want to achieve happiness in your life and I’m not talking just about financial happiness but I’m talking about having happiness in your relationship and with yourself, then what you need to do is make an investment in yourself.

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The few minutes that you have already taken out of your day to read this very page proves to me and proves to you that what I’m saying, what I’m trying to relate to you is true. Not only that but that you are willing to make this commitment. The problem is you probably need a little push. You need someone make a further commitment to creating this deeper relationship.

That’s what I want to do with you today. In just a moment I’m going to share with you some feedback. This feedback comes from people that I’ve worked with before, people who I’ve helped to create passionate long lasting relationships. I want you to see that there are other people like you out there. There are people that recognize that a truly happy life comes from deep connected relationships.

I want you to take the time to read through these stories. I believe that when you read them, you will really see, although it may not be written, but you will really see that these people are some of the most grounded and happiest people that you will have met.

What I’m going to do, now that you’ve read through some of the feedback from some of the people that I have worked with and you can see the lasting change I have made in their life, I want you to invite me into your life. I want you to allow me to help you experience the level of love and satisfaction in your life that you deserve.

The best way that I’ve found to do that is to have you, me and a few other like minded individuals get together for one day and during this one day we focus purely on you. Purely on unlocking and fostering the feelings that you have towards yourself. Here’s exactly what happens in that one day.

In the morning, the moment you arrive, we will start to do a session of yoga. By doing this we open up your body. After we have completed the yoga we move on to exploring what your body likes and doesn’t like. By allowing you to actually communicate with your body and listen to what it wants and doesn’t want you can create a deeper connection with it and then we are going to work with you to develop a healthy relationship with your body, about giving and receiving.

Then still in this morning session we move to exploring expectations within relationships. This is a big thing. You need to understand that the expectations you bring into a relationship and yes right now you are reading in expectations will dramatically affect the outcome of that relationship. The reason that you are bringing in these expectations is because you have yet to connect with yourself on the level that you need to to have a successful relationship.

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Just one session alone can revolutionalize the way that you think and act around others. After the morning session you are going to learn how to work with feminine and masculine energy. You are going to learn how to balance giving and receiving energy and love. We are then going to get into small groups and do some partner exercise to experience real connections.

As you can see, this really is an action packed day. When you leave I promise you this, you are going to feel happier and more connected with yourself than you have ever felt before. By doing this you will allow yourself to manifest new relationships and create deeper bonds in your current relationships.

The reason this works so well is that you are in a non confrontational environment of like minded people. The people that you are working with have the exact same thought process and goals as you do. By attending this one day, you are not only going to start to really connect with yourself but you could build some lifelong friendships and relationships which change the quality of your life.

Here’s how it’s going to work. In just a moment, I’m going to invite you to attend a one day training with me. Before I do, I need you to understand this. This is the first time I’ve ever offered my training like this before and as part of doing this, there is only a limited number of places available at this one day workshop.

You have to understand that you can’t create the kind of environment and results that I’m looking for by having thousands of people in a room. We have an extremely number of positions available for you. If you are ready to free yourself of the financial shackles and finally create truly connected deep relationships that will fulfill and satisfy you for your life then you need to attend this workshop.

For just $147 you can have this complete one day workshop. I know other courses like this charge over $997 for a single day. At $147 you are getting a steep discount. Click the Add to Cart button now. Now I know you may be taking a little leap of faith to attend this workshop. What I want to do is make this workshop an easy decision for you.

Today when you secure your position in this workshop for just $147 what I want to do is this. If by lunchtime of the workshop you don’t feel that the workshops right for you or you don’t feel that I’m delivering what I promised, then all you need to do is come up to me and ask for a full unconditional refund. What I want you to do is try the first half of the workshop.

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If after trying the first half of the workshop you are not happy I’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked. I really can’t be fairer than that. Why don’t you try my workshop risk free today for just $147 by clicking the Add to Cart button below? Right now you have a decision to make.

You can continue to live the life you are living right now and no doubt you will get a level of satisfaction in your life, but as you get to the end of your life journey I can guarantee you that you will start to regret not creating these lifelong connections. You grow to regret the extra hours you spent in the office working. You will regret all the hours that you spent worrying about your mortgage or worrying about your financial situation.

There is one thing I know. You won’t regret spending time getting to know yourself and creating deep connected relationships. You can continue living the materialistic life or you can choose the alternate path. You can choose to create true happiness for your life. What’s it going to be? If you don’t make a decision now, you will never make a decision.

Don’t let all those excuses popping up in your head like, oh I might be busy on that weekend or oh, I don’t know if I can afford $147 or, oh who’s going to look after the kids. As these excuses pop up, see them for what they are, they are just excuses. You make a decision right now that says, yes I’m going to continue to live my materialistic life or, yes I’m going to live a truly connected truly happy life.

If you want to live a truly connected truly happy life then click the Add to Cart button now and I’ll see you at the training.

End. – 00:24:15