dictionary of app

Dictionary of app-related terms for Android <uses-sdk> = This declares your app's compatibility with different Android versions using the android:minSdkVersion and android:targetSdkVersion attributes. For your first app, it should look like this: <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" ... > <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8" android:targetSdkVersion="17" /> ... </manifest> You should always set the android:targetSdkVersion as high as possible and test your app on the corresponding platform version. For more information, read Supporting Different Platform Versions. Application framework component: such as Activity manager, Resource Manager , ContentProvider, LocationManager. NotificationManager, etc,) Activity Manager: manages app lifecycle and navigation stack ADT (Android Developer Tools) ADT plugin for Eclipse = Android Development Tools (ADT) is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE that is designed to give you a powerful, integrated environment in which to build Android applications. AVD Manager = Android Virtual Device manager (para lanzar el emuladoren Eclipse) AndroidManifest.xml = The manifest file describes the fundamental characteristics of the app and defines each of its components. Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is a toolkit included in the Android SDK package . It consists of both client and server-side programs that communicate with one another. The ADB is typically accessed through the command-line interface , although numerous graphical user interfaces exist to control ADB. ADB ( Android Debug Bridge) es un programa para ordenador que nos servirá de puente para conectar nuestros androides a

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Page 1: Dictionary of App

Dictionary of app-related terms for Android

 <uses-sdk> = This declares your app's compatibility with different Android versions using the android:minSdkVersion and android:targetSdkVersion attributes. For your first app, it should look like this:

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" ... >    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8" android:targetSdkVersion="17" />    ...</manifest>

You should always set the android:targetSdkVersion as high as possible and test your app on the corresponding platform version. For more information, read Supporting Different Platform Versions.

Application framework component: such as Activity manager, Resource Manager, ContentProvider, LocationManager. NotificationManager, etc,)

Activity Manager: manages app lifecycle and navigation stack

ADT (Android Developer Tools)

ADT plugin for Eclipse = Android Development Tools (ADT) is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE that is designed to give you a powerful, integrated environment in which to build Android applications.

AVD Manager = Android Virtual Device manager (para lanzar el emuladoren Eclipse)

AndroidManifest.xml = The manifest file describes the fundamental characteristics of the app and defines each of its components.

Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is a toolkit included in the Android SDK package. It consists of both client and server-side programs that communicate with one another. The ADB is typically accessed through the command-line interface, although numerous graphical user interfaces exist to control ADB.

ADB (Android Debug Bridge) es un programa para ordenador que nos servirá de puente para conectar nuestros androides a la computadora y poder así interactuar con ellos de una forma más “avanzada” y completa.

Android Studio Early Access Preview = It is a new Android development environment based on IntelliJ IDEA. Similar to Eclipse with the ADT Plugin, Android Studio provides integrated Android developer tools for development and debugging.

Android SDK (Software Development Kit) = It provides you the API libraries and developer tools necessary to build, test, and debug apps for Android.

Page 2: Dictionary of App

.apk (extension de archivos). Los ficheros de paquetes de aplicaciones o apk, son generados por la herramienta apkbuilder una vez terminada la compilación.

API libraries

Application Name is the app name that appears to users

API es el número entre paréntesis que aparece al lado de cada versión de Android

Command line tools

Compile With is the platform version against which you will compile your app. By default, this is set to the latest version of Android available in your SDK. 

ContentProvider: Inter-application data sharing

Dalvik Debug Monitor Service (DDMS)

debuggable version of the app

drawable-hdpi/Directory for drawable objects (such as bitmaps) that are designed for high-density (hdpi) screens. Other drawable directories contain assets designed for other screen densities.

Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment) Entornos de Desarrollo Integrados


Graphical User Interface (GUI)