diegi pac

Digi Pac Analysis

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Post on 18-Feb-2016




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Page 1: Diegi pac

Digi Pac Analysis

Page 2: Diegi pac


The font used throughout the Digi pack is presented as bold Which defines the persona of the main artist in this case Beyoncé. Females are usually undermined by patriarchy which is juxtaposed In this Digi pack where Beyoncé is portrayed as a very independent and dominant leader .Which correlates with her music choice such as ‘Girls run the world’The simplicity of the font used is a representation of the artist. It symbolises how simple yet powerful she can be. The representation of the font towards the artist portrays Beyoncé as a powerful individual as it is a bold font.The font is also across the Digi pack front and back. This is done for advertisement and to make sure consumers are attracted to the product straight away by seeing a familiarised name.


The main artist in this Digi pack is portrayed as powerful female. In the front of the Digi pack Beyoncé is seen over sexualised with a mid shot of her in revealing clothing. This supports Mulvey theory of male gaze, and could be a marketing technique to appeal to her male audience.

The mid shot at the beginning is shot from a low angle making the audience look up to her. This connoted power. Furthermore the main artist is shown alone all throughout the Digi pack which represents Beyoncé as a independent and powerful female. Beyoncé is also seen not sitting but all throughout the Digi pack she is seen in a standing position which adds power and stability to her character persona and representation.

Page 3: Diegi pac

Colour Scheme

The colour scheme used for the Digi pack remains constant throughout. This creates familiarity and appeals to the customers without confusing them and creating a sense of simplicity. The Digi pack colour scheme is a muted yellow tone which contrasts with Beyoncé's clothing and font of her name which adds dimension and creates a bold statement.


The setting of the Digi pack is based around Paris which is reflected in the intertextuality of the product. The setting of Paris provides a sense of elegance which adds professionalism to the artist- Beyoncé. Furthermore the Accent provided on top of Beyoncé name correlates with Paris as it is a foreign country.

Beyoncé's back of Digi pack is also literally the back of Beyoncé. The positioning of Beyoncé herself is very smart and is used in literal ways. Beyoncé is based on top of a building almost looking down which could represent her power higherachy and she shows that she got to where she intended to and she is as the highest peak of her career.

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Setting Narrative

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Iconography Setting


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