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Diesel Cooker x100 Operating and Maintenance Instructions 08-05-2008

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Diesel Cooker x100

Operating and Maintenance Instructions



Webasto Diesel Cooker X100Dear Webasto customer,

Congratulations for buying the Webasto Diesel Cooker X100. You have purchased ahigh-quality Webasto product which will provide you with great satisfaction whencooking in your mobile home

Before using the cooker, please get familiar with the operation of the device andcarefully read the operation instructions.

1 Overview and function

1.1 OverviewFigure 1:

1.2 FunctionThe Webasto Diesel CookerX100 is a safe diesel cookerwith no open flame. Theexhaust gases are led out ofthe vehicle through theexhaust gas tube, which isinside the cooling air tube.The steam from the exhaustgas will not stay in thevehicle to add humidity.

As the diesel fuel burns, thereleased heat is transferred

to the ceramic plate. Thehottest area is on the roundplate. Gentler heat isavailable on the oblongextension. The heat power isadjustable.

A cooling fan in theventilation box ensures thatthe temperature in themounting space will not risetoo high. The warm air is ledout through the cooling airtube.

The cooker is ideally suitedfor cooking and heating of allkinds of food.

The cooker is made entirelyof stainless materials.


Webasto Diesel Cooker X100

Figure 2:

Combustionindicator lamp(red)

High altitude switch

High altitudeindication lamp(orange)

Power adjustment

Power switch

Power indication lamp (yellow)

2 Use of the cooker

2.1 StartThe cooker starts to heat upautomatically when thepower button is switched toON position. The yellowindicator lamp lights up assoon as the cooker isswitched on. The redcombustion lamp will light upwhen the combustion isstabilized in the burner,about 2.5-4 minutes after thestart-up.

Please note:The cooker may not startthe first attempt after installationif the fuel hose is empty. If thecooker fails to start the combustion light starts toblink about 4.5 minutes afterthe start-up. Turn the powerswitch to OFF position. Thecooker cannot be restarteduntil both indicator lampshave gone out (run downphase).

Once the indicator lampshave gone out, restart thecooker. The combustionlamp will light up about 2.5-4minutes after the start-up,when the combustion isnormal.

Never keep the cooker on withoutcooking.

The cooker locks itself after twounsuccessful starts.

If the device will not start, even thoughthe fuel has reached the pump, do nottry to start it more than twice withoutchecking the cause of the problem.






0,25 s0,25 s 0,25 s 0,25 s


Combustionindicationlamp Run down phase about 5 min

Figure 3: Signal lights of operating panel during normal operation

Start Stop⇓ ⇓

Start-up 2.5-4 min Cooking

For safety reasons do not use thecooker when the vehicle is moving.

Make sure that the vehicle is ventilatedwhile cooking.


Webasto Diesel Cooker X100

Before starting up the cooker ataltitudes below 1800 m make sure thatthe high altitude button is not presseddown.

2.2 AdjustmentAfter starting, the heating power can be adjusted. Youshould avoid unnecessary,quick adjusting back andforth, as it gathers soot in theburner.

2.3 Turn offTurn the power switch toOFF position to shut downthe cooker. The redcombustion lamp will keepblinking for about 5 minuteswhile the cooker is in run downphase. You cannot restart thecooker until the combustionlamp has stopped blinking.

2.4 High altitudefunctionBecause of changing airdensity in different altitudes,the cooker is used with highaltitude parameters ataltitudes of over 1800 mabove sea level. Press thehigh altitude button downwhen the cooker is still inOFF position. Now theorange high altitudeindication lamp lights up.Switch the cooker ONnormally. After switching thecooker OFF, press the highaltitude button again to theoff position when you driveunder 1800 m.

2.5 Hot plateindication lampAn orange hot plateindication lamp lights on thelower edge of ceramic platewhen the plate is hot. The hotplate indication lamp willlight up immediately after thestart. The lamp will remainon for 50 minutes (± 10 %)after the cooker has beenturned off.

The air inlets and outlets must never becovered.

Exhaust gas is hot. Always make surethat there is no inflammable materialwithin 200 mm after the exhaust outlet.

Never cut the power from the cookerbefore the run down phase has beencompleted.

The Cooker must be switched off atfilling stations and tank farms because ofthe risk of explosion.

Wherever inflammable vapours or dustmay form, the cooker must be switchedoff because of the risk of explosion.

The cooker may not be operated inenclosed spaces, such as garages, as aresult of the rise of poisoning andasphyxiation.


Webasto Diesel Cooker X100

Do not drop anything onto the ceramicplate or its edges, because it mightbreak.

2.6 Ceramic plateWe recommend you only usecookware with a level bottom in order not to scratch ordamage the cooking plate. Ifyou use the cold plate as aworktop, wipe it carefullyafterwards. Even a smallhard crumble can scratch theplate when a kettle is placedover it. Minor scratches inthe cooking plate do not,however, affect the heatingproperties of the stove in anyway.

2.7 Cooking dishesUse cooking dishes suitablefor ceramic cook plates.The bottom of the idealcookware should beslightly concave when it iscold, so that thermalexpansion makes it flat onthe stove and the heat energy is transferred to it.

The ideal thickness of thebottom of the cookwareis 2-3 mm for steel enamel pieces and 4-6 mm for steelkettles with sandwich bottoms.

Do not place any items of clothing,textiles or similar materials over theceramic plate when it is hot.

Use Webasto Diesel Cooker X100 only forcooking. It is not a heater.

Exhaust tube radiates heat. Beware ofthe hot surface of the tube during use.


Webasto Diesel Cooker X100

3 Servicing3.1 CleaningIn order to keep yourcooking plate tidy and easyto use, you should clean itregularly, preferably afterevery time it is used. Firstremove the scraps with aspatula. Pour a few drops ofdetergent intended forceramic plates on the coldplate and wipe it with apaper towel. Rinse the plateand wipe it dry with a cleancloth. Do not use ascratching sponge orscrubbing agents. Youshould also avoid strongchemical detergents, suchas oven cleaning spray orspot removers.

Clean any melted aluminiumfoil, plastic, sugar or mixturecontaining sugar from the hotplate immediately to avoiddamage to the surface.Before cooking anythingcontaining lots of sugar, theplate should be wiped with aprotective agent to preventany damage to the surface ifthe food boils over.

If you clean your vehicle with a high-pressure washer, be careful not tospray water into the exhaust tube below the vehicle.

3.2 BasicmaintenanceThe cooker shall be servicedevery two years by anauthorized service center.

In case of intensive use,replace the fuel filter once ayear.

Cooker uses diesel fuel.Follow the requirements ofthe engine manufacturer inchoosing the fuel type. Ifrequired by the engine, youcan add anti-freeze agentsuited to the engine incorrect mixing ratio to bindwater from the fuel.


Webasto Diesel Cooker X100




0.125 s 0.125 s 0.125 s

0.125 s0.125 s 0.125 s

0.125 s 0.125 s 0.125 s0.125 s 0.125 s 0.125 s

0.125 s 0.125 s 0.125 s

2 s 2 s

2 s2 s

2 s 2 s

0.25 s 0.25 s 0.25 s 0.25 s ...OFF








Glow plugproblem

Combustionair fanproblem

Coolingair fanproblem






Red30s 30s0.125s 0.125s

0.25s 0.25s 0.25s 0.25s

0.125 s 0.125 s 0.125 s 0.125 s ...OFF








Lockingafter 2unsuccessfulstarts.


Lights afterfailuresignal

Opening the locking:

1. Switch the power ON (lock blinking).

2. Disconnect the main power cord (blinking stops).

3. Reconnect the main power cord (the yellow LED lights up for 1-3seconds).

4. When the yellow LED has gone out, switch the power OFF.

The red lamp begins blinking when failure signal has lasted for 5minutes.

3.3 Signal lights incase of malfunctionsIn case of malfunctioning theyellow and red lamps on theoperating panel indicate apossible failure type.Depending on the failuretype please check thefollowing:

1. Are the batteriessufficiently charged? Thestove needs at least 10.7 Vfor the start up.

2. Does the fuel hose carryfuel?

3. Is the cooling air fanrunning freely withoutblockage?

4. Does the cooling fan getenough air from inside thevehicle?

If the cooker still does notstart after a restart, youshould contact an authorizedWebasto service center forassistance.

Figure 4: Signal lights in case of malfunctions.

0.125 s 0.125 s 0.125 s 0.125 s

In the event of long lasting heavy smoke development, unusualcombustion noises or a smell of fuel or if the cooker suffers continuousfault cutouts with error messages, it must be put out of service byremoving the fuse and must not be reused until it has been inspected byan authorized Webasto repair center.


Webasto Diesel Cooker X100

4. Warranty terms

Manufacturer is liable for anyraw material andmanufacturing defects for 24months from the purchasedate on the followingconditions.

1. The defect must bereported as soon as itappears. A valid purchasereceipt is required.

2. The warranty coversmaterial and manufacturingdefects, provided that themanufacturer’s instructionsfor installation and use havebeen followed.

3. For repairs underwarranty, the customer shalldeliver the device to thenearest Webasto retailer orauthorised maintenanceshop. After-sales service willnot be carried out in the fieldor in the vehicle.

4. The warranty is not valid, ifparts of foreign origin havebeen added to the device orits structure has been alteredwithout the manufacturer’sconsent.

5. Faults or defects causedby natural wear and tear (fuelfilter, bottom mat, fuel pipe),incorrect handling,unsuitable fuel, undervoltage,overvoltage or waterdamage do not entitle towarranty claims.

Claims can only be made if it can beverified that the claimant has complied withthe servicing and safety instructions.

Failure to follow the installation, operationand service instructions and notescontained therein will lead to all liabilitybeing refused by Webasto.

6. Repairs carried out duringthe warranty period do notrenew or change the originalwarranty period.

7. In order to be able toprovide high-standardservices, the retailer has tokeep up a register of buyersfor any technical information,adjustment or updatingneeds after the warrantyperiod, so that the buyerscan be reached if required.

8. Warranty will be valid invehicle installation, it will notbe valid in boat installation.

Part no.: WA490050

Webasto Product N.A., Inc.

15083 North Road

Fenton, MI 48430

Technical Assistance Hotline

USA: (800) 555-4518

Canada: (800) 667-8900

WWW.Webasto. US
