different modes of documentary

DIFFERENT MODES OF DOCUMENTARY Bill Nichols in ‘Introduction to Documentary’ notes six types of modes of documentary. 1.Expository 2.Poetic 3.Observational 4.Participatory 5.Per formative 6.Reflexive

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Page 1: Different modes of documentary


Bill Nichols in ‘Introduction to Documentary’ notes six types of modes of documentary.

1.Expository 2.Poetic 3.Observational 4.Participatory 5.Per formative6.Reflexive

Page 2: Different modes of documentary

THE EXPOSITORY MODEThis mode is often referred to as the hypothetical voice of God, often portraying a strong view and talking directly to the viewer trying to persuade them. It is often objective and often using a strong male voiceover to give that almost omniscient feel to the documentary.

A good example of the expository mode of documentary would be nature documentaries etc. An example of this would be The Living Planet - The Frozen World, David Attenborough

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THE POETIC MODEThe poetic mode, really came about in the 1920s, most poetic documentaries do not follow a structured narrative with main characters and sub plots etc. It’s main focus is on imagery of a personal feeling of the director or representation of something, sacrificing certain sensations such as sound creating spatial juxtaposition from simply filming and editing.

Poetic documentaries are subjective as each person will take something different, they are creative and abstract with the use of diegetic and non diegetic music just no voiceovers.

A good example of this would the poetic documentary/film Baraka, a film with no voiceovers just the sound of nature and non-diegetic music match the content shown in the feature, it is very subjective and abstract and in some aspect making you question our role in the world and exploring a wide range of themes.

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THE OBSERVATIONAL MODEThis mode is essentially a window on the world, this sort of mode has little or no interaction from the producer, mainly staying behind the camera ignored by the surrounding, essentially acting as an impartial spectator. Giving a glimpse of the objective reality, it attempts to capture society as accurately as possible.

A good example of this would be my big fat gypsy wedding channel 4, as there is constant narration, however there is no direct contact from the filmmaker or camera crew providing that conventional objective reality perception of gypsies. Another example would be What Katie did Next.

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THE PARTICIPATORY MODEThis mode is the opposite of the observational style of documentary as it promotes direct engagement. This mode suggests that it is impossible for a group of people not to be affected by the awareness of a camera, the filmmaker becomes part of the events being recorded.

: “The filmmaker steps out from behind the cloak of voice-over commentary, steps away from poetic meditation, steps down from a fly-on-the-wall perch, and becomes a social actor (almost) like any other. (Almost like any other because the filmmaker retains the camera, and with it, a certain degree of potential power and control over events.)” Nichols:http://www.godnose.co.uk/downloads/alevel/documentary/Doc%20Modes%20nichols.pdfEmphasis on the interaction between filmmaker and subject. An example of this would be Ross Kemp in Afghanistan

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THE REFLECTIVE MODEThis mode challenges things to an extent, oppositional and subjective. It acknowledges the constructed nature of the documentary, conveying to people that what is shown may not be true, therefore suggesting that all documentaries are non fiction to an extent.

The art of making pictures of this new mechanical work and it to is part of the film which literally points in the film being constructed. The mode constructs its own reality. A good example of this would be For example Louis Theroux - A Place for Paedophiles, he discusses the many views of this so called clinic to rehabilitate paedophiles. Reflective documentaries tend to be the trustworthy, as they always focus on realism, and to try to show things exactly as they happen, without editing or special effects. However, as the film maker narrates and addresses the audience specifically, viewers opinions are swayed by those of the documentary makers.

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THE PERFORMATIVE MODEThis mode documentary emphasizes the subjective nature of the documentarian as well as acknowledging the subjectivity of the audience, notions of objectivity are replaced by affect.

This mode emphasizes the emotional and social impact on the audience, good examples for this would be Supervise Me Morgan Spurlock. Arguably, films by Michael Moore.

This mode emphasizes the emotional and social impact on the audience. An example of this would be An Inconvenient Truth, The Science of Global Warming.

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