different types of bone fractures

Open Fracture An open fracture is a fracture where the broken bone is exposed. That is dangerous because of increased chances of infection. In this type of fracture, the broken bone passes into the skin. Open fractures are considered much more severe as they require immediate medical treatment to prevent the risks of in infection by cleaning the wounded area. Open fractures take much time to heal and require a lot of care to prevent complications of the recuperation process.

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Post on 10-Mar-2015




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Page 1: Different Types of Bone Fractures

Open Fracture

An open fracture is a fracture where the broken bone is exposed. That is dangerous because of increased chances of infection.  In this type of fracture, the broken bone passes into the skin. Open fractures are considered much more severe as they require immediate medical treatment to prevent the risks of in infection by cleaning the wounded area. Open fractures take much time to heal and require a lot of care to prevent complications of the recuperation process.

Page 2: Different Types of Bone Fractures

Closed Fracture

A closed fracture is a fracture where the bone is broken, but the skin is intact. Unlike open fractures where broken bones penetrate the skin, broken bones don’t penetrate the skin in closed fracture. However, these are the fractures that require immediate medical treatment to minimize risks of infection and to clean the area of fracture.

Page 3: Different Types of Bone Fractures

Simple fracture

 The fracture occurs along one line, splitting the bone into two pieces.  a type of fracture in which broken bone doesn’t penetrate the skin. Remember, you can judge a fracture severity by its name as there are so many other factors that determine the severity of the fracture.

Page 4: Different Types of Bone Fractures

Multi-fragmentary fracture

In this the bone splits into multiple pieces.  As the name suggests, in this type of fracture the bone is broken into several fragments of pieces. A severe accident or injury can result in this type of fracture. These fractures are normally dealt with immobilization with cast, or even with pins, screws or plates.

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Compression Fracture

A compression fracture is a closed fracture that occurs when two or more bones are forced against each other. It commonly occurs to the bones of the spine and may be caused by falling into a standing or sitting position, or a result of advanced osteoporosis.

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Avulsion Fracture

 An avulsion fracture is a closed fracture where a piece of bone is broken off by a sudden, forceful contraction of a muscle. This type of fracture is common in athletes and can occur when muscles are not properly stretched before activity. This fracture can also because of an injury.

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Impacted Fracture

 An impacted fracture is similar to a compression fracture, yet it occurs within the same bone. It is a closed fracture which occurs when pressure is applied to both ends of the bone, causing it to split into two fragments that jam into each other. This type of fracture is common in car accidents and falls.

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Stress Fracture

 It is a common overuse injury. It is most often seen in athletes who run and jump on hard surfaces such as runners, ballet dancers and basketball players.

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Compression fracture of the spine

It is common in individuals with osteoporosis. Often no identifiable injury causes it.

This results in significant pain and disability. A compression fracture is a type of

fracture which develops in the vertebral body of the spine once it is squashed or

squished. Compression fracture can be seen commonly in two sections of people, i.e.

The first is the group of people with some kind of traumatic mishaps, i.e. when the

load placed on the vertebrae surpasses its steadiness, it can collapse like having a

sudden fall. The second group of people are the one having osteoporosis.

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Rib fractures (fracture of left 7th rib)

Having difficulty in breathing, such as low breathing, tenderness or pain may suggest that you have rib fracture. If you feel pain while touching your ribs, this should be taken seriously as it can be due to broken rib.

Page 11: Different Types of Bone Fractures

Complete Fracture

in this the bone fragments separate completely.  It is a type of fracture where a person receives fractures on the bone that runs to its entire length. Complete fractures are often taken as severe fractures, especially when the swelling moves the two pieces of bone away from one another. An immediate medical attention is required to treat such fractures. The fractured area requires to be immobilized with cast, or even with pins, screws or plates.

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Incomplete Fracture

  Incomplete fracture often referred to as greenstick fracture is a fracture in which bone doesn’t break completely. Such fractures are most common in children than adults. In incomplete fracture, one can see small cracks or splinters on the bone; however, the bone still retains its actual position and also remains unbroken or undamaged.

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Linear Fracture

It is type of incomplete fracture where no dislocation of the bone takes place. It is a less intensive type of fracture in which bone and its surrounding tissues receives minimum of damage or injuries. Small fissures or splinters can be seen on the bone’s outer layer only and no entire breaking of the bone. Linear fractures are also referred to as Hairline Fractures.

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Transverse Fracture

  A transverse fracture is a fracture in which the bone receives a break in a way that it is at right angle to the long axis of the bone. A transverse fracture can result from an abrupt, direct blow as in karate etc. However, it can also be taken as a stress fracture which is caused by repetitive actions such as physical exercises or running.

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Oblique Fracture

 Oblique fracture is a type of fracture in which a break occurs along fracture line that is diagonal to the bone shaft.

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Spiral Fracture

 A twisting force is responsible for a spiral fracture. A spiral fracture is also called a torsion fracture for the fact of having a force that cause spiral fracture. In spiral fracture, the bone receives a spiral break for which the treatment becomes quite complex. The person with spiral fracture has to wait for months before becoming fully fit again. One has to spend months in a cast and may need to have a surgery which all depends on certain factors such as position of the fracture, health of the person, or certain other relevant factors.

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Comminuted Fracture

 the bone breaks into several fragments or pieces. Normally, a fracture is said to be comminuted when the bone is broken down into at least three pieces. These fractures are not easy to treat because of severity of the fracture. The things get worse if the comminuted fracture is an open fracture where the bones penetrate the skin. If the comminuted fracture is an open fracture then one must take a lot of care of the fracture as open injuries are more vulnerable to infections and also open fracture takes too much time to heal.

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Compacted Fracture

  Compacted fracture is a type of fracture where the bones after sustaining a fracture pressed tightly into each other. This type of fracture is normally caused by some severe accidents.