digifind-it › westfield › data › newspapers › union... · . ____ · ___ _ , __ _ _ __ _ ___...

. ____ · ___ _ , __ _ _ __ _ _ __ sE- 'WEkLy · THE UON CO RD. TUESDAY FRIDAY, VOL. XVII. NO. 5 l .WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. J., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1900. $2 Per Year. Single Copies 3c. · - --- ---·�· - - - ---·· ; i . H B E H P I u t c o s l ! �. a r[ IfT OQYO ', : # ' ._1 fA!1(Y0t10U�IN N[W J5l . . . I i Opon S•tmd•y ovon;ng�Cio,od Frid•y 6 p, m. j pALL males furnished and a representative sent if desired. with sketches and samples of materials, to consult and advise with parties contemplati ng furnishings of houses and rꝏms. OTH Curtain and Upholstery Departments fair· U ly briming over with new beauties of the season. As in all other merchandising here, you discover many daintily original, exclusive ideas that do not show themselves anywhere else. Choo�ings in all grades and lines are phenomenally large, while mod- erate prices and highest degree of skilled work main- tain their accustomed places. The following among many others, will be interesting to you: C3 The Nottlnglaalll Lace Curtain Sltow is rich in new protty copies of the funcy Saxony Brussels, Swiss �'run- hour, Cluny, Ambs umln l l th e 'rench novelty ideas. 'hoy Lace Materials by tile yartl for long or short cur- tnius; "Pauels," "lnitiuls" IIIHl Briso isos n wide mnge up t o tho vor·y choice Al'llbinu snsh, fl. 5, nnd Uen,Lissnnce Snsh ut 12.50 a yard, from the rlcsimulo llotteu musl i n 1 0 t go up u� high us 7.08 33c nnu bogm nt....... . at................. · C e . Bed Springs . and at- Real Jdslt Point Cr• tt·esses-Bost nmtressus pns-C talus - A V<ll'Y h luunlsome siulo to buy, becnnso bot.h wOI'k wide mugo of tho uuwest und mul nmte J i ul are tho very host. + most art.istie desigus from 'l'hc rauge is to finest hnil· at� " . 75, every grade goo1l e C . 2.98 to 30.00 a Pair. . e: . t�·t·h·c �1 · s·i��· 1 .75� New Ba·usels Curtains C -All tho rery l'iuh corn•c t icus (Befl t >.t� · very best grm1u 1.50 = of tho uow season in :1 .tis play THE NEW AUTUMN RUOS inclnd" of assol'tnwnts frotn n BlH·ciul �lwwin of t)m l nfHt Smyrna, louqnette, Axmini�ler, # 5.95 to 50.00 a Pair. Wii!OJIB, from t he very smallest to i ( W owm t.ko '"" ,. ...:::: :::: '"''·) ! L01 +1 721 Broad st., lEWARK, R.J. j t. . -��··�.�--------·· 133 GOLF GOODS at popular prices. EVERVTHINO FOR THE GOLFER, P H OT�O�APHER AND FOOT BALLIST. PHONOGRAPHS and RECORDS. 1000 RECORDS JUST RECEIVED. ALL LATEST AND POPULAR VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL SELECTIONS. i ************l* ** ********�= TUTTLE BROS . * i £�!!��mber. 1 * Spring and Broad streets, Westfield. * �&�,HoN• S * ·********** * * * # *** ********** . - ·-··-·-------�·-----·---· saItar_y_ Piuni&-Heatln g. This is lltlt tho tnl to -laTIMATE& FURN I SHED- .Plant Trees JOBBINO 1 . . I I t' t PAOMPTIY ATTEND£0 TO. Jilt It !S , ust· t IU ,(Ifill o H . c. McV O Y, El S ee BALL, .... Pia no Bargains ,.,:� �:�:�;•:.�, Wu 'm·o now ull'ur·iu�( IM't'l'lll o<ltl l 'l' i jlllro I'm · f ' nl l f'inlll.ilf( tiuw, Hl.yiiiH ol U p l'illlt l'J:woN, lmtll llW 1J' )'oil pl'ui ' Ht' l11 lllt\'tl him oull nl, 11111\ HUCOII!\ Juuu\ tit II'I'ttt J'lldiitf• yolll' jI'Oill!t]� IIII IJI ' O you Hlt i Cllt tluuH, Solil on lmHy tt•l'IIIH of p n y · y o l l l l ' t tl' l'ti•H 1111111 lplllll l ' ' /t l lu rrwi1t or llboml•liHt:ouuL nllowo1 l for U l ll't 11 1 11 1 11111 1 11 '' ' 011 8 · I I l> I IHh, Wn PD P A R.fiOUL A R T h e odore I a �gon�}illli o, WEST FIELD NURSERIES. 1 •n • Weel ••" ee lew Yor• 1', o, llox ſtO\, RAL R.R. af EW I�RSY tAnthl'aclte coal used exctuslV� l )', tusurln v nUueaB and comfort.) trccto�-Profcsstonal. AGLEA, Chao. H. A'1"1'0Hgy A'J' JJA \V, ank ld'g, Westfield, N.J. EGEL, CHACEY ., D. D. 1. 'i: ... �tub Dr a, Shu·�N. "J aiu't t i ulnnothin� uow," suitl th youug mun w i lh llw Hiuall Y\H all� low hruw us hu llCC(11Jte un iuvitntim from u n e< l ttully low hroweu comvulou to sit ut a I'OUJI tullle. "lly lm<l job lleelcd me vretty well, nnd I <lon ' t do uo work unlss 1 hna toY lO�l W[�Ul�o . Hu.nk HhlJ., \V lltflelll, N J. Hours: 9�12, 1-. CBAY,Wa,, �'UNimL DIUEC'OR, 'J'elcpbone !.-a. Cranford, N. J, "What I" It?'' uslw<l the o tlwr rascal. The lh·•t tough nuHie u slgnl11onnt m otion wHII his urm to Indicate Ills uc quntntunc<• with the art of sandlm· ing mal Jtoml piping, 1'hu following temperatnres +re ""P· pliell by Henry P. Colll1it, of the llnya Pharmacy, aud are talceu from the IHI' stauuurd lheunometer in frout uf . tha' store . WETFIELD OSTOFFUJB, L M. WnrrA, Posttr, A. K. OALE, Aut. and Money Order Clerk. WM, M, TowNLEY, Genera l livery Clork. FnEo \VT£R, Clerk. H AB,L,. A'l"I'ORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW ASEU IN CIIANCEUY. IN�UUANCE. Elm and Quimby tleots, Westfield, M oY,o.w.v. LAWYER, Park Avenue and Cth St., Pla!nlleld, N.J. M O, u. L LA W OFFICE, l Park Ave., Plainfield, N, J. M4��uf�a�T LAW, Park Ave. and St., Plainfield, N.J. R EED & CODDIOTO, COUNELLOS AT LAW, Babcock, Jlulldlng, PlaiQfield, Now Jey. Ofllce oפn from 7 a. m. T p. m. except on �aturca)'s. Office oפn Sunda)'s for holdrs of VA EBUBGH H !k ox from U to o'clock. CIVIL ENGINEER & SURVEYOR, .\RRIVAL AND DEPAR'URE Ob' fAILS. 15 Park avenue, l'lafncld, N. J. From New York, East, South aml South· ;��J'g�J�:�I ve ry a t 7: and 8: a. m.,1 OCal tCCtO" MAILS CLOSE. For New York, Pilelt>hfa, Trenton the ·--- ortheas , South , Southwest and way st.lior�> LOCATION OF FIRB ALARM BOXB5 RBt at 7:tu and i\J:30a. m., �:IU ancl6:40 11, m. ,,,)� il�c�'! . �to n •n d way ota�ln• IN WETFqLD, )JOUN'I'AJNSI DE. Arrlve at 7: " · m.RJu\4:> p, nh Close ut 8;30 " ' 01. and &:> ll, 111. DOMI·:81'10 FOS'rAOE UA'N�8. Allllly to mt'II IDI\ttor Eellt to Ptmrto IUco, Gunm, PhiliJltJtnes, CnnRt l " R.lltlluxlco, li"irt�class. Letters 1t11tl Smtletl nmt.tvr: cts. 297-Summlt avenue and Pnrk street. 499 -Elm street anil Kimball avenue. 79-Broa an Middlesex streets. 639-Cumhorln St. nud South Ave. sua-Fire Department bouse. -Center Street, Garwood. for ch ounce nr fr nc tfon. After sending in Rn alarm stand near S c cl��t�!�ch�8!:�;\� <,�'f�ttlli,�i c1' 1 5: the cBll box uutilnrrival of apparatus 1!-oui�:�s�: ll i� 1 :� 1 · l u i J� I t��l�: A F(Kl, '+1int Ea{ � DuekM; Tlifrd.cis, llscoJiar,eoua III'Jntcd mattor: let . for c h two cnwces ur ft'IH:tlon. I lion. Amon the lfUuthings In 11111111 Is A sJlccfnt tlc�::��>�:�,:�:�;�.�;Htlnu to post thu tlsh tlu . tt eats ducks. 'Ylwu otw I, setllU'l•s nuy lmmel nt u tlcllyory ut tl l iY llllsses somo duclts. UU is tolt by the Unitcu Stale� ]•ost oJllcu. IOOl'YWillltl thnt a fish SWilllO'etl f'(�UIUON 1'08TAOB HAT t}IUI111 OC lJeillS tO thilllt thCl'Q CUll Let��J,c J I��.�;�·�J�t\tler. ficts. for ench bulf t'cully be uo limit to the lleM the rynn Posln Cnrds. lru.dc, 2 encb; double 4 eta . llrot . hm· cnu. tell. nt curly one morn· Cmi l l ! clnl J>nl'Ul'3. let. for each two minces ln g, s oon after tho duclu; luul bocu let or f1·action, mt not. less tlum (ts. on cuch out untl hull, ns usunl. nuHle tiwh• W\' Pr i N��f0iinttur. let. for encll tw11 ounces or to tho tnnk, Oll ono s lo of Which fmcllon. ntnus n n Indigo nHslstnnt's lmugnlow, Sn1 1 :,J;1\';�c�'�11 . i�1 1 �tyg11�1b�it 1 1 �t· 1 �;sr t h : �! ' !! ' l t h u ol tl k h ausn1n a excitmlly uuu o ticml on each pnekel. flint the ig llsh 11:1<1 just Ct l llght un · P n rce l s-Post Blltl's. Co n su lt )'OU r tmstnmsto l '. o t her uck and swnuo,yml Jt uucl could mn\' bo oht: : �t , :!� . N �: u t:I �ooa mouuy uot kcq[1. down w i th it. �rhc gun wns unlOt· ulllce In tho United 3t n t c s , uJJll umY hu n t o uco got hold of, n ud after watching d:;N�� fe�uJ!:L'g,�{l�J'Jfdc r n n�u from t J w . u n t ie s o f l w fish tryi ng t o IH'Cl> :Jch. to ets. for l nll' l tlonnl OJ·derH. frulu l lo " n u n e " uter he wns shot. e lVd•. to $1. proved to l>e 11 Iorge Ioall and hnd liC· oJ :�! , A�l . �Ii ) . nfoty, amll c o m b in e s econ- t unll y g ot the cntl ro bh•d down, With Tm: I!EIIIS1'1ll' st'ST>�. only the legs just showing In Ills IJettcrs contnintuu monur�or l larcels of \'al- mouth. uahle 1111\lter, Hhouhltmt sent lu tho tmllls without being rugfstored. 'l'hu regltr f1'o Is 8 <:cu 1 H in llltion to post- n�u, t ' orul gn or dntnt!stlc. 1\t'u tratnstt ttnd 11ro{lcr doH,·er)'lU'H llurcd. t h: Nlt\�r! ti '�it �!:t�t�ee Is t•oturncd to A doru�stic reglstel(Jit:tteraddN�Ased to ltny UnUell St'\h�J.lOMt ute is hu mretl for its value till to ten tlollt \rs. eltgtous ottces. J•tp an'l Stn·lnp Dank•It Is l'lltlu>r u surprising fuct, consld· erJng lwweuormously tht•y hn\·c growu, tbnt ut the !Jeg!uulug of the ultwtecutb ccutm•y tlwm wus not + sn••lngs hnul c In tlw world. 'ite Uev. lleury Duncnn, rt•etor of a PY J>our Bnglish pnrlsll, uotlce thnt wlwn the pco 1l" wished to lny by + llttle money they wonltl huy n pi Ol' 11 cow with It, huvlug no ot her wuy to Jln<1 Investment for smn ll sim1s. " founded the fh·st n•nl Hll\'lngs lmnk In 1810. 'wo or thrcu which hnd ex· lste het'ol'e that tinw wm·e Jll'ttctlcnll�· churitul>lc fomulntlons. lie Or''' the Line. "This Js a · dnngerous Cl'lmhml/' tJlnhll' the juilct•, who wus howlng It PHt'ty of vlsltol'S tlu•Ongh the culllwust�. "lie hns l>rolcen Into evcrylhlng In Chl- cngo." "E\'er)· t h!n exce[ Jt societ y," protest- e the dangerous crhnlnnl.-llnlthuo•·e metlcnu. "To tell 'lw ti'Uth"-bp called It "troot" -"thJs eJ · aeJ\;�mnu's v-orlc Js too rlsJy. Too much pull in g of gunq by the oth<•l' ftllows, null . t·uu've got to hnvo nn eX· Pens ive outfit . and dolng the snenlc uct Is too ri sky, Did I ever tell you how I Btm·t<•d out? It was In n drug store; and 1 thought I could swipe sonw brushes or something like that. You can always bock tlu>m things. Well, I sot II• all right, but I had to buy n socln -a·r-h !- get an excuse, I took my time s wallowing the stu, nn1I up to tbnt point tb graft worked all right. . "Tile ls h walked away, nnd utter awbllc be "'ent behind the little plnce 'ltere tl1ey put up pscriptions, 1tn en 1 gnther e In thre nice brushes. Dut before I had taken three steps be was on to me. 1 found out nfterwnr that all tl•ese •lrugglsts hn ••e llttle bole.• or crncks In the stained glass In front of their desks, so they ClUJ pipe off nil thnt goes on In the store. "-Chlcago Tribune. Glad lie llad No Rvolver. "No," snld t11e man, t.alklng of trnv· ellug, "you will never find me tt·a \'<'1· lug or going nnywhere, tor tllnt mu t- ter, with n revolYer. I gave mi ne nwn�· a umubet· of yearS ugo wJtll a devout fecllng of thnnltfulness thnt It hntl not hPen ilw cnUfW of endless renronch to me. I hn l>een up the Hudson with my wife, n nd on the return triJl I hml In lilY mln the storiPs thnt I hn<1 re· ccntly 1\CIIl'fl of snenk thle\"CS who h:t<l bl•l�n robbing tmsscngcrs on the hoat. "1 <11<1 not lmow thnt I lmt1 pnltl spc· �htl uttentton to thmu, hut tu thl\ mid- dle of the night, when ll llttlt; ttolsn n tile window nwnkencd me, I ltncw nt once thnt thos<! snenl< thle..es were lu the room, um1 with one l>oml fl -1 couldn't hnn• t1ouc It If 1 hm1trlel1 tLt another time-I lnntleli on t11o·, ·floor from the n]lpet· berth, with Ul�;· 'hnmls ou tlw tln· o nt of the thief at tlJC wJn .. l1ow. · I held on so tlgh ll)' tim t my lc- tlm couldn't mn!w n sound, and you en n lmnglno how horrll let l I was to lind thttt I hn nmrly strangled my wire. lf I !m hml a pistol, I 'onlrl cerlnlnly lin \'C slwt her, nncl the first oppoJ ·tunlty I hn nfter thnt 1 gne mlno uwny. '£hey m·e Uttngerous things to ent•t•y."-New Yot•k 'flmcs. Tile Cluu•tuM of "llonte Chrh.to," I,ot•<l Sullslllll'�' one< told the fol- lowln� Interesting null umuslng lncl- dcut ut u meeting of u cel' tnln literary club. "One hook," snl<l Lon! Snllshm•y, "hns nlwnys ruscluutml mu und on more thnn one occnsfou has rnwu me out of I.Je<l n•ry c11rly In the mornlu;. '!'Ills Is Dnmns' ·�totttChrlsto.' A few months ugo I wns stnylng at Snn<lrlng- luuu. 1 bnll my fn1·orJte wltl me, nut! ubout half l"t 4 In the moml ug I got up nn<l w�nt Into thH benutlful gl'Dunds ntul �n t down fot au hour or two to bo •enl'l'JetJ :1 \\'11,\'' hy my hook. "I hm1 been re nfllng for nbont hnlf D bonr when I IJenr<l somone sny: 'Whnt! Are n prluw minister's <1uUe" so hea\'Y thnt he must twes �>c up so curly In or der to stmly?' I turned nm1 saw the Prine .of 'Vnlcs. I showed him the bool; th nt hnt1 mwn me out so curly, nnll he Hnitl laughinly that he wonl read such 1\11 nppurently fus- chmtl ng Iool; , "Three weeks nfterwnrt1 he snl to IUP: • "lonte·Chi'IHto'' tew yo u out of c +t lmlf \IIISt 4 In Um UIOl'lllg, I mny Hny thn t It dt·ow me out or bed t 4 in e uwt·nlng.' "-Lum1on Gem. M ):THODI �;P,COPAL CIIURCH, R cv,C. M. At ultH son H. D.� Pastor, el· ce Union Pla. Sur dRr mornJng r� �·tee 10:30 o'chJCk. Sundur·sclmol 2.:�1 1•. N. 'oung PeoJl lu'H lcctlt .IX. 1•. m. Rvenlng 3or\•lce 7:�a o'clock. Vlnss mevtJng, 'l'uesda) o\'in� at 8 o'clock. Gen�ral Pru.y¥r Mꝏt.· tng, "�odnosllR)' ovenhtgH, at 8 o' clock. All �t r" !rvo. We exten )'OU a heart)' welcome to thest rlces. lf not ltlentltlud with RH other Con· rogaUon wo Hbould bu Jllvn�ml to see you ODK our regular nttentlnuts nnd Ordi&llJ ln v lte you to mn.ku thl clmrch Y�tJr home. P R �J;e�!�. 0J!�!�,�ia�i Coal al $6.00 a Ton and Goin g U�! . M. 8:011 1', M.�oc!h\l l�ettns-'mlnelay :��\:Jt �r�(�r');.·:� · ' �::�:�> �1:::�1 �At�i o l;��is1�l\m�! l o rl n t c ml en t. S tr a u ge r t S'cl!��{�1,�ijro�::l10�1t'r}:A�s�tl:!1�?f�fJ�JJſtw. "'. 01ietl1' .rnn·t, .Jr., Hct: t m·. MtJI'\'Iet•s �:���::, l 17�M:A�K1: · :':��:Ngr�<·r1,!�r,1:\�:Jr ,�:;nNI: fm•tain� �t'l'\'lt�l� n111l �t!l'lliOII1 11. l•,h·t. Huu- (�:1�,r.,��l\!!, I t 1 t 1 r �;�;�;gr\1,117:Jfi�'' S 1 l\��\�lc1t. uh:i !Ultll ' t•��. i',l'tllll)' l'\'l'BIIH! nt �. 1\ c�ordhll in\'J 1ntion tn 11\'c•l'l' Hilt' to nttl!lul. 'l'hn Ht-c·tcn• 1 nt )JIIUIO llWl'lilliH (UX(!f•JII- mHIIIJ') m• vnu� \lltl\fillll. W �;H'II!J,)J l'IJIII,JO J,HA BY. Incur· 1mrntclll!iji, Lilll'ntr n)ltm uvtu·r 'J'tw�- !)ll )'• 'J1hlll':,dll)' 111111 �1\tttrllll )' Hl'tt!l'lliii•IIM 1'1' 11 1 1 ! ffJ II o'drml,, Hnl UI't1JH' U\'!IUhtHH fruJJI 7 to II u.t. t. lwit• t·nollltl on Bi·mul 1-rt••t, twtu· Nhu. �i:!!:t� · tw, �:�:1 ,�;�g�, 1 · ,? t l t · · ,.!:',\t'�\1','L t ,�.�::� l ·w:�. 1•111111 tumlt. honlt�t·ntnnth••ulill t\. A Serious Problem If lhe Strike Lasts Save 20 Per Cen t . Fuel II You lnolall T"J Schlicht Combustion Apparatus. Mr. Evans, t h u l'l n i n flo1<1 ugout, will iustal111t hia ow11 oxponso nm1 give .lO days' free trial. Ovor 100 orrlors in l'l••inlloi<L Al l tho Public flohoo l s; folll' of the lnl'gust OhnrohuB; B!llwock lluiltliug; Y L 0. A, tlllt1 75 of tho lgos t lwusvs iu lowu, . PRICE fol' MOUSE MEATSRS. $ZS. T h e Schlicht C o mbustion Process C o N . v . AGENT FOR NEWJERSEV, �· MAYNARD EVANS, l8 n. Front Strcut, . l'LAINI'IIlLtl. Oct. Y a.m. noon. 3p.w. 3 Ill 71 fill 4 63 72 71 5 04 77 7 , ( Partly clou<ly to uiht :mtl Sa.ltmluy: fresh south willlls. Rending ntter For tlat! Duke, TlH!l' wns tU\ nmustng tucitlent in couuectlQu w!lh 11Je lat e Dul;e or E<lln· l>mll's Aust rallun tour. lie tto<'<')ltcd liD l nt nUon to \'lslt + wealthy �qunt- tm·; on whos� estate excellent shooting liS to ile hntl. The Sl)UUtter WIIS a self mn<' mnn, entirely unhH:UJnlacred with hook lcnl'lllll and ulmolutely In- nocent or l'lmdlng tastes. lu 111nklng lli'C[JIIl'ntlons for the dulw's \"lsll Wi su!leuly !llscovere<l thnt the l'u•·nlsh• lug of the lflJI'IIl'Y hnd buen completely overloo1wd. 'l'het·c wns uo lillie to e lost, nml so 1he Silllllttel' sat tlo'n uud lspntched the following teleram to the le:u11ug �lelhourne bouksPller: "Senfl one ton of boo!;s. lmwetllnta ell\'ery," 'l'hc bool;sellcr wns staggered at the receipt of such a wholcsnlc ami uncoD- Yent l onnl Ol'tlel', ut OS the sill turc of the senf1 cr woult1 be llonorc<l l>y any lulbomue hau l; on 11 cbcck fo1· six !lg- UL'es he h:cpt his stuff wm·tdng on the job until tho small hours of the morn- Ing, um1 the ton of miscel laneous lltc nture wns hn!J!Iil slleh·cd l>efoJ'e the arrival of the llulte.-I.ontlon Chronicle N,n·eJ Clllne+e Clhck. It must he concetl�tl tbnt In some quulltles of prlmltl•·c but practical r sourcefulnP�s tho Chinese nre nht•nd of most cl\'llll:cd nations. All Ira clcr ngree thn t If In n <1lstrlct where r locka untl watches nl'e unl\nown you ll8k a Clllnnmnn the tlmc or tiny he will, If w�ll dl sposctl, nt once proceetl to ntlmscndc aud <!npturc the household cnt nn nfter JIUHhlng U[l tho llll s nllll lool<· lug fot• 11 mouwnt Into Its eyt: lu� will tell the time wltb astonishing accuracy, 'rhe ex plana lion Is a slmr•l" phy�i loglcnl one. ' he pupils of the cnt's eyes conRtnntiY coutruct until ntlllday, when they ecome !lim n nne lin, as thin ns a hnh·, Urnwu pcrpendieular11 act·oss the eyes. After l tlw�· begin ngaln to dlln te. It Is to e hopet l that If the Jll'tle!lcc Is m·er lntroduepfl Into this country watches 111111 clm:l<s will contltllw to Ie made, ns lhert• will {ll'ohnhl)' be manr who will not Cfll'e to run nftel' n llt whetHn· er they want to ]illoW thu hou r or who may fcHI' onte danger to thch' own e�·cs ft•om too close nu cnmtuutton of hers. Tlwn Slu• OhtMltt�tl, In the < l ays wlwn tlll' lnte Count.es8 of nnrtmout11 wnK taln� out her tlnu�htt!t'H-t. IH• Ltul l t N Lt'�-om• t•vcnIn nt St nort l llouHe, It t'dl to !he lot of n OIIwhnt dt>nt' funetlonnry to nn- nomt c _•u thtt tl'fo. HJ.ucl.r lllll'lllloutll!" cnllc<1 oul. lltl' 1111111, who hud only, Ctlli�')Jt luJif' JIW HCII(l'lll'P, ".\11 1 1 tiJa ljH<lh� Ll'J(t�P!" l't•}lt'll(Ptl hl't ' l:ttly�hlp. "A1 llw Judy's )tog,!'' t•L'ltll} t }!l' tWl'V• nnt. nlflh•ulth•M ln tfuo \Vn)·, "! Wlll tnlllll' ,1'0111' nlllllt' II )Jl•"<lll lllltf fl lt,\'\\'OI'tf!" S!I\'IIJI,\' N J lOI\t• tlJH I' jt'l.'l\'d lu\'l'l', '•You ftiiiJ' uwku II 11 11,\'\\'ol'd," the Jll'otlll llt•ll l11�' l'PIIIHI'iWd Willi lll:l,lt'�tlo <.'otlti'Jllpt, "hill J'Oill' owu �owl .l ud· IIIPnl ll'lll i<·ll ,l'ull lhol �·ott <'illl't ilo mueh hl�:�nu: wlfh "''11'11 11 n::JJH' n1 llelln �lllll'l',"-l:hlt•n;:o 'l'J•ihllll<'. ---------·----·--------- - - - - - · ·· - Drink Trenchard's Delicious SODA WATE.if _ _ __ _ CASTOR lA: �THE F/NT IN TOWN. lor lnl'1111tl Dnd Children, WESTFIELD PH�RMJCY. W. H. TRE.NCHARD. Preecrlatlon Druatlat. I e Kind You Hare AIWIJI BoucH : . ' IJonr• tlte d _ .N� ·1 ai&atoof�� ;' ,

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Page 1: DigiFind-It › westfield › DATA › newspapers › Union... · . ____ · ___ _ , __ _ _ __ _ ___ sE.Ml-'WE:EkLy · THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD. TUESDAY FRIDAY, VOL. XVII. NO. 5 l


____ · ___ _ , __ _ _ __ _ _ __ sE.Ml- 'WE:EkLy ·


VOL. XVII. NO. 5 l .WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. J., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1900. $2 Per Year. Single Copies 3c.

·-------·����·���------.·· ; i . H�B�E H�PI ut�cos l ! 11!��� • �. a rt1[ I.AilGf.ST OQYANO ''· , : # ' ._1. � fA!1(Yii00!6t10U�IN N[.W JU!5l .. . I i Opon S•tmd•y ovon;ng�Cio,od Frid•y 6 p, m.

j pALL

• males furnished and a representative sent if desired. with sketches and samples of materials, to consult and advise with parties contemplating furnishings of houses and rooms.

JZ.OTH Curtain and Upholstery Departments fair· U ly briming over with new beauties of the season. As in all other merchandising here, you discover many daintily original, exclusive ideas that do not show themselves anywhere else. Choo�ings in all grades and lines are phenomenally large, while mod-erate prices and highest degree of skilled work main­

tain their accustomed places. The following among

many others, will be interesting to you:

:-JC3&: The Nottlnglaalll Lace

Curtain Sltow is rich in

new protty copies of the funcy

Saxony Brussels, Swiss �'run­hour, Cluny, Ambs umlnll the l!'rench novelty ideas. '!'hoy

Lace Materials by tile yartl for long or short cur­tnius; "Pauels," "lnitiuls" IIIHl Briso llisos n wide mnge up to tho vor·y choice Al'llbinu snsh, fl. ()5, nnd Uen,Lissnnce Snsh ut 12.50 a yard, from the rlcsimulo llotteu muslin 10 t go up u� high us 7.08 33c

li nnu bogm nt ....... . at................. · C e .

Bed Springs . and ltlat- • � Real Jdslt Point C�tr• tt·esses-Bost nmtressus pns-� C talus - A V<ll'Y h luunlsome siulo to buy, becnnso bot.h wOI'k � � wide mugo of tho uuwest und mul nmte J•iul are tho very host.� 11 most art.istie desigus from 'l'hc rauge is to finest hnil· at� " :w. 75, every grade II goo1l e C . 2.98 to 30.00 a Pair. ���


.t�·t·h·c ����1

·s·i��· 1.75�

� New Ba·us�<els Curtains C � -All tho rery l'iuh corn•ct i<lcus (Beflt0�>.t���j"· very best grm1u 1.50 � = of tho uow season in :1 .tis play THE NEW AUTUMN RUOS inclnd" � • of assol'tnwnts frotn n BlH·ciul �lwwing- of t)m lnf�JHt 1' II' Smyrna, 1\louqnette, Axmini�ler, # � 5.95 to 50.00 a Pair. Wii!OJIB, from the very smallest to i � ( W owm t.ko '"" ,. ..... ::·,;::: :::: '"''·) ! L01 111 721 Broad st., lEW ARK, R.J. j t .... --....... -��·""'·..,...,.�.�--------··


GOLF GOODS at popular prices.




i************l***********�= TUTTLE BROS �� . *

i £�!!����mber. 1 * Spring and Broad streets, Westfield. � * 7'�&.�,.HoN• Sll •----• *

·*************#************* . - -··--···--··---------�·------··----··

saD'Itar_y_Piuin�ni&-Heatlng. This is lltlt tho t.inlll t.o


1 . . I I t' t PAOMPTI.Y ATTEND£0 TO. Jilt It !S , ust· t IU ,(Ifill o

H. c. McVOY, Elm� See BALL, .... Pia no Bargains ,.,:� ���:���:�::��;•:.;.��, Wu 'm·o now ull'ur·iu�( IM't'l'lll o<ltl l'l'ijlllro I'm· f•'nl l f'inlll.ilf(.( tiuw,

Hl.yiiiH ol Upl'il-(llt l'J:woN, lmtll lli'W 1J' )'oil pl'ui'Ht' l11 lllt\'tl him oull nl, 11111\ HUCOII!\ Juuu\ tit IJ'I'I'ttt J'lldiitf• yolll' j.(I'Oill!t]� IIII J'IJI'O you HltiCllt

tluuH, Solil on lmHy tt•l'IIIH of pny· yol lll' t tl'll'ti•H 1111111 lplllll

l'tl' '/tllu

rrwi1t or llboml•liHt:ouuL nllowo1l for Ulll't 11 1 111 11111 1.\11 ''' 0118·


l>IIHh, Wlln PDII PAR.fiOULARII. Theodore I a •

�ttgon� �}illlllili ([o, WEST FIELD NURSERIES. 1 •ntl • Weel •••" ee •• lllew Yorll• 1', o, llox ftO\,

Cl.EN'rRAL R.R. af !fEW I�RSJ:lY tAnthl'aclte coal used exctuslV�l)', tusurlnv .!leanUueaB and comfort.)

lntrccto�-Profcsstonal. AlfGLEIIAif, Chao. H.

A'1"1'0H:Ngy A'J' JJA \V, !lank llld'g, Westfield, N.J.

EGEL, CHAtJifCEY :F., D. D. 1.

'i: ... �tub Dr a,_; Shu·�N. "J aiu't t iuln� nothin� uow," suitl th

youug mun wilh llw Hiuall liY\.'H all� low hruw us hu llCC(11Jtetl un iuvitntim from u n e<lttully low hroweu comvuu· lou to sit ut a I'OUJII] tullle. "lly lm<l job lleelcd me vretty well, nnd I <lon't do uo work unlt>ss 1 hna toY

lO�@Jl W[�Ulll��o

. Hu.nk HhlJ.t., \V lll:ltflelll, N •• J. Hours: 9�12, 1-li.

CBAY,Wa,JI', �'UNim.\L DIUEC'i'OR,

'J'elcpbone !..'8-a. Cranford, N. J,

"What I" It?'' uslw<l the otlwr rascal. The lh·•t tough nuHie u slgnl11onnt

motion wHII his urm to Indicate Ills uc quntntunc<• with the art of sandlm<:· iring mal Jtoml piping,

1'hu following temperatnres 11re ""P· pliell by Henry P. Colll1it, of the llnyard Pharmacy, aud are talceu from the IHI'g8 stauuurd lheunometer in frout uf .tha' store.

WEiiTFIELD l'OSTOFFUJB, L. M. WnrrAIU<H, Postlll&flt.er, A. K. OALE, Aut. and Money Order Clerk. WM, M, TowNLEY, General Delivery Clork. FnEo \Vu�.T£R, Clerk..


IIAS'rEU IN CIIANCEUY. IN�UUANCE. Elm and Quimby IStleots, Westfield,

MoY,o.w.v. LAWYER,

Park Avenue and Cth St., Pla!nlleld, N.J.

MOITilft, OJou. L. LAW OFFICE, t:ll Park Ave., Plainfield, N, J.

M4��u��f�a�T LAW, Park Ave. and 2d St., Plainfield, N.J.


Babcock, Jlulldlng, PlaiQfield, Now Jersey. Ofllce open from 7 a. m. to T p. m. except on �aturc.la)'s. Office open Sunda)'s for holdt�rs of VAll' EIIBUBGH H Cl !.ock !lox .. from U to • o'clock. CIVIL ENGINEER & SURVEYOR, .\RRIVAL AND DEPAR'l'URE Ob' llfAILS. 153 Park avenue, l'lafntlcld, N. J. From New York, East, South aml South· ;�ii(l'�.:'J'g�J�:�Iveryat 7:00 and 8:00 a. m.,1 'lOCal 'JDtl'CCtOl'" MAILS CLOSE. t:•

For New York, P)Jiladelt>hfa, Trenton the ·--->lortheas� , South, Southwest and way st.lior�> LOCATION OF FIRB ALARM BOXB5 fr.RBt at 7:tu and i\J:30a. m., �:IU ancl6:40 11, m. ,,,)�:5 il����!jl c�c\i'! •. ��ton •nd way ota�l'!n• IN WE.5TF113LD,

)JOUN'I'AJNSI DE. Arrlve at 7:00 "· m.RJu\4:30 p, nh Close u.t 8;30 "' 01. and &:30 ll, 111.

DOMI·:81'10 FOS'rAOE UA'N�8. Allllly to mt'II IDI\ttor Eellt to Ptmrto IUco,

Gunm, PhiliJltJtnes, CnnR.tl" R.lltll\luxlco, li"ir�ot�class. Letters 1t11tl Smtletl nmt.tvr: :J cts.

297-Summlt avenue and Pnrk street. 499 -Elm street anil Kimball avenue. ll79-Broail ancl Middlesex streets. 639-Cumhorlntul St. nud South Ave. sua-Fire Department bouse.

l!U-Center Street, Garwood. for tmch ounce nr frnctfon. After sending in Rn alarm stand near

Sccl��t�"fc!����ch����8!:�;\����� <,�'f�ttlli,���tlic1'

15: the cBll box uutilnrrival of apparatus


i�1:�1���· ������������luiJ�It��l��: A F(Kl, '111int Ea{�� DuekM;

Tlifrd.citL."is, 1\llscoJia.r,eoua III'Jntcd mattor: let.. for �.onch two cnwces ur ft'IH:tlon. I lion. Among" the lfUum· things In 11111111 Is A sJlccfnt tlc�::����>�:�,:�:��;��.����;Htlnu to post.- thu tlsh tlu.tt eats ducks. 'Ylwu otw

IHW, setllU'l•s nuy lmme� lntu tlcllyory ut tlliY llllsses somo duclts . UUll is tolt.l by the Unitcu Stale� ]•ost oJllcu. IIIOOl't;YWillltl thnt a fish SWilllO\\'etl f.'(�UIUON 1'08TAOB HATES t}IUI111 OllC lJeg'illS tO thilllt thCl'Q CUll Let��J,�c�J

I��.��;��·�J����t\tler. ficts. for ench bulf t'cully be uo limit to the lleM the .Arynn Posln.l Cnrds. S'lru.dc, 2 encb; double 4 eta. llrot.hm· cnu. tell. 'Bnt curly one morn· Cm�i��l

l!�clnl J>nl'Ul'3. let. for each two minces lng, soon after tho duclu; luul bocu let or f1·action, mt. not. less tlum (K:ts. on cuch out untl hull, ns usunl. nuHle tiwh• Wll\'

PriN��f0iinttur. let. for encll tw11 ounces or to tho tnnk, Oll ono s l(]o of Which fmcllon. ntnuL1s nn Indigo nHslstnnt's lmugnlow,

Sn11:,J;1\';�c�'�11.:\i�11��tyg1111�1b�it 11��t·1�;sr th:�!'!!�'l� thu oltl khausn1na excitmlly uuuol!ticml

on each pnekel. flint the !Jig llsh 11:1<1 just Ctl llght un· Pnrcels-Post Blltl's. Consult )'OUr tmstnmstol'. other lluck and swnuo,yml Jt uucl could

mn\' bo oht::��::t•,�:!�.

N���:��u�t�:I����ooa mouuy uot kcq[1. down with it. �rhc gun wns

unlOt· ulllceto� In tho United �3tntcs, uJJll umY hu nt ouco got hold of, nud after watching

d:;N��� fe��u J!:L'V}g,���{l�J'J'ijfdcrs rnn�u from tJw. unties of �lw fish trying to IH.'Cl>

:Jch. to &lets. for lnlE!l'IHltlonnl OJ·derH. frulu llo" n unllet· " uter he wns shot. lie lVd•. to $1. proved to l>e 11 Iorge I.Joall and hnd liC· oJ:��!�,

�A�����l�.��Ii)�.nfoty, amll combines econ- tunlly got the cntlro bh•d down, With

Tm: I!EIIIS1'1ll' st'STt:>�. only the legs just showing In Ills IJettcrs contnintuu monur�or llarcels of \'al- mouth. uahle 1111\lter, Hhouhltmt be sent lu tho tmllls without being rugfstored.

'l'hu regl!!tr\' f1'o Is 8 <:cu1H in aulllltion to post­n�u, t 'orulgn or dntnt!stlc.

1"51\t'u tratnstt tt.nd 11ro{lcr doH,·er)'lU'H llf'surcd. th����:N������lt\�r!�ti '�it �!:t���t�ee Is t•oturncd to

A doru�stic reglstert.l(Jit:tteraddN�Ased to ltny UnUell St.'\h�"'J.lOMt unite is humretl for its value till to ten tlollt\rs.

'Reltgtous 'Aottces.

J•tp an'l Stn·lnp Dank•• It Is l'lltlu>r u surprising fuct, consld·

erJng lwweuormously tht•y hn\·c growu, t.bnt ut the !Jeg!uulug of the ultwtecutb ccutm•y tlwm wus not 11 sn••lngs hnulc In tlw world. '.rite Uev. lleury Duncnn, rt•etor of a \"Pl'Y J>our Bnglish pnrlsll, uotlcetl thnt wlwn the pco1•l" wished to lny by 11 llttle money they wonltl huy n pill' Ol' 11 cow with It, huvlug no other wuy to Jln<1 Investment for smnll sim1s. II" founded the fh·st n•nl Hll\'lngs lmnk In 1810. 'l'wo or thrcu which hnd ex· lstetl het'ol'e that tinw wm·e Jll'ttctlcnll�· churitul>lc fomulntlons.

lie Or«!-''' the Line. "This Js a ·dnngerous Cl'lmhml/' e.x·

tJlnhll'tl the juilct•, who wus !:3howlng It PHt'ty of vlsltol'S tlu•Ongh the culllwust�. "lie hns l>rolcen Into evcrylhlng In Chl­cngo."

"E\'er)· th!ng" exce[Jt society," protest­ell the dangerous crhnlnnl.-llnlthuo•·e 1\metlcnu.

"To tell 'lw ti'Uth"-bp called It "troot" -"thJs eJ·aeJ\;�mnu's v..-orlc Js too rlsJ;;y. Too much pull ing of gunq by the oth<•l' ft.!llows, null .t·uu've got to hnvo nn eX· Pensive outfit. and dolng the snenlc uct Is too risky, Did I ever tell you how I Btm·t<•d out? It was In n drug store; and 1 thought I could swipe sonw brushes or something like that. You can always bock tlu>m things. Well, I sot II• all right, but I had to buy n soc.ln -a·r-h !-to get an excuse, I took my time s wallowing the stull', nn1I up to tbnt point tbl! graft worked all right. . "Tile bolls hl' walked away, nnd utter awbllc be "'ent behind the little plnce 1\'ltere tl1ey put up prescriptions, 1tn<l fben 1 gnthereol In thrl'e nice brushes. Dut before I had taken three steps be was on to me. 1 found out nfterwnrtl that all tl•ese •lrugglsts hn ••e llttle bole.• or crncks In the stained glass In front of their desks, so they ClUJ pipe off nil thnt goes on In the store."-Chlcago Tribune.

Glad lie llad No Rl!volver. "No," snld t11e man, t.alklng of trnv·

ellug, "you will never find me tt·a \'<'1· lug or going nnywhere, tor tllnt mut­ter, with n. revolYer. I gave mine nwn�·

a. umubet· of yearS ugo wJtll a devout fecllng of thnnltfulness thnt It hntl not hPen ilw cnUfW of endless renronch to me. I hnol l>een up the Hudson with my wife, n nd on the return triJl I hml In lilY mlntl the storiPs thnt I hn<1 re· ccntly 1\CIIl'fl of snenk thle\"CS who h:t<l bl•l�n robbing tmsscngcrs on the hoat.

"1 <11<1 not lmow thnt I lmt1 pnltl spc·

�htl uttentton to thmu, hut tu thl\ mid­dle of the night, when ll llttlt; ttolsn ni: tile window nwnkencd me, I ltncw nt once thnt thos<! snenl< thle..es were lu the room, um1 with one l>oml fl-1 couldn't hnn• t1ouc It If 1 hm1.trlel1 tLt another time-I lnntleli on t11o·, ·floor from the n]lpet· berth, with Ul�;· 'hnmls ou tlw tln·ont of the thief at tlJC wJn .. l1ow. · I held on so tlgh ll)' tim t my \'lc­tlm couldn't mn!w n sound, and you en n lmnglno how horrllletl I was to lind thttt I hncl nmrly strangled my wire. lf I !mol hml a pistol, I \\'onlrl cerlnlnly lin \'C slwt her, nncl the first oppoJ·tunlty I hntl nfter thnt 1 gn\'e mlno uwny. '£hey m·e Uttngerous things to ent•t•y."-New Yot•k 'flmcs.

Tile Cluu•tuM of "llonte .. Chrh.to,"

I,ot•<l Sullslllll'�' one<• told the fol­lowln� Interesting null umuslng lncl­dcut ut u meeting of u cel 'tnln literary club. "One hook," snl<l Lon! Snllshm•y, "hns nlwnys ruscluutml mu und on more thnn one occnsfou has (}rnwu me out of I.Je<l n•ry c11rly In the mornlu;.r. '!'Ills Is Dnmns' ·�totttt!-Chrlsto.' A few months ugo I wns stnylng at Snn<lrlng­luuu. 1 bnll my fn1·orJte wltl.t me, nut! ubout half l"'"t 4 In the momlug I got up nn<l w�nt Into thH benutlful gl'Dunds ntul �n t down fot• au hour or two to bo •enl'l'JetJ :1 \\'11,\'' hy my hook.

"I hm1 been renfllng for nbont hnlf liD bonr when I IJenr<l som� one sny: 'Whnt! Are n prluw minister's <1uUe" so hea\'Y thnt he must tweols �>c up so curly In order to stmly?' I turned nm1 saw the Prine(' .of 'Vnlcs. I showed him the bool; thnt hnt1 <lmwn me out so curly, nnll he Hnitl laughing-ly that he wonlcl read such 1\11 nppurently fus-chmtlng I.Jool;, •

"Three weeks nfterwnrt1 he snl<l to IUP: • ":'!lonte·Chi'IHto'' cltew you out of !>col 11t lmlf \IIISt 4 In Um UIOl'lllllg, I mny Hny thn t It dt·ow me out or bed q,t 4 in ilie uwt·nlng.' "-Lum1on Gem.


Rcv,C. M. AtultHson H. D.� Pastor, Reel· hmce Union Place. Sur dRr mornJng Ser� �·tee 10:30 o'chJCk. Sundur·sclmol 2.:�1 1•. N. '..-oung PeoJllu'H :\lcctlt t: .IX. 1•. m. Rvenlng 3or\•lce 7:�a o'clock. Vlnss mevtJng, 'l'uesda) o\'tmin� at 8 o'clock. Gen�.:ral Pru.y¥r Moot.· tng, "�odnosllR)' ovenhtgH, at 8 o'clock. All "��lltl' n,r" !rvo.

We extentl )'OU a heart)' welcome to thest -ser\'lces. lf not ltlentltlud with RH)' other Con· .:rroga.Uon wo Hbould bu Jllvn�ml to see you !\InODK our regular nttentlnuts nnd ('Ordi&llJ lnvlte you to mn.ku thltj clmrch Y�tJr home. PR���J;e������!!\�. 0J!:;.��!�,����ia�i�:

Coal al $6.00 a Ton and Going U�! .... M. 8:011 1', M.�oc!h\l 1\l�ettng-s-\\'mlneStlay f,t':.��\:Jt�����r�(�r�� ');..·:�·' ��::�:���> ��1:::�1 fue::: �A.tt�iol;��is1�l\m��!lorlntcmlent. Straugert

S'l'cl!���{�1,�ijro�::l10�1t'r.��;}:A\{�s�tl:!1�?f�fJ�J� Jftw. "'ru. 01ietl1' .rnn·t:o, .Jr., Hct: tm·. MtJI'\'Iet•s �:�����:::a',l17�M:A��K1:·:':����:Ngr��<·r1,�!�r,1:\�:Jr ,�:;nNI: :\fm•tain� �t'l'\'lt�l� n111l �t!l'lliOII1 11. l•,h·�;�t. Huu-(�:1�,r.,� ���������l\!!;_,tJ I t1t�1��r ti�;�;�;gr\1,117:Jfi�'' S1l\��\�lc1�

t.uh:i !Ultll't•��. i',l'tllll)' l'\'l'BIIH!�"> nt �. 1\ c�ordhll in\'J .. 1ntion tn 11\'c•l'l' Hilt' to nttl!lul. 'l'hn Ht-c·tcn• 11-1 nt )JIIUIO llWl'lilliJ:H (UX(!f.•JII- .:UmHIIIJ') J'm• vnu� 1'1\lltl\fillll.

W�;H"n'II!J,)J l'IJIII,JO J,IBHA BY. Incur· 1mrntclll!iji, Lilll'ntr n)ltm uvtu·r 'J'tw�­

!)ll)'• 'J1hlll':,dll)' 111111 �1\tttrllll)' Hl'tt!l'lliii•IIM 1'1'11111

! ffJ II o'drml,, Hnl UI't1JH' U\'!IUhtHH fruJJI 7 to II u.t. t.lwit• t·nollltl on Bi·mul �"�1-rt•••t, twtu· Nhu. �i:!!:tlf�·tw, ��:�:1 ,�;���g�,1· ,?�t•lt�·· ,.!:',\t'�\1','L t ,�.�::����l·w:�. 1•111111 tumlt. ���\\' honlt�t·nmotnnth••ulill•t\.

A Serious Problem If lhe Strike Lasts •

Save 20 Per Cent. Fuel II You lnolall

T"J Schlicht Combustion Apparatus. Mr. Evans, thu l'lninflo1<1 ugout, will iustal111t hia ow11 oxponso nm1

give .lO days' free trial. Ovor 100 orrlors in l'l••inlloi<L All tho Public flohools; folll' of the lnl'gust OhnrohuB; B!llwock lluiltliug; Y • .1\L 0. A, tlllt1 75 of tho lar •gost lwusvs iu lowu, .


The Schlicht Combustion Process Co •• N. v.


. l'LAINI'IIlLtl.

Oct. Y a.m. noon. 3p.w. 3 Ill 71 fill 4 63 72 71 5 04 77 7(i



Partly clou<ly to uig"ht :mtl Sa.ltmluy: fresh south willlls.

Rending !Untter For tlat! Duke, TlH!l'<! wns. tU\ n.mustng tucitlent in

couuectlQu w!lh 11Je late Dul;e or E<lln· l>m�,;ll's Australlun tour. lie tto<'<')ltcd liD ln.-ltnUon to \'lslt 11 wealthy �qunt­tm·; on whos� estate excellent shooting \\'liS to ile hntl. The Sl)UUtter WIIS a self mntl<' mnn, entirely unhH:UJnlacred with hook lcnl'lllll!l' and ulmolutely In­nocent or l'lmdlng tastes. lu 111nklng lli'C[JIIl'ntlons for the dulw's \"lsll it. Willi sutl!leuly !llscovere<l thnt the l'u•·nlsh• lug of the lflJI'IIl'Y hnd buen completely overloo1wd. 'l'het·c wns uo lillie to lJe lost, nml so 1he Silllllttel' sat tlo\\'n uud tllspntched the following tele;;ram to the le:u11ug �lelhourne bouksPller: "Senfl one ton of boo!;s. lmwetllnta <lell\'ery,"

'l'hc bool;sellcr wns staggered at the receipt of such a wholcsnlc ami uncoD­Yentlonnl Ol'tlel', l>ut OS the si<(lltl turc of the senf1cr woult1 be llonorc<l l>y any l\lulbomue haul; on 11 cbcck fo1· six !lg­UL'es he h:cpt his stuff wm·tdng on the job until tho small hours of the morn­Ing, um1 the ton of miscellaneous lltcf'o nture wns hn!J!Iilj' slleh·cd l>efoJ'e the arrival of the llulte.-I.ontlon Chronicle.

N,n·eJ Clllne11e Clhck.

It must he concetl�tl tbnt In some quulltles of prlmltl•·c but practical re­sourcefulnP�s tho Chinese nre nht•nd of most cl\'llll:cd nations. All Ira \'clcrtl ngree thn t If In n <1lstrlct where r locka untl watches nl'e unl\nown you ll8k a Clllnnmnn the tlmc or tiny he will, If w�ll dlsposctl, nt once proceetl to ntn· lmscndc aud <!npturc the household cnt. nnol nfter JIUHhlng U[l tho lllls nllll lool<· lug fot• 11 mouwnt Into Its eyt.!r-: lu� will tell the time wltb astonishing accuracy,

'rhe ex plana lion Is a slmr•l" phy�io­loglcnl one. 'I.' he pupils of the cnt's eyes conRtnntiY coutruct until ntlllday, when they l>ecome !lim n nne lin<', as thin ns a hnh·, Urnwu pcrpendieular11 act·oss the eyes. After l!l tlw�· begin ngaln to dlln te. It Is to lle h opetl that If the Jll'tle!lcc Is m·er lntroduepfl Into this country watches 111111 clm:l<s will contltllw to I.Je made, ns lhert• will {ll'ohnhl)' be manr who will not Cfll'e to run nftel' n ('llt whetHn·er they want to ]illoW thu hour or who may fcHI' t:onte danger to thch' own e�·cs ft•om too close nu c:xnmtuutton of hers.

Tlwn Slu• OhtMltt�tl, In the <lays wlwn tlll' lnte Count.es8

of nnrtmout11 wnK ta!<ln� out her tlnu�htt!t'H-t.IH• Ltul lt •N Lt'I·P.n�-om• t•vcn• In;: nt S t nfl'ort l llouHe, It t'dl to !he lot of n t-�OIIH>whnt dt>nt' funetlonnry to nn­nomtc_•u thtt tl'fo. HJ.ucl.r lllll'lllloutll!" cnllc<1 oul. lltl' 1111111, who hud only, Ctlli�')Jt luJif' JIW HCII(l'lll'P, ".\1111 tiJa ljH<lh�:-1 Ll'J(t.�P!" l't•}lt'll(Ptl hl't' l:ttly�hlp. "AIH1 llw Judy's )tog,-;!'' t•L'llOtll} t }!l' tWl'V• nnt.

nlflh•ulth•M ln tfuo \Vn)·,

"! Wlll tnlllll' ,1'0111' nlllllt' II )Jl•"<llllf lllltf fl lt,\'\\'OI'tf!" S!I\'IIJ.:VI,\' NJlOI\t• tlJH I'D­jt'l.'l\'d lu\'l'l',

'•You ftiiiJ' uwku II 11 11,\'\\'ol'd," the Jll'otlll llt•ll l11�' l'PIIIHI'iWd Willi lll:l,lt'�tlo <.'otlti'Jllpt, "hill J'Oill' owu �owl .lud�or·

IIIPnl ll'lll i<·ll ,l'ull lhol �·ott <'illl't ilo mueh hl�:�nu:.r wlfh "''11'11 11 n::JJH' n1 llelln �lllll'l',"-l:hlt•n;:o 'l'J•ihllll<'.





-Drink Trenchard's Delicious SODA WATE.if _ ____ __ CASTOR lA: �THE F/NfUJT IN TOWN. lor lnl'1111tl Dnd Children,

WESTFIELD PH�RMJ.tCY. W. H. TRE.NCHARD. Preecrlatlon Druat.tlat. I Ole Kind You Hare AIWIJI BoucH : .'

IJonr• tlte d _ .N� ·'-1 llai&aturoof�� ;� ' ,

Page 2: DigiFind-It › westfield › DATA › newspapers › Union... · . ____ · ___ _ , __ _ _ __ _ ___ sE.Ml-'WE:EkLy · THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD. TUESDAY FRIDAY, VOL. XVII. NO. 5 l

! '


I . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -............. , ....... !11!11!""" , . 'I'RE TOWEL HAN SCOLDS. I f' :mx: Fo� coNsuMPTiol'f. -�r �t��,���w!'!l'!!•'!l'!l'a


··m ""' G ...... ll•e Unlit,· .. ��� .... Girl !lowe


atculcl IJt• 'l'n l•t•n \\' h i l t• the A n i mal ::t t:-: J u furmntluu A huu• U I M ,llt•u l h,;:l l,ll



l·:••t f1 s J CH-·E--UER � co �� ,_.,?,�l; ;� "�o;l,����:;

l::l����,;;���::.�:ll�::·:r��:,l:, ,;',�·�� "''1'L' , a -.; f t 1 1 1ar l of l h p llll i: 1 llp-. m :,, '·� if.tl.f" "� f r i 1 , 1 . i n :.: � . " t a kl'n i PHiit ·d ia l t l,\' �� I N <'O l l l po!<�·d of m u l t i l l l t ! i n o l l :- !.(J\\ t'L"'

•' •• -•• ··,1: I :··

,··:',·. t I I l l' I..: n u t' l J a 111l o u t t J f h i :- I i l l i' I I pri-.ou ��·� u · i n l t l, i n _!2 . l w for,· it ha� Jlllf'tt·d _

,.,. u 11 n n r 1 . 1· i ht• 0 1 1 1 ; 1 1wl ht'a l . j:-; t ln• ) n n d � l l u o l\ a .!"!i l l l pll' of I i i � t • t J ! I l •L• t ioJJ ·.".h • ) - t \ n,lu:inlt · 1 h ing l.twwn t o hnilt l {

·� & B t 1 i� Ht' l"<' t'l'· I O\\ : I I t1 1 \ i t' \'(J I I I J;,: '' ' ' u • n n �i t -

/ 1 . 1 . 1 �:; Leading Cash G rocers · u c 1ers, 1:'1 l i n.g 1 ;, fn•··· t h•· 1 n:··· �"' i ' i ng·. """· h i • ::: _:��-� .�:��) :·,�;�.�: '',1'.i' ... ,�:::-1'�·

t ,�\.'.�j /: .. �� � ��:.'.1 �1 ;·:'.�1 1 1� :·_.:�:=.:·::


.••. :�:·. 239·24 1 WEST FRO'JT STREET, PLA INFIELD, N. J. :��.:·::.:_: __ =_




··j Jo .r.:J\ I ] . J t O \\' \\.h.!J l t t J:!' Oll t ! J , ... , t o ,, , . J . 3\t. t•f;dl , ol :--:a J'H t ng-a Spl'ttlp::. :\. ' . . 11 " hP a �.:la•d, re l H 1 t.1S t.hc Ch ica g o l u t t•I

:.1 ,. ""''"''' l'nt· ,·,·a r> ha> l"'�" t h a t ARE OFFERIN<i THESE SPECIAL BAROAINS FOR ·Ot·Pnn.

-J..it{' · . . .., l r i P ! · i·n�·:-.·· ,� m; IH'arly a l l l'l't•a m Tht• ,roung wo m a n l o o k t>1l �.h:l l'pl,r a t --. h :ch 1 h a ll' !lt•nJOI"I :·a t ••d l o l w 11 '' I� • ] !-\l l(] .�!-... t .. II•C] .. •].,'ll.• T �' 1 h e m n l l i·<·u l rm·d s·l a i n � t l i<1 t !tad �i � J.•J.( :J,�T • �.:.'"' 1L .r I� L1 1·ol< t•n o u t l i la• u riru il'tJ I l'a > h o n t i l� ·�1 d . J a i �o l Jt• l it•\'l'tl t ha t wh•n l ala'n �·,, •

,t,·;,· , ., , lft'OIJ ',''IIt' [',l"" <ll 1 11 .. t owl'l i n (j\H.'�t iuu ��n l l l f'd i a l t> ly a f t t•t' 1;1 1 1 ld ng·, whi i L• it $4 75 - '"' " '


I I �.1 Bust )l i n nt:sota Flour, l)b] . . . . . . . . . . . • · · · · • · · • • • • · · • • • • · · tJ: ·•J t l <>••l,· .s I i i\•� i n l;;," she h a l.H I'l1l·d. �"11 JJ t a i l ; t •, J all 1 1w nn i m a l h en ! atH JC· · ' 60 ,. ' I I I I 1 t �t '' ' ' '' 2 -J \ J lJ lJa�t . , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , • • • • • • • • • • C �·� ",' Jill loll'•l t '.s WII>il t i t i l'l',11 � aJtJ t h e Jll llll j,Jrt• n n,r {' J : t l lg(l lnu Ia ;; p n J • :u•t•, I HI � . , • n 25 •• "

:& v. o n l d he ah:-orhl•d at otll'C into t h e {;� Best J�lgi n CI'QHIHOJ'Y Bu ttul', strictly I I II I'(� J��Jgitt, 1b . · · · · • • • • • • C �� '1J!pd in h. b lnc1< hd\, bl 1 1 e ink, gl'l'l·ll

-.tir,· u l a t ion n ncl 11 o t �o t h roagh t lJt' �:t Belli·. }1'\1 11 Crcntn UhPoso, pur l b . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . · -� · · • • . • • • • • • • 15c l� tnk. l l ow't.l it g�t t 1H•l·e'!'' c1rllimu·.'· p r·oc·t·�s of clig-,•stiun. Thi5 ��} Coffee, ftoqh 1 0 lStcd, whoJo OJ' gt'OttJJd, 1 h . . . · · � • .--:' • • • • • • ; ·,\ • • • • f4c f:� 'Jlfw young womn n sqnlt•mrd nn· .2 hrl \ e u l�o found to· lw t l' l J l', �i Hicll, choicu Cur·ol il lu, :J l bs. ] Jc, per IU . . . · • .t.--• • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • So l� �n�·i l,r. u�l.r goodn ess.·' �·hc !:Nlitl. "l l o\\

J d i r<' cl Ill,\' pat i P n t s t o lwgi n with H: Nou fchate l Ot'Clllll Ohcose, ouch . . . . . . . • • •. • . : • . • • . • . • . • • • . . • • ·• 4c t·� •. honld 1 !w o w '/ 1 uidn' t pu t i t t.h.e l'l•.' ' $Jlf•·h a l f pint, n ncl gT1uluall,r i nc J'e:t!i«= t� Lurge Bottlo O l ives

• . . . . , . , . • . . . • : , : • .- • • � ·. , . , , • • • • •• . , . • , , , 10c �� The nul l\ c�ni'·Cd to wa\'e his war 1\ng �TIC quanli1,r u n t i l at t h e tmtl of n ?:� Coopol''s Gelati n , pkg . . . . . . . . . . : , . ;·. ·;· , .�:: .'-:;;::q::•. · . , .".-.� . . , . • , . i l 5c ig 1nd 1H'It�1 a lo ft. u clea n t o w t•l us n s•i g 1 1 .�•••·<'l\ t h ey a r e tn ld ng- u q11nrt nt n !•t [l ·I 'r . , lb .. . , . , ... _:� . , .., ; . . ' ·-?;f;:>· • , , . . 4c {� of t ruce. · uJ'm g·J nd t o heur t h n t./' h e .-ijfmt•, u 1 · n s m 1 1 e h a� tlw,r c n 1 1 poF:� ilJly !•t (l JU upwcn, • · • · · • • ' · · • • · • ·. • • ' 0 ..... :• .- , _. ,:.t:;..•:_. '· ' ' ' • ' • • • ' i • l1: s-o id. "1 th ought mebbe you did ].;:now �.rfdnk w ithou t en usi n g t oo much dis· �� Pi l lsbury's Vitos, pkg. • '. • · • • • � · • '" ·, , ; ;· .,�\�·�-:>:·:l-,';.}l�!4:�:.'.-:�· : • • • • • � • • i 1c i� 1 t h·O\H!'llt nwbbc '' O\\ put it t hen• your· -� 1 1'· 1· C · St 1 '·· � ''";.,;�. "''''�,..,.,.;.;,.,-.,. •. _ ... · 4n ,. � ' "'":Jmfort. 'l'his sh 01l1d be followetl ut·. �� � u }J 'g 01 0 nrc 1 . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . ..... :· � ·i•,• • •� • •, • • •' • • • ,• • • • · '"' 'lJ Jlelf. Th e girls seem to t h l n l< t owelr �gulnrly t wice n dny. �� Souse<l nruckerel , })OJ' Cllll . . , ' .��-.�·:2�����:?·�1i�{�f':�1��f-TJ::�0r':=-� :. . . . . . . t2ct� art• m nd P ,ins ! fm· s1 rn i n·ing i n k fllll1

1 hn\'e l\ ll?Wll of mn ny .cnses whc · �t St1·ong Auunoniu, bot . . . , . :: ·': , 't?,; �'tj{�\'�y:··�������lf��:!.�,.'·/: : ,' . . , . . . . . . 4� i� s•twh t htiug.s , My, 01h, my, t h e useS! thn t .., u ld not. dmtk th e colrl null< or cl'ell � Condensed Milk, cnn . . . . , . . • • '. ; ; , :':'�•>:· ; ·;·; .:�··:' ;(;' . . ; . . . · . . . . , . . . 8c !:� otli<•e towels .a1·e p u t to. Dootbl ucl_.

,liiOilk which hod stood for an h our 01 !� Unemln Biscuits per pkg . . ·. ; · : . ;· ;';'','.'.' ; :;·;�hi; ·;:, . . . . . . . ; . , , , . 4c j� u s·e t•hom to p'nl i>�h shoes, >'IJI'Ub women ' lhm, an d yet these persons coul d >'I T I Af'l i ]l' . lb k " ' .·. ·, - .... .. . , .... . . ., . 9 �� t n l<e tln• m fo)· floor clo t h s n n d rlus1 .lifrinl: a quart immediq t el�· nftcr mill<· ft )�OSo •llllC 1 I \ ISCtl l t.S, p g ;· • . _. ;·, ' ' ' ;, "• , · ;• ' • '

.' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' • • t2 C �� a·ngs, a n d you girls use t hmn for b lot · l>w wit bout the sl igh test derange· �� lt :ltiC,\' G ruhn Ill \\ nfors, lb pkg · · • • · • • • ·: · • · • • • • · · • • • ' • • • • ' · C �� ter•. spon g·t•s. m ach i ne rags and generul ·�a,;·nt of the digestin� orgnns. �� Nic.Nncs 01' G inget• Stutps, l b . • • � . . • • . · • · · · · · • · · · • · · · • • • • • • • 5c �� ut i l i ty Jlll l'po·s•es, Som'l�t.i m es one of J"�OU Jn consu m p tio n tlw p a t ient stemli l:r �1 Spicml Wafers, 12c kintl, lb • . . . • , • • • • . . · . . . . • · · · • • · · · • • • • • · tOe �� wi l l try t o wriggl e out. when uceus·ed

ib!;e!; in we igh t, nntl n l tho\Jgh t h e old �� i� uf Uw 1nis.o1def yoOu',·e cl.ont!, bu t it•s m<'l horls ore used fnithfully to I I'\' to �'I Try our Teas aJtd Coffees. !'� no ""' to ern wfhoh to me. I cnn tell .�itd up the stre.ngth, yet the pat

'\ent �� t:} t .h e guilty oue e\'ery po'p, I t's fu.n . �Jtr:adi l,r l oses flesh. It. is 110 u ncom· �� OUR DAILY SPECIALTIES. t:! t.h,mg·h, to henr whnt s•ome of you wi ll

:-"'"' th ing for my pntlents, who llnl'e £,1 �� sny when c ornered . 1\'hy, (,here wns i<JI1<Jwed my i n • truc tions, to ga i n !lYe � Best Rolle<l Ont•. 0 Jl>s for 14c White Wine Yinegor, per g11l l r.c t� ., \'OIIIW woma n up 011 the sixt ll flo01 �unds n week in \n• ight. �a oth ct �� California '\\l bent Pettijohn 11c Be8t Lurtl, per 1b Sc �� 'o r' t .hiSJ0bu l l tH n g who ru n out of worl'

])In n I ltn\'C h cnrd of has proved so �� OreaiU of Wheat, pPr pkg He Imported Swiss Cheese, lb 2Sc � Hte other day, a nd what did sl1e rl o but 1&\lecr•"'ful. �! Wm·cester•hir·e Sauce, per bot 4 c Be�t Limburger Cheese. Ill 14t\ (� unbblc t h e otnce t.owels uroand In u • Jt >hou ld be remembered tltnt It is !il Good lll n•l nnl, per bottle lie Best 1\Ineuster Chee;:e, lb 18c (!! puddle of pur·ple I n k for n p11 st ime. .,.,r, im por ta nt t.o sel ect n cow that �� Large l>o.ttle Clltsnp, ver uot ue 1 lb C!lll Comed Beef Jne �� \\'hen 1 <!umc aroun d 011 my coll ecting I& i,ca l t hy and one tha t gives riclt �� Macnrom or Spaghetti, pkg �c 2 lb cnu Coruetl Beef, 22c j! t our I ns-lt<'d her abou t i t . A n d whnl mil k. Then I t is nlso of ;•er'' g1·eat im· � Choice Salt lll•ll'kerel, lb JOe 1 lb can Ronst Beef l�e ·�

do �·ou Slll>po·� sltn sn i u ? \\'ell,· sir. ' i Extr11 lnri!H F:tt Maekerel, lb 12c 2 lo enn Roust Beef 2!e I� = � if<�rt:.mce t h�,t t!!" .''et·y , last ot tlte �� Importe<l Kippered Hel·J'ing, 15c 2 lb can Ronst Chicken 25c (� she "wore up and down t.hnt she hncl

�nllong, or stl'lppmgs, should be � Choice Aln•kn Salmon can 12o 2 lh cnu Uoast Tm·key 2i;e !G llond t.he n osebleed nntl hnd used all �t'akf'n, and ol equnl importnncc tlmt }l sanliueR tu Oii. per cni1 Oc Pottell Haan, per e11u Uc nml ftc ;� those t owels t.o wJp� her no.se on. tiii• •lwu.d be taken immediately nfte1 ill Mustnru Saruitles, per can Be Potted Tongnu, per can lie mul DC (� Wouldn 't t luat jar you ? You oug.ht •il'ltiug, wh i le It conta i ns nil the nn i· 5i :� to huve heard me talk to her. I lnld

•aar hen t. No other food is so natural �� �� rlown the lnw to tl1e queen'• ta>lte. )-& none has ever proved so success· m IN OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT. l� •Holy •moke l ' snld I. 'You've got. Ute ·rf:NJ. ;U � funniest-colored bl ood r e\'er s·n w. And J The consumptive will soon find a r� Legs of Choice J,llrnb, l b • • • . • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • ; • • . • • • • • • • 14CII It'S' n wonder t o me,' ••aid I, '!hut J'"'U Gange for the better If the above in· �l Best Sngur Cured Hums, per lb . • • , , • • , • • , • • • • • • • • • , , • • • • • • 12C!• don't llt<!rally welteT in your own gore •rnctions are followed. �� Smull CnL llnms, per lb.• • • • • , • • , • • , , , , • • , • • • • • • • , • . • • • • • . • , 9Ci n·losin' "o much blood ns t his at one . i 1 'hnTe tested this p.nn in hundreds �1 Cooked Pressed Hum, lb • • • , • • • • • • • , • , , , , • , , • • • , • • • • • • • • , • t 5c1 time.' 1'he girl hud backbone u ntl i.t eases in the last few yenro, and I ·-��· C h oice JerReV Potatoes, -! bnshel bnsket , • • • • • • ,, • , • • • • • , • • , • 38CI,'� wouldn't own up, b u t I knew nil those llllnow tlwt there are u,'ou.<nnrls ol S J p k IS , purple "JlOts were ink just as well as II '•tD<es whose lives might be savccl i t �� Choice weet ott\toes, t pee · · • • " · · • · ' • • • • • • • ' • • • • • · ' • • • • • C!, 1 h u d seen h er plnyi n' in it, �e nbove instructions were followed . � ___ !:,. "rt you girls> knteW t he flrst thing iftf course, i n most cnses a cert ni n r.1 • about t.}Joe t owel-supply buslnes.s," the ·lalllOllllt ot medical treotmcn t is also f� fRf' DHIVIRIIS BY OUR OWN WAGONS TO WESff iHD AND VICINitY EVERY fRIDAY.� man went on 1u un uggrtevcd tone, -.cessary. � rt.sll Orders Filled. Addressed Postal Cards Supplied Free. Tel. 45 1� "yon would be more CR1'eful, upon m)

A PINEAPPLE FRAPPE, :.uelonM Fl'ttlt Ice to TRke tlte P1nl'e !> of 'J'lto"e ContnlnlnK � Lltlunr•. r , ·Tltls ls simply nnother nnme for n �S<�rl<l!t, a l!Ul f-frozen fruit icc wlucl> wns """""''"' after the roast nt d in ners i n 'n!:uce o f n Romnn punch or sl m llm Sl$::.�h.re coll.tnining liquor Ol' wine of rM":m� ldnd. Under the nnmc frappe, :!fmH sorbets nre sel'\·ed in glasses i n !fi,, '"·cuing n s n lemonnde or sherbet ::uf�r1rl he served, says the New Yorl< £'9i7ilmne.

One of tnc most delicious of these m. .. is n p i neapple sil e l·het. non to· urEt'f�tr iCJr 20 m i nutes one vint of sug-ar -!il'rlti. i'l pint or wnt er. ,.r\(lcl the, grntrd �!11�· and juice or n �wcet pinenpplc>. !t.t-t tl1e mixt ure hail two m in uf£'S :l.n i!or. Add th e fresh juice of two �Hll•>ns. Adrl the ben ten wl1 l t es of �\)-o <'�f.!S nncl f)'(�eze 1 h e mixture nn� ·�G""it is thicl\ or "frnppl'" (h n l f frozen ) , 'ht n o t u n t il i t is frozen lwnl. Serre � in 1i ttle glosses, ns a sorbet is �n·etl.

Jlnol lu.•r rule for frnpp�. in which 111t"ange ju ice nnll pineapple nre both 'IIO.rl , cnl ls for a grnte<l pineapple nm1 IS pint of wnter nml n pint of sugnr l!l:o,eu toge ther for 20 m i nu tes, nncl "" :r<'.nt of oran ge juice, with a l i ttle'''ilf t�, t· :peel grated ln. I.et tl1e mlxhll'C 'tiui7 ff1r th ree m i n u t es together; then nrlii' tl1e juice of three lemons nnd 1teeze tl1e mixture one-hnlf.' 'Ser,y• Jik� nny otuel' Ices.

. · Eve r)· O l r l ShonJtl J,,enrn tl1e Art. :p,,·ery girl wl1 0 i s pl.1n n !ng to be n

liolL,<!keeper &ome time, nnd is bmy !knrnfug l1ow to be, wnnts, omong ,z,H1er t h.ings, to l enrn l1ow to Jll'epn re JJ:ad pncl< n dainty luncheon. It ts nn t'lii Jiortunt port of her lrnln lng. She jiJ,:r,\· wn nt to 11ncl< n. picnic l u n cheon, n Jlll lch!'on for n trnvele>· or for some "'""" wl1 os·e dnily d u t i es tnl<e 11 1m nwny from l••Oille, n n rl where t here is n.o op· port u n i ty to obtnln n luncltcon, s<> thnt lile is d l•pt1 JHl eut upon tJu� lun.c.heou· nas•lH•t. There nre nl l · !tlres·e to be pro· \llrl<•d for· occnslonnlly, besides t.he �JC!t.nnt·chl lil . Anrl sl1 e wnnl» to !mow lo•w tu cut<>r t.o tlds c l len tl'l•. You In· �&�:inctil•ely I< now the on e who pr<'llll l'cd t:ife i n n c:hrou hy the wny tl1r hn"l<et. ls ar 1·n n�ctl tuul whnt. It cont nhn,,,-Hn lMt.� JOy \\'h l lc, In \\'onutu '•· ll uuw Com· p u lou,

Ut!,' l h•cl 'l' u m n � u t•ll!,

'j•ut I wo t n hlt•spnnn fu iR o I' l lu f.f £'r I n to t(�,,... hlaZ<' I', 11 1 1 t 1 IH• for•t• l i �;IJ ! hJ g' thu 1-J .1 uu•, rultJ, t o 11l t t• hu f l ('l' l 1 n l f n l �>n� �IOiJ I I fl l f f l f flll f t l l\ , lu!t•t • 1 f p Jl tJJ'Il) IS of .,tlll ii H.'O Jol.!l l l l'l' I l l' II pl l l t ' ! J o f !'I 'd J II 'J IJH'1'1 �1�"-l f II l•t' l l !-. pll t l ) l f l l \ of d !',\' l l l l l ·"' l l l l'd , II �xo·m1 t 1 1' 1 1 '-. f l l lO i l /' 1 1 1 of !' l l g n l', 11 f•a hlt•· rX'llll h!l ( ll l of \ l l ! t•g l\ 1', l l l l f ! II ff'll l l l ' ( I ' l l • >l!l'lli:'l ( l l l u f >•11 1 1 . l . lgld l lw 1111 1 1 1 1 ' , • I l l' t/.ln 1.1 11C'I' l og·p f )H•I' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I t IIi k i i iO fl t•lJ , Jill'S c.y I ll I hi' l t l l l l l l l l l t'" • ,.. , , (lt•tl I I I I I n o t {(l�t1 11''d. eooh I I II I I I f L• I I t ll' J' UJI(/ !:it'J'\'l',·­(Jn;:.\1 Hou�<1'ht·t•p\ng-,

l't'llt•h l•'r i Ut•rl'l, -! 11 1 I I <" l""'ll•d rJ• I I I I Ill hH J r, � p l'i nldo

,.,-JtJlr "' "lflll' Jl lohd�· rH•tl w i t h ltt l l l'fl �<<t.•ld ru•, CI!HI l'fl l l t ht ' l l l I l l puwdt' l't'd ltiiH'II I'IHIIII' ��lur1J d l pp l ll jt 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 l u i l �<• l ou l l <•!', 1•'1',1' ,_, 11 11 ll l l lhl • l' 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1', 1' 1 1 1 1 I l l "IIJIIU' Allll ii'IIU lw t.- :>t, J,uul» Ut•!•U!Jll�.

iil !� word y·ou would • • JuSJt let me gh·e yon

"t s s h f. c PI • ft ld •!i a few SJtnt ls11cs ns a mornl guidance. � I c euer • o. - 810 e I il ;:.�nN�';o1th;;�rto,!:���=�:�:� t:��:

�-�i;tt;tt;'itliifi'iiitfiiiiifiliiliilft'iiiiiiifitftliiif.ilitiitlit�'iiithi;tl;lt1il�t;itittlttF.Iiillit;i1,,.filn!�t.�Jr.Ai,=il,=iiAf.�tlt�,_r.t�Jin wit h ord i n ary usng.e would ln�t. n yenr,

..,pecinl Acconunodutions for -------�---

6oarding Horses.

Albert .E. Decker, l.IVERY and'­


but which, with · t11e nbus·e nn oflle�i towel is S'Ubjected t o , Is worn into t n t· ters in th.ree months. Somehow, shoe polish nne ink will ent. holes right t.l�rough t1he s.tronge�1 o f t oweling. Our finn hundles nbou t . 50,()00 towels. n m o n th,..--t h n t m-eans 240,{)00 in three mon th�. Now, i f you gl t·ls would be re,nsonnbly cnre fnl , tJ1ose 2-10,()00 t ow· <'ls would. ]nSJt n yenr, en!>ily, but wllh ;rour recl<less, extrn\·ugnnt wnys·, we Jun·e to Jn.r in , n new &f.ock four Umes

North Ave., W tf• ld N J n �··enr, wl1i c·lJ bnings· t.lw .figure up to es IB I • • J ,()[){),()(JQ t owels thn t we 1"' \'e to make C\'c-r;v 12 mont·l1s, And Hutt , mind you,

FIRST CLASS RIGS. is . tltc n u mbct• hnnc11cd by one ilrm alone. When you mul tiply tlwt by 1 l1c dmwn or more o t h er concerns i n t h e ------- ---- ----- - ---- ·-- ---------- -·------------------ sontne buF-tine� �"ou llnYe n totnt of n t Jtuu�o:h e m UnulnnH. ]en!it 12.000,{)00 towels t l1 nt nrc d�­Jlnrun JJI111uu 2.12.

'l'he grent rnce horsP, eou of Bnrou Will<es: Cherry Croft 2.22t, soH of N u t · wootl 2. 18, :nul lte1l Lnl<e 2 1 :i�, are the ie•uliu!( AtHllions ut Glen Moore Stncl< Fnl'tn this yenr. Bnron Dillion's fee j� $ii0, but auyune luwing a mare well brr<l in trotting, or pacing l ines, or with tmt ting l\Utl t·nun\ug b\oml Cl'Osttes, cl\u breml to the two h1tter horses freo this yenr. 1\lnres kept by the yenr for $i5 00. Before you breell , \'isit the farm or write for descriptive ch·cni>lrA, E. S. W ELLS. Glen Moore, l\lercer Co. , N . • T., on Phil11. & R. Ry., nine miles north of Trenton.

WELLS' "MIRACLE OF HEAL ING" Powder, n m•u·vel of heul iug, cnre� nuy sore ou uum or beast. 21ic. at druggists m· bv mnil E. S. WET ... LS, Chemist, Jersel: City. N . • J .

lie Let 111m Out, The l;lng of Nu plcs, In the plenltmle

of his nllsolutlsm, !llllll one <lny n l'islt to thu Ncapol ltnu twlsous iu order to src fol' himself whut HOl't of men hiA crlm lnnlf.; weru nnd wlwthm· tlwy I'Pnlly 11N�(ll'\�Nl tlm punishments tlwy weru nutlrm:oiug.

" \\'hut Is your sentence?" he snhl to out•. "I<'ll'tc�n yPnrs, your mn.IPHty." "Anll whnt hull you lion�>?" "Nothing wlutlP\'f.H'," "Quite htnoctm t �" "En· t!t•nly f!(), your mn,lcHty.11 11AIH1 yon'r' hll nslw(l nnotlwr. 11'l'hll'ty yoni'R, Hl l'<'. ''l('lltu of. fuhw nccttNtttlon." "Am1 run?" to n t hil'll. "In f<u' ! If<', mr ldug." "And whnt luul you <lorll''l'' "l'l'l'l')'thln�: you rnn t h l nl< of, IllY I! In�:; tlu•ft hl l l'"iun· h i!(h\l'll l' I'Ohhr•l'\" 1!11111· Hlll ll�htl 'l'�l l l l;,.;ll' l', I m'11y wnndt�'r thP,\' tlltl not !Willt •IH't' 1111' to dl:,ii, fh." 1 1 \\'hnt IR yoiiJ' 1 1 l l l l tP't" n�lwil th'i• lc l n�. 1 1:\f,\' llfllllf'/' l'PfJI IPtl 1 ! 11' 1\I'Ht (•lHH!-t t•t'hnlniiJ. "Hhu•n I hn \'1• hi'(IJI 1H"t't1 hllM lll't'll n1 2.''

. HI<'I' tl l l i• i l i ll� hiH In Ill' or 1 1 1�J II'I�t loll tl11• 1: 1 111( Pllld tn 1 1 11• Jllll'l'l'lllll' l "A ll 1 1 11• p:•l,.roui'I'H h•t�·•· ���•·111 to ho JH•I ' I1PI' I l �· Ill· llctl't111L 'J'hl'l'l' IH 1 1 1 1 1 ,\' 01111 1 11111 I l l / I ll 1 1 1 1 10111( t i ii 'Jh �o. 1 1 1 �. You ltntl h1•t f t•r IPt 1 1 1 1 1 1 our lt• .. t h" <'ol'l'llpt tlw uthui'M,u -iii'HIII I Illl t .

'l'h1• ol rli•Ht holl"l' ! 1 1 1•11111111 1111 Hll11111" 111'111' 111. All!llnH' 11hh1•,1' . I t IH o<•llll(nllnl In Hhlll"' 111111 tht• wniiK uf Its luw"" �tlll'Y Ill'� ur 111'1'111 ll l !l'l<III•!IH, It I" I,IINI )'l•llrl t•ltl Ullll !1 ltlll lit fol' huhl· /lltlou.

New mul snccessfnl trealtnPnt, only complete cure. Gi ves Pnse awl cotufort at ouce. SnlHlnes iuflammntion. Al­lnyR fflver, IUiin, sorHIW�R, teJHler· ness. Retluces •wel ling- 111111 eulnrge· lUCHt of joi nts ; cun•s both 11111'11 mul soft cornR, nml to tiretl, 80re Ol' l't�\'el'l1tl feet it gives reliP.f nml coutfort tlt ouce. 35c. nt 11l'ttg�-:ists or sent lll'OIIlJII.ly by mnil. E. S. WELLS, Chemist, ,Jm·sur Citr, N. J.

Orny Uulr, If grlly, Wells' Unit· Bnlsnm grmln11l

ly 1 estores to original color, hlnck m· brown. eleg!lnt tonic dressing, noc., 1$ Druggists. m· sent by expre�s )ll'�pnill. .K S. WELLS, Chemist, Jersey Citr, N. J.

Uetl lhtK"A nntl Cm�k llc»iU'ht•s. · For deiltrnetion llll!l complete ri<ltlnnce

of Coci< Rouehes, Beetles, Woml nntl W11ter Bugs, Detl Bugs, Au\s, Rnt>, 1\lice, eto, "Hough o n ratA,'' llwngh poisonons, if nseil with cnre is most tfrl'ctive. In fnct it is .the only thing th11t will )llll'lllUneutly nnnihilnte B!'<l Du�s nut) Cock Honchi'H. As nn exter · 1nilintor of Uu.tA nml ltlil!e, 1 1ll.ongh on lt•1ts" Is the old rellnble tllllt. never fnils no1• <lis!l)lfloints. 'l'hey "<lon't <lie in tllu house. " Is snltl nil m·omul the wnrlll, Is nsml l•y all clviUzutl nations of lim emtb. Is the most exten•lvoly n<h·er· tisu<l, the best known,untl hns the hu·gest snlo of nny nrtlcle of its l<hul on tlw fneu of the gtnuo. It gives Blltlsfnction "very time. Duwnro of lmltntlmts. I mnploy no JlfHlrll"rs. Ilnvo a snsplelon of uny 1ltmlm· nlft•l'lnl-( snustttneH snhl to bu IIH goml. lliu, llllll 2oc.

· ----

A fJrt-rn IIRnd, Ilu wns u 11<'11' f'l'<'l,.:ht i l l l l l tllrr, ur..ot\11 thnHP hnl't'Pht lu thnt em•," or­

dt�l't•fl t lw fl't•IJiht ngt•nt • "OJ l'llll't lo111l l ln i'I'I 'IH In thnt em•,

HOI\" /'I'M(IIltllfl'll tho 111111' !1111!1, "\\'liy not'l" "lt'H n 11ox em•, Hnt',"-<�hh'IIUCI NttwH, 'l'ho A<lh'olllllllJl< mnulltUIIIH l'llilii'IWII

nn ft l'flll or :1\'t'l' ��.H(JH,OOO IH'l'I'H, 111111 In this Ul'<'ll fully :UKJ II I 1 J l l l 1f l l i ll )11'111<" 1'/HP

to ·�� ltlult•H 1'11111(1111( fl'lllll l,�llll to ro,flfl(l

fm•l. Jlow thhiJift nro hnJlOHHlhhl In tlwm·

�1•1\•uH, It lA not AU IIIIWh llll'IIIIA ll H ,NHt•l'l'rnllcu thnt IN wnuttnr to h1•lnw lwiii · IO a �UC�I!�IfUI IIIUD,

st royed.C'I'el'y,l'enr by t.ltc indJscrim h 1 n t e nnd eren crilninnl u s e o r ink nnd shoe bl ncldlllg. Sometimes- r think you gil'1s muS'l be in longue with tlt c l i n en m i lls so t hat th.oy enn get n chnnce to sell 119 t.owel folks 12,000,()00 ynr·ds or good'S euch yen r, i n.slend or 3,00'0.0(10 yards, which we could• ge:t. along wit h H you girls were n o t s·o des•truct i l·c, nnd would do t he righ t thing by us.''

'l"l�<e girl nt the typewriter m11cl1!ue turned pnle.

"Oh, denr," slle snld, "I l1nd no iden l·l>fi t the t.owcl-S'npply business lmd. n I· t n i n erl such gigantic proportions. I feel for nll tiM! world like n thief or n m urderer. 1'11 furn ish my qwn t ow­els after this."

CONTROLLING SYMPATHY, l\'e lltn·o Nn �lor� llhrht to lie l'rocU.

ani wltll U 'l'h1u1 "'lth Our Foa•tuUel,

It Is commonly sn lll thnt no mnn or womnn cnn Ue pet'fl�ctly hn ppy i n this world, fnr if n l l t h n t wns lll'�l·ssn ry to m n l<1• one hnppy fell to hiR 01• lu• t• lot, unhuppluL•ss wou ld c1·�ep _ I n t h l'oug h Seei ng thu Sllf1't'l'ing 11 1Hl ROJ'l'OW of otllei'H, snys A, S. A tld n•on , M. D., In \Vumnn's Home Compn u lon. '!,his s.rm pntliy with the wm·uJ of )ll'Op!e nruu ntl us i:wrves us nwny \'n lun h lt, h.•Kson�, nncl we would not cl lmfzwtc It fi'Oill IIIII' l 11·es If we could, Hu t we 1111\'C no more rlgllt to bo JI I'Oil lglll w i t h our R,l'lnpn t h l eH u nd l'lllot l o i iR · thnn we hn\'c with nllt' fol'l i i ii<'H. l t JH IlK I IlllCh 0111' (l i l t,\• to hold 01 1 1' JHI\\'I' I'H of s,\'lupnthlzlllg wi t h othi'I'H 11 11 r lcr con tl'ol llB It IR to C l l l' l n l l 0\11' J IIIKH i onH, l•:Xefl�.-l\·t• l1Xpl'1Hlltllt'-l! nf 1\1'1'\'IHIK t•n� t'l'l-fY fm· o l h t•I'M IH 11 cr•hrw upon H i l l' OWl\ 111\t tll't'H, 1 1 1111 "'11 1 1 1 1 \'11 110 1 1 1 1 • thm· l l )' to Just l ry u s l 11 I ts < JO I I I I I I I>"I"" · Yl'l tlu• 11 1 1111 Ill' Wlli i iU.H whu fH't'K H i l l y fl l f ' g·Juom,l' !drll• nr l l f•• wil l \I'll""' .. ,;. 1'1'1-i.\' l l l l ll i' Jnnt lotlM I n I h i M Wll ,\' I t' th t• I'P IM n o u l l l <'l' oll! l l l l lt > l f h l' llt il(h wh h•h f hf•,\' (1 11 1 1 lu• I•S pi' l l llt•d rm• J.:i•lr. A (• ) t•nr 1'0111 J i f'l' ht ! 1 1Hion of I 1 ! 1 1 t-411 tl'c1J • IJII-fH Ill l h t• 11' 1 1 1'111 IM llt'l't 'M"III',I' fill ' I III I' 1\' t > l l · l ol' l n g, hut. 1 1 1 1 < 1 11 1 ' i l l'otltl l l lg- I l l ' l'lllnf lon-11 1 "·l' l l l f !n t 11,1' 10\'1<1' l llf'lll wi l l HIJ('II I II• piiHII l l l l l l i l ntf lout 1'1'11 . \\'1• 1111•1'1'1,1' 111ld In tll l l' l lWI I illll 'd<•ll wi t hout 11!(11 1 1'11• '·" II' l 1 1 u 1 1 ,1' ll<'ll''"" wlmt.uuvur Umt ul I1J \fu!'ltl,

Latest Ari'ivals in our Silk and Dress Goo�s Dcpartm� Habit Cloth-r.2 i 11ehes wi1le, 11 slt·ictly nll .wool material of weight, Knitnhle for :111tl ies' tnlluru•l suits ; they e01116 in all wnnte<l coloringH, nl�o bluck, nut! huve bee�, sellin!l ut liU� 49 yunl. As n lellllcr lor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . C A mack Cheviot �argaln -48 iuches wltle, w•.u·1·nnterl, steam Rllonged &lid shrnnl< , vury fine dose weave autl benntlt ul <lel'p lJlnck. greutlr in d 111nud f�n· tnilure<l !!Ul'lueuts ; usual ly this grade sells nt 7Uc, 6' 5 8'

Our Jll'tce . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . · · . . · . . . . · · . . . . · · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C a>arola .Sultln�rs-A no.it"'h nil wool worHtecl dres� stuff in fona'leou ol tb

lellllill!l full shatl"" llllll black, he.mtifully finlshetl untl reversible on: �o:.':� .'����·.e·s·t

· .'�·�:·�·.e�. ���.

· .r:·.�� . ������:· . . '���1�.��t. �� .�e.'� .�� *.': ��. g8c

Taffeta Bargain-Colored Taffeta Silks. in nil the IPH•liug street aud ev.,nin)l 8llll<ll's, W!ll'rllllh•tl all )>me silk nut! �xtn henvy qunlltl· (not ���. t::�� .".����·��·. ���.'�. '.':1�·�·r

·l ��� ?.����':here).' -�"�l.t����� .'�.


·t�1. 65c

Hinck Taffeta-Full 27·inch, rich fast black, pure rlye, for llress, wai•t pet. �.\��]'\r . . '�':�·�� . . . �:�':·�'�"�: . �� . . r�g.'�'.a·r· -*� . �����.i��: . ����:·: 690

Black Satin Duchess-Full 24-lnch. beautiful high lustre, wurrauted •II . pure silk 111111 wear gua�nnteet�. uow so much iu deruonll for •eparate skirt•, waists nml cullro smts, ue1•er sol<l for less tl11m 89 $1. 2ij, only, ynnl, nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C

Introductory Sale of Wrappers We offer you nu nssortment of 1\'mppers th11t nre well mnde

and perfect in cvm·v respect ut prices lowm· tlum you III'C usuully usketl fot· tho chenp kind.

\\.HA PPl�US-1\Indti of percales, trhnull'd with wash brn.hhuuu1 flounces. \\'J'RilJlt•r:J whlt'll sell rea.wturi)' 69C at 08c, IHl\\', , , , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

F[,ANNEI,E'l"l'E WI!APPEIIS­Extru. ht'fl\')'• lJ'itDIIlL'tl etthlll' with Jlln,ln colnretl runlt!/4 IUHI twu,t brllfds, or In fllDC)' tlchu elfects, ft!iCUlar I 69 l.DS, no\\' , • • • . • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • · • • • • •

Fltumelette p,nd Pt!rcalu \\"raJIJltH'H­Ht>llV)' quulity, In all the lcKtllng styles :r� .�:��t

·t·): .r:��.�.:..��·.r·�·.��.��·.� .�:�� 1 .25


·•· N EliiL 1{RJ<, N. J. ·•·

Geo. f. Brown , '1'elcJihono, No.!!I:J.A.


Wind ow---""" '-.Shades.

43 Somerset St., Plainfiel�. J. 'WARREN BROWN, Manager,


Practical plumber, Steam, Hot Water, Hot Air HeatiDL TINNING, 1\UOFlNG. E'l'O., llARDWAHE. IIOUSJo: FUHNISHlNG GOODS,



G I H d r lWI�'!.Ir'l\'lVl!tl\lll:'ll!l����r'*'*w���r'*'*'*� ay e (Porm�.[ L��re �.o. THOSE Fancy Cakes {or Cor. Front St. nn<l Pork Ave., the children - have you

PLAINFIELD. N. J. forgotten them ? Just take a

. lll�A l.EHs IN few home, sample them yollt·

General Hardware & self, and you will thank us ror

Housekeepers Supplies. reminding y:�-Stoves, Ranges and Fittings, WESTFIELD BAKERY,

Granite and Tinware, Blhlmann & Koenll, Timothy Seed and Fertilizers,

South Bend Plows. .Save rtoney by ushllt an 011 Heater.

\Vu llll\'uthum lu \'!ll'luu• slws.

Ooodo dellvored free, Telephone Cell 68J,

\\•tmt fil1mtl \\'v II\\Vt� fur lh�M1U1rt •f 'l'hiH IJIUMIIuu t\l'l"'t!� Ill I hu 'fnlllf l)' U\'III'Y fiR�'·

I ,,,l UH JLIIH\\'ur It tn-1lnr. 'l'r y .JuJJ.t), n llullt�nnH tlttHMUI't.. l't'nJuuwt I n twu mlnnltt!-1, Nu hnl(• I Ill.( I n1l1l llut wnt m• nntl Htlt lo t�unl. l'"ln\'III'H: l.l�lnn11. OI'UII).(n� HIL�Iuu·r·y nul l Ht mwlmny. At �·unr �'·omw'�, in t•l�.

tiUII•fl1 thtt NttW Uttuttl'tt l'lt'Ktlllflt llll tlw ftunll}•, Ji'uut• lln\'nr"t-Jit1tlltlll,

w'1!;',�!����. 1M����'1"!jt;.j!'l� ���:1',\��·ul·rr. AL ru111·

J.•uoa�l!!l. Broad Street, Weetfleld·

�� To 11ep11r'

Broken Arlit clctuot

Major'� ment

Page 3: DigiFind-It › westfield › DATA › newspapers › Union... · . ____ · ___ _ , __ _ _ __ _ ___ sE.Ml-'WE:EkLy · THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD. TUESDAY FRIDAY, VOL. XVII. NO. 5 l


NEW FALL CARPETS. A most iuterestiug place to visit-Our Carpet Store at 246 West t street, Pl!1iu !ieh! · Perfectly lighted, right ou the

' grouml flooJ',

so nttructJvuly <hsplityell, all these thiugs tend to II'Hko it a model store, a1�tl we <lou't lw.s !t:1te to say that WI' are justly proud of it. g11•atly . mcruasc�l f1�01litws we are enabled to d isplay 11 much more uud compr�h�us1vu .l nw of floor coveriugs, than in nuy former 8011•

. We feel suJc 111 s.npug to the l'.cople of this cornmunit.y that our ex· t1rn of new and rulmble Cltrpots JFals -that of uny concern this sitle of

Y rk city, nntl we positively guanmtee our prices lower than those any reputable New York housf.


A Few Particulars. Biglow Car11ets ma1le, laid and lined a.oo yll �,,rronertes CH.rpeta, " I I I I I I I t. o r. ycl Rea.l Wilton ' ' 11 " " " 1.65 yd Extra Axmiuster Cm·pets, made illid 11nd lined,

t.�n per yd. . Best Body Bruso.els Carpet•J, made laid and

lined, 1. tG per yd. Sll][ony Axminster Carpets, made, laid and

Hued, 1.00 and 1.10 per yd. :imitb's Velvet Carpete, mude laid and lined,

· 1.00 and 1.10 per yd. Stinson's �st lO·wire Tapesty, made laid

and Uu ... J, 85c per yd.

Stln•on'o Bl!f!t S·wlre TApeoly, made laid and lined, 75c per yd. Choice Patterns In Hall and Stairo in all of above.

Akoh1 Ingrains, 8lir1 yd. �st Extra Soper lllj!ralns, 65c and 70c yd. Union ingr11ins, 21ic to 4ac yd. Rag Carpets, 89c to li5c yd.

Rug.s and Art .Squares. te Smyrna (reversable) 6x!.l, 0. 98 ; 7x10, 8.08 ; 9xl�, 12.00

Smyrna " • • 9xl2, 18.00 to 21.00 " 9x12, 25.00

Velvet • 9x12, 33.00.

tra Super Art Squares, 2tx3, 4.98; 3x4, 5.98; 3x3·h 6.98 ; 3x4, 7.98· All the above in colorings and carefnlly selected patterns.

Japanese and Chinese Mattings. 'l'he difficulty in Chi011 bus resulte1l in a sharp rise i n the price of

•·;;.v.·H.inl(s. All our mattings 11re bought, however, for this year, and we

contiQue to sell at former low prices. Our mnttings are i111ported Arnold Constable 11111! Co. , a gnnrautee of their reliability.

Elegant new Portieres of Velour and tapestry, 1 . !18 to 8.00 pr. Ol'i· tal (Jffccts predominate. 'l'uble Covers nod Cushion 'J'ops in variety,

C t • All new, fresh, dniuty and pretty. Not-Ur aans. tingluun cu rtuius, 7oc, 9So, t .25, 1.50,

2.48, 2.98, 3.98. Net curtains with l{euuaissnuce Bot•ders, 1 . 49,

3.75, 4.50. Irish Point Cnrtuins, 2.98 to 8.00 pr. Speeinl 1'11ftlell

curtains, 98c pr. Uufll.ed net curtains, with lace edge, 1. 98 to 3. 98. .

We make them to order all!] tnke COil· tracts to furnish \vhole houses. Mens·

a;;\imtnents tuken 111u1 estimntes cheerfully furnished. Uemly made shades nted on tho best spring rollers, in 10 colors, 25c ·euch .

Linoleums nm1 Oil Clothes in 1 00 patterns, 25c to 1 . 50 per yd. _, •.• ""''"'"" poles, Cottage Rods, Bmss ltmls aml lixtures in the newest things .


Woodhul l & Martin, :1134, 236, 238, 240 Front .Street, PLAINFIELD. N. J,


Coal, Lumber, Matenals, Mouldings and Kindling Wood. Fertilizers

'or Lawn, Carden and 'leld.

•�:::.lnnce and Yard---Central Ave., near R. R. Crossing, Wesdiel�. Orders by Mail Will Receive Prompt Attention.

, imJ:PHONE 19 A.

, .: Archbold & Scudd_�L VARIETY MARKET. WEI:!'l'FI ICJ,o,


A'J.1�'J<lN'1110N I I I I

Don't Waste


by haviDJ" cheap plumbing pot In to your house. It isn't there long be fore something is either bursting or leak· lug, nml the money consumetl little by little soon amounts to the eame 88 th• orl�;inal of first class work.

M. H. FERRIS, Scmitary rlumbing.


They wlll vanish If you ntlvcrtlse properly. 1'1\0PERL V mc;ms

saying something to con· vincc buyers tl'iiit tlwy will

be llcncfltcd by den!• Ina with you.

HI!Ril'S TI-Jn I'I.ACR TO SAY l'f, Vuu cun talk ... lilotllllldl It OIICI.

QUJOK D:KLivKmxs. Trv Our I Cent A Word Column.


Man '''laD (i,UIJon-ed. tile N't.'ft' CuKtow l;'uuud. 'I'IIUI !!ibc Jl:td 'I'U.k.&!U

Hh "'nr•h•obe�

'l'l1e Ch icn�ro man who ligll l'<!ll as the �ou rn fu l vidim uf the iuchJl'nt h ere- � Jn reln1 ed-wns n shirt wui�:;t en l ll lisi­ast fron1 tl10 beginning· of the excite- � ment aud discussion u n l• n t the mascu­Jine shirt ·waist-. Xuwatlnyti, lwwcn�r I -l�u t th�rcby haugs u story, suys the rrlhune.

'fht! mntt, w110 is jnclined to he diffi­dent and itll'idng in seif-contidciJC", is huppy in the posseRtdon of a sister whose chnractet· is just the ren�rse of his own. 'fo this sister he some time ago submit ted the ditllcult prob­lem of: Shirt wuist this Bummer or next? Is it best t o leud a fn sh ion or follow it.? nnd a nnounced his intcn· tion of 11hi<ling by her decision.

"Lend, by all means," ran the sis· ter'a Yerd ict.

Then, us the man bad small confl· dence in hls own taste, she selected the rnuterlats for 'the new garments from the •ample& he submitted to her, decreed uow they should be conatri>ct· ed, and pronounced them admirable when finished and oent borne. But her decision of character aeemed t o deoert her auddenly wben the brothel pooaed Into the tbroea of that agony known ns the "ablrt wal•t indeclalon." The brother pined to wear the ri•w wald• and be comfortable-and coat­lell!-but he dreaded to oeem too early In the field. The al�ter no longer en· couraged and upheld him as ahe had formerly done, n�d the new shirt waiRts were placed In a dnrkened closet and uttnly neglected-by theil owner-for &everal weeks.

'l'hen, auddenly, all the other men tn the of!lce seemed to have blos•om•d out In �he new garmento, and the man who blushed to think of the new wai�ts he bud lacked the cournge to wen t· hurried borne t.o as•u me one. And, to his surprise and astonishment, not a oi ugle shirt waist could be find.

E'·ery member of the family pro· lessed utter ignorunce of the mss .. terious ha ppening - every member, thnt Is, but t11e sister, who happened to be nwny from home. She cnme back, however, wlnle her brother wns still storming about his Joss, nnll hrr guilty look betrayed her to the mun who might never hu,•e sni;pect cd her enormities otherwise. 'l'he sister, be It explained, is tnll and finely fnsh· ioned, while her brother Is stttnll and slender. li'or a long tnomcnt tlH�Y looked steadily at each other, nntl then:

61Is thnt one of my new sl1 irt wnists you hrn·c o n ?" qner1ed the brother, sternly, ural the sister lnngh ed .

"Yes;" shf!: nns\\·m·erl, prP�ent.ly, still smiling, '�it is. They were so IH'etty, you see," she c.xplninecl, suhse(Juent· ly, "lhut I just couldn't help tr,ring t l>em on, Arch ie, und then-well, they just exuctly, fitted me, nnd tl>ey were so much prettier thnn my own tl1nt I-well, you might ns well know It ! I hn,•en't. hnd n slngfe wnist o f m y o w n on since .I took to wearing yours, Archie, nnd you might us well gl\'e t hem to me, for you'll ne\'er get them bncl< in the world."

And now the brother Is pretty "lmd· ly divided In his own mind.'' He doesn't ln10w whf"ther to give up the shirt \mist problem entirely for this somnmer, to r�ple\'in the gnrments which his sister persists In refusing to t·c turn, or to order a fresh dozen of shirt. waists, so h ideou s In shnpe nml color thnt no temptation to petty larceny will be thrown In l1er wuy. And t h e sif;ter, mennwh1 le, Is triumph­untly wen ring the wnlsts.


Manasemenl on Snutll Mean• II an Arl Tllftt Should lie


It hr curious t.o note the d llTeren t re­sults nchieYcd by diffe1·en t women i n the c.isbursement o f their housekeep· i ng and dress aliownnees, says the De· t roit 'Fr(.le l,ress. Some women with n t honsund n yPur "housekeeping money" nre constnnt ly s·truggling wit.h deUt. Their w"ekly bills 11re n<!\'er paid up regularly, but. n l wnys. o\•crlnp, nnd t hey nre oft.en rlri\'�tl, if t hey huve nccom1no· d•n tlng friends, t.o udopt ,\rt<•mus Ward's nd,·lce: "Alwuys ]if\•c within your income, e1·en If yon h u\'e to bor· ron· money to do so.n

OJ hers, on h<tlf U1e amount , nre nc1·er In debt , null yet tl1elr tables nrc bet ter suppl ied, t.heir ml'nls bet t er coohed, !heir domestic whee ls mol'e more eos·liy, o n�. t.hc 1\'{)rd "soJ•did" is t.he ins! one would uppl,l' to nny of their heiongingM.

Where Is t iw expinnnt lon to be found of t.h e unrloubtcrl fnct thnt s·ome wom­en wi l l produce more w i t h t.hc expend!· t.!ll'� yf �ixpencc t.hnu othc•·• wi t h u shll· l ing? · , ,_ -�··•,... ··-··� .... .. ·-

lB It not t.h n t t,I!C foJ'nl<•l' t n l<c morl' pnins with t h<• ir hkHIH<•hnld l l lnnnge• mcnt.? 'l'huy do not, ful l i n to t he 1lclu· slon f,f l ll i· h o u•t•l<t•Pplu�r uoluu� 1 1 ,\' nn· t ut•e t o e\'£!1'�' wnHNLtl , 'J'ht�y rt>cog'nl��:t� tlw fnct I h 11 t eo I l l fnl'lll hit• hnu•chnid mnnu;.rt�ml'n t ou foi m n l l uwn ns IH n n u H t hn t Hhuuld he K·t u d i t•d, I t eu nuo t Ill' piei<rd up hnphl l"-11 1'1] 11 1�1· Ulnl'l' thnu 1111,\' o l lltll' Ht'f Wh lt•h J U'Otl lll'IIS p!'l\t!I JC_II\} l'''"u i ! K, nnd f,n uhtn lu t i ll• !fi'I'U i i•RI ll l l l f l l l l l l o r I' I I I I I rcn·t ri'OIIJ Lilli.' t-.111/i l lt•HI U ll \0 1 1 1 1 1 o r 1 1 10 1 1 1',\' Khnuf tf. IJt• tile l'l'h l l l t o f nl t l i'U l' t't!OI I I I I I Iy,

1\ l•' lna• fiilnuc•c' • A pt•ni!h ,,11 111!1 ' 1 " 11•1• w l l h n p i n in p111l·

ll i i iJ,f ····�11,\' II ht't'lld ( l t l t l l i l llg'··-·IH 11 1 1 1 11l ' h,\' tUI IH I I I IIf( I " 11 pu lp ,. ,. ,.,,. J ' I J I I ' f ll'tll'ill'� Wii l t•.h fl ll\'1' 111'1 '11 l l l l l'l'lf l l l l l f I'll I ill ph•t'I'M, Add "' I IJ.{I I I' t o K\\'t't' l l' l l 1111d n i i! I J ! I'I" I' I I I I I I• f i l l o f 1 1 1 1 • i l 1•d hut I 1'1', HI i I' I\ pf i t l llfl'( !11•1' n u tl put 1 1 1 1 t lu• flt•t• to """''· Hl! l'\'u 1\'IU'III,-11 1 , ! . 1 1 1 1 f• l f f l l hl'• l li ' I I I IH ' I'tl l ,

U••un·ue•tl 11utre hu••• J'IU'L' nnd uu l lu t.wu h•llff l l rwhw, Jt1,y

lu n hnlduf( f l l l l l l ! l l l l l ll l ll i l ll( ll l i l l h• llll'll l rl',l' i l llfM. l ' i l ll'l' In 1 1 11• 1 1\'1' 1 1 , • f l l' lu lth• '\' lUI 1011it 111111 pe J I I Il'l', l ll llf l ndtu U lll�f Jruwu.-Uood Uoutuk�ut>lllll'•


Interesting to Piano Buyers.

Our being the largest Piano house in all the Eastern States and our carrying, a stock of Pianos that is bigger than any in New York, not only indi· cates that this is the best possible place at which to buy a Piano, but our great renting business gives a constant supply of bargains in Pianos that have been in use for only a month or two. Week in and week out we' have from thirty to forty fine Uprights to sell at great reductions from original prices.

All Pianos that have been at rent and returned 'to us are overhauled and repolished. In almost

every case the Piano is as good as new, and all are guaranteed by the best possible guarantee-EX·

CHANGE IF NOT SATISFACTORY. The prices, considering the quality, are excep­

tionidly low. Our object, of course, is to continual­

ly keep moving these instruments, as naturally they

can't be placed with our new stock and mur,t be

sold at once. Among the thirty-six good Uprights at the time

of writing are these: '

An Emerson Uprigh t in dark 11111hogany <mse. '!'his Pinuo lm� heou in nso for some time, but is i n good condition . . . . . . , , . , . , , , , 8155

A l\lnson & Hum lin Uprigh t in lltLrk ·,valunt case. Hccently tnken in eX· change for 11 G umd. nud · thoroughi,Y o\'crhaulccl . . . . . . . . . , , , , , . , , 8145'

A Webur Upl'ight in finely figured nmhogany. '!'his Piuno hus been in use for on ly 11 fow weeks uud is ns good as now . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . $105

A fine Ctlblc Uprigh t, large size and ha mlsonwly decomtcd cuso $199

A Story & Clark Upright. llns a A Stamlard Upright in

vory pretty case iu quurtoretl oak. mahogany. A fine Piano.

l'mcticul ly new , , . , , , , . , , , , , $205 iu use by n notm1 rnusieinn . . .

These give but a slight indication of the great collectiOn of Pianos here. You m ust come to our warerooms and see for yourself, if you would gain some

.idea of the vastness of our display. I f you

only care to pay a l ittle money, you can have a SrJtiiU'O PiiiiiO or 1111 OJ•gan 11t ns lo1v ns *25.

In ulmost ovm•y inatunce n IJJ•a t lliiYIIIOIIt of 'l'BN DOIJ · JJAltS 111111 futuro monthly )lnymouts o f �ix, eight or ton l)ol­lnJ'a, auoortl iug to VILine, will aoOI I I'o 1111 Upright. Bvon amnii· Ol' liiiYIIIUIIts will bu suUsfnotory on 11 Sqnnro l'itmo or till Orguu.

rlttrk Been :!;210

F I V E T I M ES LARGER STOCK OF PIANOS T H A N A N Y OT I I ER HOUSE IN T i l E STATE. 65 7-li59 Brond St., Newnrk.

Lauter Co. , tft•II-U, l hu Nt•U' Ut•tut•t·t,•

l1(t•I\�W� Uii f lw fHIII I I)', l•'t •Ur lln\'lll"l'll-· lol•lll ;�::;��� �:.�::�.·,\.' \::��·� ·:1t;�f' ,rw,'. ,�,\�·:�,,· lu•l'l')'. A�

PIANOS. Daguerreotypes Can Be Cleaned and Restored

--------------- 'l'u nil t lw l l• ut•lw:lunl lwunt)' h)' I&Ut,H•

\\'UUU1 U·IU Ut·utt•l wuy (·luth H l t•uc•t)1 N, ,., , t'ul' lllltt IIHIIIU'o Mtttlll hy lllltll ur t1•• Itt'''""' ltnwuto�•t•c•utrtu•�t "'''" tllttl't' '"''"'' ftlllhll') VUI'I I·:I't I IIIUI IUI,f ulhttr ll)'ht nf tth1hlt'llt '

tll1" ' u 111111111' wt·l1 1•"' '"l'llllt>lu•t.uwruJ•h ii!IIJ•r nf lhiWI .• t!NI( n••l Wll� l'miU)VI•I �1'"1"1'1\�y Olllll Ill����� I Rill IIUIINht . .-1 wllh II. I fm1l thai I r11AIIY luw1

��l.:!'J.!ll';litll�.l' '"' ''""' M••n•lmotlwr wllh 11111 ... In, V•rr .,..,.,,, •. w. a•., w��.u� ,



The hell• ol l'ekiug, �.:veil ).D n uliJloo ber, wejgh 120,000 !Jounds.

A Chicago lh·m has set u p a line <.'4: l ll.u iomulJJ_Jt.•s to 1 J'a118port JW��t·uge;-:

bd h·c�u I t !:! :dure aJH.I qne of t h e t'a11-l road sf at ions fur fhe cents. In China !he :oi!wge j�-; pierced ,,· j �:h

n srJnare hole J n t h t• cen t er, a n d lit

I place of a purse J o h n L'h i u :-� nmJJ <"HI"' t•ies n p'it�<�e of string- on which t1� coins are !!lu ng.

The uvernge wlnt1e is from 50 to Q.S feet in length nnc.l 35 ft•ct iu e:in�U lll-­fercnce. '1 he ja whones are 20 to � feet long, und a tongue Ju . .s l){::ea known to j'ie1d u J 111m;t n t on of o il.

\\'hen tlw FiC! t t Jemcnt of t h e 'J'11u� \"Ual colon ies is c·omplPh�rl Bloemfon­tein will become !.he federal cap i t 11 l ;, South Africn and the residence nf tl1e go,·ernor general. Other go\·ernor• wil l reside nt Cape Town, l'ieternltll" itzbul'g and ,Johannesburg.

Six Gcrmun s1ntes u re now go .. erned by regents: 'l'he lci ngrl om otli Ba\'arla n n d the principnlity ol' J. ippe Detmold on neconnt of the insunitr a! their rulers; the principnl ity · ol Reuss, of the younger line, where tlw prince bas turned the governmcllll over to his son; the duchy of llrnn• wick, which is held by Prussia, pen .. iug a settlement with the hou•c ol llanover, and the duchies of �!edt· lenburg-Schwerin and Snxe-Cohul'1f'" Gotha, wbost rnlers are not yet II !ge.

A religious ceremony, incomprehe.; slhle to temperance people, took pin<W recently at Fecnmp , in Normundy. when the archbishop of J!ouen b:<•ssel the new distillery bu i ld i ng• or tJ. monnstery where the llenerlicti!WI liquor is made. The cor<linl hnd heee mnnufnetured for two cen 1 uries whew the French re\'olution broke out ani! the Benedict.ine monnstery wus de­stroyed. 'fhe recipe WDti �o1·ed by r, family named Le Grnnd, and restoreil to tl1e monl1s In 1863. A bronze slut ue to the Le Grand who re\' i\'ed the i • dnRtry wns um·ei led before t h e Lt!ne­diction of the buildings.


Meat of All Kind•• VeK'etahJelt nnl Nat. Are U•e•l In 'l'helr


Sanuwiches nre now served as a laslP ,iona ble dis II n t tens and luncheons. A'!­lnos.t e\'ery \'arlety of meat or Ycgct• hie, dressed with el'ery I'Uriely of "uialill rlrt>sslng, or without dressing of an' kind, is used for snmlwiches. :\ u kl have been recently used i n tills way. A cl1 enp nut snnclwich is m ncle of tlm despised peonut, wh ich is minced linw and spread betwee11 the m ost delicnlelp thin slices of bomemnde bread, l1·ecl.: of Its crust nnd delicately b n t trrd!. English wnlnu ts un<l pecan n u t s moll' be used i n the same way. The p�crru nut sandwich Is especJn11y nicl'. 'J'hcstz snn<lwiches should not· be resen·Nl fa! festhe occnsions, but shorild be used on the everyday table. They n 1·c es­pecially n ice ser\'ed for tl1 e sumnwt· supper. Pen nuts 111·e known to be qu ik! nutritious, nntl i t i s therefore m.uc.b better to huvc them tnl<e tile place un meat thnn the coli! slices of veeet�bl<'fl dressed in mnyonnn i se uncl u�;cl in tba same wny. snys th e �ew York 'rribur.tE.

A let tu ce snlad dressed in 11111 \'0"'" noise Is · one of the best of these :,u,. pet• snndwiches. Select \'ery cris}; blenched len\·es of lettuce. Dip them i11 8 well·mnlle, wclJ.tlnvored mnyonnni!'IJ dressing. J ... ny these leH\'es between t h i.u slices of hoiuemndc brend, cut de licut• ly thin,

Homemade hrend mode wi th "perp�6o unl" �·east is an especially dcl lciot,. moist bread, which is nchni rnbly :ulnpf>. ed to sandwiches which require a fir• but ten<ter, moist hrend. The potn to water used In "perpetunl" yeast seenlG to gh•e the sn m e moist texture t lurt old-fash ioned potnto hrend rnised w i th R spo�ge bud. It is the chen pe!oi.t ns wcl'.2 88 the best bread. For sandwiches 111111 It when it Is n·bout n dny old. ,

lllinces of cl>icl<en dressed wi t11 mn:i­onnnise also mnke an excellent supper sandwich. So do sandwiches wllit�h mn.' be hented n li t tle nnd ser\'ed �s nr.· chovy tonst. Any cold, delicn t c> med sliced in v£try thin slices n. nd S£'U!innei, wi th salt, pepper nnd n l i t t le piqunm: cold dressing of nn�· ldnd mn,1· be u>efl in this wny. 'rhere is room fo1· conf"ii .. ernble ngreenble surprise in t� chang-es nnrl rnrions seasoning whieil muy be de,·ised in t h is dish,


·IJnall IJefnlh of Urt••• 'rhnt 4\ re !f., Ul!�lthle In Uu.• 14Rh.'Mt

CuNha me•, Ry fnr tlte n1£l1'<1 ]JO)Jtllnr tmflt'TWilim.u

now nre t hose whleh 111 nkt.• no fll't' l 1 ' 1 1!46 nt sl eeve or silouitler s l rn p, but i ln rt) •·i mply a ribbon t o h old t l i l'm in p:ac«, which lieR 0\'1'1' the shoul lle l', S'IIYS • fnHh lnn n u l.ho J'l t y,

]t, )r; I I I I I IO tlllCPl) fiR 0 Cl' I' i n J n f y (f'l,.'le; ln l'gt• Lnu!H X \' I , h u t �:-, w h lcl r for·;n �•ul"il1 pre I I ,\' ll tl l'l'Ol l'R· rou n d l lw lu•1Hl , 1wiAl b" Ill lid\ WOI'I\ \llf� �111\lllll' l' t•it Ill' I' ill sort foi l I'IIW, ( I )H'I!Wnr·l\ c•r· luol lnt•, or· ln<-c.

''t·i l�. I he t ol u i H U Jl fll'c".ioll o l wil ieil wns u u noti iH!l'il, •n l'l' uutuli l ,r lt•!oo .'l l n !oil:t.(· .. 'J'h••,l' lll'l ' fl I i i •• 1 1 1 1 1 1' iu plac••, n 11d do nut wo fur t l r t' l' t hnn Just n lHI\'C t ht• upptr l i p.

'.l'IH' ilrt'p C'lll'tw l t•·l In P\'P l',\' fol' l l l nnf. 1'11 1'11' 1 ,1' I'O I I I i l l lll'H t n ho ld l•·mt.l',

'l'ht•l'l' i• 11 1'1'1',1' � ' ''"IIIC i lu i lel l l io l • lhw�: OIC lwn1 1 1' 1 I • 1'1' ! U l'll I ug I o n•, bl l lui l ""'II. almW I IIIo 1 1 11 l'L' I I I(IJ I'l1,

"'ccidt· t •· un• f 1"hio11'• i n t ••• l wl:lw .•

l1t•nt•ht• lll (!unur•tl, 1 111 1'1' l h <• f l"ll<'hi'M, lt n i l't•, •·l o l l" u nll'.

tl i'OP ,I n to t•ol t l \\'11 1 1 ' 1', Jo'o t• ,.,.,. ,.,, (tHir jii iU I I I IM o l lru f l l l l t l fll• II > f i 'U f ' o ( II ) l iM u t �f..pl l' 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 ' JU I I I ' I o ( \\'11 1 1' 1 ' 1 t l'll l ll I l.'f) l"'nuiu·•· p11l 1 fu. 111 in t l ie i"' i l lu!f •il'lllll• llf' l l l!l 11� 11 1 11 l o t.ht• i >o i i i uf{ poi11 1 , lhi'll l�l'l'Jl t lll•l ll • i l l t l l lt 'l'i l ll( I'I' I'J ltt•H i i,l' uutU I �IIlltll' hul uul �urt. J > : uu• lht• f1•tllt I• Jnr� ntH\ 1\11 lo uno••iluwlnlf wit h · 1 11• •ollln!l t\rup, IJUQI 1& UIIU.-.LMI!iM' Wurldo · .

.! .. . . • �('h�ir: ,', . . . ' : .'. �r.l/J':�r:>�·!_:�t.:,��.rJ:Ai�l

Page 4: DigiFind-It › westfield › DATA › newspapers › Union... · . ____ · ___ _ , __ _ _ __ _ ___ sE.Ml-'WE:EkLy · THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD. TUESDAY FRIDAY, VOL. XVII. NO. 5 l


t'iii� UMOX t:OU�'U S't'.M1D,UW $cni!J:1:L.1ccl:l�.

Puh' j,.J10 1 ��r�._•rr 'l'uo��br n.n1l Prl<lar llY The Stano•rd Publishing ConCPrn.

J;:, ,1 , 'YHrrt:IIEAI,, l'n!�hh·llt. A. ):. \''t:.\H:-;.H,L, \�ii'!.!-PI'l'�hl!.!HL

C. E. JII::.\Ii.".\1.1,, :\.lnllliJ.!"l'f. n.. c. p1.�_\ lt�AL\., �een•l ary-Trc!\!'U1'er.

$2.00 pER YEAR

OHI<•···!:iTANIJARD Building. Ad,·c·rtf�-iru! Hatt_� ... furnish ell Oh npJtltcntton.

-;;,FH.Ell g, 1'1�..\HS:\J,I,, 'F.tlftnr,

u.. :n. foi'J'tCI\:l.l;, l,m•n l J�,1 Um·. (], g, Jlt�AllSAL.I., l'la.HnJ.:t•r.

I f yon lm\'e not nlren•ly done so , inform yourself npon the subject of I ·

the iuitintil'o nnd t·cferemlum.

Wlmt fooi-Amerimm heiress will marry thi• fortnue-hunting, impe­cunious, indigo- blooded Hone Dne de w 1u·ren with his om pty titles, and save him from becoming 11 bnrber?

W onl has reachet.l us that the Stllllllanl's trr.sty null trusted friend and Cl\shier, Miss Chm·lotte Woidt, became i\Ira. D. C. Austin the other· eveuing. The Standnrd's force beg to congratnl11te the pretty little lad! while bespeaking for her all hnppr-

, ness and nll pros peri tv. !Iny the chano-o from bookkeeping to honse­keep�l g prove to be Blttisf110to;y from

eve1-y view-point, nud forever!

We nrc proud and pleased to an­nounce to our renders that Mr. Wil­linm G. Peckham has ncccptml the 11ost of Cross Town Trolley Editor. We most cordially welcome Mr. Peckham ns n member of our stuff while begging om renders to hold the right purty responsible should the Cl'nss· town trolley wires become O\'cr-hot.



Democratic Column.

Let's hnl'e · n · public meethig to discuss who is . responsible for. losin'g

to Westfield the crosa-town . trolhiy that WILS the best t\nng offered )''ces(" fi<ottl this fifty yen�s. N o: tnrfitri� fetlthers; but just find ont,)f ho). !}: ::'·""''·:·:·.-.·.• ·::

=====::: · :: . . · · ,i;:;i]/. WESTFIELD'S FREE . . . . ;.-: : . . 'io:: ,

DELIVERY' IS COMING. ' ·. . . ' . '.' ._. _'. ·�·,; .. ,-\�.:�

J�xnmlnl\tlnus to lJc Ilc�d,; ou _·::_N�n'<;J�I-. ' . . 1;e� 3�11. . · · . ... ' -:· ·.:�· : ���,� �� The Uuite1l Stutes ci\'il s.ervlce exi.�Ul ·

i lU<tion for letter c1irriers i\'I11 1Je held In Westfield ou No,·ewbor 3rd,commeuciug at 9 n. tn .. �'be exuwinntiou wlll consist of spelling,

arithmetic, letter Wl'itlug, }Jenmn11ship, copying from plain copy, geogmphy of the Uulted stntes uml rending addresses. Applicants wust be between the ages

of 21 autl 40, uot less thnu fh-e feet four Inches in height ntul weigh not less than 12•j pounds. They must hn\'e their np· I•licntiou flle<l i n complel� form on or

lJ•,fore October 30th, 1000. For nppllca­tiuu hlnnk, full iustmctions, elc. npply to A. H:. Gnle nt the post ofilce.

J-:117.nhdh ,.10. Cl'UUfnt·,1. The Crnufonl Base Bnll club nre

•cheduled to piny the Eli•nboth Duse ·Hall Club on the Wnlnnt Hllee grounds, )�Iizabeth to morrow nfternoou.

'l'hlo contt•st •honhl prore 11 ·,·ery In · tereetlng one Rull i\ nnmht'l' of the West­field lmse hull cmnka wi l l he fount\ 011 tlw l(l'ouutl• when piny I• culled at 3·�0 o'cloci1.

'l'hu El lzn beth gronntls tll'e sltnntotl 1\hont. one hlod< from tho terminus of th• W""tfieltl & Ellznlwtlt tl'Ollt>)' l lue Hnllt·nntl Stnt lou. 'I' ito "''"''" In pre\'\Ott8 gnuw• wn• n• follow.: August l i th 11! CI'Ullfol'tl, Elizt�heth II, Urnufottl r;, Ho•ptt�lnlu•r t r, ut Ell�.uhulh, Ellznhulh 21 Cruufol'tl l .

___ _.. ........ ---" · ,\, Sullfu• \\' lth• 1·'11'"1 'f'l'tt(lhy uc t rw

t'•·u urm·,J tloJr Cluhf 'l'lw fh·•t l l'rophy wou I n col!lplltltlon nt

1 111' Ci'nn fot'll (l nlf <Jiuh t'•ll tti'H l n \VAMt • fi,.ltl , 'I'll•• lll'ltl�"l"lrl lo\'ltiJ( cup hnl'hiJ( ht•t�U won mttt·l�ltt h,l' l l t!lll')' A. Nohhs of t hl• toWII, W l i h 11 totnl of �lx l"llttl8, lt. 1. 'l't�wult•.t•, W. g, 1\nll!ltt nru1 r,, A, Mn'l,\tm t l>•tl fnt• Ml'Ct>rlt1 J•lncu with Com• Jtrrlut• t•m•h,

---� . ... . � . ---

'J'lwrn urn ·•.�rwr �f>t•t'l<•ll ot plnut� IINrt' fur cumnwrclul IIUI'\IUHt'•• Ot tht•lo 4:10 j!N Uhd fur &HII'fullllll. r--�.t . ..... �.,·�<.!. ' ',; o.: IL.,.: \ ;,,:,l'.\{,,l:i.,'t.iJ..:�wJ;��IlS�:UiWI


A l�h·ely !'l•�l!t iu,.; of' r he. JIHlll'd nf r..:dtU'Il· ti1111 JfeJd 'J'UL',IflJUy J�\."f�HfJI,u'o

At II IJJOctifJI-[ of the l3onrd of E<lncn· tiuu lwh\ 'J'lwr;•lny en:miug- tlw plauH of Ingle, A hnirall & Uliulou MeKtmzio \Vt.lre re,it1Ci c�t1 awl n committett nppoiut� etl to see Wilson Potter, the winuut· ol' tlw secuwl prize iu the comp!!l itiou.

P1·esit!ent G ret'll called thli meeting to

order, Hll lllPJUbt.�rs lleiug pre�.ent. The llli llntes of the pn.l\'iOU!i IIWilth's meet ings wt.!re read nuLl i1ecepted,

'l'he tlistrict clPrl< 's report wns read nm1 acceplet1. A cmumnnicatiou frlHU W. J, Shearer, conut.y onpcrintemlcnt, was reml antl referre'l to Presi<lenl Green nut! Clerlt Coger, with (IO\\'er to net.

'J'he tencher's committee reportetl thnt llliss Flom E. Hilton luul beeu engngetl, it ue'tug fonntl ueces•nry to empl oy au·

� other teacher, autl that the Bmtou house ' · ou Summit 11\'entw bad b<'eu s.Jcurml.

'l'be t•eport of tbij committee seut to Bostou:wns then t·on<l n lll1 accepted, the snhstunce of which is llR follows:

The committee vi8itetl Rnfns H. \Vmle, the Bo�ton expert on hentiug uud ventil ntiug, who gr11•e them his opiuiou ou the hontiug rmtl wutiiutiug pinus. They ul­so \'isite<l n school in Puwcutn�k, Conn., designed uy W ilson Potter uutl were much plensed with it.

A vote of thnul<s WI\S telll1ered to l\Ies�rs. W mle, White, Moore, Kinney aml Sntherhmtl, who so kimlly nssisted the comruittoe in their work.

A uote fm• $2,500 wus tlru wu for gen era! school pnrpose2.

l\Ir. For·ster llJO\'etl that P1·esitleut Gre�ll mul Clerk Co�-rer eut3l' into 11 con truct In the uume 111111 in hehnlf of tlw Bourd of E<lncut 011 with Dr. J. Acket· uum Coles fot· tlll exchange of school sites iu the Borough of 1\louutah•sitl<',

uud snbject to a confii'IJiing vote of the legnl \'Oters of the district at a meeting to be hereafter cnlle<l for that )1Ltrpose.

'l'be following bills were ordere<l pail\ : J, B. \\'llsou $Ul0 CO �'n�ewrltiug I 45 l\Ir. Knight ll!oVell the resolution to

reject the school plans of lu�:le & Alwir al be tukeu from the table and acted upon.

l\Ir. Ingle, of Ingle & Alwirall, then wade 11 elwrt talk to the board and final ly introdncetl Frank Garvin, who repre sented Edwanl C. Jnntes, the connsel for Ingle & Almirull. 1\lr. Ganin said that if the board shoaltl reject the plans of his clients he would be compelled to ad · vise them to take such legnl steps 11s would ue necessary to protect their ri�:hts nnd to justify their clnim.

The motion, howe,·er, wns cnnied an<l n committee uppoiutell to see Wilson

Potter. ll!r. E\·nns, who representetl the Paul

�chlicht •Y•tem of sn ,· ing coal was theu henr<l mul his pl'OllOBition Tefenetl to committee on Builtlittg• null Grounds.

The meeting then 111ijom·uml to meet nest Tnostlny night nt. the same time :nul plnce.


4 1-:!•JIOutlll .Sntn�un Cuu!;llt h)· nuetil n.t l1h!ltfut•tl'M Ct�IUp!!l.

(SJJeCfnl corrCSllOnLienrn to t bo Phonograph.) " RAlWilLEY, illE , Sept. 25, I 000.

On Sntun1ny, lilt·. W. N. Hncl<eLt ol' Westfieh1, N. J , cangbt his first snltuon, n fish weighing 4� p0\nu1s, . rmtler comli t!ons which mnde t.he fent one of which the most expert fishel'llllln coult1 well be protll1 . · lilt'. H1tclrett nnd two friends m·e stopping ut Picl1fonl 's uttmctil'e cnmps on the enst shore of Rt�n;:ely lnlre. On Sntnrtln)' morning whi le trolling nl •uost d irectly in front of tb� cnmlJ, the gentleman with whom Mr. Hackett wns fishing, hooketl n goocl size<l snlmon nnd it Wl\s wh ile neliug in to nvohl becotn · lug entnngletl thnt Mr. Huckett's fish struck. 'l'nkeu entirely by surpdoe, .Mr. Hncl<ett <lisplnye<l the coolness nut! skill of a \'eterau ; the fish wns nn nnusnnlly gamy one, In fnct the gni<le sah1 he fon�h t ns hart1 as n fish twice his size usunlly <11<1. Shortly nfter hooking the flsil Mr. Hnckett's roc1 bml<e nt the butt, nt n plnce where it hntl recently been mentlet1, so thut he was obligetl to Jllny the fish nmler \'ery c1iftlcnlt cowlitions.

After n fight, lnstiug something less thun n11 ltonr nwl n <Jillll'!eJ', the fish wus COlllJnet•etl nml uronght into the boat. A lm·go umonnt of Cl'e<llt is tl ue to tlw gul!le, Austin Hinkley, fot• the mlmim· blo 11111nner In which he hnmllml tho bout, though of com·se the lion's sluu·e mnst go to Mr. llncket t, whoso skill for n BOI'ice wns remnrknb\e nnt1 who oun be justly l'l'Ollll of his first snhuon.

�� �� �� l!l ·� "t �t �:! �·l ;!� "� �l ;!t �;� I OPEN SATURDAY EVENING---CLOSE FRIDAY {�



Exposition of Autumn Gown Fabrics and ·silks.

A GRAND DISPLAY --an inimitable as. sortment including practically everything

in this season's most fashionable weaves from the greatest loom s . in the world. Magnificent · productions from France, ingenius effects and color hannon�es found only in fabrics of the Vaterland and clever conceptions for which American makers are fast gaining renown. So man}' beautiful designs, exquisite colorings and exclusive combinations that description is obvi­ously impossible. The opening sale marks a

new era in gown goods selling-irresistable econ­omies abound, and an inspection of Newark's larg·est and finest stock will immediately con.

vince you that to buy elsewhere is an absolute extravagance.


L. BAMBERG ER & Market and Halsey .Sts.,

J F' you want some pure Maple S)ri·up we have it·

ALSO prepared BUCKWH EAT FLO UR. HAVE you tried the Royal Scarlet ca n ned goods1 TH EY are the best.

A. C. Fir:I...,CI-I & SON, •••• C ROO ERS •••• I Hello, :z4·a. ----1 5 7 'Broad St.

t...�-aM ........ �"· ... ·�� ... " .... "�.-.......

One. of the. BGst Wearing Shoes for Men is the "Heywood Shoe."

shoe has built up a good business for us, as they are

and that's the kind we like to deal i n. Prices $3 to $5·

see our men's $ 1 . 50 to $2 .50 lines, no better for the


WINDFELDT & BROWN, 137 llroad St. fiSH and

CRANFORD'S SCHOOL POLICE FORCE. 01tl=•·' r!���EI�!�.�. Ml';�����v

rrt!!-h 111111 l•rfl'l'� l'htht.


wru£�1� WnnDW[Ift� COM PANY.

c. P. Un11emuk, IMANAOEHI• H. w. A'kcr, 111'11ft!IIIU.r '1'11UUII'14 h1t1t 'J'I'UHhltt \\'lth IIIII lll11h M'•htu1l l'ul•lh.

Prot, W, �1. 'I'homnR, !ll'hlcipnl of tho CrnnfoJ•rl pnh!ltJ Ht•houlH, I• nt. hi• wit'• oml wlmt \o tln with hi" t•11pll•.

H11tiltlllly lli!(ltt w\wn hu \l'tlH "lllhul on fol' hiR l'U(tlll'i hy tht• llunl'tl of g,Inc11llon ho stntt•1l ! hut hu con It! 1111t 111'''1' Ol'tlt•r nt l'I'L'�Hs, wlum tho boyH fonl(ht, l lu·vw A!CIIWR ttlll\ toVt•rythitt)f oiHt• l'tttl fllllt hu htt<l l.>l'ott forl't•tl to �'''" np t ltll l't•t•t·•H,

llu llO\\' '"' " ll hllt t>l' t lw hiKh Hchnnl boy'• ttH Keltool t•olleeul!•tt ttllll l• Htorlon•· ly i ltlttltlttl( of lutl'lrlf( tltu jnttlt<rr 11111tltr ohlt•f of lt!IIICt•,

------·� ---•rhl� I� thtl Ht•nKnll wlwu lllnfh!!t'• 1 1 1o

nlrltltt�cl 011 IWCnllllt nf l'f<llll'· It IM IJlllokiJ l'lll"tl hy Otw llllnntu UonJ!h llnru, which uhlhlr�ra llku to tKku, W, JJ, Tr•uobHrd.


Westfield, lltJt�ldl•IU't'1 al MU1411llX. Ht, p, 0, Uox UfJ,

1\'!IHI\ tolri'J'I�h'A<J'l'OIUI,\' llONi'lo

A. E� Wilcox, · · ., ..... '" Harn111 •nd Furnlahinl•·

lh•tmh lllll l• �11tl'l'l11 1l )'• \\'urk tuoMI)' thHUh

Hhnal-tr,t.)t H'l'i '

lletUI'II -1' 1\o m. tu n ll· Ill·

..... .... .... ..... ., . . llr. llobto,' MI•nr••n•l.lill� t•urull �h'l"' 11\e, ••r. ltl lr"' Alld• "'til IIIII �ftUvdJ\fU••�· fiiUflf� t

\ .



Trim, Turning, General Jobbing

. . , ""· ··ii, •• �


Page 5: DigiFind-It › westfield › DATA › newspapers › Union... · . ____ · ___ _ , __ _ _ __ _ ___ sE.Ml-'WE:EkLy · THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD. TUESDAY FRIDAY, VOL. XVII. NO. 5 l


-Ruhl,it PPnson opN1R Nn.vpmh,<l.r 1Rt:, -H. P. Cmulit is enjoying a Abort VII·


-Th� f,. H. S. foot bnll t3rtlll will prnc· t ice to·lli!(ht.

-Ar!h nr W. Pere.ofonl llns UJill'e!l to Det.roit, Mieh .

-Th� town cmmnith!P meetR to-night Rt the tnwn romnR.

-'t'he WoBtltu'� (�lnh wBl lJOhl a meet­ing 1\lon<lHy, Od. 8th.

-Mrs. R. H. Sumner hns retm ne<1 hon1e f1·ou1 n trip to Cnnwla

-E. H. Tnylor, of N<,rth avenue, Is visiting ft·iemls nt BP.rl!n, M. D.

-'l'he Bom·<l of HP.tllth will holu their regnlnt· llleetiug to night nt 7.30.

-ll!iss AcMie JCJcl,son, of Cl'llrlfol'<l,

visi te<l friPucls In town Weclnescllly.

-Mi•s Ell1t Seug�r. of Sonth avenue, hc1s nccepte<l R Jlosition nt Eliznbotb.

-Louis Budell nnd hmily have rA· turned to New York for the willler.

- l\IIss l\lnbel Holcon1b will �t,encl Snn· dar wlt.h frieruls in New Brunswick.

-.John AI. L�clley hr.s oecnrecl thP mason work of six houses in Cranford.

-Frru. Deucklo lws bought Wnlker

;:.=:.:_-:::,..--::-,..---:---:--::;;: & Scribner's cigar store on Broad street.

-L11wreuce Clark will lencl the C. E. P-""!"""!"-�����-�- U'eetiug at the Pr·esbytetlan church, Sun·


.Street, Newark, N. J. •lllu.N•�n. 12 to 3 P. !II., 400,

D'HOTE DINNER, 1i to 8 P. III., BOo,

THEATRE SUPPER. 10.30 P. :.i M. to 12 P. M .. 800·

: . · Fall and Winter

.. . Millinery .... Feathers, etc.,


1:17 Brood Street,


' Agency tor Standard Patterns.

'oys' and Gi !·b' Feet, ,I to fit

500 rairs School Shoes.

• onest goods, honest prices · · and honest dealing.

Westflelcl ngeut for the .iW. L. Douglass Shoes.

,bHN O'BLENIS '" i\:: l34 Broad Street,

• N. J. ' .• ·:i�i

illtn Relclo tn, or rnther novcr, tor 'n •atth or time nml cleltberntuly, rehcl

lflltJHf IIIIYthlng thnt <lOOM not tlt•Set'\'0 &belling ngnlnRt,







IALTIMO .. I, MD, .,. . ............ .

-1\lrs, J. J. Alvortl, of Peoria, Ill., is visiting !llrs. James Townley, of Elm street.

-The L. H. S. foot ball teaw ls llxlng up Recreation Park for the game to· morrow.

-lllrs. P. Q. Oliver has prt>sented the Library with a s�t of Hnme's History of England.

-The ladies of St. Paul's Guild wilt bold a m1ke sale October 18th In the Parish rooms.

-The Aeolian factory at GRrwood was forced to lny off 75 men on account of the �carclty of coal.

-The Lincoln GranmlRr School foot ball team goeo to Roaelle to-morrow to play a tenw at that place.

Miss Archer, the aister of !\Irs. Nim mons of )louutahl avsnue, died ve1·y suddenly Wednesday night.

-Mrs. Elizabeth Lake bas returned to Rab Wily ufter a pleasant visit with her daughtel', Mrs. John Ingram.

-Mr. and Mrs. Dilloway will reside with Miss Katherine Smith ou their r�· tnru from their wedding trip,

-'I' he bo!ll·d of trnst"es of the West· field Public librnry held their monthly meeting Wednesday Rfteruoou.

-1\Iiss Chhrlotte Woi<lt b6cnme llll'B, D. C. Austin, 'l'h m•stltiY of la�t week. Only a few friends were lll'eseut.

-The nuunnl tueetlug of the Children's Country Home will be hehl Monday, Octolle1· 15th, ut tbe En)ltist chni'Ch.

-Ruy Jiuk" has retnl'llecl to his home iu ltulinnn, having fi{Jeut 11 pleasnutsnru · mer nt the home of Mi�s Katheri uo Smith.

-The Liucolu High School foot llull Tenm will meet the ()linton High School of Jersey City, toruorrow, at l{ecrention Pnrk .

-U nculletl for leltet•s nt po>t office, Westfield. H. \V. Hnuunershy, Amlie l\lcGovern, EMe Fetters, ll!rs, Chttrles J;"'ish, 1\liss Elenuor s�yuwl'e.

-lllr unci Mrs C. '1'. Wemyss have tl· tnruecl from Nonvootl where they hu1·e been spembug tbe summet· mal will oc· cnpy ouo of '1'. S. Dir<l's houses on Elm street.

-The following were grnutecl licenses in Westfield in the Com·t of Common Plens : WillinUJ J. Stevenson. H. A. Wnrd, Uhnrles G. Burtis. nml Wm.H. Grognn.

-'fhe Democrats will have a bnnner mish1g ut their beuclrjUIUiel'S on Elm street Stlttll'dny night, ut 8 o'clock. s,,eukiug ls pt'oUJised by C. E. Potter, tile "Yuukea schoolnmstet·".

-A lut•ge clelegtttlon of Westfield's prominent Chl'istiun Encleuvorm·s will ntterul the convention of Ohdetiuu En· den\'01' societies of New Jel'eey to ile heltl nt Je1·soy City, Octobel' lOth, 11th uml 12th.

-'l'he treusnrer of the Chllch·en's Cotmh·y Hmu<J rwknowlmlges with tllunks tho rocelttt of tho following con tl'lbntlous : !lb·s. .J. A. Wilson, !Ill ; l\11'8, Gem·�o H. Dl'Dwu, •2 ; 1\h·s. Geol'go •r . Noe, f2,

-Alton Stumets, of SJll'lugtown, In CO!IIIlllllY with his COliHIU Uuyuwwl Stlunuts, hlR IJI'othol' Lou I� M. nut! sis· tel'S Olnrn uud t:!totln, of l'ltllll;••bnrg, •l'uut Snuclny with Uwh• uuolo nml unut on Nu1th uvonuu.

-AK tho U tr. cut• stn(•l'utl nt tho t1•olluy nlficu 'l'tii!Hcluy o\"oulug, two cni'H lo.ulcci with Itullnu lnbm·ol's folloWUtl It wltl1 HllUh HjlOC<i tl111t thuy l'nn lulu thu 1'0111' uwl ur tho cnr uwl cousitlombly jul't'l'tl tho OIJUIIIIIIIIIM. No cltll llii!!U wna1 tlono how· U VOl',

-Dr. Q, l\1. AlltlVI'Hou will •Ju•uk em llymnM 111111 ll)'llln \Vi'llt!l'K, Huuctny 1111y �V�tlltl!f lit IIIU l\llltltiiiiiHt chm·"h, ll&•uuiHI wmlu will lw l't.>lulur"'l, uwlo1·

thu ilh•uotluu or M. '1'. 'l'owuluy, ulwi'IM· lur, 'l'bu KUrVIO� CUnlliiOUCU� lit 7,•10,

-Friends of llliBB Sara Curry, of the I VAN EM·B�RGH-KLINE. Little 1\lisHiouary'• Day Nur•ery, New ---- GILDERSL EEVE. York, ure conliaHy illvited to attend nn

,�er·y l'r"f!tfv w .. d.Uuft "t st. J•uueN' M6tJ1�

informal conference ou mattet'H pel'tuin� odiMt Chur·ch. t:liz�&beth.

iug to h�r work, to be 1l1Jid uext l\Ionclay St. James' church wus never more el•tmiug, ill the y, l\1. c. A. 13nilcliug, prettily ileco!'llteil, nor clid ite interior Plah,fieltl. e\·t:!l' see n utore ln-illiant array ot' brave

Everything Ready fo r Fal l Business. - W m . • Tolm H11wl<in•, of llayonue,

fnuueriy of this (Jlace, mul l\Iiss Dessiu llryuu Wooclrntr, of South Ornug", '":ere IJUU'I'i�cl by Dr. lJ. 1\L Anderson, , ... i.te<l by the ltev. Dr. I:a111lolph, We<lneRclay lH'tmiug, nt the twuw of the In i1le'R Fister, 1\h·s. Bnrl<e, of Hillsitle place, Sutnh Orang�.

-Don't forg-et the rtmtrunge Fnle for the benefit of the Librm·y which is to c<nllnteuce October !lith. Here's a chance t.<• get credit for u clc�rital•le <lee<! uucl uo yom·•elf n fnvor b)' clenniug ont J'Oili'Rttic. '!'he COI!Illlittel! BllifC ((Jut theJ' will wnke lU'rltugeuumts to sem1 for cou tt i lmtions. If nny one is ol'erlool<etl tlrup a pustul to the chairman, lllr•. Hnr· t·y E. Ki1\ght, Broau street.

-Corntumy I., 1st Uegimeut W. B. 13. A. IVill lltteu<l the pur<t<le of the l'egi· ment to be hel<l ut the annual couven· !lou of thf Chri•tian Eucleavor societies nt .Tet·sey City, l!'t·idny, October 12th. FnU uniform, with white glove•, will be worn. 'l'his wiU be the first time Cum. pn11y L �hns pamc\ed with the regiment and it is expectetl the boys will bring much credit to both the COlllJlCIII.f tmd its Cuptatn, E. R Pears•rllc Prof. Edwards n·ill excuse the boys floom school on that <luy.

-The We�tfield Sound �Ioney Cltth will hold th.,it First Grand Rlllly on 'l'ues<lay evening October· Oth, at the Westfielcl Club hall, at 8 o'clock. Tire meeting will be atldre•sed by the Hon. Foster 111. Voothees, G"vernot• of New Jersey. The BJJealcers for the evening will be the Hon. George L. Hecoru, Democrat, of Jersey City antl Hon. Ed· ward Featt of blaine, The club uesires it to "" known that ladies will be most cordlnlly welcomed. lllusic will be fur

ulshed by the Elizabeth Gloo Clnb.

-lllrs. Fisher and 1\lrs C. Warntan, of Elizabeth, tmid a visit to Mrs. W. l\1. 8tnmet on Wednesday in company with !llrs. Elizabeth Warman, of South Orange. She is the mother of Mrs. John Davison, who wae tbe first missionary from this country to Japan 1\lrs. Davi· son is now at Sooth Orange, and will soon leave for bar home In Japan in company with her children, who came to America to finish their education. She is 11 cousin to !11rs. Stamets. When she retn\'lls to Japan she will make that her bmM for life, having already resided there for nearly 30 )'ears.


The \Wuman's Club. The first meeting of the year will be

held nt 3 o'clock next !llouday afternoon ut the Westfield Club. It Is hoped that every member will be (Jresent tllut lhe senson may open Rnspiciously and the club ten tl!·ove n delightful social atfnir. "Vncation Experienc�s" will be related.

1'he geneml topic of study decicle<l up· on bv the clnb for the seasou Is "Greece." Prof: Hnmllu, of Columhin Unil'ersity, will gh•e an illnstt·ntecl lecture upou

Greel< urt, and l\llss Welles, Instructor of Greelr nt Smith College and former •tmlent ut the Americun School of Archaeology in Athens, will tell of 1m in· terest.ing jomuey ruatle with Dr. Dorp felcl, in 18!13, uwong some of the Grecl< i>luncls. The year's pt·ogt•mn will be l'lll'iecl by discussions upon topics of the clay, sowe of which nre suggested hy the general suhj ect. At the opening of the holitlny seaAon, tile Gt·eek home life RtHl nntionnl festivals will be nppropt'iltte topics, followe<l iJy llll informal cliscns sion upon the use aml nhuse of OUI' Americau holltla)'S,

A somewhat no rei feature will be n lecture recital !Jy ltliss Bm·ton, Decem· bet' lOth, upon the history of the dance, bnrllllric, oriental, Bi hlicnl, Greek, etc. Tile lnst meeting in December will be tlel'otetl to a retroS)Ject of the pust cen· tmy llllll ll prophecy for the century to corne. ll!otlel tenements · ""'I factories, nucl umnual !mining schools iu Greater New YOI'k, will be nmong the BIJbjects iutrmlncecl in tho two nftemoons given np to the consiclemtioll of some moclel'll phllnnthropieH. "The Wouum's Club of Westliel<l" will be the subject nmlor tlis cu�slon nt the closiul( meeting of the sen�un, lln<l It is expeetccl thnt 1111111)' frlentlly, pmcticnl sngl-(t'st!ous will lm gll•en which will llo 11 help to the club in the fntnl'll. Alf the di�cussious of the yunr. luclncltng topics or lutet•est, wtll ile utmu to the clnh nucl will tlOJieml for tl1eir sncce�s upon thu cooperntlou of eve1·y tuemilllt'. A committee, w ith 1\lrs. J. A. Worth liB cl tnil'lnnu , will huvu cllnrgo of thu muelc lol' the vm·· Ions IJil'utlngH.

'l'ho olllcr•r·s for tho Bl•nsou of 11100·1 1101 uw, Pl't'Hltleut, l\lrH, M, J, Ollcluralt•llvll ; vlce·(ll'U•icleuta, l\lrs. E<lwuniH unci 1\ll'"

Ellr.alJCJth Uouhu ; Clll'I'UHJIOII<l llll\' HI!OI·"· tnry, Mr·s. ,l olutHton ; n•cot'<l lng HC•ct·o t.ul'y, !llrH. lr'unllcuut·; tr·onHtl l'<'l', llllMH t:!tcob.

� ·-· -� IWM�t Auuur \\'1111t lh,hl lh•11ltlt• lll H1

A IIIIIU lllll' ut W11Hi flllltl l't•Hl 1 l111ttH ftll\'11 IH•t!ll IIIIIIO)'t!l] 1•)' cl t ri-(H hilling t lwh· eltleiH•IIH. 'l'ltu <lo�• tlo uot 1111(. thu <'III!!IWIIH ln1t I I I I I th11111 uncl t ho oWIII'l'H 111'11 thl'c•nlunlng V('Jif(•'tlllt:IJ, I I . 1•:, J(Ui!lht IIIIH loHI. ��� cltlt:IWII'•, W. l\1. l lnl' · ..!HUll 1111� luHt ·Ill, 11 1111 H. \. l•'u ll'llllll'lt 11111111'118 tho )CJHH of �ij jldY.tl 'iiii)IUI'Il'!\ fvwl•,

l!luuwlllllll!' Hlwuld to thl" luunuc(ltltvly,

men lllltl fuir la•lics than on Weu· n(';day mreniug )P<:Jt, when MisEJ Lil­iMl Anun.helle KJiue Uecume the wife uf Iluu·y L. Van Embnrglt. 'l'he lJl'i<!tO jij one of Elizabeth's fair ' tHuias, and the groou1 is n w�Jl b:uown Ln�.;.iuesij Ulan of Pl11irrlield.

The nshers were 1\Ies>rs. A. H. Qlnrk, \Vm. Sltrpe, Wru. Hnnyou, Ww. lWrw, Hnrry !\Iusou. Harl'y Cowurll i uud the in ilhj!nunid�. l\Iiss LiJirw Force, i\liHs 13nell, llli•• Cnt•r tmcl Miss Mills. 'l'he lu.��t lllF.ll wns Johu 1\IcLanghlin.

'fho bride Is t.IIe daughter of lllr. and l\Irs. G. H. Kline, of Eliznbeth.

Th" ltnpJl)' couple when the ceremony wns over, departed iu n co1tch deeoratell iu the cn•tomm·y wctuner of such el'eJJtR, ttml nwid n shower of ric8 uwl olc.l shoes fron1 the�r mhuh iug friemls.

'l'he nmn�rons 1•resents which the contJie recth•ed 1\'ere greutly aclrni ted by JJil l•resent.

WORLD'S RECORDS BROKEN. Fnat l'"el'furnumco un the Jo�tnuoua Tene

Ua&ute TrH4.'ko

Stock complete in every department, and our d isplay of· Fall and Winter goods is larger than ever.

To the careful housc1vife we appeal with a complete--assortment of · BLANKETS, COMFORT ABLES, FLANNELS and TABLE LINEN, READY·MADE SH EETS and PILLOW CASES

DRESS GOODS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, etc. Our prkes are the same liS those of any reliable establish•

ment in New Vork City, ttnd we want your patronage,


r==�:::;:"'�� � � . .. . "MUST -G ET=UPS" . . . •


� A fine assortment of well regulated

m and strictly warranted ( Alarm_,m�-: locks, Two world's t'ecords were broken Se11t.

25th ou the fonr·coruered track. The Abbott dril•en by Geers, clipped anot.ber � half second from the wod<l's trottiug recoru of 2.03!. already held by hiw, ftuisbiui a wotulerful mile In 2.03�. 1'he ·quarters were made in .lllf, 1.02t Ull£ auu 2.0�!. aud the thl!·d quarter

to 1 .50. Also a choice line of Fancy Clocks for your dresser,

at the lowest prices . beiug done In 211} seconds. � Couey, 2 .02t, dl'iven by Edwaru Gay·

lord of Denver, went against time, to beat the Hlllt1tuer world's tmclng record to wagon, fittishiug 11 wile In 2.03� , which clipped half a second from Free ilonu's record, wade in Ne1v York. 'J'be mile by Couey WIU! clone ns follows :

.ao;, t.Ott. 1.32 aud 2 oat. ---- - · ----


JuJm Tlunnpsou, of Rahway, cut bJ Ilia lUnd.

Alwost a fatal duel occurred last Wed· ues.luy evening between Ed ward Dennis, of Ibis place and Jollu Thollll'SOD, of Rahway, over the baud of !lliss Winnie Harris.

It seems wbeu Dennis was away ou hiij ,·acatlon Thompson endeavored to "mtt Dennis uut" aud ,vbeu Dennis l'e· turned he naturally thirsted for Mr . 'l'hoiiiJlSon's gore.

The fight occurred about 8.30 on Elru @treet. Officers Woo•lrulf and Knapp arrested Dennis about 12 o'clock.

A he11riug \VIIS given last evening lle· fOI'e Jntlge Toncey, wbo placed Dennis under +500 b11if to awnit the action of the Gnmtl Jta·y,

-------.·· �-----

Celei•rlltect Thelr Fifth Auuh·erKRl'l"•

A jolly crowtl of relatives nn<l frlencls p;utheretl ut the home of lilt·. anil �Irs. E. S. l\lnl ruar ou Wulnnt street, lnst 'l'nescluy e1•ening, to help thew celebrate their "wooclen" wedding. From 8 uutll after midui�ht penis of laugh tel' fnirly shoo!< the honse nwl for the ti111o being modern furmulity g:lVe wny to genuine oJcl .fushionecl sociability. Pre.ltmts in every concel\•nille shape in the war of wootl, from elegunt carvings to corcl stlcl'", testifiecl to the high regnr<l for the young conpl� on ' the part of their friemls. Refreshments were sen•etl nt u Jute hour.

'l'i1ose present were :-1\Ir. mnl 1\Irs. E. S. lllnhnur, Mr. ami M1·s. John lllnl· wnr·, of Nutley ; �lr. nml lilt·�. Esnius �lul mnr, of Brooldyn ; l\Irs. Irene lllnl· 111111', 1\Ii�s Ellen 1\Jnhnnr, 1\liss Jennie :l\Inhtun·, 1\llss Lottie Bowwuu, of Brook lyu; Capt. ttucl llli'S, H. G. Buulcer, lllr . tiUtl Mr6, J. 111. C. 1\latsh, ll!r. nncl l\lrs. W. S. Webb, !IIr. nud l\Irs. John S. Btulmus, Jr., Mr. auil lllrs. Snmnel Btll'htlliB, 1\lr. nnd lilt'S. E. A. Brainerd, Mr. nucl l\lrs. L. 11!. Pearsall , 1\lr. an<l 1\Irs. H. L. Abrams, l\Ir. Rllll llh·s. H. L.

ltusse\1, D1•, nncl ltlrs. C. 11! Anclersou, Mr. mul 1\h·s. Uobt. Miller, 1\Ir. nucl

�h·s, H. E Bunker, ltussell l\lnrsh, Her

bert Ahmms, Che.ster R. lluukm·, l\llss Gel'tnule 1\lalmm• aucl l\Iiss l\lurion Allee


"Vy" 1l'Ut·u� �unJ HJ•nu.�·H J,JUUII�I·t. Sl1nut. ut J,h·u Uh·ttH•

Cyrus P. \Vi lcox nml Clnrouco Lnm · bert shot n umtch at II \'e blnls yester· clay nftemnou,

'l'he mntch wn• lor $fliJ, tuul 2r. Lh·<lH Wtlro to bo shot ut. Whou the toth ronncl wn� Hhot Wilcox gnve U\1 tho mntch, huhut tllm\,(e to cntoh hi� OJliiO·

�R. Brunner---�•


NJ:.W r ALL SMOJ:.5 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •



L. Jl. PIKER-•-



lloslery. FALL (iOODS NOW READY.

It's not the name nor the price-neither extensive advertising-that m akes



tho best sc Cigar on the market, It's the tobacco in it and the way it's made. Hand-made, hooked filler, seasoned to­bacco.

6 for 2sc. $2 00 for Box of 5()·


POOL AND BILLIARD PARLORS-the best In Westfield ----


Closes at





Closes at Six O'clock.

Those Seeking The Beautiful will be delighted wi th an i nspection of our exhibit of Autumn M il l inery. Come and notice the origi­nality of the designs--the marvelous handiwork-..

the high quality of all tlie m aterials used and the

moderateness of each price.

lll1Ut. - - ·-----··----·- · -· ---- - ·--- ----- · - · - - - -·--.. --··---,·---- --- -· · --- ·---·---

Aftm• tho mntch K\\'t•opolulu•• wm·o " ��!tU�����-tllllll.jl Hhut uJr, thu l'ollowlug 1 1 11'11 lllll'lielpnt lug: ,1 , W . f:\l ugt'l', Wm. '1'1'1'1')', C.

1'. BAYADD PHARM ACY Wilcox, IJlni'(JilC(J J,ulnlan·t mul Ot•orl!<• � I!�T. 1H71 l l •

Dtti'IH, 'l'lw "ontt•Ht. llltt'l'tl\\'11.1 tlnwu to " J,mnhc•J·t mul Wi lmx, J mmli•••·L lhmlly wlnnlug. '1'hll i'ullowlug IH lltu HCIII'u ot' t ho IHUt<JII : L·tu1lrm·1 . . . . . . . . . . I I t t I II I I t n I I t I t ! I II t Wllt·ux . . . . . . . . . . . o l l ll ll i l ll l l ll t l l l ll ll i llllll

Lllllllltll'l, 111. 1\'l lr·co•. r. ,J ohn \V, Hlnut•l' II'IIH ji!IIKn nn•l .\Vm,

Hll tt nru( ,J, . 1 . Wnl1l iultl ohlli'Ku lli' llttr

B ROAD STREET, 0011. ELM, WE IIT,.IILD1 N • .J, O u r specia l ty th i s \vc�·i{. is a fu l l l i ne of tine soaps.

\V hnt is I I IUI'C l uxu rious t h a n fi ne toilet articles. :Mcadow Brook I 3 cakes, :? sc; Clcll \'Cl'1S Trnnspai'Cilt Suap, 1 oc, 3 for 2 5e; Savandc, Violet, 3 for 2 5c. A full l i ne of Colgate's tl lHI Roger & G ttl l ct , nt regular pl'iccs.

AU trutt1y uro olwoy� ��·� et the duon,

HENRY P. CONDIT, Prop. J. lOUISIOlllf, Mgr. Pres. Dept. ............ , .........

Page 6: DigiFind-It › westfield › DATA › newspapers › Union... · . ____ · ___ _ , __ _ _ __ _ ___ sE.Ml-'WE:EkLy · THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD. TUESDAY FRIDAY, VOL. XVII. NO. 5 l


Favorite Schemes for Getting the Money of the Unwary.

.. he CuniJon titt nu• n n tl • h f.! ::nnt rl· 111oninl �\�cue)'' .-\.l"c \\"urn Unt u.u.d

'J'here IM n Ut• m n n d fol' l..

� ... "'· 1 If it io true thnt there is n o t h i n g new •nder the sun, i t is uut t h e fn 1 1 1 t of t l1e • osts of men u n d women who ma]i.e lhdr Ji�·ing by the cxcrci&;c o [ their

·"·Hs aud t h e luck of exercise a r wi ts o( 11ther p@ople. Dc\'ot lng their talent to the i n\'eut ion n n d" coutriYuncc ol awindling d edces, t h ey snceced nt least i n provi n g t h a t the nncients hnd 110nny of th ese, fo•· they produce w i t h •ouderful ense e.chemes that a r e new to the Chicngo police and to th ose at ether cities. And when they ha\'e found n scheme tlJ 't t can be worked sue· cessfully it becomes for t he nonce tho "fnd" of their kind, nnd is used by many In states as witlely di\'�rgent a• Maine and California, says the Chicago l'ribune.

:'1 :At present there to a somewhnt olack lime among th� ·ff.wlnrll�;�rs in i he bii cities. Con fidence men ha,·e gone weot ..,ith tho fakirs. 'fhose who have been left behind, howe•·er, nre l<eeping the flolice busy w i t h variations of the ... eoupon" swind le.

Where this o•·iglnated, or i n what form it was th•st u�eed, does not nppenr Jn the main it is worked lu this way: .� conce rn advertises to gh·e some \'Ui ll· eble concession or merchnndl se for a Sew ce n ts-or Hen for nothi ng-and J>nblishes the nd•·e•·t iEeliJent widely • • � Jlereon looking for somet hing for noth· lng-somethln; (which Is bard to find­Is sent n letter �ti reply i nclosing · n

ll uiuber of coupons in 8 book-some• times three, •ometimes as high ns five CJr ten. He io to pay, · perhaps, fin �ents for the cOU\Jons. }�<tell of these be is to sell to a ·frleud for say, 6C cents, and when he has sol d nil three •nd sent the moneJ; to the' fh-�n he re· �ei\'eS the godds. 'rhe .lil t ter ure usual ls of such n sot•t thtit n profll of sever· el lnmdren per cent. : is : n.1ntle from them. 'fhe coupons which nre. oold by tlte first purchaser entitle each o(lti s friends to unotl1er bOok · of coupo_ns,­�·hicll they can sell in simil_m· uinunct' thus getting t heir own mouey bncl' nn� another pnckngc of the goods, In th· end the proprieton, ·

when they ,�hn•·e lent out 8 sufllcient nu.mbeJ' o f couWons and return s begin to slnck up, disnp· penr without redeeming outst


liabili t i es. . . ' · ·::


'l'his swindle bobbed up in 9�1 ic_ngc. !!at long ugo as n me q10d ·of . �uy i ng atreet car t ickets. A concern ndrcr tised to sell s treet car t icl<ets on nny Jine nt tlte rate of about thl·ee dollars' �·orth for 50 cents. It was clon e b� eoupons. Immediately. some one else got on · t a the scheme und s t n t·tccl in th1 lmsine.ss, n nc1 in n few wee]rs th ere Wf'rl rnuny of the chuins formed. Then com t>ln in t wns mnde to the police, nnd 01 lm·estlgntion by detectives the con· �ern s were shut down. Dr!Yen out ot ,l1c ticl,:et business, however, they did tlot ubun don Uteir plnn, b u t beg·an •·orking in other fields. r!'hey sub.;ti 'l\lted gloves for tickets and oil"crec e'rf-JCJes wo rth $1.50 !or abont a n icl<el Detecli\'es hn•·e been assigned to thh form o f swi nd le, nr.d . spend the great• '"'" rnrt of their time ferreting out tl>t tnttny fot·ms in '\'ihich h is fonn£1.

The matrimonial .ugcncy swindle h. •• old as the oldest, but hns bobbed u� enew l ately with gt·ent 1•igor. ·Ad1·er t isements, insel'led ·in pnpet•s nll m·et tl1e counh·y,. cull nttention to the state· tnent that a young wo'mnu with a big fortune i s l oolti ng for n n ice, ngreeabll• lmsbnnd •. 'rhe yo u ng. men who want tfl, try for the job write tO nn address itt �ew York, or St. Louis, or Chicngo­the concern seem·s to hove se\'era l of· fices-nnd gets a reply asking fo1· �0 cen t s in stamps to pay postage on u C!t'scription of the damsel and n clHI IlCc at Ute lottery for her. h a nd; When he luis n n t ed this- .n.nuiil n t he is ug:lin asl<ed to contribute fi 1·e dol lnrs fot membership in the matrimonial clnt "'·hich ls exploiting the dn 1usel. A nof \\"hen he has don e this he fin ds t h n t •a me one else has cnptured the ma l den end le ft h i m nothing but the sel l . The ile\'i ce Is n n ol d one, but l t' is pel'en n1al . end just now is bf'fng wor)<�d h a rd.

" I don't beli eve I e\�er s uw swindlel'S llarder up for scllemes,'' s nid C:ttJt. C.:ol­lernn, ch ief of Chicago's detecl ire force, whe n ns]{(•d whut new gumes the ehnrvcrs u t·e pluying on the unMt!S pccl· lng pu blic. "Thet•e sPcms to he u 11en •·t h of abi l i ty to clel"i se swindle•. and titer ure uti st icldng to t wo or three C>ld gnmes, 1'h u t coupon swhallr, w h i c h Is bein g worl<ed to det\ t h , tl':) the uu1y rensonubly new t h i n g t h e,\' 1 1 1 1\'C g-ot. !l'hey C?,l.tght to Juww h.r t h i �o; t l ml' thnt It Is slmpl,1• n u ts to us to •·un tlown a u t�:cl gume l i k e t h ut."

CJht!�riUM' 11U�! N i h 1 J i t,s·. The spll'lt of rmulu l lou sunJetlmes

br·l ng-R H t J•nugu fu c t s t o l ig-h t . 'J'wo a m n l l buys nt u Hll l l l llll'l' l'l'l'iO I't we J'l' \wnt;\\llg' or t h e l'l'!o�(H.' C l i \'c llll'l'i t !; of tJu•JJ' J J u t l re c l t l t.•s.

"'J'h e t'l! ll l'l' II J,!l'l'll f I J I ! I I l ,\' 111fli'J'I JII• O· Jllt• In i\t•\\' YoJ•).,; 1 1 1'11 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1'1' lll'l' 1 1 1 l lo:-�· ton," sn ltl ll l l t ' or t h f' ll l , l l u n l l \' , wi t h rill all' o f ulm�l ii ,LI' n ll �{•lt•:o . .; d l � t• l lt-;�Jon.

w.l' h n t 'K 1 1' 1 1 1', lllll,r i H' , '' !'I I I I I t i lt • J l l t iu �l' \\' J·:n.L d n n d t· r·. t•n l l t lou �l.r, " I n t i u ffl't• n l 1 1 1 11 11,r I l f l:-: 1 1 1 1 1 pt•o p l r• h u rt• gn u ·� fl l ) J I J�) I I I n h ; tt l ld l l l l l ll'hOI ISt'N ll l ld···ll l l l l a tn l t• pl ' l•u1J ! 1 ''·' J il' " l If t iH-.r '"''''· 11 : 1 l!l l l i ll l t'd ,rou'd } 1 1 1 \'t' I n ti l o p t n l ld n1� I I JOUl Nl'W Yor•ld "- Y o u i i i 'H Co l l l jJU II· luu.

Nunt• Itt U1• ,,l ll r r••·tl, 'l't•••-·11' 1"'''" l h l' l'l' n u y l l l l l l"l"Y i llli

1111'1\ down 11 1 , I h P 14 l r u r•p 'l ,Jomi-Yt•ll II WllH u wfu!l,)' lllilfl"lll'll l •

lug-. 111\U"H'I'IIYIII l ug '/11 u \'t•.- 1 t.httl't• \\'l•re fout• mlull'terll n n d

. 1\'U ,l l lol f tii'M o! lht JWU�� tliUI'U,"-l'h li• auvJ,,hlu l'nll. . . . ,..,. Ul."J;.,\.C.if,,:;;�:.,�,,::r,��"':,;;;!�:,;::;:c.rci'Jt:;:···


NEW JERSEX'S GREATEST .STOR2. i --Jiu� ... u J•c t•ft_•c.• t l'ic.• t u •·c.• 011 t h '-· Stn,.;t• '! ,,.,.1!1 !;jwl lc.•d h)· 1111 IJn U m�l)'

I n t t> l'rUJf� inn.

It wns before 1 cnmc to Xew Yol'l{ : t l t n t J oJJe nig-ht ,!jaw a re;.ll l.r l ine per­j fOI' I I I U IICC U I I I JUSI J' l l i l l t!d lJy H t!ii llgie

I j J J t L•rrupnon. 1 t wus n domes t ic tr:�g··

I edy of Eugli:;h ruru l life, unt1 one net Ut.·g-un w i t h u. tnhlt•a u copied exactly from n populur pnin1 lug cn l lt.�d "\Yuit.· i ng for · the verdict," wh ich wus ulso

We Will Not Be Undersold Money Returned if Article Was

Lower Priced Elsewhere on the

Day You Bought it.

• @ All_-._

the t i t l e of t he piny, writes Cluru )!orris, i n the Critic.

'J'hc scene g-ave an ex terior ''iew ot tlw bnildiug within which the hns· lmnol and fnthe1· wus l�elng tr ied !or ]Iis l ife on n chnrgc of murder, The trembling old gl'ulul::;irc lcuncd hen\'· ily on !Jjs staff, the de,·ot ed wife �:mt wcn•·ily by the closed i ron gnt c, wi t h a bulle on her !Jrcnst, tired, but Yigi· !ant, n. fnitltful \log stretched him· self ut her feet, while his shaggy shouldet•s pil lowed t h e heud of t he sleeping c h i ld, who was the uccused n1un's darling.

'!'he curtain rose on this picture, which wns always heurtily gree ted anrl often1 so well ft. told its pathctil. story, n second and third rou111l of np· plau se greeted It before the dialogue begun. The manager's little dough· ter, wbo did the sleeping child, con·

£ 0 ''oriiiiG 01,'' tracted at cold, nnd wal5 advi111ed not

YeFJ aJ an w vent ure o u t o f the houoe for a fort

night, so a •nhstltute bad to be founc

-and a fine Jot of t rouble the stagt , mnnnger hnd. He declared hnlf tht

cbil<11·en of Col umbus bud been


STYlE -COSTUMES AND FABRICS Gatheri ng of Smart that the Fashion Cen· RICHEST

Creations tres of America duce. Not only

and Europe pro. the Best Goods in

New Jersey, but m any times more of them than any other store i n the state can show in Home Furni�h ings and Raiment for everybody.




'l,.bere A rot: Jfan,· Kind• or lnlltru­•llent.. ...atl 1!\(.'!'cdlea anti a Greu.t ,.RrletJ" uf • Stltellc• 1J•cd In LUc Savlnll' 0(1eroUon•. Imnghtc n tallor who dellberntciy

l>luus to hu ,.c the Htltchea he so curcCul­Jy sows gi\·c wuy ut 11 certai n Utuc. Suppose he should USl' one l\• U of t\Jreud In u cout wunante<l to llr�nk l u one week, another khul t n the tt·ouBel'ti guuruutel!t1 to fall upnt·t tn u ntouth nnd using lH�l'Ultuumt matPrlul only lu muking U!J u wulsteout. Yet thiK ls ex­actly whut the sut·geon docs C\'ct·y tluy. Sutu1·es, us the surgeon's t bl"CIL<I is cull· ell, nrc wnt.ll' t'rom vnrlous muterlub;, uccm·Uiug to thu l'CIJUh·cmtmttJ. Cutg:ut, silk tht•etul, sllkwm•m gut, sllvcl' wire, kangtuoo teutlous uUt.l hor�mhnir nt·� in common use.

Catgut wus nt one time olltuhwtl rrom mmnbe1·s of the feline tribe. As lts mm luerensell the supply rnu Hhort. Extmrlmcnts showed thut ,;lwep fm·· nlshcd nn ncccptu!Jie snhRt.itutc. So catgut UHed by �Ul'g'l'OUM, jewelel'� uutl malwt·s of musical lnstrumull� eornes now from tht! sulnnucoHu, otlt lnhhllo lnyc:• of the ill testine of n :;heep. lt IK the most commonly ust�l of nil sutur­Ing muterlnl. <.:ntgut stitches III'H nh· sor!Jed In from live to seven duy:;, ole­lWndJug on tho Jndh•lduul upon wlwm they ure UHt�d. In uceJLHlnunl hlMtnuces cntuut stltclws hu re ht�•n !mown to he nhsorhetl In :Ill hours. 1\y treu tlng It wltll eltromlc :wld sucl1 u sutul'e wlll romnhl In lJOHIUon 1'ol' lllllllY wccltli. llccnnso of Its uilll]Jtuhlllty nut! the chell(U\l'HB of thu Jiutteriul catgut lwulls Uw l i �<t of sUJ'IIIenl tlll''""ls.

Slllnrnnn �:nt. cnn he lllnrl! thorough­ly stel"lllv."tl tluw till)" other known sutm·e uutterlnl. In JH"PJlnt•lnl: Hntut·Ps or nil HOl"IH tiH• tWUill mellwtl IH to !loll the lllll! Prlul In et hel', ullow It to soul< fm• ,2.j lumt'li, t lw1 1 J•IIH•l! I t In nleuhol fot• 1\ 'lny m• t.'\'u nml t'u\low thh� wl\h ll hnt h of UWI'Cll l'.l' solution. �ol wlth­HIIttllliiJI: tlliH thoi'Otll:h Cli'UIIHitiJ.(, t ! J 1• l l l iCI'OH.,I IJH! 1'1'\"PU J" l(l 'l"t iiH s t i l l Jlt"PHI'Ilf Ill \'11 1',\' IIIJt t l l t i i i iH • I'I'I Ill 1 1 111 11�' 1 1 Hi t l l llf!11H, H\1\nvot•m M\ll \ll'PH Hh11W 1'PW1'1' lllh�ro­m·gonniHII IH tl l 1 1 1 1 oi i!I 'J ' 1 1 1 111t • r·t u i H t J'Pil l llcl lu l h iH w n y : l11•uel' It II< hi�:ld,l' ,.,.,.,""· IIJ(IIlciPd l'or• ntJ I'J.t'!PIIl wol'lt. 'I'I!P 111/ltt!· t•lnJ IH l'XII'II"Io•d l' l"I I \ J I IL Hii tCII'OI'Ill ICII!!•IJ l r n J J J I •dlni Piy l > l 'l"ort• It l n•JllrtH t o 1\'1 '11\'t' I I H < 'oo• ·.HJ I I, I J u l'ol'l.tUUi l P l l' I'm· "tu'· lo{t•oiiH, �ll ln\'ot'lll Hll l tll't�H 1� 1'1' uot. niJ· Holl"l n,l , hi l l l'Pi l l J l i l l IH!I'llllllll'llt l,l' I l l jlllf('f', l•'ot• t lJ Jrt f'l'tlf(Ofl ltH 11tH! lt4 f'(l• Hh')l'f f ' l ) to �)Jt!l.'ll l ) WOJ')(,

'.!'Ill• Rhot·t, tott�:h tl!llllnttH tnlwu ft•nm t.ho ! t i l l of IL IUIItl(lll'tJII flll'lliHh Hll l'l(<•ltliH 1\'Jt h II \"llltllllJJo t ll/'1'1111, J\1111!(/II'IJIJ It! II• t!UII Htltehi'H Will ltnhl fltHt. ftn' 11\ltiiY <hi)'M, 'l' lll' t l ll lO ul" llltHIII'JJtitlll IH l!Htl• muh•<l fl"nlll fum• Wl•ukH In two llttJIIthM,

Jlm•Huhllh' uud Hll\'1'1' wlru Hllhll'l•H Ul'u

- • NEWARK. do not ull'Pet them in nn�· wu�·. nnd once In tJht<•e the st l t c!Jcs will remniu unti l forcllll.l' ro'mm•etl. Br some It l H asserteol t!Jut Hilrer wh·c hns tllstlnct nntlscptlc IH'OIJcrt les. Nltrute of silver tu solution Is known to he u go()(l gct•­mlcltlc. Uenct• It Is m•gtw<l thnt " sll· ver snit lujm·tous to I:CI;m tlcvt•loJHIH�nt is fm·nw<l by the contuct of hod)" tlnlds Wit h Riii'Cl" Wil'e. '!'hilS Stitch U!JSCt!HHeH are snlll to lit.! of rnrc occurt·tmce when silver wtr" is lltlll7.4!d.

Silk tln·end, such us is used by tu.I­Jors, but of tlw tlnest qunllty nntl of lnrgl'r cullhcl', is frcoJUently u"o•d. 'l'he stltdl('S tu·e pmctfcnUy non1tlumrltallle, though nt thn�s no trnce of the threat! hns beerr fount! In the Ussue nt the ex­

·plrntlou of u )"cur. 1-'o uccouwwdutc thiN assortment of

thrctul s �[)<!clnl Ylll'lctles of ru�<!tlles n rt> nnturnlly requh·Nl. A Hlll'gl!ou's ul1ou�t·· w lfc" coutnlns nc<•clles · thnt would sc::rcely he l'l!eo�:ulzl'd us such ll>· till' uninitiated. Besides the m•e<lles Ctll'Y· cd In ditrcrcnt �wgments of n circle, 8\ll'gt...'Oil& mm ueecll\'R slmpetl lllw f3P{11ll'R, jn vc11nH ntul hnyonct. Jlolnts. Souw nre ns long ns hmlk ln!-t, h!l'llllnnt­lng In n point llku n m lnlntme lmlfo• blade. Othl'l'R huve the Hhllr(nmecl end trlnngnlnl\ with the uplces of u.., nn· gleR HlHU'IJL11ll'd to n t•nzor C(lge. Some few are fomwol like onllnn l'y sewln!l neetlleA, hut uuulo of gt·cuter tensile strength.

lnstl'llll o: n thhnllle n surfleon n•�• nn lnstmment c:tlled n IJel'<lle hohlcr. It IR Rhll]JCol ltlw a pnlr of ReiHHOI"H, tho pol ntH of which nre I.Jiuut elnmpH. 1'he n('(•clle ht Jwhl fufit hctWl!eH tim jnw� of the l!lnl l llJH uutii J•clenHeol h�· oJtNliU!l tlw two hlnclmo� OS HCIKHOI'M RI'D OJli'IILlcl. '.rlwn n fre•h hol!l IH tnlwn. nml tl:e nc· tl011 mrwn teol with e1·m·.v Htlteh.

A sltlllfnl HUr�mm luu� JU!l'fect com· mruul ur the lll'"clle nt nil llml'H. Thm'" nru ntonwntH during uu upPrn.tlon whl'n n 'WPJI JJ)JICL11l HtJtcJJ JHl'HJJ.H Hlll'lllg thn llfe of 11 Jllltl .. nt. At such tlll!OH th•• Rl<lllCnl Hlll'f(t•om tllHlllll)"H ll l!l•h•t•lty UJH! clef!tll•HH llllt Ht t i"JlRHRl'tl (II "lllhl'lll41!!1'�'.

'l'hu HUI'�t•on ro11l'H 11JUm ePt'fnln st J teheR fOI" ol f ffPI"Cnt III'!'I]H, .fUHt llH \ l w lll't'HAillUIWI' plel\H UIHl ciJoOHf1H lliiiOIJJ.,C thu vtu·louH fonnH \If Htlh•hln�. '.l'tuo hPIIlH i lt c�h. c•ntl-ltltl'h, w1tn lc•huuc1, lwt•· rlni(IHJlll!, l'ttnuln�: Htlt"h nwl hue!< hnnol "" •ll•tll' to ti l l • f• •mlulnl! Iilli(<' I "• hun• tiH•h' t•ottlll4't·pn i·IH l t l i ll•• Hl t t"J.:t•ou's UU\H l'PKK tH\1\1\'t.', hlh•l'\'U\lh'\1 1\tUI t�01\• tfl l lltl1 1H H11 ( 1 l l't', HIIIH!IIf fc•ufnl' HUf\1 1'11, Jltli"H4! Hl l•llll( 11 1 1 4 1 fl;:ttl'l• o • h:hl Hlll lll"4'H, Lt•tl l l rll l' t U IUI ( �1-(IJ'IIt ',\' Hll l llt'4 '1-1. AH t i l t • �··ntuRI I'4'HH H4'14 '4 "!H 11 11 n PJII'"I""in t " tlf t l t•lt t'ot• t t foli•t t l t t , n hutt utthoh• 01' 11\t 1•111-\'IIIJ,C, NO till' Hlt t'j.\'1'1111 ('h011HIIJ4 Ill 1'1 11'111 • lnJ( I l iH lifo NHI" I I IJl H l l t t• IH'H.- :Sl'\1' Ytll"ll Hun.

llfwrtlt-.a 'l'•h•ltt•tt, "No utw/' M'l'll\'1•1,\' I I I I I IUI I I I I 'I't1 Ho(!l'll·

teH, "e11 1 1 lttT4'Ht t iu1 l l il(ht ot' tllnu." "No 'l" CJUI! I',\' l l lloi:IY l t Jtt11'1'1t1Jtt•il II IJy•

Ml111Hilll', "I tholll(hl llii)'IHHI,V Clltthl •tnJi ll llllnuh•." A 1111 ''""" t h., tiiMI•IJ•h•H ut tho III'UII llhlltJNilJihlll' 11'01'11 fut't!t•tl tu 111tll1• huhllltl thulr tutll•.-l'lillllllohlbll

through his sie>·e-nnd there Willi the trouhle, tltey nil went through­there wns no one left to net us subatl· t u t.e. lint at lnst h� found two p1•om· iKiug little �it·ls-sisters t hey WE't'C, antl ver�· poor-but the mother \·owed J1er chi ldren n1ttliit be in bed ut nine­th �nter or no theutet• ; yes, she \\·ould like to luu·e the money, but she'd do without i t ruther t han huve n chi ld out of bed at nil hour•. At first she held out for nine o'"lock, !Jut at lust yicl<led the additional hntc hour; and

�:u����/��i:�l�l, d;���p��i�!

����::t�"�:s ��� cept.ell, for the odtl reason tlin t she locol<cd so much younger thnn her sis· ter.

'fhe com pnny cnme down from Cle\·elnml , and there were the usual •lig!Jt delays nttentlnnt on n ih·st night, but lhc ''hom.;c" was good, t h e "Ntur" (:\[r, Buchunnn) w a s making a fine i mpres!Slon, nntl the play was c\'i· clen t ly n "go." 11he Uig pichtl'e wns

Jool<ed fm·•l•nrd to engerly, und when it wns nrrnnged we hnd to ndmit that the pale, pinched l i lile fnce of �he strange child \\'ns more cJl'ecti\'e, ns jt rested 011 the dog's shoulder thnn hnd been the plump, smiling fnce o t the mnnuger'.s l it.t.le one. 'l'h c cur tnin went up, the nppluus� followed-those lJehiml t.he scenes crowded to the "wings" to look on.:...no one noted tha t the hnmls o! the clocl< stoocl ut 0 : 40, no one l•en r·cl through the · second burst of upplau�e the slum of the slng·c door l•chlnd t·he \'ct·y, very sumll )lcrson who- entered. nn\l ·silcnt· 1y peering tbis \\!RY and· tJutt, found her st.ern, avenging wny to the stuge, nncl that too-favored sister basking in the su nligltt of public upproml.

'l'hc gmnd•ire l111d jn•t li fted !Jia heml und was about to dl'li\'er hih benutiful speech of trust nncl hope when he Wl\8 stricl{en helplt�8s by tht entJ•ance upon tlw stnge of n boJdl.}' odvnncing smull perF!on of mo�t nmnz­lng n ppcarunce. Her thin l i t t le legs emerged from the Khortest of skirt•, \t'h ile 11er small hody wnH wt•ll pi n nerl up ln n grt•nt hlnnlwt shnwl, the point of which t ntllecl fu l ly u <J il a J•ter of n yn rd on the tloor bt"hl nd her. She wo1·e n womnn's hood on her hen<l, nnd from its cnvel'nous depth, 'vhcre t.hel'C glennted l\ pale. malignnnt fnce, n voice issut�cl-the h igh, fnl'·t·euchinlf voice of n chi ld that tr·iumphnntly comrnnnd{'(l : •

"You, lfnry Ann, ;rure ter get np Ollt of thnt nn' come lwme str·ntght­nwn:v-nn' ,\'UI'C tc 1· go tcr bNl, t oo­mot her �nys so l " untl the smnll Xeme­sis tu•·ned on 1ter heel arlll t railt'cl oft tlte stnge, followed b_r lnugh t t!l' that seemed fulrly to shal<e th" b u i l d i ng. NuT wns that all. No soo1wr had M:u·y Ann grnspecl the full menning of th is drend mefoi�nge thnn she ttn•ne<l over on her fuce, nnd, scr·utnhlil lg up h y all foul's, she eltult.•d t ho 1·cst ruin ­ing hnuds of the n e t t't'HH mother n n cl mmle n hnsty e x i t t o pcrf.,ct sh dt•ks of Jnughter nml storms of ll]J]JinuKe, wh i ln the climux was onl�· a·t•ttdu.•ct when tlw dog, tmilu•cl t o lh• st i l l so long n� t h e prc1H111re of t h e child's lumd wnH upon h is Hhn u l tlcl', flruJlug l t lm-15el t' (r·N�1 rmu�. sJtnnfc fdll rH• f t' \'iolc n f ­J y , nn<l t rot ted oil', Wllrlng h i � tull piPRHIIIl t.l�· llH lw Wt!ll l .

'.l'hnt flniHlu•cl l t . The cn•·tuln hnd to fUJI, ll Rhlll'f 0\'(!l't I l l'(! WitH pll l ,\'1'11. 111111 t ll l' l!U I' t n ln J'otw 11g-nln w i t hon t 1 ln� cnmp\c1c 1nhh•nt�, IIJHI t h t• n e l \n11 of f lw pin,\' \\'1\H l'l'IH111lt'd, h 1 1 1 Ht'\'t'l'n) l ) llH'N f iW lll l lf..fll ft•l' Wllloi l'l' lli'Wf•fl, l t. WUH t l l l l,V llt't'l'SHU I',\' fill' Hllll lt • I I I I I ' JIPI'• HOi l t t J t l t t t o J' ll\'1 ' 1' t ht• ltullt� r ·uu!>l I'Pt�ol­h•�! t lon, ll l l 4] i l lHt l l l l i ],\" \ h o• J J O I I JHO! WI'H lll llgh l llli wi t h I IJJJ I 1'"'"'41 1 1 , 'I'l l<' IH•xl rd ,..rl 1 l t h1• m n l lng-I' I''K 1'1 1 1 \ l l , H \\'n l II I'll In 1 1 1 1 1 1 111'1 , w i t h 11 l l l ot r l h I' nil t t l' t ! tHrg·h tlt•opH, hc• ltl f lu• W P I I - I t•Jd ltt•t l dt��-ot 1 1 1 }a\H Jl\1\1'1' 1 1 1 1 t l J l 1 1 1 • J l i'OPP I' JIJIJIUfll l l (m• hl l l l t o l'iH4' , n ud l iH• piny Wt• l ! l '"' " " 1\'l l,Y J'I•.Jo l"l l l f{o

J,t• muu M h t• l'ltt• j , �� �� h u l l p lo t / I • Jl J I J J I ,I IIIo •" w l t !J "'"'

pJ 1 1 1 1-1.\IJ..r l l l', Ul\1' Cfl/1 1 1'1 \\' J i l tt l' 1 1 1 1 d l )u• Ud1 1 pt•t•l nt t wu lc• rnon� . l.t•t tl l ll l l l i Jri l ll i l l l l l l 'H\ 1 1 1 4 ! 1 1 • l l"tt i n n u l l t'n•1•>.o•, IYll o• t l Jt, lwt� I IIH to t lt l ••l«•u odd t hP I H •n t 1• l l Wli ) l t.1i"' 11r f \\'0 Ill' l )l l't'f' I'J.(J.{I>I1 11 1 1 1 1 I'J'I'I'I.t' t i l l l i l'lll, i'!t• l'VII Ill u l " ""�"•··- t ,elluul' 1\l o l l i h ly,

lltl MH•I•u•, Ml'•• Vnrntu•·-.. Why 1 � I I 11 l!llf, M l i'UU

tutu I l k <• ,\'111 1 <hll'�l l ' l u••t Wltl'h 'I II 'l' l'll tll Jl"•\l' h,v, l t 'M • I I• ••u hhi t 'o loot •u1111 . :Pal'• "II Wlll •�w .. wut-.&•uul&;



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BETWEEN Elli'.Rho•.h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,�ostfloltl ��'t:�f��it.������1•1�.':::::::::::::: :: .·::::::: .. ����������l UnlH\'a)· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , • • • , , . , . . . Uo) nton Uel\ch { Hoselle Rt\bWn)• ' ' ' · ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ,������Wtalns · l'h•lr.llol�


,\ ldl�)· III·J.-�\IIP, I nne� luul 11 4!1111 \"t•J'�IItloll, Hllill 1111

lNJH ut' �(IIU JJ:I I I )( lllll iiiiJ.-:'1'1', fotPI 'Ilf\ IUg ut' 1 11111 CuluP, With two ohl t'l'h!llll� of 1 1 1 1tw, n f'lll ' l l l l'l' tuut h!K huxum wlft•1 wlUJ III'e w i t h in 11 t't•w l'lll'oiH ot' Ot't>l•hn •·uNtil', tlll! �<''"u t Munx n ut.lwr·� rt'Hl· t h•uo!l', Unll ! 'u l tw luttl Jtt•t t n twn 1111 lliH n lnnh• ill I I IH lti•W hottHt•, llltli I Hlllt'l· ••cl I I IP •·oll\'t 'I'MII I l tu a hy HIIJ' IIIK tu tllu \\'UJ'f JJ,�' fii i'JIII'J' 111111 \\'IJ'p;

"Hu ,I'UII l l l l \"4' t h o l(l'l•ll t l l niJ 111'/ll' ,\' 1 1 11 1 1uw't''

l•'l l t'llll't' n t u t 11'11'<•·-A,\"1', tuun. 1-'l l i'II H'I''H 1\'ll'o•-·A illl Wllllt. t t'l'llll•ll.lttH

Mt ,l'h• I IH'y 111"4' lwo•pl l ll(( l t'H ltUIIIV.illll· l•'ll l'l l u •t·-Awl whnt'H l!u tlolnu fur 11 l l l' l l lU, �II· . ..... . '/

llllllil .\I I I III IJII'I' (1(1'4'/lt l)' 11HtonJHII!'t1)­\l'hll l , duu't yun 1111<1\\' Ill' IK 11 a•oi>UI:u• Utt l l l l l l' 'l

l•'l l l'l t l l • t·�.,\ wl wtuti'H thnt? 11111111 .\lllltltUI'I'-· 1\'hy, ltll Wt'ih•M IIIIC•

Ct•H•fttl htooiCH, l•'nl'tl lt�· (wlth tl tlnll Mlluw or con· tmua•ll-11'1w InKy IK'IIIIlll'l I ttt•<•tl hn•·•II.V Mtly, cottehult..S n1r OOri'I'MIIIItldollt! !\I

,Mt I ,l'CIIIilli�·

Union Water Company, At 68 Broad Street. Ellll!ltlli.

Not the larseet, but one ottllt.., 28th YEAR OPENS IIPT. IIfo


� New Jersey Business

Page 7: DigiFind-It › westfield › DATA › newspapers › Union... · . ____ · ___ _ , __ _ _ __ _ ___ sE.Ml-'WE:EkLy · THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD. TUESDAY FRIDAY, VOL. XVII. NO. 5 l

sure . . . to get .the best bread, cakes, pies, and pastry for your table. ·

SchmiH . Bakerr,

D STREET, WESTFIEiLD. "'ngon Oell\•crles.

Cranford Gas Light Co.

61 El.M STifEET, WESTFIEl-D. &:>'�

D I S C O U N T of twenty-five (25) cts.

per thousand feet, will be allowed on gas bills, of 1 ,ooo feet and over used p�r month , if paid at this

. office ·.vi thin 10 days from of presentation of




elub Bros. llf oacaratara,


F. Hohenstein's, FOR

• ·. Flour, Feed Hay and Grain.

get fair treatment every

Street, opp. Standard Building,


H. BAKER .... · Painting


but the best lnl\· used. I mix nll my

paint from pure white and refine<l l inscetl oil.

1111 furnish best of ref­from those for whom

tlone work. All my persounl su·

N. J,


AND School or Shorthand:

Typewriting and Telegraphy.

llroad St., Newark, N. J,

l!ll'lll')'thln� In UIO llno or

Milk and Cream.

THE UNION ':OUNTY STANDARD. FRIDAY • . OCTOBER 5, 1900� I and her black eyes slhone ,.·ltb 'l'fte

bright nes·s of youth, a cil'cums1a nce t h a t t h e old gt'nl lt>man seemed to n ote app1·oringly a s he nodded. und •milee at }Jt'I" fro m time to time.

lf • .WIIIIt • .,..r61 ; �,���l/s \�·1h� c����r;�Jd�l���������:�u�:�i1�1 nnd

If th e r••cent Mr. a n !l ·lllrH. Cull <'n

had not bct•ll too m u'c1J occupil'cl wif.h C'Uch otJJp·r, i n s p i t e of t h l' i t• J Jeroicnll ,r � i mu la l el! iudi11't'J'ence, t h t•y could r:�ot lwv� h h ped l l ot ici n g how i n 1 et·t�·t ed l l1 e old couple h·rnl hl't·n i n 1 ·h e vit ·w from t h t• car winc)ow fro111 the thnt• t.he 1 ra i n had ldt t 1w Twt• l ft h s 1 n'et :� t n l i o n , wi t h wl1 11t p H re l'JJ.io,r nu· u t l.lll· r hn(! JJ J : l l'kN] l-\'1�1·y hap; l n eh, {'OJ"JI�

fip];l, f:t r m h n n :.:t• :� n o' ha � n. a n r1 h nw t�ord ial l,r t la·y lw 1: rt•.t urn(•d the · t·n· t h mda :-; t i c gree t ings of t he fril· l l f�ly c l l i if�rl'n who sat on t11 e ronthir1e fences ; how t h l',Y lwamerl on P:t('h ot h er at. frt!q tH'l t l in t t·n·a l!-i , a n d llow t.he big, br·ow11 hn nr� of t ln• ol1l ge n t l l'll l i l l l pat­t ed t.he baek o f tla> uhJ l :1 1l r w·l!t·n 1-1he tur'Jlt!ll to him from tl1e con'tc m p1 a t i o n of 8'D I11e p r e t t y bit of scent•ry, 11l'l' black eyes mo i�t w i t h happy c• m o t iou. But �lr. a n d M1·s. Cull<•n hue uot 110· tic(·l] these t·h i ngs n t nil,

Plea11ant. Pnlu.tu.hlo. l"otcJit, 'l'nste Good. Do Good, Novor Slc!klm. Wcnlwn, ur GrlJ•c, lOc, 2&c,Wo. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. • . .

lt•rllnr R•na•IIJ ('umpanJ1 fhleJ•rn, lofo•trP&&I, New Jolt:. ,17

stnid, Should rejoice In a Y l::5lt llltc that of to-Uny, And forgl'l that IllY h�uu grew long ago

gral', In thinking of Murton, l\luzlo nml May? "\\'hat Js the charm or a fltnver by the way'l

'Vhy do we heaJ•Jwn to f!ongs o!' IJII'dn '! \\'hut ls lt in the beginning· or tlay

'!'hat til ls us with joy never !JUt into IO•TO•IlC :1�:; ��'L�����l�����'lo ���Lw.r· words? Head me theee riddles then nslt me to E::tl' 'l'he wherefore of Z\l<trlon, Mazic and May,

Kadol ::i;;��=ucted D�spepsia Cure !��!!!.��� "J'm go i 1:.g to go n nrl tnh:e n s·molce mJself. mother," suiU t he old gt� n t le� man almost d•iredly nfter Tluel land gone o ut. "I seen' ,rou go ping an' you might just ns well !alee 4:0 wi n·l!s wh i le I'm gone. I won't. let �·ou ove 1·s=l cep you r•·e.Jf, you needn't be s.J<eerecl." D•aests what )'OU eat. I

ltart.lllclally dlge�ts thetoud and aldl l BUELl, cur,r,EX was 011 ]11� weiklinor Nature lo streogtbeolug aud recoo• ·1 • • • • � at.ructlnf the exhausted digestive or• t rlp, u nd o r coui se Jt Js not nece•· gaOl. It lithe latest discovered digest- : sary to •ay that lh·s. Buel Cui le·n


ant and tonic. No other preparation al&o on hers, A casu?l obsener nught can approach It in etllclcocy. It In• not h n ve guessed. t h 1s, because tbe.re stantly relieves and permancotlycurea · w:t> none or th at usuul 1oowucss about Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, ' e1lher of them .

"1 h n.te to t aJce time t'o s.l.Pt•p," F·n id the old Indy, "hut 1 think if 1 did take a l ittle n a p I'd feel a heap better for it."

lt'latulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, I B 1wl's t rons<'r� nctually bagged at Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand . the knees, his shoes were almost shnb· allotberresults oflmperfect dlgestlon. ' by and his mi iS<! was decid ed]y so. He r::.=-�=·atfi:':�:�·;.�o::.��a::�.::r.: general ly \�ore n flower in

.h is �u tton­

Prtpara• llr 1. c. DIWITT ac:o., CIJicag�o hole, but he did not ?n thl& tr1 p, ann

'fhe olD ge-n t le man gn\·e l1er sh oul­der a farewell put n n d went n.way and t,he old Indy oompnseri herself to slum­ber. ln a bou t two min utes s·he wns sleepin.g as peacefully as n tired child. :\[rs. C ullen h·ad wear ied of her maga­zine, watched her, and, seeing t h a t her pillow was slipping away from l1er, rose from her sent and deftly nrlju�t­ed it. Then she went back and won· dered about the dea.r old t hing, whether she had any daught ers who had got. married and how runny cigars Buel i n tended· to smoke before he ca me baclc to her, It wu hard waiting for h im .

w. 11. TUENCIIABD, as for �Irs. Bue l,_ wh1ie she c.o u l !l nut

have been anythmg but. damty and

Augustus Frentz, Contractor

• . • and •••


immnculnte, her travel i n g dress wus certai n ly not new, and her h n.t was on" of a part icularly modest construc­tion and decora t ion. She hall made Buel &-it opposite to h er for the reason t h a t the young man s·howed un m is•tal<· ably that he wnnted to hc>ld her han!l when he was sea ted by her sidi!, and t.hn.t would have been n d ist inct viola· Uon of the ngreement they had made two days before. "I won't have people

FANWOOD, NEW JER.SF!Y. staring at me and sniggering among themselves," &aid !·he young lady. "If anybody guesses that we are newly

But after all the old gentlemn n was back flrst, and Mrs. Cullen. h n r1 leisure to obser1·e how gently he readjusted th" old Indy's pillow for her and how tencerly h e smilecl down on her as he did it. 'Ihen he s·at down, taki ng gren.t care not to d isiurb the s•leeper, and l ooken pensively out of the win dow. A minute o f two a.fter thao Buel came back and took his seat by his wlft's side. unreproved-as to that.

katc:h Plains Past Ofllce. manie<J I'm golng home by t h e first train-nnd rm going home alone. Yoq JAMES .OFFEn can stay an!l see t h e falls and go on

Ill Ill to New York by yours.,lf. I haven't "How long you were, Duel," 1he R·Rfd.

"Were- you trying to pun i sh me for sending you away ? If you were, you succeeded. I suppose I ough tn't to tell you that, tih·ougb, But. y·ou know I told you not to be gone long. Buel, You know I d i d ," She sni<J t h is· nry pathetically, and. the young ma·n· ough t to hnve been, more responsh·e than he was, but he was looking though tfully


BUILDER. ProspeR Street,

Westfield, New Jersey. Estimates Cheerfully Fur·


lleMt for tho IJnwetH. No rnattm· whRt Jltls you, hmulnc1m to 1\ cnn• ccr·, you will nm•cr �:et wt•ll until yuur bowels artj put right. Un�cnreta hoh• hlltttre. curo

you without. a �t·ipo or pnin, prndtwa easy unt� ���V,!��m·:,�,�:,�.n\��n1t�iit h��J_


��.����.L�\;iu1�1Y,��c'���g�· 8�1�t',W�!�c:r�!Nt�01f:: WIU'O of hniULtlnus,

Dnvld Cit:;, Nob,, A}>rll l, 1000, GI-1NJ�o:;m� Puun l.i"oou Uo , l.o Hoy, �. Y.:

Ucutlomou:-I JHtlSt sur In rel!nrd to GHA!l"\.Q l hnt. t hu1·e is notltillK hcttut· or lmnlt.hlol', \Vo hn\'n used 11. for YOi\I'S. �h· br•nl hm• wns n g1·uat cotl'tm drlniUH'. Hu was tnlHm eolok n111l tho ilnol nt' sn.hl coll:eo WILS tho cnusu of it, llnd tohl us to nsH GltAn \.Q. \Vo uot u pnek('JJ'O hut dhl . not like It ut fll'st, hut nnw would not lm wll.honl. it. �h· brothel' h'ls hecn well e .·or since wo stnrtetl to use tt. Yom·s truh·, Lu.I.w Socuon.

\\"hilt. Sh111l ""u IIIU"t) fm• l>utuUJI't'! [;����! ��::����!111 �'rf�:3,!�! • tll�l,f,����.llit�fi.�·.ca;:- ���fi: clous tleB!'!crt. PreJlUI'ml In two mlnull•B. No hnklnl{ I Adll hot wut�a· nud sot. to c'tol. Fhu·· or:;:-Lumon. Omugu, Hn."lpborrr tuul Straw­herr)', At rour �rocer'.s. lOc.

R. M. FltENCH,



Carpets cleaned, refitted and laid. Elm Street, Westfield. Near �epot

F. S. 'l'AYLOR,



Westflel<l references given.


LAID. GmmnM, JoumNO.


Gnsoleue ntHl Kerosene Oil sold an<l 1le· Jiverml in nnr qnnnt!ty.

Hroa1l Slreot, \VNo�tflulcl, N. ,J. P. 0, Uox Hi\.'1,

Steam Marble and Granite Worts �'I<:NOING �'Oil o�;�Jio:'I'Jm\' PJ,O'I'>!.

Large Variety of Oranlte Monuments. Pneumatic Toola tor Letterln.r and CarvlnA'•

L. L. MANNING & SON, Froat lt., Cor. Ceatral Ave,,

PLAINI'I.LD, N • .1 .

COOK BOOK FREE C.•lal•l•l IIR I'AJIIIo CJ•eri,GUe aooi­

Jiound •• UlaUI, W0 .U.L PUIIOII.IHJWII, AU• II II m&h II P•

Geal. "••••••••• tell hut o11r 10041, 11(111> I'UII IIEW Tf.IUI�, I. ..

'HI ONilAT AMilAIC:AN TIIA CO, .. .. aoa, lll, 11·11 V•••• lt,,W, Wo

Cent·I·WOrd Ads. PIJ YOU.

any doubt that. you would enjoy it a great deal better by yours., If, anyway. Now, wouldn't you, truly, Buel ?"

Buel made s<>rne sort of reply-the usual sort, probably, Dut he d id grum· ble a lit t le when she s·ent him to !•he seat opposi te. "It isn't going to be much joy if you are going to freeze

over at tbe little old lady across the aisle.

"It didn't seem so very long to me," he sn id at l ast. "No, don't th ink tl1at I meunt thn t lt didn't seem long to be away from· yo11, li ttle girl, you !mow better than tlul!, nnd you !mow wheth­er I wa n ted to go at all . Whnt I meant was that I got acqimlnted with that old chap over there; Wh n't ·ao you think, :\!nrgie ? ·. · 'fhey're ·an their wed· cling tour. : : :.. :·>· : . . '> . · ·

"Do you Jni ow what t.b·e old ·boy said to me the very fli·st Uilng?. Well, he EYn i d : · 'Yonng _1nr(n , J.:wt1 nt .to c�rlgrnt� u l n t e you nnd:I wnnt · to tell you tha t th ere· n i n�t' t.h'e'- lenst. ·use Or Sense in trying to h ide it. · It ul n't. n o tl1in' to be nsh nmed of. We seen It, the old In dy nn' me, the minlt you ca me .into t.h e cnr.1 "

:.\Irs •. C1illen blus!Jed rosflj·. . .. : "Then lui went on to tell me how I t

'.:.i•ns t h n t he and h i s wi fe, wlw h n d me like t.his n1l i11•e tin1e," h e , snid, been · mnrrtc-d fot· 35 yenrs-th lnlt of plni n.til'el�·. "I really th i nk:: t•hnt .our th n t, �ftl l'g·le l 'l'hl rty-fll'e .�·enrs!-how li t.t lc porch n.t h om e would be : mare it. wns t h n t. they were just hnl'ing their cozy. I suppose you ·are going to let b'one.rmoon. It seems t>lmt they nre me sit ncar yon tlaere?''.. · . · . . from Knnsns and they h ad intended

"Perhnps," suld the youn·g. w·omnn , to tnke t h i s• \'ery trip, but lds ra ther In n non·coninrlt.i n l way, ';'Bi1t you diet'l and the money t.l1nt l1 e was to cnn look at me l!ltlch beiter ft•om.whcre hnve spen•l· for It wen t to his mother. :\·au nre, n n d J'ou ough tn 't:. to be so Th en th ere were bn<l yen.rs nnd. the· desperately 1mhappy when you· cnn child.ren cnme and there wns a long look n t me • . Ought you? No, ·aon't 'nestle with pol'erty, nnd so it· went look nt me like tha t." : ·on·all tl1e time, and th rough i t nil they


"There It is again ; I'm n'ot to look were . . always. promising thetnsell'es at you now." . tbelr h oneymoon. 'l'wice he hnd· the

"Well, you may look nt me a little. money, but tlhey decided to wait 11ntH I think that old gentlemnn opposite tbe ne:<t year, and before t h n t there llns his suspicions. already. Buel, {Rnr, ,,•ns n brol,en bank nnd n Cl'O]l fntl\lre I'l l tell you whll t ; you may cut tJ1e n n cl one thing and. another, but It h ns Jeaws of l·hnt magnzlne for me; If you come t o them at last. J,ook at them ! " !Ike." · The old Indy was awnl<e n ow, an<l

"\Yo11 ldn't that look too d.el'oted oml th ey were sitting side by side , the big brld·egroomy ? I th ink ycu would carry brown l1and resting on the l ittle black· out your scheu1c of dcceiJtlon better m i ttened one. ;"\frs, Cullen lliOI'ed closer If you were to cut them yoursclr while t o her husband and slipped f1cr hunil In I go out t o the smoking room and en· his. joy u c lgn r. I'm just dead for a "Here's the point nnd morn! or t.llc 1mol!e," . · t.h lng, �I n 1•gle," eon t ln uecl lluel. "lie

He Jool<ed at her a little wl s tlully, snlcl : 'l'm !41kln' com fort In th is, nil nerl'l' l h eless, but she was· . f ncxorn ble. right, an' It's better l n l e t h a n nei'CI', "I th in !< thnt would be n splc.n dld Jelen," but nil tl1e time I'm a-thlnkln' wh nt It S>hc suhl. "Do go, Duel , but don't be wou ld h n 1·e !wen to us If I I h ncll been gone too lon g, wlll you ?" when we was both ·youn�r. To look

'fhe yo ung mnn rose, with n trngl c bnel< on cine •pel! of noth ln' uut l ove· expl'l1SS!An of countennuce thu t should m n ldn'f I. might h n \'e cl one It , t oo­hnl'e cn used her t o l'eleut, and wnll<erl t wlcP!. 'l'h n t 's wh�·. tho ugh It n l n 't down t.lw n lsll! toward th.c smo1<1ng n on e of tn,r bu siness, on• 1 ho1w you J'OOIU. As he J>nsscd lhe old· gen t le· d o n't m i n d 111,1' snrln' RO, r t ld n l< ,\'Oil mnn wln.l<cd Jnwwlngly n l the old Judy n 1•c fnoJI,h n n ' n wn s t l n ' ,\'filii' t i me who wns with him, nt whleh she l'lgM h<'re In t h l• en 1•, Ynu a in 't en· f1·owncll \\'nr• n l ngly, uud then s·lnlled ,lo,r l n ' t h n t �l't•gnl' one pu rt lc lll j If you a l t t t l e IJ U I'H' l f. \\' llf-1 rnu*tl hl' H ll lo]d n ' 1 1 . 1

l i e wnw n n lc•e·looldng ol!l fe llow . "li' h n l d o y o u 1 h l nl< n bo ut It, whleh I� to s·n,\' he had a good·h u ni iH'<•d �lil l'lf l"?" !net' n n 1l n •hr1•w•'l. \wlnldll1g blue t',rt ,l u <lh'lng fi'OII! t 11 1• wny ll ll' f 'O I' I l'r wh ic h w"u t well wltl1 hls m n t or white �:tg·g·l t·d l u t l l!! I'PRI I h u l " n fl l'l' J"' h·ncl. lanh•, f l l lo>l •d t hl' Cu lh• I IH Ill! 1 1 1 1 11 1' l n l <'l' lllltl

1 1 1 • c l n i i i i>K WCI'C ncw.

t•n o llgh-e\'ell wh n t h1• Rn l cl n h n u i l h t• l 1npn•� l hl l l ty lou 111' 11'-- h u t I ht•,l' co u ld n o t •poll hi! or "IU'I' j l l n ' I l l ' tle hlu ll'," It I I I I I ,\' hi' Ill• f.l't'IH'I'U I l'll't•ut. 'l' lu' old Inti ,\' WIIH• I t ft•rl't•,l t hn t �I I'H, ('u l h• n WIU!· t •onn•l't• n n ,r t h i i iJ.f, l l i i i i'L' l 'l't'JICHI..,toJu�llqf M t l l l , 11 11 t•tl t1 · , : . , , n l i l �·t •u t lt•IJHI II1ti· \" l t •w o f tbl trull l u II J I IJl'III'IIIJCU IIH h ut• lH I II I J l ll l l lotl 1 1J n l 1 · 1 - ·Ch lcng-o l l u l ly Ut•<•ot·tl. wuw Ht lll 'dy, n u t!. w i t h l l u ••• l u l l t • l' tlt · l l · ----.. -...... , . .. (!li lt! fllt'l� t lt n t tol ll or IJUMt h·ouiJit•• Nu ......... , fur .uurrn. n lltl n n x h• t ii!H, U K ! li e l'llill l'lfl'tl ll u lll.'lllcl 'J'ht•y tum• hc•m hu l t l l nu· u Ul'tHJIIct lllld I IUH l l ll jii' I I U I'HK or '""' hluelt• ln l t • l<llmlll l l l l ' l l t I l l (;un lll'C i h! u t t l l l l' l lllf t h o tt •n1•d l l n n 1lK· l ultl ul IIII H I lo l l, h u t t h 1 JIIIH I 11'<'<•11. Yl't HUIIH' u l n n i ! I K I H, Hlll'H !dud ohl ludy t l l n t o11u 1111 1 111'11 1 1,1' w l •hc1 ih• (;l l l l!nl(o 'f'llm•• · l l l'l'tlld, t i l'<' f l•yl l\g tu fit• I 111111 ill' lfl'll'l l t• tu, 'l'hl' l'e 1\' IIH 11m t u 11111lw n• l u • l lul'u tlll&t thiN IN " l'uat 11h· ul •lllllll'�n�<i�.xulluututl l lluuul litr, ����� wlukuu 1111•• . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... . . .

JUDICIOUS newspaper

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for the Independent.

Th.-r• Ar� •J�IIf.'l't 0Ju•rntnr• ••• Alo(l'nb uf the !!it•x "'hu .�\ r6! Jloln•

. "'eJI In uu� llUMhll•l'CH "'UI&-uut SJJL'culuUu&r.

'J'he olcl dn ,·s wl1 e n 11meu m u st worll whi le wo na'ti m u�t Wl•ep" arc of the pust1 aud Ul lt.let· t lH � lH� w diHJH.>ll:-:at ioYJ wum t n ure reg ular�y e n rolled u mon1 t1JC wor1;:ers of t l:l' ,,·ol'lrl, n JJ d t h C' f:Ol't of occ u pa t i on in whieh 1 he,r s1n i l l en• gagl� is l i m i t ed ou l.r b.r t h e work to be d o n e in the wo1•lcl. \\'o1nen l i k r me11 N l l'D t h ei r brentl b.r the SWL• a t of theiJ hrows nnd u re bchuld•·n t o no onu for ca1w n wl }H'C!-'l'I'H'�. u n d t i le w o m e n are g;ud or H, und n o r l o n ht 1 111' Ill Pil u n� t oo. :\Irs. E. C. A t wood. at t h t· n u t lo n al con• Yfn t ion of rn int>r� hL•Id in .\l i l w a u J.:ce r• cen t l,r, m n ll e f:OJJW i n 1 t•nst i n g s1 n t e­m e n ts concerniug- wo uH·n in t h e field o l m in i ng, which �eetlHi a unique occupa­t io n for· t h e m 1 o (:llgage in . S h e cle­scri bt�s t h e worl{ a:; fasc in n t i r•g ami 1ucnl t i n.', but n d mo n i � h es wome n wh• engage i n m i nin g to go into it wi t h a good stock of determ i n n t i o n 1 whicll mu st be t.h e clyn u m i te n nrl gnn powi!e• to carry them to Sll<•crs� i n the und er­taldng. If pu rsu ed in a p a i n lil t n 1dnt n nu intell igt• n t way she sn.rs i t is n busl• ness thnt can be made to pn.r well, snyl the S t . Louis GJobe�Democrat.

llliss Carol in e Van nrn n t . who is tha secretory o f tl1e 01·ford Copper com• pany , is also on e of the directors anti ont> of the i n corporn tors of the com• pany. She is perfectlr fnmi:lar wltll a l l t h a t Js n eccssnry to be k n own upol the subject, in fact lcnows more about c opper, nfcl{el, the general minin g ol o res, the source of supply, production. consump t ion 1 ta riif, state of trade tha8 nny other woman, nnd more than thre.­qu arters of the men. who clai m to be· experts upon the subject of m i n i ng oncl the Interests relates to It, She hoe studied the subject of mak ing coppel fumes less injurious, and it was pri� cipally through her represen tation thai congress wns induced to gh·e those e• tablishmen ts requiring it a furthe& chance to experi ment with smoke co ... sumers and o!lor extractors.

Two Colorado women referred to by Mrs. Atwood w•re :Miss Stewart ancl Jlliss Dillingha m, who successfully maD> aged a mine and concentrating mill.

Mrs. E. C. Stoiber, of Silverton, wh• lntely entertained a number of elulJ women at the Dem·er meeting of the General Ji,ederotionl is n succesaful mia. ing woman and a member of the Ame.­lcan Institute of llinlng Engineers.

Jn speaking of mining, howe,·er, .Mra A twood asserted that she had no reflo erence to specul ation in mini ng stocl<e of \i tJ!�.·h llr. Ch arl es B. Rouse, the m ul­tl·ml\lionaire m•rchnnt of New York, said : "There ls one thing I would mo .. emphatically I m press u pon woman­keep away from Wall street. Don't sreculnt e ; don't buy stocks. That it not. legi timate b us in ess, and is sura, ·'Waner or Jn ter, to lend to ruin. Asld• from this there is no l i n e of busin eSs in wh ich women mnr not succeed if theJ will give to their worl< the n ecessar7 tlwught nnd at tent i on." ·

'!'be woman who has faith. in h erselt cnn mo,·e mount a i n s and m a 1·be fin<! enough nuggets to mal<e her h;1ppy fOI the rest of her l ife. At. nny rntc, she l1ns ns good n ch n nce as n tnnn, and the work is not nearly so hnrd nor luborioul ns mnnr of t ime·honorerl employment! of women, and is likely to prove m uch more lucrntire, ------WOMAN DID THE BAPTIZING. i1Jn1c Cun,·ertM 'l'uoh: It, llut th e ,\,.om•

en I.nr�h:etl Con lltleucc und JJueJ,ecl Out:

At Crnme1· hill, in :New Jersey, hun• dreds n ttended n "bnptizin' " se,·eral ·,-ce],:s ng-o. 'fh tt imm e rs ing wns d one ,,y n womnn-)la•s, Lottie )Jilier, re• ports n local e"ehn nge. She mm•cl1ed bravely clown to th e shore, followed by the cand idates. 'l'hese were by no m enus the lens! i n teresting features ol the bnptism. They were arrayed iu the cnst-otr hlnck skirts of their wirea or sisters, whi�h nnything but facllt• tnted their ruoYements through th• mud. Th eir legs been me unaccountnblJ entnng·Jed in th e I'O!uminous folds ol. these garment s, and before m i dstreuUI wns rencl1ed the con,•erts were be­grimed by t.IJeir muny troubles.

Aftea· a ll n n l e:<h ortn t ion Sister �li11e1 start ed with he1· l l t t l c Jlock o n the road to Zion • .Am ong tho�e nbout to be i m• merse.d wns ),fl's. :ll lller's l it t l e son, a chnp o[ about n ine yen rs. T h e pn 1•ty h a d gone onl.r l1 a l f way In t.h e mire when lhe womnn's 1uaternnl i n s l i nctl rose uho\'e her religious Olll'S, n n d with• out w n l t l n g to gn l n t il e dt'l'fl 1rn ter •ht t hen n n d the re •'sprlnldec1" the h t·n�1 at h er son, rath er thnn subject h l m t o thl dnngeJ•s of the s t l'en m ,

Jly t h i s t i m e rowhon ts, s l • n mhontl and ot her pleasure ernft hnd n ssclll• bled In the rlrer, nnd erer.ro ne wu rendy for the d i pp i ng·. I n n s l e n to r l n q voice wh lch cou l d ensl ly h e I ll' I I I'd ou Kl10re Slst('l' �l l l l e L' n•nd n t�Oh' ll l ll serv• Ice, 'rh l'n with t h e h l' l p nf n d L'nCrttl nncl nu clch•r shl.l' J m mPJ'!Ol'd thl• cnndl· rl n t es. The,\' en 1n t• 11 11 spl n l l e1 · ln� "J inl• leln.fnlu�'' n1ul "'l'hr Hung o( t l1 1� Hnn.•d" g'l'L'l! f Nl tll l' IH ns t lw,r t'tlf ttt·lwd In �h ore.

I I wns s n l cl t h n l 111'1'1 1 1 1�<'11\<' n l s hnd bPtlll 1111Hlc• t o I 11 1 IIH' I'M(1 t L•t i wonwn, hut 111111� o f f h t- 11 1 11/H')\I'tl Ollf, 11 11 11 thP f P 1 1th1 lwl l q . .r or cl l mt>ll !·d o n s t h n t m n ll<• M l'fl, :\ l l l l t'l' lonl' l l k t• 1 1 d w n l'(, h 111l d l'(.dth1d &e wult for n Hl l·nug'l'l' n r·m.

- --··-· - ---·---·--

"' �IIII IH1 11i1tfh1ill ll111•111 Uun.

,lo h uu,r-·Hn,r, pa '.' �1 1•, O P i n lt hu 1n - - ll't · l l , wlu1t I• I t ? "1\'h,l', l J u • t wn• I h l u ld n' t 11 11 1 tr tlae

11111 11 l h u l l !m•n t l'd l h t• 1 1 1U i l l p l lm1 t lon t n hh• d id n't lt 1w w I t n l l'l'llll,r h•• lll UK' l111 1·<• h n d 11 l n n�·h old Juh n n I l l • llll l lli H I tlllll I f lw <1111 ltnnw i t nln•111ll' , whn' \\'liM the \IOU of him Jrii'UII I I n ' I t '/"-1J"uk, ····�.:.

",:��� .. -:-... "'•...,·•·. ·�.�

Page 8: DigiFind-It › westfield › DATA › newspapers › Union... · . ____ · ___ _ , __ _ _ __ _ ___ sE.Ml-'WE:EkLy · THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD. TUESDAY FRIDAY, VOL. XVII. NO. 5 l


('un·n••,fil'(' uf Sh�••·r .. �. J'nu·•·•·JJ I HIOI'l ut' f lu• l ' nlnu Co •u•l.)· l�unnl : Pnlllieaiinu Al�tflil!lt.-\Vt"'i"t fieltl Le:Hl 1\f:lll,l tal<'s h:�n• lll 'f'll tvJd o1' lJ,J\\ uf c:hu"'c•u 1-'•·• ·•·holtlt• •·�o�. I (IJ' $�:i. ( 'ranfc •I'll Cit izt•tl �:'.!:-i.

l oFFH'I .\ I.j tHai< ' Hwt•l A<'""nut.- Wm. H. Wei· bumun hPh:g-s h�t \'P IH.'t'll tlt'\'nll l't•d h:. tlw llsh tJwt J..; 'oto\\'JJ n:-: t l�t• "tu:tn HL'gnlnr weetiug- of nw Ht>llt"tl nf . tlon *I .Oiti ���. L \r �lilli"r 87-J, Chnl'lt':1 enh•1·." A l thou;.dt muu.r ul' t l it'Sl' ha ··�· lJt•tm g'l'Ptltlj" l'X:t,!!�l'l'i llt •tl. tiH•,\' :ll't • t" 11 certn iu l'Xlt•nt tnw. It t:-; nlsu t t·t:• lbnt HIHII'k:-:; ha rt� ht•t'H l�twwn to fulh\\

.a ship for dn.v�. pldi.lng tll l II J J tl l'HI :u:-;: tlmt wl ah·h imtl bl't'll thruwu un•rlloard

''f ! :\1. �ft•t>lU.'I' ���. O:N HU, b,. ,1 . H u hlmnl ChW:ll'll Frt•t>hol•l•�r:- nf Uu· Cutmty

U11ion, N . • T., lu•J,l ou 'l'lanrtolclay, Ht>pU'Hl 8fJ.�. liO ) 1 , , 1 fi, I H tlO, at :.! :lti p. lll, EIPetions At�emmt.-U H H.ollinr;on,

Boll <:nil •lu•w•·<l n l l m••tol ><:rK I'�'""'" '· P. ,,I . :�l :l lill, A<lY<>C'"t" l'nh Co. $Ill.

ext:.·pt [Cret�IHII<ler tieod<l el', ,J . W . M ntTII)' .J r. *'ill, l' .T. ltynn *"0•

'J'he luiuntefi o[ the pre\•ions rnueting .Jnh u L. CroweU $;jU, \'Vtu. 0. Curr $50,

(rPntl i ng of hill� hP.ing- mnittetl}. wet'O ou 8. HnE�ling Ryuo $:10. .IQ.s wa�h·.

Notwlthstnwllu:; nl l thiR the eO\\':tl'tl­llness of shn rli.s is wl.'ll known nmu11g· .rnttn who lmn� lleen mneh to HP:t In .,outlwrn wn tL•rs. The tlerl'est shnrlt will gPt out of' the \\'11�' of 11 swinuner If the Iutter Rt'ts UJl a noisy splnshlng.

motion, upproved "" rend. J11il Accunut-J, W. HiltlolmuHlt & Co, $8·1 4.3, Heultl & Snnrllrnnn �!. g

comruxwA·no:ss. s r · !J • 4" J o D The followi ng commuuie�1tiou wns 1;;,w� $�.0d�.

n:���eij:��-nit'118 �::���it;Jil�·�. rend : $72, Henry .T. SchUl hlt $5 .J1i, l\Io<eN A shm·l< Ceurs au,\"'hln� thut splnsl>eR

In the wnh�t·. Auwng the south �L't\ fs­lnnds tlw nnt l \·os lWYlll' go buth ing almw, but nlwnys in ]llll'ties or hulf It dozen or so, In ol'tkr thnt they mny 1unlw n !:I'<'Jit iml>huh Ju tllo wntt'l' fiJI(} tbus frlgh It'l l IIWII,\' tho sharks. Once In owhfll� n too ,·en turcsome swlm n wr among thuRe nnttves fuul!Khly tlctuches ldmsdf f1·om his purb

• 1111tl fon;ets to �t.�J) up hts t:;plnshlng. 'l'b�n therL' is n eu·Jsh. nnd the m.nn t�ntPr com{ls up from untler him like n nash, tuu1 he is

Pluinfield, N. J., Sept, G, IOOO. .Mendel, Jr. $30.20. To th� Bourd of Chosen Freeholtljj�·s. Stntionnry Acc.onut:-Ath·ocltle Pnb Go.

County of Union, N. J. : :j;8.50, ,John Undel·wootl & Co., $�.50, G entlemen-As ihe work 011 my con· $1 5, Wagner T\'pewriter Co. $3.40, l\lou

tmot for 'grndiug Rlltl mncadnmiziug nrch P1·iul illg Co. lj;l 7.20, Springficltl Avenue, from New Pl·ovi· Bonlevnrtl Acconut-J. L. Bnuer $·1. deuce to the Pns.nic RiYer, bns beim de· Conntr Road Ret•ni rs Aecouut-Jnyed by the excessive bent of the Stlm· James W, Fink $00, \V Ill H. Weit1ou wet•, null by the tardy nrrivnl of the

$50. 73, .if48!.70, if1,2li5.01, Benj Elliot steum roller, I would respectfnlly re· i!t10. quesr that your honomule body · will Public Builtlings Account.-Cousnm · gl'I\Ut me an extension of time for com· er's L. H. & P. Co. , $-17.78, $00. 12. T. B. pleting my contrnct ,until Novernbet• Budd $ 1 0 . .17, L. A. Hoffuum $269, lll.

aone. ---··----

Feeliugs of snfet)' ltei'VJHle. the lwnse· bold thnt uses On" lllinute Cough Cnre, tbe only hnrmless remedr thn t protl uces

immetlinte results. It is iufnllible for <Coughs. colds , croup and all thront IUHl lnug troubles It will pre\'ent cousump tiou. W. H. Trenchard.


r- 'I'Jn1e a• a Sl"lllt,foto. A porfralt tmcetl lJy unt ure o�,n wo­

man's tolll)lstolw, snys 'l'!Je SL�it rJc­torlnl, bus receutly lJeen t11sco\'eretl In .ledllurgh grn l'e,\'/11'!1, uenr tlw fnmous abbey. The stuuc wns erectetl iu 1 iUS by n worthy bn llle of .Tcthart to tlw ruemory of hls wife, Alison Hcnwiclt, The slow finger of time hns worn nwny most of the fnclng ou tlJe front of the lltoue, lllld )lUI'( Of it is 0\'Cl'!;I'OWn wJtb moss, which has outliucd tho fcntlll'cs. J,oenl oplnton Ca\'ors the Ylew thnt the face is n lll<euess of the good oltl latly '''ho sleeps bcnenth, n tltcon· 1i·hlch has nt lenst the mel'lt of being' lllfHcnlt of disproof, since no one 11\'lug enn pos-�dbly hnve seen her.


j Carr)•lttJf Out tl1e Jlnle. - . ·: "Some "'lltor who hns been glylng

fld\·icc to [lCOIJic. on ho\•· 'to . 11\·e to be

old says -thnt one o f . tbe innln · rnle!i'to follow is to go n wny from tbe tn!Jle'rii t!Uch - menJ feeling 'as if yo1i conldent more." · .· · · · · · .. · . . · .... . - ' . ·.

"Wen, �ny, if thri t's i·ight, every· fei­

Iow- nt our . boiu uing ho\Jsc . 'ought o to'

,llye to be n huudt·edi'.'-:Cle\'elanu Pln ln· · Denier. _,: · ' · · ·

--,-----'-Too Lh·cty·. 1\Ir. · · Corntosscl-'-1 ' cnu't uodcrstnntl

tbcsc' her.c th�n tcr troopers. 1\ll•. liod<lm•g•;nss-"'hnt Is . the mnt·

ter? ·

l\h•: Co!'lltossel� Why, tlieJ· ·/llj I'Crtiser. . this here ill'tlllllll<'l' ot' "'fh' Blncl; Yow

of Yengcnnce:• 08 · hiiYill plenty of 11ft· in it, nu illnnw If thel' didn't 1>111 lli Jleople In tb' fit·st nct.-ilalthuore 'Amer­Ican.

It is well to know that DeWitt'sWltch liazel S11lve will heal a lmm and stop the pniu nt once. It wil l cure eczeum ,sod skin <liseuses Rn<l n�rly wounds nntl I!Ores. It Is n certnin cure far Jliles. Counterfeits mny be offered you. See that yon get the originnl De 'IV itt's Witch Hazel Sah•e. W. H. Trencbnrd. ·


Lieutenant Jone•' Nerve. "The ueryfest net I kuow of," snld n Kansas mnn while tllscussiug the

t�·orld's bt·a1·e deeds, "wns performed by Lleutcunut Jones of the COllllll\11)' of mnrlues thnt took .John lli'0\1'11 nt llnr· per's Fe1·rr. Hobert E. Lee hnd at!· ''anced his 00 ma rines In n semicircle about the lli'II!OJ'Y In whieh Brown nml his men hntl tnken refuge. 1'1wn Lien-1A!nnnt .Tones stepped out nut! rom­mencetl to rend Zhe riot net to 1 he mm behind the nrmory wn ns, nud, t hou�h they ltcpt shontln!l' nt bim, his nil-c•e beYer wn �el'l'!ll, not• tlld he show any other slgu oi trepidation. I wns lu t li:{t company of mtuiues."-Knusus ott,· .lom·unl. ·

llnllcd. "Does tbnt :rom1g womnn hnll from

Boston?' "Yes," nnswer<'tl the �·outh thought·

J'nlly; "thn t OX)Il'eSSCS tlw ltlt•n )ll't'l'iSU· ly, Sh!' halls fi'Oill Boston, I \I'll� IWI'· er before orertnkcn by such ·n hen ,:l' c'lown f111l of intcllcchtnl icc."-Wnsh· logton Stnr,

�teeJtle••· Blobbs-Why <Jon'! you consult n doctm· nbout your lnsomuin? BlolJbs-Whntl Ami 1'1111 up more

bllls? Wlty, it's hccnusc of wlmt I mwe hlm now thn t I cnu' t slt•t>JI. "•hen n mun rl'lll'hl•s thut point In his rnl'et•l' wlwm lw Is �u t lstlecl wlt!J him·

•elf, his IISI'fuhwss on t•tll'tlt Is nl nn rml.-Chi<'n�:n Nt<\I'H,

Stnte or Ohio. Clly of 'l'oiet1o, 1 Lnenl'l Cn1111ty f t'�.

Frtwk .7. L'llmU"f Hlffllf'� on t h tlmt lw is st•uior \llll'llll'l' ol' th .. 1 \ • 1 1 1 ol' 1�. ,l . Ch<'ll<')' & L'rt,. •Join� l•n•i u""' iu tlu• City of 'l'o1Ptlo1 C110 11t)' utul Htni P nfnt'P· ttllil\, 111111 I hut Hlti<l fll'l ll W IJ) pll)' t ) ... Hill II t1f 01u• fl nlul t·,.,1 DnllmH fol' ''"''" 1 1 1ui tl\'l'l'\' Cll"�l' t ll' Cttfl lt't'h t h1tl t ' I IH111l t lu •

· CIIfl'il hy ! 111• 11<1< of !ln l l '• l:H ! It t'l')l Cnr1•.

J•'J'Hrtlc ,1, Cll t o i !P\' Hwot'll In hf•fot'P 1 1 1 1 ' urul t u t l • 't 'l ' ilu·'d h 1

111)' Jll'tl!'ll'lll'll, f h l �o� 1\ f h 1\1 1r o!' J )c•t'nllll PII'1 j �·-· I A . W. < 1 1<' 11111 1 , 1 At•lll j Nut u <.r l ' n l •l t • •

-,-l lnll'• l'nl l l t'l'h ( � Ill'<' i, t nlro •ll i 1 1kt 1 1 1d

1y, Hflll nett� t\ l r·pc • t,l�· upon t h11 hlucul 1 1 1 1d Jlltl<'oiiH Htll'l'llt'• '�-' ot' t l w H\'ttt � tl•t. H•·Btl ·I til' lt•�i lmonl ul�, l l' l 't' ,


1•1, ,I , Uhtlllf1,\' & ( '' ' • 'l'nll'tlo, ( ) Hul<l l•y l l l'lll(�l•l•. ·:ru•. J lniJ'" ��'IIJ i l l )' f 'I J I• Jll'lo fluo )ll"f .

1, 1000. Dynes $48.50, liealtl & Sauerbrnnn Yours restJectfully, �16. 75, Charles W. Dotltl �25, Alex. Kerr 0. M. Meeker, & Son $38.44, F. J�. & A. He!tlritter Contmctor. *!6 06, Berry & Co. '15.31.

On motion of Freehold�r l\liller •·•· Committee Expe11se Accouut-Nonh

cei\'ed and the request was grant<Jd WoOtlrnff 627.05, J. F. Hnbb•n·t1 $10.40 without tlis,ent. Jobu Rollinson *7, l\l. E 'l'athum $8. 25, nnonTs oF co�t�nTTEr.s. w. H. Swain $6 70, Christiau Ehrlick The County Road Committee reporte•l f7. 00, ,Tohu F. Wahl $9, M. l\1. Sadder that penuissiou luul been grnnted the $t:l 10, W. A. Westphal �5.10. Westlieltl lnnd 1md Improvement Corn· 1\lewbers' Pay Acconut-Noah Wood· pany to lay 11 sewer along the Jlortion of ruff f4S, J. F. Hubbal'<l :j:7S 25, w. H. Central A•·enne at Westfield, etc. • nuder Swain $40, John Rollison $34, ,Tohu F. such restrictions liB wonl<l insure the Wnhl $·10, Belljnmiu Killg $42, August protection nf the county's interests, Gerstnug $42, Christiun Ehrlich $42, l\l. which wns received.

M. Scm1<1et· $98, Frederick l\Iille!' $40 :sEw IIUSI:SBSS. Bridge Acconnt-.Johu T. l\loore By Freeholder Cud�· ' $45. 1 1 , Geo. F. l\lcCuullless $47. 2o, "Resolved, Thut Messrs. S. Wright & $38. fi0, $411, $45, 50, Edtunml Scbimlier Sou be tHlid the umonut of theil· con · $11, B. Doyle $20, W' W. Meudell $2i 63, ������ui!�'

·up:,o��!"'��u;�;���;:.:. "�::d�7� :;�



b;:�� 7r 7j�\.w B;�;;e!o��;���: llpprovul of �ugineer uud the counuittee, James G. Jlloore $uU.41i, $i7, $l3. 7n; Illlto n u t $1.785· " .T. L. B11ner $38, W. J. �lcCiotid & Co. ·Freeholder Swllin movetl the n<lop ·

.�200, Jame.� J. Breunen "107 OS-. W m; lion · of the l'esolntiou·, nutl on roll ell II it ·e "' WitS ;1111111;monsly lltloptetl. A. Webet'$!1.30, George Bnss, .Tr. $420.33, By.Freehol<ler Wllbl : . Beujumiu Clark $7. 1/i, \Vm. H. 'l'err·r

. •.•Resolve<J,Thut the. bill of W, T. Kirk $4·50• $IO. no, Helll'y Knehn � 50, ,T. W · f01< it•ou · nntl mnsou worJt on bridge in Hope :SlOO.Uii, $15 80, $103.03, $117.60,

· · · · · $11. 95, Allum Gerlnclt $U 2f>, Smith F. New Providence 'l'owuship, for live. bun· Rol l . $25. 15, H. S. Buchman $14 07, dl'Cd clollnrs ('i'ilOO), be Jlllirl by t�e couu· John Com·ntl $15, \V m. Doyer $20.50, F. ty- collector, when llrDt>erl�;, _iu1dHe�

by the counnittee , . · . ., ; · · ' J. Hn!Jlmrd li'li.12, George Waiters $10, Freeltol<let· Farrell moved the ill1optlon George Wuhl $-11 .50, Wm F1trrier �moo,

. it Juo. A. !!'rick $i0, Louis Conmrl :j;120, of the resohltlou, u�ul 011 r�ll Cllll

, ..

_was H. F. :i\Iorrisou $25, It. A. i\lorrisou mlopted by an nuammon• vote. -.. i ; . · .. . . ··o· �o G 'llJ t 8 · 1 �- F r l ib 1

By Fr9eh61ller ·Alln�us: ', : ,. .. �);··" · '�\ \ � ... o. : ' ·t ;r �l.nt 1 · u, � · '-'? l rec '���

"R I · 1 '1'1 t th 1)'11' f W T l;i i.7o, IV. T. Ku lr $84.84, A . • 1. Koiste! oso ' e< • Ill , e t . o , . "'73 34 F l \ N I ,, o· I<' 1 Kirk for iron •vm·k over br�ok nt Nm'th .,.

· � ' ,��11 r ' · e 8011

• ::: ·"· • •• rnuor

nml Liueoln '"'ennes, · Crnufonl 'l'o w1/. :i\Int phy ::;.u.OO, �· W. Dt:l & Sou ::a�.s., ship, for $750, be. Jllti<l o/tht\._eountys �oln� lllcGowen :t'�OAJ,

. • �.'o .�· Fnuont

collectOJ', when \ll'O!Jerly tlntlitetl by the �o. �11: ��· . W m. W nl l� ::-·�"· Jo�:- �· committee. �!O�l:.-�-7 r , W . T. Ktrlt.�':\13�, � , 0,1,

Freeholller Kiug moved the ntloption ��0� �-., .Tumes G . . llloor� iii•B. 7u, W . A. of the res,olntion , nutl on t•oll cnll it wns �mth

ll ��\ �e�: O t't:!:\��� George D.

nuani tuonsly ntlOllte<l. urre I) :til � n 1\lS c c .; ... 1.45, A. W . By Freehol<ler At1nms :

Stl.les :1'-l . !lu,


N. Sparltlllllll $-1, S. fl. "Resolved, That the bill of Jnil. G. Wtlloughby 'I'•O:uO,

l\[oore for the runsou work for bt·itlge llt �reeholller King moved to udjourJJ,

North uud Lincoln nvenues, Cranfortl W�l�ch W�IS murlell, 'l'own5hip, Union County, umon uting to .

1 he th rec�ot• declured the "lJonrd 1111· the sum of $544, be. puitl by the county �umned unhl Thursllt>y, Oct. 4, 1900, lit c JJiector, when )Jroperly untlite<l uy the �·30 P· w. committee. S. Rusi,J:SU RY::>O Clerk.

Freeholt1er Krnnse moved the atlop tlon of the resolution, nm1 on roll cull it wus unnuhuons1y nllOIJtetl. By Freeholder Robison :

"Resolved thnt the cmmty coll�ctor he, um1 he is herehy nnthmizetl to give n new check to .Tames Riley fm• the sum of $5 to tnlte the pluco of one gi\'en to h im Allfo!llSt 2, ttud which was accident· nlly tlestroyetl by lire. ''

Freeholder Kiug movetl tbu ntloptioll of the resolution um1 on rull·cnll it wus un�•JiUlottsly mlopted. By Ft•eeholtler Wnhl:

"Resol\'ell, Tbut a committee of live be appoint ed with )lower to replnnk nml t•epuir tbe bridge ut Snit llrook in New PJ·m.'illence. "

Freeholder Miller mo\·etl the nt1opt!on of tho resolntiou nutl on l'O!I cnll it wns uunuiutously adoptm1.

The Director appointed as the snid onuuumittee. Freeholtler·d W1•bl, Cntly, Fnrreli, Swnln nud Gerstuug. By Freeholller WeBtphnl :

"Re�oll·n1, 'l'hnt 11 committre of three be n p)lointetl to bttil•l 11 bt lt1ge o1•er Cetlnr Brcolt on ,Johnston Avenue, Plaintiu!t1, tit 11 rost. not to t•xcred $·100. "

�-�·eeholtlm· FI•U'ell movt•t1 the ntlotl· tiou of tlw l't'Folnt ion, 111111 on roll·cnll It

1\'11� l1111111itUOilS))' 111\0)Itt•tl, 'l iw Dlt ect 3r IIJI)'t>hltl·<1 us thl! snit!

couunltteu. l•'rt•t•holtlerH 'IVt•sttlhnl, Rol>i•ou t< ' ltl Bt•llll<'ll.

'l'lw follow l n � hi l l " l'�'��l't'l'ly llll lli l t•<l 1 11111 UIJJII'liVt· tC Wl'l't• t't'nd, Ulltl tJII I'(IH• cnl1 11111\tll t aw\1-ily ot'llt•nl (llti •l, \ i l. :

L't nu·t . .�\t'l'!Hl ' 't - u . A . ""' , �a:m aa, .1 . 1·� . :\111 ''�1, �j.\ .I n il 1\. Eugll"'h $·�·\ N. U, ,T. Eu •. :Y�h �:· .. ,uo, H t·n. U. 'l't'I'''Y $:Ill Huln• l'l 0. l lul l"l' '"• Hl>t·o II' $ 1 ·1 1 1 I l l , t 1 1•org11 A l b �u .. �""� till, ( l • l l . \V, p,,,.h, ,l r, �·!) •!;,, W i i !IJI IJI 'J'rntto, �a :,o, ,l l l t l l t•l't , 1 , t '11r• •Y �·�II , \' 1 '11'1'111 l >u u lt·l � \ r1, U Po Hddcl< �J .'",.",, , folih f J l 'f t l l',-l l ltl -'JI1 !JIJ, . l n l l l t't• l 'l'l� " t l t;:i, l 'l ' l t ·t· y, \\' t<ll\'t•l' * ' :10, Ht�t'll\lul � �. r.t � , � l '�J,o, l l t•ury , l . HII<.'OJ 'i'" � tO, � 1 7 :.o

lul'l<l<•IJI nl• A••••oouf - ( '''" W. :lil•l l<•t• tt�:l . W. 1•'. M t i i'J •hy'� K«l'" Cu. i,< l :t l , ( 1 , . . , , \V. Vul•• i,< t r., Au� u•t !o' . Kl'il t l l l • l t �q r,, O t•o. U. Fot·•l �ar,, Chul'IN' . f . .ft�I PWII >jt:tr • . *a� •• <j<:t�. 1 1. 1\. H)·un +:t·\ 1' . c""'>' & Huu ���� •• \V t11. i lo t\'111'<1 ljl \ ,�11\l. �n.

Dr. W. Lewis, Ltnnem•eville, Vn. write�, "I mn u�ing Kotlol Dyspe)lsil; Cnr� tu tuy practice nwoug SeYere cases of intliuestion nml find it 1111 tulmirnLJe remedy." Muny hmu1re�1•of J•hy•icinns llepem� upon the use of KmloJ Dys)le)lsin cure 111 •lomuch troubles. It digests ll'llllt you e11t, nud ullows you to ent nil the goo<! foatl yon neetl, Jn'ovitling: you do not overloud your stomach. Gives instant rel ief un<1 u pernumeut cure. W. H. 'l'rencluml.

-----�·-�-----The mdern t1ratn<ttist is e\•er ulert for

some Ulll'el Jlltt1 'eusutinuul hit of renlbru. • ·Ki<1UII)J)letl iu New York'' is nmong

the lntest. noyeJty in the wny of a senoll· tionnl m�lothnmn. 'l'he nnthor Howm·<l Hnll, hns ennstruclet1 n Jllny with nn iu­tl'icnte lllll1 nbsorhing plot. The notion is 81Jit1 to he \'l!(Ol'OlJK, 'l'!Je SCUlll'!J' /11111 sta�::e lll'rnngemeuts ure spuken of us being striluug nml tti<l gretttly in nu1ld11g the prot1 nct ion intensely interestil<g.

Funwy Oihnore ls plnying the stnr role 111111 hns hecn 811lTtli!Utl�<l with nn excellent cnst,tlw llttl'llc\iou i" hno«etl nt the Stilluum lllmio Hnll Plniutlt'lt1 1'or TnrJtln)' night of next wee!<.

3c Per Rol l • ,and u,,,

C Ht\S, CUIC1<13NUEIW13R, .la Elm Str"ct, w�stflt:hl.

CLARK, THE HATTER, •ciUIHitn Your 1Juw11h1 '''II h l'ttllf'Utttfl, �:l!A�r 1l����8�U�IJA�I�'J',���r;1i1������.������&:

Koillll'i<•H At•t'l l l l lll -1•: . M . Wuml .t iiO •

Ufl, H. ltlll<lilllf Jtynu f i i .UII, II, \V, Wt<MI • cott 91UO, W . U. Clllliuutou .7tl. . ................ , ......... .

. \'ultU 1."4.'tl an1i I �ntl lt•�•utti� r�:�l,

\Yiwn tlw h t l l'l'll:Jtinn:t1 h ! lt!llllll'.\ .;-ommfs:-.:fon I'Psffn·P.n ·d t iH • J ! rws ht• t\\"t't'll 1 l lt• l 'n!L<·d �.: t att·s 1 1 1 1d :. I t ·1. it•o. t fHTI' \\'t·f'l' fli:t � UI'Idf:-· t:-; /U t l1 1 • Jllii i,r J )1'. :\l t•anis, wlw, w i t h I l ls n�-.-: :� tn: 1 1 · : . ('nlft�d!'d Willi,\' t:ll(·d llJl'l/."' of hln J.;. J l l l t J nw mmn ls, ldlH , ; �• n t : ;.: l l l lt1 t lu· air lw l Wl't'l l n C:t J i l'oz·nlH n!l t m·,. :wd H rat · t1t1rmn lto w hil'h lw ).;:1 \\" ,,·hilL• t'\ } tlorill .!!

tlw ('m�opn h n..:otiHialu.'i ot' Lolrt•r Cul· lforuln.

It wns ill the t •nt'l.l' mm•nln;!. The hfg lllr<J hntl �ci"m! t he sunlit• ht'llitlll . t ill' lu:ml nntl wus sll'n;:;;l ln;; upmtt'tl \1' 1 1 1 1 t t R Wt'lthlng, tlt'llllly hm·tlt•n. 'l'h<· liUm lw's t•nptur 1\Jl}WnreLl nwnt·c thnt It:-; \'lct!JU \\'lW flnllg'Cl'O\IS. rfl:lC hlll'<ll!ll was lwn vy, ns tlw rejJt flu \\'!Hi npm·l>· II\'!! feet long:.

'l'lw grip of the hirtl on tlw snal<c's body wns uot of the best. The stJnlw �f'enwd to lw H<Jn lrmlng from its cap· tOJ·'s t11!ons, at Joust snlllclen!l,\' to <'II· uhlc It to st i·I lw. llR trlnngnhu· ln:ntl was "�'"' to rccotl und tlurt at the nmss or fen t hers.

It did tlJls one(• or twlee, nru.l tlwn. with 11 sltt•l!!l<, the Ylllture di'O!lllell I t ' prey, '!'he hlt'tl 1\'IIR pi'OUUbly [tOO ft•!'t or RO nho\'<' the ohser\'ers. 'J'he nston· tHhctl men W£'rc then trentet.l to u HJH!C· tncle seldom ""''II, Few hll'tls hut n \'Ulture coultl nccom!Jifsh Hnch a feat.

'rite lne;tant the fllnalte Cticnpcd front the hlrtl'K clutch�• It *o]>l•�<l ••nrlh· wnt'd lllw u Rhot, nntl, ltl;:e u shot. t he hlrtl <li'O]l!Wtl n ftt•r It, catching It In mlllnir with a J;l'll' thnt cnmPtl tlenth. At nny 1'1\tf.\ the tmnkc c<•nRed to wl'ig� j:l!•, nnt1 th<.> Ynltm·c sonrl'tl /ll\'11�' to n mountain Jll'nl< to !len1m' Its hnrtl enrn­etl menl.-Yout h'H Compnnlon.

OriKin· of "lini1C?o-; fh.-.. ftnt�e." In G1•cek mytlwlogy the roHe waR the

•rn1bol ot s!letwt•, ns it wn s snlll thnt Cuph1, the Ron of Venus, gn\·e lht• �-:otl of silence u golden rose ns n hrllle tn con­ccnl tlw amours of thn gmltless of lo\'e, It was, therefnn•, sc•ni)JI m•etl on tbe ceilings or !JniiiJ Uetln� halls antl plnce<l liS, 11 sign a!JOVC t he iJO.III'B or CjllCS!IOn· ill)ln J'L!HOI'ts. Gtt�Hts nt t'ensts wore CI'O,II'/Wd ·with l'tlf't'S to intllll<liC l h :t t lheil',\ conYcr�n lions while h l< lll<'h' �up.< were�· not to hn repton h'tl elsewlwrc.

.'l'l.>e plirn:"' ulltn !net! currt•ncy iJ: G1·ccce nftt>r l':tusttnlas, the ntlmlrnl o f the Gr�el< fleet, plot tl!ll wtt11 Xci'Xl'S tn j bclmy the en use of t he Greeks hy Mil"- . l'l•tt<leJ•ing the ships, till' m•goti n tlou� · hoing cQndnct�d in n smn l l bntH)llt�t lnJ! hull, the rouf ol' wh ich wns. ns usual. corci'C<I with scnlt>t urc<l 1·o�e�. Till' Jl)Ot. IJO\\'C\'01', \\':IS <lJSCO\"CI'l'll :1 111) Ill'· d{ll'S g"l\'l'll fol' the :l l'l'l'Sl Of the trn itol'. PuttK:t lllns cndcnvorPtl to n1n lte h iH l'l'f­uge in n t L•mpft• whlc�h puf:s���ed tlw l')!,:ht nf US�' [llltl, Ull\\'llllng to Ylo]:tte tho f.innctH\' of t :w plnce h�· ron·fh!v . l',(.'IIIO\'Ing h

'tm ntul still tt"wrc. unwllll n!; I

to u !low him to cse:qw, his fplfow citi· zeus wnllc'l up en�r:.· cntrnucn atnl. IJ�· Olll' UCCIJ\111{, lt•i't Iii Ill t o tllc of Stil l'· YUIIon; h�· n not hel', l<llletl him hy uu­rootl ng tile hulllilng nn<l tllrowlug down the tll�s on his heatl.

' C', ____ ,. ___ _

Do no� get scnn�ll if yonr hen.t t {ron l•lt•s yon MMt lilwly you snJTm· from hJtlig<·Stiou. Kodol Dysp�psin Cure •li · gestR what yon eat und giws t h e worn ont stomud1 fJerlect l-e>t II. h t h e ouly prepamtion kiiOWn thut completely di gests nll chts•es of foods ; t lu1t iR why it. Clll'PB the worst. cuFe� of hu1igeFlion uutl stomnch I I'Onhle after e\·erything els·• has fnilerl. It. lllHY be tnkeu iu nJJ c"" <litiml8 aml cnunot help but t1n yon KOOtl. \V, H. Treuchm•,J.

!\ole lirslnamc "AhlOS'' uml Nu. ''78'' before ent •r' ---- c IUfl t�Lorc. Oct. oUtllrutl'laat

KEEPING IT UP ��&01 That marks our Fortieth Anniversary offi ers unusna) lit gains in Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, Stoves, Ulld ' houscfurnishings. gfD!tl A handsome gift to each purchaser. Caah or liher!l terms as u�ual. Note goods and prlc:es below,


' , •• <f!l'

$24 69 A full ov�rstufl'ed French

• TnpcHtry Purlur Ftuit, !iimi1ur to l'Ul1 corded

hacks unU heavy frittge. \'nluc $3fi.OO.

Over 600 Rolls of New Fall Put In at the1e remarkable redu,tloa rate ••

zoo Rolli tarraln• at 29c, 3sc ,ard up. 1 100 Roll• Velvet • 69c, 71, 200 Rollo BrusiCII at 39c, sse ,ard up, 100 Rolli Moquette It

soo Rolla Mattina et oc, IZ�, lie, 19c yard up. H:usa, Art Square�, natl1 Ollclot�


���lnoleums, In lmnu:IM Vlrktf,

$4.98 A while cnamcll'<l nc<l,

hrm�s 1·ails nt head nnd foot, b r n s s mounts.

Value $i.OO.

$5.98 A "olitl Oak Chi fro. niC"r, fi \'l� drawl•rs, pmu.•l �idl·�. hra�!=; t r i m m e d . Value :;;n.oo.

$8.69 Solid Oak six.foot £ sion Tahlc, largc ilut<d

Ynluc $13.00. t t ,000 Portland Ranges In Use. Every One Warranti4, ·

�en�l f•1 r new Cntnlottnl'. " Cnrfnrl' pnlcl t o out.of.town Custom�·

I Am�o�v �;,Y,,�,�,o;.,?;};:1d. 7 3 M!:.k!� Note fir9t nnm� ".\mo�... !\ewar�X

Tdcphouc 58�. Ooo<ls delivered Free t() any part of


AC! ·ommodatlono for Tra .. alea.t Bo,.rdera.


Oppofllt"' Standnrd Uulldlhllo

Of I nterest to Every Music-Lover. S L I G HTLY U S E D

Aeolians At Reduced Prices.

A l s o P e w P i a n o l as.

The Aeollll C11 played by any •

It Is a .solo brought within die

With its aid •r• nies, overtures,opcrllt the latest rag•tlllll orltes hlay be SUll at will. Dance • .­always available.

Comment is unnecessary. Figures and facts are of paramount import') We o�cr, for tw� weeks only, a complete . assortment of lEolians at . i

prices. Tlus should tocus the attention of all mtending purchasers-not IJellll' , affords a barga in, but an opportunity.

. ,

These i nstruments are not new-they have all been i n use, having been . in exchange for higher priced styles, but that very fact is sign ificant of Chf mation in which tho ./Eolian is ltold by those who have had the instrument IJ homos, ·

They have )Jeen put in thorough order,and repolislte0d so that in the majorll1 stnnces th ey cannot be distinguished from entirely new instruments, and ,,., /fie s.1me gu.1rantce.

T he cost of the Aeolian causes many of its appreciators to deny thell

t h o constnnt source of ploasuro which comes with its possession. It deterl df ft·om i nvosliualing it. T h i s oale enables one to obtain an Aeolian at a grea !Ill duco!l pl'ico. T horo will also (1e Incl uded a few Planolas, which have boon lo� ouslom e t·s whilo wall ing for .opecial designs of cases. II rwill lilsl for I<Wo 'fUll

A monu the i n�:�lnuuonts offered : • Jlt•V:I11nr l 'rh'i•, HJII't'llll Prlt•t�o Jleu-u!nr Prlrt'•

OrohoHt rt•lleH , . . . . . . . , . . , $1,500 $1,000 Aonlinn Style to;o. . . . . . . $275 Grnnti• . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , 750 550 Auollnn Stylo no . . . . . . . , 230 Auriol l'lnnoH . , , , , , , , , , , , 750 SOO Atltlllnn Styh1 Hoo . , • • • • • , 210 Auullnn S t y tu t ;oo . . . . . . . 500 32� l'"lnou•• (Sinulo lltwtf) . . • 15 Auo l inn St y lu q;o. . . . . . . 350 225 1 ,·lnouRM ( lloubio Rood ) . . 125

A •H �t·tHin\ ul 10 pt·r t·t·u\, for t·nr;h wll\ h\' nl\uwt•t\1 ur U•t· \nlllrtUnt·nt wltl lw nultl un 11\ntlcrnh.t fllllllth\)' I':IYIIIC'flt�, tJ If unnblo to cull nt any of our warct·ooms, send for catalo!luo, but be par

to �:�talo sty lo Ot' Rtyluo you wish tlcsorlbotl.

AEOLIAN COMPANY, 18 W. 23d St., -� 500 Fulton St •• Brooklyn. N. Y. 657-659 Broacl St.� Newark,,..,