

Upload: chloeyearsleymedia

Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Digipakss


Page 2: Digipakss


Front Cover Interior Inside CD Back Cover

Page 3: Digipakss

FRONT COVERThis is my Front Cover for my digipak. I wanted to

include detail and creativity into my designs to make

them authentic and unique while also making them look


Firstly, the reason why I thought to include a dark

cloudy background because it can represent

‘mysterious’ and like in my music video, I have included

features that would be ‘mysterious’.

The lightening that I have included is because its sharp

and the ‘threatening’ in some words making it represent

fear as thunderstorms can make people be scared.

Along in my music video, I have included some type of

fear to make everything link in.

The symbol represents radioactive (biohazard) which is

what the song is about.

Overall, I have linked everything within my music video

with representation in the media concept.

Page 4: Digipakss


This is my back cover for my digipak. I wanted to

have the same colour theme as my front cover so

they blend in together. As you can witness, the front

cover and back cover contain light grey so they do

link with each other and also go together well.

I edited the clouds to make them stand out as my

back cover. The reason why I did this was because

the clouds represent sadness and emotion which

also links into my music video that I’m creating.

I included the track list but I haven’t added much

songs as its supposed to be a single with a couple

of bonus tracks.

I then included the label at the bottom of who

distributed my CD.

Page 5: Digipakss

INTERIOR DESIGNThis is my interior design for my digipak. When it came to

planning what to include, I had some trouble as I didn’t

want them all to be the same. So to come to a conclusion

of an idea, I decided that it would be unique to design

something that relates to clouds etc. which is rain. I

added in the rain but as my colour theme was grey, I

decided that I would include the colour grey but make it a

bit darker than the front and back cover. After this, it

looked unique and different but still interlinked with

everything. I then included the radioactive symbol in the

middle of the interior making it authentic but making it

blend within the rain. Finally, I then included the company

who distributed the artist's CD.

Page 6: Digipakss


This is my final CD design for my digipak. As you

can see that this is a bit different from the other

designs that I have but still relate. The one thing

on this design that is complelty different from my

other designs is the colour.

I decided to have writing on the CD as its

different and unique. Other aritsts such as

beyonce has her name on her CD, so I decided

to do the same except have the title stand out on

the CD and not the artists name as it looks


Page 7: Digipakss


The spine to my digipak is important when creating a CD. I decided

that I will go calm on this and put the colour as white even though my

colour scheme is grey. This is because it will stand out from my

digipak. I thought I would include the symbol at the top of the spleen

and then the writing going down, this is because it makes the spine

interesting and eye catching