digital graphics evaluation

Graphic Narrative Evaluation

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Post on 05-Aug-2015



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Graphic Narrative Evaluation

Use this template to help you evaluate your project.

You should give specific details about your work.

You should provide both written and visual examples to explain your project.

You should find areas to praise in your work. Be specific about why you think they are good or why you are proud of them.

You should also find areas that could be improved. Look for areas that you could make better if you went back to them. Be specific about what you would improve.

Add additional slides as you need to. Don’t be restricted by what is here.

Any blank slides should be deleted before submission.

Does your final product reflect your original intentions?

• My final product reflects my original intentions in a lot of ways for e.g. I planned on creating a style of images that were very basic and I believe that I have completed that with my rotoscoping technique this means that there was very little detail so that the young audience I was aiming for could easily see and understand the images. (example on next page). In some ways my final product does not reflect my original intentions for example I had originally intended to make all the words in my book rhyme but this ended up being to difficult and I had to scrap the idea as it was making me get behind with the rest of my work.

How well have you constructed your images?

• I purposely made my images very basic this was because I had targeted my book at ages between 4-6 who will have only just learned to read and was trying to keep everything as basic as possible to help them understand it. I did add some detail within the picture for example I slightly used the colour range tool to show some fur on the wolf but apart from that I wanted to keep everything as basic as possible

How well have you used text to anchor your images

• My text in some slides helped anchor my images for e.g. I gave the words he blew the house down a slide by themselves allowing for a slide to show exactly what was happening with ought writing to much and not being able to show everything that was written on that one slide. On other sides I have written more than that one slide is able to show for example in one page I have written that wolf screamed and so the pigs ran out side but I have t shown that in the slide itself.

The two pages have very different types of writing with one having lots of writing which I was unable to show the whole of through the picture and the other having little writing making it easy to show just what was happening with the text being there only to support the image.

Is your product suitable for your audience?

• In my proposal I have put that my target audience are males between the age of 4-6 this lead me to make my images very basic and easy to see and understand for smaller children. Also I used the font style sans this is easier for the smaller children who have only just learned to read to be able to read the words. My text size changes throughout the book this would not be good for children as it may confuse them and make them find it harder to read.

• My audience of 4-6 meant that everything I did I did to help with the smaller children being able to read and understand the book for e.g. the types of used words were small and easy to understand. I changed the ending to the story to make it more suitable for the younger audience I was marketing I changed the wolfs death to the wolf having his tail on fire and running away.

What do you like/dislike about the techniques you have used?

• I like the rotoscoping technique that I used as it made the shapes and animals very basic so it will be easy for children to see and understand it. I also like the gradient overlay that I used for the background of some of my images as it is better for showing the colour of the sky than just the solid colour overlay. I also liked the rain effect that I used I did this by using the paint tool with the Gaussian blur filter.

What do you like/dislike about how your final product looks?

• I like how basic my images look I did this by using the rotoscope technique this will help children to understand the images that they are seeing. I do not like the inconsistencies in my work for e.g. the font size continues to change through ought the book. Also the character sizes change through ought the book creating more confusing inconsistencies that I wish I would have changed.

Why did you include the content you used?

• I decided use rotoscoping to make my images look basic so they were easier to understand for the younger audiences. I also made the wolfs body more jagged as the pigs as this made the wolf seem more like the villain and dangerous. I used the sans font to help my younger audience be able to read the book easier. I used the Gaussian blur effect to show rain and I believe I did this quite. Also I used the cut out effect for some objects that would have been impossible to rotoscope and still get the detail that was needed to show what it was. I also like the gradient overlay technique that I have used as it really helped to create the right colours for the sky. I decided to keep my colours bright in relation to this being a children's book.

What signs, symbols or codes have your used in your work?

Because the pigs are piglets (child pigs) it connects with the child audience as they themselves are children.

Wolf jagged sharp danger older evil picking on someone smaller than him I also made the wolf more jagged than the pigs this was a sign that the wolf was evil and dangerous

I used rain to show how hard it was for the last pig to carry on and how hard he was finding it I did this by using the Gaussian blur tool.

Also the fact that the mother is the distributor is used as a scare tactic as a mother is usually a simple of something warm and loving and as she is the one telling the pigs to leave may be scary for the children.

What representations can be found in your work?

• All of my characters (apart from the distributor) are male I did this with ought really knowing I just imagined that they were most likely because in most fairy tales it is the men that go adventuring and the women that need saving even in littered riding hood where the main character is a girl a man (woodcutter) has to save her.

• The fact that the piglets are so young it could represent the small children that are reading the book allowing them to connect with the book more even if they don’t realise it this happens with a lot of representations they are there but you only subconsciously realise them.

What style have you employed in your products?

• I took a lot of influence from Father Christmas on the Naughty Step book for example the font size

• I copied the exact size of the book from father Christmas on the naughty step as I liked the shape and how much you could fit on one page.

• I used rotoscoping because I wanted a basic style of work

What were the strengths and weaknesses of the pre-production and planning

• The planning and research helped by giving me a timetable for what to work on on which days this helped by keeping me on time and stopped me from getting behind on my work

• I think I managed my time quite well even though there were a few hiccups

• During the designing of the book I decided on 12 pages but when creating the book it became obvious that this was not going to be enough as I could not show everything in the images that was in the text. This led me to change my prior amount of pages from 12 to 14 which allowed me to quite comfortably show everything I wanted to

Historical and cultural context

• my book is similar to a lot of other examples of the three little pigs as it follows the basic tale of the story, although I did change a few things for e.g. I changed the ending slightly so that instead of the wolf being killed it simply gets its tail burnt and runs away this was to make it more child friendly. I looked at The Three Little Pigs (Fairytale Boards) book written in 2014 and took a lot of ideas for the graphics of my book from that. I also looked at the story of the three little pigs What other similar products have existed in the past? What current products exist?