digital scholarship - all day workshop

Digital Scholarship Martin Weller

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Post on 06-May-2015




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I ran two digital scholarship workshops in Portugal, which lasted the whole day, and were divided into 4 sessions. These combine some previous talks.


  • 1.Digital Scholarship Martin Weller

2. This morning 10-10.15 Introduction (15 mins) 10.15 11.15 Digital Scholarship overview (1hr) 11.15 11.45 Discussion (30 mins) (Coffee?) 11.45 12.15 Looking at some tools (30 mins) 12.15 12.45 Planning a strategy (30 mins) 12.45 13.00 Plenary (15 mins) 13.00 14.00 Lunch! 3. Aims of the day To raise awareness of digital scholarship Possibilities Issues Concepts To share concerns/experience To develop a strategy to take away To provide a toolkit for working digitally 4. Introduction State one anxiety & one thing that interests you about digital scholarship 5. 5 Digital Scholarship lessons Martin Weller 6. Aim of this session Get us thinking and talking about issues in digital scholarship 7. Some things Ive come to believe after thinking about the impact of technology for a few years, accompanied by some tenuously connected, and sometimes amusing, videos 8. The Digital Scholar book 9. Definition 10. What is open scholarship? Anderson (2009) open scholars: create; use and contribute open educational resources; self archive; apply their research; do open research; filter and share with others; support emerging open learning alternatives; publish in open access journals; comment openly on the works of others build networks 11. Weller (2011) open scholars are likely to: Have a distributed online identity Have a central place for their identity Have cultivated an online network of peers Have developed a personal learning environment from a range of tools Engage with open publishing Create a range of informal outputs Try new technologies Mix personal and professional outputs Use new technologies to support teaching and research Automatically create and share outputs 12. Its not just for geeks 13. But its also about: Knowledge sharing Knowledge creation Networking Generating ideas Communicating Democratisation of learning 14. Arent those all scholarly activities? 15. Sir Martin Rees: archive transformed the literature of physics, establishing a new model for communication over the whole of science. Far fewer people today read traditional journals. These have so far survived as guarantors of quality. But even this role may soon be trumped by a more informal system of quality control, signaled by the approbation of discerning readers 16. Lesson 1: Accept its relevant to you 17. Researchers are caught in a dilemma 18. But researchers arent keen frequent or intensive use is rare, and some researchers regard blogs, wikis and other novel forms of communication as a waste of time or even dangerous (Proctor, Williams and Stewart (2010) Carpenter et al describe researchers as risk averse and behind the curve in using digital technology Harley et al (2010) We found no evidence to suggest that tech-savvy young graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, or assistant professors are bucking traditional publishing practices 19. Is it tenure? The advice given to pre-tenure scholars was consistent across all fields: focus on publishing in the right venues and avoid spending too much time on public engagement, committee work, writing op- ed pieces, developing websites, blogging, and other non-traditional forms of electronic dissemination 20. Is it caution? Waldrop 2008 (on blogging) It's so antithetical to the way scientists are trained," Duke University geneticist Huntington F. Willard said... The whole point of blogging is spontaneity--getting your ideas out there quickly, even at the risk of being wrong or incomplete. But to a scientist, that's a tough jump to make, says Willard. When we publish things, by and large, we've gone through a very long process of drafting a paper and getting it peer reviewed. 21. Is it habit? Kroll & Forsman Almost all researchers have created a strong network of friends and colleagues and they draw together the same team repeatedly for new projects Everyone emphasizes the paramount importance of interpersonal contact as the vital basis for agreeing to enter into joint work. Personal introductions, conversations at meetings or hearing someone present a paper were cited as key in choosing collaborators. 22. New cultural norms What are the cultural norms of blogging? a willingness to share thoughts and experiences with others at an early stage; the importance of getting input from others on an idea or opinion; launching collaborative projects that would be very difficult or impossible to achieve alone; gathering information from a high number of sources every day; control over the sources and aggregation of their news; the existence of a common code: a vocabulary, a way to write posts and behaviour codes such as quoting other sources when you use them, linking into them, commenting on other posts and so on; a culture of speed and currency, with a preference to post or react instantaneously; and a need for recognition bloggers want to express themselves and get credit for it. (Le Muir 2005) 23. How sticky are these cultural norms? 24. Lesson 2: Resolve the tension between existing and new practice 25. Were all broadcasters now Public engagement used to look like this: 26. Now looks like this: 27. Research papers Lectures/Teaching content Conferences Data Code IdeasDebate A long tail content production system 28. Digital outputs Low cost (free?) Small but unpredictable audience Open No compromise High reuse potential Different distribution 29. Video Networks Data visualisation Analytics Curation/filtering Writing for online Liveblogging Researcher skills 30. There is evidence that open access journals have higher citation measures, downloads and views than those in toll-access databas (e.g. Lawrence 2001; Antelman 2004; Harnad and Brody 2004), although Davis (2010) suggests it leads only to increased readership and not citation. Tweets can predict highly cited articles within the first 3 days of article publication. (Eysenbach 2012) Blogging leads to more downloads of papers (anecdotal) Personal reputation, keynote invites (anecdotal) Complementary to traditional practice 31. Lesson 3: Use the network to enhance engagement and dissemination 32. It affects all practice 33. Conferences Amplified Online Backchannel 34. The new conference archive 35. Alternative formats Barcamp Pre-presentation Voting Produce something 36. Network Weather The irritating guy with the popped collar standing next to you at the bar? He paid less for his G&T than you did, because hes the Mayor of this place on Foursquare, and the management has cannily decreed Mayors get a 5% discount. Ten minutes from now, the place is going to fill up with his equally annoying buddies, absolutely ruining your hope of a quiet drink. And theyre going to show up not because he did so much as call them to tell them where hed be, but because hes got things set so his Foursquare account automatically posts to his Facebook page. Youll settle up and leave, miffed, and ease on down the road a spell to a place you know where you can get a decent bowl of penne Except the Italian place is gone, gone because it racked up too many nasty reviews on Yelp, or somebody Googlebombed its listing, or its hundred healthcode violations made it positively radioactive on Everyblock. if you dont know what they are and how they work, youll never have the foggiest clue why things shook out the way they did. Your evening will have a completely different shape and texture than what it would have prior to the advent of ubiquitous mobile Internet. Youll have been tossed this way and that by the gusts and squalls of network weather. (Adam Greenfield) 37. The academic version When you arrive you are disappointed to find out that someone who has attended the last three years running and who you always have a meal with has stayed at home because they can attend remotely. In the opening session the keynote speaker makes a claim that someone checks and passes around via twitter and it seems they have misrepresented the research findings. There is a noticeable change in atmosphere and the questions the speaker receives are more challenging than you usually encounter. In another session the speaker takes questions from the remote audience, which includes students and this generates a very good discussion about the learner perspective. That evening the conference bar seems rather empty that evening, and seeing an old colleague he informs you that there is an alternative conference Facebook page, and they have arranged a meeting in a local bar, with a discussion theme. The next day the afternoon doesnt have any presentations, instead it has a barcamp format where the participants seek to create a set of learning resources, and a link up with four remote hubs in different cities. 38. Lesson 4: Itll impact even if you ignore it 39. Dont focus just on risk 40. Carr - we're all destined to become stupid, dysfunctional & lessened by the technology Lanier we are placing technology in too powerful a position and dehumanising ourselves in the process Turkle - the more we communicate, the more alone and isolated we are becoming 41. Tversky and Kahneman: We give risk/loss more weight 42. James Boyle: We are very good at seeing the downsides and the dangers of open systems, open production systems, networks of openness. .. Those dangers are real we are not so good at seeing the benefits and the converse holds true for the closed system. 43. Who knows where it will end up? 44. Lesson 5: Embrace unpredictability 45. To recap 1. Accept its relevant to you 2. Resolve the tension between existing and new practice 3. Use the network for engagement and promotion 4. Itll impact on all practice 5. Embrace unpredictability 46. The Good News! Exciting times Innovation is possible New teaching impact eg Phonar New Research impact eg social media New connections eg virtual research groups 47. The bad news You have to play the traditional game too There is risk Will see increased control Not well understood by people who matter Cant afford not to 48. Allows experimentation Academic identity = Online identity Complements normal practice Gives a greater toolbox Its the fun part of being a scholar Take control Why do it? 49. Discussion points Have you experience of that tension between existing practice & new possibilities? How can you use the network for dissemination? What aspects will it impact upon for you? What are the risks you feel? Are there new cultural norms emerging? If so, how do these intersect with traditional ones? 50. 51. Session 2: Tools & Dissemination 52. Aim of session To look at some tools To think about a strategy 53. Getting heard Establish an online identity Be a good networker Tag 16 my secret identity by chanchan222 anchan222/3219255790/ 54. Some numbers Blog (since 2006) 300,000 views Blipfoto - 92,000 views over 420 entries Citations - 1,620 Slideshare - 220,000 views (6 years, 59 presentations) Colored dice by sgs 1019: within/133942381/ 55. Confession I dont know what these numbers mean in terms of impact! I dont know what these numbers mean in terms of impact 56. Complementary process link links promotes automatic publish comments subscribes discusses retweets 57. Twitter Decide the level of personal Find good people to connect to Look at lists Dont just broadcast Project or personal account es/files/2011/11/Published- Twitter_Guide_Sept_2011.pdf 58. Blogs Project or personal Integrate different media Get some momentum Reach the pay-off WordPress + plugins Subscribe to others Add comments Tweet posts 59. YouTube What will you share? Link to other outputs Create playlists Experiment See also Vimeo, animoto, xtranormal 60. Slideshare Easy way to share outputs Sadly no longer slidecasts (create vid) Make sharing default Good stats 61. Scoop.It + Curation is a very useful contribution Often doing this anyway Subscribe to others Tweet Also Mendeley, CuteULike, etc 62. Academic focused site Also ResearchGate Department presence 63. Google analytics Embed on any webpage Build stats into reporting Use to inform research 64. Others Flickr Blipfoto Facebook Depends on your project and aim 65. A strategy OER Research Hub ( Blog rota (2-3K visits per month, 161 posts) Twitter (2k followers) Scoop.It YouTube Channel Slideshare channel Impact map ( Infographics Open course Integrated part of project 66. Activity Develop a personal or project strategy using combination of tools Explore some tools Develop a quick strategy that addresses: What tool(s) you will use Who is the audience? How will you sustain it? What would success look like? Why would you use those tool(s)? 67. Some links ( (oer research) ( (Martin Weller) (@oer_hub) ( ( ( 68. Afternoon session Session 3 14.00-14.30 The art of Guerrilla Research (30 mins) 14.30 15.00 Group activity (30 mins) Session 4: 15.00- 15.30 Openness & you (30 mins) 15.30 16.00 Your strategy (30 mins) 69. The art of guerrilla research Martin Weller 5981013497/ 70. Aim To demonstrate how digital scholarship offers new methods To think about new methods To develop a strategy for lightweight research 71. What is guerrilla research? Guerrilla research methods are faster, lower-cost methods that provide sufficient enough insights to make informed strategic decisions (Ross Unger and Todd Warfel) 72. The research process Have an idea Write a proposal Submit proposal {wait} Get funding Do research Write paper {wait} Publish Have an idea Do research Blog it 73. DIY Create a journal Interrogate data Disseminate findings Create a community Collaborate 74. whats important here is that Zuckerbergs genius could be embraced by half-a-billion people within six years of its first being launched, without (and here is the critical bit) asking permission of anyone. The real story is not the invention. It is the platform that makes the invention sing. (Larry Lessig) 75. The manifesto 1. It can be done by one or two researchers and does not require a team 2. It relies on existing open data, information and tools 3. It is fairly quick to realise 4. It is disseminated via blogs and social media 5. It doesnt require permission 76. Relationship with traditional research We think of research as having a certain shape and size This extends that 77. Complementary Demonstrate potential of further work Altmetrics as indicator of interest Get ideas/collaborators for bigger project Increase personal profile 78. More efficient? 12 days for a conventional proposal was the average (RCUK 2006) ESRC - only 17% of bids were successful in 2009-10 RCUK = 2006 196 million on applications to the 8 UK research councils 2800 bids submitted to ESRC in 2009-10, an increase in 33% from 2005-6 ESRC - 2000 failed bids x 12 days per bid = 65 years of effort 79. Example1: The rich world of travel blogsGuided by a Bourdieusian lens, this article examines the negotiation of authenticity, distinction and identity in the websites and blogs of companies and tourists during the 2010 spring Mt Everest climbing season. (Kane 2012) This paper provides a discussion of the strengths, weaknesses and implications of using content analysis and narrative analysis on travel blogs The research reviewed the published literature and real-life examples of destination marketing organizations and tourism enterprises using blogs as part of their business strategy One important form is traveling, in which self- described travelers aim to dissociate themselves from tourism altogether. As travelers, rather than tourists, these people present themselves as engaged in a morally superior alternative that does not create the same problems as tourism. 80. No permission Rich source of data Would have required interviews, recruitment, budget Different methodology 81. Example 2: The meta-journal 82. No permission (OA licensed articles) Quick set up No business case required Allows for interdisciplinarity 83. Example 3: MOOC research Katy doing MOOC, blogs final assignment Picked up by Phil Hill at eliterate Becomes defacto piece on completion rates Invited to submit proposal for funding Conference & journal articles follow 84. Used free tools Openly available data (reports, papers, data) Relies on open scholarship identity Led to proper funding and publication Being used for further bids 85. Example 4: Facebook app 86. No special access to data No permission required Spare time Adopted by OU as official app 87. Issues Will someone steal my idea? Can I account for it in my workplan? Will it get me promoted? Do I need technical skills? 88. Activity In groups Decide on one persons subject area Come up with a plan for how one (or two) element could be tackled by a guerrilla research approach What would you need What would it achieve Why wouldnt you do it Report back 89. Session 4 Openness & You 90. Aim To consider aspects of open practice To bring together all elements of the day in a personal strategy 91. The Battle for Open Martin Weller Sign the CC-BY license! 92. Central theme Openness has won But now the real direction of openness is up for grabs 93. Roots of (modern) open ed Open universities open access, entry. Focus on methods, removing barriers, not free Free software 4 freedoms (purpose, change, redistribute, distribute modified). Emphasis on control Open source given enough eyeballs all bugs are shallow. Emphasis on efficiency Web 2.0 culture of sharing, open practice 94. Open access [Source: University of Southampton, ROARMAP, Published under a CC-BY license] 95. Major breakthroughs Free online access to scholarly works Major policies in many countries Gold route & Green route More than 50% have published OA OA Impact advantage 96. Growth of OA Laakso M, Welling P, Bukvova H, Nyman L, Bjrk B-C, et al. (2011) The Development of Open Access Journal Publishing from 1993 to 2009. PLoS ONE 6(6): e20961. 97. The battle Gold route No incentive to innovate Elsevier take down on Predatory OA journals Changes relationship Hybrid models 98. OERs 99. Major breakthroughs OpenCourseware since 2001 (LOs earlier) Repositories in major languages and areas OCWC 260 institutions Open Textbooks 100. Some findings Saylor: Increased enthusiasm for study (59%). Increased interest in subject (58%), Gaining confidence (50%) Over 30% of students reported studying their subject via OER before joining their course 60% CCCOER identified reduced cost of materials as a driver of student retention OpenStax downloads 120K times, leading to an estimated $3 million savings for students (Green 2013) Feldstein et al. (2013) 47% of students purchased the paper textbooks, 93% of students reading the free online textbook 101. MOOCs Image David Kernohan 102. Awareness Figure 5.1: Google Trends plot of relative interest in MOOCs (red) and OERs (blue). 103. Uptake Udacity, Iversity, Coursera, Open2Study, FutureLearn, EdX Large registrations (Coursera 17m enrolments) On Newsnight, in NYT, etc If education was grunge, MOOCs were its Nirvana (George Siemens) 104. The battle Not really open Commercially driven adoption of open Openness is the first casualty Contracts with unis Support for learners Centralised platform & data Sustainability 105. Open scholarship By Gideon Burton 106. Open practice Online identity is now becoming the norm Recognised by institution Complements existing practice Part of research projects Area of innovation Open research, open data 107. Activity Develop a personal strategy that brings together everything from today What do you plan to share? What tools will you use? Will you adopt open licences? What will you do next week? 108. Conclusions & thanks! If you're not making art with the intention of having it copied, you're not really making art for the twenty-first century. Cory Doctorow