digital transformation - institute of fundraising national convention (06/07/15 - 15.00)

Steve Thomas, Managing Director, @stevethomas393 Bertie Bosrédon, Associate Consultant, @cafedumonde Digital Transformation: Not as scary as you think

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Post on 05-Aug-2015



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Steve Thomas, Managing Director, @stevethomas393Bertie Bosrédon, Associate Consultant, @cafedumonde

Digital Transformation:Not as scary as you think

We simplify CRM and digital

Building the business case Integrating digital tools and CRM Selecting digital tools that work best for you Web and content management systems Digital strategy Supporting cultural change Training and staff development

Help when you need it

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What is a digital first organisation?

• Definition • Digital first/by default/transformation• Examples - video?• Hallmarks




Digital is different

Multi-channel, multi-platform, 24/7 interactive relationships

• The reach of mobile and interactivity of social mean that digital is not just another channel for marketing.

• Digital requires a new approach to communications and customer behaviour

• Digital success is about culture change more than technology

Beware of doing all the same old (cr*ppy) things, but faster!

Digital marketing is the process of integrating platforms and customers’ experiences through digital channels.

Dr Aleksej Heinze

The ROI of digital87% 87% of the world population has a

mobile phone

9/10 9/10 mobile searches result in an action i.e. a store visit, a purchase or a donation

2015 In 2015, mobile internet usage has exceeded desktop usage

50% 50% of all mobile page views are on social networks

300% Mobile commerce grew by 300% between 2011 and 2012

74% 74% of UK charities don’t use SMS to fundraise

83% 83% of UK charities don’t have a mobile strategy

Source: Give as you Live Digital Donor Review

If you don’t do it, you won’t survive

Erik Qualman

IoF National Convention 2013 10

Digital means integration


Email WebSocialGivingAutomation


IoF National Convention 2013

Digital + fundraising

Back to the future

• Digital is founded on the premise of building relationships

• But supporters now own the conversation, and it can be very public. The balance of power has changed.

• Digital is about engaging with supporters where they are, on their terms and in in response to their interests.

• In other, words, it’s just like old fashioned fundraising!

Digital marketing offers the prospect of increasing and improving the interactions and relationships with current and prospective customers

Dr Aleksej Heinze

What is a digital first organisation?

• Definition • Digital first/by default/transformation• Examples - video?• Hallmarks


What is a digital first organisation?

What is a digital first organisation?

It’s more than just the technology• Customer focus• Innovation• Infrastructure• Leadership• Culture

How digital are you?

Digital maturity

Source: Capgemini/MIT

Digital Intensity• Customer focus• Innovative• Technology-

enabled:– Mobile– Social– Geo-location– Real time– Data

Transformational Management Intensity• Vision• Governance• Co-ordination• Leadership

The journey from beginner to digirati



Low High

Management Intensity



Beginners Conservatives


Source: Capgemini/MIT

The journey from beginner to digirati



Low High

Management Intensity








High Tech

Retail Banking

Source: Capgemini/MIT

Bertie Bosrédon, Associate Consultant

How to make digital actually happen


• Age Concern Birmingham• Age UK• Amnesty International• Army Cadet Force Association• Asthma UK• Bliss• BOHS• Bowel Cancer UK• Brathay Trust• Breast Cancer Care• Cardinal Hume Centre• Charity Retail Association• CharityComms• Children's Society• Christian Aid• Combat Stress• Contact a Family• Dementia UK• Dignity in Dying• Disaster Emergency Committee• Dogs Trust• Environmental Investigation Agency

• Feba• Handicap International• Handicap International UK• Haemophilia Society• Human Relief Foundation• Institute of Corporate Responsibility and

Sustainability (ICRS)• Institute of Food Science & Technology• International Nepal Fellowship• International Tibet Network• Jesuits in Britain• League Against Cruel Sports• Leasehold Advisory Service• Lymphoma Association• Macmillan Cancer Support• Pancreatic Cancer UK• Place2Be• Quaker Social Action• Reall (Real Equity for All)• Refuge• RNIB• Royal College of Physicians

• Samaritans• Samec Trust• Scope• Scripture Union• Sightsavers• Social Research Unit• Sue Ryder• Sustrans• Sutherland Cranial College of

Osteopathy• Team PB• Thames Hospice• The Fire Fighters Charity• Tommy's• TrainE-TraidE• UK Council for Psychotherapy• United Bible Societies • Willow• Winston Churchill Memorial Trust• World Animal Protection

Context of digital transformation

• Digital strategy • New website• New digital product• Digital transformation programme

Therapeutic Digital Interviews

• Understand structure and production process– Improve production workflow

• Get a sense of the digital culture– Increase understanding of digital opportunities

• Examine collaboration between teams– Remove tensions and identify best practice

• Analyse skills available and (basic) skills needed– Fill the gaps and reduce tedious tasks

• List objectives– Identify common goals, conflicting objectives, KPIs

• Compile challenges: technical and strategic– Improve systems and redefine the strategy

Limited to Comms and Marketing


Not seen as priority for most teams

It’s still an after thought

We are behind: no email strategy. Terrible

online fundraising

We are late for both digital and social

"Not my thing” attitude

We still focus on print and have zero

digital culture

Operate more like a support


Digital is now seen as integrated and

understood by all teams

Lack of digital engagement from

Directors is slowing us down

We’re all trying to figure it out.

Digital transformation


Limited to social media (mostly


A Strategy is more important than the tools

Drag picture to placeholder or click icon to add

Existing skills

FederationContent productionWeb marketingEcommerceProject managementUser experience

FranceWeb content CommunityTechnical

BelgiumWeb contentUser experienceTechnical

USATestingUser journeys

UKWeb contentSocial MediaGoogle Analytics

GermanySocial mediaWeb contentGoogle AnalyticsOnline fundraising

LuxembourgWeb contentGoogle AnalyticsWeb designMailChimpFacebook

CanadaEmail marketingCMS

SwitzerlandOnline fundraisingeMarketingFacebook advertisingGoogle Analytics Google Grant

Note: Skills are based on the responses from staff. Skills have not been assessed.

Required skills

FranceWeb marketingContent strategyAnalytics and insight

BelgiumOnline fundraisingSocial MediaVideo

USAAnalyticsData managementAdvanced testing/insight

UKAdvanced Google AnalyticsOnline marketingCRM

GermanyDigital opportunitiesAdvanced online fundraisingOnline marketingSEOAdvanced analytics

LuxembourgAdvanced Google Analytics

CanadaGoogle adwords

SwitzerlandSocial MediaDigital awarenessWeb contentTechnical

Team engagement

Team Currentengagement


Effort / Challenges

SMT ★★★★★

Fundraising ★★★★★

Policy & Campaign ★★★★★

Services ★★★★★

Retail ★★★★★

Support: IT ★★★★★

Support: HR ★★★★★

Support: Comms & Marketing ★★★★★

Support: Finance ★★★★★

Stakeholder interviews summary

Team Strategic & Importance

Work with digital team

To improve

Stakeholder Engagement

Should be more pro-active

Individual Giving

Shared targets. Delegate eFundraising to Fundraising. One fundraising platform


To involve in website review. Find innovative ways to work. Involve regions


Identify opportunities


Develop an integrated e-comms programme

Policy & Campaigns

Relation improvingDigital shouldn’t be limited to marketing


Should explain roles and promote the visionKey partner for the framework


Limited to recruitmentKey partner for the framework

Business dev

Build a two way relationship


Currently limited to the intranetMore opportunities to identify


More opportunities to work together, especially around production

Global Digital Project Introduction


• Skills and technology survey• Staff interviews• Finding report• Digital strategic framework• Webinars and e-learning


Gather knowledgeSet-up ObjectivesWrite the StrategyOperational PlansEvaluation criteriaLaunch


UBS 6 steps Digital Communications Strategy Framework

1 Digital Strategy

The steps of your Strategy To prepare your strategy, you will need to have completed

the two previous steps: Gather knowledge and Set-up


The Strategy will follow a process consisting of 7 points:

1. Organisational Goals

2. Audiences

3. Digital Landscape

4. Technology Infrastructure

5. Content Strategy

6. Defining Success

7. Analyse & Adjust

3 Digital Strategy

The steps of your Strategy 1. Organisational Goals

3 Digital Strategy

This is where the process starts...

You take your core goals as an organisation from the previous phase: Set-up Objectives and better define them as executable digital objectives, as well as highlight any dependencies and limitations, to set the foundation for your digital strategy.

We recommend a maximum of 5 objectives that can be internal and external

Here’s an example:Objective: Increase engagement- Remove barriers: by making the information practical and accessible, we will increase the number of calls and emails.- Gather testimonials: we use testimonials to encourage potential supporters to contact us.

Our key digital objectives

# 1

# 2

# 3

# 4

# 5

The steps of your Strategy 3. Digital Landscape

3 Digital Strategy

This stage outlines the properties you will utilise and the tactics you will execute to reach your audiences and meet your objectives.

It is also useful to mention other organisation operating in similar fields of that you can get inspiration from.

Owned Media

Bought Media

Earned Media

Online advertising:Banners:Affiliate:

Website CMS: WordpressEmail supplier:Payment provider:CRM:Analytics:Other:(e.g. event tool)

Social Media channels:

Social Media tools:

What others do

The steps of your Strategy 5. Content Strategy

3 Digital Strategy

You know your audiences and where you are reaching them.

You also need to define the types of content and messaging that will be used on your digital channels.

Content Principles

Example of content principlesExternal• Person-centric: always thinking about the

audience, their needs, motivations and behaviours

• Results-driven: define measurable impact for all digital communications

• Inclusive and responsive: focus on being conversational rather than broadcast

Internal• Instinctive: as ordinary an activity as sending

an email or making a phone call• Empowered: staff should be empowered by

management to engage across all digital spaces, and also equipped with the relevant skills and tools to engage effectively

• Agile: being able to interact with the audience with a more instinctive and pro-active approach

Competencies framework: Digital Awareness

Area Digital AwarenessSteps Beginner Intermediate Advance

Skills Trends & tools Understand your audience Collaborative working

Knowledge acquired •Digital first•Key trends•Communication tools •Tactics used at Scope•Our digital strategy•Working with us

•Segmentation •User persona•User experience•The right message / ask for the right audience•Examples of targeted messages •Safeguarding

•Establishing requirements•Defining objectives•Preparing a brief•Technology, •Content and assets•Budget•Key principles of project management•Engaging your team

Delivery InductionTeam meetingFAQsWebinars

WorkshopProject coaching

WorkshopOne-to-one training


Competencies framework: Social Media

Measurement and evaluation

• Keep it simple – scope, people, aims & outcome• Dedicated resource• Senior engagement (SMT – TEAM not group)• “Intrannovate”

– Work under the corporate radar– Come to work willing to be fired– It’s easier to bet forgiveness …

• Exclusive until it succeeds


Finding the firestarters

Ten things you can do next week

1. Come to work willing to be fired!2. Review this presentation (and please send us your

feedback)3. Identify one big challenge that could be addressed with

digital4. Find a great YouTube video on digital and send it to

your boss5. Read an article by Tim O’Reilly6. Recruit three other people who share your vision7. Download Get digital! from

ion.com8. Design a digital maturity survey for your organisation9. Get colleagues to talk about “why they work here” ...

on camera10. Write a 1-page plan for how you will become digitial


any questions?comments?

ideas? T: +44 (0)845 458 0250E: [email protected]: www.purple-vision.comTw: @purple_vision