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DIM Holobox By: Daniel Ku, Iphia Henry and Matt Iannacci

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By: Daniel Ku, Iphia Henry and Matt Iannacci

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Year 2050

40 years from now our world will be a very different place. Our population is expected to keep growing at an immense rate. By 2050 our projected population should be around 9 billion people. This will put an even bigger strain on our already depleting natural resources. The majority of our population will be in urban areas. The human population will also having longer life expectancies.

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Year 2050

Technology will also continue to grow at a rapid rate. Discreet, unobtrusive technological advances and information overlays will change how we live in significant ways. Charles Ebinger, Director of the Energy Security Initiative at the Brookings Institution also thinks that by 2050 we will also have a so-called “smart grid” where all appliances will be linked to energy distribution systems, allowing for real-time pricing based on supply and demand. It is expected that the growth of technology will not hurt the human population but actually empower and motivate us making humans more active.

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Year 2050

By 2050, this figure will triple to nearly 2 billion older persons, comprising 22 per cent of the world population.

This changing age structure will have wide-ranging economic and social consequences, affecting such factors as economic growth, savings and investment, labour supply and employment, pension schemes, and health and long-term care.

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DIM is an up and coming communications company that is focused on providing products where businesses can enhance client experience. Our first product is an application where clients can interact with a product without it physically being present.

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Augmented Reality

What is it? Augmented reality is a live direct or indirect view

of a physical real-world environment whose elements are augmented by virtual computer-generated sensory input such as sound or graphics. It takes a real object or space as the foundation and incorporates technologies that add contextual data to deepen a person’s understanding of the subject.

combines real and virtual is interactive in real time is registered in 3D

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Augmented Reality

Why is it used? It interacts with all our senses thus

giving a richer experience. Audiences strive to interact within an environment so that it seems like reality. For example, watching sports, fans watch it on TV however they want to experience the thrill of live action. In movies, people watch 3D action because they want a higher level of experience.

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Augmented Reality

How does it work? Augmented reality is designed to blur the line

between the reality the user is experiencing and the content provided by technology. Many augmented reality projectors use headgear or a similar device that projects data into the user’s field of vision, corresponding with a real object or space the user is observing. In portable devices such as smart phones it uses GPS data to provide users with context including audio, visual and text based data about real-time information.

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The main hardware components for augmented reality are: display, tracking, input devices, and computer. Combination of powerful CPU, camera, accelerometers, GPS and solid state compass are often present in modern smart phones, which make them prospective platforms for augmented reality.

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Examples in present day

Layar: helps gather information about the surrounding area using a camera and GPS technology on a phone. It takes in the visual and then displays information regarding all the restaurants available. It can also list job opportunities within a company by simply pointing your camera towards a building.

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Examples in present day

US Military: A Canadian company, Arcane Technologies has already sold augmented-reality devices to the US military. Now the US military uses augmented reality to train their soldiers.

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Examples in present day

Total Immersion: integrates augmented reality within baseball cards. They supply downloadable software in which you install. You then hold the baseball card in front of the webcam so that the software can recognize it. This then creates a 3D image of the player displayed on the computer screen where you can interact and play games with the character.

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The Holobox

Holobox is a software application downloadable to any Smartphone, computer with a web camera, or any projector-based display.

Any product with a recognizable serial code can be scanned with your device where it analyzes the product. This is where augmented reality kicks in. Our application has three components–recognition, tracking and rendering.

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The Holobox

The Holobox application recognizes the serial code scanned so it begins to track the target to impose a 3-D stream of what the product is. This creates a composite of what the actual product, the user sees a reactive video which senses, reacts and has weight.

However there are restrictions as the hologram only lasts for three hours because it isn’t the actual product and your device must be kept within range.

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The Holobox-Marketing the product

Target Market Our target market is diverse, we range from

families to large businesses. . Our main focus are those age 60 years and

over because we feel they are most in need of assistance.

Our second target market is for the open market, families can use the application for online shopping, corporations for business to business negotiations, local businesses and local shops. This product is for everyone who deals with purchases via distances.

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The Holobox-Marketing the product

Goals -We plan to offer our application initially in North America and Asia. Our goals are for every elderly person using the application.

After we have a firm place in families, we’ll target larger businesses, online shopping and local businesses.

Expect 12% of the population to have the application by the first three months.

(2 billion older persons, comprising 22 per cent)

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The Holobox-Marketing the product

Price – The application is available through all major smart phones. It can be downloaded via the App Store, Android Market and Blackberry. The price is $149.99 CDN however people who purchase a DIM device can purchase the application for half price.

Placement (also referred to as distribution) – Our application will be downloadable through our website, on smart phone app stores. Our smart phone will be available through all major telecommunication.

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The Holobox-Marketing the product

Promotion – Our brand will start from the grassroots with social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

The software will be featured on major electronics websites such as CNet.com, Engadget.com and etc.

Our device will be advertised through commercials ran by the major telecommunications networks.

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The Holobox-Marketing the product

Our Strengths – Innovative product that can be applied to many uses.

Our Weaknesses – We are new to the industry so our reputation has not been established.

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How the elderly can find use The goal of DIM is to design a product that will

help the elderly maintain their independence.Our population is shifting in distribution towards a country's population older ages.

Among the countries currently classified by the United Nations as more developed (with a total population of 1.2 billion in 2005), the overall median age rose from 29.0 in 1950 to 37.3 in 2000, and is forecast to rise to 45.5 by 2050.

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How the elderly can find use In 2050, 65 years and above constitute a

considerable percentage of the population. But the existing technical accessories are mostly geared for the younger population. Such devices are often not designed with consideration for the cognitive differences that accompany aging. Poor eyesight and hearing, and reduced physical strength often discourage elderly people from going out alone or visiting unfamiliar places where they can easily get tired or lost.

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How the elderly can find use The Device has features such as home

tracking, holographic maps, connecting with family and online shopping provide easy use of this demographic. The device comes with a large button which is located at the bottom of the device which one can move up and down the menu. The movable button can also reduce or increase the size of the digital numbers, the holographic image and apps by tapping on the specific icons on the screen.

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How the elderly can find use

With the aid of this new technology, the use of more user friendly devices will become more prevalent among older adults. Older adults typically need training to use these digital devices, and often need assistance in their daily use, but the DIM hole-box is easy to use and addable for all age groups.

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Holo-Box Commercial


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Our Goal

We are re-inventing communication and technology. Our goal is to change the world’s business models to save capital, make smarter decisions and to integrate technology within businesses. This presents new opportunities in online shopping as well since now you can physically try out the product before a purchase. Companies can now seal business transactions faster than before due to the effectiveness of our product. Most importantly with an aging population, it is crucial to guarantee that the elderly live their lives worry-free.

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Editor. How Augmented Reality Works. 09 Jun 2010. 18 Nov 2010 <http://techgenie.com/latest/how-augmented-reality-works/>.

Educause. 7 things you should know about Augmented Reality. 20 Nov 2010 <http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ELI7007.pdf>.

Ganapati, Priya. How it Works: Augmented Reality. 25 Aug 2009. 18 Nov 2010 <http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2009/08/total-immersion/>.

Works, How Augmented Reality. 19 Feb 2001. 20 Nov 2010 <http://computer.howstuffworks.com/augmented-reality1.htm>.

 Affairs, Department of Economic and Social. The World at Six Billion. 06 Jan 2010. 19 Nov 2010 <http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/sixbillion/sixbillion.htm>.

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http://www.autelic.org/research-library/background-research/project-0-research-findings/towardsthedesiredfutureofelderlyandictEggermont, Steven. Vandebosch, Heidi. Martin, Malysa. "Towards the Desired Future of Elderly" Autelic, 10. Oct. 2008

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JfieBBSfU4BBC. "Can technology be more inclusive for the elderly" 4. Aug. 2010

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_ageing"Population ageing." Wikipedia, 2000. 3. Nov. 2010.

“What Will Life Be Like in 2050?” Big Think. June 28, 2010. Web. Nov 25, 2010. http://bigthink.com/ideas/20655