diploma course in english

Valuepoint Academy® “Adding Value to your life since 1996” 6 months can change your life!!! Become truly international  With Valuepoint Academy’s “Diploma course in English”  A course for every person’s every need  

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Valuepoint Academy® “Adding Value to your life since 1996” 

6 months can change your life!!!

Become truly international 


Valuepoint Academy’s

“Diploma course in English” 

A course for every person’s every need 

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Material Supported By:

Diploma in English Language

Valuepoint Academy is a premier institution in the IT hub of Bangalore city, offering

courses in Spoken English and Effective Communication Skills. Founded in 1996 by

Mr. Rajan Sood & Mrs. Meenu Sood, it has been imparting comprehensive and

practical training in communicating effectively in the English language. More than

15,000 students have successfully undergone training and many have been absorbed

in prestigious companies and MNCs. Of these, around 2500 students are from variouscountries around the world including Bahrain, France, Germany, Iran, Mongolia,

Saudi Arabia, Sudan , Libya, Yemen, Iraq and Thailand.

The course is supported by Cambridge University press and follows the guidelines

and course material recommended by the Cambridge University press. It prepares

the candidates for International certifications from British Council,  like the

Cambridge Business English Certificate (BEC) or the Business Language Testing

(BULATS). It also prepares students who are planning to go to Europe, Australia and

US for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) examination and 

the Test of English as a foreign Language (TOEFL).

Why should you learn English? If you’re not based in an English speaking country,

this is a valid question. It is a well established fact today that the internet and other

sophisticated communication facilities have shrunk the world. And, in this new small

world, English has a large part to play in most of our lives. According to a study

conducted by Pearson Education (2007), English is the most widely spoken language

(Chinese being the first), having around 540,000,000 speakers around the world.

Autonomy in language learning is a desirable goal for practical reasons. We, at

Valuepoint Academy, have been striving to put into place mechanisms for promoting

learner autonomy. Accordingly, we have come up with Diploma Course in EnglishLanguage which aims to make participants proactive, and empowers them to develop

an integrated and well adapted language system. Restricting the batch size to a

comfortable 12 - 14, individual attention is assured while still taking care of the needs

of adequate interaction among the participants.

The course is experience based and conducted in a thoroughly interactive

environment that includes discussions, group work, individual assignments, use of 

audio & visual equipment. Each participant will be assessed upon registration so that

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his / her needs are understood well before the course starts. A comprehensive and

continuous evaluation system will provide the feedback necessary to the student and

the trainer.

While the general goals of the course will help students to develop the gamut of skills

required to learn a language  –  reading, writing, listening, understanding, speaking

the 4 modules that make up the Diploma Course encapsulates the specific objectives

that are detailed below :

Module I 

I ntro Level Duration: 165 Hrs.

ObjectivesTo get acquainted with the spoken languageLearn to converse in simple predictable situations

Start with vocabulary developmentStart developing skills in writing, reading, listening, speaking

Introducing Phonetics

ContentVocabulary   – Families, Clothes, Shopping, Leisure activities, Jobs, Food & drink, Time,

Directions, Describing people, Singular  – plural, Numbers – cardinal & ordinal, Days of 

the week & months of the year, etc

Simple Grammar   –  Focus on basic verb forms, simple & continuous tenses, pronouns,

adjectives, prepositions, articles, possessives, affirmative & question forms, count & non-

count nouns, etc.Spell ing Reading L istening Speaking 

Wr it ing Comprehension Basic Phonetics {Sounds }


Intertwining of Vocabulary and Grammar through classroom course book 

Use of modern technology as well as conventional classroom methodsUse of activities, group work, audio & video CDs, computers, grammar games,



Daily observation, checking assignments, class participationWritten & oral tests- in term & end term

Self evaluation

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Module I I 

Level-1 Duration: 140 Hrs.

ObjectivesTo build vocabularyTo introduce the idiom and phonetic base of the English language

To understand and use a few simple grammatical structures

To develop fluency in reading, speaking & writing

ContentVocabulary   – Family & friends, Arriving & leaving, Ways of traveling, time & costs,Food & drink, containers, Houses & furniture, Clothes, colours & sizes, Parts of the body,

aches & pains, doctors & medicine, Sports, Leisure activities, Features of jobs, Character 

adjectives, Countries & continents, Climate, Art & culture, etc.

Grammar   – { Focus on basic verb forms, simple & continuous tenses, articles –  

continuation}, introducing perfect tenses,{ pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions,

conjunctions, possessives, affirmative & question forms, count & non-count nouns – of aslightly higher level & more variety }, quantity expressions, comparison of adjectives,

Subject – Verb agreement , simple phrasal verbs, etc.

Spell ing Reading L istening Speaking 

Wr it ing Comprehension Basic Phonetics [words] 


Intertwining of Vocabulary and Grammar through classroom course book 

Use of modern technology as well as conventional classroom methods

Use of activities, group work, audio & video CDs, computers, grammar games,assignments


Daily observation, checking assignments, class participation

Written & oral tests – in term & end term

Self evaluation

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Module I I I 

Level-2 Duration: 140 H rs.


To increase vocabularyTo focus on pronunciation, i.e., phonetic base of English

To understand and use the idiom of the English language [more words, phrases and

sentences]To further develop fluency in reading, speaking & writing.

ContentVocabulary   – Household jobs & appliances, features of rooms, Money, holiday, festivals

& celebrations, Public services, buying & selling, accidents & injuries, Newspapers &

magazines, Skills & abilities, Crime & punishment, birth, marriage & death, positive &negative reactions, environment

Simple Grammar   – [ Focus on basic verb forms, simple , continuous tenses & perfect

tenses, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, articles, conjunctions, possessives,affirmative & question forms, count & non-count nouns, quantity expressions, subject –  

verb agreement ,comparison of adjectives,  – continuation], make & let, freedom from

obligation structures, e.g. don’t have to , not allowed to, can’t etc., conditionals, hope &expect, perfect continuous tenses, question tags, reported questions, simple phrasal verbs,


Spell ing Reading L istening Speaking 

Writing Comprehension Phonetics  – continue with sounds, words,

Connecting words 


Intertwining of Vocabulary and Grammar through classroom course book 

Use of modern technology as well as conventional classroom methodsUse of activities, group work, audio & video CDs, computers, grammar games,

assignments, individual speaking, reading & writing.


Daily observation, checking assignments, class participation, written & oral tests,

self evaluation

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Module IV 

Advanced Level Duration: 145hrs. + 45 Hrs.

The first three levels of the Diploma course - beginner, pre-intermediate and intermediate-aim at inculcating and developing structural and lexical awareness of the English language.

The emphasis, however, shifts from language acquisition to practical application in the

Advanced level of the Diploma Course. Students not only practice the language in a

simulated environment, but also experience the language in real-life situations. Technology

 plays a major role in the teaching-learning process at this stage, with Power Point

 presentations forming the core of the instructional material.

Valuepoint Academy’s indigenous course material arms the students with the confidence

and skills to become independent and effortless users of the English language.

How the course curriculum works.

Communication skills development forms the core of the Advanced level program.The course has three distinct sections

1.  Advanced English

2.  Communicative English modules (Exclusive Speaking & Writing modules)3.  Accent training

ObjectivesTo develop fluency in speaking

To improve writing skillsTo acquire the right accent

To become more proficient in grammar 

To become expressive and articulate speakersTo have international certification like IELTS or TOEFL before going back to your country

To develop strategies for vocabulary development, listening, reading, writing and speaking

To develop presentation skills

ContentAdvance English Grammar Communicative English

Accent Training

Writing Skills & Vocabulary BuildingPresentation Skills

Project Work 



Intertwining of Vocabulary and Grammar through classroom course book 

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Use of modern technology as well as conventional classroom methods

Field visit

Use of activities, group work, audio & video CDs, computers, grammar games,assignments, individual speaking, reading & writing.


Written Assessment


Project Work 

Other Details: 

Class session days: Monday to F r iday 

Total Duration: 635 Hrs. (7 Months Approx.) 

Every module will have practical and theory tests during the term and at the end of the term.Each participant will be assessed on various parameters on regular basis.

The Academy is well equipped with spacious classrooms, qualified & experienced faculty,

teaching aids including recording systems, TV, a computer lab, VCDs, and video camera.

More importantly, it has a chatty & friendly atmosphere conducive to learning not only

within the confines of the classroom but outside it as well. It is heartening to see studentsmingle with one and all in the Academy with ease and joy.

It will be our earnest endeavor to make all efforts to train the students to take on thedemands made on them in society, school or at work. In return, the Academy would only

expect 100% participation and commitment to the cause of learning.

Course Fee is inclusive of study material, Stationery and

Audio CD’s. Field Visits and Dictionary. 

At the end of the course students will be rewarded with a

Diploma certificate and a progress report for every level.

Material Supported By:

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Valuepoint Academy ® 

 "Adding Value to your life since 1996" 

Mekhri Circle Center:

Bangalore - 560 080

Ph: +91 80 4079 3777

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Bangalore - 560 008

Ph: +91 80 4287 3777

HRBR Layout Center:

Bangalore, India - 560 043

Ph: +91 80 4098 8996

E-mail: [email protected] 

Web Site: www.valuepointacademy.com 

Authorised TOEFL® Resource Center 

Authorised IELTS Registration Center 

Vocational Training InstituteRecognised by Education Department-Government of Karnataka India