directorate of industries punjab

Directorate of Industries Punjab, 2002. Pre-investment study of district kasur. Kasur Tanneries Waste Management Agency, 2002-04. Evaluation report of the performance of waste stabilization ponds at Kasur. Hussian, A. and Zafar, S., 2003-05. Physico-chemical analysis of leachate and groundwater near solid waste disposal site at Kasur. Yahya Aslam Bambal, Y.A., 2003-05. Solid Waste Management in Tanneries of Kasur. Fraser, 1958. Physiography and landforms of Kasur area under the Colombo Plan Project. Crop Reporting Service, 2002. Directorate of Agriculture, Punjab. Punjab Development Statistics, 2000. Bureau of statistics Government of the Punjab. Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries Department 2002. Government of the Punjab. SCARP

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Directorate of Industries Punjab, 2002. Pre-investment study of district kasur.

Kasur Tanneries Waste Management Agency, 2002-04. Evaluation report of the performance of waste stabilization ponds at Kasur. Hussian, A. and Zafar, S., 2003-05. Physico-chemical analysis of leachate and groundwater near solid waste disposal site at Kasur.Yahya Aslam Bambal, Y.A., 2003-05. Solid Waste Management in Tanneries of Kasur.Fraser, 1958. Physiography and landforms of Kasur area under the Colombo Plan Project. Crop Reporting Service, 2002. Directorate of Agriculture, Punjab.Punjab Development Statistics, 2000. Bureau of statistics Government of the Punjab.Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries Department 2002. Government of the Punjab.SCARP

GEOENVIRONMENTAL STUDIESIntroductionGeo environmental studies aim to predict geosystem response to various types of active interactions. It is an in-depth treatment of the relations between man and his geologic, geomorphic, physical and cultural environments. Environmental geology is essentially the geology ofinteractions amongst various geofactors, environmental geological assessments of landscape recognizes potential hazards and natural resources potential and deals in both the site specific or theme-specific aspects of environmental impacts. Investigations on geologic environments include: river basins or hydrological systems, contamination ofgroundwater, dry land environments such as the deserts anddesertification; coastal environments and processes oferosion and deposition; cold environments and glaciers, earthquakes, active faults, volcanic eruptions, mud flows, landslides and mass-wasting events, etc. and above all thebio geochemicalcyclesandhumanhealth. Anthropogenic activities and changing land use practices have acceleratedthe pace of environmental degradation in rural and urban areas. Mining and processing of minerals and rocks haveposedanothersetgeoenvironmental problemsthatrequiredtheir impact assessment and suitable remediation.

Geoenvironmental investigations are multi-disciplinary andrequire a comprehensive and integrated approach. These include flood hazards, landslides, and earthquake-relatednatural hazards, water-logging and salinity/alkalinity aspects, urban and rural development, environmental degradation due to resource exploitation, mining areas and soil erosion andwatershed management, environmental impacts of surfacewater reservoirs, dams and barrages, coastal dynamics andshore-line changes, medical geology and geotourism studiesetc. (GSI, 2011)he hydrological studies includeThe district is bounded by theRavi Riverin the north-west and riverSutlejin the south-east. Whereas the old course ofBeas Riverbifurcates the district into two equal parts locally known as Hither and Uthar or Mithan Majh. Both of the areas have a height differential of approximately 5.5 meters. The natural surface elevation of the district is 198 meters above the sea level, having a general slope from north-east to south- west. Whereas the east and west ends of the district comprise the flood plains of the riversSatlujandRavi, characterized by breaching of looping river Channels braided around meander bars.