directory · page...

Page Four—^NEWS, Margaretville, N. Y. Tliurs., Nov. 9, 1972 N ew Kingston Hi» Jersey* Best Fleiacbnuuins Mr. and Mrs. Kelly —photo by Koven Lynn Kelly Takes Bride Melody Ann Rice and Lynn Hilton Kelly were xinited in marriage Oct. 29 in the First Presbyterian church at Delhi. The bride is the daughter of John Rice Sr. of Bloomville and the late Lucille Rice. Mr^ is the son of Mr. ancF Mrs.* Hilton Kelly of Fleischmanns. The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. John Stevenson. Jane Levy of Delhi was organist. The bride made her own gown of double-knit lace over organza with scooped neckline and empire bodice. Her head- piece was made of matching lace attached to a Juliet cap. She carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums with lavender and white pompons and sprigs of statice. The maid of honor was Miss Phyllis Drake of Bloomville. She wore a lavender crepe gown with lace bodice, and carried a colonial bouquet of pink, white and lavender carnations. Bridesmaids were Diane Cor- nell of Bloomville, Mrs. Kathy Mattice of Hobart and Miss Linda Kelly of Schenectady, sister of the bridegroom. All wore rose-colored gowns identi- cal to that of the maid of honor, and carried similar bouquets. The best man was Larry Rae of Hobart. Ushers were Thomas Miller of Fleischmanns, cousin of the bridegroom, Russell Mat- Dunraven By Mrs. Halph DeSilva Dunraven, Nov. 9 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DeSilva spent the weekend in Westford, Mass., visiting their son-in-law and ■daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, and family. James Davis of Middleburgh and Leonard Shultis of Halcott- ville were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Shultis. Floyd Fairbairn of Port Jer- vis spent the weekend with his family here. CoiT.e on ever! WE'RE SHOWING CAT- MATCHIN’ ARCTIC WEAR Copy the Cat's racy ic\i'n' lines. Suii Lip 111sinow cioar that s SCI vvainiih anJ cJura- biliiv siamlaicis Ancist'.t em in siyleljci Black Puiptt? Gfcon And vvinier whiic. Full suits. Jackets Race Gloves. Head and footwc-ar All signed by the Cat. In nighi'Safe reflective Cai-sinpos. Corrib on over. ^ Try on our Show-offs ;^fe3,oomi.vo^ SANFORD BODY SHOP, INC. Route 38 Asrtiville-Margaretville 586-4600 tice of Hobart and Ralph Rice of Pittsburgh, brother of the bride. A reception was held at the American Legion hall in Delhi for 180 guests. After a trip through parts of Ntew York state, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, the couple will live in Roxbury. Mrs. Kelly graduated from South Kortright central school in June. Mr. Kelly is a 1971 graduate of Margaretville cen- tral school and from Alfred Ag and Tech college’s Wellsville vocational division in June 1972. He is employed by Charles Faraci of Roxbury. Five-Week llli|e88 Took Gregg Little Gregg Little, 66, of Fall Glove, a retired dairy fanner and employe of the town of An- des for the last 10 years, died Nov. 1 at the Banghamton Gen- eral hospital, where he had been a patient for five weeks. Funeral services were ■ held Saturday afternoon at the Jes- ter funeral home in Andes. The clergyman was Rev. Felix Mi- las, pastor of the Cabin HiH Unit^ Presbyiterian church. Burial was in Andes cemetery. Surviving Mr. Littie are his wife, Mrs. Irene Townsend Lit- tle, four sons, Albert Little of Delancey, Charles Little of Bowiling Green, Ky., Richard Little of Deposit and Robert Little of Delancey, three daugh- ters, Mrs. Doris Stevens and Mrs. Terry Ingram of Delan- cey and Mrs. Beatrice Davis of Binghamton, and 16 grandchil- dren. A sister, Mrs. Mary Chambers of Unadilla, also sur- vives. Mr. Little was born March 4. 1906 to John and Janet Rey- nolds Little. His marriage was Nov. 18, 1930 at Cabin Hill. He was a member of the Cabin Hill .church and of the Tremperskiil Rod and Gun club. DENYLH LIQUDHGTDHE WINES aad SPIRITS OPEN Mon.—Thurs. 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Fri. and Sat. 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. FREE DELIVERY P H U N K .-XKK.X C C 'D E M '' 32G-77BG By MrSk Wanda Lanzi NeW Kingsiton, Nov. 9 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hinds, Magnus Wistiom, Thierry Leon- ard and Henry Reisner went to New York Thursday night. They toured places of interest Frifday, and in the wcning the boys leift Kennedy airp6rt to return to Italy after spending the month here with Mr. and Mrs. Hinds, and Mrs. Wanda Lanzi. Nelson Gray came home from the Delaware Valley hospital Thursday. He is still unable to be out and about. Weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ruff were her sis- ter, Eula.Mead, and daughter, Kathy, of Stamford and Mi- chael Mead of Roxibtiry. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johansen Jr. and family of Roxbury were also visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gray of Watertown, Conn., visited his brother and sdster-dn-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gray, and famMy Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Gray and family were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Finch, in Halcott Cen- ter. Mrs. Gray’s sister, Mrs. Douglas Oliver, and baby from Kentucky, whcpi she had not seen for several months, were also there. Dr. Richard Glenn of Stam- ford spent Sattirday with Mr. and Mrs. William Dougherty and looked over tihe farni he recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Eckert and family of Walden spent the weekend at their camp at the head of Thompson hollow. The Plattekill Conservation cluib wdlJ hold another meeting Saturday night at 8 o’clock at the home of Leonard Faulkner. Robert Oravetz, who is sta- tioned at Danvers, Mass., spent the weekend with his parents, William Moody, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moody o^ 'Ham- den, has been selected as the 1972 New York State Jersey King. William succeeds Craig Chittenden of Cojumlbia county. WiUiam started his 4-H work nine years . ago with a calf which he purchased from Mi- chael Johnson of Delaware county. Now he owns 12 cows and three calves, eight of which are o f his own breeding. 4-H Plans Parley The Delaware county 4-H Teen council will hold a .sym- posium and discussion on social discrminination at 8 pjn. Tues- day at Sanford hall at Delhi Tech. Guest speakers of vary- ing backgrounds have been in- \ited to share their ideas. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oravetz. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Greco and son, Allen, of Shiriey, L.I., also spent the weekend with the Oravetz famiily. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Faulkner and Mrs. Wanda Lanzi were in Cooperstown Thursday wiien Guy consulted his itoctor. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth San- ford returned home Friday after a month’s tour out West. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wisniew- ski and son, Kevin, of WsOden sipent Friday night and Satur- day with her mother, Mrs. Axlriano Lan^. Gene Faoro of Grand Gorge spent Wednesday M^ith his sis- ter-in-law, M'ts. Adriano LMiwi.- Mrs. Leonard Faulkner and daughters, Janice and Tracey, were Sunday dinner guests of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shepard, and family tin Delancey. Mr. and Mrs. Joihn Wickham of Old Forge spent a week with his brothre and sMer-in-laWi Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wickham, and fsanily and his sister, Betty Wickham. NOTICE WE WILL BE CLOSED FOR DEER HUNTING MONDAY, NOV. 20 AND SATURDAY, NO,V. 25 HUBBELL BROTHERS Kelly Comers Big Antique Auction SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, at 2 P. M. JUNICHl’S AUCTION BARN Prattsville, N. Y. Phone S18 299-3546 Our listings of fine oak: oval china closet with claw feet, large spindle back hall tree, round oak tables, stands, dressers, wash stands, commodes, spindle back chairs, plank bottom chairs, other chairs, combination bookcase desks, slant-top desk, Larkin desk, flat-top desk, buffet, love seat, hat ra.cks, high oak bed, cylinder record case, elephant stand. Pine furniture: dressers, wash stands, chests, blanket chest, bedroom suite, plus other pine pieces. Walnut furniture: desk, (1800’s), platform rockers, Sheraton stand, spool cabinet, plus other stands. Bamboo what-not shelf and bamboo easel. Cherry drop-leaf table and cherry one-drawer stand. Misc.: Spinning wheel, child’s books, child’s cupboard, copper boilers, truiJcs—dome and flat-top, organ stool, piano stool, Seth-Thomas O. G. clock, banjo clock, mantel clock, kerosene lamps, rayo lamp, gas lights, lanterns; picture and picture frames, two seater horse-drawn sleigh, buggy seats, crocks, depression dishes, Lamouge dishes, cut glass, pressed glass, carnival dishes, brass items, western saddle, mirrors, cast-iron fireplace with lion heads, chandelier, beaded pocketbook, candle stand, copper tea kettle, andiron, marble top hall tree, marble top wash stand, Victorian davenport, sterling silver tea set. There will also be modern items for sale, plus many more important items. Auctioneer and Sales Manager: JUNIOR VOORHIEIS Terms: Cash or Good Checks T\UT\ rustic comforfabi & char LOG HOMES • M AN r MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM , • CUSTOM lO G HOMES • LOG .B4LRNS, MOTELS, RESTAURANTS, STAflES ' VISIT OUR FACTORY AND .SEE OUR MODEL homes —ON KOUTE 30 4 MILES NORTH OF MA^OARETVILLE designers, ancf manufacturets of tog homes nnn Al^TA iN ^ u ^ T R ie a t-TCi. P.O. BOX as HAi.CQTT8VILipC, N.Y. n843'8 • By Frances M. Davis Fleischmanns, Nov. 9 Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miorray Mayes over the weekend were their son- iri4aw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kaltenborn Jr. of A|tt>aBy-, their son, Biueui , a stu- dent at St. Lawrence univer- sity; Mrs. James Cantwell of Treasure Island, Fla., and her son, Danny Cantwell, who is spending bis first year resi- dency at Grady hospital in At- lanta, Ga. Mrs. Cantwell will remain with her mother, Mrs. Nelle Mayes, for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams of Lexington were Friday visit- ors ol Mrs. Leon Furch. Heniy Tillds of New York city was in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bellows and family of Downsville were Sunday visitors of his aunt. Miss Ruth Carey. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ball and Chilian of Brooklyn spent Sun- day'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. SoUie Darling. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Kelly and cbildren, Kdm, Jim and Elizabeth, and Eugene Stacy of Port Jervis were Sunday after- noon and dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kelly. :■ Sunday • guests of the Kellys were their dauber, Mrs. Doris Kelly, and son, Gary, of Delhi. Mr. and Mrs. George Ailton and daughter, Annette, visited their daughter. Gay, at May- brook on Wednesday as a ibe- lated birthday celebration for Gay, who is a student at Orange County Community college. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Sllber- stein spent Sunday with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bohrmann, and son, Gregory, at Suffem and celebrated- Mrs. Bohrmann’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Gross and son, Ronald, left Nov. 1 for a vacation in Miami Beaoh. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Seelig of At- lantic City are staying with her mother, Mrs. Frieda Mein- stein, during the Grosses’ ab- sence. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kun- stedt spent three days in Plain- view, N.Y., visiting their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wiener, lasit week- end and attended the wedding of their niece, Stefanie Get- nick, to ChEU-les Spector in Manhattan on Nov. 4. The Fleischmanns - Halcott Center Methodist Youth Fellow- ship was host Monday evening to a program at the Methodist church concerning drugs. Rev. Hunter of Coxsackie was guest HalcottviQe Oirl Scouts Honor By William E. Orttfin ^r«. GladstonC HalcottviUe, Nov., 9 Elder Amasa Slauson of this village conducted 014 School Baptist services at Duane&burg last week Sunday. ' Steven Finch has been iH in the hospital at Margioretvilie with pneumonia. He was ill a few days last week and had to the Halloween parade at his school. Mrs. Lloyd Finch sponsored the weekly meeting ^ the Den- ver-Vega Card club. Sixteen ladies were present. ^ids Open Dec. 7 Bids will be oi)en Dec. 7 by the state Department of Trans- portation for installation of im- proved water supply systems at the comfort stations along the route 17 expressway near East Branch in Delaware county nad south of Roscoe in SuHivan county. These are among 17 projects throughout the state called lor bid openii^s that date. speaker, and representatives of the Delaware county hot line also spoke of their activities. The program was open to the public and 60 persons attended. Refresiiri^ents ^ i^ere sejrved by the MYF.V ir ' ■ Mrs. waiter Gladstone of Andes was one of six persons receiving special awards for outstanding servke to Girl Scouting at <ttie annual meeting of the Indian Hills Gfirl Scout council on Nov. 1. Council President Mrs. Fran- cis Secrest read the following tribute as she made the pres- entation to Mrs. Gladstone: “Long an active Girl Scout, both as a girl and an adult, Pat was formerly the water- front director at Cam.p Mirme- toska and because of a firm belief in the values of camping for every girl has been an ar- dent supporter of the Coundl’s cami)ership program. “With two daughters regis- tered, it was inevitable thait she served on troop committees emd as a leader. We salute her continuing interest and support in helping to make better Scouting—-particularly the out- door program—available to all girls.” Among the newly elected mermbers of the council’s bosird of directors were the foilowing residents of Delaware county: Robert H. Lewis Jr. of Delhi, John C. Youmans Jr. of Sid- ney and Mrs. William Shank of Delhi, who was elected to tihe nominating commattee. DIRECTORY of B usinesses an d Services Monthly Rates: 1-inch $3.50 - 2-inch $7.00 Wittenberg Sales-Service Authorized Dealer MERCURY SNOWMOBILES Sales - Service - Parts Route 28 Phoenicia, N. Y. 914-688-5211 YQUH DEALER in LP BOTTLED GAS Good Service Gas Delivered Andrew Straut, Jr. Arkvffle, N. Y._______ 586-4436 FOR CEMETERY MEMORIALS CALL BOB TRAVER 586-4356 Branch Manager Cherry Valley Memorials, Inc. Your Only Authorized “ROCK OF AGES” Dealer in Central New York Conrad’s Service Station MOBIL Andes, N. Y. Open Daily—6 a.m.-ll p.m. Groceries, Tires, Batteries Lubrication We Honor Mobil Credit Card* 914-676-4413 Storey Plumbing & Heating Fair Street, Margaretville 586-4022 Shop 586-4287 Home All types of Plumbing and Heating Installations and Repairs Booklets Catalogues Office Stationery Ruled Forms - Pamphlets Advertising Folders Posters Tickets All Expertly Printed Catskill Mountain News Tel. 586-2601 Margaretville, N. Y. c&c Electrical Contractor having trotjbw : with YOUR wiring ? Need Extra Outlets, Switchee, New S e r v i c e Replacement, Ky y hoard Heating, New Home TrtJIer Hookup? Call for Free E»tiin»te8 556*3^35 - N- Y. International Cub Cadet Tractors GE Elec-Trak Tractors Economy Tractors Accessories and Attachments KELLY POWER EQUIPMENT, INC. Margaretville 914 586-2651 Sanford Bod^ Shop, Inc. Route 28 - Arkvllle, N. Y. 12406 • Bulldozing • Roads and Ponds Built • Diversion Ditches • Sand and Gravel Tel. 914 586-4600 UNDAL CEDAR HOMES Excellent Design and Beauty Combined With Quality Complete Building Service ERECTED ON YOUR LOT OR DEVELOPMENT Phone 914 688-7137 For Information Write EARL VOORHEES CHICHESTER, N. Y. 12416 AA Meetings At Gould Memorial Church Main Street, Roxbury, N. Y. 8:00 p.m. — Tuesdays (Closed Meeting) and First United Presbyterian Church Orchard Street, Margaretville 8:30 p.m. — Thursdays (Discussion Group) Telephone 586-4552 No Charge for Our Service CATSKILL TRAVEL AGENCY, INC. SIDNEY 607-563-1919 9:30-5:30 Daily 9 am.-12 pm. Saturdays WALTOIf 607-865-6111 9:00-5:00 Daily 9 am.-12 pm. Saturdays Over a Decade of Experience Evenings by Appointment Earthbridge Carpentry Alterations & Remodeling Cabinets CALL: Chris Locke 914688-5634 FOR FREE ESTIMATE H & H Plumt^g Owned and Operated by Harvey German and Son For FREE ESTIMATES and Quality Workmanship' Call for Services at 914-688-7359 or 914-6S8-5466 SHANOAKJpf, N. Y. Jester’s Funeral Home Andes, N. Y. Phone 676-3148 HUBBELL BROS., INC. Kelly Comers, N. Y. 586-3278 Lumber and Building Supplies Fry Roofing Owens Coming Insulation CLAY’S BODY SHOP Swart Road Margaretville 586-4553 • Body and" Fender Repairs • General Mechanical Work • Chain Sa^ws • Snowmobiles • All Types Snow Studs • Small Engine Repairs • Glass Work, Windshields, Etc. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED ACE SEPTIC SERVICE ROUTE 28 SHANDAKEN. N. Y. SAME-DAY SERVICE 688-9962 FuUyJnsured 688-5191 state Uc. #10 DAVIS L.P. GAS SERVICE 100 lb. - Cylinders - 20 ib. Delivered or Pick Up Your Own and $ave Where good service and fair price go hand in hand. Gas Appliances Available Carl J. Davis Arkville 586-3255 O’Brien^s Electric • Troubleshoot and Repair • Service Entrances • General House Wiring FOR THE HOME • Intercom, Burglar Alarm, and Fire Alarm Systems • Trailer Hook-ups • Baseboard Electric Hot Water Heat—No Plumbing ]Elequired PHONE ,586-4038 MARQ^gTVILL|} PAINTfP^G Interior and Exterior W Yews Expe^eiice . WILLIAM ClABtjRRI Phone 9H RICE’S BIG m piAN LODGE MG INpjAJi, N.'Y. hiauty is bachd by the Mbomest, gmanUt in tht mmaimint iniuffy. ' MoniiliteiiU JOSEPH’S BEAUTY SALON Fleischmanns, N. Y. 354-566S Wigs - Hair Pieces aeaning - Cutting - Styling Touch-Up - Frosting Special Low Price on Permanent Waves Wittenberg Sales - Service Authorized Desder POLARIS Quality Snowmobiles Sales - Service - Parts Route 28 Phoenicia, N. Y. 914-688-5211 Farms - Ranches - Retirements Recreational and Business SAFEBUY REAL ESTATB AGENCY Richard Lybcilt, Representative Main St. Tel. (914)586-4098 MargafefviHe, New York'lM55 CRAFT MOTOR CO. M£Lin St., Margaretville Auto Body Repairs - Auto Glass Good Uf>M Cars - Wnlding 24-Hour Wrecker Service Day 586-4365 - Night S86-4S66 Bertha Dreifus Pine Hill — Phone 254-5S40 Custom Made Slip Covers Three Pieces - $50 Carpentry Painting Interior—^Exterior Alterations Repairs 28 Years Experience JOSEPH MACK & SON ARKVILLE___________586-3235 • Septic Tanks and Cesspools Cleaned • Sewer-Drain Lines Unplugged • Plumbing and Heating GEORGE SLOVEN ARKVILLE Telephone 586-4552 PLUMBING HEATING All Types of Repair Replacements Lee Jenkins 914-586-4495 MARGARETVILLE, N. Y. General Contractor Overland Builders, Inc. Fleischmanns, N. Y. CUSTOM BUILT HOMES and CABINS Phone 914 586-3158 or 914 586-3288 EVERETT’S REFRIGERATION SERVICE Repairs on All Makes of Commercial, Farm and Hom* Refrigerators SeUing PHILCO-E'ORD and JJACIC CHEf APPLIANCE? T«L HakMiMll*

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Page 1: DIRECTORY · Page Four—^NEWS, Margaretville, N. Y. Tliurs., Nov. 9, 1972 N ew K ingston Hi» Jersey* Best

Page Four— NEWS, Margaretville, N. Y. Tliurs., Nov. 9, 1972 N e w K i n g s t o n H i» J e r s e y * B e s t F l e i a c b n u u i n s

Mr. and Mrs. Kelly—photo by Koven

Lynn Kelly Takes BrideMelody Ann Rice and Lynn

Hilton Kelly were xinited in marriage Oct. 29 in the First Presbyterian church at Delhi. The bride is the daughter of John Rice Sr. of Bloomville and the late Lucille Rice. Mr^is the son of Mr. ancF Mrs.* Hilton Kelly of Fleischmanns.

The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. John Stevenson. Jane Levy of Delhi was organist.

The bride made her own gown of double-knit lace over organza with scooped neckline and empire bodice. Her head­piece was made of matching lace attached to a Juliet cap. She carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums with lavender and white pompons and sprigs of statice.

The maid of honor was Miss Phyllis Drake of Bloomville. She wore a lavender crepe gown with lace bodice, and carried a colonial bouquet of pink, white and lavender carnations.

Bridesmaids were Diane Cor­nell of Bloomville, Mrs. Kathy Mattice of Hobart and Miss Linda Kelly of Schenectady, sister of the bridegroom. All wore rose-colored gowns identi­cal to that of the maid of honor, and carried similar bouquets.

The best man was Larry Rae of Hobart. Ushers were Thomas Miller of Fleischmanns, cousin of the bridegroom, Russell Mat-

DunravenBy Mrs. Halph DeSilva

Dunraven, Nov. 9Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DeSilva

spent the weekend in Westford, Mass., visiting their son-in-law and ■ daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, and family.

James Davis of Middleburgh and Leonard Shultis of Halcott- ville were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Shultis.

Floyd Fairbairn of Port Jer­vis spent the weekend with his family here.

CoiT.e on ever!



Copy the Cat's racy ic\i'n' lines. Suii Lip 111 sinow cioar that s SCI vvainiih anJ cJura- biliiv siamlaicis Ancist'.t em in siyleljci Black Puiptt? Gfcon And vvinier whiic. Full suits. Jackets Race Gloves. Head and footwc-ar All signed by the Cat.In nighi'Safe reflective Cai-sinpos.Corrib on over. ^Try on ourShow-offs ;^fe3,oomi.vo^


Route 38 Asrtiville-Margaretville


tice of Hobart and Ralph Rice of Pittsburgh, brother of the bride.

A reception was held at the American Legion hall in Delhi for 180 guests.

After a trip through parts of Ntew York state, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, the couple will live in Roxbury.

Mrs. Kelly graduated from South Kortright central school in June. Mr. Kelly is a 1971 graduate of Margaretville cen­tral school and from Alfred Ag and Tech college’s Wellsville vocational division in June 1972. He is employed by Charles Faraci of Roxbury.

Five-Week llli|e88 Took Gregg Little

Gregg Little, 66, of Fall Glove, a retired dairy fanner and employe of the town of An­des for the last 10 years, died Nov. 1 at the Banghamton Gen­eral hospital, where he had been a patient for five weeks.

Funeral services were ■ held Saturday afternoon at the Jes­ter funeral home in Andes. The clergyman was Rev. Felix Mi­las, pastor of the Cabin HiH Unit^ Presbyiterian church. Burial was in Andes cemetery.

Surviving Mr. Littie are his wife, Mrs. Irene Townsend Lit­tle, four sons, Albert Little of Delancey, Charles Little of Bowiling Green, Ky., Richard Little of Deposit and Robert Little of Delancey, three daugh­ters, Mrs. Doris Stevens and Mrs. Terry Ingram of Delan­cey and Mrs. Beatrice Davis of Binghamton, and 16 grandchil­dren. A sister, Mrs. Mary Chambers of Unadilla, also sur­vives.

Mr. Little was born March 4. 1906 to John and Janet Rey­nolds Little. His marriage was Nov. 18, 1930 at Cabin Hill.

He was a member of the Cabin Hill .church and of the Tremperskiil Rod and Gun club.




Mon.—Thurs.9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.

Fri. and Sat.9:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.



By MrSk Wanda Lanzi

NeW Kingsiton, Nov. 9Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hinds,

Magnus Wistiom, Thierry Leon­ard and Henry Reisner went to New York Thursday night. They toured places of interest Frifday, and in the wcning the boys leift Kennedy airp6rt to return to Italy after spending the month here with Mr. and Mrs. Hinds, and Mrs. Wanda Lanzi.

Nelson Gray came home from the Delaware Valley hospital Thursday. He is still unable to be out and about.

Weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ruff were her sis­ter, Eula.Mead, and daughter, Kathy, of Stamford and Mi­chael Mead of Roxibtiry. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johansen Jr. and family of Roxbury were also visitors.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gray of Watertown, Conn., visited his brother and sdster-dn-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gray, and famMy Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Terry Gray and family were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Finch, in Halcott Cen­ter. Mrs. Gray’s sister, Mrs. Douglas Oliver, and baby from Kentucky, whcpi she had not seen for several months, were also there.

Dr. Richard Glenn of Stam­ford spent Sattirday with Mr. and Mrs. William Dougherty and looked over tihe farni he recently purchased.

Mr. and Mrs. Bud Eckert and family of Walden spent the weekend at their camp at the head of Thompson hollow.

The Plattekill Conservation cluib wdlJ hold another meeting Saturday night at 8 o’clock at the home of Leonard Faulkner.

Robert Oravetz, who is sta­tioned at Danvers, Mass., spent the weekend with his parents,

William Moody, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moody o 'Ham­den, has been selected as the 1972 New York State Jersey King. William succeeds Craig Chittenden of Cojumlbia county. WiUiam started his 4-H work nine years . ago with a calf which he purchased from Mi­chael Johnson of Delaware county. Now he owns 12 cows and three calves, eight of which are of his own breeding.

4-H Plans ParleyThe Delaware county 4-H

Teen council will hold a .sym­posium and discussion on social discrminination at 8 pjn. Tues­day at Sanford hall at Delhi Tech. Guest speakers of vary­ing backgrounds have been in- \ited to share their ideas.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oravetz. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Greco and son, Allen, of Shiriey, L.I., also spent the weekend with the Oravetz famiily.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Faulkner and Mrs. Wanda Lanzi were in Cooperstown Thursday wiien Guy consulted his itoctor.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth San­ford returned home Friday after a month’s tour out West.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wisniew­ski and son, Kevin, of WsOden sipent Friday night and Satur­day with her mother, Mrs. Axlriano Lan^.

Gene Faoro of Grand Gorge spent Wednesday M ith his sis­ter-in-law, M'ts. Adriano LMiwi.-

Mrs. Leonard Faulkner and

daughters, Janice and Tracey, were Sunday dinner guests of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shepard, and family tin Delancey.

Mr. and Mrs. Joihn Wickham of Old Forge spent a week with his brothre and sMer-in-laWi Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wickham, and fsanily and his sister, Betty Wickham.



H U B B E L L B R O T H E R SKelly Comers

B ig A n t i q u e A u c t io nSUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, at 2 P. M.

JUNICHl’S AUCTION BARNPrattsville, N. Y. Phone S18 299-3546

Our listings of fine oak: oval china closet with claw feet, large spindle back hall tree, round oak tables, stands, dressers, wash stands, commodes, spindle back chairs, plank bottom chairs, other chairs, combination bookcase desks, slant-top desk, Larkin desk, flat-top desk, buffet, love seat, hat ra.cks, high oak bed, cylinder record case, elephant stand.

Pine furniture: dressers, wash stands, chests, blanket chest, bedroom suite, plus other pine pieces.

Walnut furniture: desk, (1800’s), platform rockers, Sheraton stand, spool cabinet, plus other stands.

Bamboo what-not shelf and bamboo easel.Cherry drop-leaf table and cherry one-drawer stand.Misc.: Spinning wheel, child’s books, child’s cupboard,

copper boilers, truiJcs—dome and flat-top, organ stool, piano stool, Seth-Thomas O. G. clock, banjo clock, mantel clock, kerosene lamps, rayo lamp, gas lights, lanterns; picture and picture frames, two seater horse-drawn sleigh, buggy seats, crocks, depression dishes, Lamouge dishes, cut glass, pressed glass, carnival dishes, brass items, western saddle, mirrors, cast-iron fireplace with lion heads, chandelier, beaded pocketbook, candle stand, copper tea kettle, andiron, marble top hall tree, marble top wash stand, Victorian davenport, sterling silver tea set.

There will also be modern items for sale, plus many more important items.

Auctioneer and Sales Manager: JUNIOR VOORHIEISTerms: Cash or Good Checks

T\UT\ru s tic c o m fo rfa b i & c h a r





designers, ancf manufacturets of tog homes

nnn A l^ T A i N ^ u ^ T R i e a t-T C i.P.O. BOX a s HAi.CQTT8VILipC, N .Y . n843'8 •

By Frances M. Davis

Fleischmanns, Nov. 9Guests at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Miorray Mayes over the weekend were their son- iri4aw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kaltenborn Jr. of A|tt>aBy-, their son, Biueui, a stu­dent at St. Lawrence univer­sity; Mrs. James Cantwell of Treasure Island, Fla., and her son, Danny Cantwell, who is spending bis first year resi­dency at Grady hospital in At­lanta, Ga. Mrs. Cantwell will remain with her mother, Mrs. Nelle Mayes, for several weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams of Lexington were Friday visit­ors ol Mrs. Leon Furch.

Heniy Tillds of New York city was in town Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bellows and family of Downsville were Sunday visitors of his aunt. Miss Ruth Carey.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ball and Chilian of Brooklyn spent Sun­day'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. SoUie Darling.

Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Kelly and cbildren, Kdm, Jim and Elizabeth, and Eugene Stacy of Port Jervis were Sunday after­noon and dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kelly. :■ Sunday • guests of the

Kellys were their dauber, Mrs. Doris Kelly, and son, Gary, of Delhi.

Mr. and Mrs. George Ail ton and daughter, Annette, visited their daughter. Gay, at May- brook on Wednesday as a ibe- lated birthday celebration for Gay, who is a student at Orange County Community college.

Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Sllber- stein spent Sunday with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bohrmann, and son, Gregory, at Suffem and celebrated- Mrs. Bohrmann’s birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Gross and son, Ronald, left Nov. 1 for a vacation in Miami Beaoh. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Seelig of At­lantic City are staying with her mother, Mrs. Frieda Mein- stein, during the Grosses’ ab­sence.

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kun- stedt spent three days in Plain- view, N.Y., visiting their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wiener, lasit week­end and attended the wedding of their niece, Stefanie Get- nick, to ChEU-les Spector in Manhattan on Nov. 4.

The Fleischmanns - Halcott Center Methodist Youth Fellow­ship was host Monday evening to a program at the Methodist church concerning drugs. Rev. Hunter of Coxsackie was guest

HalcottviQe Oirl Scouts HonorBy William E. Orttfin ^ r « . G la d s t o n CHalcottviUe, Nov., 9

Elder Amasa Slauson of this village conducted 014 School Baptist services at Duane&burg last week Sunday. '

Steven Finch has been iH in the hospital at Margioretvilie with pneumonia. He was ill a few days last week and had to

the Halloween parade at his school.

Mrs. Lloyd Finch sponsored the weekly meeting ^ the Den­ver-Vega Card club. Sixteen ladies were present.

^ids Open Dec. 7Bids will be oi)en Dec. 7 by

the state Department of Trans­portation for installation of im­proved water supply systems at the comfort stations along the route 17 expressway near East Branch in Delaware county nad south of Roscoe in SuHivan county. These are among 17 projects throughout the state called lor bid openii^s that date.

speaker, and representatives of the Delaware county hot line also spoke of their activities. The program was open to the public and 60 persons attended. Refresiiri^ents i^ere sejrved by the MYF.V ■ ir ' ■

Mrs. waiter Gladstone of Andes was one of six persons receiving special awards for outstanding servke to Girl Scouting at <ttie annual meeting of the Indian Hills Gfirl Scout council on Nov. 1.

Council President Mrs. Fran­cis Secrest read the following tribute as she made the pres­entation to Mrs. Gladstone: “Long an active Girl Scout, both as a girl and an adult, Pat was formerly the water­front director at Cam.p Mirme- toska and because of a firm belief in the values of camping for every girl has been an ar­dent supporter of the Coundl’s cami)ership program.

“With two daughters regis­tered, it was inevitable thait she served on troop committees emd as a leader. We salute her continuing interest and support in helping to make better Scouting—-particularly the out­door program—available to all girls.”

Among the newly elected mermbers of the council’s bosird of directors were the foilowing residents of Delaware county: Robert H. Lewis Jr. of Delhi, John C. Youmans Jr. of Sid­ney and Mrs. William Shank of Delhi, who was elected to tihe nominating commattee.

DIRECTORYo f B u s i n e s s e s a n d S e r v i c e s

Monthly Rates: 1-inch $3.50 - 2-inch $7.00

Wittenberg Sales-ServiceAuthorized Dealer

MERCURY SNOWMOBILES Sales - Service - Parts

Route 28 Phoenicia, N. Y.914-688-5211


LP BOTTLED GASGood Service Gas Delivered

Andrew Straut, Jr.Arkvffle, N. Y._______ 586-4436




586-4356 Branch Manager

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Andes, N. Y.Open Daily—6 a.m.-ll p.m.

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Margaretville, N. Y.

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AA MeetingsAt Gould Memorial Church

Main Street, Roxbury, N. Y.8:00 p.m. — Tuesdays

(Closed Meeting) and

First United Presbyterian Church

Orchard Street, Margaretville 8:30 p.m. — Thursdays

(Discussion Group) Telephone 586-4552

No Charge for Our Service


SIDNEY 607-563-1919

9:30-5:30 Daily

9 am .-12 pm. Saturdays

WALTOIf 607-865-6111

9:00-5:00 Daily

9 am.-12 pm.SaturdaysOver a Decade of Experience

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E a r t h b r i d g eCarpentry

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Harvey German and Son

For FREE ESTIMATES and Quality Workmanship'

Call for Services at 914-688-7359 or 914-6S8-5466


Jester’s Funeral HomeAndes, N. Y.

Phone 676-3148

HUBBELL BROS., INC.Kelly Comers, N. Y.

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Fry Roofing Owens Coming Insulation


Swart Road Margaretville 586-4553

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Wittenberg Sales - ServiceAuthorized Desder

POLARIS Quality Snowmobiles Sales - Service - Parts

Route 28 Phoenicia, N. Y. 914-688-5211

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CRAFT MOTOR CO.M£Lin St., Margaretville

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Overland Builders, Inc.Fleischmanns, N. Y.


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Commercial, Farm and Hom* Refrigerators


