directory of ites chennai

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Post on 01-Jun-2018




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  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Directory of IT & ITES Industries in Tamil Nadu

    irectory of IT & ITES Industries in Tamil Nadu

    S.No. Company Address Pers. Prole Skills /esumes of interest

    ! Aayud" #ames ne$ %'( St. )arys oad(


    c"ennai *+++!,

    !+ )o-ile #ame Deelopment and Portin

    ' Accoladde Soft Tec"noloies

    Tel0 1!*''+23

    !3/2A anara4apuram )ain



    C"ennai *+++'6

    2++ It $as set up in 7anuary !, as a deelopment

    Center( -ased at C"ennai

    3 ADD89 S:;T:#IES P8T >TD Saliramam

    C"ennai *+++3

    3+ It is a reputed S/ < deelopment company

    proidin IT outsourcin to orani?ations

    around t"e $orld. :ur forte lies in deelopin

    scala-le and secure apps leerain t"e innate

    o@s"ore alue adantae of our deelopment

    centers in India.

    6 AE#IS IT S:>9TI:NS INDIA P8T. >TD.( AD/ '


  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    C=ENNAI *+++6+

    !2 It is a professionally manaed company

    proidin soft$are serices and recruitment

    solutions since t"e past e years. )0Near


    C"ennai *+++'

    '2 It o@ers a $ide spectrum of serices includin

    td %6(

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    , Annap Interactie Solutions Priate >imited 6( Sai As"ok 7eea F;irst ;loorG(

    '( Dei 5arumari Amman Naar

    Bt" Street( 8i4ayanaar


    C"ennai *+++6'

    !+ It is a c"ennai -ased( fast ro$in startup and

    is $orkin in Consumer o$ns Cell"arat. com( 8icky. in &


    Computer operator

    Ariel Tec"noloies , A 8enus Colony( ;irst street


    C"ennai *++ +!,

    !+ Ariel Tec"noloiesFPG >td is a su-sidiary of Ariel

    8entures >>C( 9SA. Ariel Tec"noloies is an e

    -usiness solution proider.

    ASP( Accounts( ankin( DA( Dot net( ;inance( 7aa / 7'EE(

    :racle( SH> serer( Soft$are testin( System admin

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    !! Aersan Systems 7ude 7um-ulinam Street 3+

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Nunam-akkam =i" oad(


    earnin and

    5no$lede )anaement.

    Call Center Trainin( Ciil En( Electrical( Electron inance(

    =D( )anufacturin( Teac"in

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    !B ened consultin *'( Nort" o" road( 'nd ;loor(

    T. naar

    C"ennai *+++!B

    ened soft$are is reconi?ed as a leadin

    consultin company. ened soft$are "as

    ained an industry$ide reputation for its

    po$erful capa-ilities and userfriendly


    Call Center Trainin( Ciil En( Electrical( Electron inance(

    =D( )anufacturin( Teac"in

    !, i?tec" Softsys As"ok naar

    C"ennai *+++B'

    2+ Net( P=P( ;las"( oracle support( erp( crm Call Center Trainin( Ciil En(

    Electrical( Electron inance(

    =D( )anufacturin( Teac"in

    ! i?in Tec"noloy #roup %'+3( II ;loor

    5aeri Comple( *( N.= oad

    C"ennai *+++36

    It is a leadinede solution proider and a

    multifaceted company proidin customi?ed

    solutions for arious industries in t"e follo$in

    Areas0 Eusiness( Soft$are Deelopment.

    Call Center Trainin( Ciil En( Electrical( Electronics( ;inance(

    =D( )anufacturin( Teac"in

    '+ lissloi Tec"noloy Solution Pt >td !'!( )ain oad(


    C"ennai *++ +!*

    '+ It is a "i" spirited IT serices company in India

    enterprisin to o@er distinctie $e- solutions

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    to its lo-al Clients. As a client centered and

    Juality conscious IT company( $e o@er a $ide

    spectrum of $e- serices

    Call Center Trainin( Ciil En( Electrical( Electronics( ;inance(

    =D( )anufacturin( Teac"in

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    8isual asic(inu( )anufacturin( )arketin / Sales( )edical(

    Net$orkin( Nursin( :racle( :racle ;inancials( P=P / )ysJl(

    P"armaceutical( Purc"ase( SAP( Security( Social inu( System admin

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    7'EE( >inu( )anufacturin( )arketin / Sales( )edical(

    Net$orkin( Nursin( :racle( :racle ;inancials( P=P / )ysJl(

    P"armaceutical( Purc"ase( SAP( Security( Social inu( System admin

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Directory of IT & ITES Industries in Tamil Nadu irectory of IT & ITES Industries in

    Tamil Nadu


  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    interation serices t"rou" a uniJue on site(

    o@ site

    Deice driers( EP( 7aa / 7'EE( Net$orkin( P=P / )ysJl(

    TelecomS$itc"in( td

    Tel0 +6663++!'2

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    3!!( )anickam Aenue(


    C"ennai *++++!,

    3+ It is t"e leadin proider of paid searc" enine

    marketin FSE)G solutions.

    C( C11( 7aa / 7'EE( >inu( :racle( System admin>inu(

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    8isual asic( td. >eel *( !+/ !!( C"ennai Citi


    5 salai

    '+ Deelops IA/ EA applications usin AD:-e

    ;>e( )S Silerli"t and :penlas?lo systems.

    Concentration area is I ans CC.

    Accounts( Administration( ankin( Call centre( Ciil En(

    Computer operator( DA( EP( ;inance( =D( )arketin / Sales(

    )edical( :racle( :racle ;inancials( P=P / )ysJl( P"armaceutical(

    Purc"ase( SAP( Security( Social inu(

    System admin

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Directory of IT & ITES Industries in Tamil Nadu irectory of IT & ITES Industries in

    Tamil Nadu

    C"ennai *+++!B customi?ed for a rane of key erticals and

    "ori?ontals from stratey consultin ri"t

    t"rou" to implementin IT solutions for

    customers( "eadJuartered in Du-ai

    Purc"ase( SAP( Security( Social inu(

    System admin

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    deelopment company inoled in =ealt" care(

    etail( Protocol Deelopment( SIP( 8:IP(

    )#CP( SSB etc

    Accounts( Administration( ankin( Call centre( Ciil En(

    Computer operator( DA( EP( ;inance( =D( )arketin / Sales(

    )edical( :racle( :racle ;inancials( P=P / )ysJl( P"armaceutical(

    Purc"ase( SAP( Security( Social inu(

    System admin

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    e@ectie and interated Soft$are Serices for

    special eneral purpose applications in open

    systems enironment.

    AS 6++( )ainframe( ASP( D'( Dot net( :racle( SH> ser e- /

    #rap"ic Desin( serer( inu etc. :ur Customers are >eadin


    AS 6++( )ainframe( ASP( D'( Dot net( :racle( SH> serer(

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    C"ennai *++++,

    !'++ It is a P:( created in con4unction $it" seeral

    companies in t"e 95 and t"e 9S. At =elios( $e

    "ae a ery stron team of people $"o are

    fully committed to driin t"e -usiness t"rou"

    innoation( passion and s"eer "ard $ork.

    AS 6++( )ainframe( ASP( D'( Dot net( :racle( SH> serer(

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Directory of IT & ITES Industries in Tamil Nadu

    =eram-a Apt

    7a$a"arlal Ne"ru Salai(


    C"ennai *+++'*

    deelopment of soft$are and Internet


    6, iorderless India Pt. >td. % !3 &!6( 5ris"nappa Street(


    C"ennai *++ +,6

    It is an international IT specialist recruitment

    company. i orderless proides specialist

    marketin and support serices to leadin 9SA/

    Indian Information Tec"noloy FITG


    AS 6++( )ainframe( ASP( D'( Dot net( :racle( SH> serer(

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    c"ennai *++++'

    2+ Its A leadin 9S -ased soft$are rm at C"ennai

    needs ;res"ers $it" -asic prorammin skills

    and eperienced candidates $it" proen track

    of record.

    AS 6++( )ainframe( ASP( D'( Dot net( :racle( SH> ser e- /

    #rap"ic Desin(td '( >u? C"urc" road( 'nd oor(

    55 Nias(


    C"ennai *++++6

    !+ Soft$are deelopment $it" focus on $e-

    -ased tec"noloies and user friendly solutions

    AS 6++( )ainframe( ASP( D'( Dot net( :racle( SH> ser e- /

    #rap"ic Desin( serer(

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    AS 6++( )ainframe( ASP( D'( Dot net( :racle( SH> ser e- /

    #rap"ic Desin( serer

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Directory of IT & ITES Industries in Tamil Nadu irectory of IT & ITES Industries in

    Tamil Nadu

    nelson to$ers(

    Nm oad( Amin4ikarai

    C"ennai *++++'

    spectrum of information tec"noloy serices

    and solutions to clients lo-ally

    2, IT Port Solutions AC2( )at"rukruppa >D#

    C"ennai *+++,3

    IT Trainin :ranisation EP( 7aa / 7'EE( :racle( SH> serer

    2 ITPundits No. *,'( N. S. "ouse( Anna salai


    C"ennai *+++32


  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    *! 7adian Tec"noloies !+/ '( >al )o"amed Cross



    C"ennai *++++2

    62 It arious kinds of usiness serices especially

    )assain system( Customi?ed EP soft$are

    deelopment & $e- application in 7A8A/ 7'EE(

    data conersion & epu-lis"in( $e- sites &

    portal desinin( "ostin and maintenance.

    Content / Copy inu( P=P / )ysJl(

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    AS 6++( )ainframe( ASP( ankin( CAD / CA) / #IS( Call centre(

    Computer operator( DA( Deice driers( Dot net( EDP / )IS(

    EP( 7aa / 7'EE( >inu( Net$orkin( :racle( :racle ;i ls(

    P=P / )ysJl( SAP( System admin>inu( System admin

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Directory of IT & ITES Industries in Tamil Nadu irectory of IT & ITES Industries in

    Tamil Nadu

    Nunam-akkam =uman esources Placement =elpin EP( ;inance( =D( 7aa /

    7'EE( >inu( Net$orkin( :racle( :racle

    C"ennai *++++* :rani?ations And Soft$are Professionals To

    )eet T"eir )utual eJuirements.

    ;inancials( P=P / )ysJl( SAP( System admin>inu( System


  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    D'( DA( :racle( SAP( 8isual asic

    B+ 5A# Tec"noloies Pt >td '*6/ !!( Satyanat"an Comple(

    8elac"ery )ain oad(

    Tam-aram East

    C"ennai *+++2

    6+ imited Anna Naar

    C"ennai *+++!+'

    '++ A ;inancial Domain Company pioneered in $e-

    deelopment and IT consultin serices to

    assist medium and lare nancial institutions in

    t"eir eeryday pro4ect reJuirements.

    ASP( C( C11( Content / Copy

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    C"ennai *+++6+

    3+ Domestic Soft$ares company ASP( C( C11( Content / Copy

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Directory of IT & ITES Industries in Tamil Nadu irectory of IT & ITES Industries in

    Tamil Nadu

    adio( TelecomS$itc"in( 8C11 / );C / C:)( 8isual asic( eadin Soft$are Tec"noloies is a soft$are

    solution proider $it" a ision to deelop

    Enterprise Information Systems FEISG $it" a

    specic approac" on t"e customer focus and


    AS 6++( )ainframe( ASP( CAD / CA) / #IS( Call centre( Computer

    operator( DA( Deice driers( Dot net( EDP / )IS( EP( 7aa /

    7'EE( >inu( Net$orkin( :racle( :racle ;inancials( P=P / )ysJl(

    SAP( System admin>inu( System admin

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    adio( TelecomS$itc"in( 8C11 / );C / C:)( 8isual asic( imited #round oor(Temple to$er(

    Anna Salai( Nandanam

    C"ennai *+++32

    '2 >eadin Soft$are Tec"noloies Priate >imited(

    is into Soft$are Deelopment( "as -een

    successfully doin industrial Trainin cum

    ecruitment Proram for ;res"ers.

    AS 6++( )ainframe( ASP( CAD / CA) / #IS( Call centre( Computer

    operator( DA( Deice driers( Dot net( EDP / )IS( EP( 7aa /

    7'EE( >inu( Net$orkin( :racle( :racle ;inancials( P=P / )ysJl(

    SAP( System admin>inu( System admininu( Net$orkin( :racle( :racle ;inancials( P=P / )ysJl(

    SAP( System admin>inu( System admin

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    ,' >et?planout Entertainment .

    C"ennai *+++36

    '+ An on line moie ticketin company. AS 6++( )ainframe( ASP( CAD / CA) /

    #IS( Call centre( Computer

    operator( DA( Deice driers( Dot net( EDP / )IS( EP( 7aa /

    7'EE( >inu( Net$orkin( :racle( :racle ;inancials( P=P / )ysJl(

    SAP( System admin>inu( System admininu( Net$orkin( :racle( :racle ;inancials( P=P / )ysJl(

    SAP( System admin>inu( System admin

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    NonIT sectors( -ack oce outsourcin serices

    and -usiness process outsourcin solutions in


    oomitaas tec"noloies pt. ltd.( !A( 7amals ra4-"aan -uildin(

    !2 asu street( kilpauk

    C"ennai *+++!+

    !2 $e are a 3d animation company speciali?in in

    t"e eld of 3d animation( amin assets and

    $e-site deelopments

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Directory of IT & ITES Industries in Tamil Nadu irectory of IT & ITES Industries in

    Tamil Nadu

    ,* >oren Tec"noloies '*/''( 8enees$arar Naar

    ;irst )ain oad


    C"ennai *+++'*

    !2 Soft$are Deelopment and Consultin

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    , )astersys Tec" Pt >td %!3/B( erac"a" uildin( !st

    Cross Street(

    Trust Puram( 5odam-akkam(

    C"ennai *+++'6

    3+ A storae and serer isuali?ation focused

    company $it" oces in Atlanta( #eoria and

    C"ennai( India.

    Call centre( )arketin / Sales

    + )icromen Systems & Soft$are Priate >imited B'7( C"esney To$n =ouse(

    Et"ira4 Salai( Emore

    C"ennai *++++,

    uild Suerfast EP for t"e Construction


    Call centre( )arketin / Sales

    ! )indMenFIndiaGPt >td !2( 7aannat"an oad( omar

    =ouse( III ;loor(


    C"ennai *+++36

    2+ Its deliers Information Tec"noloy Serices

    and Solutions of t"e "i"est Juality to

    corporate "ouses across t"e lo-e. )indMen

    "as a process drien( customercentric

    approac" t"at results in total customer


    Administration( )arketin / Sales( P=P / )ysJl( System admin


    ' )8S Softec" Priate >imited %,!!( Poonamallee =i" oad


  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    C"ennai *++!+*

    '2 As t"e industry leader in Corporate e learnin(

    interactie multimedia( and learnin

    tec"noloies( )8S is committed to proidin

    our clients $it" coste@ectie solutions utili?in

    arious learnin tec"noloies.

    imited S'( )alles )anor Ne$ !/ :ld

    no ,(

    Periyar oad( II ;loor T.Naar

    C"ennai *+++!B

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Directory of IT & ITES Industries in Tamil Nadu irectory of IT & ITES Industries in

    Tamil Nadu


    C"ennai *+++6'

    2 No"itatu

    Tel0 +666'*+22!*

    ,2( #. N. C"etty. oad(


    C"ennai *+++!B

    !++ At N:=ITAT9 S:;T:#IES $e

    proide endtoend IT solutions to meet you

    tec"noloy needs. serer( Soft$are testin( System admin

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    td.( 3( 3rd Cross Street( Sterlin

    oad( Nunam-akkam

    C"ennai *+++36

    !!+ It is 9S -ased company "ain its "ead oce in

    NL and deelopment centre in C"ennai( it is !!

    years old company $"ic" -elons to )o"amed

    Sat"ak #roup. Please isit t"e $e-site to "ae

    more information a-out t"e company.

    P=P / )ysJl(

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Desinin and Deelopment concern enaed

    in $e- media( diitalmedia and Ecommerce


    P=P / )ysJl( imited '2( ;irst )ain oad( 9nited

    India colony(


    C"ennai *+++'6

    2+ It is a lo-al proider of information

    tec"noloy serices -ased in India.

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Directory of IT & ITES Industries in Tamil Nadu irectory of IT & ITES Industries in

    Tamil Nadu

    !+6 P"oton Infotec" Pt. >td. '/!+'( :ld )a"a-alipuram

    oad( 5arapakkam(

    C"ennai *+++*

    !'++ It is a net eneration INTENET consultin

    rm -ased out of C"ennai( India. T"e Company

    is ,1 years youn tec" say and $orkin

    across all t"e domains.

    C( C11( :racle

    !+2 P);:9 3( Arul 7yot"i Apartments(

    sriniasan Street( 7aadam-al



    C"ennai *+++!


  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    and "i" performance com-ined $it"

    innoatie and creatie IT solutions and

    deelopment is $"at P)S o@ers.

    C( C11( :racle

    !+B Positie Ede Productions Pt >td ,,( "askaran Colony( 3rd



    C"ennai *+++'

    !3 B. 2 year old( C"ennai -ased( $it" 9S presence(

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Tel0 ! 66 6'BB'2*2

    !'( 8is$anat"apuram )ain

    Street( Sakt"i Naar(


    C"ennai *+++'6

    ,,' Application Deeloper in 7aa(. NET )o-ile

    Application Deelopment and Serice proider

    to mo-ile operator. )ultimedia Production


    C( C11(

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    System admin

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Directory of IT & ITES Industries in Tamil Nadu irectory of IT & ITES Industries in

    Tamil Nadu

    T"iruanmiyur )anufacturin( )arketin / Sales( Net$orkin( :racle ;inancials(

    C"ennai *++ +6! Purc"ase( Social inu( Teac"in(

    8C11 / );C / C:)( 8isual asic(

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Telecommunications( )anufacturin and

    Education( amonst ot"ers.

    Dot net( 7aa / 7'EE( >inu( )arketin / Sales( :racle( P=P /

    )ysJl( 8C11 / );C / C:)

    !!B SC S:;T TEC=N:>:#IESFPG>TD AC!'( 6( 'ND A8EN9E(


    C=ENNAI *+++6+

    2+ It is a lo-al soft$are serices company

    speciali?in in enineerin desin and IT


    CAD / CA) / #IS( 7aa / 7'EE( Soft$are testin( 8isual asic( ane( )ylapore

    C"ennai *++++6

    '+ EP Implementation CAD / CA) / #IS( 7aa / 7'EE( Soft$are testin( 8isualasic(

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    proider( proidin soft$are and IT ena-led

    serices. It is an )NC proidin serices to

    clients all oer t"e $orld.

    7aa / 7'EE

    !'! Silkfort Tec"noloies #and"i Naar Adyar

    C"ennai *+++'+

    2 3yr old consultancy orani?ation $it" focus on

    $e- deelopment( content manaement( $ork

    o$( "ealt" care and kno$lede manaement


    7aa / 7'EE

    !'' Simpi? Soft$are Solutions No.'2( !St Aenue As"ok Naar

    C"ennai *+++,3

    '+ IT Consultin and soft$are Deelopment. 7aa / 7'EE

    !'3 S5> Solutions C5P To$ers


  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    results to our clients since '+++.

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Directory of IT & ITES Industries in Tamil Nadu irectory of IT & ITES Industries in

    Tamil Nadu

    C=ENNAI *+++!, full rane of solutions and serices.

    !'2 Softeon India Pt. >td. ( Neeladri( Teynampet

    C"ennai *+++!,

    Soft$are Consultancy/ Product eel 2


  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    TD No0!+( )annar Street(

    T.NaarF:pp to T.naar -us


    C"ennai *+++!B

    3+ It is a principal "u- IT solutions proider to

    $orld $ide customers. T"ese are Soft$are

    Desinin( Deelopment( IT Serices and any

    pro4ects of customers needs on spirited costs

    C( C11( Dot net

    !3! TE Soft$are Serices Pt. >td T E Soft$are Serices( )C)

    Tec" Park( *t" ;loor( Super 3

    T"iru 8i 5a Industrial Estate(


    C"ennai *++ +3'

    '2 It is a product -ased company( started in '++B.

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    ;ront :ce / eceptionist( =D( 7aa / 7'EE( )arketin / Sales(

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Directory of IT & ITES Industries in Tamil Nadu irectory of IT & ITES Industries in

    Tamil Nadu

    Tec"noloy Consultin( Customi?ed onsite and Net$orkin( :racle( P=P / )ysJl(

    SAP( SH> serer( Soft$are

    o@s"ore Soft$are deelopment. testin( System admin>inu( System admin

    inu( SH> serer( 8isual asic

    !3B 9ltramatics india FPG ltd '!3( NSIC soft$are tec"noloy


    Ekkadu T"anal

    C"ennai *+++3'

    '2 ultramatics is a soft$are deelopment

    company( o@s"ore located in c"ennai and "ead

    Juarters in oldsmar( ;lorida.

    AS 6++( )ainframe( ASP( C( C11( Coldfusion( Deice driers( Dot

    net( Em-edded / 8>SI( 7aa / 7'EE( >inu( SH> serer( 8isual asic

    !3, 9nipro Tec" Solutions Pt >td No. *( C. I. T Colony( II )ain

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai




    C"ennai *++++6

    imited %!!. Clu- oad( C"etpet

    C"ennai *++ +3!

    !+ IT Consultin ASP( P=P / )ysJl(

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai



    c"ennai *+++36

    !2+ It is a soft$are company deelopment

    proidin EP solutions to its customers $it"

    its -ase in 9SA. Apart from Indian operations

    our focus is primarily on 9S and European


    ASP( P=P / )ysJl( AIPI>>AI

    :AD( T naar(

    '++ C))i ) >eel 2 assessed #lo-al IT usiness

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    and consultin oranisation( "ead Juartered in

    ASP( 7aa / 7'EE

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Directory of IT & ITES Industries in Tamil Nadu irectory of IT & ITES Industries in

    Tamil Nadu

    C"ennai *++ +!B Colum-us( :"io( 9SA.

    !62 8ertec" Soft$are >a-s

    c"ennai *+++,3

    2 Soft$are Consultin company in c"ennai ASP( 7aa / 7'EE

    !6* 8estie Soft$are Tec"noloies FPG >td. No !B( =imalaya =omes( #'(

    Alairi Naar *t" Street(


    >andmark0 Near =otel 8asant"a

    "aan !++ ;eet oad

    C"ennai *+++'*

    !+ Dental Soft$are Serice Proiders Deice driers( Dot net( ;ront :ce /

    eceptionist( )arketin /

    Sales( Net$orkin( Soft$are testin( System admin

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    Park( 9nit 3( #round ;loor(

    Pinnacle( taramani

    C"ennai *++!!3

    '2+ It is a lo-al proider of IT serices( $"ic"

    includes Pro4ect )anaement( usiness

    Consultin( Application Deelopment and

    )aintenance. 8IT is a roup company of AIT

    Soft$are serices( Sinapore. 8IT is an IS:

    ++!0'+++ certied company.

    Deice driers( Dot net( ;ront :ce / eceptionist( )arketin /

    Sales( Net$orkin( Soft$are testin( System admin

  • 8/9/2019 Directory of ITES Chennai


    C"ennai *++++6

    *+ It is an multinational IT serices t"at deliers

    a@orda-le -usiness and tec"noloy solutions.

    ;ounded in '++3 at C"ennai( India(

    Deice driers( Dot net( ;ront :ce / eceptionist( )arketin /

    Sales( Net$orkin( Soft$are testin( System admin