discharge of contract - legal environment of business

Discharge of Contract Legal Environment of Business

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Discharge of ContractLegal Environment of Business

Prepared By

Manu Melwin Joy

Assistant ProfessorIlahia School of Management Studies

Kerala, India.

Phone – 9744551114Mail – [email protected]

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Discharge of contract meanstermination of thecontractual relationshipbetween the parties. Acontract is said to bedischarged when the partiesthereto are freed from thetask of performing theirrespective obligations asarising from the contract.


When a contract isdischarged, all the rightsand liabilities of thecontracting parties areextinguished and theirrelationship comes to anend.

Various modes of discharge

1. By performance of contract.– Actual Performance.

– Attempted performance.

2. By agreement.– By Novation.

– By alteration.

– By recession.

– By remission.

– By waver.

– By merger.

Various modes of discharge

3. By lapse of time.

4. By operation of law.

– By death.

– By insolvency.

5. By impossibility of performance.

– At the time of contract.

– Subsequent to contract.

6. By breach of contract.

By performance of contract

When persons whohave undertaken theobligations perform itwithin the time and inthe manner prescribed,the contract will beproperly discharged.

By performance of contract

Performance is classified intotwo.

• Actual performance – Section37 states that in order to claimperformance, the parties to acontract must have actuallyperformed their part of thecontract.

• Example – If A agreed to supply20 bags of rice to D, A must haveactually supplied the entire 20bags of rice. Then only it can bestated that the contract hasactually been performed.

By performance of contract

Performance is classifiedinto two.

• Attempted performance – Aperson who is bound toperform a promise will beready to perform hispromise but sometimes theother party refuses toaccept that performance.This is known as attemptedperformance or tender.

By agreement

As contract emergesfrom an agreement ofboth parties, it mayalso be terminated byanother agreement orconsent of bothparties.

By agreement

Contract may bedischarged by agreementin the following ways.

– By Novation.

– By alteration.

– By recession.

– By remission.

– By waver.

– By merger.

By agreement

By Novation (substitutionof a new contract) –Sometimes, the contractingparties may agree tosubstitute a new contract inthe place of the originalcontract betweenthemselves and differentparties. The substitution ofnew contract is called“Novation”.


A owes Rs 5000 to B. It is

agreed between A, B and

C that henceforth, C will

repay the amount of Rs.

5000 to B. Old contract

disappears and new one

is formed.

By agreement

By alteration – Alterationmeans a change in one ormore of the terms of thecontract. By mutualagreement, parties tocontract can alter one ormore terms of thecontract. By suchalteration, the contract isdischarged.

ExampleX enters into a contract with Y

for supply of 100 bags of Sugar

by the first of the next month.

Subsequently, X and Y want to

alter the terms of the contract

and thereby X and Y agree that

X should supply 50 bags of sugar

instead of 100 bags on the 10th

of the next month. In this case,

the old contract is discharged.

By agreement

By recession – Recessionmeans cancellation ofcontract. In that case, theoriginal contract need notbe performed. Both thecontracting parties mayagree, by mutualagreement, to rescind thecontract by cancellingsome or all the terms ofthe contract.


X agrees to supply Y certain

luxurious good within six

months. By the time, the

said goods go out of

fashion. Both X and Y agree

to cancel the contract. By

such cancellation, the

contract between X and Y is


By agreement

By remission – Remissionmeans acceptance of alesser performance thanwhat was actually dueunder the contract. It is aunilateral act of promisedischarging at his will andpleasure the obligation ofanother.


X owes Rs. 500 to Y. Y

agrees to accept a lesser

sum namely, Rs 400 instead

of Rs. 500. As soon as Rs.

400 is paid by X, the whole

debt of Rs. 500 is


By agreement

By waver – When bothparties by mutualconsent, agree ofabandon their respectiverights, the contract neednot be performed andthe same is discharged. Itis called waiver.

ExampleA agrees to supply B 10 bags

of rice. B, in return agrees to

supply A, 10 bags of wheat.

Subsequently, both A and B

agree to abandon their

respective rights. Accordingly

A need not supply rice to B.

Likewise B need not supply

wheat to A. Now contract is


By agreement

By merger – Sometimes,both parties, who havealready entered into acontract within inferiorrights, may entersubsequently new contractand the new contractcreates superior rights.Now the previous contractwith lesser right is said tobe merged withsubsequent contract withsuperior rights.


Y is the owner of the house

in which X is residing as a

tenant. Subsequently X

buys the property from Y. In

such case, X’s lesser rights

as leasee will be merged

into his superior rights as

an owner.

By lapse of time

Every contract must beperformed within specifiedperiod and it is called theperiod of limitation. If thecontract is not performedand the promise fails totake any action within theperiod of limitation, thenthe contact is terminated ordischarged by lapse oftime.

ExampleX borrows Rs. 500 from Y through

a promissory note. If X does not

pay any amount, Y must file a suit

to recover the amount in a court

of law within three years from

the date of execution of the

promissory note. If no action is

taken by Y within three years, the

promissory note is completely

barred by limitation and Y can’t

recover the amount from X.

By operation of law• A contract may be discharged

by operation of law. In otherwords, law itself dischargesthe contract in the followingcircumstances.– By death – An contract which is

based upon personal skill andqualification of the promisor isterminated on the death of thepromisor. In other contracts,the rights and liabilities ofdeceased person pass of hislegal representatives.

ExampleX agrees to paint a picture

for Y. Subsequent to the

agreement X dies. Now the

contract of X with Y

discharged because of the

death of the promisor.

By operation of law

– By insolvency – If a personis adjudicated insolvent bya competent court, all hisrights and liabilities arevested with the officialreceiver and the insolventis discharged from all hisrights and liabilities arisingfrom all his earliercontracts.

By impossibility of performance

Contract will bedischarged when theperformance of contractbecomes impossible.Impossibility ofperformance of acontract may exist either

By impossibility of performance

At the time of contract –when both the contractingparties are aware ofimpossibility ofperformance of thecontract even at the time offormation of the contractitself, then the agreementbecomes void. If they arenot aware, contractbecomes void when suchimpossibility is discovered.

ExampleX agrees to pay Y Rs. 10,000

and Y, in return promises to

bring the moon from heaven

for X. In such a case, the

impossibility is known for

the parties.

By impossibility of performanceSubsequent to contract – As ageneral rule, the impossibilityof performance will notexcuse the promisor and incase of non performance, thepromisor is liable to paydamages to the promise. Butthere may be some cases inwhich non – performance ofthe contract may be due tosome even beyond the controlof the parties. In such cases,performance of contract willbe discharged. This is called“Doctrine of Superveningimpossibility’.

ExampleA and B contracts to marry

each other. Before the time

fixed for marriage, A goes

mad. This supervening factor

renders the contract

impossible. So the contract

becomes void.

By breach of contract

Breach means failure of aparty to perform hisobligation under acontract. When apromisor has failed toperform his part ofcontract, he hascommitted a breach ofcontract. Breach ofcontract is of two kinds.

By breach of contract

Actual breach of contract– Actual breach ofcontract may take placeat the time when theperformance becomesdue and in such cases,one party, fails or refusesto perform his obligation.

ExampleX agrees to supply Y, 10 bags

of sugar on the 1st of March.

In this case, performance is

due on 1st March. On the 1st

march, he fails to supply

sugar. This is actual breach

of contract at the time when

the performance is due.

By breach of contract

Anticipatory breach ofcontract – When a partyto a contract refuses toperform his obligationbefore the due date ofperformance, it is calledanticipatory breach ofcontract.

ExampleX agrees to supply Y, 10 bags

of sugar on the 1st of March.

But before this date, say in

the second week of

February, he informs B that

he is not going to supply the

sugar. This is anticipatory

breach of contract by

express repudiation.

• Discharge of contract.