discipline grievance

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  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    UNC Asheville Supervisory Development:

    Discipline & Grievance

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    Discipline: Purposes

    The program also ensures employees receive notice prior todismissal or demotion.

    The States disciplinary procedures providesupervisors a method of disciplining employees for:

    Unsatisfactory Job


    Grossly Inefficient

    Job Performance


    Personal Conduct

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    Policy Considerations

    Supervisors should contact HR prior to initiating

    formal disciplinary action.

    Disciplinary actions are inactive or void 18

    months from the date of the action if no further

    disciplinary action or suspension has occurred.

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance



    How to Obtain Information The policy is available in Human Resources.

    Supervisors are trained in workshops, and

    individual sessions.

    The campus is invited to provide input before

    changes to UNC Asheville policies occur.

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    ** Policy interpretation for employees and supervisors

    **Assistance to employees and supervisors

    **Maintenance of records and reporting

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    Covered Employees

    Career state employees

    Individuals employed for at least 24 months

    Employees between completion of

    probationary period and career status

    The probationary period is typically 9months.

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    Basis for Disciplinary Action

    Unsatisfactory Job

    PerformanceHow the job gets done

    Examples:Poor QualityInsufficient Quantity

    InaccurateNot on the jobTimelinessHabitual Tardiness


    Personal Conduct


    Sexual HarassmentIntoxication

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    Basis for Disciplinary Action

    Grossly Inefficient

    Job PerformanceVery substantial and

    serious in terms of

    expense and danger


    Creating obvioushealth and safety

    HazardsCarelessly providing lists of

    social security numbers

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    Types of Disciplinary Actions

    In addition to Written Warnings, DisciplinarySuspension Without Pay, Demotion and

    Dismissal are the other possible actions. Be

    sure to contact Human Resources before taking

    any of these actions.

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    Types of Disciplinary Actions

    Written Warnings

    Written Warnings are the most common form of disciplinaryaction. Be sure to contact Human Resources before issuing a

    Written Warning or any other disciplinary action.

    A Written Warning should include: Specifics about the situation

    Specific expectations and timeframes

    Consequences for not correcting the situation

    Dates for follow-up

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    Pre-Disciplinary Conference

    Before taking a Disciplinary Action (other than

    Written Warnings), you should schedule a Pre-

    Disciplinary Conference. This conference will

    alert the employee of the situation and allowhim or her to prepare for a Disciplinary Action.

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    Pre-Disciplinary Conference

    Guidelines: Provide the employee with written notice of the upcoming

    conference. Allow at least business day between the Pre-

    Disciplinary Conference and the Disciplinary Action. Attorneys may not attend.

    Provide written notice of the impending Disciplinary Actionduring the conference. This notice should be specific enoughto alert the employee about the situation.

    Provide an opportunity for the employee to respond. No witnesses may be present.

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    Pre-Disciplinary Conference

    Information exchanged during the Pre-Disciplinary Conference will help you decide

    what the ultimate Disciplinary Action will be.

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    Disciplinary Actions

    After Conference Document the action in writing. The document

    should include: Reason for the action Effective date

    Appeal Rights

    If the decision is to dismiss, provide the document(mentioned above) in person or send via certified

    mail. For unsatisfactory job performance, the effective

    date for dismissal should be no later than 14calendar days after notice.

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    Investigatory Placement

    With PayThis is NOT a disciplinary action.

    Investigatory Placement with Pay allows

    supervisors time to:Investigate the situation

    Schedule and conduct pre-disciplinary

    conference, if necessaryAvoid workplace disruption and preserve a

    safe work environment

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    Grievance: Purpose

    UNC Ashevilles grievance procedures allow for the prompt,

    orderly and efficient resolution of problems and differencesarising between the supervisor and employee.

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    Grievance: Covered Individuals

    Covered Individuals Include:

    Career SPA employees (employed 24 months)Former State Employees (for specific issues)

    Applicants for State Employment (for specific


    Any SPA State employee (for specific issues)

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    Grievance: Policy

    The Grievance Procedures outlined here are not to

    be used for the following purposes, unless the

    employee is claiming illegal discrimination:

    complaints regarding overall performance approval


    the amount of any performance increase or

    a failure to receive a performance increase

    These complaints must be processed in accordance with

    the Performance Pay Dispute Resolution Procedures for

    SPA Employees.

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    Grievance: Policy

    Warnings, placement on investigatory placement

    with pay, and extensions of disciplinary actions

    are not grievable unless the complaint of action isallegedly the result of illegal discrimination or a

    constitutional violation.

    Matters relating to written warnings or

    performance pay dispute and any other matters notspecifically set out in the State Personnel Act may

    not be appealed to the State Personnel


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    Grievance: Policy (continued)

    Matters of inherent management rights not subject toappeal except in cases of discrimination or constitutionalviolations. Examples include:

    Functions of the department Standards of service

    Staff assignments

    Use of technology

    Resolution is required within 90 days for cases involvingdischarge or demotion for disciplinary reasons or 120 daysfor all other issues.

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    Grievance: Procedure Overview

    The following slides briefly outline the four steps of the

    Grievance Process. For details on each of these steps,please see UNC Asheville Policy #43 (Grievance

    Procedure for Employees Subject to the State

    Personnel Act). A link is found within this module and

    is available from the Office of Human Resources.

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    An employee is allowed time off from regular

    duties as may be necessary and reasonable up to

    a maximum of eight hours for the preparation of

    an internal grievance without loss of pay,vacation leave or other time credits. Employees

    must notify their supervisor in advance and

    receive prior approval of the necessity to be

    absent from work for preparation of the internalgrievance.

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    Grievance: Procedures Overview

    Step One Summary Employees submit an SPA

    Grievance Form to the supervisorwithin 30 calendar days.

    Supervisor should submit form tothe lowest-level supervisor withdecision-making authority (if notself) within 2 calendar days.

    Decision-making supervisor meetswith the employee within 10

    calendar days and provides thecomplaining employee with awritten response.

    A copy of the response is submittedto Human Resources.

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    Grievance: Procedure Overview

    Step Two Summary If the Step One decision is

    unsatisfactory to the employee,

    he/she may appeal to the next levelsupervisor within 10 calendar days.

    Following discussions with the

    employee, the supervisor issues a

    Step Two decision within 10

    calendar days of receiving theGrievance Form.

    A copy of the response is submitted

    to Human Resources.

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    Grievance: Procedure OverviewStep Three Summary If the Step Two decision is unsatisfactory to the employee, he/she may

    submit an appeal (utilizing a Grievance Form) to the Director ofEmployee Relations within 10 calendar days.

    The Director of HR will schedule a hearing within 5 days of receiving

    the appeal. The notification of the hearing will take place 10 calendardays before the hearing is conducted. Only the employee, members ofthe Grievance Committee and parties involved may attend the hearing.

    The Grievance Committee will forward a written recommendation tothe Chancellor within 10 calendar days.

    Within 10 calendar days of receiving the Grievance Committeesrecommendation, the Chancellor will provide the employee with theFinal University Decision (or advise the employee as to why thedecision is being delayed and when a response can be expected).

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    Grievance: Procedure Overview

    Step Four Summary

    The employee may file an appeal to the State Personnel

    Commission within 30 days following the Chancellorsdecision.

    The appeal is filed with the Office of Administrative

    Hearings (OAH).

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    ** Policy interpretation for employees and supervisors

    **Assistance to employees and supervisors**Maintenance of records and reporting

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    Neither the University nor the employee may be

    accompanied by any outside parties (i.e., legal

    counsel, etc.) during the internal grievance process.

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    Discrimination Special Provisions

    Complaints based on age (above 40), sex, race, color,

    national origin, religion, creed, political affiliation,or disability condition may submitted directly to State

    Personnel Commission in Raleigh or the EqualEmployment Opportunity Commission in Charlotte(within 30 calendar days).

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance



    Discrimination Special Provisions

    Exception for Workplace Harassment Employees who wish to submit a formal complaint

    alleging unlawful harassment should file a signedUnlawful Workplace Harassment Form within 30calendar days of the last incident.

    An employee alleging harassment may bypass anystep that involves interacting with the allegedharasser.

    The University will investigate and take appropriateaction within 60 days of receiving the complaint.

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance


    Grievance:Inaccurate or Misleading

    Information in Personnel File

    Any employee regardless of length of

    service may file a grievance regarding this.

    Any employee may examine his or her

    personnel file upon request.

  • 8/8/2019 Discipline Grievance



    You have reached the end of this presentation.

    For details on the policies mentioned in this

    presentation, please visit theUNC Asheville Human Resources websiteor

    call Human Resources at 251-6605.
