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This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change at any time without notice. The information in this document is proprietary to Actian and no part of this document may be reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express prior written permission of Actian.

This document is not intended to be binding upon Actian to any particular course of business, pricing, product strategy, and/or development. Actian assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document. Actian shall have no liability for damages of any kind including without limitation direct, special, indirect, or consequential damages that may result from the use of these materials. Actian does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links, or other items contained within this material. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.


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Actian Hybrid DataConference2018 London

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ActianHybrid DataConference2018 London

How DataConnect enables your success

Vincent Vinot

Principal Tech Account

Manager, Systems


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Hannover Re

• Reduce dependency on Enterprise IT for integration• Easy to use, easy to configure for Account Managers to onboard Customer data

AG2R La Mondiale

• One platform for all Customer Communication Management tasks

• Centralized Integration Hub Solution between the business apps and the Document Management Platform

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Actian DataConnectIntegrate without limits

Actian DataConnect is for Anyone who wants to integrate Anything, Anywhere, Anytime

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Actian DataConnect - Integrate without limits

Actian DataConnect is for ANYONE who wants to Integrate


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• Applications

• APIs

• Data Sources

• Processes

• Things(IoT)

• Mobile


• Cloud

• On-premise

• Hybrid

• Cloud-Cloud

• Ground-Ground

• Cloud-On-premise



• Batch

• Streaming

• Real-time

• On-Demand


• Integration Specialists

• Ad-Hoc Integrators

• Business Analysts


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Integrate ANYTHING

Actian’s Patented UniversalConnect™ Technology

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Integrate ANYWHERE

DataConnect Integration Manager has multiple deployment options

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On-premises VPC

▪ Enterprise-class performance for business critical data management

▪ Full control in your data center

▪ Bring your own license

▪ Deploy in a Virtual Public/Private Cloud

iPaaS Embedded

▪ Embedded data transformations via Runtime Engine SDK or Integration Manager execution services

▪ Cloud and On-premises to enable X-as-a-Service

▪ Powered by Actian


▪ No-hassle hybrid integration Platform-as-a-Service

▪ Fully hosted by Actian on AWS


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Design & Test Integration in Studio IDE

Runtime Engine


Integration Manager on-premise

Runtime Engine

Integrate cloud and/or on-prem data

Integration Manager in the Cloud

Actian DataConnect in Action

Design > Deploy > Manage

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Hannover ReReduce dependency on Enterprise IT for integration

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Client data on-boarding

• Automate processing Customer files in order to deliver greater efficiency and consistency across the organization

• Centralized Integration Hub Solution needs to integrate with large numbers of customer data.

• Delivering end-to-end integration directly with a business partner’s whole range of data.

• Reduce dependency on Enterprise IT for integration

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Hannover Re

▪ Hannover Re is one of the largest reinsurance groups in the world. It transacts all lines of property, casualty, life and health reinsurance.

▪ Client Data Management International Project

▪ Inboud Data Transaction Types:

– Inforce

– Transaction

– Claims

– Reserves

▪ Data Formats:

– Excel (Single Tabs, Multiple Tabs)

– ACCDB (Access)

– CSV files

– TXT files (delimited and fixed length)

▪ Actian Data Connect platform to replace the existing custom code solution

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Challenges and Key Concepts

13 © 2018 Actian Corporation

Challenges Key concepts

Ramp-up time for new clients

Data Gathering

- Manual Process, Changing methods

Code maintenance

- Large amounts of similar code

Monitoring and error resolution

Confusing configuration

Little to no coding required to ramp up new clients

New modules incorporated into the system with minimal effort

Automated data gathering and notification

- Highly configurable, metadata-driven

- Dynamic mapping based on external meta data definitions

Ease the reuse of common integration tasks

Customizable, repeatable components

Set validation rules on data quality

Database tables keep track of the progress of task execution

Able to restart on the failed step

Application/Database-driven for configurability

All configuration is in one place (Zenith application)

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Solution Overview

▪ A metadata-rich, parameterized platform for business experts to manage complex data flows. Supports configurable and dynamic data processing automation.

▪ DataConnect solution organized in sequential 9 tasks

▪ 1 cross-sectional task for Event Logging.

▪ Execution mode: Upon file arrival (real time) or On-Demand (From the Zenith Controller App). Ability to restart after failover on a specific task.

14 © 2018 Actian Corporation

File Acquisition

• Retrieve client files in specific network directories

File Routing

• retrieve file/client attributes. Identify next steps based on the configuration

Data Preparation

• Load Raw data into RCDB from Client File to RCDB


• Pairs with additional client Data if needed

Data Profiling

• Performs standard or custom validations

Data Processing

• Maps to standard format from RCDB to CDS2

Data Transformation

• Performs standard or validations in CDS2


• Sends Notification

• Updates Zenith

Data Loading

• Transfer from CDS2 to CDS from CDS2 to CDS

• Data validation

Event Logging

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General flow of raw Client files through the System

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DataConnect Master Process Overview

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SQL Server Life Reinsurance Module

DataConnect DataConnect

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Dynamic Mapping

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Top 3 key takeaways

Reduce time and effort

to on-ramp additional


Facilitate the

maintenance and the


Self Service Mode

This Integration Hub Solution will standardize, simplify and reduce this process with the use of standardized processes and automation.

The Solution will provide a central location and master process to manage profiles, define rules, and organize and validate customer data – regardless of the number of business partners, volume of information or number of different data formats.

Provide a solution for business experts at each HLR local offices to manage client files in a self-service mode. Minimizing the need for IT involvement / intervention in both the periodic mapping activities as well as the day to day processing.

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AG2R La MondialeOne platform for all Customer Communication Management tasks

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Customer Communications Management (CCM)

• Automate processing Customer data in order to deliver greater efficiency and consistency across the organization

• Centralized Integration Hub Solution needs to integrate with large numbers of components.

• Delivering end-to-end process orchestration for both real-time or batch mode execution.

• One platform for all CCM tasks

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AG2R La Mondiale

▪ AG2R LA MONDIALE is France's leading provider of social protection and patrimonial protection.15 million insured and accompanies 1 out of 4 companies.

▪ SOCLE Project: automate document composition and administration

▪ Inboud Data :

– Business Applications

▪ Outboud Data :

– Document Management Platform (KSL)

▪ Actian Data Connect platform to replace the existing custom code solution that was built on top of every business apps

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Challenges and Key Concepts

22 © 2018 Actian Corporation

Challenges Key concepts

Ability to build, administer and control customer communications in the day-to-day business

Complex XML mapping requirements

Support for virtually any data format –or legacy application output

Batch and interactive composition

Manage high volumes and peak


Integrate with a wide variety of components

New modules incorporated into the system with minimal effort

Automated data gathering and notification

- Highly configurable, metadata-driven

- Dynamic mapping based on external meta data definitions

Ease the reuse of common integration tasks

Customizable, repeatable components

DataConnect scaled to handle fluctuating data volumes and support multiple users and apps

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Solution Overview

▪ A metadata-rich, parameterized platform for business experts to manage complex data flows. Supports configurable and dynamic data processing automation.

▪ DataConnect solution organized in sequential 7 tasks

▪ 1 cross-sectional task for Process Orchestration

▪ Execution mode: Upon file arrival (real time) or Batch (From the Control M Controller App). Ability to restart after failover on a specific task.

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DataConnect Master Process Overview

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Data Transformation

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XML Transformation

▪Source XML: 46 Record types, 455 Fields

▪ Target XML: 50 Record types, 674 Fields

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Top 3 key takeaways

Detailed specification Versioning Best Practices

▪ Business Requirements▪ Technical Requirements▪ Success Criteria

▪ Making changes without breaking existing implementation

▪ Version Control

▪ Design for Reuse▪ Macros▪ Error Handling▪ Notification

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