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I am a new media strategist and lifestyle business coach to visionary entrepreneurs. I travel the world while running my business as a digital nomad. My boutique agency provides “done for you” web design, development and online marketing services for social ventures, sustainable brands, transformational coaches and new paradigm thought leaders. I am also a personal development junkie, and 20 year practitioner of shamanism, with extensive training in Tibetan Bon Shamanism and experience with the ayahuasca traditions of the Amazon Basin.

In 2004, I had a life-changing experience in the Brazilian Amazon, which has evolved into many long-term, return visits as a guest of the indigenous tribes of Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil over the past decade. I began writing about my experiences, but as I did, I realized that the best stories were not about me, but about the people of the Amazon basin – the shamans, the indigenous leaders, activists and ordinary people whose struggles and wisdom have much to teach us about the nature, the human spirit, the unseen world, and the incredible power of our minds.

In addition to their stories, at EntheoNation, we highlight the research and ground- breaking information of visionaries who have dedicated their lives to exploring the landscapes of non-ordinary realms of consciousness & the power of human consciousness to solve the worldˇs urgent problems, to help individuals experience deep healing, and access transcendent wisdom.

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Human beings have been using vision-inducing plant medicines for thousands of years for healing, divination, and spiritual guidance.

Ayahuasca, San Pedro, peyote, magic mushrooms, iboga, marijuana are a few of the sacred medicines that are considered to be teachers that have the ability to heal us physically, emotionally and spiritually. For thousands of years sacred plant medicines were used ceremonially, with reverence. Itˇs only in the recent decades that some of these plants and fungi have popularized by modern culture and used recreationally.

Aya Mama by Mariela De La Paz

Effects from the consumption of psychoactive plants and fungi can be wide ranging. Some medicines are mildly psychoactive, while others can be wildly visionary.

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For this reason, it is advisable to consume such medicines in a safe environment, under the supervision of an experienced, trusted guide, sitter, spiritual facilitator, healer, shaman or medicine man / woman.

Itˇs also a good idea to be aware of the laws around the consumption of these medicines, as many of them have deemed illegal in some countries, while receiving religious protection in other countries. Having law enforcement bust into your ceremony can be a whole different layer of unpleasantness!

From a practical standpoint, when you are in an altered state, your perception of reality may be completely different from the physical reality around you.

For this reason, it is important to be in a safe, comfortable location where you can be completely relaxed, so you can open up fully to the Divine. The fewer distractions there are, the easier will be to journey deep into the visionary realms, experience parallel worlds to ours, and encounter spiritual allies and teachers.

From a shamanic perspective, having a sacred ceremonial container, held in integrity by people of integrity, minimizes encounters with harmful spirits, some of which can be parasitic. They can drain our energy, cause disease, create emotional disturbances or bring about misfortune. If they become energetically attached to us, they can be difficult to get rid of, and require the assistance of a skilled shaman to exorcise.

Ultimately, your relationship with the Teacher Plant (or Fungi) supersedes your relationship with the human shaman or ceremonial guide. Many people place their trust in the shaman, but sometimes this can be a mistake, if the shaman has questionable integrity, or is influenced by money or power or sex.

For this reason, itˇs best to cultivate a sacred teacher-apprentice relationship with the Master Plant, first and foremost, and understand that the shaman is simply the person who opens the door to the spirit world.

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Itˇs important to emphasize that sacred medicine visions are messages from the Divine that contain wisdom to help you heal and evolve spiritually. Visions are like “the finger pointing at the moon”. It can be easy to become attached to the experience of receiving far-out visions, while missing the point of the lesson.

Plant medicines also tend to show you what you need. So if your mind and body need rest, then chances are, then, instead of having visions, you may instead experience a profound, restful state.

Visions by Anderson Debernardi

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Visions tend to arise from a state of relaxed, open meditation, rather than focused intention. In other words, the more intent you are on having visions, the more difficult it can be to have them, or see clearly, due to the tension and constraint present in your mind. While the strength, preparation, and amount of the medicine you are consuming can impact the intensity of your visions, itˇs often said in the shamanic world, “Itˇs not how strong the medicine is, itˇs how open you are” that affects whether or not you receive beautiful, other-worldly visions.

Finally, because Sacred Power Plants work in different ways, and tend to have different “personalities”, it is important to understand how each medicine transmits wisdom. Peyote-induced visions and are transmitted in a much differentway than ayahuasca-induced visions and insights. Iboga works in a vastly different way than psilocybin mushrooms. There are also more than 180 species of mushrooms that contain psychedelic chemicals, so each variety will also bring about a different experience, and be a different relationship.

For this reason, itˇs important to understand the recommended protocols around working with the different Master Plants, and whether there are contra-indicative substances that you will need to avoid in order to consume these plants safely

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Here are some general guidelines to optimize your experience working with Visionary Plant Teachers:

▶ Cleanse Your Body.

The days and weeks leading up to your communion with the sacred plant medicine, have a clean, healthy diet. Eat organic, whole foods. Avoid alcohol, pharmaceutical drugs, processed foods that are high in sugar or salt. You may receive a list of foods and substances to avoid. Many plant medicines will help you “get well” by causing you to purge at the front and out the back. Many people experience clear visions after purging. However, the cleaner your diet going into the ceremony, the less there will be for the plant medicine to clean out of your system, and the higher the likelihood you will have clear, luminous visions during your journey.

▶ Cleanse Your Mind.

We are constantly being bombarded by violence, negative stories, imagery, and energies during the course of our day-to-day lives, especially from the media. While weˇve become quite used to this sensory stimuli, during a plant medicine ceremony it can become abundantly clear how these negative energies affect our overall mental and emotional well being. You may find yourself in ceremony purging the news of the week, along with anything else from your life that you need to let go of. Therefore a great idea to do a negative media and information cleanse in the days and weeks leading up to your communion.

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▶ Set Your Intention & Prayer.

In order to receive the insight you are seeking, it is a good idea to set an intention and prayer for the ceremony. This allows you to “place an order with the Universe” on what it is you want for yourself and your life. It allows the Universe to tell you, through images, intuitive downloads, and spirit encounters, what it is you need to shift within yourself in order to achieve your desired outcome.

▶ Keep Your Eyes Closed.

Unless you are in a completely dark environment, opening your eyes will most likely bring you back to “this” reality, and cause your vision of the “other” reality to fade. Often you may perceive both realities at the same time, like overlapping layers

▶ Keep Still.

The more still you are, the easier it is for detailed, technicolor visions to fully arise. The more you fidget, the harder it is to get a clear “snapshot” of your visionary landscape. If you are in an event where there is dancing, it may be harder to sustain clear, prolonged visions. However, the purpose of a dancing ceremony might be more about mediumship and incorporating healing spirits, rather than meditating and receiving visions. I encourage you to embrace the focus of the work, rather than attempt to practice yoga in a Tai-Chi class.

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▶ Focus on Your Breath.

Practice calm-abiding meditation by focusing on your breath. This will reduce the chatter of your thoughts, which can create visions of their own that are more like psychological dreams, filled with random, confused imagery from your subconscious mind. Bring your mind to a place of stillness, which is a pristine landscape for the luminous arising of a divine vision, or the emergence of a clear, detailed, parallel reality.

▶ Focus on the Words.

If you are in a ceremony where there is music, singing, and chanting, focusingon the words of the sacred songs will unlock profound insights and messages, even if you do not know the language. In fact, you may discover that you completely understand the meaning of the song, even if you do not understand the words.

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Sometimes visions may come on quickly and feel overwhelming. All of the sudden, everything you know as real around you completely dissolves, and your mind loses its ability to grasp onto the familiar for comfort. It may feel like you are dying.

Understand that under most circumstances, these feelings are temporary and will most likely subside after the peak experience has past. The thing to avoid doing is panicking, as this will most likely accelerate the feeling of overwhelm. Here are some tips to navigate intense visions with ease and grace.

▶ Be Still.

Panicking and moving around when your perception is highly altered can increase the chances of physical harm. Venturing away from your ceremonial space increases the chance of getting lost, hit by a vehicle, or unpleasant interactions with people in the area. Try to stay put and ride it out.

▶ Focus on Your Breath.

Slow down your breathing and focus on your breath. Count your breath. Make this your single point of focus.

▶ Center Your Attention to Your Heart.

Focus on feelings of love and compassion. Meditate on all the beings that may be suffering right now, feeling the same pain, fear and anxiety you may be feeling at the moment. Send them your love. Light is always more powerful than darkness, so connecting with positive emotions can be a powerful way to break through fear and anxiety.

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▶ Pray!

Focusing your mind on prayer can also help shift the experience of overwhelm. Your prayer can also summon the assistance of your spiritual allies to support you as you navigate the visionary state. You may be amazed at who shows up!

White Tara by Amanda Sage

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On one occasion I drank an incredibly strong and wildly visionary brew. Everything around me began to dissolve and swirl around in a vibrant, kaleidoscope of colors. I felt panic and terror starting to build up. At that moment I prayed.

From the swirling vortex a beautiful, regal being appeared, half bird, half man with a feathered headdress and beautiful big wings, carrying a golden staff with a hooked end, like a shepherd’s staff, riding a long, thin, elegant boat with a dragon-head prow. Everything about this being reminded me of Ancient Egyptian art.

The being morphed into different shapes, and then morphed back. He did this a few times, and then I realized I was being shown how to shape-shift. It is this shape-shifting skill that I learned that day that has helped me numerous times traverse intense, rapidly moving visionary landscapes and make it to the other side with ease and grace.

The lesson of shape-shifting is a powerful metaphor in life. You can be whomever you choose to be. So if life is serving up some difficult challenges, try becoming a different version of yourself and see what changes.

▶ Drink Water.

This can help dilute the medicine that is in our system. It can also help you purge, which will also decrease the medicine in your system.

▶ Get Help. If you are attending a ceremony with experienced facilitators, there are guardians whose job it is to look after the attendees. If you feel like you are unable to ride out your experience and make it through the intensity, call for a guardian to assist you. The shaman may perform a blessing or purification ritual over you, to support you in healing process.

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Innumerable sentient beings coexist alongside us in our world; many of them cannot be perceived by our visual senses. As you work with visionary plant medicines you may find that innumerable dimensions coexist alongside our own 3-dimensional reality. You may find that the word “Multiverse” is a much better description of our Universe.

Gaia Tree by Mariela De La Paz

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Here are some broad categories of beings you may encounter in the visionary state, and how to engage with them.

▶ Divine Beings.

These are otherworldly beings that are extraordinarily beautiful and radiate love, compassion, majesty, and nobility. It is a blessing to encounter them; be open to receiving healing and wisdom from them.

▶ Elemental, Animal, and Nature Spirits.

Fire, Wind, Water and Earth all have consciousness, the ability to heal and to destroy, and profound wisdom to impart, if we are willing to learn. There are also innumerable manifestations of these primary elements. In the case of Water, there are spirits of individual waterfalls, lakes, rivers, as well as the Spirit of the Ocean. Every animal species is ruled by its archetypal spirit. You may also perceive non-embodied creatures living in trees, in bushes, in caves. Some of these spirits are friendly to humans, others are not.

▶ Spiritual Teachers, Guides, and Allies.

If you journey into the Spirit World with regularity, you may encounter some of the same beings or classes of beings multiple times. You may feel a powerful feeling of familiarity, kinship, love or affinity for these spirits. They often help you, give you insight, or compassionate empathy. Their presence feels good to you. These are your spiritual allies. You can cultivate a relationship with them that extends into your waking world, and call upon them for guidance. Animal guides often appear in your day-to-day world, to give you messages or warn you of harm.

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▶ Karmic Spirits.

In modern Amazonian culture, there is a belief that every individual is accompanied by an entourage of spirits. Some of those entities are your spiritual allies. Others are entities that are karmically attached to you, usually through some kind of karmic debt. In the Amazon, it is believed that substance addictions are actually caused by demons or parasitic entities that feed off the negative emotions and feelings that the addictions create. Interestingly enough, the same plant medicines that are used traditionally to exorcise spirits are some of the same plant medicines modern science has found effective in treating addictions.

Sometimes it is necessary to exorcise these demons, or do some kind of ritual or practice that fulfills the karmic debt, so that the entity can be released. The idea that spirits accompanies us in our daily lives is accepted as normal in shamanic cultures. In the visionary state, you may perceive them more clearly, and in doing so, it can be a good opportunity to communicate with the spirit and inquire what it wants from you. It may be that a healing is needed between you and the entity, even if the karmic debt occurred lifetimes ago.

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▶ Negative Spirits.Dark spirits evoke the opposite feeling from Divine Beings. They do not emanate feelings of majesty, wisdom and compassion. They will most likely look and feel strange, and your intuition may be wary of them. If you have encounters with spirits of dubious intent, it is a good idea to strengthen your auric field with light and mantras or prayers of protection. You can also call upon your spiritual allies for assistance.

The presence of negative spirits in a ceremonial space also suggests that the spiritual container of the work is not solid. This could be due to the skill of the shaman or facilitator who is guiding the work, as well as their level of personal integrity. For this reason, its really important to be careful about who you consume visionary plant medicines with, and only work with shamans, facilitators or spiritual groups you trust.

The Shaman by Amanda Sage

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As I mentioned before, you may find yourself encountering the same spirits or classes of beings in your journeys into the Spirit World, ones that repeatedly provide wisdom, healing, and guidance each time you visit. These guides and allies have made a spiritual commitment to helping you. This commitment may span lifetimes. You can cultivate an ongoing relationship with these guides, so that you can continue to receive communication from them as you navigate your day-to-day life in the complex, modern world.

Here are some tips on strengthening your communication with your guides:

▶ Create an Altar Space For Them.

If there are specific animal spirit guides that come to you, placing an image or object that represents this Animal Totem on your altar will help you maintain a clear channel of communication. Pay attention to whether these guides manifest themselves in your waking life. Perhaps you are walking through the forest and find an Indian arrowhead, eagle feather, or a deer antler. Itˇs a particularly powerful sign if the object appears shortly after a ceremony – definitely create altar space for it if this happens.

▶ Communicate With Your Guides Daily.

Visualize your guides. Donˇt be afraid to consult with them. For example, if I am conflicted about a particular decision, I will ask my primary Spirit Guide for advice. If she responds a certain way, for example, with snarling or growling, then the answer is negative.

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▶ Pay Attention to Cameo Appearances.

Your guides, depending on what it is, may show up in your every day life. It may show up as a statue or painting in the home of a person you feel a strong sense of purpose-resonance with.

I remember going into a job interview – my first Internet job after I returned from 4 months in the Brazilian Amazon. For months I struggled with how I was going to fulfill my mission of, “Leverage emerging technologies to empower indigenous traditions, so that ancient wisdom can benefit the modern world, and technology can empower indigenous people.” As a tech-challenged person at the time,I had absolutely no idea how to do this.

So I landed this interview. My former boss was seated in front of a large window. As he explained the role to me, a hummingbird appeared above him outside the window and basically hovered around his head, darting out to the side, ducking behind his head again, darting out to the other side. This went on for a good 15 minutes. I sat there mesmerized, and had totally tuned out what my former boss was saying. Needless to say, I accepted the job, and my career in Internet marketing became official on that day.

▶ Draw Them.

Paint Them. Create a beautiful piece of art that symbolizes your guide. I enjoy illustrating what I see. The Spirits love this.

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A 6-Part Mini Course on How to Cultivate a Spiritual Relationship with Sacred Plant Medicines For Healing & Transformation

Here's What You Will Discover...

ü The 2 most important aspects of a working with sacred plant medicines, which, if not done properly, can open you up to negative energies

ü How to identify which visionary medicine might be right for you

ü Best practices on finding and vetting qualified plant medicine shamans, facilitators and retreat centers

ü Keys to cultivating a sacred relationship with visionary plant medicines after your ceremony is over

ü 2 plant medicines you can use, to safely and quickly enter into an altered state of consciousness, that isn’t overwhelming

ü and so much more!

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Amanda Sage is at the forefront of a new breed of visionary artists using art as a tool for personal, spiritual and planetary growth and transformation.

Born 1978 in Denver, Colorado; her adventurous spirit carried her to Bali, then on to Vienna, Austria to study classical painting with Michael Fuchs, resulting in becominga long time painting assistant to Ernst Fuchs.

Her aspiration is to paint messages, visions and narratives that communicate with

an ‘older & wiser usˇ, awakening ancient memory; as well as the ‘present usˇ, that we may grow up and accept the responsibilities towards ourselves, each other and the rest of existence on this planet… now

When not traveling to teach workshops or for projects & exhibitions, she currently spends most of her time in her studio above the HIVE Gallery & Studios and the Temple of Visions Gallery in downtown Los Angeles.

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Anderson Debernardi was born on the 12th of June ,1968 in Orellana (Distrito de Vargas Guerra) a small town near Ucayali river in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest .

In recent years he has become one of the most prolific rainforest visionary artists in the region. He currently lives in Lima, but spent many years in Pucallpa and Iquitos including his time at the Usko Ayar

Amazonian School of Painting which was founded by Pablo Amaringo and Professor Luis Eduardo Luna.

Andy is a strong advocate for the preservation of the rainforest and sees the medicinal and visionary plants as a gift from nature. He hopes to see culture evolve to the point at which the forest is not merely seen as land to be “developed”, but rather as a sacred resource that must be protected.

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Mariela de la Paz is a Chilean visionary artist residing in Northern California. Her visionary pieces are imbued with her research of indigenous people, the land, and spirituality, and hold symbols of her esoteric studies.

She was guided to take part in the Sacrament of Plant Medicine, which triggered a massive breakthrough in her

self-awareness. To this day she considers it to be the most tangible experience of “God” that she has ever had. She includes the symbols of Alchemy, Kabbalah, Numerology, Shamanism, Taoism, and Buddhism throughout the series of her work from her various initiations in these practices.

The themes expressed in her art are tribal, earthly, and honor the female principles of ancient matriarchal traditions.

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