discover discussion debate - wages and inflation

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  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Wages and Inflation


    Discovery Discussion


    Wages and inflation are always talked about. How

    does this affect your life? How does it affect the

    economy, and your future move up the ladder?

    Discovery it! Discuss and form your opinion from the

    reading. Defend your position formed from your

    discussion through debate.

    Dr. Paul R. Friesen

  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Wages and Inflation


    Discovery Discussion Debate

    Design Dr. Paul R. Friesen 2013 Page 1 of18Original Story copyright of original authorGraphic organizers from MS Office templates


    Wages far behind inflation Sharp decline darkens consumer spending outlook

    Discover Ideas(Outline)

    Discuss the Story

    (3 Question Levels)

    Create Opinions



  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Wages and Inflation


    Discovery Discussion Debate

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    Before you start

    Look through the idea, front to back.The ideas in red are just ideas. Students should add to these.There is an outline page for Discovery.

    There are graphic organizer pages for the Discussion and Debate sections.

    The reason for the worksheets, at the end of the book, is to help you worksystematically through the material. Worksheets are helpers and can be a distractionfrom the rhythm and sequence in your teaching. By putting them at the end they

    become support pages versus places to stop, giving a smoother presentation.

    DiscoveryIn the beginning of each story you will have a few questions to discover what you

    know, or think you know about a story. The Title of the article/ story will be givenand you will be asked to discover the story by asking good questions.

    In the second part ofdiscovery you will be asked to find words which you do notknow. Some of these may be highlighted already in bold. Definitions will follow tohelp you discover what the writer is talking about.

    Discovery will help youform a plan for the discussion and debate.

    DiscussionDiscussion is not a debate, though it can quickly become one if there are strongopposing ideas in the group.

    Discussion can be a part of the discovery before you read the story. It may also comeafter to discuss the ideas of the story. Sometimes a persons views may change after

    reading the article, which is a good way to start a discussion.

    Discussion is interaction without a lot of structure. Be careful not to confusediscussion with argument.Debate is about argument. Discussion is about sharingyour views and interacting with others who want to expand or give a differing

    viewpoint.DebateDebate is a structured idea. It means that only one person speaks in turn, and with aspecific point to address. It also has a time limit, so the speaker must be precise intheir argument. In a debate the key is to listen and be prepared to oppose the otherteams ideas. It takes research, a lot of work, and patience.

    In the following story we want to begin with discovery ideas. What can you knowfrom a title, if you dont know about the topic?

  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Wages and Inflation


    Discovery Discussion Debate

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    In discovery you will form ideas to create basics ideas for an outline. In discussionyou will ask questions to help you build an outline for your viewpoint. In debate youwill separate the outline into two sections, for and against. At each stage you will beable to use what you have learned before, to expand on your ideas and understand

    both sides of the issue.

  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Wages and Inflation


    Discovery Discussion Debate

    Design Dr. Paul R. Friesen 2013 Page 4 of18Original Story copyright of original authorGraphic organizers from MS Office templates

    DiscoveryTitle: Wages far behind inflation ~

    Sharp decline darkens consumer spending outlook

    What can you know from the title?

    . It is about money.. People are paid less than before.. It is about American/ Canadian / European business.. It was about people getting depressed.

    What do I know about this topic?Nothing!

    I love money.

    People get depressed without money.

    Only in America!


    What would make me depressed?


    Have you ever lost money?

    No! Why not?

    Yes! How much did you lose, and why?






  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Wages and Inflation


    Discovery Discussion Debate

    Design Dr. Paul R. Friesen 2013 Page 5 of18Original Story copyright of original authorGraphic organizers from MS Office templates

    .Now read the story..Create an outline of the story / paragraphs..There is a list of words on the side for you to find..After you have found the words, look in the definitions, which

    follow the story.

    .Discoverthe words you dont know.Business and Technology

    Wages far behind inflation Sharp decline darkens consumer spending outlook

    Eric Beauchesne CanWest News ServiceThursday, February 27, 2003

    OTTAWA -- Wages have fallen far behind inflation, darkening the outlookfor

    consumer spending, which has insulated the Canadian economy from the slump inthe U.S.

    Average weekly earnings in December were up 2.2 per cent from a year earlier, well

    below the 3.9 per cent increase in consumer prices, Statistics Canada notedWednesday.

    Even that wage increase was mostly because workers were putting in a longer workweek, said J.P. Morgan Canada economist Ted Carmichael, noting average hourlyearnings, excluding overtime, were down 0.5 per cent from a year earlier.

    "The sharp deceleration of average hourly earnings reflects the fact thatemployment gains in 2002 were concentrated in small companies and in lower-paying


    The good news, according to Carmichael, is that there's no evidence of wage inflation

    in the report, which should ease the fears at the Bank of Canada.

    Bank governor David Dodge has warned that interest rates must rise to bring inflationback down to its two per cent target before the higher inflation starts to feed intohigher wages.

    Higher interest rates, on top of wages that aren't keeping up to increases in the

    cost of living, would be a double damper on consumer spending.

    Higher rates would also hurt business investment in new plants, machinery andequipment, which according to another Statistics Canada report was just showing the

    first signs of a sluggish recovery at year end.

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    Discovery Discussion Debate

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    A recovery in business investment has been the missing element in the economy'srecovery from its slump in 2001.

    Analysts, however, disagreed over whether to cheer or jeer the results of StatisticsCanada's survey of the investment intentions of more than 20,000 businesses,

    governments and institutions.

    It found that they planned to increase their spending on new machinery, equipmentand buildings by 2.1 per cent this year to just over $209 billion.

    But 60 per cent of the increase was in housing construction, followed by higherspending by government.

    "The outlook for business investment this year is still sluggish," Statistics Canada said.

    "Businesses, excluding housing, governments and institutions, expect to increase

    spending by a marginal 0.1 per cent. While this does mark a turn in capital

    spending, it hardly represents a full-fledged recovery," said Nesbitt Burns

    economist Sherry Cooper. "While this survey may understate the outlook for

    Canadian capital spending, the underlying message is that business investment is

    turning the corner at only a glacial pace."

    RBC economist John Anania said the survey results probably understate the level of

    investment that in fact will take place.

    "This survey has a history ofunderestimating business investment," Anania said."If history is any guide, once war in the Gulf breaks out or a diplomatic solution to the

    Iraq crisis is reached, business confidence should bounce backand give rise to

    higher investment spending intentions."

    Even with warworries hanging over their heads, manufacturers' investmentspending plans are up 6.6 per cent following two years of declines, Anania noted.

    Copyright 2003 The Star Phoenix (Saskatoon)

  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Wages and Inflation


    Discovery Discussion Debate

    Design Dr. Paul R. Friesen 2013 Page 7 of18Original Story copyright of original authorGraphic organizers from MS Office templates

    Vocabulary Definitions

    Far behindThis is a distance word. But here the distance is not meters or feet it is aset amount.

    Darkening the outlookThis means that it lessens the possibility of success. Todarken is to make it darker. Outlook focuses on the idea of look out .

    InsulatedInsulated often brings the idea of something to keep things hot or cold.Insulation is a cushioning barrier. It is soft and protection together.

    SlumpThis word is like limp but used differently. If you use fall it implies fasterand more direct. Slump is like a lazy fall.

    NoteHere is used as a statement not a memo. A verb not a noun.

    Sharp deceleration -- Sharp is used to show the quickness. Deceleration needs goodpronunciation. If not done right it can sound like declaration. Decelerationis to slow down so a sharp deceleration is slowing down extremelyquickly.

    Ease the fearsEase is to let go slowly. So to ease the fears is to make the fear levelgo down to normal slowly and gently.

    Bank of CanadaThis is the Government Bank in Canada from where all Canadianmoney is distributed.

    Starts to feed -- Feed is to start eating normally. But here it is eating up the benefit ofhigher wages.

    On top of wages -- On top is a position. Like on top of the table. Here it is used as acompounding action. Wage and inflation and then a negative arent

    compound and strengthen the negative emotion.

    Cost of livingCost of living is a series of costs for the family. It helps theGovernment to set support levels of reasonable living standards for afamily.

    Double damperA damper or is to control or restrict something. It is a word from astove picture. A wood stove uses a damper for air to keep the fire from

    burning too fast. We have a damp cloth which is just a little wet. Doubledamper is to use two wet cloths to restrict something.

    New plantsPlants here are factories not green trees or flowers.

    SluggishThis word gives the emotion of working hard but going slow.

    Cheer or jeerThese are opposites. A cheer is a positive while jeers is a negativecheer. Jeer if extended time becomes a taunt.

  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Wages and Inflation


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    MarginalIn the margin is on the edge. So here it is like it is enough but onlyenough not more than enough. It is a word where zero is the bottom andmarginal is .01.

    Full-fledgedFull means total and fledged is a flying word, A fledgling is a new

    flying bird. So full-fledged is 100% capability.

    UnderstateUnder is used here as less. So you give less information. State is averb here.

    UnderlyingLet us reverse to get a better picture. Lying under. So it is like afoundation or something that is a support for something.

    Glacial paceA glacier is a large piece of ice which moves extremely slowly. Pace isthe speed not the salsa sauce brand name Pace.

    In factIn other words real life or reality.

    UnderestimatingAgain we have the under as a prefix. This time it is estimating orgiving a round figure which is lower than the average.

    Bounce backBounce is what a ball does. Rebound is a similar word. Back showsthe direction or a return to the original. Just like a ball.

    IntentionsThis word gives an idea of plan and action together. It also gives a stateof mind when the action is done.

    Worries hanging over their headsWorries is an emotion and gives the picture ofstress on the mind. Hanging is not a real idea. It helps build the picture ofa mind full of worries as priority thinking.

    DiscoveryWhat do I know about this topic?

    List at least four (4) different ideas you have found in this story about the goldrush.


    Use them when you make your outline.

  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Wages and Inflation


    Discovery Discussion Debate

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    Level I

    .In your job, do you get regular increases in your salary?.How much do you think is a god increase in an annual salary?.Is this increase enough to spend more money on large presents or upgrades to your

    personal life style?

    Level II

    .Have you ever made an investment? If no, do you know anybody that has?.Have you ever underestimated something?.Have you ever thought you should have gotten paid more for what you do?.What did/ could you do about it? Explain.

    Level III

    .What things in your country have helped the economy?.What things have hurt the economy?.Do you think that Unions should have more power?

    You now have everything you need to fill out your outline.

    Look at your answers, underDiscussion, andfill it outto reflect the

    new ideas. These new ideas will help you form your debate ideas better.

    In debate you will have a statement not a question. You have to react to the statementwith facts, not opinions.

    Discussions are based a lot on opinions and answer questions. This is wherethese two ideas, though similar, are different.

    Debate is about facts and statements.

    When you make a statement, from a story,you must consider what the coreissue is. If you have made a good outline, you will have this alreadydiscovered.

    This story is from economics. The core issue could be; social economicpolitical culture

  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Wages and Inflation


    Discovery Discussion Debate

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    In todays world the topics could range from;

    social responsibility government control of workers pay risk taking

    greed unfair labour practices economics

    These are all good argument that you would want to research for your argument, orwrite in your essay. Build the argument starting from Why? Once you have

    determined the Why? you can find facts to support your idea.

    The amount of money a business pays their employees is persona and thegovernment should let the market determine it.

    Businesses must be required to share more of their profits with theiremployees.

    Unions are a good thing because they help workers keep up with their standardof living. To lessen their power would hurt the workers.

    Before you start choose one of the above statements to focus on. Choose a

    for or against position.

    Research to find FACTS for your position.

    List the facts.

    Write out your argument in a long paragraph format. Include the oppositeposition in your writing.

    You need to write out both sides so you can understand theother sides argument.

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    Discovery Discussion Debate

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    Discovery OutlineMain topic ________________________

    Find one(1) key idea in each paragraph. (3-5 words)

    Paragraph 1 ______________________________

    Paragraph 2 ______________________________

    Paragraph 3 ______________________________

    Paragraph 4 ______________________________

    Paragraph 5 ______________________________

    Write two thingsabout the main paragraph idea.

    Paragraph 1 ______________________________

    A. ______________________________

    B. ______________________________

    Paragraph 2 ______________________________

    A. ______________________________

    B. ______________________________

    Paragraph 3 ______________________________

    A. ______________________________

    B. ______________________________

    Paragraph 4 ______________________________A. ______________________________

    B. ______________________________

    Paragraph 5 ______________________________

    A. ______________________________

    B. ______________________________

    In the introduction you use the 5 paragraph ideas to communicate the order ofyour argument/ essay.

    In the conclusion you repeat what you have said about the points of eachparagraph.

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    Graphic Organization ~

    Main topic = 5 Paragraph Topics



    paragraph 1


    paragraph 2________________________________________________

    paragraph 3


    paragraph 4________________________________________________

    paragraph 5


  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Wages and Inflation


    Discovery Discussion Debate

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    Discussion Graphic ~ Is this phenomenon a problem / becoming a problem in

    todays society?

    Answer ~ I think wages are (a / becoming a) problem because

    Problem /


    People are greedy andwant to have everythingfor cheap, while making

    a good wage.



    People think that theywill be happy if they earn

    higher wages.



    Life without money is nofun, and without a good

    wage people will becometo violent.



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    Discovery Discussion Debate

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    graphic ~ choose one statement from the list


    Write it here _____________________________________________


    To make your argument you should understand that they are connected.

    In the next two charts (1) list your argument facts and ideas, (2) show how yourargument connects to both the center point and the other points.

    FactsFor Against









    Add more if needed

  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Wages and Inflation


    Discovery Discussion Debate

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    graphic ~ choose one statement from the list


    Now start the .

    As a team choose which points they will speak about.Each person will listen for the opposite point and create a new

    response to what the other person has said.

    A: point 1B: responds to the point and give a new point.C: responds to B and give a new point.

    After all persons have spoken each person can respond to any point given by theopposite team, or add more points from their team which will need responding to fromthe opposite team.

    If this -- then

    If this -- then

    If this -- then

    If this -- then

    If this -- then

    Write your statement position here.________________________________________




  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Wages and Inflation


    Discovery Discussion Debate

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    The following questions are to test your understanding of the story.

    Choose the correct letter for your answer. All answers can be found

    in the story. Answers are under question 10.

    1. Wages in this story are ___________.a. keeping up with inflation

    b. below inflationc. cheer on inflationd. double dampere. None of the above

    2. Deceleration is the same as _________.a. slowing down

    b. speeding upc. declaration

    d. hitting a walle. None of the above

    3. You ________ a bad referee call in a soccer game.a. yack at

    b. run afterc. cheerd. jeere. None of the above

    4. When you mean well you have good _________.a. moves

    b. feelingsc. intentionsd. juicee. None of the above

    5. When you go slower than a snail it is at a_________.a. oak tree

    b. ice cubec. rabbit trails

    d. glacier pacee. none of the above

    6. The survey message is that the economy is moving very ______.a. over fast

    b. will get better soonc. life will be boringd. slowe. None of the above

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    Discovery Discussion Debate

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    7. When concern is very high in your thinking it is _______.a. underfoot

    b. in your headc. on your toesd. in your ear

    e. None of the above

    8. The two things that increase the cost of living are wages and _.

    a. low interestb. high interestc. sluggish interestd. no intereste. None of the above

    9. 60% of the increase comes from Government and ________.

    a. low interestb. constructionc. underestimated. bad intentionse. All of the above.

    10.Higher wages equal __________.a. better living

    b. darker livingc. brighter livingd. richer livinge. None of the above.

    Answers 1,b:2,a:3,d:4,c:5,d:6,d:7,e:8,b:9,b:10,e

  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Wages and Inflation


    Discovery Discussion Debate

    Design Dr. Paul R. Friesen 2013 Page 18 of18Original Story copyright of original author

    Dear Teacher/ Student,

    After you have finished this please look for more in this series to challenge yourself.This is only part of a curriculum. It starts with Dr. Roys Everything Grammar.

    Dr. Roys Everything Grammar Volumes I and II will develop the skills of story and

    essay writing, while at the same time building a foundation in grammar. Therepetition of grammar, combined with reason and speaking, culminating in a story oressay will prepare students for this series.

    Going beyond this book is a book to expand the outlines into essays. Good essays areable to build and defend an argument. Building a structure for debate will springboardoff this skill set.

    Dr. Paul R. Friesen