discoverer basics

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  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    Discoverer 4i

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    Oracle Discoverer 

    Name of the author: Padma Rani Puri

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    16 September 2010


    Oracle Discoverer is an adhoc query tool enabling users to develop reports

    to meet business needs.

    Oracle Discoverer (like Oracle Reports) is part of Oracle's Business

    Intelligence set of tools.


    Oracle Discoverer is intended to provide end users easy access to data and

    allow them to do data analysis.

    The whole purpose of Discoverer is to help you—the business

    professional—view the data you want from a database, analyze it to support

    your business decisions, and create reports to keep track of things..

    Discoverer Definitions :

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    16 September 2010

    Discoverer Architecture

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010


    • Oracle Discoverer Desktop/Plus is a data access tool.

    • You use it to view the information in your company’s databases.

    • It will be used to explore the data by using the business area.

    What is Discoverer Desktop

    What is Discoverer Administrator

    • Discoverer Administrator is a tool to hide the complexity of the database

    from business users, so they can answer business questions quickly and

    accurately using Oracle Discoverer.

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    16 September 2010

    The Discoverer Method of Data Access

    End User Layer 

    It will work between the user edition and the database.

    It will decrease the complexity of sql joins and other performance.

    Business Area

    It is a logical grouping of information from database tables or views. within business areawe can create folders items and joins.


    Folders are created based on tables or views, Items are created based on columns.

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    16 September 2010

    Workbook Window

    Workbook Window

    a) Tool Bar

    b)  Analysis Bar

    c) Formatting Bar

    d) Page Axis

    e) Top Axis

    f) Left Axis

    g) Data Pointsh) Worksheet Tabs

    i) Tab Scroll Buttons

     j) Page Scroll Bar 


    k) Page Scroll Bar


  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    Oracle Discoverer 

    Module 2 - Administration

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    End User Layer (EUL)

    Discoverer Administrator> Tools> EUL Manager 

    EUL provides an intuitive, business-

    focused view of the database using

    terms that Discoverer end users are

    familiar with and can easilyunderstand.

    The EUL contains the metadata that

    defines one or more business areas.

    Use the EUL Manager to create and

    maintain EULs for different users

    (userids) in the database

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    16 September 2010

    End User Layer (EUL)

    Discoverer Administrator> Tools> EUL Manager> Create EUL

    The Create EUL

    Wizard walks you

    through the steps ofcreating a new EUL.

    The first step is to

    choose the user who

    will own the new EUL.

    ‘APPS’ database user

    has access to all the

    schema used forOracle Apps

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    16 September 2010

    End User Layer (EUL)

    Discoverer Administrator> Tools> EUL Manager> Create EUL

    The user creating EUL

    for a schema should

    know the password of

    schema’s database

    user id.

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    16 September 2010

    End User Layer (EUL)

    Discoverer Administrator> Tools> EUL Manager> Create EUL

    Select the default and

    temporary tablespace

    for the new user byclicking your choice in

    the list.

    These settings aredatabase settings

    Default table space

    must be at least 3mb

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    Create a business area and load data into it (mandatory).

    Business areas are conceptual groupings of tables and/or views

    Discoverer Administrator displays a business area as a file cabinet on the

    Data tab of the Work area.

    You create a business area in Discoverer Administrator using the Load

    Wizard (User-friendly Interface)

    Identify the data source and have a clear understanding of its design.

    Identify which tables, views, and columns are required. Identify those that

    are likely to be included in multiple business areas.

    Map out the necessary joins and determine whether they exist in thedatabase or will have to be created by you using Discoverer Administrator.

    Business Area

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    16 September 2010

    Business Area- Load Wizard

    The Load Wizard is

    where you openexisting business

    areas or create a

    new one.

    It is the first step to

    working in the



    Discoverer Administrator> File> New

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    16 September 2010

    Business Area- Load Wizard

    Discoverer allows

    you to load

    metadata that is

    present in thedatabase.

    Discoverer Administrator> File> New

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    16 September 2010

    Business Area- Load Wizard

    Discoverer Administrator> File> NewSelect a database linkThe default database is the

    one to which you are

    currently connected. You

    can also select users from

    other databases byselecting another database

    link from the drop down list.

    Select the users you want to

    load [for loading meta datafrom an online dictionary]

    The list box shows the

    names or userids contained

    within the database you

    selected. Choose one ormore users from the list.

    Use the Select All and

    Clear All buttons to help

    you select the users.

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    16 September 2010

    Business Area- Load Wizard

    Select the specific

    objects to load into

    the business area.

    Each table and view

    that you select will be

    a folder in thebusiness area.

    Two tables to be used

    in the report areselected

    Discoverer Administrator> File> New

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    16 September 2010

    Business Area- Load Wizard

    These options letyou make your

    business area and its

    folders easy to find

    and access

    Discoverer Administrator> File> New

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    16 September 2010

    Business Area- Load Wizard

    Finally, you mustname your new

    business area.

    Discoverer Administrator> File> New

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    16 September 2010

    Granting Access Permission for

    Business Area

     Apps and Scott Users will be

    able to access the business


    Tools> Security

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    Folder, analogous to a directory in Windows where folders are the containers

    and items are the files held in the folders.

    Folders can include items, calculated items, joins, item classes, and


    You can assign a folder to one or more business areas.

     A folder has a single definition, regardless of the number of business areas

    to which you assign it.

    Three Type of Folders:

    Simple Folders, which contain items based on columns in a single database

    table or view

    Complex Folders, which can contain items based on columns from multipledatabase tables or views. This is analogous to a view in the database.

    Custom Folders, which are based on SQL statements


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    16 September 2010

    Simple And Complex Folders

    Simple folders are created based on single table where we can use only

    that table columns.

    Complex folders consist of items from one or more other folders.

    Complex folders enable you to create a combined view of data from multiplefolders.

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    16 September 2010

    Creating Custom Folder 

    Insert> Folder> Custom

    This section describes how

    to create a custom folder 

    Like other folders, custom

    folders require joins in order

    for its data to relate to other

    data in the business area.

    TIP: You can add

    comments to your SQL

    statements by beginning the

    comment line with.

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    16 September 2010


     An Item, is a representation of a

    database table's column, in the EUL

     Administrator can do following on

    items (Columns):

    Formatting Change

    Name Change

    Other changes to enable

    user to clearly read thedata

    Items are stored in folders and can




    Moved among different


    Item>Right Click> Properties

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    Create Calculation Item

    Calculation Items behavemuch like any other Item in a


    Calculated Item can be

    used in Conditions,Summaries, Lists of Values,

    Joins, and other Calculation


    3 Calculations in


    Derived calculations

     Aggregate calculations

     Aggregate Derivedcalculations

     Add new item to show

    difference of order qty and

    invoice qty in sample report.

    Folder Name> Right Click> New Item

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    Create Joins

    To create a join, select

    the Master folder 

    the operator

    the detail folder 

    Use ‘Multi-Item’ for joining

    multiple Master and detailfolders

    For defining join types

    (outer join, Foreign key withnull value, one to one

    relationship) use ‘OPTIONS’.

    Item>right click> New Join

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    Hierarchy is a logical linking that you define between Items that enables

    Discoverer Plus users to:

    Drill up (to a greater level of aggregation) and

    Drill down (to a greater level of detail).

    There are two types of Hierarchy in Discoverer Administration Edition:

    1. Item Hierarchies

    2.Date Hierarchies


    Hierarchies Tab>

    Business Area> Right

    Click> New Hierarchy>

    Item Hierarchy

    C i D Hi h

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    Creating Date Hierarchy

    Hierarchies Tab> Business Area> Right Click> NewHierarchy> Date HierarchyExample:

    Year> Month > Week

    User looks at total

    sales for each year intheir records, they

    can drill down (using

    the Date Hierarchy)

    You can use



    Edition’s existing Date

    Hierarchy templates

    to define many

    common Date

    Hierarchies, or you

    can create your own

    customized Date


    Default date hierarchy is used in sample report 

    C ti D t Hi h

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    Creating Date Hierarchy

    Hierarchies Tab> Business Area> Right Click>

    New Hierarchy> Date HierarchyYou can choose the

    date items in your

    Business Area that will

    use the new date


    This step is optional.

    Like other items in your

    Business Area, you

    can name your


    Choose names that

    describe the hierarchy

    so they are easy to

    find and use later.

    C ti D t Hi h

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    Creating Date Hierarchy

    Right-pointing arrows on Items

    indicate Drill-points, which are data

    points at which you can drill down to

    further levels of detail.

    When you move your cursor over

    a Drill-point, the icon changes to a

    magnifying-class with a cross at its

    center, (the Drill-icon).

    Click the Drill-icon to see the

    drilling options available, and select

    an option. Notice that all Years are


    It Cl

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    Item Class

    Item classes are groups of items that share some similar properties. An

    item class enables you to define item properties once, and then assign the

    item class to other items that share similar properties.

    Discoverer uses item classes to implement the following features:

    Lists of values

     Alternative sorts

    Drill-to-detail links.

    The item class can be created to support these features individually, or in


    Note that an item class to support an alternative sort must also support a

    list of values

    List of Values

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    16 September 2010

    List of Values

     A list of values is the item’s set of unique values

    The values the item class references correspond to those found in a database


    Lists of values are used by end users to refer to values in the database and to

    apply conditions and parameter values.

    Lists of values are often generated automatically when the business area is

    first created (in Load Wizard: Step 4).

    The Item Class Wizard provides a way to extend a list of values to other


    Create List of Values

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    16 September 2010

    Create List of Values

    By default,

    Discoverer uses a


    query to retrieve alist of values

    Item Classes Tab> New Item Class> List of Values

    Alternative Sorts

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    16 September 2010

     Alternative Sorts

    Data elements to be sorted in an alternative order other than Ascending orDescending Order 

    For example, a series of sales regions would be sorted alphabetically by

    default, such as



    South, and

    West.But the end user may need them sorted in this order:



    East, and


    No Alternate sort is used in Sample Report

    Create Alternative Sorts

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    Create Alternative Sorts

    Item Classes Tab> New Item Class> Alternative sort 

    Select the Alternative sort

    check box

    If you select the

     Alternative sort check

    box, the List of values

    check box is automatically


    Select the item that

    generates list of values.

    You may choose from any

    Business Area in the EndUser Layer.

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    16 September 2010

    Drill to Detail

     A drill to detail is a relationship between two or more items that might

    otherwise be unrelated. Drill to detail is achieved using an item class and

    gives Discoverer end users direct access to detail information about the

    currently selected row from other folders, without having to drill through

    hierarchical levels.

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    16 September 2010

    Oracle Discoverer 

    Module 3 - Desktop

    What You See on the Desktop

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    16 September 2010

    What You See on the Desktop

    Workbook Window :

    The workbook window is where you will do most of your work with

    Discoverer Desktop. It shows the data in the workbook.

    Four Types of Display (Layout)

    TablePage-Detail Table


    Page-Detail Crosstab

    Layout Details

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    Table Layout

    The most familiar layout for data, a table, lists data in rows and columns.

    Typical data for tables includes lists, such as a mailing list of customers

    sorted by zip code or customer name, lists of income or profit from various

    departments, lists of products sorted by part number or part name, and so on.

    Layout Details

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    16 September 2010

    Table Layout with Page Details

     A table layout with page details is a table with multiple pages of data, where

    each page shows various portions of the data in detail.

    You set the criteria for displaying portions of data in order to see exactly what

    you want on each page.

    Usually you use this type of layout to study data details in a specific, recurring

    way. For example, in the Video Store data you may always want to see

    yearly profits per region. In that case, each page would show one region’s

    profits each year.

    Layout Details

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    16 September 2010


    Crosstab Layout

     A crosstab, short for “cross-tabulation,” relates two different sets of data

    and summarizes their interrelationship in terms of a third set of data.

    In Discoverer, crosstabs can show the interrelationships between manydimensions of data on the various axes.

    Page Detail Crosstab Layout

     A page detail crosstab layout is a crosstab with multiple pages of data,

    so you can group the data on separate pages.

    You set the criteria for displaying portions of data in order to see exactlywhat you want on each page.

    Layout Details

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    16 September 2010


    Crosstab Layout with Page Items

    (a) Page Axis.

    In this sample it contains a single data item--Department.

    (b) Top Axis.

    This top axis contains two data items--Year and Profit.

    (c ) Side Axis.

    This side axis also contains two data items--Region and City.

    Building Workbook/Worksheet

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010


    The basic steps to create a new

    workbook or worksheet are as



    File > New

    Required Steps

    Select the type of display for the

    new worksheet or workbook.

    Select the data that belongs on theworksheet or in the workbook.

    Optional Steps

     Arrange the data on a table or

    crosstab layout.

    Sort the data (for tables only).

    Select conditions to apply to the


    Select calculations to apply to the


    Building Workbook/Worksheet

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    Open an existing Workbook

    Open an existing

    workbook will prompt

    you to open from

    My Computer 


    Scheduling Manager 

    Recently Used List

    Building Workbook/Worksheet

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    Selecting The Data

    This dialog box lists

    the data in the

    business area that you

    can use to build the

    new worksheet.

    To include data on the

    new worksheet, you

    move it from the Available column to the

    Selected column.

    Select relevantcolumns from the table

    for sample report

    Building Workbook/Worksheet

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    16 September 2010


    Mathematical functions to aggregate the data

    Text Items- Such as Customer Name, the typical

    aggregations are Count, Max, and Min. That is, you cancount the number of text items, or find the highest or

    lowest (where A might be the highest and Z the lowest).

    Numeric Data- The typical aggregations are Sum, Count,Max, Min, Average, and Detail.

    For example, you can find the Sum or Average of the

    numeric data with the aggregation.

    The aggregation in boldface type is the default.

    The database administrator sets which aggregation is the


    Building Workbook/Worksheet

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

     Arranging Layouts

    To change the layout

    of items in your

    worksheet click and

    drag them to the

    desired location.


    Building Workbook/Worksheet

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    16 September 2010


    Press button ‘New’

    to add conditions.

    Building Workbook/Worksheet

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    Data Sorting- Tabular Layout

    Specifies how datain the current table

    should be ordered.

    This step only

    applies to tables. If you

    are creating a newworksheet or workbook

    as a crosstab, the

    sorting dialog box does

    not appear.

    Building Workbook/Worksheet

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010


    Calculations definedfor the items added to

    the Selected list

    appear in the final

    dialog box.

    You can select the

    calculations as part of

    the new worksheet or

    workbook, or create

    new calculations.

    Building Workbook/Worksheet

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010


    Used to define a

    new calculation oredit an existing


    Use this window

    to create or edit

    Items using EUL


    Functions, and


    Calculate total price

    in Sample Report


  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    • Group by Org_id• Drag the item to be grouped and place it at the

    page items

    Edit Title - Text

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    16 September 2010

    Right Click> Edit Title

    Sending Reports with e-mail

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    16 September 2010

    File > Send

    You can send

    worksheets, graphs,

    and selections of a

    table or crosstab as

    part of an e-mail


    You can send all or

    part of your workbook

    in an email.

    Exporting to other Application

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    File > Export

    You can export tablesand crosstabs in a

    variety of formats to

    open them in other


    Scheduling Manager 

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    File> Manage Workbooks> SchedulingWith the Scheduling Manageryou can see the results of

    a scheduled report,

    schedule a new report,

    reschedule a report, or

    edit a report’s schedule.

    a. Discoverer reports

    scheduled to run.

    The clock icon indicates that

    the reports are scheduledto run at the time

    specified by Date and


    b. Completed Discoverer report

    ready to open.

    Schedule Workbook

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    File> Manage Workbooks> Scheduling

    The Schedule Wizard lets you

    schedule a workbook (or part of

    a workbook) to run at a later


    This is helpful if your query isgoing to take a long time

    Scheduling a workbook to run

    later allows you to keep working

    now and get your data laterwithout even being at your


    You can even have the same

    workbook run on a regular basis

    so you can update the data on aregular basis without doing any

    additional work.

    Sharing Workbook

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    16 September 2010

    File> Manage Workbooks> Sharing

    Sharing a workbook grants other

    people access to it to view,

    analyze, and print the data.

    You can share workbooks with

    other people by setting up

    sharing two ways:

     Assign a group of people who

    can share one of yourworkbooks.

     Assign one or more

    workbooks that one other person

    can share with you.


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    16 September 2010

    Parameters are

    placeholders used

    instead of specific values

    in the definition of a

    condition.Parameters offer choices

    of condition value at the

    time the data loads.

    When you open theworkbook, you will be

    prompted to enter a

    value and the results you

    receive will be specific to

    that value.

    Creating Parameters

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    16 September 2010

    Parameters dialog box

    enables you to define

    Parameters, which are

    placeholders used

    instead of specific valuesin the definition of a


    You can create

    Parameters at two levels:1. Workbook level -

    Here, the Parameter

    applies to all worksheets

    in your workbook.

    2. Worksheet level -

    Here, the Parameter

    applies to the current

    worksheet only.

    Tools> Parameters

    Creating Parameters

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    16 September 2010

    Parameters are activated when

    used in an active condition.If you check the option “Create

    condition with operator” in the

    New Parameter dialog box, a

    new condition is created and


    To deactivate a parameter,

    deactivate the condition.

    Deleting the condition or

    deleting the parameter also

    deactivates the parameter.

    Tools> Parameters

    SQL Statement for Worksheet

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    You can analyze the SQL

    statements that Discoverer executesagainst the database.

    You can also open workbooks with

    your own SQL programming

    statements.SQL Inspector shows the SQL

    statements used to create your

    current worksheet.

    Click Export to export thestatements to another file for use

    later with another SQL program.

    View> SQL Inspector 

    SQL Statement for Worksheet

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    16 September 2010

    The Plan tab displays the OracleServer Execution Plan chosen by

    the Oracle Server for a query


    The Execution Plan defines the

    sequence of operations that the

    Oracle Server performs to execute

    the SQL statement.

    View> SQL Inspector> Plan

  • 8/17/2019 Discoverer Basics


    16 September 2010

    Q & A