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Computational Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Dynamic Systems Series
Series Editor
Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: A Practitioner's Approach, Gabriel A. Wainer
Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications, edited by Gabriel A. Wainer and Pieter J. Mosterman
Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems, edited by Gabriela Nicolescu and Pieter J. Mosterman
Model-Based Testing for Embedded Systems, edited by Justyna Zander, Ina Schieferdecker, and Pieter J. Mosterman
Multi-Agent Systems: Simulation & Applications, edited by Adelinde M. Uhrmacher and Danny Weyns
Forthcoming Titles:
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Contents Foreword: The DEVS Core and Challenges to Its Continued Development ............xi
Bernard P. Zeigler
1Chapter DEVS as a Semantic Domain for Programmed Graph Transformation .....................................................................................3
Eugene Syriani and Hans Vangheluwe
2Chapter System State Identification Using DEVS ...........................................29
Norbert Giambiasi, Diego Llarrull, and Maximiliano Cristiá
3Chapter A Formal Definition of Dynamic Structure Discrete-Flow Components ........................................................................................ 55
Fernando Barros
Ernesto Kofman, François E. Cellier, and Gustavo Migoni
ISectIon I Methodology and tools
5Chapter Heterogeneous Model Composability .............................................. 111
Hessam S. Sarjoughian and Gary R. Mayer
6Chapter Effective and Efficient Modeling and Simulation with DEVS Variants ............................................................................................ 139
Adelinde M. Uhrmacher, Jan Himmelspach, and Roland Ewald
7Chapter Object-Oriented Comodeling Methodology for Development of Domain Specific DEVS Models ....................................................... 177
Chang Ho Sung and Tag Gon Kim
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viii Contents
Olaf Hagendorf and Thorsten Pawletta
9Chapter Parallel Simulation of DEVS and Cell-DEVS Models in PCD++ ... 223
Gabriel A. Wainer, Qi Liu, and Shafagh Jafer
1Chapter 0 From Virtual to Real—A Progressive Simulation-Based Design Framework ........................................................................................ 271
Xiaolin Hu
IISectIon I Applications
1Chapter 1 Formalization for Formal Verification of an Optical Network- on-Chip Using DEVS ....................................................................... 293
Luiza Gheorghe Iugan, Gabriela Nicolescu, and Ian O’Connor
1Chapter 2 Construction Simulation Using Cell-DEVS Modeling ....................309
Amin Hammad, Hong Pang, and Cheng Zhang
1Chapter 3 Stochastic Modeling Strategies for the Simulation of Large (Spatial) Distributed Systems: Application to Fire Spread .............. 331
Alexandre Muzy and David R.C. Hill
1Chapter 4 Environmental Models in DEVS: Different Approaches for Different Applications ...................................................................... 357
Jean-Baptiste Filippi, Teruhisa Komatsu, and David R.C. Hill
ISectIon V Standardization
1Chapter 5 DEVS Standardization: Foundations and Trends ............................. 389
Gabriel A. Wainer, Khaldoon Al-Zoubi, Olivier Dalle, David R.C. Hill, Saurabh Mittal, José L. Risco Martín, Hessam Sarjoughian, Luc Touraille, Mamadou K. Traoré, and Bernard P. Zeigler
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Contents ix
1Chapter 6 An Introduction to DEVS Standardization ...................................... 393
Gabriel A. Wainer, Khaldoon Al-Zoubi, David R.C. Hill, Saurabh Mittal, José L. Risco Martín, Hessam Sarjoughian, Luc Touraille, Mamadou K. Traoré, and Bernard P. Zeigler
1Chapter 7 Standardizing DEVS Model Representation .................................... 427
Gabriel A. Wainer, Khaldoon Al-Zoubi, David R.C. Hill, Saurabh Mittal, José L. Risco Martín, Hessam Sarjoughian, Luc Touraille, Mamadou K. Traoré, and Bernard P. Zeigler
1Chapter 8 Standardizing DEVS Simulation Middleware ................................. 459
Gabriel A. Wainer, Khaldoon Al-Zoubi, Olivier Dalle, Saurabh Mittal, José L. Risco Martín, Hessam Sarjoughian, and Bernard P. Zeigler
Index ...................................................................................................................... 495
Foreword: The DEVS Core and Challenges to Its Continued Development Bernard P. Zeigler
Complex information-technology-based business, engineering, military systems, as well as the societal infrastructures they support, are at the root of this century’s global challenges of economy, climate, and energy. We are accustomed to building such systems directly in the real world and letting subsequent use and Mother Nature tell us how good they are. Increasingly, however, it is becoming too dangerous, costly, unethical, or risky to do so. “Build and test within virtual reality” is increasingly the only workable alternative—whereby “virtual” we include a wide range of represen- tations of the eventual fielded reality either wholly within a single computer or as networked distributed simulations, often enhanced with physically analogous and immersive environments. Modeling and simulation (M&S) supply the basis for such environments. Computer-based modeling refers to the construction of such environ- ments while computer simulation connotes the experimentation using them to study alternative designs and architectures.
Introduced in the last century as a rigorous systems-theory basis for discrete event modeling and simulation, the DEVS (Discrete Event System Specification) formalism has become an engine for advances in M&S technology and the support of “build and test in virtual reality.” A variety of systems-theory and artificial- intelligence applications employing DEVS-based concepts were compiled by Sarjoughian and Cellier [1]. However, the wealth of research continues to expand, so an updated accounting of recent advances is in order. This book obliges admirably by presenting advances in DEVS theory, applications, and methodology.
However, you as today’s web-savvy reader will question what a pricey collection of papers on DEVS will provide that an apparently free Google search of the Internet will not. The value proposition of this book lies in the one-stop shopping and metaorganizational features that it provides. As an M&S researcher, you will get not only a sampling of the best research in the area, but also a broader overview of this research that provides a picture of the DEVS landscape—what has been done and what this has opened up to be done in the future. As an M&S practitioner, you will see a variety of exciting new applications that were enabled by the DEVS approach, and that may inspire you to make similar application advances in your own area of interest.
This introductory chapter is aimed at providing the metaorganization just men- tioned. We start with a review of core DEVS concepts and pointers to where you
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xii Foreword: The DEVS Core and Challenges to Its Continued Development
can pursue this background in greater depth. We will then relate the research and application contributions of this book to this core to provide a sense of where it all fits. Finally, we draw some inferences and make some predictions of where DEVS work will evolve to support “build and test within virtual reality.”
The core of DEVS consists of basic concepts, the broader M&S framework, and the systems-theory basis.
Basic concepts
Discrete Event Systems Specification (DEVS) is a modeling formalism. Just as arith- metic underlies addition, multiplication, and other calculations, so DEVS underlies simulation of discrete event models.
DEVS Simulation is performed by a DEVS simulator or simulation engine that correctly implements an Abstract DEVS Simulator description that is technology agnostic. This is much like a calculator program executing an algorithm that describes the program operation in terms that abstract away the implementation details.
System Entity Structure (SES) is a high-level, ontology framework targeted to modeling, simulation, systems design, and engineering. An SES is a formal structure governed by a small number of axioms that provide clarity and rigor to its models. The structure supports hierarchical and modular compositions allowing large com- plex structures to be built in stepwise fashion from smaller, simpler ones.
M&s FraMework and systeMs-theory Basis
The Modeling and Simulation Framework provides a set of entities (viz., source; also called real or referent) system, model, simulator, and experimental frame (EF), as well as relations among the entities (viz., model validity, simulator correctness, among others). In effect, this framework presents an ontology of the modeling and simulation domain. DEVS models can be atomic, coupled, and hierarchical. The Simulation Relation specifies what constitutes a correct simulation of a model by a simulator. The Model Relation determines when a model can be said to be a valid representation of a source system within an experimental frame. The framework
Experimental frame Source system Simulator
Modeling relation
Simulation relationModel
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Foreword: The DEVS Core and Challenges to Its Continued Development xiii
entities are formulated in terms of the system specifications provided by systems theory (see below), and the framework relations are formulated in terms of the mor- phisms among system specifications. System specification morphisms are mappings between system specifications that preserve behaviors or structures of interest. They allow us to check consistency between models and frames, as well as between frames and models at different resolutions. This capability becomes especially important when components are composed together in distributed simulation federations. Computational support for this framework is based on the mathematical theory of systems and works hand-in-glove with object orientation and other computational paradigms.
Table 1 reviews the hierarchy of system specifications drawn from the Theory of Modeling and Simulation book [2]. Generally, transitioning from higher to lower levels in the specification hierarchy; that is, from structure to behavior, involves working out explicitly what is implicit in the given description. On the other hand going from lower to higher levels; that is, from behavior to structure, presents an underconstrained problem, requires adding new structure to what is given, and can be characterized as a search rather than a computation. The systems specification hierarchy provides a basis for understanding the types of problems that are encoun- tered in applying modeling and simulation to systems development, engineering, management, and testing.
M&S LayErED arChitECturE
The M&S Layered Architecture is another organizing concept for placing the work in this book into understandable relationships. A brief overview of this architecture follows.
Network Layer includes networks, sensors, and computing devices that are organized in grids, clouds, and service-oriented architectures, and that do the work of supporting all aspects of the M&S life cycle.
Simulation Layer is the software that executes the models to generate and analyze their behaviors in both virtual and real time. Included in this layer
tabLE 1 hierarchy of System Specifications
Level Name System Specification at this Level
4 Coupled systems System built from component systems with a coupling recipe
3 I/O system structure System with state and state transitions to generate the behavior
2 I/O function Collection of input/output pairs constituting the allowed behavior partitioned according to initial state of the system
1 I/O behavior Collection of input/output pairs constituting the allowed behavior of the system from an external black box view
0 I/O frame Input and output variables and ports together with allowed values
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xiv Foreword: The DEVS Core and Challenges to Its Continued Development
is the DEVS simulation protocol that provides the basis for correct local and distributed execution.
Data and Modeling Layer supports the development of data ontologies, experimental/pragmatic frames, and models in the DEVS formalisms that are separated from, but compliant with, the simulation layer protocol but agnostic with respect to its implementation.
Negotiation and Search Layer supports users in characterizing their data needs and negotiates with data sources to discover data to meet these speci- fications; supports the user in formulating experimental frames and in the discovery of model components meeting frame specifications; and supports searches through space of model compositions for candidates meeting frame-specified criteria.
Domain Decision Layer enables the decision maker to interact with, and apply the results of, lower layer processing to make decisions and solve systems problems within the particular application domains that are being addressed.
Collaboration Layer enables participants to bring to bear individual perspec- tives and contributions to make decisions and solve problems based upon the functionalities provided by the underlying layers.
aDVaNCES iN DEVS raDiatiNg out froM thE CorE
This book provides chapters divided into theory, methodology, and applications that all relate to the DEVS core.
As illustrated in the figure, radiating out from the core are areas of research in theory and methodology, each with applications, as well as an outer ring of trend setting applications. Let’s consider how these areas relate to the M&S Layered Architecture. First we consider areas that relate to working with the architecture itself.
Optical network- on-chip
Model development support
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Foreword: The DEVS Core and Challenges to Its Continued Development xv
Methodology for Working with the M&S architecture areas Covered in this book/Subtopics
DEVS Model Development Support
Graph transformation model generation•
System design and development•
Now consider how the areas are distributed among the layers in the table below. Notice that both the top and bottom layers are not directly covered in this book. Notwithstanding coverage in the open literature, this suggests some major open areas for future DEVS research—we will return to this idea below.
M&S architectural Layer areas Covered in this book/Subtopics
Network Layer
Parallel simulation•
Exploiting DEVS variants•
Interoperability and Composability
Other system specifications•
SES-based search/model generation•
Optical network-on-chip•
Construction/building design•
Process control•
Workflow systems•
Environmental models•
Collaboration Layer
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xvi Foreword: The DEVS Core and Challenges to Its Continued Development
Finally, we relate the areas and subtopics in the table to chapters in the book. The subtopics are shown in italics, and are followed by chapters that address them. A chapter may be referenced more than once. Each area and its subtopics are placed under the M&S Architecture layer to which they apply.
Methodology for Working with the M&S Architecture—Areas and subtopics here relate to the support of DEVS model development and the interaction with other methodologies.
DEVS Model Development Support Progressive model continuity• (Hu, From Virtual to Real: A Progressive Simulation-Based Design Framework) Plug-ins for software platform frameworks• (Uhrmacher/Himmelspach/ Ewald, Effective and Efficient Modeling and Simulation of DEVS Variants) Graph transformation model generation• (Syriani/Vangheluwe, DEVS as a Semantic Domain for Programmed Graph Transformation)
DEVS Interaction with Other Methodologies System design and development• (Sung/Kim, Object-Oriented Comodeling Methodology for Development of Domain Specific DEVS Models)
Simulation Layer—Areas and subtopics here relate to different forms of simulation supported by DEVS, the use of real-time DEVS simulation in graphs transformation, and the influence of DEVS variants on simulation performance. For convenience, the important topic of interoperability is included in this layer, although it also relates to the modeling layer.
Parallel, Distributed, Real-Time Simulation Parallel simulation• (Wainer/Liu/Jafer, Parallel Simulation of DEVS and Cell-DEVS Models in PCD++) Graph transformation in real time • (Syriani/Vangheluwe, DEVS as a Semantic Domain for Programmed Graph Transformation) Exploiting DEVS variants• (Uhrmacher/Himmelspach/Ewald, Effective and Efficient Modeling and Simulation of DEVS Variants)
DEVS Implementations DEVSJava, DEVS Suite• (Sarjoughian/Mayer, Heterogeneous Model Composability) DevsSim• ++(Sung/Kim, Object-Oriented Comodeling Methodology for Development of Domain Specific DEVS Models) James • (Uhrmacher/Himmelspach/Ewald, Effective and Efficient Modeling and Simulation of DEVS Variants) CD• ++(Wainer/Liu/Jafer, Parallel Simulation of DEVS and Cell-DEVS Models in PCD++) DEVSPython• (Syriani/Vangheluwe, DEVS as a Semantic Domain for Programmed Graph Transformation)
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Foreword: The DEVS Core and Challenges to Its Continued Development xvii
PowerDEVS• (Kofman/Migoni/Cellier, Continuous System Simulation and Control) Web-based Implementations• , (Various Authors, DEVS Standardization: Ideas, Trends, and the Future)
Interoperability and Composability Multi-formalism composability• (Sarjoughian/Mayer, Heterogeneous Model Composability) DEVS standardization • (Various Authors, DEVS Standardization: Ideas, Trends, and the Future)
Data and Modeling Layer—Areas and subtopics here relate to enhancements to DEVS model expression (extensions, new formalisms, and abstractions) and conditions in which they apply. Also included are theory and analysis for real-world system identification and control that are facilitated by the close connection of DEVS to systems theory.
Extensions, New Formalisms, and Abstractions Other system specifications• (Barros, A Formal Definition of Dynamic Structure Discrete-Flow Components) DEVS variants• (Uhrmacher/Himmelspach/Ewald, Effective and Efficient Modeling and Simulation of DEVS Variants) DEVS subclasses• (Filippi/Santucci/Komatsu/Hill, Environmental Models in DEVS: Different Approaches for Different Applications) Activity abstraction• concepts (Muzy/Hill, Stochastic Modeling Strategies for the Simulation of Large (Spatial) Distributed: Application to Fire Spread)
DEVS Theory and Analysis System identification• (Giambiasi/Llarull/Cristia, System State Identification using DEVS) Quantized systems• (Kofman/Migoni/Cellier, Continuous System Simulation and Control)
Negotiation and Search Layer—A framework is developed to support generation and search for models that satisfy desired performance criteria. The framework is based on the system entity structure and its transformation to DEVS simulation models.
Search and Optimization SES-based search/model generation• (Hagendorf/Pawletta, A Framework for Simulation Based Structure and Parameter Optimization of Discrete Event Systems)
Domain Decision Layer—A number of interesting examples are described that illustrate the potential use of DEVS to build successful applications following the methodology and layers of the M&S layered architecture.
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xviii Foreword: The DEVS Core and Challenges to Its Continued Development
DEVS Applications Optical network-on-chip• (Gheorghe/Nicolescu/O’Connor, Formaliza- tion and Validation of an Optical Network-on-Chip Using DEVS and Timed Automata) Construction/building design• (Hammad/Pang/Zhang, Construction Simulation Using Cell-DEVS Modeling) Process control• (Kofman/Migoni/Cellier, Continuous System Simula- tion and Control) Workflow systems• (Hagendorf/Pawletta, A Framework for Simulation- Based Structure and Parameter Optimization of Discrete Event Systems) Environmental models• (Filippi/Santucci/Komatsu/Hill, Environmental Models in DEVS: Different Approaches for Different Applications)
DEVS is finding increasing acceptance in the model-based simulation research community as one of the preferred paradigms to conduct modeling and simula- tion enquiries. Starting from a core set of formally stated concepts, the paradigm has elaborated into deeper theory, new variants, extensions and abstractions, and groundbreaking applications. Indeed, DEVS has become a base for the development of specialized modeling formalisms for specific domains that may be useful for a plethora of applications. Moreover, the strict separation of models and simulators has facilitated the development of alternative algorithms to dramatically speed up the simulation of DEVS models. Several challenges present themselves here: One is to maintain the interoperability of the variants among themselves and legacy mod- els by strictly maintaining compliance to the DEVS core formalism. A second is to continue to develop powerful DEVS-based, domain-specific environments with associated methodologies and tools—while retaining compatibility with other such developments. An intriguing direction is to continue to employ DEVS as a semantic domain for other formalisms with the possibility of precise and powerful semantics as well as efficient and robust implementation that includes time (virtual and real) in a progressive development framework. Once again achievement of composability and interoperability of the heterogeneous model collections that emerge will be the distinguishing mark of the DEVS-based approach.
The increasing popularity of DEVS, in applications as well as in research, suggests that it exists at the right level of definition. It is both abstract enough to allow the development of new concepts and structures, as well as precise enough to avoid ambiguities and to support rigorous M&S applications. A challenge in continuing in this effort will be to find the right level of abstraction to suit new domains and applications. The real systems problems to be tackled (global warming, financial meltdown, etc.) and the hardware and software platforms available (Web 2.0, virtual reality environments, etc.) are growing in complexity at “exponential” rates.
To manage this accelerated growth in complexity, new refinements of the M&S Layered Architecture must be developed and automatic mappings between higher and lower layers must be designed to support easy to use and robust M&S services.
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Foreword: The DEVS Core and Challenges to Its Continued Development xix
As mentioned earlier, the collaboration layer represents a placeholder in this book that should spur the development of DEVS-based theory, concepts, and tools to sup- port the collaborative work needed to tackle systems complexity and to “build and test within virtual reality.” Moreover, an abstraction discussed in the book, the activ- ity concept, relates to the absence of discussion of the network layer. This abstraction promises to provide an important refinement between the network layer and the sim- ulation layer. The challenge is to exploit this refinement to facilitate better linkage between DEVS simulators and the underlying use of computational and energetic resources and thereby provide a quantum leap in the autonomic efficiency of DEVS simulations.
1. Sarjoughian, H. S., and Cellier, F. E., eds. Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation Technologies: A Tapestry of Systems and AI-Based Theories and Methodologies. New York: Springer, 2001.
2. Zeigler, B. P., Praehofer, H., and Kim, T. G. Theory of Modeling and Simulation, 2nd ed. Orlando, FL: Academic Press, 2000.
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Engineering Carleton University Centre on
Advanced Visualization and Simulation (V-Sim)
Carleton University Ottawa, Canada
Informática Universidade de Coimbra Coimbra, Portugal
François E. Cellier Modeling and Simulation Research
Group Department of Computer Science ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Maximiliano Cristiá Flowgate Consulting and CIFASIS Rosario, Argentina
Olivier Dalle Département Informatique UFR
Sciences, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis
Laboratorie I3S-UMR CNRS 6070 INRIA Sophia Antipolis France
Roland Ewald Institute of Computer Science University of Rostock Rostock, Germany
Jean-Baptiste Filippi UMR CNRS 6134 Systémes physiques pour
l'environnement Università di Corsica -Pasquale Paoli Corte, France
Luiza Gheorghe Iugan Department of Computer and Software
Engineering Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal Montréal, Canada
Norbert Giambiasi LSIS, Université Paul Cézanne Marseille, France
Olaf Hagendorf Research Group Computational
Engineering and Automation Hochschule Wismar - University of
Applied Sciences Wismar, Germany
David R.C. Hill ISIMA/LIMOS/UMR CNRS 6158 Computer Science & Modeling
Laboratory Université Blaise Pascal Aubiere, France
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xxii Contributors
Jan Himmelspach Institute of Computer Science University of Rostock Rostock, Germany
Xiaolin Hu Computer Science Department Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia
Shafagh Jafer Department of Systems and Computer
Engineering Carleton University Centre on
Advanced Visualization and Simulation (V-Sim)
Carleton University Ottawa, Canada
Engineering KAIST Daejeon, Korea
Rosario, Argentina
Teruhisa Komatsu Ocean Research Institute The University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan
Qi Liu Department of Systems and Computer
Engineering Carleton University Centre on
Advanced Visualization and Simulation (V-Sim)
Carleton University Ottawa, Canada
Gary R. Mayer Department of Computer Science Southern Illinois University
Edwardsville Edwardsville, Illinois
Dinámicos FCEIA, Universidad Nacional
L-3 Communications US Air Force Research Laboratory 711th Human Performance Wing Mesa, Arizona
Alexandre Muzy Laboratory LISA UMR 6240 Università di Corsica–Pasquale Paoli Campus Mariani Corti, France
Gabriela Nicolescu Department of Computer and Software
Engineering Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal Montréal, Canada
Ian O’Connor Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology Ecole Centrale de Lyon University of Lyon Ecully, France
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Contributors xxiii
Thorsten Pawletta Research Group
Computational Engineering and Automation
Wismar, Germany
Hessam S. Sarjoughian Computer Science and Engineering
Department Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona
Chang Ho Sung Department of Electrical
Engineering KAIST Daejeon, Korea
Eugene Syriani School of Computer Science McGill University Montréal, Canada
Luc Touraille ISIMA/LIMOS/UMR CNRS 6158 Computer Science & Modeling
Laboratory Université Blaise Pascal Aubiere, France
Mamadou K. Traoré ISIMA/LIMOS/UMR CNRS 6158 Computer Science & Modeling
Laboratory Université Blaise Pascal Aubiere, France
Adelinde M. Uhrmacher Institute of Computer Science University of Rostock Rostock, Germany
Hans Vangheluwe School of Computer Science McGill University Montréal, Canada
University of Antwerp Antwerp, Belgium
Gabriel A. Wainer Department of Systems and Computer
Engineering Carleton University
Carleton University Ottawa, Canada
Bernard P. Zeigler Department of Electrical & Computer
Engineering University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona
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1 DEVS as a Semantic Domain for Programmed Graph Transformation
Eugene Syriani and Hans Vangheluwe
1.1 iNtroDuCtioN
1.1.1 Meta-Modeling and Model transForMation
Model-driven approaches are becoming increasingly important in the area of soft- ware engineering. In model-driven development, models are constructed to conform to meta-models. A meta-model defines the (possibly infinite) set of all well-formed
1.2 The AntWorld Simulation Case Study ..............................................................7 1.2.1 The AntWorld Language (Abstract and Concrete Syntax) ...................8 1.2.2 The AntWorld Semantics (Graph Transformation) ...............................9
1.3 A Meta-Model for DEVS-Based Graph Transformation ................................ 10 1.3.1 The ARule ........................................................................................... 11 1.3.2 The CRule ........................................................................................... 13 1.3.3 The Selector ........................................................................................ 13 1.3.4 The Synchronizer ............................................................................... 14
1.4 Using MoTif for the AntWorld Simulator Case Study .................................... 15 1.4.1 The Round Block ................................................................................ 16 1.4.2 The HumanStep Block ........................................................................20 1.4.3 The Controller Block ..........................................................................20 1.4.4 The User Block ................................................................................... 21 1.4.5 Simulation Results .............................................................................. 21
1.5 Timed Graph Transformation .........................................................................22 1.5.1 Introduction of Time ...........................................................................22 1.5.2 Real-Time Model Transformation and Deployment ...........................24
4 Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications
model instances. As such, a meta-model specifies the syntax and static semantics of models. Meta-models are often described as the Unified Modeling Language (UML) Class Diagrams. In model-driven engineering, meta-modeling goes hand-in-hand with model transformation.
In almost all modeling and simulation endeavors, some form of model transfor- mation is used. Models are, for example, transformed for optimization purposes, to address new requirements, to synthesize real-time embedded code, and so on. Transformations are also commonly used to describe the semantics of a model- ing formalism. In the case of operational semantics, the transformation iteratively updates the state of a model. In the case of denotational semantics, the transforma- tion maps a model in one formalism onto a model in a known formalism, thereby defining the meaning of the original model. Model transformations can be described in many ways. Rule-based descriptions are elegant and easy to understand. Such descriptions have declarative (specifying “what” to change, not “how” to) model rewriting rules as their primitive building blocks. A rule consists of a left-hand side (LHS) pattern that is matched against a host model. If a match is found, this pattern is updated, in the host model, based on what is specified in the right-hand side (RHS) of the rule. Additionally, Negative Application Condition (NAC) patterns may be used, specifying which patterns should not be found in the host model. Because at some level of abstraction, all models can be represented as (typed, attributed) graphs, and thanks to its rigorous formal underpinning, our rule-based specification is based on the theory of graph rewriting.
Though elegant, the declarative, rule-based specifications of model transforma- tions do not scale well. When the number of rules grows, it becomes difficult for a modeler to clearly understand what the behavior of the transformation will be. Also, the complexity of matching grows with the number of rules that need to be tried. Programmed (or controlled) graph rewriting mitigates these problems. It combines rewriting rules with a control structure. In this chapter we show how the Discrete EVent system Specification (DEVS) can be used as a semantic domain for the control structures in a model/graph transformation system.
In Section 1.2 we introduce our running example, an extended version of a recent benchmark for graph transformation [1]. Section 1.3 shows how extending the meta- model of DEVS allows for the introduction of programmed (or controlled) model/ graph transformation. Then, Section 1.4 illustrates a solution to the case study prob- lem using that transformation language. Using the notion of time inherent in DEVS, we show how the notion of time can elegantly be added to a transformation ultimately allowing real-time deployment in Section 1.5. Section 1.6 compares our DEVS-based approach to other graph transformation approaches. Finally, Section 1.7 highlights some of the advantages of this approach, summarizes, and concludes. We start with a brief overview of the DEVS formalism.
1.1.2 the discrete event systeM speciFication
This section introduces the DEVS formalism. In the rest of the paper, it will be shown how the modularity and expressiveness of DEVS allow for elegant encapsula- tion of model transformation (i.e., graph rewriting) building blocks.
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DEVS as a Semantic Domain for Programmed Graph Transformation 5
The DEVS formalism was introduced in the late 1970s by Bernard Zeigler to develop a rigorous basis for the compositional modeling and simulation of discrete- event systems [2]. It has been successfully applied to the design, performance anal- ysis, and implementation of a plethora of complex systems. Figure 1.1 shows the meta-model of a model transformation language based on DEVS. The dashed-line elements in Figure 1.1 (for now ignore the full-lined elements) show a simplified meta- model of DEVS in the UML Class Diagram notation. A DEVS model (the abstract class Block) is either an AtomicBlock or a CoupledBlock. An atomic model describes the behavior of a timed, reactive system. A coupled model is the composition of
State State
A rule A rule state Rule
1Packet: packet
Functions: string
Name: string
A next in A reset in
A reset out A success out Send pivot: bool Send pivot: bool Send pivot: bool Send pivot: bool
C success out C fail outA fail out
C graph in
Coupled inport Inports
Time: real
figurE 1.1 The MoTif meta-model, based on the DEVS meta-model.
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6 Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications
several DEVS submodels that can be either atomic or coupled. Submodels have ports that are connected by channels (represented by the associations between the different ports). Ports are either Inport or Outport. The abstract classes (In/Out)port can be instantiated in an Atomic(In/Out)port or a Coupled(In/Out)port, respectively. Ports and channels allow a model to receive and send events (any subclass of event) from and to other models. A channel must go from an output port of some model to an input port of a different model, from an input port of a coupled model to an input port of one of its submodels, or from an output port of a submodel to an output port of its parent model, as depicted by the associations of Figure 1.1. Note that the dynamic semantics of DEVS cannot be expressed by the meta-model and will be informally outlined hereafter.
An atomic DEVS model is a structure ⟨S,X, Y, δint, δext, λ, τ⟩ where S is a set of sequential states, one of which is the initial state. X is a set of allowed input events. Y is a set of allowed output events. There are two types of transitions between states: δint : S → S is the internal transition function and δext : Q×X → S is the external transition function. Associated with each state are τ : S → R0
+, the time-advance function, and λ: S → Y, the output function. In this definition, Q={(s, e)|s ∈ S, 0≤e≤τ(s)} is called the total state space. For each (s, e) ∈ Q, e is called the elapsed time. The R0
+ denotes the positive reals with zero included. Informally, the operational semantics of an atomic model is as follows: the model
starts in its initial state. It will remain in any given state for as long as the time- advance of that state specifies or until input is received on an input port. If no input is received, after the time-advance of the state expires, the model first (before chang- ing state) sends output as specified by the outputFunction, and then instantaneously jumps to a new state specified by the internalTransition. If, however, input is received before the time for the next internal transition, then the externalTransition is applied. The external transition depends on the current state, the time elapsed since the last transition, and the inputs from the input ports.
A coupled DEVS model named D is a structure ⟨X, Y, N, M, I, Z, select⟩ where X is a set of allowed input events and Y is a set of allowed output events. N is a set of component names (or labels) such that D ∉ N.M={Mn|n ∈ N,Mn is a DEVS model (atomic or coupled) with input set Xn and output set Yn} is a set of DEVS submodels. The I={In|n ∈ N, In ⊆ N ∪ {D}} is a set of influencer sets for each component named n. I encodes the connection topology of submodels. Z={Zi,n |∀n ∈ N, i ∈ In.Zi,n : Yi → Xn or ZD,n : X → Xn or Zi,DYi → Y} is a set of transfer functions from each component i to some component n. The select : 2N → N is the select or tie-breaking function. The 2N denotes the powerset of N (the set of all subsets of N).
The connection topology of submodels is expressed by the influencer set of each component. Note that for a given model n, this set includes not only the external models that provide inputs to n, but also its own internal submodels that produce its output (if n is a coupled model). Transfer functions represent output-to-input transla- tions between components, and can be thought of as channels that make the appro- priate type translations. For example, a “departure” event output of one submodel is translated into an “arrival” event on a connected submodel’s input. The select func- tion takes care of conflicts as explained below.
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DEVS as a Semantic Domain for Programmed Graph Transformation 7
The semantics for a coupled model is, informally, the parallel composition of all the submodels. A priori, each submodel in a coupled model is assumed to be an inde- pendent process, concurrent to the rest. There is no explicit method of synchroniza- tion between processes. Blocking does not occur except if it is explicitly modeled by the output function of a sender, and the external transition function of a receiver. There is, however, a serialization whenever there are multiple submodels that have an internal transition scheduled to be performed at the same time. The modeler con- trols which of the conflicting submodels undergoes its transition first by means of the select function.
We have developed our own DEVS simulator called pythonDEVS [3], grafted onto the object-oriented scripting language Python.
1.2 thE aNtWorLD SiMuLatioN CaSE StuDy
The case study used in this chapter is based on case no. 2 (the AntWorld Simulation case study) of the GraBaTs 2008 tool contest [1]. This is a benchmark for the com- parison of graph transformation tools that stresses local rule application. A solution using a DEVS-based graph transformation language MoTif (Modular Timed graph transformation) [4] was presented at the 2008 tool contest.
The complete description of the behavior can be found online [1] and is as fol- lows. The AntWorld simulation map is discretized into concentric circles of nodes (representing a large area) centered at a hill (the ant home). Ants are moving around searching for food. When an ant finds food, it brings it back to the ant hill in order to grow new ants. On its way home, the ant drops pheromones marking the path to the food reservoir. If an ant without food leaves the hill or if a searching ant hits a pheromone mark, it follows the pheromone path leading to the food. This behavior already results in the well-known ant trails.
The AntWorld simulation works in rounds (similar to time-slices). Within each round, each ant makes one move. If an ant is not in carry mode and is on a node with food parts, it takes one piece of food and enters carrying mode. Note that it may still move within the current round. On the other hand, if an ant carries some food, it follows the links toward the inner circle one node per round. During its way home (toward the unique hill at the center of all nodes), on each visited node (including the node that it picked food from) the ant drops 1024 parts of pheromones in order to guide other ants to the food place. However, if a carrying ant is on the hill, it drops the food and enters the search mode. It may leave the hill within the same round. Any ant without food is in search mode. While in this mode, the ant checks the neighboring node(s) of the next outer circle for pheromones. If some hold more than nine parts of pheromones, the ant chooses one of these nodes randomly. Otherwise, the ant moves to any of its neighbor nodes based on a fair random choice (but never enter the ant hill). Whenever during one round an ant is on a node on the outmost circle, a new circle of nodes shall be created. For each outmost grid node, a new grid node is created; but three nodes are created in the case of a main axis node. During the creation of this next circle, every 10th node shall carry 100 food parts. If a circle has, for example, 28 nodes, node 10 and node 20 of that circle shall have food. Thus, this circle would need just two more nodes to create a third food place. Therefore,
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8 Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications
these eight nodes are kept in mind and during the creation of the next circle (in our example with 36 nodes) we add another food place when two more nodes have been added. Thus, across circles, every 10th node becomes a food place. After each round, all pheromones shall evaporate: reducing by 5%. Also, the hill shall consume the food brought to it by creating one new ant per delivered food part.
To emphasize the advantages of the use of DEVS for controlled graph rewriting, the AntWorld case study has been extended as follows. The ants running around seeking food are not protected from external factors. In fact, a human could step on an area discovered by the ants. Hence at random points in time, ants will be killed. This happens on a grid node chosen at random as well as its neighboring nodes. Irrespective of whether ants are present or not on these four nodes, the nodes will lose food parts by a factor of 2 and pheromones by a factor of 10. Section 1.4 will show how this can be modeled by simulating the user decision of when a human step will occur and Section 1.5 will show how this can be done in real time, allowing an actual user to intervene.
1.2.1 the antworld language (aBstract and concrete syntax)
As shown in Figure 1.2, the AntWorld formalism consists of Ants and GridNodes. An Ant element can go on a GridNode that can also be a Hill. GridNodes can hold pheromones and food parts. Ants can be in “carry mode.” The grid nodes are con- nected in circles centered at the hill in a very specific way. This is why the meta- model differentiates between connections in the same circle and to the next circle for neighboring grid nodes. Furthermore, different strategies for the generation of the grid are used depending on whether it is a node along the two main axes. This is why we distinguish between main axis nodes and the other grid nodes. A node counter is also needed to decide which generated node will hold food parts. Using AToM3
[5] as a modeling environment enables one to associate a concrete syntax for each meta-model element. This is depicted in Figure 1.2 by the pictures attached to the elements by red-dashed lines.
Node counter:
World Node counter : int
Ant In carry mode: bool = false Moved in round : bool = false
On * *
Hill Main axis node
DEVS as a Semantic Domain for Programmed Graph Transformation 9
1.2.2 the antworld seMantics (graph transForMation)
As we have seen at the beginning of this section, the semantics of the AntWorld formalism is described in terms of simulation rules. In our case, these rules are graph rewriting rules taking as input a host graph (model) and producing as output the transformed graph. This encodes the state changes (i.e., dynamics) of the sys- tem. In MoTif, a rule consists of a LHS, a RHS, and optionally a NAC. The LHS represents a precondition pattern to be found in the host graph along with conditions on attributes. The RHS represents the postcondition after the rule has been applied on the matched subgraph by the LHS. The NAC represents what pattern condition in the host graph shall not be found, inhibiting the application of the rule if it is. Additionally, hints can be provided through pivot information. A rule using a pivot on a node of the LHS pattern binds the matching process to a previously specified matched node (this is useful for local search).
To illustrate how a graph rewriting rule is applied, we will consider the ConnectNodesInSameCircle rule from Figure 1.3. This rule states that whenever two neighboring nodes* N and M are on the same circle and are each linked to a GridNode (labeled, respectively, 1 and 2) on the next circle, a connection toSa- meCircle must be drawn between these latter nodes in the same direction N and M are connected. However, 1 may not be the source of a link to a node on the same circle nor 2 be the target of such a link.
Also, N must be bound to the pivot that this rule receives and M will be the pivot of the next rule. This internal dependency between rules is the essence of how local rule application is achieved in MoTif. For this particular case, the next rule that will be executed is again ConnectNodesInSameCircle as the control structure will show, in Section 1.3. This makes the connecting step between generated nodes ordered in a clockwise direction.
One of the advantages of using graph transformation for transforming models is that they can easily be described in a visual language, which makes the rules human readable. The remaining rules described in the appendix also use concrete syntax.
* We use the term nodes in the general sense (i.e., including GridNode, MainAxisNode, and Hill) because subtype matching can be used. This allows an pattern element to be matched to any element from the same class or from a subclass of it. In MoTif, such a pattern element is flagged with the {Abs} label, short for abstract.
Next (Abs)
10 Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications
1.3 a MEta-MoDEL for DEVS-baSED graph traNSforMatioN
MoTif is a controlled graph transformation language. It offers a clean separation of the transformation entities (i.e., the rewriting rules) from the structure and flow of execution of the transformation. While Section 1.2.2 outlined the graph transforma- tion rules, we focus here on the structural and control flow aspect of MoTif. Revisiting Figure 1.1 where up to now only the DEVS meta-model was mentioned, we will now see how a MoTif model is a DEVS model specialized for graph transformation.
The central elements of this DEVS-based graph transformation meta-model are the rule blocks. The graphs are encoded in the events that flow through the ports from block to block. The atomic block ARule (for “Atomic Rule”) is the smallest transformation entity and the coupled block CRule (for “Coupled Rule”) is meant for composition of rule blocks. A rewriting rule is part of the state of an ARule as a reference to the compiled rule. The rule application is performed in two phases: (1) the matching (where all the possible matches are found) and (2) the transformation on one or more matches. The ARuleState also keeps track of the graph and pivot received. The time advance of an ARule can be specified at modeling time to set its execution time (both match and transform). Otherwise the time advance is+∞.
ARule blocks receive packets (a graph, with a potential pivot node) from the AGraphIn port. In case of success (i.e., when at least one match has been found), the packet containing the transformed graph is output through the ASuccessOut port. In case of failure, the original graph is sent through the AFailOut port. Furthermore, it is possible to enable pivot passing for these two outports. For the success outport, either the new pivot specified by the rewriting rule or the original received pivot is passed on to the next block. In the case of multiple matches found in the received graph, a host graph ever received by the ANextIn port will only apply the transfor- mation on the next match without running the matching phase one more time. This feature is very useful as we will see in the AntWorld example for the flow logic and performance. On reception of an event through the AResetIn port, the rule applica- tion is cancelled and the state of the ARule is reset. Similar ports are available for a CRule block that serve as interface from its incident blocks to its submodels.
To increase the expressiveness of the language MoTif, additional rule blocks have been added. Among them is the FRule that will be used in our example. It is an ARule that applies its transformation phase to all the matches found (in arbitrary order) before sending the new graph. The matches are assumed to be parallel independent.
As in a general purpose DEVS model, atomic and coupled rule blocks are con- nected through their ports. There could be one-to-many or many-to-one connec- tions between them. The semantics of an (A/C)SuccessOut outport* connected to many (A/C)GraphIn inports is the parallel execution of the rules encoded in the receiving blocks. Since the classical DEVS is used here, the parallel execution of the external transition of these rule blocks is serialized as specified by the select func- tion. In our case, one block is chosen at random, first among the matching rules and then among those that failed. Many-to-one connections between rule blocks ports
* The (A/C)FailOut has an analogous semantics.
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DEVS as a Semantic Domain for Programmed Graph Transformation 11
are not encouraged, since different graphs will be received by a single ARule at the same time.
In graph grammars, it is sometimes wished to have many rules that match but let only one execute. That is why MoTif introduces the Selector block. Such a pattern can be found in Figure 1.6 involving, for example, a Selector and the Generate and CreateFood ARules connected to it. Its purpose is to receive, through its ASuccessIn inport, the transformed graph sent from an ARule that has been chosen by the select function. Instantaneously it outputs an event via its AResetOut out- port, forcing all remaining rules to reset their state. Then, with a time advance of 0, the Selector passes the packet it received to the next block(s) via its ASuccessOut port. In the case of failure of all ARules, the rule selected by the select func- tion sends its original packet to the AFailIn inport of the Selector. In return, the Selector forces the reset of all these rules and outputs the packet received through its AFailOut port. Since the semantics of DEVS is the compositional parallelization of atomic blocks, MoTif allows rules to conceptually be applied in parallel. This leads to what we call “threads” of rule applications, for example, the HumanStep CRule has four such threads in Figure 1.7c (which will be described later in the context of the case-study). Therefore a Synchronizer is needed to merge and synchro- nize the concurrent threads. Our approach uses in-place transformation of models, which means that the events sent and received are references to the host model, in contrast with out-place transformation where rules work on copies of the host model. This avoids the undecidable problem of merging transformed models. In that sense, the Synchronizer waits until all the threads have sent their packets through its ASuccessIn and/or AFailIn inports. Only then will it send the transformed graph through its ASuccessOut port if at least one thread has succeeded or else it will send the unmodified graph through its AFailOut port. To formalize these concepts, we define each of these elements in terms of a DEVS structure.
1.3.1 the ARule
The ARule is an atomicDEVS, parameterized by a rule r and by σ1 to determine if a pivot is sent on a successful matching and σ2 on failure.
T = R0 +
S = {s = (γ,ρ,∈,σ1,σ2,Σ(r))|γ ∈ G, ρ ∈ VG ∪ {}, ∈, σ1, σ2, ∈ {true, false}}
τ( ) [ , )
12 Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications
XAResetIn = {false} ∪ {} XANextIn = {⟨γ,ρ⟩n} ∪ {} Y = YASuccessOut × YAFailOut YASuccessOut = {⟨γ′,ρ′⟩} ∪ {} YAFailOut = {⟨γ,ρ⟩} ∪ {} ω: T → X δint = (γ, ρ, ∈, σ1, σ2, Σ(r)) = (γ, ρ, false σ1, σ2, Σ(r))
γ ρ σ σ
false r INSTATE r

In this notation, γ is a graph from the set of all possible graphs G. ρ is a node of this graph representing the pivot. ⟨γ′ ρ′⟩ is the resulting packet after the transformation phase of the application of r. Note how it is possible to have ρ′=ρ. The ε is used to determine if the ARule is active. The function Σ gives the state of the rule r. It is illustrated by the automaton in Figure 1.4. The ΣM gives the state of r after the matching phase, ΣT gives the state of r when it has at least one unprocessed match left, and Σ⊥ gives the state of r when there are none.
Match Has more matches
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DEVS as a Semantic Domain for Programmed Graph Transformation 13
1.3.2 the CRule
The CRule is defined exactly like a coupledDEVS
CRule X Y N M i N I Z selecti i i j= ∈, , ,{ },{ },{ }, ,,|
where X=XCGraphIn×XCResetIn×XCNextIn
XCGraphIn={⟨γ,ρ⟩}∪{} XCResetIn={false}∪{} XCNextIn={⟨γ,ρ⟩n}∪{} Y=YCSuccessOut×YCFailOut YCSuccessOut={⟨γ′,ρ′⟩}∪{} YCFailOut={⟨γ,ρ⟩}∪{}
The select function is described by these prioritized algorithmic steps:
1. If the Selector is in the imminent list, choose the Selector. 2. Among all the rules that still have a match, choose a corresponding ARule
from the imminent list at random, no matter what depth it is at inside this CRule.
3. At this point no rule has any unprocessed match left, then choose any of the ARule in the imminent list.
4. Finally, the imminent list contains either custom atomic blocks or Synchronizers. Proceed with a first-in-first-out selection.
1.3.3 the SeleCtoR
Selector X Y S int ext= , , , , , , ,δ δ λ τ
T = R0 +
S = {s = (t, f, ⟨γ,ρ⟩)|t, f, ∈ {true, false}, γ ∈ G ∪ {}, ρ ∈ VG ∪ {}}
τ( ) ,s t f
X = XASuccessIn × XAFailIn
XASuccessIn = {⟨γ′,ρ′⟩} ∪ {} XAFailIn = {⟨γ,ρ⟩} ∪ {} Y = YASuccessOut × YAFailOut × YAResetOut YASuccessOut = {⟨γ′,ρ′⟩} ∪ {} YAFailOut = {⟨γ,ρ⟩} ∪ {} YAResetOut = {false} ∪ {}
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14 Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications
ω: T → X δint (s) = (false,false ⟨, ⟩)
δ γ ρ γ ρ
ext s e x x
(( , ), ) ( , , ) ,
( =

1.3.4 the SynChRonizeR
The Synchronizer is also an atomicDEVS, parametrized by the number of threads θ to synchronize.
Synchronizer X Y S int extθ δ δ λ τ= , , , , , , ,
T = R0 +
S = {s = (t, f, θ, ⟨γ,ρ⟩)|t, f, θ, ∈ N, γ ∈ G ∪ {}, ρ ∈ VG ∪ {}}
τ θ
X = XASuccessIn × XAFailIn
XASuccessIn = {⟨γ′,ρ′⟩} ∪ {} XAFailIn = {⟨γ,ρ⟩} ∪ {} Y = YASuccessOut × YAFailOut × YAResetOut YASuccessOut = {⟨γ′,ρ′⟩} ∪ {} YAFailOut = {⟨γ,ρ⟩} ∪ {} ω: T → X δint (s) = (0,0,θ,⟨, ⟩)
δ θ γ ρ γ ρ
θ ext s e x
t f x
On top of these constructs, pure atomic and coupled DEVS models are also allowed to be present in MoTif models. This allows the modeler to add customized behavior to the transformation model. De facto, the MoTif code generator makes use of it, when compiling the model down to an executable model transformation environ- ment, by modeling the user of the transformation as well as an interface between the rule model and the user.
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DEVS as a Semantic Domain for Programmed Graph Transformation 15
1.4 uSiNg Motif for thE aNtWorLD SiMuLator CaSE StuDy
Having described the DEVS-based transformation language, we will now explore how MoTif models can be used. MoTif is a meta-modeled language and is provided with graphical visual concrete syntax. Figure 1.5 shows the overall structure of the DEVS model for the AntWorld graph transformation. Each block is shown with its ports along with the connections. The execution of the transformation is triggered by some user control. User intervention (such as a possible interrupt of a running simulation) is modeled in the User block, since the DEVS formalism allows one to specify preemptive external interrupts through the external transition function. The Controller block acts as the interface of the transformation system to the user: it receives user inputs and informs the user of the status of the execution. It also models the management of the transformation steps. The two rule blocks, Round and HumanStep, can both receive the host graph from the Controller and return a graph, transformed or not. This approach was also used to model a PacMan game [6].
Figures 1.6 and 1.7 show the core of the transformation model. The top left trian- gle on each rule block represents the GraphIn port. On the top right, the triangle with a line through it is the ResetIn port. The two small filled triangles on the left repre- sent the NextIn port. At the bottom left, the double-lined triangle is the SuccessOut port and at the bottom right, the filled double-lined port is FailOut. Pivot passing is enabled when there is a round at the summit of one of the triangular outports. For the
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16 Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications
Selector and the Synchronizer, the thick-lined triangle is the SuccessIn port and the filled triangle is the FailIn port. On the top of the Selector, the triangle with a line through it pointing up is the ResetOut port.
For completeness, Table 1.1 lists all the rules with a brief description used for a solution to the extended AntWorld case study using MoTif.
1.4.1 the round Block
The AntWorld simulation is run in rounds. Figure 1.6a illustrates how a round is layered to first run the AntMovement subtransformation (Figure 1.7a), then when no more rule in this CRule is applicable, run the GenerateCircle (Figure 1.6b) subtrans- formation, and finally run the EndOfRound (Figure 1.7b) subtransformation.
At the level of the AntMovement CRule, the first rule looks for an ant to grab a food part. Having already explained in detail the description of the ConnectNodes rule, the reader is referred to the appendix for a description of all the rules. The name of every ARule block matches the name of the rule itself. If the GrabFood rule suc- ceeds, this same ant moves one step toward the hill. Then the graph is sent back to the GrabFood ARule but via the ANextIn port to only choose the next matching and
Ant movements Generate GN
Check on out circle
(a) (b)
figurE 1.6 Submodels of the transformation model: the Round CRule in (a) and the GenerateCircle in (b) CRule.
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DEVS as a Semantic Domain for Programmed Graph Transformation 17
apply the transformation. This loop continues till no more ants can move toward the hill. Afterward, an ant found in carry mode on the hill drops its food part and goes into search mode. When in search mode, the ant first tries to follow a pheromone trail or else moves randomly in any possible direction, either on a neighboring node on the same circle or on a neighboring node in the previous or following circle. This
Ant birth
Evaporate pheromene
Kill same out
Weaken next out
Weaken next in
Kill next inKill next out FFFF Kill same in
figurE 1.7 Submodels of the transformation model: the AntMovements CRule in (a), the EndOfRound in (b) CRule, and the HumanStep in (c) CRule.
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18 Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications
tabLE 1.1 the Different rules for the Extended antWorld Case Study
rule Description
1 GrabFood When an ant is on a node with food parts, remove a food part, add some pheromones and the ant becomes in carry mode.
2 MoveTowardsHill When an ant is in carry mode and has not moved yet, make it move to the neighboring node on the previous circle.
3 DropFood When an ant is on the hill and is in carry mode, increase the food parts of the hill by one and put the ant in search mode and allow it to move.
4 GoToPheromones If the bound ant is in search mode and has not moved yet and the neighboring node on the next circle has more than nine pheromones, the ant moves to that node.
5 GoToNextNodeOut If the bound ant is in search mode and has not moved yet, it moves to the neighboring node on the next circle.
6 GoToNextNodeIn If the bound ant is in search mode and has not moved yet, it moves to the neighboring node on the previous circle, if it is not a hill.
7 GoToSameNodeOut If the bound ant is in search mode and has not moved yet, it moves to the neighboring node on the same circle, in the direction of the link between the two nodes.
8 GoToSameNodeIn If the bound ant is in search mode and has not moved yet on a node, it moves to the neighboring node on the same circle, in the opposite direction of the link between the two nodes.
9 CheckOnOutCircle When an ant is on a node on the outmost circle, bind the node.
10 GenerateMAN If the bound node is linked to a main axis node in the same circle and the latter node has no neighbor in the next circle, create three neighbors on the next circle linked to that node: the central new node being another main axis node. Bind the former main axis node.
11 GenerateGN If the bound node is linked to a grid node in the same circle and the latter node has no neighbor in the next circle, create a neighbor on the next circle linked to that node. Bind the former grid node.
12 CreateFoodMAN1 If a grid node is linked to a main axis node that is the neighbor on the next circle of the bound main axis node and the node counter is nine, then that grid node is made to hold 100 food parts and the node counter is increased by three (modulo 10).
13 CreateFoodMAN2 If a main axis node is the neighbor on the next circle of the bound main axis node and the node counter is eight, then that main axis node is made to hold 100 food parts and the node counter is increased by three (modulo 10).
14 CreateFoodMAN3 If a grid node is linked to a main axis node that is the neighbor on the next circle of the bound main axis node and the node counter is seven, then that grid node holds 100 food parts and the node counter is increased by three (modulo 10).
15 CreateFoodGN If a grid node is the neighbor on the next circle of the bound grid node and the node counter is nine, then that grid node holds 100 food parts and the node counter is increased by one (modulo 10).
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DEVS as a Semantic Domain for Programmed Graph Transformation 19
search mode behavior is achieved by the four ARules connected to the Selector, which finds their corresponding matches in parallel and only one is chosen randomly to apply its transformation. The scenario is repeated for every ant matched by the DropFood rule. When no ant is provided by DropFood, all (iteratively chosen in random fashion) ants in search mode that have not moved yet, will move to a neigh- boring node.
The (possibly) new graph is passed onto the GenerateCircle CRule when there are no more ants left to be moved. A check looking for an outermost circle node reached by an ant is first verified. If no node fulfils this criterion, the graph is passed onto the EndOfRound CRule. Otherwise, the generation of nodes of the next circle
tabLE 1.1 (CoNtiNuED) the Different rules for the Extended antWorld Case Study
rule Description
16 UpdateNodeCtrMAN If a bound main axis node is found, then increase the node counter by three (modulo 10).
17 UpdateNodeCtrGN If a grid axis node is found, then increase the node counter by one (modulo 10).
18 ConnectNodes cf. Section 1.2.2.
19 AntBirth When the hill has some food part, remove one food part and create an ant in search mode that has not moved yet.
20 EvaporatePheromones When a node has some pheromones multiply the number of pheromones by 0.95, rounding to the next integer value.
21 Reset When an ant has already moved, change it to not moved.
22 WeakenNode When a node is found, divide its food parts by 2 and its pheromones by 10. Bind this node.
23 KillOnNode If an ant is found on the bound node, delete the ant and keep the binding.
24 WeakenSameOut When a node is linked to the bound node in the same circle, divide its food parts by 2 and its pheromones by 10. Keep the binding.
25 KillSameOut If an ant is found on a node linked to the bound node in the same circle, delete the ant and keep the binding.
26 WeakenSameIn When a node is linked to the bound node in the same circle, divide its food parts by 2 and its pheromones by 10. Keep the binding.
27 KillSameIn If an ant is found on a node linked to the bound node in the same circle, delete the ant and keep the binding.
28 WeakenNextOut When a node is linked to the bound node in the next circle, divide its food parts by 2 and its pheromones by 10. Keep the binding.
29 KillNextOut If an ant is found on a node linked to the bound node in the next circle, delete the ant and keep the binding.
30 WeakenNextIn When a node is linked to the bound node in the previous circle, divide its food parts by 2 and its pheromones by 10. Keep the binding.
31 KillNextIn If an ant is found on a node linked to the bound node in the previous circle, delete the ant and keep the binding.
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20 Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications
in clockwise order is engaged. The creation of nodes starts at the node found by the CheckOnOutCircle rule. The transformation model takes care of the case where the creation happens at the level of a main axis node (three nodes are created, the middle one also being a main axis node) or a default grid node (only a default grid node is created). The four CreateFood ARules handle the specification that some food is placed on every 10th new node, the count of nodes being tracked by the World element. Once all nodes on the new circle are created, they get connected through ConnectNodes.
Finally, the end of the round is reached. For each food part on the hill one ant element is created; this is depicted by the AntBirth, Selector pair that makes the rule execute “for as long as possible.” Note how EvaporatePheromones and Reset are all FRules, denoted by the “F” in the ARule box. This forces the rule to transform all its matches before outputting its packet. Note that this is safe, since no two matchings can be critical pairs. Subsequently all pheromones are evaporated and a final clean up is made. The order of these three ARules is arbitrary and could, in principle, be executed in parallel.
1.4.2 the huManstep Block
The HumanStep semantics can be summarized by two actions: weakening and killing. Weakening a node reduces its food parts and pheromones, if any. Killing removes all ants on a node. When the CRule receives a graph, first an arbitrary node is chosen and the two actions are applied to it. WeakenNode sends KillOnNode the node it has chosen along with the transformed graph to apply the killing rule on this same node. Since all ants on the node are deleted, KillOnNode is an FRule. The same logic is repeated for each of the four neighboring nodes. In this case, every kill and weaken ARule pair on neighbors can also be executed in parallel since the rules are parallel independent. As stated by the Local Church-Russer theorem [7], two rules are said to be parallel independent if the matching elements that overlap between the two LHS are preserved by each of the rules application. Proving the parallel independence of eight rules* is not the focus of this chapter and is therefore not discussed any further.
1.4.3 the controller Block
The Controller atomic DEVS encodes the coordination logic between the external input and the transformation model. It is the control that receives the graph to trans- form and the number of steps to be applied. It also notifies the user about termination. The Controller sends the graph to the Round subtransformation model and waits for a graph in return. The returned graph may or may not be modified. However this cycle is interrupted when it receives an event from its control_in port. It will send the graph to the HumanStep subtransformation model after Round has returned a graph. Every time a graph is received back, the Controller will notify the user by sending
* The four pairs WeakenSameOut, KillSameOut, WeakenSameIn, KillSameIn, WeakenNextOut, KillNextOut, and WeakenNextIn, KillNextIn are parallel independent.
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DEVS as a Semantic Domain for Programmed Graph Transformation 21
it the graph it just received; which happens to be after each round. This is repeated depending on the “steps” requests received. Note that the system could, in principle, receive multiple graphs at any one time (thanks to the data flow nature of DEVS), but we restricted it to a control flow in our case. Also, the user could request more “steps” even when there are some steps left in the running transformation.
1.4.4 the user Block
User is a coupled DEVS block that sends graphs and “steps” control signals and receives termination events. The graphs are Abstract Syntax Graphs (AToM3’s inter- nal representation of models) of models in the AntWorld language. Steps represent the number of iteration cycles the user requests the simulator to perform in a row. The 0 ends the simulation. The ∞ runs the simulation in continuous mode, executing till termination (or until interrupted by an external signal). For our case study we let the simulation run “as long as possible.” The reception of a termination event means that either the requested number of steps have been performed or that the execution has reached its end. In the latter case, no more transformations can be applied to the graph. The inports and outports of the User block are connected to the Controller block only. The User block is composed of two atomic submodels: UserInput and UserBehavior. The User is separated into two submodels to distinguish the decision making of performing the HumanStep transformation from the interaction with the transformation system. Hence the UserBehavior’s time advance is randomized to emulate the random time aspect of the human stepping on a node. This separation of the user is the key for extending standard graph transformations to event-driven timed graph transformations. Note how this event-based selection of rules is dif- ferent from “Event-driven Graph Rewriting,” as introduced in [8]. The authors [8] let the rule itself determine how to behave given an event. Hence it is the rule that “parses” the event. In our approach, the event is “parsed” by a separate atomic DEVS block and the appropriate rule is applied accordingly. This approach is therefore more modular.
1.4.5 siMulation results
For the simulation experiments, an initial model was used with the following setup: eight nodes, one hill, and one node counter and no ants. Figure 1.8 shows a snapshot of the model being transformed. Some performance measurements have been col- lected at the end of each round. Table 1.2 shows some results per round, the number of circles present on the grid, the total number of nodes, the number of food parts present on the grid, and the total number of ants alive. Furthermore, for each round we show how long the transformation step took in seconds. So the 165th round took 7 minutes and 18 seconds while the generation of the 13th circle (100 nodes) took about 48 minutes. The total execution time was 23,890 seconds. Also, on average over the first 165 rounds the transformation time is about 144 seconds and without considering the time consumed by the GenerateCycle block, the average is 104 sec- onds. These measurements were taken on a Windows Vista machine with an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU with 1.5 GHz of RAM.
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22 Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications
1.5 tiMED graph traNSforMatioN
In this section we briefly discuss the introduction of time in transformation lan- guages and how our approach makes use of it.
1.5.1 introduction oF tiMe
DEVS is inherently a timed formalism. Hence, using DEVS as a semantic domain for graph transformation has a side effect of extending graph transformation with the notion of time.
Timed Graph Transformation, as proposed by Gyapay et al. [9], integrates time in only one particular theoretical foundation of graph transformation: the double push-out approach [7]. They extend the definition of a graph transformation rule by introducing, in the model and rules, a “chronos” element that stores the notion of time. Rules can monotonically increase time.
In our approach, time is modeled and embedded both at the block entity level. In contrast with Gyapay [9], it is the execution of a rule that can increase time and not
figurE 1.8 Snapshot of the model in AToM3 while being transformed.
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tic D o
tabLE 1.2 performance Measurements
round # Circles Nodes food ants time (sec) round # Circles Nodes food ants time (sec)
1 2 16 0 8 0 43 7 196 1724 34 17
8 4 64 500 8 0 44 7 196 1713 35 7
9 5 100 900 8 15 55 7 196 1651 46 10
10 5 100 900 8 1 56 8 256 2237 47 207
11 5 100 900 8 1 65 9 324 2891 56 48
12 5 100 900 8 1 73 10 400 3640 64 698
13 5 100 899 8 0 103 10 400 3423 94 74
14 6 144 1297 8 39 104 11 484 4214 95 1218
15 6 144 1297 8 0 105 12 576 5107 96 1924
32 6 144 1267 23 1 106 12 576 5099 97 117
33 6 144 1264 24 2 107 13 676 6093 98 2881
38 6 144 1243 29 3 165 13 676 5523 156 438
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24 Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications
the rule itself. This is done through the time advance of ARules. Hence, the control flow of the transformation has full access to it. As pointed out by Gyapay [9], time can be used as a metric to express how many time units are consumed to execute a rule. Having time at the level of the block containing a rule rather than in the rule itself does not lose this expressiveness.
Also, providing time to the control flow structure can enhance the semantics of the transformation. The AToM3, for example, provides control over execution time delay for animation. To have more realistic simulations in the AntWorld example, we can give meaning to the time delay between the executions of different rules by modeling the user. For example, the ant movement rules may take more time than the generation of new circles and the rules at the end of the round may take no time.
1.5.2 real-tiMe Model transForMation and deployMent
Having control over time for simulation purposes can be extended to real-time appli- cations. In Syriani and Vangheluwe [10], we have shown how using DEVS for pro- grammed graph rewriting with time allows for simulation-based design. This was achieved on a game example where first the UserBehavior block was enhanced with some artificial intelligence for path finding to optimize parameters such as the speed of the game. Then a web-based game was synthesized from the simulation model, where the UserBehavior block was replaced by an actual human user. A real-time simulator, our Python implementation of RT-DEVS [11], was used.
A similar approach has been employed for the extended AntWorld case study. From the meta-model of the AntWorld formalism designed in AToM3, an Ajax/SVG- based Web application was (mostly) synthesized (yet another model transformation). The web page consists of a visual representation of a given model. While the trans- formation runs, ants move and new node circles are created. Each node is equipped with an event handler listening to a mouse click from the user. This allows the user to “interrupt” the Round subtransformation and trigger the HumanStep subtransforma- tion, passing the clicked node as initial pivot.
1.6 rELatED graph traNSforMatioN tooLS
Many graph transformation tools and languages have been developed during the past decade. Hence, we present those that describe a transformation in a controlled way (i.e., programmed graph rewriting). The Graph Rewriting And Transformation (GReAT) tool [12–14] treats the source model, the target model, and the temporary objects created during the transformation as a single graph using a unified meta- model. Rules consist of a pattern graph described using UML Class Diagram nota- tion where the elements can be marked to match a pattern (Bind role), to remove elements (Delete role), or to create elements (CreateNew role). A guard is associated with each production; this is an Object Constraint Language (OCL) expression that operates on vertex and edge attributes. An attribute mapping can also be defined to generate values of vertex and edge attributes with arithmetic and string expressions. GReAT’s control flow language uses a control flow diagram nota- tion where a production is represented by a block. Sequencing is enabled by the use
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DEVS as a Semantic Domain for Programmed Graph Transformation 25
of input and output interfaces (Inports and Outports) of a block. Packets (the graph model) are fed to productions via these ports. The Inport also provides an optimization in the sense that it specifies an initial binding for the start of the pattern matcher. Two types of hierarchical rules are supported. A block pushes all its incoming packets to the first internal rule, whereas a forblock pushes one packet through all its internal rules. Branching is achieved using test case rules, consisting of a left-hand side (LHS) and a guard only. If a match is found, the packet will be sent to the output interface. Parallel execution is possible when the Outports of a production are connected to different Inports. There is no notion of time.
In the Visual Modeling and Transformation System (VMTS) [15,16], the LHS and RHS of a graph transformation rule are represented as two separate graphs. They can be linked (internal causality) by Extensible Stylesheet Language scripts. These scripts allow attribute operations and represent the create and modify operation of the transformation step. Also, parameters and pivot nodes can be passed to a step for opti- mization. The programmed graph rewriting system of VMTS is the VMTS Control Flow Language (VCFL), a stereotyped Activity Diagram [17]. This abstract state machine handles pre- and postconditions of rules. Sequencing is achieved by linking transformation steps; loops are allowed. Branching in VCFL is conditioned by an OCL expression. In the case of multiple branching (a step connected to more than one step), only the first successfully evaluated branch will apply its transformation step. Iteration is controlled by loops in a sequence of steps. A branch can also be added to provide conditional loops. Hierarchical steps are composed of a sequence of primitive steps. A primitive step ends with success if the terminating state is reached and ends with failure when a match fails. However, in hierarchical steps, when a decision can- not be found at the level of primitive steps, the control flow is sent to the parent state or else the transformation fails. Parallelism is not yet implemented in VCFL. VMTS is language-oriented toward the .NET framework. There is no notion of time.
The PROgrammed Graph Rewriting System (PROGReS) [18] was the first fully implemented environment to allow programming through graph transformations. It has very advanced features not found in other tools such as backtracking. Insights gained through the development of PROGReS have led to FUJABA (From UML to Java and Back Again) [19,20], a completely redesigned graph transformation envi- ronment based on Java and UML. FUJABA’s programmed graph rewriting system is based on Story Charts and of Story Diagrams [20]. An activity in such a diagram contains either graph rewrite rules, which adopt a Collaboration Diagram-like rep- resentation [17], or pure Java code. The graph schemes for graph rewriting rules exploit UML class diagrams. With the expressiveness of Story Charts, graph trans- formation rules can be sequenced (using success and failure guards on the linking edges) along with activities containing code. Branching is ensured by the condi- tion blocks that act like an if-else construct. An activity can be a for-all story pat- tern, which acts like a for-loop on a transformation rule, iterating over its different matches. FUJABA’s approach is implementation-oriented. Classes define method signatures and method content is described by Story Chart diagrams. All models are compiled to Java code. There is no notion of time.
The MOFLON [21] toolset uses the FUJABA engine for graph transformation, since the latter already features UML-like graph schemata. It provides an environment
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26 Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications
where transformations are defined by Triple Graph Grammars (TGGs) [22]. These TGGs are subsequently compiled to Story Diagrams. This adds declarative power to FUJABA similar to that of the Object Management Group’s (OMG) QVT (Query/ View/Transformation*).
Although all these tools provide a control flow mechanism for graph transforma- tions, many designed a new formalism for this purpose. Also, none of these exploit event-based transformations; MoTif not only allows that but the user and its interac- tion with the executing transformation can even be explicitly modeled, offering a user-centric approach to model transformations. Note that in the abovementioned tools, user-tool interaction is hard-coded. Furthermore, the notion of time is absent in these languages. Some do provide sophisticated, user friendly graphical interfaces while others are more efficient.
1.7 CoNCLuSioNS
In this chapter, we have introduced the DEVS formalism as an appropriate semantic domain for “programmed” model transformation. As DEVS is a timed, highly modu- lar, hierarchical formalism for the description of reactive systems, control structures