discursive writing creation and production folio

Discursive Writing Creation and Production Folio

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Post on 18-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Discursive Writing Creation and Production Folio

Discursive Writing

Creation and ProductionFolio

Page 2: Discursive Writing Creation and Production Folio

Discursive versus Persuasive

• Discursive essays look at both sides of an argument and are balanced – with a clear conclusion made at the end of the essay.

• Persuasive essays are much more one sided and aim to persuade the reader to a particular line of thought.

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Success CriteriaSuitable for purpose and audienceIn-depth knowledge and understanding

– detailedIdeas are linked together effectivelyA range of techniques are usedWord choice is used effectivelyClear attempt to influence the reader

to believe a certain point of view

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• Set your argument up

• Push it a long

• Arrive at a conclusion

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• Set your argument up

• Push it a long

• Arrive at a conclusion or arrive somewhere new – linking into your next point

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You need to think about:

One big idea per paragraph

Where are you going with this paragraph?

What do you need your reader to know/understand by the end of your paragraph?

What evidence or information do you need to make your point?

What point do you want to have made by the end of your paragraph?

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Next Step:

• What are you arguing with your essay?

• What 4 – 6 main points do you want to make in order to influence your reader?

• What evidence or information do each of these points need?

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You need to think about:

One big idea per paragraph

Where are you going with this paragraph?

What do you need your reader to know/understand by the end of your paragraph?

What evidence or information do you need to make your point?

What point do you want to have made by the end of your paragraph?

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• What we analyse in close reading is what you need to use in your own writing.

• This means reading this type of writing will also impact on your success with discursive writing.

• Try to use at least 5 techniques on the sheet!

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A Strong Opening

Setting up your argument

Setting up positive expectations for the rest of your essay

Clearly indicating where you are going for the reader

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Before Rap invaded the American music scene, slaves from

Africa were telling stories though rhyme. This form of music

was an escape for the pain and suffering experienced by

slaves, and an important part of rap’s legacy. These singing

poets from Africa and the Caribbean built the foundation for

modern-day American Rap music.

Yet despite this history, rap is still not taken seriously. It’s

too violent or too sexually explicit for the common listener’s

ears. But don’t believe the hype, because Rap is more than

just gun toting, big screen TVs, women, blunts and 40s. For

generations, rap has been the voice of the struggle.

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The war that isn’t there [15 March 2008]

Is it just me or is everything a sham? The real world doesn’t feel real any

more, as though we’re separated from it by a thick layer of Perspex: we

can see it, but can’t sense it. Perhaps it isn’t there.

Take the war. Not the Afghan war, not the ‘war on terror’, but the other

one: Iraq. I call it a war, but really it’s a TV show – a long-running and

depressing one that squats somewhere in the background, humming

away to itself; a dark smear in the Technicolor entertainment mural. We

know it’s happening – we catch glimpses of it happening – but we don’t

feel it any more. It’s like a soap we don’t watch, but keep vaguely up to

speed with by osmosis.

Charlie Brooker

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Clear Line of Thought

• You are responsible for guiding your reader through this complex topic, to then reach your thought provoking conclusion.

• If you lose your reader on the way it is your fault.

• Each paragraph/point/idea should lead effortlessly into the next.

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A strong closing paragraph…

• Your final paragraph is the last part your reader will read.

• It is a chance to make your point stick!

• It is what your whole essay has been building towards.

• This is where you state your final position on the topic

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So in conclusion, it is obvious that the media have a

dangerously large part in the serious size zero and anorexia

epidemic of the 21st century. Should the media get away with

it? Should normal, healthy and beautiful people be

discriminated against because they aren’t an unhealthy and

tiny size zero size? I think not. I think the media need to get

a grip and start showing what real people look like, stop

editing photos changing a persons figure and looks, stop

encouraging size zero and extreme dieting and to join the

21st century; women of all sizes are beautiful, no one is

‘perfect’ and no one is a size zero.

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In the end it is almost irrefutable that graffiti is a form of art. But it

must be done right. The same way that thrashing a guitar over and

over with no direction is not considered music. For graffiti to be art,

it must be passionately and carefully crafted, with the artist’s heart

and soul behind the piece. Is taking down graffiti a violation of

freedom? Yes. In the end is painting over a piece just another book

burning? Yes. But no matter how hard authorities try, people will

continue to make this important art. For each piece taken down,

another will be created. When all is said and done artist Eddia Colla

says it best: “If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for


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In all seriousness, the argument against video games is

so flawed that its hard not to discount it as yet another

silly ploy against the likes of comic books and trashy

lyrics. If there was any truth in the claims, turtles would

be an endangered species and urban planners would

have one of the most lucrative jobs in the industry. One

thing the protestors don't understand is that games

should be viewed as a cathartic release, a punching bag,

rather than a boot camp for violence. People know the

difference between fantasy and reality. To say otherwise

is to completely disrespect the maturity of the adults of

the future.

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First Draft

• Due Thursday 3rd December

• This is the only draft which will receive comments.

• The next draft will be graded out of 15 (pass/fail for Creation and Production Unit) and will not have any comments.

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• Should Britain be involved in foreign conflict.

– Yes

– No


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Re-drafting Use the SQA template.

12 font and 1.5 or double spaced if possible.

You must use persuasive techniques.

Maximum of 1000 words.

Include a word count.

You MUST include a bibliography.

Unless you are directly quoting, everything must be in your own words.

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Final Draft

• Due Thursday 14th January

• You will receive a mark out of 15 and a pass/fail if this is your unit assessment piece.

• You must include everything on the previous slide.